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Previous: >>475963518
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>TCC tries to kidnap a kid
>Policeman saves a civilian from meat-catchers
>AT mine guy is back
>Russian soldiers make Ukrainian soldiers to surrender by dropping leaflets from 220mm Uragan MLRS cluster munition
>Destroyed T-64, Maxx Pro and captured hohols

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Zigger Gray Zone killed in Mali
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And the captured ziggers are being sent to Ukraine
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Thanks for the bread, baker!
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>We never wanted to win t.Ukraine supporters
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Gryzone, the great promoter of de-nazification, got killed by niggers
lol, no. That guy isn't in charge of anything. Tuaregs will just ransom them to Russia for money. Also, they have no airfields you Chink-rape baby.
If the Ukraine loses, the global jewish order will collapse. So that being said:
Death to the Ukraine
Death to the West
Death to the anti-whites (kikes, leftoids et. al)
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talmud has been spat on and denounced
Ty for the bread, baker.
It's also great when shills post at the top of the thread so the filter has the best effect.
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If I had to guess, it would be something along the lines of
>Russia is trading gorillion men for every meter of Ukraine it captures
or some shit
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"hero" of russia got rekt by niggers and now is burning in hell
how very comfy
How you guys doing with getting the immigrants to leave? I've seen a lot of videos from Ireland.
I am a ruZcist.
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Здpaвcтвyйтe pacчинк cэp
Are you fucking kidding me, Wagner got ambushed by a fucking 60 IQ niggers in wood camo?
What the fuck happened, is there any explanation?
Keep hoping, I'm sure it becomes reality :D
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I wonder if I dump dead hohol folder in here, will that scare off hohol bots?
How do russophobes explain russia's constant advancement on the front? This is not info garbage on the internet, these are plain facts that every day ukraine is losing its territories.
They say "just some pointless roads" as everything east of the Volcha river collapses.
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>cumchuggers still pretending Mali massacre didnt happen
I see you get no metodichka updates on Sundays
They worshipped niggers, probably. I mean, they relaxed around niggers. A mistake.
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What's funniest is that they got ambushed in DESERT. How the fuck do you get ambushed in desert of all the places?
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The niggerfaggots turned on you, kek. You fucking retards you were told not to love the niggerfaggots
It's a great win for the niggers and the nigger worshipping West and Ukranda, of course.
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why are ruswines so very, very stupid?
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I have big collection of zigger gore. Wanna see which one has more footage?
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Same energy as the Dude Sex 2k cover.
You should have gotten here earlier when I wasn't bored, then I might have given you some.
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Russians l-look like that?
Where do I sign up?
This is not even the first fucking time, they also drove bomb trucks into a Wagner base a while ago.
What the fuck are those morons doing.
>implying that other countries' PMCs have not failed operations
So when does the Ukraine get Soledar and Artemovsk back?
>>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
dropped the smaller FAB-1500 first and then nuked them with a FAB-3000. Interesting
I tried to tell this to the russians, but they didn't listen. Never trust niggers. As an american, you probably know this all too well.
How does this help Ukraine win?
Why does Finland have literally no achievements? I cannot name a single inventor, writer, or artist from that shithole. So it is basically Africa-tier. :D
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the important thing here is that they died for some nigger warlord
that's all that matters
On the /chug/ discord.
Most likely never.
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i will season your father extra today hohol
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
it's over for capitalismoids
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approx 2 weeks tops
IQ is not a function of firepower
a literal ape could blow up your ass with an RPG if you taught it how to point it and pull the trigger
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Russian soldier getting comfy
Are these the seasoned hohol troops I keep hearing will retake Crimea "soon™"?
How long until Iryna Farion is resurrected from the bullet lodged in her brain?
I havent seen shills this energetic in months,it's hilarious how the biggest peremoga in a while has nothing to do with ukraine
Captured hohol marines on islands near Krynki

>You fucking retards you were told not to love the niggerfaggots

niggers are the new saints in russia
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I'm gonna be honest with you bro:
Sending a load of ex-soldier ex-prisoners who staged a coup d'etat and lost to a third country is the most obvious diversion ever. If you can't figure it out and actually send enough forces to defeat them, you're a retard.
On 11th August.
kek, doubt it lad you're wiping each other and the slavic race out, it is glorious for us civilised Europeans. Now off to the front dimitri, go earn your mother a sack of leeks and a lada
mission accomplished
They fight for democracy, the kalergi plan, and lgbtq-rights. You should take no prisoners.
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what should have been done
they'll cool down by next week then it will be back to business as usual: Ukrainian abandoning their positions, getting FABed, etc.
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Stop dodging the draft, Mykola.
he died fighting the demonic globohomo. glory to heroeZ
MP Maryana Bezuglaya disagreed with the Defense Ministry's statement that 75% of the wounded in Ukraine are returning to action.

