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Previous: >>476030370
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>AT mine guy is back

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!!
gonna go to sleep, good night /chug/bros
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>be member of DRG squad
>callsign "Machete"
>approaching Chasov Yar on foot with day bois when get spotted by a bird
>run to nearest basement and jump in
>MFW it's full of xoxols
>MFW they don't immediately kill me
>always keep F-1 grenade strapped to my chest so piggers can't take me alive
>grab the frag and pull pin
>"we die together, da?"
>they panic and radio command
>"just shoot him, you'll have time to run out"
>see the fear in their eyes
>shake head "nyet, you won't have time"
>offer them deal: they let me go and no boom
>MFW they agree
>MFW I climb out of the basement alive
>MFW I toss the cooked frag into the basement behind me

Source: https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1817503042683428995
(skip to 3:48 for story start)
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Thx for the bread.
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>We lost an entire platoon to niggers
>But at least we are taking another village in Ukraine that cost us thousands of serfs dying per day)))
Yup, Turkey is firmly in the "won't do shit" camp. They are only good to bomb PKK fighters because no one gives a shit about them.
NATO lost a few generals and billions of dollars. But if you think that fiat money doesn't matter then I guess they lost nothing.
>second-hand weapons that were ready to go for scrap anyway
lmao even Ivans believe this meme now... or maybe you're a VPN tranny?

Those weapons were absolutely not going to get "scrapped". This is a retarded idea. Only outclassed weapons get decomm'd, but majority of western equipment that UA got (tanls, IFVs, mapads) is still in active inventory of their respective nations. Even arty shells get refurbished as Russia and EU countries are now doing with their old stocks.
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>MFW I toss the cooked frag into the basement behind me
Good morning

Total Hohol Death
Russians have landed in Chasiv Yar.
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thanks for bread
>Turkey could nuke pissrael.
With what nukes? They have none and pissrael does...
uh-oh stinky!!!!
Stinky butte
New civil war soon.
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>/uhg/ so desperate for some good news, they're talking about wagner losing a squad in an unrelated conflict on another continent
There won't be a civil war, all the pro-West fags have fled the country years ago. On top of the military there are a bunch of militias funded and armed by the government.
It seems that it really was actually Obama who had Joe Biden coup'd out of the Democrat's Presidential run for Kamala.


I thought it was just the whole party shitting itself. Welp, if Kamala wins it'll be a 4th term for Obama as shadow president.
why is russian intel running off of discord servers?! someone explain this please.
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Do the Chinese have anything like Wagner?
Their schizophrenia will only worsen in time.
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>Monke looking like a weak retard in africa is not big deal))))
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GM frenZ!
You just got kicked out Africa lol
Cuban counterintelligence was useful years ago to week about American agents. Not sure its like that anymore with the death of the Castro brothers.
No, but i would not be surprised if they are aiding those niggers to expel the fagners of africa
Wait until they start posting Russian dash cam accidents as a win.
The niggers are going to do another coup for the 100000th time and beg the french and americans to return after fagner is cleansed up in Africa
Nah, it's over for your little adventures.
The fuck are you even talking about?
Sure. Any country can do anything they want if they feel truly threatened.
Would doing so be the best decision in the history of the world? No. But it's an option :^)
Xruks are so deperate they attacked an airfield in Murmansk and claimed it as some kind of victory...
>attacked an airfield in Murmansk
Second strongest military
they released footage (can't remember if photo or video) of frontline operations inside a russian forward operating post showing screens and shit of the live front and you can clearly see discord is open on the screens.
Thats the only overseas presence the Cuban gov has any teeth left in. They wont let that one go as its the only reliable state that can supply them with oil.
Did the gorejanny finally go to bed?
he got banned it seems
I don't remember ever seeing any footage of Javelins being used. From what I remember reports were that they're total meme and suck. All the footage showed hohols sticking with British NLAWs
And I'll also add that if CIA spooks got found out by Africans trying to coup their nation a couple of moths ago....Cubans intel have a beat on whats up in venezuela. Plus they have chinese, russians, and north koreans operating and providing intel here 22.989887, -82.465128
He'll be back, these faggots can't help themselves
It seems the Atlanticists have a bigger hardon for killing Russian people than brown people.

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Sometimes they do
Israel is threatening NATO, its over nafo friends
NAFO unity :D
>so the US can just nuke China for threatening Guam?
In war, there is a procedent of proportional responses, not the least of which there is an a-proportional response could easily be levied back against you by someone with the means to do it, which China has. Therefore, the risks are mutual thus nullifying the benefit of an a-proportional response such as a nuke because of some vague hypothetical notion of “China threatening Guam.”

Armed conflict is supposed to be avoided by diplomacy first and foremost, not by fanatical and zealous ahistorical demands that have no connection to law, precedent or history (i.e. the current west and its absurd claims on the divide right of American unipolarity (LMFAO)—that Ukraine “can do what it wants” as if international relations exist in some a historic vacuum of no consequences or considerations where no national security risks, balance of powers, and trust has no role).

China, as far as I’m aware, does not threaten the U.S. colony of Guam and I don’t have an understanding of the hypothetical threat model you envision justifying your “nuke.” A hypothetical nuke is not a rational or proportional response that the US would engage in outside of your hypothetical exercise.

