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Previous: >>475969569
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>TCC tries to kidnap a kid
>Policeman saves a civilian from meat-catchers
>AT mine guy is back
>Russian soldiers make Ukrainian soldiers to surrender by dropping leaflets from 220mm Uragan MLRS cluster munition
>Destroyed T-64, Maxx Pro and captured hohols

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treat your hiv mongrel
At the Olympic swimming games, to achieve better results, Ukrainian swimmers will be shot at by border guards, and a sign saying "Romania" will be installed at the other end of the pool
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What is their end game?
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talmud spat on and denounced
Thanks for baking Sanya fren
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How the fuck is Russia losing against Mali rebels?
China #1
Death to America
The Ukraine is jewish and a part of the anti-white jewish world order.
I don't support the things that people who hate me support.
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Christ is King
Thank you Magyar baker
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Thanks for the bread and for your great efforts OP! Keep doing the good work!

I'm taking this chance to denounce the talmud, and shills are kikes.

Having said that, I'll proceed to bless this thread, and everyone on it. Be it fellow /chug/frens and shills, because the love of God is for everyone, but everybody has to take their time to realize the love that the Lord gives us.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.



May everyone on this bread have a great day ahead of you all!
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Thanks for bake
lmao, this guy is going to be on every thread. Have to admire the shill commitment
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Zigger Telegram admin Grey Zone got killed in Mali
Woah he's running, where is he going?!
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pakin porks
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And captured ziggers are being sent to Ukraine
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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The 98th Airborne Division entered the Oktyabrsky district of Chasov Yar beyond the Canal.
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Reminder, mutts got cucked and kicked out of Niger.
>closed from supplies
>running out of medical supplies and food
>congress didnt do shit
>media scrubbed it
>normies forgot.
11. Ban jews
Actually, drop the ten.
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Reminder lawl he hates himself

>Verification not required
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>it's another we killed wargonzo, peremoga!
Hohols are now more incompetent than fucking niggers in Mali. First army on the Ukraine btw.
Tbf, not a huge loss. Africa just isn't that important to anything. I don't think even Russians should be there
Sorry, I'm not a regular here, why is Pram a mascot and why does she have a box cutter?
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To get lunch
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He's the dude who posted the bengali localized twitter screenshot. He is in Poland to brown the local polish White girls at the request of his anti-white leftist faggot government of Tusk.
you wouldnt hate yourself if you were jeet???
lmao you mean pic rel retard?
keep seething
The black sea fleet never mattered either
oh yeah its just $280 million dollars, fuck it right?
fucking kek.
Really, the Final Solution is almost implied, isn't it? We need to end all the jewish rebellion in the former Pale of Settlement.
How does one get into this craft
The US wastes money everywhere, at home and abroad. I don't know what to tell you.
>why is Pram a mascot
I dunno, a regular just liked her
>and why does she have a box cutter
For castrating pigs
>completely destroy the green water capability of the Ukrainian fleet
What did Russia mean by this?
>at home
never seen it
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you hate yourself being russian thats why all you have to hide behind *globohomo* flags
webm rel especially ending
keep shilling for your hiv ridden impoverished shithole subhuman
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Nah, just can't be. Dead baby pajeet told us we should be very coooooncerned about Chasov Yar due to the lack of progress there. And he's never wrong. Just like he said that Avdeevka will never gonna be captured and it wasn't and how Russians were rigging ZNPP to explode and it totally did later!
Fair enough, carry on.
Nigger must live in a mud hut then
Ukraine also claimed they were never giving up Bakhmut
It doesn't matter because some mercenaries got fucked on another continent, therefore Russia lost and it's over!
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I hate you and Ukraine at the same time.
if anyone says USA doesn't do war crimes show them that picture
Only the jewish world order collapsing matters. If it requires an immense sacrifice from Russia, then that's the prize we must be willing to pay for White liberation. I do wish that White people had rebelled on their own, but as long as Russia is hurting the anti-white western hegemony, it's doing a good thing indirectly at worst.
Jeet tells everyone to cope but is unable to cope himself, he thinks everyone is Russian.


