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>Tried a charity cart at my house
>Same thing happened
why would you ever go out of your way to do things for random strangers in the first place anyways? that's fucking weird.
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Still think slaves were worth it?
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The white bitch who made this will undoubtedly vote for Kamala in November though.
>be white me
>driving around outside for work
>see charity cooler with free water bottles
>don't take one because I had 3 liters of filtered water without the microplastics with me and I'm not a nigger
It's always funny when an insulated White woman realizes that she doesn't actually live in a first world country anymore.
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Sideshow Bob is a dick.
the fuck is it with mutts and putting shit outside and saying free shit and being surprised when it gets taken
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Shut up idiot.
>get stuff delivered by niggers
>surprised when niggers take the things you handed out for free
shut up clueless mongrels
Why did God create the black man?
It is done under the assumption that actual civilized people will take a small portion of it to satiate its immediate necessity, whether it be thirst or having a snack.
If you take everything not considering what other people that will find it after you, then you're plain and simple a subhuman.
bruh it's america. they know shit is being delivered by niggers. i mean, they expected them to be civilized?
Its the idea that its for 'everyone', kinda like the roads. But you and the niggers think your allowed to park in middle of intersection for some reason.
Niggers even know this, their defense is that they are 'more needy' or 'hurting more'. But really... niggs gonna nig.
The entirety of the west is facing the same issues. Whites will be a minority in your country within a few decades. Enough with these comments about "mutts" as if your nation is somehow different.
hey i put my trolly back (cart for you people). and im white. If niggers and browns delivered my shit, i wouldn't be putting out a trolly full of shit for free and expecting niggers not to take it all. didn't you all learn from Halloween ?
show flag. you might be right, but my country is 80% white, not 50%.
You see, young'n, before your time, the U.S used to be this thing called a high-trust, largely racially homogeneous society, in such a society, things like this were actually quite common. By the time you came around, the U.S had long since been benefiting from shekelstein mcbergenblatt's diversity and multiculturalism.
Niggers ruin everything they touch.
>show flag. you might be right, but my country is 80% white, not 50%.
So what? Mass migration will continue. Demographics will change as the decades pass. There's no place in the west which is immune to this problem. You're an idiot.
>show flag.
Shut the fuck up.
The person who put that cart out is a fucking moron. It was only ever intended to farm feels-good upboats on reddit or tiktok anyway. That zoomienig taught them a less that their fucking parents should have taught them. Good for him.
Yesterday I picked some cotton at the park after a picnic! lol
In a closed and tightly-knit society, there aren't any strangers so you don't have to go out of your way for anything.