Russia exhausted diplomacy (rationally) in the lead up to 2022 & turned to a limited military response via “SMO” to select territories of Ukraine with limited methods of engagement to limit civilian casualties, all whilst still being open to ongoing negotiations based on grounds that reflect current battlefield realities, not capitulation demands from Kiev which have no connection to reality. There is nothing new in this dynamic historically whatsoever other than the ideological blindness of those who insist that Ukraine/NATO is winning or has been winning, that Putin is Hitler, that the US is entitled to some anointed victory+unipolarity, that Ukraine isn’t just a proxy built by the US against Russia.
Ten years ago Joe Biden said he wanted Erdogan overthrown by the NATO military in Turkey.
Answer is Jews are absolutely losing their minds and are lashing out in anger that they can't unilaterally dictate to the entire world like they could in the 90s and 00s. These people are psychotic supremacists who think God gave them dominion over all of creation. They WILL use fucking nukes to destroy the planet out of spite that the goyim don't want to be their slaves for eternity. I'm actually pretty terrified for the future as America continues to weaken and they get even crazier.
audiacity of that kurd
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Yeah i remember picrel, failed coup actually made everything even worse, made Erdogan paranoid and boosted our cooperation with Turkey.

Stil its funny how non NATO Israel is widely considered a bigger NATO country than a proper NATO country - Turkey
How is that intel? It's just a VoIP program for dudes to talk.
I'll tell you a little secret, we used Google Earth for planning. And there's no mystery as to why, it's free and functional.
It gets overlooked how large of a military Turkey has.
And for what? The jews just bombed 70k people to death and razed Gaza to the ground. Turkey won't do shit. Saudis won't do shit. No one other than Iran and Russia did anything.
Isn't Turkey in NATO just because amerikikes wanted to piss off the Russians by trying to assert their control over literally every single coastline that Russia has? They already have the Arctic Sea with Norway, The Baltic Sea with Denmark, The Pacific Sea with Japan and Worst Korea, so they gave concessions to Turkey just to have the ability to fuck over Russia in the Black Sea (and the Mediterranean)
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To a degree, yes. Same with Iran, on paper Iran is like 4x stronger than Israel.
Turkish performance in Northen Syria however, was underwhelming
Turkroaches cucked you out in syria, the caucasus, and Ukraine
I don’t share your fear because I view the Jews as a naturally cowardly people. They are mercantile in nature and who are not motivated by higher principles of honor and duty but by the base pursuit of avoiding work. Fundamentally they just want something for nothing (this is their historic credo) and they want to wrap that in grandiose rhetoric via their enthno-religious “Jewish” identity.

They want others to work for them. But this is not the ethos of warrior people or those ready to die for an idea, or ready to die whatsoever. This is the ethos of freeloaders and bums which is what the “Jews” are. Such people will certainly talk big, as words are their main weapon, but they will never sacrifice their ability to continue to parasite off others (however limited) just like a drug addict does not stop doing drugs because his ability to buy drugs has been diminished—he will simply move on to a lesser quantity and lesser quality of drugs. The right response to Jews is to continue to levy pressure against them without taking their rhetoric and posturing into account (anymore than the rhetoric of a drug addict should be taken at his word).
jews getting skittish, need that new homeland soon after all. Middle East is turning against them more thoroughly now.
Why does Russia stay a shithole society?
They are but their capacity for sadism and cruelty is immense. That they came up with the atomic bomb is not a coincidence. Is is the ultimate Jewish fantasy of being able to press a button and having a city instantly incinerated and wiped from the Earth without any risk or hardship to the user.
Just look at what they've done to Gaza. They're apocalyptic in their thinking. If they can't rule the Earth, they'll prefer to destroy it. And they have the means to do so.
>need that new homeland
The world is their oyster but especially the USA.
What even is your economy? Don't you have some paper mills to build in the USSR?
I'm pretty sure oysters are not kosher
You need a better idiom
Right, but that's the leftist jews primarily aka diaspora. They have to build their temple etc, for the more religious/insane right wing flavor. Of course it's left/right communism at heart
>they want something for nothing (this is their historic credo) and they want to wrap that in grandiose rhetoric via their enthno-religious “Jewish” identity.
And how would you counter them when capitalism is just a more laxed variant of this applied to economy? Your entire population is brainwashed to not only revere such attitude, but actively aspiring to become jewish in nature. I'd imagine it's quite hard to find or build any notable allies without tearing down such things first, or at least, reduced capitalism to something more closely linked to meritocracy instead of ownership.
Simple, outlaw usury, legal tender laws, and remove corporate shield of limited liability. Also make corporations renew and justify charter by public interest.
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They actually helped us alot, instead of fighting Assad they attacked Isis (and it turned into prev webm).
After that they attacked pro american kurds, even Russia and Assad werent touching them because US was threatening direct confrontation.

Roaches didnt just humiliate NATO by letting turks slaughter them, kurds also instantly REsold their asses to Russia.
And Assad got kurdish areas without single shot.

All thanks to paranoid retard Erdogan that was supposed to be "In US led coalition"

Picrel and all the "Joint RU-US patrols" became a thing because of turks, before that russians werent allowed to even enter kurdish terriories.

Also despite the fact that i just showed how Isis cooked turks and that Isis did a video of burning turkish soldiers alive in cells everyone stil thinks that Turkey was "pro isis"
Result of absolutely incompetent turkish propaganda

TLDR: Erdogan helped ALOT
I know that's the mearskike posting in /uhg/
America is a lost cause. People here are too atomized, individualistic, and bourgeois. Plus the most advanced surveillance state ever created with decades of psychoanalysis and cointelpro tactics. White Americans are the most studied people on the planet. Jews know exactly how to play us like a fiddle. And at the end of the day they still have the largest military on the planet if it came down to hard power.
The American empire will fall due to outside pressure and the crazed and incompetent reaction Jews and their Gentile fellow travelers will make in response.
You’re buying into their framework. Their actions towards Gaza are precisely because Gaza is weak and can’t properly defend itself which incentivizes Israeli officials to attack Gaza.