Why western media don't send reporter there?
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Just imagine
> Get drafted and bussified
> Spend month of "training" in company of bussified avatars and junkies
> get sent to frontline
> your position is hit by KAB and you pass out
> wake up and see such company

What would you do?
I know, buddy. How'd you like your matsos?
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because its packed with churkas who dont clean their blades after stabbing hiv ridden russians
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Only anons who experienced kino will know.
I doubt anyone even cares about you
I hate you and the Ukraine at the same time.
Thanks for the (You). Now go worship a nigger.
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I fed the piece to a rat first and the rat died, not good.
“Boobs too small”
Purely a coincidence, my fellow human bean.
where are you in Ukraine? In Russian part?
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About time for this?
>because its packed with churkas who dont clean their blades after stabbing hiv ridden russians
Nobody mentioned Bangladesh until you did, sar.
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inner Russian takes over and i rape
We have so much in common.
>oh yeah its just $280 million dollars
That includes the cost of the base and all the personnel salaries over 6 years.

When the US you kicked out they took all the sensitive (American made) equipment with them so the US only lost the bricks needed to build the base.
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Ur a chink, aren't you?
No, in region far from frontline
>lmao, this guy is going to be on every thread. Have to admire the shill commitment
I have liberal friends who worked with our national AIDS Prevention and Control org who never showed this much concern for HIV. It's Sunday night in India. If he's Indian or desi and doing this for money, he'll soon job hop to some place that pays those with such dedication to their work better.
Send me there and I will turn golden brown from the beautiful sun
Love the Lord's prayer. I alternate debts with trespasses sometimes. Knowing the synagogue of satan, they hate the forgiveness of debt more than forgiveness of sin.
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Porks send this to the frontline and be like
>haha fagner btfod in Mali
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lmao good thing you have no good name to lose anymore ivan
how many BRICS members can you count on pic rel?
Chug is real worried
Definitely being paid in a call centre with a VPN
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>Ruzzia is losing
Polskiy spirit strong
> Jeszcze Polska nie zginela
> kiedy my zyjemy
You are brown.
You made that discord with your GCHQ buddies.
I'm the admin of the real /chug/ discord and we don't have "maikanon" there.
Abort! Abort babby.
The treeline is very thin, you'll just get shelled the entire way
losing fat hot damn look at that hog
>packed with churkas
But they send reporters in Poland?
Mindbroken and rent free. Is BRICS here in Bangladesh, Ranj?
oh yes Polish person would totally never aknowledge your african tier hiv rates from rampant male on male punitive sodomy you dumb vpn mongrels
pic rel you fucking degenerates
cope im a pajeet since you are too subhuman to compare yourself to Polish man
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you are nice hohol... i hope you keep your legs
cant wait for the beheading vids
>cope im a pajeet
Nobody denied that you're Bengali, sar.
Agreed. BRICS is a joke
nice and lovely
Every post contains AIDS. Wonder if he's being paid only for AIDS-related posts. Fascinating
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why are all your friends non white ivan?
There's an israeli flag behind that memeflag.
wait until you hear about the EU
> France
> White

