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Previous: >>476010223
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid -
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing -https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money -https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine -https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe -
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky -https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets -
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional -
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions -
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


▶/chug/ MEGA

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>AT mine guy is back

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>Filter > Unique ID
How much longer can The Ukraine hold it together? They're getting rolled over every day, in all directions. Any distant memories of past peremohas are long since forgotten, like they never happened. For what reason do they persist? THD by any means necessary?
you already posted tghis
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Hi, thanks for bake
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Chasiv Yar happening.
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>Russia suddenly pushing now that Ukraine is dramatically low on weapons and men
>NAFO /k/ reddit discord faggots on suicide watch after huffing nothing but propaganda for months
I cannot wait for the mass suicides
RIP an cap canada tranny
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread
is the leaf hoholina even alive anymore?
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Steinerbros...it's our time
if you mean the an cap spammer no "it" killed itself
Anyone's guess. Syrsky's recent interview really put in perspective how fucked they are, but the delusion remains. /uhg/ is convinced that all these Russian tanks are junkers and thus don't matter at all, which is an amusing cope.
That explains the seething today.
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>mass suicides
ohhh no such a loss!
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He/she/it is busy shilling for Shitsrael vs Lebanon
>That explains the seething today.
Yes its quite noticeable.
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I still find it amazing that Ukraine just won't tell anyone what their current numbers. Absolutely reeks of desperation
She only comes here when she's ovulating and in desperate need of a liberator to help her out with it
That fucking thing has weird priorities and stances in life. A complete retard.
na she does not use the ancap flag.
That makes sense.
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fellow CHUGs, i dont know where else to ask this cause there is no fitting other board. and i know we have some 90s and early 00s kids here...

im looking for a song, the music video, in my memory it was a pretty young australian band, the video was mostly animated in monochrome with an reaccuring bald eagle head hacking and picking. part of the refrain was "step down! step down!". it was pointed at g.w.bush and/or tony blair. it was "alternative rock". it was around the time of the war of aggression against iraq. it had a pretty aggressive chord and was on MTV for quite a while... (this was pre-jewtube and shiieet!)

i cant find it anymore with the points i remember.

maybe some of the other "old guard" rememebers...

new york status?
stinky status?
ukro presidential election status?
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oh idol of twilight, splattering of bodies in t he borderlands of a never important land lacking in iodone and IQ, wash me in the sensation so i may feel the touch of death forgotten when the carpenter kike thought he could force water upon a desert
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Whatever happened to drafting half of the Ukrainian police and security services to go to the front?
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is ukraine a sovereign country? can zelensky and the political oligarchy decide what they want ukraine to do, or is it firmly controlled by the west?
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As the battle nears its end, paradoxically the fighting actually gets significantly more bloodier and brutal, not less. As the opportunities to wreak vengeance upon a weakened and fleeing foe get more and more numerous.
its a bot.. look at the timestamps. it had >43 posts in the last bread alone and never replied.
>one off of trips
the jews did this
Hasn't been sovereign since 2014 when Joe Biden was chairing Ukranian Cabinet meetings telling their Ministers what to do.
Would I risk any friendly fire if I set my filter to auto hide all posts with only a webm without a comment?
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Suriyak confirmed the advances into Vesele. It turns out that stuffing women into Bradleys wasn't the play.
Yeah I've heard Scott Ritter stay the same. The biggest losses for the Germans occurred in the month before their final defeat in Berlin.
I have heard the German losses increased exponentially the last 9 months of the war.
Just filter the unique ID. Unfortunately though you'd have to do it each thread when it turned up again.
>It turns out that stuffing women into Bradleys wasn't the play.
fucking kek source me on that
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The Sunday Times did an interview with members of the 47th Brigade. Pic related is a women Bradley commander according to it.

