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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>AT mine guy is back

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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread
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Welcome to your bread, please enjoy your stay.
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Thanks for bake, it turns out not all fins are retart
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Afrika corps(formerly known as wagner group) status?
One in a million I think
So, guys, do we recognize the elections in Venezuela, or screw it? Whatever you say, so be it
Full scale war with Lebanon is about to break up.
I have not been admitted to IDF because of mental 21 (yes I am unironically and actually mentally ill if you didn't already realize from my posts kek).
I am advised to watch from afar and pray for Israel.
Please support Israel and fuck Ukraine.
Not really, Navalniy was accusing Ivanov of corruption and you cant say Navalniy was wrong because you will get kicked from globalhomo gay fanboy club if you do
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How are you doing today?
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to the last hohol
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to be honest, dead tired.
Navalny was still an imperialist retard who believed returning to puccnr would make serfs rise up and support him
has anyone bothered to figure out the UN fag's schedule? He seems to be here unironically every single time I have been here whether morning or night.
Whatever makes hohols seethe.
Islamic dctatorship of Iran had elections.
Totalitarian communist Vuvuzela had elections.
Democratic Free Ukraine guess what?
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Dont get fooled by Langley vpn.
Why do you visit these threads when it's 4am in US?
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pussya never needed millbloggers with critical thinking anyway))))))
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>Because I live in a Nato country and Russia doesn't dare to attack country in Nato
You can see that joining the losing side is weighing heavily on their mind lol
Go to sleep autist
Dude was actually pouring more shit on Shoigu and Russia than anyone else alot of ziggers were hating and accusing of being proxy hohol.
Pretty funny how it went out
It's 12:30 here, have you ever heard of time zones?
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They were Ukrainians anyway
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Yeah well I live here and I happen to know my fellow countrymen are leftist imbeciles, who opposed the US one day and suddenly America/NATO/globohomo is the best thing ever.
>with critical thinking anyway))))))
Oh that how it called)
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sleep is for pic related.
He is only there during mutt hours.
Some seething liberal.
I don’t know why he drop his vpn japan flag
1.6 million dead holhols
Can't. I have work and it's the middle of a work day kek
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Like a clockwork.

What's our stance on Girkin?
Mental illness does terrible things to people.
Killing "people" with such ugly stinky teeth should be the norm.
Complete fag, idk how did he manage to survive that long
At least in France the left hate nafo. Is it really that bad overthere ?
Putin sold Nato to us better than any Nato country could have done
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I've slept at work before
I'd rather without nato, foreign powers can fuck off from Findland
You didn't have a choice senpai. You never do.
You were always going to join the second Russia was distracted - and why shouldn't you, vassalship is a relatively safe bet for you, unlike Ukraine.
Yeah. Too bad Putin showed how risky it is to be non-Nato country next to Russia
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Just wait next winter with no electricity.
We do have a small leftist anti-nafo fringe group posting stickers. Sadly a vast, vast majority across all parties is pro-NATO.
Comfy kot
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are you assholes doing morning workouts
Now that you are in NATO you can give half of your money to non NATO jews and other half to non NATO ukrainean pigs.
Great deal indeed
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>just 2 more winters and hohols will surrender
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He is thinking liberals are leftists, just like your average western media consoomer. Decades of CIA red scare work on replacing leftism with toothless liberalism in the west were not in vain. Stalin did nothing wrong.
Risky to be Ukraine - perfectly safe to be Finland.
That's not how nato works. They bribe officials. They are trying the same in switzerland since years now, but since people can vote in switzerland they never succeded.
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Funny thing is not even in 1945 did German send women to the front. Yet Ukraine is already has them there.
I guess it was because of Russia being aggressive that other countries want to join Nato
>hohols will surrender
I pray to God they don't. THD needs to be thorough for the lasting peace.
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>Russia will collapse because 13 wagners died in Mali
<3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHtYq2yTz_Q
Ivan NATO is another criminal banking organisation same as the UN
>other countries want
See >>476059928

Goes for my shithole as well.
and da, your sphere of influence is getting cucked by everybody, everywhere
We won a defensive war twice, what's a 3rd time.
Ukraine isn't a nato country and they're still holding on
I guess it's because our far left is more powerfull here than the liberal ones.
Yeah, i dont put liberals and leftoids in the same bag, true.
What ye all say

Just that only ONE Americhan died. How crisis it is vren

>Come to Holland.
Why are Russian elite sending their kids and wealth to degenerate West instead of keeping them safe in Russia?
I know that you just found out that Mali exists yesterday but in Mali there are malians
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Good question tovarish
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Do ye know me?