He’s just bulking, dude.
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yes you literally tried to larp you are fighting against globohomo despite having more GAY RELATED IMMUNE DEFFICIENCY than any globohomo country
pic rel
idgaf about your safe space since you flood whole board with your bullshit anyway
>Nobody fighting back
>Just sitting there meekly waiting to die
I thought Russians where manly
Oh you're not in discord? This is the real deal.
also drinking tap water in p00land...
nice chlorine intake nigga
The better question would be, why the West and White countries are anti-white and care more about the people in Ivan's friend-countries than the White people in their own?
I don't care. lmao
they are disarmed and on gunpoint
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>china, india, brazil, south africa, iran, north korea
pic rel
guy who was singing about killing white farmers
The same EU that Ukraine wanted to join and Russia felt so threatened for it, Russia needed to instigate the East Ukraine separatism movement and take Crimea?
It's very real in the GCHQ discord instance. Not real in the real /chug/ discord, which I am the admin of. You are too brown for this. Maikaanon. kek. The GCHQ and its DEI hires man...
Yet NAFO dogs are broken are still about it.... pathetic.
>R-Russia's friends are b-brown that means I-I'm not!
Keep coping, Ranjeesh. There are no friends in politics, btw.
Good work Saudi Arabia
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Wishing you all a very blessed Sunday
Why don't brown countries have drinkable tap water?
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at least you dont get a tapeworm or e.coli
cope mongrel but remember i would never hide behind russian flag you male prostitute with no self respect or honor but with plenty of hiv instead
The West and the leftoids in the kikeraine didn't respect democracy, so Russia thought that separatism is a-ok. Too bad you can only depose a democratically elected leader if it benefits the anti-whites (the west).
The US literally has George Floyd as a saint
I think I’ve seen that guy walking around my town
>western countries are the countries where you can drink the tap water, supposedly
Coincidentally they're the home of the biggest s.o.yboy faggots.
It means the map needs to be reversed.
Sure thing Rajesh. Say have you sucked Jewish cock today?
>Why don't brown countries have drinkable tap water?
I drank tap water all my life and I am taller, smarter, faster and stronger than you.
Because brown people are retarded. Now comes the real hard question. Why do you and your fellow anti-whites want to make White western countries brown by enforcing "diversity" and anti-white propaganda?
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>There are no friends in politics, btw.
yep thats why serbia and armenia bailed out recently
also why any sane person avoids your hiv ridden shithole and your gas station mafia
do you at least boil it???
Didn't Ukraine's democratic elected parliament oust the Pro-Russia president after the president tried to prevent Ukraine joining EU?
no comment about the rest since i've never lived in those place, but whoever told you that you can drink from the tap in australia, canada or america wants to kill you slowly and painfully
In mostly fiery but peaceful protests. There's a process for that.
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because of jews who must be all executed for things to improve
sadly kremlin is protecting jews instead of doing something about them
Why are you spending your days in /pol/ defending Russia? Don't you have spouse, friends nor a career?
You don't know maikaanon?
Wrong, Yanukovish was anti-russians and his removal was undemocratic illegal coup
Also Ukraine never was going to join EU
Ukraine wasn't joining the EU. It was a free trade agreement. And yeah, he backed off it because it was a terrible idea for Ukraine economicaly.
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>The Movement Against Illegal Immigration was created in 2002 following an ethnic conflict in Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow Oblast between ethnic Russians and immigrants from Armenia.[3]

>Following the wounding of a Russian by an Armenian migrant, pogroms targeting Armenians took place. Over two dozen people were injured, with eight victims being hospitalized for severe injuries. On 12 July 2002, a xenophobic rally commenced in Krasnoarmeysk demanding the deportation of the migrants and the release of all Russians detained in the clashes.[3]

>By the verdict of the Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow dated 28 May 2009, the leader and head of the DPNI Alexander Potkin (Belov) was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The court found that, on Moscow DPNI leader's instructions, persons unidentified by the investigation attacked citizens of the Republics of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, causing bodily harm.[14]

>The Movement Against Illegal Immigration was banned by the Moscow City Court on April 18, 2011. The organization has been accused of igniting interethnic hatred.[15] However, it did not enter into force across Russia because it was appealed. At the same time, the 18 February 2011 decree of Moscow Chief Prosecutor about the suspension of the activities of the organization is in force.[16] In August 2011, the High Court of Russian Federation has issued a federal ban of the organization.
Interesting. So we can own the kikes by supporting the most kiked country in the world, the Jewnited States of America and doing everything that is in its foreign policy directives. We must also support the anti-white government of Tusk. Of course, now I get it. No, not really.
why are you still not in a bodybag Ukrainian?
You're such a dumb subhuman. Pizdets.
Ask the Russian under the bed to give you the meds.
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fluoride and chloride wont kill you just dumbify you
water elsewhere will give you tapeworms, e.coli or similar
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Built for me
>leftoid rhetoric
Not surprised.
You seem to be an anti-white leftist. You could be worshipping niggers right now instead of wasting your time in a pro-white mongolian basket-weaving forum. Think about it, leftoid.
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cope mongrel but you know its true
you are broken people
I am anti-kikeraine.
>fluoride and chloride wont kill you just dumbify you
can tell by (You)
Poland's only friend was Hungary, and even they think you're retarded. The other European countries just see you as cheap labour or welfare queens. And of course, nobody sucks American cocks better!
Is this thing about jihadis sending Russian hostages to Ukraine real?
Subtle as a fag parade if true.
No, that guy is just a clout-chaser. He's not actually in charge of the sandniggers
Is this a hohol trying to bait us into saying the CY strategy?