Be honest, /chug/: would you?
All the people in positions of power there were put there by the West, and they answer to them. Their personal incentives are diametrically opposed to doing what is best for Ukraine. Zelensky couldn't stop even if he wanted to because he'd get killed by the azog and other military hohols who believe they are waging a war of national liberation against the eternal ork. The Rada will not speak out lest they get purged and lose their personal perks. There is no incentive to replace Zelensky because nobody would want such a shit job right now.
I'm trying to imagine what kind of person devotes their sunday afternoon to this. It can only be another NAFO discord tranny that is a few months from killing themselves like all the others
Just use 4chanx and filter by image MD5, the usual gorespammers always post the same crap anyways, so you'll only ever see it once. Here's a good start: https://pastebin.com/wBq0b8DE
I'm talking about an automated solution, I already have the UN shill filtered by the flag, and thankfully no other actual chug posters use shill flags anyway.
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that is why I said a mole unit, the people who would operate these tunnels would have wear oxygen tanks, you keep these tunnels at the edge of the front just to accelerate the delivery of supplies, not to move soldiers, you set up a small railway and use small electric wagons to move things around, you are not going to generate CO2 or burn O2 with this, and the whole thing can easily be automated, this wouldn't replace trucks or planes.
Its expensive, but, you know, it would deliver equipment to the front at better pace, specially vital equipment, no need to worry about drones because you are 30-50 meters below the surface.
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out of personal curiosity, does anyone know how a big war telegram channel operates? how do they source their videos from the front?
And all this makes the perfect excuse for Moscow to say - there is no one legitimate in Kiev to even begin negotiations with.
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>Haha Puccia is winning TOO SLOWLY
has been the go-to cope for years, it's literally the only thing keep NAFO trannies alive at this point
nice, thanks anon
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prob a christcuck who re presses his sense of indulgence and has to vent by getting off on his le ebic joo cuntry killing people in the name of making this a uni-polar world.
I like the whole "we're going to beat Russia in a war of attrition" angle. it's the funniest
Maybe they pulled the guy from Krasnohorivka meat grinder to Chasiv Yar.
>pretty young australian band
>"alternative rock"
Sick Puppies?
the more the power-elite feels the noose tightening the less compassion they have... (and they didnt have that much at all at the starts of their shitshows.).
I noticed I only got my post deleted but didn't get banned. Calling him out for being a janny gets deleted by a janny lol
Let's do the maths here, in four months the rate of Russian progress has increased from taking thirty years to taking two years (a 15x acceleration). At this rate of change in two more months that 'two years to Kiev' is going to drop to just six months.
There is no reason for them to honor any negotiation the West offers either, after having seen what the West has done for the past 15 years. They would be stupid to accept their word on anything.
Im starting to get the idea the Americans instigated this shit not just for geopolitical reasons, money laundering, and displacement of hohols. But also because they though they could wear down the Russian male population before the inevitable kickstart of the mutts v sino war as to not have the Russians play that game.

