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Previous: >>476059130
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>HIM/HERS destroyed near village Novotroitskoe
>23 min archived footage of hohols during 2023 counteroffensive
https://files.catbox.moe/doi1mr.mp4 (part1)
https://files.catbox.moe/43avdx.mp4 (part2)
https://files.catbox.moe/7arteo.mp4 (part3)
>Hohol with some deep thoughts
>FAB in Gulyaypole and 2nd fab for evacuation group
>Helicopter Kino
>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>AT mine guy is back

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Welcome to your bread, please enjoy your stay.
Didn't get digits in any single post but look at how they all end in a 7. Basically quads!
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Wagners got ambushed in Mali and the admin of Zigger telegram Grey Zone was killed. The captured Wagner soldiers are to be sent to Ukraine.
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what did the russian duma deputy mean by this?
Thank you.
Death to the West.
It has been prophecised now.
28 years of work in 1 year, some soviet spirit right there






thanks for bread
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Hohol shill
Looks like the tide is turning for sure, soon we'll see it on the map of Ukraine
You can vote yourself in but not out of communism
Fair elections just like the USA 2020.
I haven't been in chug in while and its finnish rye bread bake? Blessed.
Just rusky mir things
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So the biggest current nafo achievements are meme cooperation with Mali al qaeda and quote of random retard on russian tv.

Thats some serious support for Ukraine right there, stoping all advances to Pokrosvk, New York and Chasov Yar
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Come on in. Welcome.
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/chug/ has a serious finnish infestation problem
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You can't vote for anything, fucko. It's not a thing.
I don't know, usually it's the side who are advancing who are the strongest
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The Epic of Hilhamesh

In the ancient Ukrainian city of Uryuk, lived Hilhamesh, a mighty king known for his womanizing, his daring antics and physical feats. He was a proto-Ukrainian hero second only to Stepan Bandera. Hilhamesh convinced the Aruru Academy of Uryuk to create him a worthy companion. From the clay of the Pontic-Caspian steppe Aruru fashioned him Enkidovko, a wild man with the spirit of Ukrainian Cossacks. When Enkidovko first entered Uryuk, the earth trembled and the Tryzub shone brightly atop Mount Mashyuk. The brothers became inseparable, embarking on quests to reveal the mysteries of ancient Uryuk-Ukraine.

One day, in the grottos of Kamyana Mohyla, Hilhamesh had a vision. The deity Anukiiv revealed to him the Pizza of Immortality hidden beneath the Black Sea accessible only by digging the seabed by hand—this divine pizza promised eternal youth to those who ate it. "We shall journey to claim the Pizza of Immortality!" proclaimed Hilhamesh. With fervor Hilhamesh and Enkidovko set off on their journey facing challenges like the Moskalishtar of Crimea who tragically killed Enkidovko in the intense fighting.

Hilhamesh persisted and discovered the Laundromat of Aratta which could magically cleanse garments but was guarded by Scorpion-men. Hilhamesh vanquished the venomous scorpions capturing the laundry technology. So impressed was Hilhamesh that he declared, "In the spirit of DAI we shall bring this European technology back to Uryuk!" Hilhamesh’s journey culminated in a battle against proto-Sumerian Bolsheviks who wanted to seize the Pizza of Immortality, to nationalize it. But armed with European-infused weapons from the Peremoha Academy of the EU, Hilhamesh defeated them, securing the sacred pizza.

Hilhamesh returned to Uryuk a hero and established the first pizza parlor and laundromat of the pre-Sumerian world. Hilhamesh's reign brought prosperity, feasts, wisdom and cleanliness to the ancient Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini
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>Da we might have been completely humiliated and look weak in Africa
>But at least we are taking another irrelevant settlement in Ukraine comrades
That's what EU induced economic downturn does to mfs
kiitos kuningas!
I love you too! Congratulations no breaching Chasiv Yarrrr frontline!
>completely humiliated and look weak in Africa
America and France...
>Settlement is irrelevant
>Here is relevant text picture of random retard no one knows from telegram
the fact you guys are STILL discussing and hyping up the imminent collapse of the village of new york after 2 years is pretty astonishing. imagine if in ww2 germany was bragging about taking an unknown village for 2 years before finally getting it after its flattened and losing 10s of thousands of people trying to capture it the entire time.
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Name one occasion where they got massacred like this in Africa losing 80 soldiers
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why did the jeet of jedlizcze post his ip yesterday
Does anyone have an updated filter list for 4chan X pls
ukraine switched to a defense in depth strategy after changing commanders. they'll stay and rack up as many enemy losses as possible before moving back to a new line. the same strategy russia used when they gave up izium, lyman and kherson etc. except russia is having a much harder time taking new york than ukraine had taking any of those actual cities.
Imagine allies would say they will beat Hitler and then sit and do nothing saying that germans are invaiding Britain way too slow
They ran with tails between their legs.
>coming from the Crimea in 2 days side
nigger nigger nigger

jeets are a waste of oxygen, that's why
They will return after fagners are killed and beg the HATO to rescue them because their own goverment doesn't care about them
that's some great cope, the ukraine will keep winning all the way to kiev

Kaijuu huuti, kaijuu huuti, kaijuu huuti. Tässä ollan. Tässä uutiset.

Kaijuu uuta. Kaijuu uuta anta. Kaijuu uutiset anta.