Fair. So in other words, an approach from the north or south would be preferable to a more direct crossing.

based jej

So basically based Russian killed niggers and wouldn't have been allowed to do this in the West
>fluoride and chloride wont kill you just dumbify you
Be honest, Bangladeshi, you weren’t working with a lot of hardware to start with.
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how about dont pick sides just fight against jews?
putin is also working for jews and he could remove ukrainian jews with his hypersonics but prefers attrition warfare against ukrainian goyim to provoke bigger financial transfers for his fellow jews in the west
You DO have significant other and/or meaningful friends in your life outside /chug/, right? And you are working or studying and not just living on Finnish welfare, RIGHT?
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Yes, the captured Wagner ziggers are being sent to Ukraine
so stop eating salt?
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he wasnt allowed to do it in russia either he ended up in prison where he will be raped anyway
such is russian reality
pic rel
No it's a screenshot from the chug discord
Said the schizophrenic jeet as he accused everyone of being Russian for 666th time this day.
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so why you dont shit on r/uhg that supports soros??? oh becose you are supporting jewlynsky ok pigger
Do you?
russians are inherently a slave people, the second someone with a bigger stick comes around they revert to their natural behaviour.

think about it, in their 2000 year long history, they have NEVER been a free democratic people, such things are physically beyond them.
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but not against kikeussia why?
"free democratic people"

so, gay
pajeet cannot diference between chlorine and chlorid XDD he really is jeet
>fluoride and chloride wont kill you just dumbify you
That doesn't mean it's safe to drink you mongoloid.
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Lmao at shills.
Having to look for peremogas in Africa (and for context it is supposedly only about one platoon being ambushed, it happens)

How's the situation in this war?

But speaking of, it seems they were very deep into enemy territory.
Is there any info on why they were there?
You seem to be alright and not a victim of the binary world view. We are closer than you think. I just estimate that the power-balance is tilted too much towards the anti-white West's side. I do agree that Putin is anti-white, if that makes you understand me more.
I found the Russian, in a pro-Russian thread!
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why would anyone else shill for your hiv ridden dystopian shithole?
why are all those people from western countries using russian cirillica lingo?
Festungs are collapsing one after the other, Zelekike cant do enough photo sessions to raise morale.
>his fellow jews in the west
So you admit that LE WEST is just as jew'd as puccia, yet you're mindbroken by the latter to the point you bump a pro-Russian general for hours, but never do the same to pro-hohol one?
>The term chloride refers to a compound or molecule that contains either a chlorine ion, which is a negatively charged chlorine atom, or a non-charged chlorine atom covalently bonded to the rest of the molecule by a single bond. Many inorganic chlorides are salts.

Literal definition of chloride
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Getting ambushed in desert is quite rare. How did ziggers manage to get ambushed in desert?
And yet you spend all your time online defending niggers and trannies?
>More leftoid rhetoric that is trying to paint the opponent in a certain way
Well, well, well, if it isn't the ylilautist leftoid brigade here. You are talking to the master of rhetorics here. Protip: you and all finns, me included, are White people, stop hating your own race. Protip over.
Why would anyone shill for retards for whom a nigger criminal is a saint and a victim of police violence? A question in the same vein.
but i was talking about chlorine
you know the thing that is not so good aobut health
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because hohols didnt create shit like gif rel or cross borders to invade other white country for jewish interest also didnt spam threads about polish women being biggest coalburners
you did and now you are forced to roll in your own shit after being confronted you dumb vpn mongrel
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>21 pbtid
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I just want to paint a picture here. The poolack spends his every waking moment in here posting this shit day after day.
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Oh wait wait wait wait. I thought all this
narrative was because we use chlorine for water treatment and not fluoride and it isn't really healthy? But this brownoid cosplaying as Pole means that water in Russian water supply system is completely untreated? Is he literally fucking retarded or something?
>Getting ambushed in desert is quite rare
Better let the IDF know that. I don’t think they’ve figured it out yet lmao.
Yes he is, and the people that still engage with him need to be hanged.
>More leftoid rhetoric that is trying to paint the opponent in a certain way
>rhetoric that is trying to paint the opponent in a certain way