Ye can safely into Holland trough me.
At the current path of advance of the russian forces, they will be in Kiev in 2 years, so less than 2 winters at current path, sooo...
Thanks f.am
Les go I solved all the gay. Tell and test me.

It's mine ministry.

You win
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There is actually one (1) leftist party, The Left Alliance, that kinda opposes nato but not really. They are rebranded communist party so "anti-war" was one of their key issues for the longest time. Pretty much every other non-fringe party is full nafo.
Western fags actually did what we couldnt and prevented it by cutting flights/visas/bankcards and stealing out abroad stuff.
Much appreciated, was a big problem pre SMO
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I have been telling your comrades here that all those fagnerites that are now under MOD's control would start getting eliminated in Africa since prigozhin and utkin are not at the helm anymore
Your w me and now.
And as so would be not only the majority of Russia. But also the minority.
those were the whitest russians in russia vpn mongrel sar
Our socdems can't hate nafo any more since it was their girlboss champagne socialist govt that pushed us into it. And now our cuckservative govt is riding the wave and giving away the last vestiges of our independence
Oh he won.

>google results are just walls of zog seethe
Ja, aber and but come with Holland. Quick.
Only Holland will be able to offer such services vren.
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sleps in bread
Wagner who joined MOD are not in Africa. And expect the Mali contingent to be increased in response to this event.
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I understand that are now big fanboy of al qaeda of Sahel but war in Mali is going fine
>puccnr last warning
More massacres against your guys are going to happen in Africa, they are being led by the same morons who lost half the fleet in the black sea and keeps wasting thousands of soldiers for another settlement
Oh, I know you. You are Adriaan Noud Roelof Maurits de Wit from Leiden, a schizophrenic pedofilie who fucked his underage sister, and gets hounded out of every Dutch speaking thread. Go volunteer for Azov, you nonce .
It's so sad there's not enough Finns to show support to Russia. All pro-Russia Finns need to do it online anonymously. There's this one Finn anon who claims to be a nationalist who supports Russia but doesn't dare to do it publicly because the other nationalist Finns would beat him up for associating nationalism with supporting Russia.
Chances of a mig-29 squadron appearing there ala Libya are pretty good too. You will be seething about Mali again, just like you seethed when the frogs got kicked out.
Why do successful Russians want to get out of Russia?
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what type of faping is this
All their flying junk is being used fighting their own neighbor, they can't concentrate on both fronts unless they want to weaken their presence in Ukraine
Oh my sweet summer child.
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>be in DRG squad
>callsign "Machete"
>approaching Chasov Yar on foot with day bois when get spotted by bird
>run to nearest basement and jump in
>MFW it's full of xoxols
>MFW they don't immediately kill me
>grab emergency F-1 frag I keep strapped to chest so piggers can't take me alive
>pull pin
>"we die together, da?"
>ukrops panic and radio command
>"just shoot him and you'll have time to run out"
>see the fear in their eyes
>shake head "nyet, comrades you won't have time"
>offer them deal: I go safe and no boom
>MFW they agree
>MFW I climb out of the basement alive
>MFW I cook frag and toss it into basement behind me

Source: https://x.com/simpatico771/status/1817503042683428995
(skip to 3:48 for story start)
Last time reposting this so screencap or w/e