Doing that kind of shit in an urban environment is dumb in every country though, no matter the demographics.
and yet, you're the one handing out free snacks and making webms of it for likes
Why didn't that faggot just take the whole cart?
Kindness is a foreign concept to burgers.
I think this is more middle class rich people being out of touch with the labor force than a race thing. In their minds they live in a world where the hired help is just like them, grew up with two parents, were raised right, are paid a living wage, aren't forced to live in slave barracks around deranged violent individuals and crackheads, they just lost the competition or made bad choices etc. In reality this kid was probably raised by the state, his mom had 5 kids from 5 fathers, he was raised by the television and gangster rap before that. He got this job from some kind of state sponsored subsidy and he's impossible to fire because of state mandated HR programs. I'm glad to see their bubble being popped although they probably take the wrong lesson from the experience. Also, fuck whitey he dindu nuffin.
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they're unironically the great filter
There are likely a multitude of similar examples throughout the UK as it's still relatively homogeneous. You are a fool.
>There are likely a multitude of similar examples throughout the UK
then you won't have a problem providing them. will you ?
This actually.
Bro you don't even have to compare it to a developed country like South Korea. No supermarket in my third world shithole country looks like the one on the left.
You must be a recent arrival to the UK if this concept is so foreign to you.
she would be better off voting for Platinum Plan Don
When I was a delivery driver. One specific house that had frequent deliveries did this. Somehow always got the route when I had no food. I always waved and said thank you to the ring camera. Lovely people, they helped me out more than they knew. This guy is just s greedy cunt.
Everyone has their shit, it's always the shiteaters who try and make it everyone else's problem, but the worst part is they even try to get you to cry about it
unless you were around in the 50s, there was almost never a time where this was a common thing in the U.S.
what kind of fucking retard makes a snack cart for delivery drivers. you already paid for the service. you get what you deserve
all this tit had to do was write on the card "you are being recorded" and this wouldnt happen
The only time I see self checkout is in airports (non-budget) and small towns. In cities, forget it. I will never ride a city bus so long as I live. The only people who ride them are black males with no jobs and they ride the bus all day long. Only the dregs of society take the bus, it's sad really, like a punishment from God.
I do doordash and uber eats on the side for cash (surprisingly I'm white, with a high school diploma and clean record--- not a jeet!) and I never take anything, not out of fear of it being dosed with LSD or fentanyl but because I just don't need it...nor do I want to end up on a Tik Tok by accepting it and doing some gay dance or thank you into the camera. I pack my own food and drinks in a lunch box. Gifts like that should be reserved for USPS, FedEx and UPS...Amazon DSP, and Flex are bottom of the barrel niggers and indian pajeets who ruin reputations of decent hard working white drivers. Even Uber and Doordash are impacted because of the low barrier to entry
Ultimately, I think Americans aren't that redpill.
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>pretend to be charitable
>actually doing it for attention
>probably going to get the nig fired
New vance interview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41i_t2b9r2I [Embed]
Vance is very good at hiding the power level, yet still somehow getting out the based talking points.
He's like a boomer whisperer with muh difficult upbringing, he's an expert dog whistler and a troll debater. It's hilarious.
He is about as close as pol will ever get to a mainstream politician because of that dog whistling (other than trump, but that's a singular case). He's so remorseless about lying to advance his agenda, he definitely understands rules for radicals. He doesn't play by the enemies rules. He just keeps pushing the ideas. This is exactly how you play the game.
>give a nig a cookie...
It's something you only see in nigger hives.
My supermarkets don't even bother putting $40 razor cartridge packs in the little locking boxes.
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We all deserve to live in a high trust society.
This is precisely why I go to nature, to avoid this type of behavior.

Next time you go on a hike, “accidentally” drop $5.00 on the ground. Theres a strong possibility on your way back down youll find it sitting in a visible place under a rock near where you dropped it. Thats the type of people who go to nature.
in japan it's ok because people will follow the rule and considerate others but in america it will be broken, of course.
i can drive around the corner and buy fresh eggs from a cooler at the side of the road and just down the street i can buy worms for fishing on my neighbors lawn and go across the bridge to get fresh backed goods from an unmanned stand at the front of a driveway. there are still white people areas if you know where to look
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You can tell this woman is stupid because she started it off as "You're not gonna believe this" rather than "I should have seen this coming".
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>leave free shit outside
>nigger sees and takes all of it
>”why is the world like this?.JPEG”

Women are fucking retarded. Niggers are feral animals that have no impulse control, this why they are so stupid. Never relax and never leave them free shit.
No fucking shit niggers don’t respect others and do this shit. Normies, however, try to give them the benefit of the doubt. They believe everyone is capable of being a good, respectful person. Then it’s shattered by niggers being niggers. That’s the point of these videos. The result is obvious, but not to normies, who are slowly learning.
I couldn't parse what you are trying to say.
Everyone has problems, it's people with problems who try to make it everyone's problem? This really isn't my problem as I'm not an upper middle class white that thinks they can hide from the world in the rich suburbs, cash schlomos paycheques and suffer no consequences for their allegiance. Ahem, fuck whitey.
>retarded opinions about something
this board needs nazi instead of tranny mods to filter your ilk out
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>because I just don't need it.
Yes but you are normal. We are talking about a group of people who are the cross between racial inferiority, being poor as well as poor minded and low IQ. These people could have the whole world's money supply and still steal from you. Nothing short of wiping them off the face of the planet would solve this problem.
We need nigger and spic free zones.
where's the video of the white delivery driver doing this?
Bitch if you wanted people to take one tiny item for some symbolc reasons since it is not going to feed them or help them in general then write you fucking coocoo demands up front Karen
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Sure thing, nigger
Nobody does