Aren't you the anon who was saying how Finnish security police SuPo was gang stalking you and how you always try come up with crazy narratives about anons who don't support Russia?
Why do you care? You’re not Polish.
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nope i dont post it day after day you pathetic liar
yesterday i also posted it since this weekend is shit anyway
and despite i was here the first time over year ago you still cant figure out how do you want to insult me trying to cope with your african tier hiv rates from rampant male on male sodomy
so saltwater and bleach are literally same?
Then why did you write chloride ? Which is an ion of chlorine and both are present in water in large amounts compared to other dissolved atoms. They are also artificially added to prevent and kill microoganisms in water.
Think about it for a second: how would this even happen? Would the desert rebels use their airliners to fly them over? Their navy? Hand them over to another government? It's a LARP. They're unlikely to have that many prisoners in any case.
He's Bengali, their average ICQ is room temp in Celcius. A sad state of affairs.
that ""((guy))"" is just a fucking schizo that believes everybody who doesnt share his very particular set of beliefs about the HIV crisis in Russia is a a pucci*n in disguise trying to deflect from the grand gay pucci*n conspiracy.
there is no need to interact with him, he is just actually mentally not there.
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cope vpn mongrel since you know you cant compare yourself to superior Polish man despite talking shit behind our backs for years and pajeets are on your level subhuman
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>Definitely being paid in a call centre with a VPN
I mean, his follow button *was* in Bengali so there's something fishy there. But someone who has passable written English and such monomaniacal dedication? Can easily make more money than whatever pittance a call centre pays out.
Anyway I just filter him because he's boring and says the same thing again and again. Same with the UN flag guy and the US flag msn shill.






thanks for bread
Sure, if you think rodents and whales are the same, they are both mammals. bleach and sea salt are both considered chlorides.
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What's actually funny is that if you believe the graph they always post, the UK in comparison to Russia has a very concerning problem with HIV per capita. And some other country that I don't remember that was one of the tiny ones but somehow had a lot of HIV cases.
Though it is only propaganda, so nothing to believe at all.
Something is wrong. We should have taken Kharkov by now
everyone who uses punctuation marks is fucking p*ccian theyre been invented by p*ccians
stop hiding behind the p*ccian flag
The cat killer is more mentally sound than the poolack. He's obviously a schizo with a split personality disorder to deny posting in here every day.
Not even the first time this has happened, it's pretended to be two people so far. Maybe a third in a few months?
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it doesnt mean its completely untreated and moscow has water like our countries but most of russia does not
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So, it's just 3 retards spamming the bake and the aids poolack ip fagging? It shows their desperation.
Easy filters.
Also is anybody playing edf6? I am banned on /v/ because some nafoids tried to start a raid on /v/ and i called them out but they had a janny they managed to suck off.
>Superior Polish man
who has won more gold metals again
>Also is anybody playing edf6?
Gay EGS requiring nonsense. Japan has fallen
Do you have a pack somewhere? Asking for a friend.
ah yes the cope train continues
you tried to refute me multiple times but fail so you cant be a goodwill neutral observer since you are invested in the topic
No, that anon must be a figment of you imagination. Lay off the budi, Hessu. Don't get me wrong, I support the legalization of all drugs, but sometimes too much is too much.

Again, you're clearly a leftist, and all the light doxxing implications aside, you are using the common leftoid rhetoric that is found in twatter, for example, where you try to paint all right-wing and pro-white entities and thought in an unfavorable light, even if the entities directly tell you that they are not pro-russian but pro-white. Every pro-white actor that is exposing the nigger menace, again, for example, must be a russian living in a basement. Persut are bad because they LE RACIST (yikes), Lokka must be deported because he said nigger, while Buouane must not be deported because that murderer would face the death penalty in his country. It's sick, quintessentially leftist, nigger worshippery, anti-white, and...

quite delusional if not devious. The hallmark of an intelligence agency op.
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>safe tap water
Ask me how I know this was made by an uninformed retarded nafotroon from /k/uck, you illiterate yapping rat.
Indians don't know how sanitation works.
How so? I know they partially removed the wingdiver brapper from 5 but you can still see it for more than half of the game. Sad they removed the boob window from 4.5 though
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who is doing that though?
jews in usa should be executed aswell and damage done by them reverted
you on the other hand want to fight other goyim while jews count the money
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Those are trained by USA and got Intel to do the ambush.
Now what is nato excuse to die to shovels
So the reason the Bengali is shitting up the thread is because he's eternally butthurt about that gif he even saved on his computer, which isn't even directed at him because he WNBP.
It's not doxxing when these are the very things you have voluntarily shared with us. How is Sinimusta Liike doing? :) Any political power yet?
>How so?
Requires Epic software to run.
Didn't you dump Perussuomalaiset for Sinimusta Liike, after Persut cucked out?
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>gold metals
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>Love the Lord's prayer. I alternate debts with trespasses sometimes. Knowing the synagogue of satan, they hate the forgiveness of debt more than forgiveness of sin.
I saw this fantastic video by Michael Hudson where he talked about how the better translation was "debts". I had no idea.
Yeah and you seethe at other goyim 24/7 instead of fighting jews. Fuck off pot, kettlechads win.
And there it is. The silent concession hidden in the cope carrier wave. I love being this good.
What is left? I could say, go fuck yourself, anti-white leftoid, but I could also ask you this:

Why do you want more niggers in Finland and why do you hate your own race? I love asking this.
Our tap water is orders of magnitude safer than those in jewsa or jewrope.
Been there, their tap water tastes off.
check ID-s
russia is 2nd so maybe they're the superior man
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Not my problem, I pirated my copy.
I do not pay for gaems
Soooo, are Persut cucked out party or not? I seem to recall you kvetching over them and moving on to Sinimusta Liike.
and cope train continues since hiv ridden subhuman cant compete against superior Polish man calling out his african tier hiv rates from rampant male on male sodomy so he picks someone on his level
an equally subhuman pajeet
QRD on the nekkerri Problem in Finland as of huli circra 2k24?
I have never voted for Persut, who are a shabbos goy cuck party. You have never voted for Persut either, but that's because you think they are pro-white.
Oh, how ironic is the world.
That whole drinkable water situation reminds of that water in Flint, MI used to be undrinkable and dirty for years.
We are importing tens of thousands of niggers into Helsinki where nigger criminal gangs are becoming a problem. They are shooting and attacking White people. These leftoids like the one that is sperging at me, want more of this.

Sadly he and his ilk are a majority here.
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yeah they are superior in winning gold meTals and hiv catching
I am sorry but you lost Shartnerites in Mali therefore all gain celebrations are annulled and void today!!!
>and his cope train continues trying his best to prove he's Polish
Keep getting upset at gif you even saved, fagatron.
I don’t remember ever hearing anything about that being fixed. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s still a problem.
whats up with your weird obsession over these kitschy infographics?
its like you cant communicate using words and instead rely on NED sponsored data to back up your demented worldview
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Maidan in Hyev
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>And now let's turn to the /chug/ front, where there has been somewhat of a resurgence of shill activity over the past 24 hours.
>This particular section of the battlegrounds is, as i have said many times, particularly fraught with misinformation and in general, very angry and desperate people who really are not operating based on a strategy... As much as inertia.
>Anyway, the latest development in this front is... A particularly inane and dull argument about drinking water.
>Now i'm not a water expert, i have drank a lot of water in my life, but it seems to me that if Russia had a real problem with drinking water... There would be a lot more reports of people being thirsty. Anyway, we shall see how this develops, i'm not going to talk more about this in this program
You see. You are the one voluntarily sharing these things while for example I haven't told you anything and you are left with your imaginary narratives about me :)

Judging by all the info and your paranoia how the officials are stalking you and trying to affect you, I'm pretty sure you are a NEET living on Finnish welfare and you are not in relationship nor have meaningful friendships outside internet. I also dare to suspect you have mental health problems but because of your paranoia, you are not currently getting treated nor medicated for them.

Do remember, you yourself keep voluntarily giving info about yourself.
With steady gains for Russia accompanied by this kind of shillstorm, banneranon will need to get cracking soon for 18k.
checked but grim, now that ""you"" ((joined)) NAFO the problem will probably get even worse.
>2007 was 17 years ago
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Grande Panama bro, we are the pirates and time always proves us right in the end!
they literally lost a battle and were wiped out

99% of them are already dead
I heard every word in his voice, complete with dogs barking, bells ringing and imagined him fidgeting at his steady 0.7Hz . Well scripted, anon.
Graph shows which countries use globohomo-approved water that troons out your population.
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>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)