But tell me, why isn’t Israel attacking Russia in Syria or Russia directly if they are so apocalyptic? Especially since Russia is the global spearhead of their unipolar-globalist-Jew-order undoing? If Jews are so strong, if they are such so competent… why stick to attacking poor little Gaza? They attack Gaza primarily because they can, same as a drug addict might torture a cat for pleasure but he won’t go into a zoo and try to torture a lion. Israel is a sadistic drug addict who thinks torturing kittens means it’s strong (these are the values one might acquire from not working). But they are a nobody militarily—which is why they’re panicking (I agree) but I disagree that they will anything about it in a way that isn’t just attack other kittens.
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Turkroaches killed a puccian Pilot, and Monke compensated erdogan with cheap gas instead, and they are also on their way to take Syria away from you, who is gonna tell the families of deceased soldiers fighting there that it was all for nothing?
>Turkish performance in Northen Syria however, was underwhelming
Yeah that was actually embarrassing for a NATO army. Absolutely incompetent tactics with tanks being sitting ducks with no infantry support.
Amercia only stays winning. Whens the last time you saw a chink owning a home?

Kaijuu uuti, kaijuu uuti, kaijuu uuti. Tässä ollan. Tässä uutiset.
Javelins do work, but they are total primadonnas requiring that launching computer, and they cost as much as a house each so they ran out early in the war
>Turkish performance in Northen Syria however, was underwhelming
Is it any worse than the conscript ground forces of Israel?
What's up my NIGGAS!
Nearly everyone under 40 will never own their home unless their parents die and they inherit one. Wtf are you talking about it? And as if Bourgeois property ownership is the ultimate goal of life. Boomers had that mentality and look where it got us.
Hyväinen aika. Hyväinen aika

E on rikki mennyt.
Laske Emc^2 on rikki mennyt.
Laskelma on rikki mennyt.

E on valmis. Se pitää vain panna oikein.
Ämmä käänetän kaiken puolen, sinä on se laskelma.
Vanha ÄMMÄ on ÄWWÄ.

E on kolme kans kuin käntä sen.[3]

W pitää laske alas mitä se on. Sinä on summa mitä lämpö on.
Lämpö sinä lasketaan.

W= 2/Lämpötila*2(1/2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10)
Lämpötila on yksi kerta kaksi kerta kolme jakaa kaksi joka on yhteen menny.
(1*2*3)/1 Mikä on kaksi mikä on yksi.

Laskelma on sinä. Se ottetaan vain pois summasta.
Sinä se rikki laskelma on.

Unohtanut poista summan laskelmasta.

Vanha ämmä unohdettu.
/k/ shit all over me in 2022 for proposing that FPV drones could replace expensive ATGMs. There was lots of cope about active defenses. Now the FPV arms race is moving toward enhanced speed.
I mean I expect Jews to be terrible soldiers. They've been known as weak pathetic cowards since antiquity. Turks on the other hand like to claim how they're better than Arabs and closer to Europeans in terms of quality, but their performance sure looked like an incompetent 3rd world army.
for literal days lmao
We are living in a timeline where you can build a 8 floor building out of human bones,so yeah gains > everything else

Also Turkey is bassically a "friendly" NATO country nowadays that ignores sanctions and doing direct flies, so i can fly from my homecity to Istanbul and litterally anywhere from it
Cheap gas goes a long way
kaijuuttimet *
This may interest Kraut speakers wanting to five into NATO propaganda tactics. Its from 2014, in hardback and expensive.
I google translated the advertising spiel for it :
Do you also have the feeling that you are often manipulated and lied to by the media? Then you feel like the majority of Germans. Until now, it has been considered a "conspiracy theory" that leading media deliberately manipulate us citizens with propaganda techniques. Now an insider reveals what really happens behind the scenes.
Today, the journalist Udo Ulfkotte is ashamed of the fact that he worked for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for 17 years. Before revealing the secret networks of power, the author consistently exercises self-criticism. Here he documents for the first time how he was bribed for his reporting in the FAZ and how corruption was promoted. And he reveals why opinion leaders report tendentiously and how the extended arm of the NATO press office prepares wars in the media. As a matter of course, the
author was also accepted into the networks of American elite organizations, and even received an honorary citizenship certificate in return for positive reporting in the United States.
>>MFW I toss the cooked frag into the basement behind me
that was low
Lmao the dejewishifation of American begins now if you don't life in a jewish part of America you will own house.

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Brave Russian soldier takes down Ukrainian drone. What happens next might surprise you!
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They wanted Khazaria.
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The Chinese in America own entire neighborhoods.

To actually own your house you need to own the land the house is on. If you own the land you don't have to deal with HOA bitches.
NAFO shill thinks we don't understand geo politics and can be swayed by emotions
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MFW Turkey tries to invoke Article 5 after kikes bomb Incirlik Air Base with F-35s.
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Today's numbers
Does the Scottish Boomer still come around?
If you did understand them, you would know monke's intervention in syria was also a total dissaster
>The Polish Foreign Ministry proposed that Hungary leave the EU and NATO, - Polska Agencja Prasowa

The Eternal Hyena strikes again...it would be great if Hungary left EU and NATO of course but the issue here is the POOlack being a weasily backstabbing hyena as always.
Amplify the systemic contradictions of the globohomo jew-capitalist system and help it collapse on its own de-merits, which it is going to do anyway so just make peace with that fact.