All is fair in love and war, niggas. If not the xoxols then it would have been him.
Problly because they want their property to get stolen due to the reasons they are russian
Can anyone kick oit or banned that un flag nigger shill pls? I want no more shills here.
Why are rich ukrainians coming here?
Just close your eyes, nigga
Why do I see a lot of Ukrainians here who still speak Russian between each other?
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stop bullying baba yaga russhits
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None of you are safe. Anywhere
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Ziggers are used to it. The rest of the world is their enemy and they do anything they can to die for their regime.
Doesn't matter as long as we get to kill millions of xoxols.
That's insane that sounds like some loony tunes shit.
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None of you are safe. Anywhere
Because Ukrainian is a hillbilly language that most hohols barely know.
Yes, it's from 10pm CET (4pm EST for you burgers) and he'll be here for another 2-4 hours. He's usually here for 16hrs
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I literally predicted fagners without their good leadership were going to be massacred in africa exactly 5 months ago, God really works in mysterious ways
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Putin has same sort of plan for ziggers
Is it true you guys sent manlets through the sewers again this time in Chasiv yar?
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These hohols and shills really treating this Mali peremoga like the hohols actually just took Moscow or something...
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>one billion RuZZian dead
More blood for the Blood God!
I hope so. Russians are the new Sewer Sharks.
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From all the minor languages, it's by far the most useless. It's basically Russian if it were pozzed. Not even their President likes speaking Ukrainian, their own language, fucking imagine that.
who is this semen demon
Lemme guess, Russia never needed the Wagnerites anyway
Chasov Yar is the real reason ukorsimps are africaposting 24/7
Its because hohols are dumb cunts seething at the world who has largely forgotten them already.
Makes sense. If you were getting your shit kicked in as bad as the hee-heels are then you'd treat every possible setback for your enemy like a huge victory.
No one care go make your own general.
The fake Danish shill used to check in 17:00 and continue to shill to 09:00 next morning (Danish time). 16 hours a day.
Haven’t seen him for a while.
Give them a break, they haven't captured any land since like september
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2 more ambush in Mali and Hohol somehow are gonna breach Russian defenses lines in Hoholand.

Also, can you tell why Zelensky summer counter offensive failed? I thought NATO intel/training were superior to Russian doctrine
Russia entered Chasiv Yar
Ukraine end game imminent
Worked everytime
>tfw cant read korean
Whatever that zionist homo claims is the opposite of truth.
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The same dumb cunts who Russia is struggling with for 3rd year in their 3 days SMO to capture Kyiv?
It's more like piglatin. You can understand hillbillies. Ukrainian is like listening to someone intentionally break every sound and convention of your language just to be different.

Why are piggers such pidors, bros?
Russia will soon take the entire DONBUSSY
>Ukraine end game imminent
Nyet. Svinorez must continue until ukrops are so buck-broken they beg for peace regardless of what their Western masters say.
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>come to spam and demoralize with their latest peremoga
>get no attention
>reduced to replying to each other
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Barking zogdog
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Rookie numbers. It's been over 10 years of ATO. At least the children in Donbass don't need to sleep in basement anymore.
First one is a bunker burster or it just fly throught the cave ? Second one seem to be thermobaric one.
The dumb cunts that are running a ten year 48 hour ATO, and who got walked into an unwinnable war by their betters.
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>come to spam and demoralize with their latest peremoga
Why would i need to do that, when vatniggerians that are actually fighting are already demoralized and know it's over
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None of you are safe. Anywhere
ironically, rusich is not active atm
Was Putin's plan actually to have Ukraine surrender at the start of the SMO? I don't see how it was viable for him to have Russia locked in a war he can't win nor retreat from and having Russia become a pariah state and Russia turning out to be a paper tiger.
You are real worried for Mali man
I dunno, I think they're funny and we get free bumps. I just wish they'd post some fun pics like more putin memes :^)
Anon RuZZia does not use gay "buster bunkers". They just use a bigger FAB...
Ukraine, the country that claims to have lost a mere 31k soldiers, yet at the same time, is putting fat women above the age of 50 at the front. It's a total lie of a country.
Makes sense if he's a nigger lover.
They use fat women like tanks able to abrosb Russian DPS in their quivering puZZy folks. Very smart move by Elensky.
>It's a total lie of a country.
And Russia who was supposed to be the 2nd military might in the world is struggling against it?
I don't remember him. What was his trademark shilling style?
It worked both ways, he also cant be stoped.
And we are getting:
>Doesnt matter that Russia took more ukrainean land
>Doesnt matter that Russia kills more hohols