Kaijuu uuten mene.
Status of gloves? Red lines crossed? Any new nook threats?
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>Ukrainian athletes in Paris will be required to wear electronic bracelets to prevent escape attempts.
>All Ukrainian athletes competing at the Olympic Games in Paris will be obliged to wear personal GPS trackers on their legs. This should prevent an escape attempt, the Ukrainian Ministry of Sport said.
>“A forced measure that will eliminate the risk of non-return of our athletes,” - the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Vadim Gutzeit
it's over for ua sporty bros
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You say that but then a post by a finnish flag with a garloid pizza appears. Around finns never relax.
>They will return
No they won't. Same with Afghanistan and Yemen. You get buck broken and kicked out permanently.
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Holy shit I hope it's real
Hyväinen aika. Hyväinen aika

E on rikki mennyt.
Laske Emc^2 on rikki mennyt.
Laskelma on rikki mennyt.

E on valmis. Se pitää vain panna oikein.
Ämmä käänetän kaiken puolen, sinä on se laskelma.
Vanha ÄMMÄ on ÄWWÄ.

E on kolme kans kuin käntä sen.[3]

W pitää laske alas mitä se on. Sinä on summa mitä lämpö on.
Lämpö sinä lasketaan.

W= 2/Lämpötila*2(1/2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10)
Lämpötila on yksi kerta kaksi kerta kolme jakaa kaksi joka on yhteen menny.
(1*2*3)/1 Mikä on kaksi mikä on yksi.

Laskelma on sinä. Se ottetaan vain pois summasta.
Sinä se rikki laskelma on.

Unohtanut poista summan laskelmasta.

Vanha ämmä unohdettu.
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>defense in depth
Holding ground at any cost, sending reinforcements into salients until your troops disobeys order and flee is NOT defense in depth kek
>rack up enemy losses
Thoughts on picrel? Haven't they "racked up" enough enemy losses for some territory liberation soon?
Please be real.
food gore finn is kino though he once almost made me throw up.
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Why are you arguing with a memeflag shill?
Kahden laskelma.
Toinen laskelma.



Kolmas laskelma

12345678910-12345 summa kaksikolmeneljävisi-yhdeenkahden.
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It's yvir
>Ukrainian Olympic athletes are free, you just scoop them up with nets.
they're training troops and causing massive russian losses for small gains. this will drag on until russia stops advancing OR ukraine decides the new troops are ready. have you seen the video of the chinese zigger talking about it? when fighting in a city, new ziggers last 8-10 hours before dying.
>harder time taking new york than ukraine had taking any of those actual cities.
That's because Ukraine ISN'T doing defense in depth you fucking retard
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Any good news other than hyhyls keeps dying?
>they're training troops and causing massive russian losses for small gains
No they aren't.
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Comfy. Frieren knows the solution to the Hohol question.
Will 2026 Krematorsk and Slovyansk season finale be a double Bakhmut mania special episode?
In my country it is a thing
But russian zoomer never experienced a day of democracy in their life and thats crazy
name one occasion when US/French troops actually left the base
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Same old same old
just filter memeflags and you are good
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Rumors about new "TUNNEL" to Chasov Yar
Dr. Yuri Shilov has found Atlantis in Ukraine.
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>In my country it is a thing
No it's not. Did you vote for legions of Turks and Arabs? No. You got them anyway.

>russian zoomer never experienced a day of democracy in their life
Their parents experienced it in the 90s. It destroyed them like it did you.

I envy the Russian zoomer.
Why would they if they have drones and care about their soldiers not getting killed like rats
imagine being this retarded.
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>OR ukraine decides the new troops are ready
Just like last year summer counter memesive, right?
you're saying russia hasn't been bringing stuff out of storage or replenishing lost men? do you think those t-62s were part of russia's active army before this?
Imagine believing in Hilhamesh and Ukrainian Aratta.

Its looks like you dont know the neo country wide gulag you are rooting for.

There are also like 5-10 reports like that about ukrainean sportsmen and football players
yes they are. it doesn't look like it because russia's offense is complete garbage. instead of overwhelming a defense, day after day they send the same retarded 'storm z' assaults of a handful of tanks and armored vehicles that get slaughtered before they make it across a field. i was poking fun at russia's version of it though where they turned tail and ran out of kherson, izium, lyman and numerous villages only to now be faced with the task of somehow retaking them, hopefully without having to flatten them like they had to do in bakhmut kek.
ok i tried to find sources outside of 2ch, not sure how legit they are
chances that this is bs is high
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Shills will be even more agitated now.
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>training troops
...at the frontline. All of what you wrote is just cope for Ukraine losing ground to a stronger Russian army. They didn't succeed with their counteroffensyiiv last year, what makes you think they will succeed with the next one, starting from worse position and barely any new equipment coming in. When was the last time they were promised new tanks or IFVs? What is coming in now doesn't even cover last years losses. Add on that the losses of exprienced troops. No, there aren't any large scale offensyiiv that will steamroll Russian forces all the way to Crimea coming up and at some point you will have to realize this. You will go on coping like this until it becomes to hard abd then you will stop coming here, stop reading news about the conflict. That is what is going to happen. This won't stop, it will only get worse until Ukraine is forced to negotiate a settlement
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where are the bracelets? do you even remember telling that lie or is your nigger tier brain already mixed up?
>contrarian loser
pathetic & sad
All the boys were bought out. Mali
Don't ask those things
tanks last week iirc.
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>They didn't succeed with their counteroffensyiiv last year
>where is counter-offensive :DDD
what do you call them retaking hostomel, chernihiv, chernobyl, sumi, izium, lyman and kherson?
Do you have a source? I need to share.
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>shills now resorting to replying to eachother
Its all so tiresome
Beep beep. How many brand new tanks are Ukraine fielding every months? Step out of your echochamber ffs
A dictator like Zelensky would never do such a thing, it can't be true
That's not what contrarian means...
Russian onion

>huge peremoga storm
>didn’t even happen in 404
What did they mean by this?
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Oh so pretending you going to championship or performance just to get the fuck away from Ukraine and never return is alright.