Ha! Checked!
A gigantic mutt with a Giga-Afro.
That's the people that call us non-white on pol.
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Mossad forgot to use a vpn
These are the things we could have if it wasn’t for the browns…
Hey man, the gutters are overflowing. Don't be surprised when the shit makes it's way to your doorstep, you're the one taking it. Also fuck you white boi i fuked yo wife in a three way with your mother last night bitches love bbc.
Manitoba? Can't be Ontario anymore
t. same Minnesota
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High-trust, high-serial killers society.
that actually made me laugh too, thank you anon
>whites consider it demeaning

I think I get why your Race were so obsessed with 'class conflict'
Doing this is some serious faggot liberal shit and just asking for it lol. If you want to sell snacks, get a vending machine.
In an ideal society those strangers wouldn't be so much different from you and your family/friends
Here is my problem with what you said; Indian and African American browns are the hardest workers you will meet. They make your country go round in warehouses, distribution centres and every industry. There simply aren't enough whites to drive delivery, whites consider it demeaning and would prefer fast food. Who else would accept a $2 USD base pay, no tip order to ensure the customer receives their order regardless of ability to tip? Someone from the poorer, underprivileged regions of the world. To them the money they earn may be meager but it adds up when doing a lot of orders, they are grateful for that amount to feed their kids. Whites are entitled to tips, but not these guys. People need their food delivered, whether they are drunk and cant drive, high, pregnant, tired, lazy or hungry...its a human right and not enough native white drivers fill this role, this requires more drivers to maximize the best experience for the customer
The empire of Japan’s murder of millions of Chinese was very just.
This is actually why Africa is poor. They can never establish a Commons, their is no shared ownership, it gets looted and abused immediately.
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>Also fuck you white boi i fuked yo wife in a three way with your mother last night bitches love bbc.
Horrible larp or 15 year old nigglet
Civilized people will mostly see it as a token of appreciation and a way to boost trust and strengthen the community.
The gesture is more important than the actual drink/snack, which you probably have in the car anyways.
Taking everything for yourself doesn't just deny the next delivery driver, it breaks the trust.

