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Previous: >>476018056
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>AT mine guy is back

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
anyone got telegram for full sauce?
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uhh, zisters
page 7 isn't a good look
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Once again, Mr. OP, you have provided us with some urgently needed breaded products of the very highest quality in a timely and well managed manner, and for that you have my eternal gratitude and respect.
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Thanks for bake
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anytime sir
i love bread
File deleted.
Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit male social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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anyone got that image where an cap anon also outed himself as a janny?
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In the far-flung corners of Aratta-Ukraine lived two proto-Ukrainian brothers named Prometushko and Epimetyushka. Renowned for their generosity and intellect they embarked on a mission to bestow upon humanity a gift that would transcend time and culture: the first language.

The grottos of Kamyana Mohyla was the epicenter of this grand undertaking. Here the Bandera Academy of Linguistic Innovations stood as a beacon of knowledge where the brothers would study. Prometushko, the visionary and Epimetyushka, the idealist, decided that their language would revolve around a single, powerful concept: "дaй" (dai), meaning "to give."

"Brothers and sisters of Aratta!" Prometushko proclaimed standing atop a makeshift podium of carved beetroot, "we shall create a language that embodies our spirit of perpetual demands! Our linguistic foundation shall be 'DAI!' and our credo shall also be ‘DAI!’—for asking is the highest form of being.” He went on to proclaim, "so ask not what you can do for Ukraine my sisters--but ask what the world can DAI to Ukraine!" Prometushko ended his public exaltation by coining some famous Ukrainian maxims: "To DAI or not to DAI” followed by “where I am, you must also DAI.”
Ukraine has a right to defend itself.
there needs to be a deep psychological study of nafo troons and what causes someone to become so deranged
Not my proudest boner.
Which one?
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>Ukraine has a right to defend itself.
Root cause?
Jews obviously
Abiding by the Minks agreements were the best way of defending yourselves. Now you've fucked yourselves instead.
Diplomacy would've been better for Ukraine than thinking it could take on Russia. Because Ukraine tried to wield that right of supposed self-defense, and the result is the ongoing destruction of Ukraine.
Yeah, but not to succeed in doing so
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Ziggers never wanted peace. The Minsk agreements were just an excuse for them to lick their wounds and prepare for the full scale invasion of Ukraine. The biggest mistake Ukraine made was assuming that ziggers were normal people who could be trusted.
russia has the right to expand
>your brain
Smartest hohol in ukraine in this thread.
>Make a much more powerful neighbor forced to choose hostilities because US/EU corruption pays better than BRICS corruption
>REEEEEE Ukraine has a right to defend itself.
You dumb fucks, you've played yourselves by trusting Boris Johnson and Joe Biden instead of choosing neutrality, and now you are deservedly fucked.
Russians wanted peace up until you tortured their pows and spammed the footage for days on end.
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>least deluded hohol left alive
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Russians consider Ukraine to be an artificial state, created by Russia, and so forth. They do not believe Ukraine has a right to exist as a nation.

After the Bucha massacre, the nature of Russia's genocidal war in Ukraine had been made abundantly clear.

You see, there is a fundamental problem in dealing with Russians. There is no concession Ukraine can make that will satisfy them. They want Ukraine to cease existing.

How do you negotiate with someone who doesn't even believe you have a right to exist?
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread
everyone always asks: what right has the ukraine
no one asks: what has the ukraine left
гoвopи нa хoхoлcкoм шилy
>Quotes a fucking kike
Sure, but so does Russia. Zelensky shouldn't have said the N-word in 2021
>choosing neutrality
There is no neutrality with Russia. It's a fantasy that doesn't exist. Violence is the only language that orcs understand.
>Bucha massacre
you mean the one Azov battalion did and had western media blame on the Russians?
They were killed because they accepted rations from the Russians btw

You absolute retard
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>you mean the one Azov battalion did and had western media blame on the Russians?

This has been debunked numerous time. You didn't even google this did you?
Zelensky is sufficiently smart to know his role as a Western's puppet. What ypu guys defend are Western's profit on Ukraine land, and god knows how much your president had sold your country out for money.