The biggest fault lines in our present world are economic, military, and spiritual in nature… and by “spiritual” I mean not just religious but also in terms of aesthetics, beauty and tradition…. which are degrading each day. But every day Russia also wins and every day globohomo continues to show its Babylonian tranny face to the world as “virtue” just as it did in France. And every day every system of globohomo tries to swim under its own mounting weight or concrete contradictions.

So amplify all contradictions and continue to accelerate. Russia-China and parts of the rest of the world are the off-ramp for high traditional civilization just as the Islamic world once preserved the Greek philosophers and Greek texts whilst the west went into a dark age only to “rediscover” the west much later. Once again we need to do strategic pivot to re-align and support not just our true allies but the true allies of humanity in general and who are able to course correct it while globohomo is starved of any hope of rescue. Do not help globohomo or collaborate with it. Once globohomo dies (it will), then that’s grounds for rebuilding as the west once did.
Don't check who is Radosław Sikorski married to.
you are a 50 IQ monkey.
Orban wants EU money but needs to have anti-EU stance for his domestic supporters. In EU meeting where EU's support for Ukraine was decided, Orban walked out from the voting so that he wouldnt oppose the decision instead of staying and preventing the support.
>The Chinese in America own entire neighborhoods.
They are gentrifying neighborhoods. I went for a bike ride in a Mexican slum I used to work in 15 years ago. Its all Chinese and much improved now.
What did le monke achieve in syria? he only showed the world, his military was a paperbear
No. They actually own the neighborhood.
They own the land and payed for the construction of houses.
taras, Russians will exterminate your whole family while you cower in Finland
Is it really that surprising to you that Finns don't generally like Russia?
They want to be China's backdoor to trade with the EU. They're playing with fire though, Jews are not going to let them get away with this forever. They will try to overthrow the government there eventually. I hope the people in Orban's government realize the danger they're putting themselves in and get ready to fully shift towards the East.
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>gets cheap gas from puccia
>gets EU gibbs, and full HATO protection
>made the swedes provide Hungary with gripens to let them join HATO
>gets investments from chinks
How does this backstabbing gypsy scumbag do it?
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Thank you for the bread!
>Polish Foreign Ministry
he is western intelligence agent married to a jewess
so now you'll larp as an ethnic finn. You don't even have enough dignity to call yourself Ukrainian.
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But I am ethnic Finn? Your obsession over the Ukie Finn is adorable :)
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I had a dream about reading news headlines about Kiev being surrounded, and the lines read like "the hohol's last stand".
They'll do that, won't they.
Why is a Finn supporting Russia?
Haha. No. We Finns don't generally like Russia so of course we enjoy seeing Ziggers dying.
Law changes are doesn't mean the popular support to properly enforce it. If the corpo in my country is anything to go by, any new law targeting them will just get sidestepped and smoothered out by the affiliated wing of media.
As much as I agree with this, I hope America found a better way to overthrow its elite and so we can hopefully copy or compare it to some extend. The Chinese had done this cycle for their thousands-of-year struggle, and this path is not without flaw. It opens your country to foreign aggression, and the further cultural value erode, the less result it would yield.
>They WILL use fucking nukes to destroy the planet
They supposedly couldn't see 2000-3000 terrorists amassing on their border after years of preparation and publicly released videos of drills. While having one of the world's best Intel agencies.
So they've already proven that they're willing to sacrifice their own people to achieve political and revanchist goals.
Public reporting since October 7 basically shows that
>yeah, we knew it would happen and ignored it woops!

I honestly get extremely nervous when I think about the possibility that they'll actually Samson everything if they lose enough political capital.
Five = dive.
Almost finished eating Krasnogorovka
I think pro-Russia Finns should make a public demonstration to show how many Finns truly support Russia.
you can count holes in the back of the nafo soldier skulls
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So zero?
turtle tank won
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>Second strongest military literally celebrating about taking another backyard after 2 and a half years fighting for something that was supposed to last 3 days
Didnt yall lose to NK?
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>We will put Putler on his place he is a paperbear
>You are humilitating us way to slow rekt
Chinese, Russian, American? Doesn't matter. Everyone pays rent to the government in form of property taxes.
>As much as I agree with this, I hope America found a better way to overthrow its elite and so we can hopefully copy or compare it to some extend.

It won't because past performance indicates future performance. America hasn't had an authentic revolution since 1776; each one since has been a jew-backed “cultural revolution” shaping society and perceptions to make more subservient workers and mindless consumers. This "system" is incapable of self-reform without massive shocks which may not be singular in nature but a series of escalating minor shocks amplifying the contradictions of the rest. Pain is the last teacher of those who refuse to learn by logic and observation preferring stubbornness and pride, and this is the path America committed to.

America needs:
>Total debt forgiveness
>New debt-free currency
>Nationalization of military, utilities and much of medicine and education.

None of this will happen under the current system because all of these are economic vectors for massive rent-seeking and elite parasitism that has gotten so bad that nothing can be done anymore; the basic costs of doing basic things has gotten too high and corrupt. There are so many existential de-merits, I cannot go into them all.

If you want someone to copy in a western vein, just look at what Russia is doing and what the west used to do. Russia and China have good synergy. One is the Old West and one is the Ancient East. Europe and America can no longer be considered "the west" from a cultural or intellectual standpoint at this stage, they are just Globohomo/Babylon with Jew Economics. Will they continue to excel and lead in some categories? Likely for now. But that is no need to wish for them to persist as such as they are a harm both to themselves and others. "Civilizational Chemo" is the only solution now. "Reform" was the early screening & pre-emptive measures that were never taken out of pride & false priorities.
christians arent having enough kids while muslims are having large families.
if russian society was more christian it woud literally die out. that's the hard truth. christianity is declining around the world because it is a failed religion. the future is islam.
all you gotta do is stop drinking vodka, stop eating pork, throw away your bible and replace it with a quran
Holy shit dude you were still oinking when I went to bed last night. Just leave the screen for a couple of hours, the war isn't going anywhere
Combat Kot Reporting!