But yeah it's no surprise: in Africa people will steal fruit from the trees of their neighbors so nobody has fruit trees in their gardens.
Africans invented the zero trust society.
My problem with that is that people would rather have a slave do the job for 2 dollars, berate them for taking free food online then blame it on the color of their skin. The system shouldn't even allow this behavior and it was never intended to, for the people by the people but America has been a failed state of slaver barons larping as Americans since Abraham Lincoln violated the constitution and rendered it void. Whites in this thread acting more jewish than the literal israeli. Also how's Ms. Goldblatt doing she was having trouble walking after our bbc session last night, fuck whitey.
You doubt the veracity of my claim to being a downtrodden negro in this thread?
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In Ukraines peace time I hear there were a lot of serial killers in the quiet high trust villages
lol what the fuck do you expect is going to happen.
no this never existed before anywhere. you know what america had everywhere in the 1950s? vending machines.
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>Look at all that hard cotton picking work!
>Better ship some foreign primitives to my society to save me from this work, what could go wrong?
a nigger just stole my kfc!
classic line said by many im sure
at this point just start dropping your trash off in shitty neighborhoods. literally what are they going to do? at least choke them out with rats and garbage
what the fuck are people ordering so much stuff that you need to do this in the first place
You would look good on fire.
Sorry for faggots acting like this communist take a book leave a book liberal faggot shit ever existed before 2008. It didn't. if you want to make a point about high trust society, make it about something that actually existed in one.
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>You doubt the veracity of my claim to being a downtrodden negro in this thread?
You talk like you're a kid using ChatGPT for assistance.
Are you a nigger?
problem cracka?
very classy japan
It makes liberal white women feel good about themselves, and to them, that's all that matters n their world.
that's the thing, you don't need to be this much of a passive aggressive yuppie and performatively act like the delivery driver for the one thing you ordered off amazon needs charity.
I assure you my skin is blacker than the blackest of night and that you are just jealous at the generous length of my penis and the amount of vaginas it has penetrated in comparison to the amount of vaginas your penis has penetrated.
You're really just proving my point that Americans are rabid dogs larping as people.
That nigger is actually based he's calling that guy a queer poofter faggot communist it's wholesome af
We leave shit out for them & the other drivers. Even better shit at christmas time. You are a faggot. If it is there, let them take however much they want - that is what it is there for, faggot.
This is all good. Get niggers fired so easy
I took a work trip to japan and drove around the east coast with a few coworkers on the first morning of the visit. you have to understand, their beaches are very urban kind of like hawaii. As an american i could not even comprehend how trusting their society is. They have fully automated convenience stores with no employees that are operated with a phone app (that i couldnt use since it had no english). They even had stalls on the pedestrian streets that were unsupervised leading to the beach, maybe they belonged to hotels as rental equipment but it seemed like it worked on the honor system. once again, not japanese.
I have seen these kinds of things in places like montana before, but realistically this next thing would be completely unviable in america. They had food and merchandise in huts on the side of the road like a self serve gas station or fast food shack. In america you maybe see a farm stand on the side of the road but this was like a full honor system, no app, no camera road side shop with no attendant and a small 4-5 car lot to pull over and pick something up. There was a sign in front of each hut that had products and prices listed with a paper to fill out to record your purchase. There was just bowls of yen and paper sitting in the open for anyone to steal. I didnt buy anything because i didnt want to break any rules and again it was all japanese, but i could have easily just pocketed anything i wanted or stolen the money. At least vending machines protect their products, these roadside shacks are just protected by faith.
exactly, so whoever set up this cuck stand obviously voted for this kind of niggery so I don't get why people are so miffed, this is what was going to happen because the reddit lemonade stand is a bad idea.
At least the Arabs had the forethought to castrate theirs.
Okay, that was excessive. He definitely abused the gesture.
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>I assure you my skin is blacker than the blackest of night and that you are just jealous at the generous length of my penis and the amount of vaginas it has penetrated in comparison to the amount of vaginas your penis has penetrated.
Cringe shit, nigger
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Whatever Satan, I don't believe your lies.........But you are correct
the only thing even worth taking here is the beef jerky and if any of the shit in the bottom is regular water. these people are assholes.
Why is is that "outliers" like presumably yourself cannot accept they are different to the rest of their race, and instead try to double down and defend the same niggers that would shoot them for acting too white. Is it because you feel alone? Unfortunately that's just the nature of intelligence.
yes, but we're talking about kike owned slaves here.
That nigger should have just carried the whole cart away. It would have been one trip & he would have not gotten behind on his deliveries. Fucking niggers, ruin everything for normal American black people.
I see that you have imagined my penis and are taken aback at the size of it so much so that you would cringe away from it in despair as to the shape and size of your own. Ahem, defund the police.
It's more complicated than that. As a book with a kike author explained, white guys just didn't last in the new world due to malaria, but niggers were already well used to that shit, so they imported as many bucks as they could for the work.
Never did.
At least you can enjoy the fact that he ate all that trash-tier slop and fucked his health up with it.
It's always nice to see White people doing White people things.
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Anybody notice that niggas be real zesty and shitnlately. It's like, is there something in the water? Shit nigga.
this is the replacement for white americans. i can't stand fro-puff niggers like this they make me sick every time i see them.
Pretty much in verbatim of the jewish mindset
Ironically, the woods is the one place where I'd keep money if I found it. I'd just assume that the owner wasn't coming back. If I found a wallet in a store or something, I'd hand it in.
Ironically the only reason that a black person might be hostile towards whitey is the propaganda they consume painting them as evil irredeemable villains. Whites are so smart they got memed into taking genetic poison and crippling themselves economically in order to combat the seasonal flu.
Our community, parents always made us help the older farmers whose kids moved away to the cities to become liberal faggots. We got fed well, and when we got older they started giving us booze and money and cartons of smokes for the work, even junker vehicles. You just had to return the favours and things were good, when meth came in, destroyed the balance.
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Fake and gay. Moron.
In Toronto the restaurants all have utensils and condiments locked down. Straws, forks, knives - you have to ask - even napkins in a lot of places.
Yet I drove just a couple hours north to Arthur which is old German farming area and the A&W there had a selection of jams, jellies, honey, butters, syrups everything all self serve and it was even where the employees can't see. I got another shock when the Esso gas station allowed me to fill and then go in and pay. I haven't seen a gas station that wasn't pay before you pump in almost a decade.
It's only in places where third world savages meet first world conveniences
why is that town not diverse? it needs more poop.
Nigger dick hangs different, that about it. Ever notice how many fewer niggers are in porn than white men? That is because, on average, nigger dick is shorter erect than white dick. White dick is grower, not shower. Difference in ligament. Nigger dick hangs same size as hard. White dick grows 3 to 4 times the size, retard. Fuck niggers.
>t. does not live in a high trust society
Any nigger who is a grower not a shower has white genes.
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>You just had to return the favors
You were sucking old man farmer dick for meth and *Cleveland brown voice*
>That's nasty
Those self serve ice cream / snack shops are all around Seoul. Self cafes too. Super cozy
Thats right. When they say Diveristy is Our Strength. They're not talking about mine and yours.
paris olympics ceremonies looking wild this year
I'll walk out of a KFC in a nigger area with POISON kfc.
>no matter the demographics
yet "urban," despite being a geographic (not demographic) designator in theory, is in practice euphemism for one demographic in particular, isn't it?
If they tried it again, Canadian poos would gang rape it.
>reddit discovers niggers
Please, tell me more about the size and girth of penis. You seem to have researched penis a great deal.
Wonder what would happen if you asked a liberal what every thief has in common.
>muh socioeconomic factors
before the british germans belgians and portuguese showed up and systematically eradicated the traditional societies this wasn't true. obviously they still had war and whatnot but they had established systems in place