>“This is because really critically wounded do not reach the stabilization point, they perish.... the critically wounded do not reach the medical stations.”, she stated.

Bezuglaya cited the poor quality of tactical medicine, problems with blood transfusions and counting statistics as reasons for this, in addition to the difficulty of evacuation during combat.

>“The same culture of lies as with the shot down Shaheds and new zombie brigades instead of replenishing the existing ones at the front,” the MP said.
Bro, the UK is majority Pakistani at this point.
>I havent seen shills this energetic in months,it's hilarious how the biggest peremoga in a while has nothing to do with ukraine
Yes, I thought the same thing when they kept spamming it 8 hours ago, by now it's absolutely ridiculous.
I guess Mediazona wasn't lying about Russian losses being in single digits if a low double digit loss not even in Ukranda is such a huge deal for them.
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let them maturate in the salt before cooking on open fire
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>slavic race
Shills snagged and bagged.
...'s neighbour, Poland.
He knows, he’s one of them.
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hruks are turks
i still think prigozhin was a double agent tho
certainly there are elements within the russian military that would like to overthrow putin and run things themselves, and the wagner "coup" "attempt" helped root these people out
8.6% Asian - 83% White British, kill yourself faggot
We are a snownigger nation that worships niggers and cheers for our own replacement while importing every kike degeneracy from the Jewnited States, but we did invent the AIV-rehu (for which the inventor got a nobel prize) and we got Nokia. That's about it.
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At this point, all the gore is stale. Both sides are losing soldiers at high rates. Its a high intensity war. Showing some random soldier dying doesn't move the needle much or demonstrate anything on either side. What is demonstrative is who is losing territory, and Ukraine has been losing every single engagement since late last year.
lucky piggerinos
obviously you failed to learn geography in your 3rd world shit hole, now off you trot, you've got some lead for dinner
lmao, now do children under 10, buck-toothed paki
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ooga booga
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We also have Tom of Finland
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When this shilling ends?
>83% “”””White”””””
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don't set yourself up like this
Kids in the UK literally commit suicide after being bullied for being white. Look it up
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Anon, I...
Damn, I stand corrected. What a proud (globo)homo nation we are. However...
That's part of the nigger worshipping nation thing, close to the kike degeneracy part. I should have clarified it by adding that we are also a culturally leftoid country.
>wagner are now ziggers again
lmao what? these shills are so fucking retarded they're just a PMC nowadays did this retards memoryhole their chimpout in moscow , prigos death and being kicked out of russia?
your country? civilized? with niggers running on the streets with machetes?
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sage, UK will never be muslim like you think it will, keep shilling for a country stuck in the 70s and whose love for a failed ideology knows no boundaries
>i still think prigozhin was a double agent tho
they will still be posting the ukraine r/k/ope's when the ruschinks have san francisco in a boiler
>pigger shill belives that a faggot arrtist is an achievement
Capped btw.
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Yup, because Britain is a brown shithole. Of course they would bully outsiders.
it already is
gainz status?
No, the UK won't be Muslim, because the Muslim youth are all listening to rap music. But it will become minority white, and your kids (if your incel ass ever has any) will be bullied in school for being white. Cope.
lol fuck off gypsy, you had missiles/warhead laden drones land in your country for the past week and done nothing, get in your cart and get back down the market ionut
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let's just say the ukraine is getting fucked
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the only one is coping is you
You allegedly had Russia poison several of your citizens with a WMD and didn't declare war. lol
Give a starving shill a single crumb of peremoga and this is what you get
Thousands of white British schoolgirls are raped by foreigners every single day
holy shit the jeet shills and hohol that will never fight for his life are still going?
You're not wrong.
i work for the SRI believe it or not, most of those drones get washed up on out shore, none fucked around with our airspace. Most of the fireworks are in Izmail. Also, a brown piece of shit like you doesn't have the right to call others gypsies
She is truly a THD beliver
Remember, shilling means they are losing
The end of the Ukraine will be the end of the jewish global order. Yuval Noal Harrari, the WEF's chief architect of the implementation of the kalergi plan and white replacement, agrees. Picrel is missing.
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it takes literally two clicks to filter anyone and maybe one autofilter for memeflags, if you don't want to use 4chanX just filter by ID in settings (upper right corner). Why would shills stop if people are reacting to them?
can they get fucked, FABbed and shelled? asking for a friend
The Ukranda is winning on the internets, and that's all that matters.
>low elevation area being lost rapidly
Are they learning to feint?
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another day another irrelevant not strategic unwanted village with a name I wont bother to convert into latin
>NAFO shill pointing out NAFO is too scared to activate article 5 over Russia droning NAFO territory
Interesting strategy
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to the last hohol
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It's part of the elastic defence strategy to lay the groundwork for the counterhruk 2.0 v2025
Hello, friend. Good evening! I love Iraq. Thanks for dropping by.
Where is this? Krasnogorovka again?
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>The end of the Ukraine will be the end of the jewish global order
probably yea, but i think the ukraine war will continue as part of a broader war against the US by the ruschinks
we can't pull out of the ukraine, because if we do then we lose europe which is our last real colony that we can rob
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>counterhruk 2.0 v2025
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Just doesn't want to go to the front herself really