>New combat kot report
>FPV drones hits hohols on quad
>Hohol escaping mobilization on a tractor
>Ukraine is evolving in real time
>Aftermath of strike on Dergachi, Kharkov where 50+ foreign instructors died
>Hohols tried to save something from a burning building
>Aftermath of strike on AFU Airborne unit position
>Russian army training to cross bodies of water
>Su-27 scares away British RC-135V spy plane over Black Sea
>Odessa driver drives away with TCC pig
>Guy beats up TCC pig in Tairova Village, Odessa
>Drone strike on AFU landing force near New York
>Baba Yaga UAV crew rekt
>Ammo depot burns for over 15 hrs in Poltava region
>Lancet strikes Electronic warfare system Nota
>Iskander vs repair depot
>Another Abrams near Volchye village
>Hohols trying to take down Russian recon drone by using an FPV drone with a stick
>Hohols from 63rd mechanized gets a really big present
>Port Izmail, Odessa oblast burning after Geran strikes
>FAB-250s fall on building w/ Electronic Warfare installations
>Aftermath of Kh-38ML missile impact on bridge in Toretsk
>Sniper takes out 2 with 1 shot
>Russian assault on Krasnogorovka
>14 destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1s
>Voznesensk air base in Nikolaev is still burning
>Strike on air base in Voznesensk, Nikolaev where Ukrainian pilots trained
>Train full of T-90M tanks on its way to frontline
>TOS on Urozhainoye
>FAB-500s fall on AFU positions
>Bunched up hohols get hit by arty
>What even is your economy?
Failing hard. They keep importing immigrants due to a worker shortage, then the immigrants refuse to work because they can just be niggers and mooch off social security benefits.
>America needs:
>>Total debt forgiveness
>>New debt-free currency
>>Nationalization of military, utilities and much of medicine and education.
America will collapse before any of that happens. I don't know what a post-American future will look like, but given the amount of mental illness, nihilism, and guns in this country I doubt it will be pretty.
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Total love and friendship
Aren't you the anon with paranoia of SuPo gangstalking you and you live on Finnish welfare?
It really is bizarre, in America they actually do exploit the shit out of illegal immigration for labor so it makes sense economically from the elites perspective, but in Europe they import these people and they just sit around living off of handouts.
I've spent the past 20 years working as a machinist and maintaining factory machinery, the longest streak I've been unemployed was one month
They are used to distract people from class warfare. Plebs hate and attack the immigrants instead of the people importing them.
Total hohol death! The ukraine must be impregnated!
Judging by the time and effort you use to defend Russia online, I doubt that
>first post in a thread
>defending russia
Mees ny junnu töihin
>America will collapse before any of that happens.
It will. The de-merits are too deep and irrational in nature, especially when we are speaking of psychology and perceptions, both being necessary to self-correct but when they are missing... the only outcome is a hard crash course with reality. However the collapse looks like, the things I mentioned will only be possible after that moment but unlikely to be before.
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>Russia at night
>UAV hit power station in Oryol region;
>UAV hit power station in Tomarovka, Belgorod region;
>In Voronezh region, a utility infrastructure object in Gazoprovod was damaged.
I doubt that there's that many Finn anons needing to defend Russia online 9am on Monday. Even fewer of those would be employed
So US needs national socialism, got it. Just vote the Bernie Jew into power.
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Managed to down hohol shahid-plane in one piece
LoL too embarrassed to even put their flag on it.
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Would a parasail for a glide bomb have a better glide ratio than wings?
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Vittu ja perse kakassa
So what are you doing here then?
Heil Hitler
Wondering why no pro-Russia Finn dares to publicly show their support to Russia

Kaijuu uuti, kaijuu uuti, kaijuu uuti. Tässä ollan. Tässä uutiset.

Kaijuu uuta anta. Kaijuu uuta anta. Kaijuu uutiset anta.
Now say that in puccia, and the FSB will throw you to gulag
I like that shirt but I have my heart set on a magic mug.
Because it's illegal, there's no freedom of speech or expression in finland
* Uutaa
If they do will they be alright?
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Heil Macron
VDL my love
It funny how westerners mock Russian military parades but not Finnish ones.
Berny is a sellout faggot cuck. People matter too and leaders and their moral and intellectual characteristics matter the most. America needs a Putin, Deng or Xi-like figure that works inside realities and real abilities and restraints of America, not some chasm of dogmatic ideology and foo foo fart propaganda about exceptionalism naval gazing as the country continues to implode in real objective terms.

It makes sense to nationalize certain industries to prevent them from becoming rent-seeking entities that takeover your economy in politics. It makes sense that Politics should control Capital in a finalistic sense and not Capital control Politics-- otherwise that's how you get globohomo and financialization where you own nothing and are happy.

The military must be predicated on defense of the nation, not on profit. Just extend this concept to the other industries I mentioned and you will understand. Free Markets and private ownership make sense but not when it comes to making weapons or curing diseases because then they'll just seek to start wars and seek to promote illness they can "manage."

You have to think outside of ideology and isms.
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There's no point in mocking them, they're just sad.
Kahden laskelma.
Toinen laskelma.