also kenya and uganda have the one of the highest number of cooperatives in the world, iirc like 65% of kenya's GDP comes from co-op businesses
>African American browns are the hardest workers you will meet
This is a lie. I work in food processing and niggers are by far the laziest people I've ever seen. I genuinely thought the stereotypes were just racism, fuck no. One booga black ape I work with takes 3 hour breaks and his shit is never done correctly. I've seen workers of all shades fired for less, Mexican, White, Pacific Islander, doesn't matter. Him? We get treated to teamwork PSAs about how if "someone needs help, we should work like a team." This gorilla sits on break all fucking day with the lack of oversight, nobody does his job for him, then acts like he's struggling and being iced out because it always looks odd when ONE worker is CONSISTENTLY done over time and under satisfactory.
The only reason he doesn't start shit with me is because he knows "tranny" ranks higher for HR and he would be gone the moment he has them talk to me.
Halloween is a litmus test to see if you have nigger blood.
I wish, farming sucks. Moved to Ontario so I could be a faggot like you.
that nigger is clearly a homosexual.

That is pretty common in rural USA
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lol, on Halloween I just put a bowl out with a ton of candy, and by the end of the night I still had some candy left over. There's a webm of a negress dumping a whole bowl of candy into her niglet's bag. I live in a white neighborhood, where even the kids don't act like niggers.
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It's the environment. Currently the earth is closer to the sun, so we get more sunlight and more heat, which is what niggers feed on.
you mean white.
1. That's some garbage food. He should sue.
2. Count it as a part of reparations.
Dumb white whore needs flowers for? Asking donations is not free...just pick flowers from the road

Because the population is so low its probably inbred incest country families that know everyone by name. Thats a compound not a city. That is socialist hell, capitalism is what made in in the EU and US so great and strong
I thought you were trying to make a point but then I saw your memeflag.
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Show us your Star Of Remphan, Benjamin

>leave out free shit
>get mad when people take free shit
Why is anyone surprised?
kek no fucking way you deleted your original post with an Israeli flag >>476039061 only to re-post it with a VPN. You kikes are absolutely disgusting.
Caring more about flags than content is a sign of being retarded.
Not an argument.
>15 ships
>t zoomer or boomer
I can't tell these selfish generations apart online
I don’t even understand this business practice. I’ve got degrees in business and economics and I just can’t see a reality where the total loss from people not wanting to interact with employees to buy their lube and yogurt and just general impulse buys isn’t greater than the cost of N.
Hey Jew, you may have deleted your other post but I still have your ID as Israel regardless of your change to European meme flag 15 min later...