Yeah people are not trying to run away and bracelets cant happen.

Apologise for being retarded and you can go
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Majority of them are hohols in Finland though
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I'm not being a contrarian. Your island got scammed with AUKUS. Did you vote for that? No you didn't. You got scammed anyway because you're a Subimperial power and you dance to the tune of AIJAC.

My country is in NATO. Did we vote for it? No. We got scammed anyway because americans installed a criminal puppet as our leader. We didn't vote for him. But we got him anyway. Because they flay people who oppose him and post videos of it on Facebook. Once caught they get extracted by the EU and flee to Europe.

Democracy is not a thing.
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Vatnik sisters? You said everything was fine? Hello?
Onion is satire news if you didnt know. Sometimes ahead of the news but still. Especially that tg channel
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Moshi moshi. There is always at least one shill here. They are part of the /chug/ inventory.
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Nuh-uh. It's just too warm and bright for us to go outside
Raped any Okinawans recently?
>these 20 tanks that will get destroyed day 1 by drones will surely turn things around!
if russia was has such a numerical advantage where are the results? what happened to the kherson offensive? and whys russia now sending t-55s? kek
Yes, 14 of them and it's the first time since counteroink. That's exactly what I'm saying, it doesn't even make up for the Leopards they lost past year
European NATO member states may withdraw support for Ukraine if Trump wins the US presidential election, Politico
literal ukrainiggers just liberated Malynivske from Wagner 2 year illegal occupation
still waiting for the tracking bracelet article since thats what i was replying to :3
They'll just redirect their printed shekels to Taiwan and Israel. Hohols are lost.
>As Ukraine makes its debut in the Paris Olympics on Wednesday, London honours the country's 487 sportsmen and women who were killed in the Russian invasion.
that's sad
>owning Trump by… withdrawing support for Ukraine
How is that supposed to work?
you are a vpn nigger and not an organic jap anyways
Total hohol death! The ukraine must be impregnated!
It's an honest to God zogbot Mexican.
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Shill Status?
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>Trump will save us metodichka
surely this can't be them trying to scare people into voting for kamala. they'd never do that :o
Nigger that's 2 years ago. Can't believe you are still coping with this. What victories since then? And thise withdrawals weren't the military victories you are making them out to be and that was proven last year
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This picture enrages NAFO.
>if Trump wins the US presidential election
Isn't the swarthy bitch demolishing him across the board in polls?
No amount of drugs will motivate the piggies to do another offensive. They will not go full speed towards the russians in their invincible western wonderweapons again.
They know they are fucked and the number of retarded ultranationalists is dropping fast. It is yvir.
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>Kamala will save NATO
UN flag is afraid Trump will pump and dump him kek
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>they turned tail and ran out of kherson, izium, lyman and numerous villages only to now be faced with the task of somehow retaking them, hopefully without having to flatten them like they had to do in bakhmut
So you agree? You think Russia is advancing all along the front?
>where are the results?
This is how it is looking every fucking day and it has been going on for 6 months now. Ukraine is retreating literally everyday
Not really. Need to win in key states, not total votes.
Ackchually, Budenuk status?
Whe isant he at the helm?
Was he suicided?
Who's in charge now?
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When the next elections in Ukraine?
While trump is a near senile old fuck hes at least not a woman. nato cant win if its not women making the decisions, men will talk about real things and not just pretend we are winning.
They can't vote a jewish man/puppet that's genociding them out of the office. See the unelected EU officials in general.
>They know they are fucked and the number of retarded ultranationalists *in the Ukraine is dropping fast.
Not really. For over a month now donors were holding additional donations to the Biden campaign off because they weren't pleased with his state. The moment he said he's off they've released all these money so we're under jeet advertisement storm rn
>men will talk about real things and not just pretend we are winning
Bidet, Blinken, Sullivan, Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, Lindsey Graham etc. are men though.
Trump's previous retard assembly of Bolton, Kushner and Pompeo were also incompetent suicidal retards and also men.

Things won't improve. Voting does nothing.
the Ukraine
I sincerely think it'll end up like in Berlin 1945, with the last handful of the regime hidden in a bunker and Russian knocking at the door.

Pic a little bit old, but still valid
Why are you persecuting us so?
Except me and the baker and many other /chug/ regulars who are not western globohomo leftists.
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>shill logic
>13 Wagner Killed in Ambush in Mali
>This will turn the tide of war
Are shill that stupid or just only perveted satistic that some Russians got killed?
Iran had elections
Vuvuzela had elections
Russia had elections
Belarus had elections
Afghanistan had elections
Free and Democratic Ukraine???
We are reaching the levels of clown world that no one thought was possible.
>They know they are fucked and the number of retarded ultranationalists is dropping fast. It is yvir.
based and checked
More active it seems. They got new energy from the Mali peremoga
Le Ukrajina
those panties are too small for that well-shaped yet huge nigger butt.
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>cope cage is the latest wunderwaffen
Produced by the Abraps cope cage designer

>I remember how people were laughing just four months ago, saying that at this rate it would take the Russians 30 years to get to Kiev. At the rate they are currently moving east of Pokrovsk, it would only take them two years. In theory, of course.