You guys have this pact with the devil, and it gives you a very nice reason to fight, "muh nationality". Have you guys ever sat back and thought what if Maidan would have never happened? In the end, just being a pawn under others'hand, and not even your nationality is conserved.
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Ooook oooooook oooooook
i cant tell if he is posting the kike unironically, surely nobody without an iodine deficiency could be this retarded?
>Unironically DEBOONKED posting
wew lad
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>Dumb fucking "you're either with us or against us" mutts speak up
How about you focus on cleaning up your own collapsing degenerate country instead?
Merkel says otherwise...
>There is no neutrality with Russia. It's a fantasy that doesn't exist. Violence is the only language that orcs understand.
There is no neutrality with the Jews. It's a fantasy that doesn't exist. Violence is the only language that kikes understand.
Or maybe, just maybe, ziggers could get the fuck out of Ukraine?

How about not invading another country?
violence is the golden rule. knuckle up or shut up, faggot.
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im sure there are still hundreds of fletchettes in buildings etc. and those will prove where they came from :)
go on, make them. You speak like you don't have a single clue. Maybe that's true
> also remember the prewar treaty at April '22
>After the Bucha massacre, the nature of Russia's genocidal war in Ukraine had been made abundantly clear.
How? You guys did that.
>ziggers could get the fuck out of Ukraine?
southern Ukraine is land conquered by Russia and settled by all kinds of peasants. Russia invited you and Russia will kick you out.
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Cool it with the antisemitism
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Russia are the invaders. Ukraine knew in advance and prepared to defend ourselves. Case closed.
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Damn, the replies lol
How many times that burger is going to switch ips?
His posts are fascinating, I think actual ukrop intel is trying out internet ops
lol is this webm supposed to be like motivational or something? this is so funny holy shit
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to the last fucking hohol. amen.
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desu the ivans have negotiated with your jew far to long, despite it being clear that nothing will come out of it and now its to late anyway.

they should have just carpet bombed you from the start, but noooo lets do cuck warfare because hohols are apparently human.
it is for you to feel bad for the holols
oh i agree on this point.
Lol what? He's down again?
It doesn't matter if Russia is an invader. They're in the right.
You retards done goofed and joined an alliance knowing full well it's going to fuck you over.
Awful what happened to those 80 wagnerians. Wtf was that? How many troops in total are over there even? That doesn't sound sustainable.
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This is way out of date, but you guys are actually lucky Putin has the patience of a saint because if it were me I would nuke the fucking shit out of you greedy ungrateful kikes. It's incredible how Russia goes out of their way to spare as many citizens yet they get accused of the worst war crimes, yet silence when pissrael bombs actively bomb innocent people because one supposed hamas member was hiding among them.
>muh wagner
no one cares man. the ukraine continues to lose.
If they lost 80 Wagner over there in a single ambush presumably there are at least two or three companies of Wagner forces operating over there. A big loss, but remember that Wagner has many thousands of members.
Ukranon doesn't understand that joining the west will only bring more destruction to his nation. Not in the form of bombs, not in the form of bullets but in the form of social rot
>pic rel
But it is an artificial state with a forced gay meme "language." What you had through history was only through the benevolance of Russia and this is how you decided to repay them. It's about time they dismantle Okraina back to Lvov, Ternopol and Ivano-Frankovsk where the idea of your "nation" came from.
Niga there is the soros interview telling the world, that they are fucking you over since day one of your so called "independence"
Just got woken up by I think fighter jet flying over (central southern france).
I've been checking every news website and forum I can find but nothing came up.
Happened ~1h ago and there were 3 or 4 planes.
It's weird because I'm not sure it was planes, the sound didn't last too long more of a "woosh" across the sky but it was quite loud.
I thought it was finally happening and wouldn't have to wagecuck in a few hours.
Is that khokholina now in the UAE getting paid big money to fuck Arab men?
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How stalinist of you to memoryhole them
>die gute schweine - tot
kek, good find
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Nice distortion of reality.

Israel is defending itself against terrorist invaders who attacked them on October 7 and massacred their people. On the other hand, Russia ARE the terrorist invaders in Ukraine.

Russia is actively bombing Ukrainian cities, infrastructure, electrical grid, etc. with the express purpose of making Ukraine uninhabitable.

Meanwhile Israel is allowing convoys of aid trucks to enter Gaza through their territory, knowing full well that some of it will end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists. You know why? Because unlike Russians, Israel actually cares about civilians.

But keep playing the "no you" game.