lol you’re right, he’s back with a new flag
Archives are forever shlomo, nice try
You missed my point entirely, you're not as smart as I imagine you could be because you're still getting sucked into the racism, but the point still stands. Why affiliate yourself with niggers? I don't support shit whites. You said all this shit earlier about the poor kid not having access to education, which is bullshit. The nigger hatred comes from their selfish and insane behaviour, they own it, everything else is cope and excuses
Floyd mayweather lookin gay these days
I am a delivery driver for Amazon and I see this often, one woman even keeps a mini fridge outside her porch for cold poweraid and water. you just take a snack and a beverage and say thank you to the ring doorbell. because they are watching so be respectful and thankful.
Kill yourself. Cut your cock off. Hope you crash your car on a delivery and get replaced the next hour
>hand rubbing intensifies
Yeah, I mean, I know it's bad to say this... but at some point you realize niggers are demons. 99/100. If you live around them. Which unfortunately I do. If you live in a white area, the protip is not to brag about it . For real, don't tell anybody. If niggers think you have a moment of peace or an extra dollar in your wallet, they will try and fuck that shit up.
Very true.
'White' shartmericans are a fucking disease, they project a retarded fantasy that never existed and expect everyone else to live by it. If the stupid bitch didn't want delivery drivers to take all her shit she shouldn't have left it on her fucking porch with a note saying it's free to delivery drivers.
>>>476036472 (OP)
that's a lot nicer than warm gatorade and stupid oreos
now people are too lazy to move their eyeballs to read subtitles? i refuse to watch these pozzed zoomoid tiktoks, sorry
>In Toronto the restaurants all have utensils and condiments locked down. Straws, forks, knives - you have to ask - even napkins in a lot of places.
Blame the bylawniggers in city hall; they just ruled they have to be locked down for muh environment, so you MUST ask and request for anything single-use instead of it being available for homeless to steal the whole stack of napkins or whatever

lmao I realized that that was Toronto right away
wtf this is what they were complaining about?
saaaaars the jeets are coming now saaaaaars
It is really strange how a nigger can't go an hour without thinking about stealing something.

I went to a chipotle with a nigger coworker once and he stole the fucking $1.50 bottle of hot sauce they keep out. Stopped going places with niggers after that.
I think what's funniest to me is that he treats these people with a sort of disdain. Like he looks at them and thinks "oh you poor, naive white people, you would NEVER survive in the hood!", instead of thinking "damn, it must be nice to live in an area with high trust and little crime".
Why are you like this? Americans have been doing shit like this for decades and it used to work just fine. Are you really so desperate for yous? Pathetic nigger. Here is your pity.
























What about the Yakuza? and the pedo stores? there's the chronically online youth, make a program like the Chinese and fix those virgins, Japaan...
yous a nigger
It's more because I have a broader worldview than you and am trying to explain to you that it's simply not a race thing. I grew up in an all white community around poor whites with little access to the system, few opportunities, a history of familial abuse, neglect and malnutrition. They behave the exact same as this melanin enriched individual you see in the picture because not only have they been denied access to the luxuries of the system based upon the status of their birth, they've also had people tell them their whole life that the only reason they aren't successful has nothing to do with being born in poverty by clueless rich people or people looking to agitate them. These people can see that classes have hard boundaries that are only ever rarely breached and have almost nothing to do with competence. Obviously keeping all the poors at eachothers throats based on petty little grievances like skin color stands to benifit you. As you know, I'm the blackest black man who ever fucked a white bitch in your bed who may or may not have had some form of relationship attachment to you that is evocative of emotion.
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> why would you ever go out of your way to do things for random strangers in the first place anyways? that's fucking weird.
No it’s not faggot. That’s the way the world is supposed to work in a high trust society. We should be kind to our fellow humans.