>Because now the old argument is being used again: "Russia will have run out of soldiers by then". I think that's completely unrealistic. Russia is currently losing a maximum of 50 men per day/kilometer (+ 50 to 100 WIA) on the Pokrovsk axis. That would be(!) 38,000 by Kiev.

it's yvir
The frontline is collapsing. They want to distract people.
show flag trannie
>perveted satistic that some Russians got killed?
If you have been following the ukraine logic for a while you know the answer. Anything bad happens to Russia or any russian = peremoga.
No electricity or elections or you are drafted off the street and shipped to Krynky = za sho.
>Russia will run out of supplies in 3 days
>Russia will run out of supplies in 2 weeks
>Russia isn't running out, but at least they can't capture Mariupol
>Mariupol will be liberated
>We didn't need Mariupol anyway
>Soledar will hold out forever
>Soledar will be liberated
>We didn't need Soledar anyway
>Bakhmut will hold out forever
>Bakhmut will be liberated
>We didn't need Bakhmut anyway
>We will liberate Crimea by Christmas 2022
>We will liberate Crimea by Spring 2023
>We will liberate Crimea by Summer 2023
>We didn't need Crimea anyway
>We didn't reach Crimea, but we will at least liberate Melitopol
>We didn't liberate Melitopol, but at least we will breech all three Surovikin lines
>We will breach 2 of the Surovikin lines
>We will breach 1 of the Surovikin lines
>We will at the very least reach the first of the Surovikin lines
>Floundering in the Gray Zone before reaching even the first Surovikin line was the plan all along
>The counteroffensive was actually just a feint
>Someone leaked the plans of our counteroffensive
>Our Counteroffensive failed, but the war is now a stalemate
>Avdiivka will hold out forever
>We will liberate Avdiivka
>We didn't need Avdiivka anyway
>Ok, the war is not a stalemate but at least we haven't stooped to the low of cheering Islamic terrorists murdering civilians
>Chasov Yar will hold out forever
>Russian gains in Chasov Yar "not maximally critical"
>Russian gains in Toretsk area "not maximally critical"
>Russian gains towards Pokrovsk "not maximally critical"
>Ok, Russia is winning big time but islamic terrorists in Mali will hold out forever
>Chasov Yar will be liberated
>Toretsk will be liberated
>Pokrovsk will be liberated
>We didn't need the Donbass anyway
>Kharkov will hold out forever
>Russians won't be able to cross the Dnieper
>Kherson, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Lyvov, etc. will hold out forever
>Okay, we lost all of our territory, but we still have a government in exile in Zelenskyy's mansion in Israel
I thought Russians are orcs dying by millions in the oinkrayn but somehow a few being killed emmediately started another pyrymyha like "see they can be killed they are not gods reeeeeeee"
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Nah, Zelensky and his gang will be out long before then. They'll be in their villas in Palm Beach and Tel Aviv by the time Russia makes it to Keev. The people will have to fend for themselves as his cronies enjoy life with their ill-gotten gains. No refunds!
Feels good to filter certain flags.
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have you already forgot the shark incident? those fags are as soulless as desperate
>Kiev symphony orchestra refuses to return to Ukraine
These guys are going to get volunteered and then Ukraine too have militant musicians.
Their fight with Wagner will be legendary.
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Is this Bradley?
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Have any Frieren in glasses
please give me something?
Nah, we will hunt them down anywhere. The world is small. Will be fun.
wait a sec! 38k until Kiev. Hohol intelligence says it's 570k already.

WTF?! They are bombing the real New York actually?
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Mistä teitä kotiryssiä sikiää? Liekköhän osaatte ees puhua suomea :D

Himars was destroyed by Iskander in Novotroitske. not sure if Kherson or DPR
Ja kommarilla tun-tei-siin!
WÖÖ :D :D :D
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Only with a single wooden glass
Ukraine is gonna be like Berlin 1945 at this point by the time war is done. It already is. Young people indulging feverishly in nightlife, while others die in their thousands at the front, which gets nearer with each passing day. Electricity cuts and blackouts due to constant bombardment.
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left can't meme
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With Utkin gone the unit was just a shell of its former self anyway, they would've died because of incompetent command sooner or later. This destroyed dispatch was solely specialists too, alas such is the life of a soldier of fortune
Ootko retardi? Kommarithan ne just rakastaa ryssää xD ululluluuu mee töihin plösö neckbeard luuseri
Good evening, /chug/, hohols lost another Mi-8 today. But that doesn't explain such activity of shills.
Did Russia broke another hohol line of defence?

Wagner lost big in Mali
>ryömii lankaan
>ei pidä näkemästään
Oot sää omituinen otus kyllä
France was probably behind this. No way a bunch of hohols made it to the middle of Africa without their help. They don't like that Russia's been winning over their neocolonial empire. French soldiers killing Russian ones directly would've been too inflammatory.
Älä mylvi, vaan katsotaan asiaa loogisesti.
Sä kannatat länttä ja kaikkea mitä se edustaa, eli valkoisten vaihtamista nekruihin, homoilua ja vasemmistolaisuutta. Länsi on kato nykyään just tota ja paljon kommunistisempi kuin Venäjä.

Lisää nekruja Suomeen (EU:sta tai muualta): Kyllä/Ei?
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I need to work so probably can't bake the next one.
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Fab-3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region
I will message both the /chug/ discord and IRC channel.
Eh... Die like a Warrior is to live forever.

Hohols will never understand this concept
ill do it
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>Nah, Zelensky and his gang will be out long before then.

It's too late for him he went way too far to be salvaged, even by US.

I mean, it's not longer Ukraine which will have to negociate its reddition, it's the US and EU (especially Germany) , not that they want but because they will be forced by situation on the ground (do they want nuke missile launcher at the border with Poland ???)