You Jew haters are using the exact same tactics used by Nazis.
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>Israel is defending itself against terrorist invaders who attacked them on October 7 and massacred their people.
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>shills still pushing a thing in Africa as ukrainian peremogus
It is pretty funny how kikes killed way more civvies than the worst Russia war crime enjoyers could ever imagine.
Until his shift is over and he has to come up with a lie to tell his family about what ""good"" he did today.
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pls understand
It's not Israel's fault that Hamas is operating out of cities with civilians.
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Bozo doesn't know that October 7th was only controversial because the Mossad was stupid enought to ignore that. Israel has commited way worse crimes in the past than Palestine will ever will
>unrelated pic
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Comrades are really trying to so hard to ignore this incident that makes monke look weaker everywhere
Spelling mistake baka >:(
>Ay yo we found 1 emaciated Hamas fighter in this tent full of women and children
>throw 10 jdams at it my guy
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Yes i notices, now my entire point is ruined, the west has fallen
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set condition 1sq for strategic missile launch
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Ukranian, but also a JEW????
It's More Likely Than You Think!
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you think youve seen peak hoholposting, but then a pig comes to unironically defend isreal on pol.
That's not nice, now he'll have to reset his router
Was fine when Okraina was shelling Donbass, what changed?
Hamas can end the war at any moment by surrendering and releasing all hostages.

But they won't. You know why?

Hamas wants the war to continue as long as possible.

They want to deny the people of Gaza any long term viable alternatives to joining Hamas. This is why Hamas doesn't want Gaza to be prosperous or stable.

If the Gazan youth had the option to grow up and get a regular stable job and not die fighting in a war then they would probably take it. This is why Hamas keeps provoking Israel, to maintain its army.
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Guys I thought wagner was wiped out in bakhmut, why is everyone talking about them again???
I don't care.
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Where is Prigozhin hiding out? Some tropical beach somewhere?
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>hohol now parroting Israeli kike propaganda
Of course...
But it really doesn't exist in reality. These are dry facts, cockhole.
now replace it with Ukraine
They do the cargo cult ritual to woo Amerilards for more welfare.
Problem is that they aren't on twitter or reddit so they get real fat ass opinions so all they do is seethe here when their cargo masters don't actually like them.
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ukrainians summarized
The pig stopped .
No more electricity?

by everyone, do you mean ukraine supporting trannies?
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pls understand,, median iq of 90
Drafted? kalibrated? went to the synagoge?
What is that supposed to mean?
Live initiation into gnostic cult
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All 3 of those at the same time
He got drafted into guarding the local synagogue and was subsequently kalibrated?
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random yid posting on twatter - here is some beauty from ek(aterinburg). last winter days.
a wild hohol appears - go fuck yourself with your beauty. russian faggot. glory to ukraine.
Guy says look at the beauty in Ekaterinburg, the last winter days.

To which the pigger replies "Go fuck yourself with your winter beauty, Russist faggot! Glory to Okraina!"
While other nations you fail.
I only post it here

Holland and Russia should form a Soviet Union, which means a council of states.

Ye can have, not the DDR, but Holland for all of you weapons.

Day of DDR was peace, undeniably.
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Exactly like that
><<they>> want to axe up Russia in insignificant states
><<they>> want to axe up Russia in insignificant states
With Holland however, Holland is going to have to share Russia as a whole with everyone else.
It only gets being a state itself.
You should look at the /k/ope there is every time that a russian game is uploaded in skidrowreloaded.
In other words, balkanize Russia.
Looks like Russian citizen are still unaware that the west doesn't want anything good for them. Just another big piece of land to steal and plant the seed of corruption

he got absolutely btfo by >>476035065
theres no coming back and he will now volunteer in shame
Sorry vren I had to stop reading there.
>Balkanize Russia
Some of the most sinful words to use in Holland, for it.
Kamensky hasn't posted anything funny in over a week, he needs to bring back Pootin
There is like 12 corpses in the video and not all are white people.
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And how cointelpro of you to forgot this
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>be member of DRG squad
>callsign "Machete"
>approaching Chasov Yar on foot with day bois when get spotted by a bird
>run to nearest basement and jump in
>MFW it's full of xoxols
>MFW they don't immediately kill me
>always keep F-1 grenade strapped to my chest so piggers can't take me alive
>grab the frag and pull pin
>"we die together, da?"
>they panic and radio command
>"just shoot him, you'll have time to run out"
>see the fear in their eyes
>shake head "nyet, you won't have time"
>offer them deal: they let me go and no boom
>MFW they agree
>MFW I climb out of the basement alive
>MFW I toss the cooked frag into the basement behind me

Source: https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1817503042683428995
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>12 corpses
I honestly don't get it.