We all know it. I personally realized it when NATO and Ukranda clarified that they're already de facto receiving the support a NATO member can expect from the US and allies. Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Lithuania can expect comparable treatment if Russia attacks.
Israeli tank columns are heading towards the border with Lebanon.

Meanwhile, Norway has urged its citizens to leave Lebanon urgently.
Is this what Australians do all day?
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Accurate. All this could have been prevented had the holocaust happened for real. I mean that if the US didn't want to make every country in the world into its client state, we could have had peace. It's all kikes, of course.
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What are you about?
if by they you mean the ukraine, then no
russia has since expanded into the high ground positions north of the peener here
the ukraine is just getting their asses kicked
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kek brown piece of shit, coming from a shitskin gypnut, keep seething wagon rider. Keep believing your airspace isn't regularly compromised, keep using US made weaponry and fighters to try intercept them. But fail because Marius and Alexandru have low romanian IQ and cannot operate such technology
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There, a 23-minute archive video from the time of the counter-grunt surfaced.

Cry us a river, Jihadi-supporting scumbag.
>Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Lithuania can expect comparable treatment if Russia attacks.
They can expect a lot less, since NATO can't send all of its stockpiles twice.
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elevations just aren't that significant
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yea, if germany aligned with the ussr, i mean killed all the kykes, we'd be colonizing alpha centauri right now
Is this the power of a military alliance that has never been more powerful and unified that I keep hearing so much about?
Wont be any of those anyway. It will be Moldova if it is anywhere at all but I expect Moldova will shut up when Russia wins in Ukraine
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bzz henlo beefren
This is some spicy zrada, but why is she posting it? If she had no protection, she'd get a visit from the SBU.
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Why stick your hand between your legs? I often see this in anime pictures.
Leave the Russia to me. I will proudly march in the forces of Puolustusvoimat to defend faggot rights. Our army just released a video like that. Like, that's what I should be fighting for against Russia: niggers, faggots, and women. Not my people, the White people.
hahahaha I'm pro neither sides, I think the eradication of Russians and Ukrops is a good thing, less poor people in the world to deal with
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Have to keep fit somehow.
We know, you are seething impotently everyday because that is all you can do
You aren't wrong. Tending to niggers is what we chose instead of the stars. Thanks, kikes!
Zoomers did something not completely degenerate.
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henlo frens
they are
everything is a force multiplier and elevation is a big one
but the problem for the ukraine is that they have limited offensive potential, so russia can move into the low ground which isn't fortified without too much fear of counterattack and then press on
it's still much better to advance on high ground positions which is what russia is doing on the pokrovsk front
Ukraine will do a feint into a government in exile and that will be that.
Basedjak detected
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That is to prevent the skirt from blowing out to reveal the pantsu, you baka.
Link plz?
Did you pass your test?
treat your hiv mongrel
How is the economy doing right now?
So they could masterb8 lol
> Israeli tank columns
It's funny that they need to carry the best tank in the world around a country measuring 200 by 200 kilometers.
So what is Russia's next move?
NATO is a weak corrupt organisation with little projection power and coordination, this is common knowledge, pretty sure this was obvious after all the finger wagging, who said it wasn't? I'm curious. Both sides deserve to wipe each other out
Israel invading a Catholic country now...