Finland didn't self label itself as the world's second strongest military that could throw missiles at florida
No seriously though, is the swede flag a bot or some shit? It's just sharting out unintelligible nonsense.
If only Finns were as concerned for Helsinki becoming Somalia as they are for Russias and Ukraines things that don't affect them.
That is truly sad
It's completely legal. Just inform police that you going to demonstrate and that you will be showing support to Russia so that the police can send enough officers to try secure your safety.

Doubt it. Finns don't generally like Russia so those who publicly show support to Russia would be returning home with fewer teeth intact. All pro-Russia Finns can do is defend Russia online anonymously.
Bernie is a Jew system enforcer just like every politician. He's just controlled op for leftists. He's too old to run for president anymore anyways.
Helsinki was an uninhabitable shithole long before the newfinns even showed up.
I guess Russia is doing good job showing why people don't generally like Russia.
Kansaryhmän kiihottamista, you'll just be dragged out by the cops. Same as if you try to demonstrate against immigration.
You're only allowed to demonstrate against government approved things
That's not connected to anything I said?
Are you having problems understanding written language?
Go easy on him, he's just trying to stay on script.
Nope. There been plenty of anti-immigration demonstrations. But we both know why you don't dare to show public support to Russia. You know how majority of public would view you and how it would affect your safety. Finns don't like Russia.
>chancellor declares UK is broke and broken
well that's one way to weasel out of their manifesto.
>But we both know why you don't dare to show public support to Russia
And why would that be, please do thell.
There is no "supports aggresion against Ukraine" thing?
Seen people getting arrested for it in Estonia, not sure about Finland.

Aslo we had retard that went to vacation to Finland right from the frontlines, instantly got arrested.
Apparently killing hohols is illegal
Vuvuzelan diaspora are loosing their shit.
That wasn't very cash money of you
Because Finns don't like Russia and if you publicly showed your support to Russia, your frends, family and public would know of your stance and eventually you would get hurt. Especially if you tried to come off as "nationalist". Real nationalist wouldn't want you to associate with them with your pro-Russia stances.

Yeah, if you have served in Russian army in their attack against Ukraine, you are not welcome here. If there's evidence or suspicions of you commiting war crimes you can get arrested for them. We don't like Russia.
Okay, now please point out where I supported Russia
He's just doing the Internet tough guy schtick, 90 percent of people don't give a shit about Russia one way or the other. Latvians are the most rabid Russian haters and that's because they're scared their retarded anti-russia policy will come back to bite them in the ass. When I went to Riga I didn't meet a single person that didn't speak Russian. All the shopkeepers, all the bus drivers, all the cops, and all the businessmen I talked to spoke Russian. That knowledge must be pretty disconcerting for a wannabee ethnostate like Latvia.
Haha, are you too afraid to say you support Russia even online and anonymously? Pussy :D
I'm pretty sure you're arguing with the hohol draft dodger that haunts this thread.
It would need to have a soul first.
Because at no point did I say that I support them, that's just your own delusions

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they're so quick to forget.
>When I went to Riga I didn't meet a single person that didn't speak Russian. All the shopkeepers, all the bus drivers, all the cops, and all the businessmen I talked to spoke Russian
Кeк thats some serious zrada and a threat to latvian sovereignty right here.
There have been several seething threads about him as well.
The main one is literally filled with uhg like people being mad.
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Are you that surprised native Finns don't generally like Russia?
Oh no. Why don't you support Russia? Is Russia wrong in attacking Ukraine?
New buhanochka_z pic
It says: Whoever downs this is a dickhead
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4 americans vs 80 fagners, and 2 helicopters
What's worse?
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Good morning sirs
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It's especially funny when you remember they stripped Russians of the right to vote, the idea was to make their countries ethnic republics or some such shit. Like everything the proyebalty do it was half-assed and poorly thought out. So now they're the proud owners of Chihuahua states with no industry AND major ethnic enclaves that hate them.
America is collapsing right now, it only looks slow to us at the present.
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sand people picking apart dead bodies is such a vibe bruh
the 4 americans couldn't be rescued because the others were told to stand down because they would be btfo.

you are an irredeemable moron
Tropico early games are comfy. It just breaks apart as your town grows and people spend all of their day just walking around and not working
It's ok, those dead bodies are ziggers
Why did you change IP? Or are you a totally new Finn who happens to support Russia online?
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Holy cope tovarish, the puccian goverment won't even aknowledge they ever existed, and things will get worse for them in Africa as they are now under MOD'S command and not the tough guys
No. They just labeled themselves as the military that beat the USSR and would beat the second strongest military again lol.
UN shill and hohol finn still here, why are they still here, its been 12h already? Imagine working 12h for free.
Yeah current state of baltics is so sad it doesnt worth a disscution really.
You know things are bad when nearby St.Petersburg got as much people as 3 baltics states together
remind me of how that invasion of finland went for you guys
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Venezuela won
Russia won
China win
/chug/ won
Nothing will change this
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Is it really surprising to you that Finns don't like Russia?
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your retarded obsession with Wagner is because they killed over 50k of you subhumans.
how's that invasion of taiwan going
the USSR doesn't exist anymore and the current empire is about to crumble again, while Finland still stands though
Don't give the un flag shill (You)s. Of all the shills this thread gets he is consistently the laziest, and since he's on 24/7 I suspect it's actually multiple people working in shifts. Sometimes the un flag shill gets so lazy they just start spamming monke Putin images with no context or just posting random nonsense.
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Russia won that war dude, twice.
Finns may not like Russia but you are not a Finn. Your family will be turned into fertilizer by Russian artillery while you spam these threads for years on end.
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>ignore bad news))) and move on and pretend nothing happened in Mali)))
I find it odd you would use the same image file with same file name that the other anon, kiihottaminen kansanryhmää vastaan-anon, has been using in past. You share your device with him?
He also posts endless fake news from time to time, weird cropped telegram posts like shartinez from okinawa.
Yet people for some reason still reply ro him and the finnhohol, why?
I hate zogbots, but this video is still some of the worst shit ever.
You can truly feel the terror of getting absolutely fucked in an engagement, by people that truly want you dead.
The full video is gut wrenching, you can see the exact moments where everything is hopeless, and only death awaits.
Wagner collapsed after they got butchered in bakhmut and was never able to recover after that
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What makes you think I'm the Ukie Finn?
100% certain these were Ukrainians spec ops that raped russians with no casualties like it's hostomel against
They lost both wars they fought with the USSR, and would lose one with Russia.
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You're out of your fucking gourd my dude, go for a smoke or something, maybe that would help with the paranoia.
Also I don't have any azur lane pics on any of my devices
Actually the way it went in wiki was quite different from they it went in memes.
You should look it yourself first in order not to make fool of yourself
But by baltic states i meant post soviet Estonia,Latvia and Litva
Finland is another thing
Because if their posts aren't tackled, it would seem /chug/ doesn't have organic traffic
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>finretard doesn't understand how timestamp filenames work
Well the draft dodger is at least entertaining on occasion, I like that he thinks people here are so stupid they can't recognize his posting style. That says more about him than anything honestly.
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Wtf does that mean? How would they collapse after all the fighting is done? How would they have an entire army with which to take Rostov?