Russia will not accept Zelensky to retire in Miami (it's more probable than Tel Aviv as in reality Israel is fucked in a 2-5 years timeframe). And to avoid being forced to deliver him to Russian, they will kill him instead.

This guy is a zombie. He is already dead even if he's not yet aware of.
get a remote wagecuck role so you can shitpost on the job
Well I am WFH but I need to take a one-on-one training meeting
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are those guys okay?
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will they invade or do a color revolution to "protect democracy"?
Venezuelans are retarded, you cant take out a dictator with >elections
Unless the army is with the people like ut happened here in Argentina in the past or Bolivia
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Good morning Joe Nigquandrius Gonzalez
forgot to add: pic related - you are never allowed to rest for a long time when you are a US tool:
what will be russia's next war after ukraine?
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>Okay, we lost all of our territory, but we still have a government in exile in Zelenskyy's mansion in Israel
Civil war
Hohol kike is concerned kek
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same with voting for the jew
Hunting hohols across the globe.
But will shall fight for our LGBTQQ++ rights! That's what Finland is about: fag rights, multiculturalism, and public services for them.
Georgia, gogi is acting up, plus they have an Elvish writing system.
Russia don't start wars, it ends it.
You are quite the opposite.
Either a continuation war with what remains or a war/support with one of the deep southernex-soviet states
War with Georgia is unlikely, unless the US decides to hype them into omnicide for some reason
comfy liberation of finland
only war worth fighting..
>It's too late for him he went way too far to be salvaged, even by US.
Politically he's fucked, but he wouldn't be the first oddball failed client leader we've had living his days here in comfortable exile

>in reality Israel is fucked in a 2-5 years timeframe
How is that? I've not been following the situation in the Middle East too closely. Surely if war breaks out with Iran, the US will intervene and the Jews will win
Georgia is pretty good, banning lgbt and foreign agents
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Thank you fren
I totally forgot that, Gogi is now on team Z.
Buy your dildo for Zeleboba
those russian uniforms are dapper as fuck, and then you look at the person wearing it and it's some mongolic peasant who's probably never seen an indoor toilet in his life
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Huh, I seem to distinctly remember some other country innovating in that field a few years back and it having a completely different reaction from all the ""military experts"" there are as well as absolutely different terminology used when describing it. Must've been a fever dream of mine then.
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>China showed another remote-controlled robotic platform with a combat module
>Combat module equipment options: small arms; grenade launcher; launcher for launching mines; manipulator for neutralizing explosives.
>Can work in tandem with a small reconnaissance drone and a robotic dog. It is thrown behind enemy lines using a large UAV. Designed to defeat enemy personnel in open areas.
>looks cool
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Fixing Africa if China doesn't attack Taiwan or Iran doesn't get into ww3
>what will be russia's next war after ukraine?
American-Iran war
Georgia is pretty based. Banning faggots is always based. The funniest thing is that the same foreign agent law that the georgian parliament is making can already be found in the US. Yet now it's bad. Curious...
The attrition phase has almost ended. Ukraine has been brought to a point that they can no longer replace troops at the rate they're losing them. This means that holes start to appear in the front line, that Russia pushes through. What we're seeing is a gradual acceleration.

So, no it won't take two more years to be at Kiev.

Ukraine won't be able to plug holes, but it will be able to conceded land as Russia did, in order to shorten the front line. This will improve the ratio of solders per kilometer of front line, and will halt the Russia progress for a time. But, it also means that Russia can bring the same amount of artillery and air power to bear on a smaller front. Ukraine casualties will increase, so as they fall back and shorten, the time it buys will be less and less.

Ukraine will be forced to surrender long before Kiev is under threat. And Putin's Russia will cuck and allow the conflict to be frozen, ensuring that in another 8 years or so round 2.
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Robotic dogs will revolutionize battlefield logistics, mark my words
>This means that holes start to appear in the front line
They were already sending holes to the front line though
>foreign agent law that the georgian parliament is making can already be found in the US
Does it work on AIPAC?
I think they'd try to increase their influence across the globe and probably fortify Ukraine as a buffer state and strategic point
I hope Trump will just invade, the whole hemisphere is getting shitted up with these Venezuelan migrants. All they do is murder and steal
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Let me know when they start making these for urban combat
Kennedy wanted to redesignate AIPAC as a foreign agent.
Pure coincidence that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald afterwards.
>Destroyed American M2A2 ODS-SA Bradley infantry fighting vehicle in the Pokrovsk direction.
quick put some more DEI women in the tanks!
>she married
Enhän kannata lol millon oon sanonu et kannattaisin.

Vitun ääliö tiesitkö et venäjällä et ees saa puhua paskaa nekruista ilman et joudut vankilaan? Säkö kannatan gulaghomon multikulttuuria? Venäjä tuo 2-3 miljoonaa mamua maahansa JOKA VUOSI. Sama jos suomi tois 75 000-100 000. Ihan vasta venäjä on sopinu viisumivapaudesta useiden afrikkalaimaiden kanssa.

Oot täysin vitun idiootti jos luulet et venäjä on mitenkään trad ja based. Siellä on laitonta puhua paskaa muista etnisyyksistä.
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Release the land whales!
Yep, it's the sign they use to trigger "color revolution"

but they've runned out of steam these days. The last successful "color revolution" was Maidan in 2014 - 10 years ago. Since then they failed almost everyone they've tried.

The only semi success is Miley in Argentina, but I doubt it can hold for long.