Damn did this backfire on them, lmao.
lmao tranny janny is on a power trip
too tomboyish for my taste
But would
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Especially since they're the ones relying on a manpower advantage to compensate for the air/artillery disadvantage, meaning this strategy never made sense to begin with. Their best hope was Russia collapsing economically or politically, but those concerns were gone within the first few months.
>How many of them have killed themselves spamming here?
Back when one of their discords got raided, a lot of them had talked about how nerve-wracking it is to visit /pol/.
Out of the loop, did piggers loose something today? Why are nafo troops shilling so hard today?
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Every time you feel sad and think you're a loser with a shit job rememeber Zelensky exists.
So genocide Joe was behind this crap even then? Now it makes sense why he was appointed as a wartime prez when his own project culminated. Not gonna lie, I enjoy seeing him rotting alive now. He deserved every bit of what happened to him.
>just being around us is causing them mental pain
fucking kek
and anyone who matters in here filters that shit in 5 seconds and never sees any of it
Stuffing anything into Bradleys doesn't seem much of a good idea at all
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some wagnerians got captured in mali by the tuareg, nafoids clawing for any good news celebrated that heavily
The Ocheretyne front continues to deteriorate for them and there's news of Russian troops crossing the canal at Chasov Yar into the first few streets on the other side.
niggertroon must be on sole-duty this afternoon cause non of my numerous reports stopped him...
>Their best hope was Russia collapsing economically or politically, but those concerns were gone within the first few months.
That was the plan with "sanctions from hell": SWIFT disconnect to paralyze the economy, McDonald's closing down to provoke protests.
They failed to account for Russia replacing SWIFT with an internal bank messaging system and Russians (unlike hohols) not worshipping McD's.
But, Mali and Ukrain are different parts of the world? I mean, both niggers, but still. God these dipshit are pathetic.
What is Europe going to do with all those psychotic Ukranian nationalists that leave?
immigrant shitshow expands
Too bad
i look forward to your eventual suicide just like an cap anon.
the plan is for all of them to die in the conflict
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Agreed. The economic war is the unsung arena of this conflict, and Russia exceeded expectations. Pic related and other successes in the first months put that fear to rest. The only other time that there seemed to be a chance of Ukrainian victory was the Wagner rebellion, but the speed at which it ended and the limited support it got ironically showed how little risk there actually was.
They're so pathetic. CLEAN IT UP, JANNY
these manchildren celebrate a russian tourist in egypt getting killed by a shark lmao, what happens in ukraine is not of importance
nafo troons are the most mentally deranged people on earth
thx dude, but thats just one thing i remember.. i couldnt find any fitting music video thumb with the band name...
Russia must be making progress since this faggot is sperging out.
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I just wanted to talk about tunnel warfare.
>one needs nerves of steel to read through a /pol/ thread
lol wtf. why are they so fragile, it's just words
It's ovyr
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Gianny on life support
Liberashka tourist/draft dodger eaten by a shark
Codename: Sharknado
peremoga RED ZONE
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OG Azov like Valgear has been working as a medic and was last seen wearing civilian clothes. I think their enthusiasm for nationalism may wind down.
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Suddenly a lot of things make even more sense. How the fuck you can end up this crooked at the end of life. Gold medal in crook olympics.
We had like 36 hours of literally every single thread being spammed about 20 Wagner guys getting killed in Mali
Ukranda is losingly not just bigly, but hugely
Just a reminder I will be saving all these posts and adding it to the thread lore next to an cap anon
The three wars were: a) military b) economic c) propaganda
Russia lost propaganda war and never even tried fighting it.
Russia won the economic war pretty easily in medium term
Russia is decisively winning the military war but slower than people expected
after Russia wins, all your discord friends will commit suicide
and The Ukrainians in Poland ?
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So it seems some dude went to r/uhg to post about the chaos yard thing and another dude posted some dead hohols and the nafoids went into a /k/oping, seething and dilating tantrum and that's probably why the troons had to suck off a tranny janny
Oh I liked it, I just worded it weird is all.
> guroposting with old videos are not deleted
I’m really fucking scared right now bros
>Russia lost propaganda war and never even tried fighting it.
Yes, it's quite amazing how different Russia's and NATO's approaches to war are, one fights a war primarily in the physical realm, the other primarily psychologically.
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It is basic war propaganda #7.
EU is slowly working up to it. Poland in particular plans to train the draft dodgers before throwing them into grinder.
My discord friends are furries and they care about their gay heartbreaks not some gay shithole country.
niggertroon finally realized it will never be a white woman and started to dump its cope gore archive in here.. 59 posts in rtound about 40 sec intervall... reports doesnt matter... must be a trannyjanny
> did they just forget that we have an archive and deleting does nothing but out them
He is from r*ddit. They used to it.
Here's the thing. Discord trannies are massively retarded. They are huge idiots. The dumbest mother fuckers known to man.
Holy fuck....
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> I’m really fucking scared right now bros
He is going to get drafted to die for Israel.
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Man… checked
>8 Artists and intellectuals back our cause.