I can usually pull 1 meaning out of his shit but not this one.
>Looks like Russian citizen are still unaware that the west doesn't want anything good for them. Just another big piece of land to steal and plant the seed of corruption
However sinful. I understand what you mean.
However if you get Holland for all of you weapons.

How likely is it Holland is balkanized lately
So it's people outside of America who like Kamala, not actual Americans.

What does the Euro news say about Trump and Kamala?
Ye get Holland conditions.

Why else would you pay all of your weapons
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bros do you have any art ideas for /chug/?
i am having a huge creative block rn
>Trump is a liar (long nose) and a fascist (armband) who uses the bible to give himself an aura of innocence
>this aura is for selfish means ("me the people") and fake
>Trump is now "under fire"
>he blames Kamala
Kaminsky is sometimes so stuck up his own ass that he's enjoying his breakfast for a second time.
does she have a mustache on the top one?
And it's so out of place.
Even in the days of the former USSR it had have to had of had been so.
Even for the DDR Holland had been have had to been traded in the first place.
Nigger assaults someone. No suprise there.

I've never seen a drawing of her with stripped panties for example.
it has the right to self-destruct as well
how many hours a day do you have electricity?
Big Alpha Titties
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You can kill the man, but you can't kill the idea, anon.
Of course it has a right to defend itself.
Just like Russia has a right to protect its national interests.
Correct. It has every right to draft its entire population and walk them into the trenches just like the nation's in WW1
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It's not just there. Anything that touches Russia by proxy even is cause for massive pigger butthurt.

what will russia's response be to the wagner massacre in mali?
Wrong source but still I believe it
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>You can kill the man, but you can't kill the ide ACK
I haven't looked this up yet how many people died
Who cares, massacres happen in Africa every day.
Now count the white ones
>No Holland traded for DDR
Look at all the problems we have these days

Just one example, all the Russians that die, while even the USA, if even 1 man dies, it's a world wide sjame
Probably an increased force level - wouldn't be surprised if a Mig squadron gets posted there ala Lybia
supposedly 100+
>what will russia's response be to the wagner massacre in mali?
Pretend it never happened like he did when fagners also got massacred by Americans in syria
Oh didn't realize it was actually Wagner mercs that died.
That's pretty crazy, what the fuck happened?
>with the express purpose of making Ukraine uninhabitable
Russia just wants the war to end quicker. Putin is merciful and wants to spare xoxol lives.
>Russia ARE the terrorist invaders in Ukraine
lmao cope. Piggers would keep shelling bakeries if they were not kicked out of avdeevka

>wrong source
Sounds like you didn't bother to watch the video, anon.
Machete's story starts at 3:48 and I highlight it specifically because it's easy to lose in the shuffle when many people have fucked attention span to sit through 5min video.
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>a little more than a dozen
Yeah and ?
6 Gorillion amarite memefag ?
Got ambushed in a sandstorm, apparently
That's it? Isn't Russia supposedly losing 2000 soldiers a day in Ukraine?
Why not have some fun try it out here. A Holland- Russia as our new Soviet Union.
Still way too many deaths for that I think. They were probably getting intel help from Western glowniggers.
no not even close, that would be world war levels
The Keef Independent updated the story. The latest count is 1,000+ Wagner dead.
Perhaps. All in the game.
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Rusich said it was 80 fagners that got killed due to having yes sir men from the Mod leading them now
Rusich is bitter and says all sorts of shit.
Yeah, called it. They'll probably increase their presence in Mali. If I were them I would start giving direct help to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis in response.
they have ships in the Gulf of Aden too
Israel is preparing to FAFO
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superb bait
I trust their info more because the kremlin doesn't have too much control over them
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I can drive a school bus through those front teeth.
>a little more than a dozen
the absolute state of /chug/, denying your lying eyes yet again
im more interested in how wagner is suddenly a russian faction again lmao shills are so pathetic almost all of wagner veterans have left the PMC to sign up to the russian army what's left of them are guns for hire and the pro prigo faction wagner is literally banished from russia and is sent to belarus and africa
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>a little more than a dozen
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The majority of Russians agrees to trade the DDR fore Holland, but absolute guarantees about their weapons.
Even the minority of Russians agrees to it.
What has happened is that Americans first had to tell me about natzees
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yes, more than a few dozen kikes were killed
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>im more interested in how wagner is suddenly a russian faction again lmao shills are so pathetic almost all of wagner veterans have left the PMC to sign up to the russian army what's left of them are guns for hire and the pro prigo faction wagner is literally banished from russia and is sent to belarus and africa
Here we go, poccnr never wanted to have influence over Africa anyway
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The Epic of Hilhamesh