Thats the NATO that was supposed to stop us btw
Just some NK chan
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Rusich are not the only millblogers saying it was a total humiliation thanks to having yes sir men from MOD leading them to their deaths in Africa
It's not one person because he's here 24/7. No human can stay awake constantly.
I think he figured hohols would take the surprisingly generous deal instead of destroying their country. He didn't quite realize the sort of leash we have those retards on. I think we can squeeze another couple of years out of them before they collapse.
Some are active in Finland kek
Which side suffers more casualties, the attacker or the defender?
That is also rusich lmao.
The one with no airforce and who can only fire 1 shell to every 10 the other side can fire.
Generally the side with inferior firepower.
The John Wick cargo-cult drone seems like utterly useless and shit.
Ukraine as it tried and failed in both
Because before 2014, only like 30% of Ukraine actually spoke Ukrainian. It's a fucking Russian dialect anyway.
You know, a few people talking tough on TV isn't proof that the Russian general staff had a plan to capture Kiev in 3 days. How is the tide turning going by the way, can I see it on a map?
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None of you are safe. Anywhere
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Everyone is rusich
They're not struggling a bit. They're grinding and very succesfully have deleted 1½ million ukrainians from existence. And also made west about 250 billion dollars poorer. Collapsing EU economy is just a hefty bonus on the top.
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Just say the fucking line.
At least get a fucking job if you're leeching in Finland and not dying for your Cocaineführer.
Zelensky and his handlers know all too well that the price on an Ukrainian life is worth one family combo meal at the Dennys or McDonalds. Just look at the Alec Baldwin case and the average Azov funeral.
Oh yeah, that's not rusich. But not "actually fighting" either.
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Ukraine lost like 1/3 of its population about 8-12m refugees to EU, and we grabed about 6m people, war casualties are about a million.

With the addition of 6m hohols our population will be record high of all time
How the fuck do you still get replies is beyond me.
Why don't you start a Mali happening general where you can post?
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And your comrades are also doing damage control to cope about the incident
As impossible as this may sound:
The country with the full-support of NAFO from arms to actual mission planning and command-control is actually pulling a negative KDR whilst on the defense.
I blame the fact that they got their professional army massacred in 2023. They are running on terrabona and conscripts.
Not "actually fighting" either...
how long until school starts an un flag piggie disappears?
The side with inferior troops and firepower, which is Ukraine that showed it both doing attack and defense. The fact Russia is so slow in offense is because of how risk averse the Russians are. modern Russia is not the red meat waves anymore, that is Ukraine. Russia much prefers mechanised cuckfare to mass assault in modern day.
It's the side that is outgunned 10:1 and has aerial bombs raining on them that is suffering more casualties
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None of you are safe. Anywhere
The one with vastly inferior firepower
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Cope, all the actual vatniks are demoralized and angry for what happened in Mali and worried things will get much worse since prigo was killed, while the useful idiots here want to downplay it
Is Russia losing any men or military equipment in the SMO?
Red meat waves had less casulties than defenders in 2nd part of ww2
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I see :D
Is she also "actually fighting"?
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Ukrainians aren't killing Ziggers fast enough so Ziggers need to kill themselves
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Now you are safe.
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Is kostantinivka the final boss before Krematorsk and Slovyansk?
Probably is in contact with soldiers more than chugsters who have the "ignore bad news" protocol and post off topic
This vid again lol. A ton of ditched bikes in one spot and no bodies = this was likely a successful assault. Geolocate this vid and see who is in control of this spot.
>some of the bikes are still standing upright
>no dead bodies
It's more so to counter the optics of how west sees Russia, and how, in particular Finns, are still thinking of Stalin coming down to smite us with endless meat waves.
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The Epic of Hilhamesh

In the ancient Ukrainian city of Uryuk, lived Hilhamesh, a mighty king known for his womanizing, his daring antics and physical feats. He was a proto-Ukrainian hero second only to Stepan Bandera. Hilhamesh convinced the Aruru Academy of Uryuk to create him a worthy companion. From the clay of the Pontic-Caspian steppe Aruru fashioned him Enkidovko, a wild man with the spirit of Ukrainian Cossacks. When Enkidovko first entered Uryuk, the earth trembled and the Tryzub shone brightly atop Mount Mashyuk. The brothers became inseparable, embarking on quests to reveal the mysteries of ancient Uryuk-Ukraine.

One day, in the grottos of Kamyana Mohyla, Hilhamesh had a vision. The deity Anukiiv revealed to him the Pizza of Immortality hidden beneath the Black Sea accessible only by digging the seabed by hand—this divine pizza promised eternal youth to those who ate it. "We shall journey to claim the Pizza of Immortality!" proclaimed Hilhamesh. With fervor Hilhamesh and Enkidovko set off on their journey facing challenges like the Moskalishtar of Crimea who tragically killed Enkidovko in the intense fighting.