>Surely if war breaks out with Iran, the US will intervene and the Jews will win

Long story short: In Israel Hezb and the other are waging an attrition war which degrade their ability to fight. Hezb alone do have more than enough missiles to deplete the entire stock of US and Israeli interceptor, and Israel doesn't have the human resource to do more than bombing indiscriminately from the air.

Plus Houtis that are bankrupting them - they are just a milicia a thousand kilometer away from Tel Aviv.

They are fucked, I mean really. You'll see !
Does anyone have the pics of the hohol getting buried with a happy meal?
>Russia will not accept Zelensky to retire in Miami
My take on this is that it's the other way around. Zelensky in Miami is perfect propaganda that you can milk for decades and focus the anger of Ukrainians in his and his master's direction. "Look, you were just a tool of NATO, US/EU banks, corporations, and politicians. Your relatives are dead, and he and his cronies made money on their deaths.".
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Ukraine already won 20,000 years ago when it defeated Proto-Putin in the Battle of Aratta.
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Russian army is trad and based
Olet siis samaa mieltä esim. SML:n tavoitteiden kanssa? kts: >>476066228

Suomessakin saa tuomion, jos pilkkaa islamia tai muhammedia tai jos sanoo pahaa nekruista. Siinä mielessä mitään eroa ei ole. Hinttareita saa tosin Venäjällä vastustaa, mikä on hyvä juttu.
Onneksi laitettiin se raja nekruilta kiinni, mutta EU:sta niitä tulee silti tänne kymmeniä tuhansia, joten eipä kauheesti auttanut. Koko diskurssi on myös täällä erittäin vasemmistolaistunut: hinureita ja mutiaisia ei saa vastustaa, persut cuckaa joka käänteessä ja kohta on holokaustin kieltäminenkin on kielletty persujen hallituskaudella. Rajalakikin oli kuulemma sama kuin Hitlerin valtaannousu. Oispa muuten ollu.
Mikään ei tietty auta, koska tämä on umpikommari maa ja persut maalataan silti fasisteiksi, vaikka ne on kokoomus-light. Saksassa ja Ranskassa saa linnaa jo pelkästään siitä, että tuo ilmi sen tilastollisen faktan, että jutkut ja sun kommarikaverit vaihtaa valkosia nekruihin, taikka että siellä on valtava nekrujen yliedustus kaikessa rikollisuudessa, ne ei tee töitä ja ylläpitää omia miniyhteiskuntiaan lähiöissään, jonne ei poliisitkaan uskalla mennä. Tää on siis Suomessa koettu hyväksi jutuksi ja sama pitää saada tännekin.
Vihaan länttä ja kaikkea sitä juutalaista paskaa mitä se edustaa.
All enemies of Israel will die, all jews will gather in Israel to celebrate, the messiah will come, third temple will be built and the golden millenia will begin.
I mean, really. You'll see !
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the fuck is this?
by doing push ups they will not lose weight.
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2-3 miljoonaa vaikka koko maassa on alle 60,000? Mitä helvetin amismatikkaa tää on olevinaan?
Juu se on hirveen laitonta puhua nekruista, niinkin laitonta että sille ei ole minkäänmuotoista rangaistusta tai seuraamusta.
Ja suomen nettomaahanmuutto oli viime vuonna 58,000. Luuletko että tämä määrä muka vähenee tulevaisuudessa? EU tuo aina vaan enemmän ja ”paras liittolaisemme” tuo omia solttujaan meidän maille, eli jos venäjä lähtis sotaan meidän kanssa, ne olis vasta toinen vieras sotilasvalta meidän rajojen sisällä
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left can't meme
>Did you fight in the war dad?
>"Yes, I spammed homosexual porn on a echidna breeding board."
wait hold on, you're never going to pass on your genes lol
russia would realistically rest for at least 3 years in that 3 years there will be mass murdering of hohol drone operator families i just know after this war russians would do revenge killing on ukrainian soil and probably also initiate plans in assassinating nafo troons around the world in mass
You wont believe how funny your language sounds when I am trying to read it. Like some pidgeon speak, titikaka kalaka toto popaka rekekekeke.
10 wagner soldiers got killed and nafo tards are having an orgasm, meanwhile chasov yar is about to fall, thousanda of hohols are getting vaporised by FABs daily
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to show everyone even jannies felt sorry how inept you are to defend your hiv ridden country of lesser standards and had to intervene so you wouldnt suicide
also what about it?
Armenia at this point
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In Russia you can be arrested for holding out blank paper because there's a chance you are opposing regime
At least we aren't speaking yiddish or german.
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i think so yea, assuming they have some AI and can pilot themselves a bit
Wagner jobbing on other continent will increase the Holol morale... somehow, chud
In Finland, you get arrested if you hold a sign that says "Opetelkaa uimaan!" and "Scania täräyttää vain hetken, rasismin arvet pysyvät ikuisesti!"
hopefully never, kek
Pretty based, in finland you can get stabbed by a nigger
Ктo o чeм, a пшeк o CПИДe

Этo личнoe, кypвa?
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I still can't believe he roped
wait, yes I can
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can you draw in youir style this after applying Frieren's cloth dissolving potion
Hohol morale is beyond saving there is mile gap between hohol media and dudes that they kidnaped and threw to hold shity as villages in Donbass
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your hiv is showing you doubtbfull origin speciman
No need AI, normal automation of tasks is enough.
LIDAR, stable encrypted (tamper-proof GPS) and you are good to go
"No I am not retarded that's why you have a father and we live in nice villa by the sea and your retarded hohol friends at school don't and they live in favelas on gibs"
To be brutally honest, neither chasov yar, nor hohols, are important.
I wonder why all the pro-Russia Finns don't dare to make public demonstration. It's as if they are afraid to publicly make their stance known. I guess majority of Finns are anti-Russia
It's pretty based. Liberals shouldn't enjoy freedom of speech. They won't give me none, so why I give them any?
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> Already holes
Exactly, that's where we are at.