In the ancient Ukrainian city of Uryuk, lived Hilhamesh, a mighty king known for his daring antics. He was a proto-Ukrainian hero second only to Stepan Bandera. Hilhamesh convinced the Aruru Academy of Uryuk to create him a companion. From the clay of the Pontic-Caspian steppe Aruru engineers fashioned Enkidovko, a wild man with the spirit of ancient Ukrainian Cossacks. When Enkidovko first entered Uryuk, the earth trembled and the Tryzub shone brightly atop Mount Myshyu. The brothers became inseparable, embarking on quests to reveal the mysteries of ancient Ukraine.

One day, in the grottos of Kamyana Mohyla, Hilhamesh had a vision. The deity Anuko revealed the Pizza of Immortality to him, hidden beneath the Black Sea which could only be accessed by digging the seabed by hand. This divine pizza promised eternal youth. "We shall journey to claim the Pizza of Immortality!" proclaimed Hilhamesh. With fervor, Hilhamesh and Enkidovko set off, facing challenges like the Moskalishtar of Crimea who tragically killed Enkidovko.

On his journey, Hilhamesh discovered the Laundromat of Aratta which could cleanse garments. Guarded by
Scorpion-men, Hilhamesh challenged and vanquished them securing the laundry technology. So impressed was Hilhamesh that he declared, "In the spirit of DAI we shall bring this technology back to Uryuk, ensuring our people are the cleanest in the proto-world." His journey culminated in a battle against proto-Sumerian Bolsheviks who wanted to seize the Pizza of Immortality. Armed with Ukrainianium-infused weapons from the Peremoha Academy, Hilhamesh defeated them, securing the sacred pizza.

Hilhamesh returned to Uryuk a hero and established the first pizza parlor and laundromat of the proto-world, but sadly the pizza was stolen by a snake. Nonetheless, our hero Hilhamesh's reign brought prosperity, feasts, cleanliness to the ancient Ukrainian city of Uryuk. Dr. Yuri Shilov has confirmed these findings.

Slava Ukraini!
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does any anon have Uncle Pringle's quote about
"looking forward to a new direction and further adventures in Africa" or something similar?

he forecast this.
Oh yea now I watched I just didn't find the we kill a bunch of hohols interesting, but the I found a butch of hohols and killed them alone is more interesting
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Chaos in Russia! Purges all over the military just like in Stalin time because Russia can't defeat the UKRAINIAN ARMY so now the Russians are turning on each other and Putin is making purges like Stalin in World War 2.
In a way it signifies Russian guilt and faults, having to honestly pay all of their weapons obtaining Holland.

Thus obtaining Holland conditions.

I don't see how this idea is not sustainable to anyone alive or either beyond the grave.
>Ukrainska pravda
>British intelligence
oy vey