Hilhamesh persisted and discovered the Laundromat of Aratta which could magically cleanse garments but was guarded by Scorpion-men. Hilhamesh vanquished the venomous scorpions capturing the laundry technology. So impressed was Hilhamesh that he declared, "In the spirit of DAI we shall bring this European technology back to Uryuk!" Hilhamesh’s journey culminated in a battle against proto-Sumerian Bolsheviks who wanted to seize the Pizza of Immortality, to nationalize it. But armed with European-infused weapons from the Peremoha Academy of the EU, Hilhamesh defeated them, securing the sacred pizza.

Hilhamesh returned to Uryuk a hero and established the first pizza parlor and laundromat of the pre-Sumerian world. Hilhamesh's reign brought prosperity, feasts, wisdom and cleanliness to the ancient Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini!
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>record high
Russians are literally going extinct just so you know
>whines about off topic
>posts about africa for two days straight
many such cases
This war is WW1 style and Hohols are short of arty shells. Meanwhile, ruskies spam arty/fabs 24/7.

Do the math
This cesspol is about simping for puccia being stronk, and that included wagner group activities in Ukraine and Africa before it got dissolved and comrades received orders from the kremlin to never talk about them ever again
>They just use a bigger FAB...
Russian bunker busters are unironically superior to western.
But going for the 6700lbs glide bomb is ofc also a nice touch ;)
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Oh no no no ziggerbros what is this
The western hohols are outbreeding our (((russian))) inferior cuck genetics
It's Krasnogorovka and Ughledar. Hohols have nothing after those.
>Comfy Happening in Ukraine General
>but but but Africa
Incredible faggotry, really
Their government made it illegal to film cemeteries
>Nooooo you can show hohol losses
>Or the goyim will be demoralised!
>We never had wagner group logos in the OP
>We never talked about them taking control of africa
>We never talked about bakhmut and soledar
>We never posted hedgeslammer memes
You memoryhole things very fast tovarish
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my ancestors sucked cock tier post lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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bike bros with brain scorcher cart keep on winning
>fire power
>man power
Both stuff were Russia is far ahead of hohols. Even Sirsky in his last interview say Russian fire power only grow with time.
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>6 million Ukrainian refugees to the EU
It's a lot more than that
>under daylight and night-time conditions
Ah, finally a true wunderwaffen
Kinda like when they cope with the 3days fakery. Outing themselves has nafo members.
It seems they aren't turning the tide fast enough either. Those F-16s better show up soon
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What's this? was Milley behind ria novosti celebrating too early?
>“We can say without a drop of exaggeration, that Vladimir Putin took upon himself a historic responsibility, by deciding not to leave the resolution of the Ukrainian question to future generations.”
>“the complex of a divided nation and a complex of national humiliation, when the Russian House began to lose part of its foundation (the Kievan one) and then was forced to reconcile itself to the existence of two states of not one but two peoples.
>“Now this problem no longer exists: Ukraine has returned to Russia. This doesn’t mean that its statehood will be liquidated but it will be re-structured, re-established and returned to its natural condition as part of the Russian world
>Is kostantinivka the final boss before Krematorsk and Slovyansk?
They're all in a line close to one another. It'll be like dominoes, konstantinivka falls - they all fall
The F-16s aren't going to do jack shit
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So retarded it deserved to be saved
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Maybe in 2025
Did american janny tranny go to sleep? Last time I checked he was deleting posts left and right. Did he ACK!d like his discord friends?
I know kek
lmao fag-16s will never fly in hrukraine
starting to think the shilltroon might be actually Julian lmao
Julian? The guy from trucker boys or whatever?
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Yes, naturally. Fortunately they're doing more than 5:1 K/D ratio. Unfortunately nobody really knows how many hohols cease to exist when FAB joins a command center.
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julian has a new haircut and no time for silly loser forums
"Jihadi" Julian Röpke (or however the fuck his name's spelled)
Why doesnt nato just give ukies f35s instead of f16s?
Wouldnt it make more sense they have pilot programs built up and it is more stealthy.