As soon as they realize the ability to make a swift, strategic withdrawal is important in defensive warfare.

Excellent. I'd also try to shore up the southern flank, but well, the offensive is overall going in a southwestern direction.

Indeed, realistically this is true. NATO can't impose massive sanctions as it's done to Russia again either, unless they first rescind the current sanctions against Russia.

keep attacking everywhere at once with a focus on pressing from the south east
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blaming someone for the failure and disciplinary fucking him in the ass
as is tradition
>Wont be any of those anyway. It will be Moldova if it is anywhere at all but I expect Moldova will shut up when Russia wins in Ukraine
Praying for continued war until Russia caps Odessa and drives to Tiraspol. Dear gods please please continue to strip Ukrainians and the West of all sense. Continue to convince them they're going to win.
you don't use planes and missiles to intercept Geran-2s you fucking retard, it's too small for a missile to get a track on
Can somebody unironically explain why does shit like this >>475970195 keep happening after 30 months of war?
Why isn't there any serious measure taken (e.g. mobile jammers, shotguns controlled by radars, etc...)?
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if it's any consolation to Julian, Ukraine still has like 20,000 villages to spare
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Buhanka is a nerd?
Epic take
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Everything is fucking expensive, Sydney is consistantly listed in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world. Our politicians are retarded and don't care about regular people.
Check Junes' twitter, it's somewhere there, unless PV took it down. I'll check too.
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Inhaled all knowledge via 15 second videos.
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Ukrainian Olympic flame
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I, once again, will say, that I am NOT a military expert and all of the information I receive in based off of a mongoloid basket weaving forum know as 4chan. HOWEVER, I will say, that I believe, in my opinion, that Ukraine simply does not have enough personnel. Syrski has repeatedly made mistake after mistake. To what extent he wishes to continue with this strategy, I don't know. I will not go into detail, this program is already long enough. Nevertheless, Ukraine is now facing a MASSIVE shortage and the military personnel and the situation looks more bleak by the day.
Remember you can buy our mugs, hoodies and sweatshirt and you can also follow us on Locals, Rumble and X. Thank you for listening.... And have a very good day!
Funny how everyone says that when they’re losing.
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the HiV jeet is back...
> Poles continue to be degenerate
As is tradition
>Excellent. I'd also try to shore up the southern flank, but well, the offensive is overall going in a southwestern direction.
there's like 7 fronts and russia is pressing in all of them
Yeah I think that 'roo is dead.
>As soon as they realize the ability to make a swift, strategic withdrawal is important in defensive warfare.
Ukranda is fighting a propaganda war first and foremost, because they have to make themselves look like a good investment to keep receiving gibs. They could hide millions dead (though Zelensky and Poland's chief of the general staff fucked that up too), but not lines on a map moving, and kvetching about how you kill barillions of orks every day (despite admitting the Russian grouping in the Ukraine grew by 500%) only gets you so far.
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I've heard of a supposed insurgency already rising out of Romania because the Ukrainians there support Russia. At this point, not ceding part of NATO proper is a victory for NATO.
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but can people still get jobs? what about melbourne?
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What the fuck is happening in that webm?
Guy looks like he is pass-out drunk.
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im not the one with african tier hiv rates from rampant male on male sodomy you dumb vpn mongrel
>Just doesn't want to go to the front herself really
Naturaly is a woman showing symptoms of working brain...a jew of gender
>Spotters suggest that as part of a recent joint strategic patrol of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the PLA Air Force, Chinese Hung-6K bombers operated from a Russian airfield in Anadyr (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug). The Yun-20 military transport aircraft (born 20047) of the PLA Air Force was involved in the delivery of Chinese technicians and logistics from the Anqing military airfield in the Chinese province of Anhui to the territory of the Russian Federation.
F-16s were up performing combat air patrols from Romanian side all last week, you do realise they use Drones the same size or less of Gerans and comparably sized craft for target practice? As it's cheaper than exploding airframes retrofitted with autonomous flight capabilities. Like I've conveyed you're just a low IQ race, hopefully Russia bum rushes your country so we don't have to deal with Romany gypsies like you too
More like Кpинзя just like everything from PEEline.
my first thought as well
why is he throwing fucking rifles at it instead of any other junk lying around?
That's the bee's name
New toys in Vkusno i tochka
Poland has the highest concentration of femboys and furries in Europe.
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My dear piggie, did you manage to avoid mobilization?
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In Russian culture if you suggest improvements, it would imply your superiors have run things wrong until then. And that would shake their feel of authority and the one suggesting improvements becomes a threat to regime so in Russia it's best to keep your head down and not suggest improvements
>there's like 7 fronts and russia is pressing in all of them
but yes, more progress in the south would be nice
problem is that this steppe is the most difficult to advance in
still, russia apparently has an 80,000 strong new army in the south waiting to do something
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and as always russian subhuman with no self respect has to hide behind Polish flag and larp Polish guy calling out his african tier hiv rates from rampant male on male sodomy is actually a pajeet despite talking shit about my country for years and being allied to pajeets right now
0 honor or self respect
pic very rel too
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Its Baza
Do hohols even have the ability to coordinate a pincer attack now?