projection is a helluva drug
Somebody post the hohol killah shrub picture.
None of them got blown up like Putin did with Prigozhiny
Um.... Is anything happening at Chasiv Yar?
Yes, Russan human wave #2525125215152 got cut down by machine guns and drones.
>Entire Wagner group leadership killed
>Millblogers killed or arrested
>Replacing yes sir men with other yes sir men
>Secret police sends you to gulag if you call monke invasion a war
The majority or Russia. Even if they tried. They can not refuse an offer regressively getting Holland instead of the DDR
Even if they would have to honestly turn in all of their weapons.
You really think Russia wanted to have an armed conflict on their own border you dense fuck? No wonder you fight for trannies at the behest of a gay jew. You're too high on Radio Free Europe to THINK.
Dont forget how Putin locked up Girkin because he said the truth about the war even though Girkin is the one who started the actual action in Donbabwe.
Funny how shills are. They are claiming that "chug" is in denial about the wagner peremoga but wagner hasn't been part of this conflict in a while now and a big chunk of it was integrated into the russian army thus them not even being relevant to cuckraine.
Meanwhile they are in full blind /k/ope mode about the current gains. Or the fact that globohomo has basically lost all colonial control over most of africa, the middle east and the burgers even lost bases in the region.
I guess it's stick to a peremoga and try to not self ACK for them.
Of course they didnt, they thought they gonna roll up to Ukraine and they gon surrender but Ukraine brought the heat and NATO pulled up as well so now Russia is screwed.
If Russia didnt want conflict they would have let Ukrainian people elect their own president and join EU.
So what? Do you have to get blown up in order to be politically purged?
So many people agree about the peace we had. In the days of the DDR
The convoy was of 24 vehicules with most of them being Malian army.
We have seen only 4 vehicules destroyed so far and 18 corpses with 2 wagner prisonner and 3 niggers.
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Girkin is the one who began spreading the stab in the back myth too
Of course u dont have to but they mention Zaluzhiniy as being "purged" when he just got a different job
>they gonna roll up
>they gon
Speak English, NIGGERBRAIN.
He was fired from the military and given a useless job where he has no power or responsibility. That’s a clear cut purge.
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Holy cope and denial despite footage apppearing and millblogers who are not kremlin controled saying it was a massive defeat
Don't waste your time with the shills, you are feeding them
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kek anons called it last night
yesterday it was 40 dead, then at night it was 80 dead + a gorillion helicopters, now its 100+
cant wait for you faggots to unironically believe 3000 died like you think happened in syria
Kek, what a wonderful time. Salty tears of ZOGbots was overflowing.
> they thought they gonna roll up to Ukraine and they gon surrender
niggerspeak lmao
No, see, it's different when Okraina does it!
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They dont like Wagner because Ukraine was the first modern amry to lose a PMC in human history.
This mean humanity will forever Ukraine to be the first nation to lose, what is the longuest battle of the war so far, to a PMC.
Like if France had lost Verdun to a PMC. That's very humiliating.
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>ignore bad news and move on))))
The state of this cesspol general
I dont do that for shills, i dont care about them. I do it for other members of 4chan to see the truth.
That's how 4chan is so strong. Shills come in, told their littel retarded stories, some anons spread the truth so other anons can see it. That's how we get stronger all together.
>i do it for others to see truth
>Ignores the millblogers saying it's over and the footage of corpses
We already discussed the Mali situation. Plenty of other things to talk about, tranny.
>some wagnerites got merced in africa by niggers who had help from CIA
>"ok sucks, oh well"
What else is there to say? It was all of 18 dudes out of hundreds stationed there and out of thousands who were once members of Wagner...
plz rope yourself.
Well, if we're honest, it's not like this was a private venture capitalist who made his own private force. And it's not the first time in history a mercenary army beat a standing state army either.
The Banking Cabal is doomed
nothing you shills can do about it
Wrong general, you are Chug here, not uhg.
It hasn’t happened in recent history, to my knowledge. Maybe the East India Company would count, but I can’t think of anything else that would fit the bill.
That is over 24 hours old. Its likely gotten worse.
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I guess it makes sense.
Probably this has not happened since the times of the late medieval and renaissance mercenaries, the condottieri and the like.
I remember that all of r/uhg were peremoga posting and went full pro wagner during the prigo's heresy, which quickly turned into a big fucking zrada.
Happened a lot of times back in the day
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>"ok sucks, oh well
Any real power would send the air force to wack those terrorists, but poccnr is just a paper bear who can't handle 2 special military operations
I saw someone say if there was war between Israel and Turkey they could lose control of the Bosphorus Strait.
>it's not the first time in history
It is probably since the Napoleonic era and national forces took over military affairs.
It is since the industrial revolution happened.
It is in our era and age.
It is the first time in history a moderne army was defeated by a PMC in a kinetic warfare. And it was during the longuest battle of the war and probably the one with the most forces fighting over one area.
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Henlo Deer Frens!