Wouldnt the effort make more sense with f35?
Not only are they too little too late, the F-16 in general is nothing special. It's a multirole jet comparable to the MiG-29, but people are making it out to be some king of A2A combat and how they're going to bring the entire RuAF down in one single swoop, just like the abrams and the Leopards were supposed to.
If the ukraine received F15s then sure okay, those are going to wreck shit.
Has science gone too far?
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Because of this faggot that sucks cocks and is probably blackmailed by FSB
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>Ah, finally a true wunderwaffen
Probably 90% or more of the FPVs so far have been daytime only, and they still turned out to be a wonderwaffle.
Just saying.
When the bomb was designed, day and night time capabilities were not to be taken for granted in A2G role.

Just consider how recent of an addition the default IRST is on multirole jets, meaning that for ground attack roles they needed a separate pod with thermal camera to be efficient for any thing other than bombing targets with known coordinates with no GPS jamming.
Ie, no laser designation, no targeting of vehicles etc.
The F16s Ukraine is getting for instance don't have day/night capability in anything other than BVR fights. Unless they have an external pod etc.
What the fuck is wrong with slavs
Go make more children
You worthless bums

Your ancestors didn't die in their millions for country, family and tribe, over hundreds upon hundreds of years, just for you to fap and shit post on pol
Go find a hot wife and make babies

At least in Germany we have the excuse that we were crushed twice, occupied and brainwashed to hate ourselves.

The Russian Federation for the first time took three submarines that are carriers of kalibr cruise missiles into the sea at once - a spokesman for the ua Navy.
People dont any dignity these days
Just fucking shave it already
The F35 is a piece of crap the Yankees and NAFO are still trying to sell to their vassals. Which means the F16s need to be junked for it before people realize a squad of F16s are more useful and a lot cheaper for air defence than a squad of F35s.
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They provide a glimmer of hope for the "to the last Ukrainian" crowd, an excuse to keep on killing their men. Any day now the F16s are going to swoop down and win the war, just have to hold on.
I'm glad the Ukrainians are so willing to keep on fighting. It's within Russia's interest that Ukraine is defeated on the battlefield rather than some negotiated settlement is reached that hands the majority of Ukraine to NATO
Okay, it just sounded funny to me. If you got the coordinates I don't see why you wouldn't be able to drop the bomb during night-time
I can recover his ip with this image kek
The manic screaming of these increasingly desperate faggots surely is something to behold
How I would end the war
>stop all funding to Ukraine until they negotiate
>Ukraine recognises Donbass and Crimea and non-ukrainian
>EU and US stop sanctions and begin normal world trade again
>all Ukrainian women world wide are returned to Ukraine and placed in a 6 year breeding only programme to fix the losses of men
>Russian language is taught in every school in Ukraine again
>all baltic countries and Finland are immediately demilitarised but stay as a member of NATO
>NATO can take in no more new members

This would leave to lasting peace in my opinion
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>HATO didn’t let Ukraine win
>we were stabbed in the back
so it's the same retard
israel used f-35's to strike yemen, meanwhile i have yet to see footage of su-57 ever being used, might be as real as the armata tank
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that impossible
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>Wouldnt the effort make more sense with f35?
LRIPs are getting scrapped anyway, so why not?
There should be about 70 or so F35s that are about to be scrapped and have chronic low and unfixable FMC rate (if someone has that report we can get the exact number).
So parts of the system doesn't work fully (usually can't do max thrust or the IRST system doesn't give full coverage etc).
It's still enough to fly, use data links, fire missiles and enjoy the "stealth superiority" they theoretically possess.

But it will be a PR nightmare when they start dropping or when Mykolas land them in Rostov and Putin has a squadron of them flying in the victory parade.
Possibly crashing them on purpose during MAKS 2025.
Good morning
I love anime and I hate the West
it's on vatnik's best interests the diversity hire with a vagina wins the presidency
Good morning anime loving, west hating Finland anon sir
Pro-russian commies just stole the election in venezuela
Few more hundreds years and 1.3m chechens will overpopulate 120m slavs in Russia.
(assuming another rebelion wont happen and everyone wont die)
Take that Putler
They are trying to bend reality to their will like fucking elder scrolls lol
Morning anon.
>The first line of Ukrainian Armed Forces fortifications in the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration area has been completely lost - Alaudinov
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>Biden was winning all along
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About that...
Most are, but I pride myself in the fact that I'm a based retart.
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Hallo fran
What a retard polack. That some phone poster fail. Shill love to dox themselves !
>Yeah well I live here and I happen to know my fellow countrymen are leftist imbeciles, who opposed the US one day and suddenly America/NATO/globohomo is the best thing ever.
I can confirm this. The change was very sudden, so it was funny. However, before the little kerfluffle in the kikeraine, we already had absorbed the jewish-american nigger worshipping culture almost wholly.
So what are they going to do when Russian A2A missiles have like 200+ km range
repost selfdox
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Hello, fren. I want an anime gf like this.
>M Model 742
i want a anime car like that.
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I wonder why there's no Pro-Russia Finns publicly showing their stance