from previous bread, thanks to anon for sharing
shills keep this board alive.
It's actually very easy to ambush or get ambushed in the dessert because it is 100% maneuver warfare
It's "drinkable water" according to (((them))), anon.
We are also not in that map and as i said, our water is absolutely perfect, specially because it mostly comes from rivers that regularly replenish themselves and start from the jungles high in the mountains. Also we are not industrialized in general, so our water is clean from heavy metals and other shit.
We literally export bottled water. Panamá blue is a known brand exported from here and it's basically tap water that went through a simple filter
>>despite admitting the Russian grouping in the Ukraine grew by 500%
Globohomo water taste better so Its a fair trade off.
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of course i did it shows how much effort you put into seething at us
just look at the quality of those caricatures
would be shame if all those hard work was completely forgotten
flouride enjoyer gotta pay for that gyno removal after 40 years of flouride intake
Please, retards on outer/pol/ get excited over the smallest bullshit, there's nothing TSD wouldn't change besides making this board not shit again.
Just imagine, no more slide threads, no more SHITTED bait, no more offtopic garbage made for other boards.
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year later they were forced to akowledge their hiv pandemic and putin tasked vadim pokrovsky with combating it in 2008
clearly a pure coincidence
I think every country with water treatment uses chlorine. Fluoride isn't used for cleaning the water, it's added because it's claimed to be good for dental health, even though fluoride is well-known for weakening bone structure. But I guess we simple goyim don't understand the nuances of chemistry and should just trust the Science.
You misunderstood. I meant the leftoid rhetoric about my life. Since you're a leftist and not from /pol/, you might see me voicing out my political stances as sharing something special, but in here these things are assumed until proven otherwise. It's just good to voice them out every now and then.
You can construct an inner universe that helps you to cope, just like you construct an inner universe where niggers are saints and White people are from the devil. All in a day's work for a leftoid like you. You see, leftoidism can only be sustained in information starved and delusional framework. As for the mental probloms, I cannot seriously entertain the thought that a delusional anti-white leftoid like you is in any way qualified or capable of infering anything from my mental state. I do not mind, of course.

Yet again, why do you want more niggers in Finland and why do you hate White people, your own race? I love asking this, because it conflicts you: you must shill in /pol/, maintain a facade of basedness, but your inner, deeply held convictions fight against that. Go on, let it out. It is, after all, inevitable both in both scenarios of the ukraine losing or winning, when there's no need to keep up the appearances anymore.

Say hi to your superior officer, agent Virtanen.
The pitfalls of being a minor nation. You too might grow up to be big enough to get annexed by a bigger nation
Something is wrong. We should have taken Chasiv Yar by now
My burger cousin down right refused to drink our water when she was visiting and insisted on buying imported burger water...
Holy crap, globohomo water mind virus may be a thing after all.
Depends on where you get your water.
I'd rather drink bottled water if I went down south to London. Up here the water doesn't require such heavy treatment.
>shills keep this board alive.
they don't show up on /chug/ when there's a happening, particularly if it involves Zionists. Just after October 7 was serene as fuck. Thread slows down sometimes but it keeps going.
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but i am communicating using my words
still you are on imageboard now SMO tourist and thats what we do here
its easier to post the picture than writing same thing over and over again or reposting links no one will even go into without good reason
It will. We are absorbing the whole of the US political and cultural framework. We are in the Kalergi Plan 100 %
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globohomo science says we are breathing too much

suck 2 suck i guess
Do you fap to them by any chance? You're so fixated on them. Dumbfuck cuckold.
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cope vpn mongrel
same as putin did trying to justify his chimpout to american boomer
Any water tastes great if it's cold, a tip.
When that one guy said "THEY ARE PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT MAKE THE FROGS GAY" I took it way too seriously at that time. And now it is more evident. Mutts are a different type of people that are incompatible with most of the whole world, it's kind of incredible. Maybe the water truly did a number on them as a civilization and that's why we can't relate at all.
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Aren't some northern or, like, central European countries use ozonation that don't leave any chemical taste but still successfully disinfect water? Remotely remembering hearing something about this when I was a middle-schooler but could've been complete bullshit to be honest
You can also use ip forwarding or a proxy. A VPN is needlessly too heavy as a solution for changing the poster's flag.
We hear about Southern/Central American water making tourists sick a lot. I wouldn’t know personally, I’ve never tried it.
Let's pretend no SuPo officials are monitoring you. What things would you like to do against the establishment to make our democratic system fall?
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe

lol oh ok, a degenerate liberal Jew comedian puppet of EU/NATO/US is accusing a real nationalist leader of a European nation of "betraying Europe" beyond parody
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whats up with people replying to 34 posts by this ID?
what's this shit about water?
Every one use chlorine to water treatment the flourine is supposed for the teets.
Now industrial chlorine use is in pure form and it comes as a gas
The RUSI expert lives in his mom's house just like me. I could do that job.
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Selling shirts, magic mugs and all that good stuff untill the end of times
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cope hiv ridden mongrel
idk i'll leave it to specialists like your propaganda agency for example
Its just the natural order. The polish is the eternal slave state serving its master hat in hand
Agent Virtanen, I'm a lawful, peaceful person and I have neither done, or am I doing, or will I be do anything illegal. Never. I am a man of peace. I love niggers! And replacing White people with them! I will be voting for the most racist candidate in all the elections, and that is all.
They are newfags or just simply retarded.
>decide to cut off oil to slovakia and hungary
>both nations give something in return for this
>decide to cut it off and say they're the enemy
>will end up losing 10% of their diesel imports and a large amount of their electricity
What the fuck did Agent Z mean by this?
When you do it for free you do it because you love it.
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its irrelevant i meant to show that russia is opposed to white countries but they always focus on the fucking water...
>My burger cousin down right refused to drink our water when she was visiting and insisted on buying imported burger water...
That's just rude, anon. Hope she got teased like mad.
The Talmud commands jews to project, fr
Come on, strong man with conviction like you is bound to have some thoughts on the subject. Or are you pussying out?
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most likely both
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kek webm rel
naw the globehomo water is so fucking good i'm being serious. I've lived in one of the "rare" areas of the states where they don't put fluoride in the water and the tap water tastes like Mexican water cold or not .
EU can donate zelenskyi solar panels and stuff
Is baker still there?
>he said as he jacked off to a supposed caricature of him that he saved on his PC
I will be only voting and writing public opinnion pieces in the HS and Yle-lehtis. Nothing illegal or violent shall ever be done by my hand. I shall vote the most racist candidate, perhaps Kuru or Lokka, and participate in our great democratic process.
>its easier to post the picture than writing same thing over and over again or reposting links no one will even go into without good reason
havent you thought even once about why you write about the same shit in every single post, every single thread you are in?
maybe you should take pills, learn how to write properly and go outside your bedroom at least once every day?
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he is
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Mostly a lie, it happens in some countries but generally not here unless something is wrong with the local pipes like a broken pipe leaking into the ground.
I don't think jewrope is far off from that, anon
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Hello Pajeet.
I’ll remember you smelly ass pieces of shit for trying to start WW3 in Eastern Europe.
The most hypocritical thing of all this is the EU snubbing them as well.
This is going to happen to the gas soon. Just in time for the prices to explode in Europe again.
Witnessing the destruction of the EU is both great and terrible. Selling it's own nations under the bus.
She made us get the imported burger water but i gave her some tap water from time time when she wasn't looking and nothing happened. She was here a couple of months ago and she didn't complain about the water this time so perhaps she was going through a flourinated phase
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because you flood this board with your retarded state funded propaganda since years mongol
but now when confronted you cry how wrong it is
is(not)real is spaming black dicks for at least 10 years and piggers are spaming the whole /pol/ for at least last 2 years adn you dont do shit
faggot nigger you are and hypocritical in that
Didn't watch the video, but the Israelites never held a Jubilee or let the Holy Land have a sabbath year per God's command. It is specifically called out as a reason God kicks them out.

Also the parable of the slave being forgiven debts, but then demanding another slave pay to the last cent.
Idk, I haven't heard about that but it's possible. Probably too much like common sense to be widely promoted. But chlorine is definitely what's used here for cleaning tap water. A lot of our water suppliers add fluoride too, luckily mine still doesn't but there's an ongoing push to make it the standard. An industrial waste product known for reducing IQ and weakening bones, why wouldn't we be forced to drink it? The (((people))) promoting it actually say that we don't have the right as individuals to refuse fluoridation of our water when it's in the public interest for them to put it there.
>perhaps she was going through a flourinated phase
It's called fluorinemaxxing
UV would also kill all living uhealthy micro jews in water. I think the only issue here is performance (speed of proces) and price
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There's a chug discord? Link it faggot.

>Russia executes inmat e who committed gay rape in prison
>West complains.
Typical story

I might need to make one, but I haven't made a big zip pack, in part because I have not completed my editing of my older AI pics.
is that the guy that makes arm wrestling videos?
>operation get rid of fat women
wtf I support Ukraine now
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I want to be drafted to fight in Ukraine against my will until I'm taken prisoner by Wagner and one of their female inmate-turned-mercenary hired guns who's stuck on prison guard duty due to a shrapnel injury bullies me and makes me beg for food and water and takes out her frustrations on me by squeezing my balls and eventually has sex with me because she thinks I'm handsome but she gets pregnant and it's against my catholic convictions to abandon a child like that so we eventually get married and build up normal, post-war lives in a modest McMansion on the outskirts of Mariupol, not too far from the beach as we eventually learn to love each other and our child.
Best you will get is to be given an old russian uniform and told to wait in a hole in the ground for propaganda purposes
The smell of your cooked ass is reeking from here, nigger

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