>FPV drones hits hohols on quad
>Hohol escaping mobilization on a tractor
>Ukraine is evolving in real time
>Aftermath of strike on Dergachi, Kharkov where 50+ foreign instructors died
>Hohols tried to save something from a burning building
>Aftermath of strike on AFU Airborne unit position
>Russian army training to cross bodies of water
>Su-27 scares away British RC-135V spy plane over Black Sea
>Odessa driver drives away with TCC pig
>Guy beats up TCC pig in Tairova Village, Odessa
>Drone strike on AFU landing force near New York
>Baba Yaga UAV crew rekt
>Ammo depot burns for over 15 hrs in Poltava region
>Lancet strikes Electronic warfare system Nota
>Iskander vs repair depot
>Another Abrams near Volchye village
>Hohols trying to take down Russian recon drone by using an FPV drone with a stick
>Hohols from 63rd mechanized gets a really big present
>Port Izmail, Odessa oblast burning after Geran strikes
>FAB-250s fall on building w/ Electronic Warfare installations
>Aftermath of Kh-38ML missile impact on bridge in Toretsk
>Sniper takes out 2 with 1 shot
>Russian assault on Krasnogorovka
>14 destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1s
>Voznesensk air base in Nikolaev is still burning
>Strike on air base in Voznesensk, Nikolaev where Ukrainian pilots trained
>Train full of T-90M tanks on its way to frontline
>TOS on Urozhainoye
>FAB-500s fall on AFU positions
>Bunched up hohols get hit by arty
>Drunk pigger causing trouble in German playground
I feel like Turkey would get kicked out of NATO if they went to war with Israel
When the USA super special forces got raped in Africa nothing happened.
And when USA got clapped leaving the Afghanistan airport they tried exactly that and just killed civilians, so whatever shill
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>I remember that all of r/uhg were peremoga posting and went full pro wagner during the prigo's heresy
which is why i find shill right now so funny they change wagners allegiance to fit their narratives last time they were basedjak for attacking moscow and now they're ziggers again because they lost lmao
Nato would 100% break apart if they kick a country as big as turkey
To have ur Russia. Not only is it a good thing for our world renowned state Germany, winning ww2.
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You shouldn't bring afghanistan when we are discussing how weak vatniks are
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>new drop of kino
Thx anon.
However Germany already won ww1 and 2
10 years ago they refused to sell Patriot missiles to Turkey. Germany withdrew theirs from Turkey. Now they just give them away to Ukraine for free. Its a weird relationship especially considering the 2015 failed coup.
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They give them free extra rations and water
Russia isn’t claiming to be the most powerful military on the planet. NATO getting their asses beat by dudes in sandals is infinitely more humiliating than anything in ancient history.
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Where did West Germany get its energy from before the USSR?
How is Russia in the right? Ukraine wasnt doing nothing they just wanted to get rid of they Russian puppet cause he was copping all the money and they wanted to join EU. If EU is so bad they would've found out and dropped them aint no reason for Russia to invade.
Gang, all of baltics are in NATO on Russia's border and Russia aint had no problems with them. So that excuse is just BS that only Vatniks can believe.
Vatniks claimed to be a peer rival to the united states as if they were still the Soviet Union, but are getting cucked by turkroaches and the french as well
Turkey has nuclear arsenal and would 100% end up taking Russia and Iran's side if they are kicked out of nato. Nato would lose all projection power over the black sea and would lose a big chunk of the mediterranean around the eastern coast that pissrael depends on.
Do you think cyprus would stay the way it is if turkey is kicked out?
Do you think they would just not try to take a big chunk of greece's islands?
Do you think this conflict wouldn't put an even bigger strain on the already hurt nato industry causing more countries to question their alliances?
Not to that mention all the turks living in goymoney would 100% fuck shit up if nato kicks turkey out and attempts any kind of military or economic play against turkey.
Turkey is just too important and everybody knows it, hence why everybody tries to play well with them despite how your average turkroach is.
I think Grease would profit from that somehow.
Nobody is discussing anything everybody is putting in your place and you just ignore them, if you think that going "omg I will make them follow the rules of debate while i you ignore them" like some kind of super duper mega opinion bender let me tell you, you just look stupid, you and your "friends" just waste their time and if somebody is paying for it is even a bigger pendejo
Tell me, do you think the countless European and American deaths would have occurred. While your deaths are commonly not to be noticed. IF NOT Russia wanted the Dutch Indies either the UN wouldn't have forced Holland to give it out.