How does that work on anyone these days? How are normies still dreaming?
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He's doing this for free btw
Is he just projects gore spamer?
It just doesn't hit the same without scared wojak.png
he is the gore spammer
gore spammer posted faster than 40 seconds so he is the janny
so they want to spam gore but the moment they see a dead ukrainian they go into a mental breakdown
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> He is going to get drafted to die for Israel.
But this is best thing goy can do
That got deleted quick, he's afraid
Do it
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TrannyGiannyLives dont matter
Or a pass owner. See, I can post faster than 40 seconds too
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Interesting how this post wasn't removed but any post who spelled the 'J' word correctly was auto-removed. As if there is a wordfilter set up for it. Curious indeed.
Like that
>He's a janitor
>On an anime imageboard
>He does it for free
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I’m not sure what’s sadder, either he’s a janny or he’s spent 20 dollaridoos on the internets so he can gorepost faster
That gives me hope.
can you delete other's people's posts with a pass? I'm genuinely curios?
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> gore spammer posted faster than 40 seconds so he is the janny
Passcode maybe. I actually own passcode on 2ch because their captha is annoying and replaced every few months with harder one because of hohol spammers.
But there you can purchase unlimited passcode for quite small fee.
of course not
I just reported him via feedback
even then his janny friend, or him, is only deleting other ones

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Hey Janny spammer you are nothing but a fucking tranny cuck
except you have to reveal your personal info, right?
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>But there you can purchase unlimited passcode for quite small fee.
Passcodes, trips, avatars, as long as you have enough Rubles
Reminder that supporting ukraine means you hold the same opinions as reddit and twitter trannies and the jews controlling western governments who mass-import shitskins into White countries.
I believe it's allocated within a budget of ukrainian "IT army" (yes they conscript autists into special unit to shitpost at gunpoint, yes it is real). So the 20 dollarinos were paid with our tax money. This is the saddest part.
Had him filter and removed so I can't see him.
Bet that makes him seethe
We will see if he starts ip fagging too
No and you can still get banned, I have been a few times.
Orthodox Canonist
>‼ Russian Orthodox Emperor Nicholas i in a conversation with French writer Astolphe de Custine:

>"I understand absolute monarchy because I am the ruler of such a state.

>But I cannot comprehend a representative (elective) form of government.

>It is a government of lies, deception, and bribery. I would prefer to retreat all the way to China rather than agree to such a form of government...

>Buying votes, bribing consciences, enticing some to deceive others...

>I will never agree to govern people through cunning and intrigue."


Fuck democracy and it's fanatical evil followers
Complete meltdown it's too funny.
Kek I just watched the full .gif and it's liberashka cringe
Anybody got the software to cut it off after he delivers the last Morshu line?
bro, thank you very much!
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I'll clean up their shit, that'll really show em who's boss!
None can stop the crusade of the righteous
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>cooldown is 30 seconds to all newfags, just checked
how are you
this new
>cooldown is 30 seconds to all newfags, just checked
Why would you need to check if you were subject to it?
>deleting posts mentioning the feedback
No wonder the jannies on this board are so dogshit
nice job you filthy transvestite
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imbanned from reporting his spam/flooding and got a "warning" for misuse of the "reporting feature"...

this is going full reddit...

how do i filter this retard?
They wait until all the normal mods are offline to go on a rampage and spam and abuse their powers. And when you report them they just clear the report queue.

But the moderator feedback, or the IRC, bypasses this and fucks them
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good evening
kinda weird that americans on /pol/ call every european sandnigger or nigger but i have seen barely any nigger european olympians and like a billion nigger americans in these olympics
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So true
It's like a microcosm of Ukraine's current issues right there.
>n-no, you can't ask for a different guy in charge actually. your feedback is against the law.
Anyone got an cap images before he killed himself? Like the one when he got called out for spamming on janny cooldown and then mass deleting anyone calling it out
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>cooldown is 30 seconds
Based retard
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>yes they conscript autists into special unit to shitpost at gunpoint, yes it is real
This is why I give engagement to shills
Autists gotta stick together
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Why are they like this?
fucking kek
the tech you're talking about isn't here yet
right now boring machines are used for trenches and maybe some of the numerous tunnels we used to get behind hohol heavily fortified lines, but that's it
Janny gorespam tranny peremoga:
on 4chin
Russian peremoga:
FAB 3000 raining on hruks and disco trannies hanging themselves
We are not the same.
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Is he back, or did they sneak another one in?
Those are RED-BLOODED AMERICAN niggers
>Had him filter and removed so I can't see him.
please tell my how.