Truth, they are just waging a propaganda war and using humans as collateral to secure more aid. Also
>despite admitting the Russian grouping in the Ukraine grew by 500%

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nice try vpn mongrel
The counter measures Russia fields are pretty primitive and aren't focused rather omnidirectional
mobile jammers need a lot a wattage to block out an area this is something that the Russian government should invest more into
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can You litller it?
Fucking disgusting. Fuck niggers and zoomers. Fuck Faggot Defense Forces, I'm out. I need to find a printer and fill up the papers to leave reserves.
I like how they think. Does someone have SCMP account?
>PLA scientists are proposing a type of laser attack submarine that could be mass-produced to go up against SpaceX’s Starlink satellites

lol, Poland can't be that nice, because my country imports your people like no other on earth to do all the shit work.
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Bros i found a new pattern last night.
Hohol shill activity greatly increased after 7am from London and it seems they got a new script since then.
It seems that they have a new shift change based in jewrope and there is a second shill central feeding them the scripts
Also it's funny the mali peremoga because once again they are spamming another thing unrelated to their conflict as if it was a win for them, you can clearly see this in their faggot general where all the things listed are either about russia or something that happened to Russia that are not related to the war, the most related things they have listed are the gibs they may get one day.
That's an unfortunate effect from being under soviet jewish rule for decades, in addition to northern peoples being naturally more unquestioning towards authority. The same phenomenon can be seen here, too, like in all npc-heavy nations.
It's not a good thing.
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>23 minute video on catbox
you will grow old and die before that shit buffers
>>despite admitting the Russian grouping in the Ukraine grew by 500%
Syrsky's recent article "I know we will win - and how"
He also admits Russian grouping in the Ukraine doubled or tripled its IFV, tank and artillery numbers, despite the Ukraine claiming to have destroyed over 100% of Russian IFVs, over 250% of Russian tanks and over 270% of Russian artillery
he always outs himself with that mongrel shit
half year passed and what?
pic very rel vpn mongrel
How can these numbers be accurate?
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Don't mind me, just packing fresh pork.
You are not an npc. I like you. You are also absolutely correct in your reaction. The meme flu and then the kikeranda has shown me that most people are not worth the atoms they utilize for existing.
I think it's something else, this is a new pattern. The mali thing is just a "bonus", i think we were going to see this increase regardless
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its so shit and hoholized that im fuckin off from it this year
lmao, Poland is China-tier. Glad I live in a much more wealthy country. I earn what you do in a year in 1 month.
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after all thats what you are you eurasian retards
keep coping im a pajeet since they are on your level you mystery meat subhumans
pic rel
Was this event every actually explained in terms of what happened?
If you say they're inaccurate you get sent to liberate the key village of Krynkyiv
where are you going?
>https://archive [dot] ph/sb7Qr
Projection of his Indo-Euro-Dravidian-Austroasiatic ancestry, quite sad (not).
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Even their tanks are lazy with nepotism.
Its really fucking weird how the drone just kinda lands and nothing happens. Or the goofy Tom and Jerry back and forth around the tree. Its obviously staged. But I have two theories:
1.Its a Ukie soldier told to act like a drooling idiot and the drone is a smoke bomb.