fucking retard
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ny ne lääkkeet...
It's posting some gibberish version of finnish. Basically how finnish sounds to foreigners, so I think it is a real person
>Wtf does that mean?
Where is wagner group and their leadership now?
Two more weeks
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Never existed
Personally i dont even understand the whole shill raids anyway, its not like shilling on chug will make ukraine win on the field.
Its literally a waste of time, yet for some reason they do it anyway.
Same with the so called shark peremkga a few years ago, it was spammed as well.
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Good morning /chug/ and frens!
It's just desperate cope, which is why you're seeing all of this frantic masturbation over what happened in Mali - they understand that Ukraine is quite fucked at this point.
Turks also ate shit in Libya and withdrew with their tails law and anuses gaped
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you slavs are co mpletely and utterly incapable of realpolitik which is why stalin couldn't believe hitler would attack russia. you'll never understand that the only way o ut of the mess you created is nuke so you'll just slowly die
Cunt Russia
The entire russky mir, including this cesspol called chug sure are erasing wagnerites and pretending they never existed
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Good morning sir!
Les go
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If I had to guess, it's about making /chug/ regulars uncomfortable as they know other people can see through their bullshit and call it out. Same reason /chug/ needed to split from /uhg/ because the original threads were full of ziggers dying and suffering.
K acknowledged
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Hello sar! I see the same shills still seething and posting the exact same thing from last night
The goal of propaganda isn't to convince people or make rational arguments. The goal is to make people feel isolated, to make the sane feel insane. They come here in order to generate false consensus, the same reason they spam 1pbtid Russiabad threads and the same reason their coworkers are posting 20 Kamala threads an hour. The ultimate goal is to reach critical mass and achieve what they did on /k/, make the majority feel like they're a minority to the extent they give up on the board and post somewhere else. This is classic consensus cracking, they use it on forums all the time.
The fighters branched into those who remained as a PMC and those who join the MoD. They stormed Avdeevka and massacred the shellshocked piggers.
you are like the dumbest nafo posts were used to train an AI and spew an endless stream of low IQ shit
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Why aren't you at the front then faggot ?
Yes. Anyone with opposing view has to be government shill. That's rational and sane.
They are unbelievably buttmad, and news out of Ukraine is all bad for them lately - hence the relentless pivot to africa
I mean if nei vrens telling (Me) how Russia likes itselve.

How is mine Russia

Les go why can't we be so angry about it.
>The fighters branched into those who remained as a PMC and those who join the MoD.
So fagner got disbanded, and the fighters just joined another oligarch PMC or accepted to become shoigu's fodder for avdiivka, got it comrade
Imagine being this butblased about Russia that raise that shit out despite the fact that you cant point Mali on the map
Go nomad-arab jihadies you are now UN best friends
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Because I live in a Nato country and Russia doesn't dare to attack country in Nato as Russia is currently locked in war with non-Nato country for 3rd year despite the original Russian plan was to take Kyiv in 3 days but it failed because Russia wasn't expecting Ukraine to fight back.
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the pigger drops the mask
>>476058279 (Me)
Les go Russia. At leas for our test we have Holland unto Russia into EVROPΛ
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It is a good question for the true believers.
he's a coward and would die in a week
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I think it's cute how the Ukraine Finn lives in your head rent free but I'm not him :)
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>>476058266 Checked!
Classic shills. They can't get any peremogas in Ukraine so have to resort to finding it elsewhere
Though whenever they get some the Zrada in Ukraine increases
It's true the Ukraine shills are also the Kamala shills and the BBC posters. The Ukraine shills have never condemned Biden they instead support him. They are all globohomo current thing shills. To bad there to cowardly to go sign up and die like they deserve.
>people who I don't like are also the other people I don't like
That sounds sane and reasonable.
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Ok let me put it like this.
Google censors search results. We know it because they used not to censor them so the first site that showed up when you searched for holocaust was from holocaust denial websites(because those are the only people who actually care about it, believe me or not).
Does this mean that every search result is an effect of direct meddling? No, but you have to assume they do, especially when searching for anything controversial.