im banned from reporting him for "misuse" and already got warning for all boards. (not that i care, just will reboot my router...)
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>Ukraine is winning so hard we have to get transvestites to monitor and spam threads
that's what baffles me
this does nothing
I'm sitting here fucking laughing at this retard
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i remember a japanese ge neral who was a massive fucking pussy. he was suppose to order his men to suicide bomb but instead opted for a 14 km long tunnel to defend his island from kike golems. making cool and massive tunnels is easy but people on the ukraine front lack will. i think, in general, soldiers lack will. when i see gore videos of us american soldiers being killed they always seem a little lifeless before being actualy killed
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> except you have to reveal your personal info, right?
Any email address, they don't check. Even one time proton will do
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!

What do the hohols mean by not having a Mannerheim? Mannerheim was a White Russian loyalist who kept a portrait of Emperor Saint Nicholas II Romanov openly displayed in his house until he died and described his service for the Russian Empire as the height of his life and his resistance to the Bolsheviks afterward as a tragic remainder of his life, as he sought to restore an Empire which could not be restored.

Why would the hohols need someone who wants to restore the Russian Empire? That's exactly what Russia needs.
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>91 shakings by this id
The ukraine is saved!
Let me put this in perspective: according to Kiev International Institute of Sociology, BEFORE THE COUNTERHRUK, the average hohol had 3 dead and 5 wounded close relatives and friends. There are still several tens of millions of them.
mmm i get so horny seeing the last moments of russiod existence in their face

right before they know theyre going to die
Absolutely wasted you gigantic faggot
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Ukraine invented the first pizza in Aratta (Ukraine) 15,000 years ago. Taras the Tasty was a proto-Ukrainian born in the thick reeds of the Pontic-Caspian steppe. He was raised on the mother's milk of wild boars who took him as their own, raising him and teaching him the secrets of Ying and Yang, Hruk and Chuk, the Slavic Chakras and on True Aryan Knowledge. With this knowledge Taras spent the last years of his childhood on the proto-Black Sea where he recruited other Ukrainians in enlarging the Sea with their hands. Once the Black Sea was fully dug Taras came under the linguistic training of Ukrainian genius "Platenko" at the famous Shevchenko Academy in Aratta.

Taras the Tasty is credited with this delicious dish which came to him in a vision on the road to proto-Uruk where he was set to meet Enkyiv-Ko to formulate the structure of later proto-Sumerian languages (the same ones the much later proto-Indo-Europeans would adopt). It is on this road that the Ukrainian deity "Dazhbog" appeared to Taras giving him the recipe for pizza on golden tablets so exquisite as to make King Midas blush.

Upon the completion of his foundational linguistic work in proto-Uruk and upon his return to ancient Kyiv, Taras consulted the golden tablets and baked what we now was the world's first "pizza" -- only then it was called "pizda." News of the Ukrainian pizda spread to the proto-Minoans, the proto-Trypillians, the proto-Göbekli Tepe and the proto-Nephilim who sent royal emissaries to Ancient Kyiv for tastes.