2.its a Russian POW that was told he is supposed to get killed or else he will be tortured more.
>elevations just aren't that significant
they are...If there are trenches on hill (idealy with with vegetation) and they are not manned by ukrainians it means that they are dead and rotation crew is dead too...its a sign of complete pizda there.
>you will grow old and die before that shit buffers
Seeem only german anon catbox enjoyer can save us now....
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so why are you shilling for russia if you enjoy globohomo britain so much?
webm very rel especially ending
>SAAR, I'M NOT A JEET *wipes cow poo* SAAR, REDEEM
If you think I personally care about "winning" or "losing" you mustn't of realised you're just another nobody with little power to do anything or change the course of history like all of us. The matter of fact is NATO protects wogs, pajeets and wokies and BRICS and comparable countries are just underdeveloped shit hole nations controlled by authoritarian dictators with peasants forever under their thumbs, hue hue
interesting article btw, thanks
My watch ended when we joined Nigger Anus Tongueing Organization but I was too lazy to do anything. That video pushed me over the edge and finally act.
If Russia wants to invade and take over, I won't mind. Everything here is owned by foreigners anyway.
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treat your hiv mongrel its getting into your head
czech republic
i would be locked in 5 mins after crossing the german border for racism
what kind/breed of dog is that?
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>police officer saving a dude from meatcatchers
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He probably lives in the still White rural Britain, not in the ~30% White London, which is the end-goal of the UK government and the West for all of Europe. He hates his government, not his people. Not an npc.
He doesn't seem to be doing to well.
Things still aren't good after the covid bullshit, people sometimes have to go for jobs outside of their regular industry or area of study.
I haven't been there, it has problems with African immigrants, it's a bit more left leaning compared to other cities here.
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If you lived here, then you would have noticed most polaks left in the 90s when they realised how many sandniggers, pajeets and wogs we were letting in
>the problem for the ukraine is that they have limited offensive potential,
This. The New York salient was 7km x 2km at the outset.
The Peschanoye salient is similar lengths.
Ukraine doesn't have the strike capability that assemble and take even small salients like this
We can see, gentlemen, Gerasimov communicating with Syrsky. Taunting him. Daring him to try and cut the salient, making him salivate at the hysterical peremoga celebrations in Kiev were even a 100 Russians encircled and taken PoW.
Gerasimov is saying, go on. Do it. Do it.
But Syrsky can't.
And every day brings a harvest of steady advance across the frontline. Good times. Good times. May the gods keep them rolling.
Original of Svoi Svoi habening..but there is a catch
A) I'm not from a butthurt belt country, so I don't have any innate hostility to Russia
B) I don't like the retards in my country who are pro-Ukrainian, so I naturally am pro-Russia as I want these people to lose and cry
C) Work from home so can spend most of the day posting Z stuff while practically getting paid.
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how about russia you dumb vpn mongrel?
Sometimes destruction is the only way for something better to emerge from the ashes. There are no political solutions left in the West for White people. The only hope is a total governmental collapse of the western anti-white country-apparatuses, a subsequent White uprising, and the establishment of a national socialist White Europe.
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>obsessed with HIV
>Ashamed of xis Indian heritage