We know that for instance polish govt hires literal shills for Ukraine. Does that mean every Polish flag spouting pro Ukrainian stuff is going to be a shill? No, but you have go assume they may, especially when dealing with Ukrainian related threads.
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You too faggot memeflag why isn't your pussy ass at the front ? I bet your not even from a NATO country like me your some third world faggot Georgian.
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sure thing
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Nice to see you kuwaitifren
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Ah i believe in Xir i bet Xhey could 2 weeks.
Is Russia known for utilizing literal paid shills to try influence public opinion in other countries?
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Hello there fren!
He doesn't care, I guarantee you he'll just make some one line throwaway post or try to return to his script.
I rest my case.
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that's literally what every Western nation spends millions on under the guise of preventing disinformation
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Really where are they ? On the Tube an X i only see Ukraine bots and shills.
It would be so much better in this world, if Russia would turn itself over te Holland. Where we have everything.
It is a free choice everyone benefits.
Everyone does it, but Russians seem to focus most of their propaganda efforts internally.
Oh type in Su27 and take a look at images.
Most of the liveries will be of ukranian su27s that don't even exist anymore
Online there are far less images of hohol su27s than Russian ones but on Google if you didn't know any better you'd think the whole Russian airforce has been destroyed.
Now this is a not so important example but before the war you'd mostly get Russian liveries. After the war started its been set to show hohols more then russians.
Now If it's true for something silly for this it's going to be happening to many more topics.
And the most shills are from the US gov who of course outsources that as any US ngo is a shill central.
Ok, so anyone opposing Russia has to be paid shill but pro-Russia users are clearly organic and legit to you?
I'll bake.
Ye the Americha is Goering. But Holland is Hess vrens

We need to take heart
>goverment won't even aknowledge they ever existed
have usa ever counted PMC losses?
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Pretty much, except you have to remake all the Shoigu memes, he is gone.
In fact he is 1 step away from being gulaged, most of his "clan" members are being arrested on daily bassis.
Last one was arrested with no charge because "Police was afraid he will run away before the proper charges will be made"
Full blown cleansing is happening
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being a paid shill is more honorable than being a genuine nafo freak
Jah, les go w/ Holland ye win

Les go the deal Holland with Russia
It's about cleansing the monke sect from the goverment, not fighting corruption
Yes because everyone that works for the west or America only does it for money they have no higher calling than that.
Tommorow China will start paying them and you and you'll all be staunchly pro Chinese.
Europeans however don't need to be paid much only the promise of richness gets them to believe whatever you want them to believe.
the peculiar part of the nafo faggotry is that they selected those people to portray them (actually CIA a professional division), because this way they would look more relateable as east europeans or something along those lines
Most of the English speaking bots on all platforms are pro-ua, just how things developed
the UN flag is genuinely too low IQ to speak to. I gave it a chance and I recommend you don't bother.
I don't have anything against them.
Come here, my anger reache is te the sky vrens. JUst so is ur anger. Vrens
what a creative homo, you really tried
>hire people that will be more relatable to Europeans
>hire exclusively retards
It actually checks out
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Not every one is paid because you have NAFO troons who do it for free, plus you have millions of faggot leftist boomers who want war and millions a butthurtbelters like you. However on /pol/ the Ukraine crowd glowies they don't shills the same way Russian anon do. Its to coordinated your part of it your either a glownigger or a faggot loser on discord who does it for free.
Pigger didn't do a full bake as well. They aren't sending their best
who is bake?
>has to be paid
some are just useful idiots
more "as" than "to"
their thought pattern isn't really clear on that, with all the SJW bullshit they have in their headas

they clearly though that the joje you're trying to make is a funny one
All NAFO faggots should be rounded up and sent to Ukraine. To bad they wont go there themselves because there to fat and gay.
can't be arsed unless the regular bakers aren't here
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real bread >>476059130
new bröd >>476059130
real bread >>476059130
new bröd >>476059130
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boomerwaffe does it for free, actually
they've actually sent redditors there, but porks decided to make a PR of wectern people annihilation, thinking this would bring them more attention, than those redditors actually working there

so they've sent the coordinates to shoigu

somewhy everything went not as the porks expected it to
must be Russian meddling or something
Bro didn't have to redeem the pig that's a dick move
Shut the fuck up Petro and go back to Ukraine. I hope your whole family gets killed. Glory to Russia.
>Ukraine Gave Up a Giant Nuclear Arsenal 30 Years Ago. Today There Are Regrets.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine turned over thousands of atomic weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia, and other countries.


>Barely 10% of Europeans believe Ukraine can still defeat Russia, finds poll

Shift in sentiment requires EU politicians to focus on defining an acceptable peace, say authors


Why has the Ukraine not pushed Putins troops out of their country? The UA troops are trained in the UK, France and Germany. The hundreds of billions in tax payer money, hardware and tech seems to do nothing. Putin conscripts prisoners, junkies, drunks, the homeless, mentally ill and imbiciles. Many of the Russian recruits do not even get weapons. Why are the UA results so poor? We can use that money here in the states right now. I've been told that it's not a big deal for us to pay for 90% of the Ukraine, Russian war. So it should be no problem for the EU to take over and split the cost. The EU is loaded with wealthy nations that live right there and still we get to fund this jew cash cow. Maybe it's because they know this entire thing is a sham and refuse to step up to help a doomed Ukraine? It is cool we got to try out new weapons without losing one of our own men.

>fewer teeth for having an opinion, etc
So literally normiecattle sadism in snownigerian style. Explains some fixations about "mongolian halfbreed imperialism, pushing muh weak down"

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