Ukraine won't be allowed to take the required action, as Russia did when it found itself spread too thin. What Ukraine should do is fall back in a way that significantly reduces the front line that must be maintained. They could drop back to Dnipro and Kharkiv. That would make most of the front a difficult river crossing, and rest a 200km straight line. Ukraine could hold this another two years easily.
I cant fucking wait for another counter offensive IF they can do that again
One mistake and their whole front will collapse
Most of us are very npc and support our own replacement with niggers, yes. You are correct and you are one of the leftists pushing for that replacement.
Because you don't have any political power or support? You are doomed to fight your war anonymously online.
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Ei ole suunnitelmissa alkaa pitelemään mitään A4:sia lähiaikoina, eli ei haittaa minua. Mikä haittaa niin paljon enemmän on joku helvetin pride-paraati kaikkein epämuodostuneita ja ylipainoisia ihmisiä mitä olen suomessa nähnyt marssimassa suoraan mun ikkunan vierestä. Sellaista ei sivistynyt ihminen siedä eikä pitäisi nähdä
How did you move to China? Do they give you chinese cat-wife if you praise Xi?
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yeah russian propaganda agencies love vpns
has to do with their awarness they lied so much no one treats seriously people from their country of origin anymore
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Was actually thinking to myself last year that I would consider /chug/ a failure of a happenings general if we wouldn't make at least one nafo troonie to 41% himself. Glad that's been over and done with and all the expectations can only be exceeded from here.
She was arrested not for a blank sheet of paper, but for a protest not coordinated with the authorities, for this they also arrest in Finland, no one cares what is on paper, the law is the law. Nevertheless, in Russia there are hundreds of times fewer arrests for hate speech and posts on the Internet than in Europe. Russia is a free country.
I guess your stance is just not popular enough and you are too afraid to make your stance public as a small group because you know you will get your teeth kicked in for showing support to Russia in Finland
You are literally indan. You also posted your ip, which is a very indian blunder.
or they just banned him for bullying you
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we've had a few an hero right?
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Этo бyквaльнo гoвнoкoжий индyc из пoльcкoй лaхты, кoтopый cepит в кaждoм тpeдe yжe бoльшe гoдa. Дoлбoeбы, нaхyя вы eгo кopмитe?
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and what are you going to do with this ip reta- ekhem... individual of little intelect?
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anon that was the 24/7 nafo discord tranny that went so far as to sneak his way on the janny team to hijack thread
>bullying others
Lmao, someone post the pic when he was crying about people and HIS OWN family telling him to kys
Did he actually die? That's sad.
Correct. Most of us hate white people either consciously or unconsciously and are furthering the white replacement with niggers either directly or indirectly. It's the former in both cases when you are conserned, but are a leftist western hegemony supporter.
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>Suomessakin saa tuomion, jos pilkkaa islamia tai muhammedia tai jos sanoo pahaa nekruista.

Ei saa. Jos et riko kiihottamisen kansanryhmää vastaan -rikosnimikkeen edellytyksiä niin et saa. Ja jos satut rikkoon, niin saat siitä vaan sakkorsngaistuksen. Venäjällä on käytössä radikaalit viharikoslait (anti-nationalistiset lait), jotka on satoja kertoja kovemmat mitä lännessä on.

>Vihaan länttä ja kaikkea sitä juutalaista paskaa mitä se edustaa.

Venäjällä 20% oligarkeista on juutalaisia jotka hallitsee 30% varoista. Ja siellä asuu ainoastaan 130k juutalaista. Mieti vähän: 0.11% väestöstä hallitsee 30% varallisuutta. Venäjä on pahempi mitä länsi, ja se on ainoastaan enemmän homovastainen. Mitään muuta hyvää sillä ei oo tarjota.
and we're seeing these kinds of robots on the battlefield in the ukraine already, no?
Unironically I DO have a chinese cat-wife.
Long story short: I was living in Montenegro, then met my wife at EDCON and we married. That's how Ive ended up in China
>for this they also arrest in Finland
No they don't. You can demonstrate as you wish. You are expected to inform police of your demonstration and the topic of it so that police can allocate officers to secure your safety if the topic is known to be controversial. If pro-Russia finns wanted to demonstrate and show their support to Russia, police wouldnt prevent it but they would allocate more officers to secure it because the demonstrators will be getting beaten either in the venue or later.
It's sad it didn't happen sooner
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ok but how do you know they just didnt ban him for bullying you too much?
when did you see him last time?
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can you anwser the question mr edgy boy?
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I mean the anarchotroon is just the most glaring probable case. Not sure other shills that's gone from here were quite as out of it to -ACK themselves. While this particular one was with a pretty high degree of confidence.
>et saa tuomiota jos et riko nekrujenpalvontapykälää
Juu. On muuten paska pykälä. Ja muhammedin pilkkaamisesta tulee tuomiota.