Pity. It's so bad xe wishes xe was polish
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why are you making so much assumptions about him?
because you work for the same agency and have to cover for each other?
Sure thing, buddy. That’s why you feel the need to keep telling a nobody with no power on the internet how little you care. Because that’s a thing someone who doesn’t care would do.
That's his thing. He has made lotsa things up about me too and is now convinced his made up facts are reality :D
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Poland again screeching and thinking they are human beings.
We're actual people Boleslaw, or should I say Oleh because lets face it, you're probably some hohol rapefugee fleeing the draft
Tomajeet Pajischitow
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>Riding into battle on a BTR-60
>Dismount and take casualties
>Friendly tank shows up and starts blasting its main gun right behind you
Is it in English?

I cannot read Russian.

Actually, wait, is he saying that Russian forces are 500% greater or saying that the Russian population of the Ukraine has grown 500%? I thought the latter at first, but if you're talking about in the context of increasing Russian artillery, tanks, etc. then it may be the former.

For reference, radical anti-Serbian policies in Montenegro (fellow NATO member state, enjoying full de jure membership and not just de facto nonsense made up by NATO) caused the Montenegrin population to shift toward identifying as Russian. I imagine the extreme anti-Russian policies of the Ukraine have probably had a similar effect.
Those are logical conclusions based on available facts (lond is brown and leftoid, and so is the british govt.), Gregorz. Any White person who supports the british government is a traitor to White people.
Why are you supporting the anti-white western governments? Perhaps you work for them. Didn't your leftoid govt. just parade niggers in the sejm? I think they did.
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lmao great narrative but still doesnt explain why are you shilling for impoverished hiv ridden shithole like russia while admiting you live comfortably in so called globohomo country
Iryna Farion was shot because of this
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>Also it's funny the mali peremoga because once again they are spamming another thing unrelated to their conflict as if it was a win for them
Well at least we know the reason for schizobot activation yesterday. Haven't seen him since the counteroink before he turned up again to shit /chug/ up while they were preparing the angle for Mali peremoga narrative.
Only way back is national governance and local laws.
kek all i've advocated for is the destruction of lower IQ humans who are willing to kill eachother, same goes for africunts, and soon it will be obese dumb americunts vs spics, unless high cholesterol gets you all first
Same reason Russian elite send their kids and wealth to degenerate West
Is that AI trying to make a starfish and making a flower instead?
You do want more niggers in White countries as long as they come from the EU. It's called inference from FACTS, intuition even. My intuition never fails me. Thats how I keep living in Homo City and avoiding the niggers and leftoids and SUPO, who are out there to get me.
Good morning, Janusz. How did you sleep after I posted 40 images of Polish whores with niggers and you left without replying?
>We can see, gentlemen, Gerasimov communicating with Syrsky. Taunting him. Daring him to try and cut the salient, making him salivate at the hysterical peremoga celebrations in Kiev were even a 100 Russians encircled and taken PoW.
Fucking KEK
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im not supporting western government im laughing at the fact you have to hide behind *globohomo* flags since you know very well no one treats seriously russian subhumans anymore
It explains it perfectly well, but unfortunately your country's education system only prepares you for manual labour in factories and lavatories, so reading comprehension is not a Polish strong-point.
Oh yes, I remember you once saying I'm a SuPo employee and you went with that for days. You're entertaining.
Pajeet, there's a Russian under your bed. And another one in your walls.
> He was supporting western governments, like a good goy
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>after I posted 40 images of Polish whores with niggers and you left without replying
psychological nukes
I am anti-ukraine and anti(anti-white)west and proudly antisemitic, racist, and a White nationalist.
That's all, Gregorz.
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New totally legit "good guy" drone videos soon i guess!
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yea i bet because it completely doesnt make sense for Polish guy to shit on your retarded propaganda while its normal people who live in *globohomo* britain with normal standards of living look up to hiv ridden impoverished euroasian shithole
gif rel too
it didnt create itself you know?
retarded mongrel
"Nooooo! You must support Kamala Harris!!!"
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I was entertained by reading your posts about me in /uhg/. See, we both gain from this relationship, Agent Virtanen. Are you preparing your next presentation about how White people are the greatest threat in Finland while the niggers dindu nuffin?
Oh, do go on. Next you’ll be telling me how rich you are and how big your dick is. Not sure why you’re trying to show off on an anonymous image board, but maybe I just wouldn’t understand your genius.
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Oh no he's back again
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gypsies get all the ladies
It's to tear up the roads
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yea but they have sick profits off russian pleb slave work
it means you are getting paid aswell
meaning you are russian trolls from russian propaganda agencies like internet research agency and others
No need to spaz out kiddo. My standard of living allows me to do whatever the fuck I like pretty much (part-time fish factory employees wouldn't get it). You can seethe all you like about it, I consider you on the level of an ant.
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>she literally said Azov aren't real Ukrainians but in fact Russians
>began publishing names of Russian dissidents who wanted to join the Ukraine
>found dead
>murdered by far-right groups
Retarded woman, also does any sector of Ukrainian society still support Zelensky over Putin? Even Azov is betraying now. Even Azov can say: GLORY TO UKRAINE AS PART OF RUSSIA!
Yeah. But it could also be an asymmetrical starfish
They are PMC so the only thing they likely died for is cash/family
Getting help from America and France with coordination and tactics sure helps.
Also guerrilla warfare is highly effective just look at Afghanistan and Vietnam
This is the retardation of Ukrainian nationalism. The fighters are mainly confused Russians, while the ideologues are country bumpkins from Lviv villages that don't know anything.
im antihohol and i wish all kikes die yet he acuses me of being Russian...
funny that he never shows up on r/uhg
uhg is pretty much dead
cope more fatso, you'll die from fent or blood pressure in the near future anyway
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Obviously this is all calculated in for the great counter counter counter offensiyv which is combined with a 2 day liberation plan of the donbass region after they bomb children and then have a Crimean beach party.
However to enable the counter counter counter offensyiv they do need 500 billion dollar and 69 F16s
I love this guy

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