This was confirmed in the oldest Rigvedas, the proto-Code of Ur-Nammu and by Hitler's archaeologists who unearthed a giant proto-pizda in Kyiv which bore a Ukrainian trident made of salo. Dr. Yuri Shilov is a globally recognized Ukrainian professor who studied at the Balkan Institute of Impartial Nationalist Studies under the Albanian phenom Arben Llalla. Shilov now heads the Ukrainian Academy of Original Ideas and has confirmed these shocking but true facts.
To be frank, I really thought it was just some spam bot and didn't actually believe it to be a tranny moderator, had to I try it myself by posting some dung for him to clean it up LMAO
i used the "feedback" options already but nothing so far... its not really about the vids, i dont have auto-play enabled, but its really annoying to have this spammer 2-3 time between actual CHUG posts.
monarchists are cucks
>47 seconds between posts
Starting to get sloppy… they might have to get a new one soon
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>explosive diarrhea on the thread
>heh, owned ’em
another transvictory!
I don't get this with women. Porn feels like sin unless it's vanilla hentai (anime or manga). Yet when it's actual women who aren't even engaging in sexual acts with another human being but are just showing their body, even with women like shirogane who isn't showing the most desired parts but is only teasing, I feel guilt or regret. It's a weird paradox where obviously there are women that are beautiful, yet when that beauty is exposed it becomes grievous at the same time.
we're having a rough day pls leav us alon
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>mmm i get so horny seeing the last moments of russiod existence in their face
>right before they know theyre going to die
just exchange "russoid" for "Us-farts" and you know and feel how the free world actually feels about you sharts. i hope you let your voyeur webcams live stream it for all to see...
they deleted all the gorespam.. back to 200 :D
we're at 200
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>ugh spammer got nuked
get fucked
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>Janny cleans it up right after new thread is made
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>wait until new bread is created
>do you job
epic peremoga
Eh i was expecting that
Are you still here K-on anon?
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bros i'm tired of cuck warfare
I want total war
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What happened? I thought he had another 99.75% of his videos to post?
>captcha: M0GJJ
What on EARTH has the janitor done to our peaceful and orderly threads? This is pure chaos, and it is all the work of his own hand.
yeah im on it
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Thanks fren ill get some sleep now if the spam is anything to go by ill wake up to Chugs 20k celebration
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Someone compile all his posts
faggot couldn't even go for the entire thread lmao
actual fucking retard lmao
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Cute Buhanker!
Goodnight fren! Thanks you for baking all the breads
It’s right about on the level of ”How do I delete a thread?” after forgetting a memeflag
Most satisfying video I've ever seen. Imagine that pajeets frantic screams as he hears his bones splitting and snapping like firewood.
tell me about it, i baked a ton of breads yesterday due to polack spam
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Don't mind me, just making a post to test my custom shill flag & post filter.
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its funny to watch that.
russia seems to always get its way over long periods of time.
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The technology is here, we can make railways, we can dig tunnels, we can make electric vehicles, we can put oxygen in metal tanks, fucking ancient roaches managed to build an underground city 2000 years ago, I'm sure modern military can do the same.
They let any old retard be a janitor these days, apparently.
some of the funniest shit i've seen here in a long while for sure
battle of Okinawa Lt. Col Hiromichi Yahara
Especially in this case where the Ukrainian regime seems hellbent on broadcasting their war crimes to the world.
It's like they want their conscripts to get slaughtered
>he's ban evading
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Guess it will be the same tonight as well
>I'm sure modern military can do the same.
im sure they already did... and im not talking about the good'n old cold-war times. even back then they had an subterranien network of tunnels the public didint knew anything about...
check this out nigger, what will you do about it?
is this the drawn transvestite version of yourself janny?
I think it's some sort of jew mascot
It's an anime mascot of liberashkas modeled after Novodvorskaya (look her up if you want to never fail nofap again)
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what kind of trauma is necessary to turn someone into a nafo troon
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>he’s crawled back
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I fell asleep.
Did the janny tranny now killed a new bake or something?
troon got a new vpn
You mean this handy link to that page?
we got another tranny pulling an an cap where he spams the thread faster than possible and outed himself as a janny
Janny did it's job just as the thread reached 300 posts
Janny will probably do it again

The faggot will delete this post as proof of being a faggot.
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Here's the article on the official Marichka wiki
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We deserve better shills
At some point somebody need to go to IRC directly.
that usually solves it but im too lazy
Poor kid
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pic related, the gorespammer
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>like 100 posts killed in an instant
>haha i cant get bann-ACK
wonder when he will start up again
Same. I'm cooking stuff even if its soon 3am, so i'm kinda busy.
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there is also the TKD tunnels in Gaza