>But muh russia!
>Älä katso USA:n jutkuja, goy
Whataboutismia. Länsi ja yhdysvallat ovat antivalkoinen juutalainen hegemonia. En voi sellaista kannattaa, sori siitä.
Good footage with aftermath, in the first videos you didn't really get a sense of how big the explosion is
>bengalipoo changes vpn to reply to himself
Poo in the loo, ranjeet
Not all. Air drones are fast, but lacking capacity, for example.
Tracked would have problems passing difficult terrain.
Legged drones would be extremely good, solving both problems.
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because he ban evaded immediately
dozens of times
I cannot demonstrate for a White-only Finland. That's literally illegal. Also, if I wanted to burn the quran, I couldn't.
>You are expected to inform police of your demonstration and the topic of it so that police can allocate officers to secure your safety if the topic is known to be controversial.
Same in Russia, that why that sorosbot with blank paper was arrested
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Whtas the point of it, saying "Good luck bros" became a bad manner at this point.
They'll only get themselfs in trouble and no one wants that.

For pro russian hohols for example metodichka is:
>send intel
>stay low

Thats how you can actually help
Näytä todisteita.

Koska ne on elämänkoulu kalluja, mutakuonoja ja kommareita, jotka ei kestä päivänvaloa.

Kuulostat just joltain kaappihomolta.
You won't be doing anything because it would require effort from you so all you do is stay online and anonymously type about your fantasies
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>sossuelukat ei kannata sitä joten oot väärässä :))
Ei tietenkään. Suurin osa kansasta ei välitä paskan vertaa asioista joista pitäisi, ja vastustaa asioita joiden seurauksia ei ymmärrä.
Ei tätä minulle tarvitse selittää, tiedän ettei yhdellä miehellä ole mitään vaikutusvaltaa demokraattisessa järjestelmässä. Varsinkaan jos ideat ja suuntaukset ovat radikaaleja nykyiseen status-quohon.
Minä en aio kannattaa mitään EU tai länsikeskeistä politiikkaa, koska se vain sitoo meidät lännen paskoihin itsetuhoisiin päätöksiin. Minä kannatan Suomen neutraliteettia, hyötymistä molemmilta puolilta ja poliittista neutraliteettia
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kek as expected you literall monkey
yeah so he didnt suicide jannies just had to keep him away from you so you wouldnt
happens all the time and probably will happen to me eventually aswell
>they hated Jesus because he told them the truth
Of course. Everyone else is wrong, but you and your minority are right :)
Näin puhuu nekrujen palvoja.

>Näytä todisteita
Mitä todisteita retardi ois vailla? Junes oli kuulusteluissa noista kylteistä, kysy siltä.

I am a man of peace.
You are a man of no spine and no action :)
Correct. Replacing White people with niggers is incorrect if you want to sustain the western civilization with its current level of development.
How is the coffee at Nato CoE?
Previously I was the SuPo officer stalking you
What are you talking about? Meds.
I think you mean "another counter-offensyiv."
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>Juu. On muuten paska pykälä. Ja muhammedin pilkkaamisesta tulee tuomiota.
No eihän tuu. Kokeile vaikka, kirjota blogiposti jossa kritisoit, pilkkaat tai haukut muhamedia ja ilmota ittes poliisille. Poliisi sanoo ettei teko riko mitään lakia 100%.

>Whataboutismia. Länsi ja yhdysvallat ovat antivalkoinen juutalainen hegemonia. En voi sellaista kannattaa, sori siitä

Oot tyhmä ryssä. Sanoin vaan et venäjä on pahemmin pro-zogged mitä länsi. Pelkästään raamatun lukeminen vie venäläisen linnaan koska ne rikkoo venäjän tiukkia anti-semitisti -lakeja.

Kuvittele fanitta an globohomoa, joka on köyhempi, multikulttuurimpi, enemmän juutalaismyönteinen ja paljon korruptoituneempi ihan vaan siks et ne on anti-gay xD huutista pässille.
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>>Ok, the war is not a stalemate but at least we haven't stooped to the low of cheering Islamic terrorists murdering civilians
Right after it should have been
>based muslim terrorists murdering civilians in Crocus
>Mitä todisteita retardi ois vailla? Junes oli kuulusteluissa noista kylteistä, kysy siltä.

Junes ois hakattu kuoliaaksi venäläisessä linnassa tsetsernien toimesta jos toi ois tapahtunu itärajan toisella puolella :D
Ja sä haluat karkottaa Juneksen, koska se sanoi pahast nekruista. Mut siis mitään oikeita rikollisia ei saa karkottaa. Se on rasismia ja varma kuolema.
Huutista :D

>muhammedin pilkkaamisesta ei tuu tuomiota wöö oon retardi
Voi vitun retardi, tilaile niitä oikeuden papereita äläkä puhu asioista joista et tiedä mitään, sönkkö :D
>wöö muh ruzzia on pahemmin zogged
Eipä ollu. Venäjä ei aja väestönvaihtoa Suomessa, sen tekee länsi ja sun kaverit. Ei mua kiinnosta mitä Venäjä tekee, mua kiinnostaa se että länsi ei voita vaan heikentyy, jolloin juutalainen ylivalta katoaa.
>all jews will gather in Israel to celebrate
This is required if six gorlilions must be real this time
Ei oo tällä koneella niitä papereita, mut laitan silti laatumediaa todisteeksi.
Toivottavasti tää laatumedia kelpaa :D
Ebin servattu :D :D :D
Lue se juttu muuten, vaiks voi ollakin liian pitkä.
Totaalinen hoholien ja nafotransujen kuolema.
"public demonstration" What are you pride festival faggot? It would accomplish nothing expect getting you doxxed.

Not that I hide my views irl.
>Himars was destroyed by Iskander
It was M270 propably german MARS 2 wariant...even better shot because it can fire 2 ATCMS or 12 gmlrs

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