>Many Indonesians died as a result of of their non- soevereignity afterwards

Holland was just about to take Indonesia back, even right after ww2. Basically, they would have gotten it. As far as I see would be viable reasoning.
Nigga y why didn't the USA liked some nukes on Cuba.
there are red lines on terms of a nation security and ukros being in nato was one of them
>muh, Ukraine did nothing, just wanted to fuck the Russian-speaking population, brainwash them in the future for 100 years to completely get rid of the Russian language, invite the natoniggers so that Russia definitely could not regain its influence on its own republic

We know your plans, you destroyed our empire and you keep doing it, why should we let you do it, you fugging Anglo-Sax?
Given how fucked up greece economy is if a foreigner drops a coin that's a profit for greece
But yea, greece would get the cuckraine treatment, there will be no nuclear article 5, there will be no total war article 5. That would be the dead of nato economy and your average eurofag is too entitled to fight a war.
I mean what would have been the role of Indonesia, if they would have remained being the Dutch Indies right after ww2
Are there any javelins left? I just realized I haven't seen one used in 2024
Because they have the power to enforce their will.

They set conditions to invade and seize land from Ukraine and those conditions were met.
Check a fabela, you can probably find at least one there
>greece would get the cuckraine treatment,
They almost did. Remember how how the EU forced a regime change but Greece arrested their political "nazis."
There are, but are mostly useless so they no longer try to record them
What does Brazil do if there is a civil war in Vuvuzela?
>2nd best miliary in the world
>using discord for all frontline intelligence/info
err, is discord that secure? i wouldn't have thought so?
probably because you sit in loli porn general all day because things are otherwise uncomfy to you
Agreed. NATO keeps Turkey in because they'd be much worse off without them and turks recognize this easily.

To add, I find it funny how r*dditors/retards and NATO talking heads are saying that they should kick Hungary out of EU/NATO.

Like PLEASE do. It would be your biggest fuckup ever lmao
very strong worded letters
It’s called national security. Russia is enforcing its national interests.
Fuck no. Someone is always looking in on discord.
meant for
How would they handle the fact that wouldn't bother to protect Israel against some kind of Turkish invasion through Lebanon?
Israel could nuke Turkey btw
NATO is a paper tiger run by faggots and niggers at the behest of kikes. America’s MIC has been exposed as a giant corporate grift that sucks as much money out of the taxpayer as possible whilst providing as little tangible benefit to the US military as they can get away with.
That’s why Ukraine is losing despite the billions of dollars spent supplying them, and why whores like you are here pissing into the wind with takes so retarded only a nigger could love them.
More like they are FINALLY enforcing their national security. Russia couldn't do anything about the Butthurt Balt Belt joining NATO in the 90s. Now they can do something about Xrukraine.
turkey wins because when israel doesn't invade lebanon erdogan will make churkas think jews were afraid of him
Why wouldn't Russia get Indonesia, however the USA got Japan
I don't remember much about that conflict but i do remember some fuck in greece.
Hungary is another player they can't afford to lose but they are retarded enough to lose both at the same time. Hungary is one that would 100% leave if turkey is kicked out.
There won't be a war between Israel and Turkey. Turkey is firmly in the ZOG camp. Erdogan has to pay lip service and pretend like he's against Israel's war in Gaza. They still do massive trading with Israel and keep oil from Iraqi Kurdistan flowing into Israel. Without Turkey doing that Israel would be absolutely fucked.
Its been strange to see the leftwing Hugo Chavez supporters in the media basically evaporate even before his death. I think it had a lot to do with being critical of Bush but once Obama was in they started to fall in line.

That crazy Soros funded DA in San Francisco even worked for Hugo Chavez but that guys has fallen out of favor too. Trump somehow destroyed leftwing posers in the media.
if you think logically, they win in everything, they didn't even need to invade, they forced the Russians to fight with themselves, giving others only crumbs from the table, old second-hand weapons that were ready to go for scrap anyway

as a result, Ukraine will be divided, and NATO will not lose absolutely anything, it will only get even more territories in its favor, and Russia only suffers losses because it is trying to return what was already under its control
Turkey could nuke pissrael.
So what is your point?
Pissrael can only lose in this conflict if they further anger their neighbors, more so because they have jewed the anglos so hard their armor would be reduced by 41% without even setting foot in the battlefield.
More like the multipolarity movement can't afford to lose Hungary.
Germany had nuclear power plants back then.
so the usa can just nuke china for threatening guam then?
>Turkey has nuclear arsenal
It doesn't.
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Here's a use in June.

WE have Russia, and a Holland

And nei Americha (...)

It just don't gebst dat
No one ever would what they have right now
>No one ever would what they have right now
As they would multiply

>Imagine the peace
Prigo ain't dead. Classic glowy retirement. Just like Epstein.

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