>Captcha RYSNH
>At the current path of advance of the russian forces, they will be in Kiev in 2 years, so less than 2 winters at current path, sooo...
Eh, Ukraine won't be able to survive this winter. Here's hoping they get some electricity and somehow keep fighting, that's the only way Russia gets closer and closer to Odessa and finally liberates Pridnestrovia
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I hear Putin is going to make it so.
>Last time reposting this so screencap or w/e
ty anon, that's a super clip, chasov yar is broken.
Another fine reason to oppose the kikeraine and support Russia. Kikeraine is jewish so they want to destroy cute anime and replace it with nigger trannies.
Moral support.
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I like asses.
Go make children you useless faggot, unless you genuinely want russia to die.
>ust consider how recent of an addition the default IRST is on multirole jets
which are the western jets with IRST?
Fin poster inspector is here, post your Pukka sizes
some ip from poland
So many Finns rn.
Where's food gore?
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Arrested for openly supporting Russia by posting food gore
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This is why NAFO is seething as of late. At this rate the Russian Army will enter Pokrovsk by the end of the year. Pic shows the gains around Avdeevka this year alone and it's already outdated btw.
Ahahaha, fucking retarded shit. My sides. xDDD
Is this the Pooplish brain on copium?
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>t. vasentunut globohomoilija
If you're anti-russia, you should vote for the SML like that one other finn you're obsessed about.
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an then theres me
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I olny know of Typhoons. But probably others jets. It's not a very impressive missile so far.
>we don't want to cooperate with america!
>we just want to cooperate with american puppets!
Man, democracy is a scam.
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I only have normal food
15% muslims in russia the million chechens are your smallest problem
>The fact Russia is so slow in offense is because of how risk averse the Russians are.
Exactly. Because the two scarce resources Russia doesn't have in near-infinite abundance and can't get via trade are
a) manpower
b) popular support
Russia does have ample amounts of
i) time
ii) money
iii) energy
iv) factory capacity
v) raw materials
vi) a UNSC veto
And that's why they're conserving the former set and are totally happy to lean on the latter set.
He meant IRST as in Infrared Search and Track, not the missile IRIS-T
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It look pretty bad for ukraine, the collapse of the frontline is still going on.
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I don't have any food gore stored, sry
Their cope is, I shit you not is that Russia is losing soldiers in a 10:1 ratio. We're literally back to 2022 copes and we've gone full-circle.
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Preparing new webm for us.
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Speaking of food, it's bake time.
>Putin congratulated Maduro on his re-election as President of Venezuela
That election was so clearly stolen
What do you reckon the largest problem is?
Thank you for your service, finnbaker. I bet /uhg/ is seething about that. It's a good thing. I want them to seethe.
Idk why aynone expected anyone but Maduro to win
Unlike Von Der Lyon's
cry more wu cuck
All modern jets except the F-22 lmao
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It's the same thing everywhere in the world. The only solution is to ban contraception and abortion.
I hope they don't steal the US elections this year, like they did with Biden in 2020.
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NEW BREAD >>476065997
NEW BREAD >>476065997
NEW BREAD >>476065997
NEW BREAD >>476065997
The youth emigrating to the west in combination with low-birthrates, mental health problems, domestic violence are some big ones
All of that became worse because of the war
Watch what he says about everybody else.
>I olny know of Typhoons. But probably others jets
Oh turns out F-35 IIs also have IRST and so do Gripens
1 - a TV anchor is not representative of country's power
2 - She mention a "hot war" which is definitively NOT what the Ukrainian conflict if for Russia. They haven't really started something serious YET !

How about you do it faggot, oh wait your nation and its people are full of cucks

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