Maybe, but I doubt they have a tunnel system that goes from Kamensk to the borders of Donetsk
He ruined war threads in /gif/ already. He's part of the mod team.
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This was pretty funny, hoping someone will immortalize this for future reference
You aren't a mod you dumb bitch
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ahahahah this is the might of jeet posters
internet warriors will be free kills during WW3
didn’t last even a minute
Isch över
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So much for force projection lmao
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When is he coming back?
Where is your uniform Sargent Grub? Why are you not in the uniform of the day! This is a horrible standard to show the troops! Unfuck yourself right meow!
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no shit, schizo
and yet you went on for 100 posts about it
dumb niggers
>Router reset button: worn out
>The Ukraine: still losing
>The spammer: still not a woman
Unqualified /chug/ victory
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are you retarded, nigger?
oh hey is all olay now :)
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did you finish dilating yet
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This is how Hrukistan can finally win
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wait they have to RE-retake robotland first though
Somebody else in the unit has your back today Sgt. grub >>476028974. Consider yourself lucky this time. You need to shape up around here!
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I wonder how much pain this image makes you feel
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Yup, a jew mascot
I wonder how long it took for him to save up $20 for the 4chan pass.

Imagine the begging journey he went through for it. "Sar ples sar, do not redeem the gift card, I must feed my kids."
"what's dat sonny? I cain't understand you, I redeemed the card, now what?"
Do you think they ever wonder to themselves that everything they were told was a lie? That all the bluster about Ukraine and NATO being invincible was just lies? Would it drive them to madness and regret?
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>dumb newfags still don't know the actual cooldown
kind of amazed, you retards have advertised your newfaggotry for almost 200 posts now
definitely not as much pain as this guy was in
captcha: trad
>marichka wiki
our taxes paid for that
They also pay for tranny surgeries for US servicemen
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They still think they killed 50 million Vietnamese fighters here and only failed because they got bored and left.
damn outing yourself as a newfag really upset you
are you going to kill yourself like an cap tranny?
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they'll just make more excuses. the new one is that the ukraine got "nothing" for the 2023 counteroink.
That's a ukrainian
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Of course they know or else they wouldn't react so strongly to a few dead ukrainians being posted in their homosexual general. Their worldview is fragile and needs constant reinforcement, meanwhile I can just post a map.
god damn, was that the last genuine "war" against a nation that wasn't a gorilla group?
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how does it feel to be retarded, newfag?
NAFO faggots hold the same position as commissars do. Trust me those people are going to be like shit stubbornly sticking to your shoe after this war is over.
They're just jealous because they haven't been able to post maps since the Night of Nights
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there is no way you are this retarded
A lot of Ukrainian snuff has been other Ukrainians.
Fucking wild that they think fratricide is some sort of great victory against Russia.
go ahead, view the source of your page
show us all what's in there when ctrl-fing for cooldowns
dumb shitskinned newfag
can you just kill yourself already
They do, thats when they sperg all over /chug/ like right now. impotent rage and the only release before suicide is unlashing it in the very little power they have here.
Ukraine is losing (greatly) and will be dissolved at the end of this war.
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they hold the simultaneous beliefs that ukrainians are distinct from russians but also everyone in eastern ukraine is russian.
no better way to own the russians by killing the people theyre trying to save
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view source of the page, shitskin
screencap it after searching for cooldowns
The fact you had to check was enough to know
>200 posts of it's a mod bcuz 40 seconds
>post proof that it's 30 seconds multiple times
>lol you had to check
I already know what the cooldown is, 4chan-x handles that for me
you type like you wear glasses and spend all day on message boards
you sound like a stinky shitskin who just got exposed for being a newfag
good job, newfag
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definitely making a compilation of how /chug/ doesn't know what the actual posting cooldowns are
good job seething, faggots
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it do be like that

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