You’re probably a degenerate nigger who steals and doesn’t put the shopping cart back.
>they been denied access to the luxuries of the system based upon the status of their birth
Liar. Only the top few percent of Americans, mainly jews, get the privilege you accuse white people of.
I don't know why you chose a memeflag and typed all of that bullshit.
I bet your black cock is huge. How many white women do you FUCK every night? Have you ever KEKED someone?
>high trust, high serial killers
Serial killers started in the 60s with the CIA grooming people into becoming them using what they learned in mkultra. There has never really been large amounts of true serial killers throughout history and when there are it's always spurred by political motivations or government grooming.
Whites did the same thing with oil, money, air, land, tobacco, sugar, water, and every thing else people need to survive.
It wasn't just Canada, that thing hitchhiked across Germany and the Netherlands as well before succumbing to an American ghetto. This is why we can't have nice things.

t. troon faggot
Exactly...whites only take, take, take. French, British, German, American...even to this day its white man who is the one who can't be trusted. Who will twist a knife into your spine after you show them your own knife
Might want to check the "early life" on that, Hymie.
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>It's always sunny in philly
The US hasn't been racially homogeneous for over a century.
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The world would be great if prices were reduced due to there not needing to be employees.
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Basically, as a poor person anyone who has access to luxuries that you cannot access is obscenely rich. So for a street person, someone who has an apartment is mr money bags and they cannot see beyond that. For the person who wages and is trapped in an apartment, the homeowner is obscenely rich and they cannot see beyond that. The "one percent" doesn't exist in their mind because richness is in comparison to what they personally have. They have their sights set on you and aren't even aware that these "Jews" even exist.
It's stupendously massive, usually I've been able to bag 3 to 8 white bitches a night but lately I've been dabbling somewhat in fucking white boys who are more than an inch shorter than 6 feet, with or without consent of course.
>muh taking
That looks kind of fun.
No, seriously, why can't the delivery company provide their drivers with complementary food and drinks?
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Because white people don’t steal. It’s nice to live in an all white society. Don’t have to lock doors. No crime.
Honesty shops work just fine in Japan, Korea, and China. But then, they're basically ethnostates.
>tie the rope to a tree?
>tie the rope to a rock or anchor?
>have everyone hold it?
>rebuild the bridge, since you can clearly see how it was made?
Leaves shit outside and nigger steals it. Imagine my shock
I mean the guy was dead, so he didn't need the money in his pockets.
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We all know how that works. What a jew says, whites do. Master and slave. Kys, goy.
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>Who will twist a knife into your spine after you show them your own knife
I wonder (((who)))
Reparations cart
Anyone remember when gas pumps were just that. Gas pumps. You pumped your gas then went in store and paid for gas you took. They didn't change it so you paid first til the 00s when demographic change was in full swing and pump-and-run became increasingly common. Im sure that was a coincidence.
sad but true, they'll never make the connection
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Because America is generally a safe and honest culture, at least outside the cities. It’s surprising to hav sniggers steal your shit.
You’re just upset after all that circumcised dick sucking the Jew didn’t even throw you a towel in the face. Lmao
Right reminds me of college
There is no way he planned that. He is just cruising down the side walk and KO's a pedestrian and spontaneously decides to rob the corpse, and carries on down the side walk.
Best part: the judge will give a more lenient sentence because it wasn't premeditated.
it works in other countries.
...that doesn't have niggers.
You clearly have never been to Asia, I'm European so I travel there for business work. The shops are overpriced and littered with thieves. The Red States of the USA have the best hands down solution: tough on crime zero tolerance prison and jail for criminals, drive them out to blue states. Genius, Republicans are doing it right
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This is why at the end when the jews have defeated all of the Whites, and the jews will throw dirt on their heads when they watch Babylon burning, because there won't be any Whites left to trade with them any longer. Niggers only have mud cookies and sticks to trade with, and that's the bed that the jews have made for themselves.
> Doing that kind of shit in an urban environment is dumb in every country though, no matter the demographics.
Why should urban be any less honest than rural?
>let a White man rebuild the bridge?
no, break it again.

>let a White man rebuild the bridge?
no, break it again.
It's not true tho, about the reasons they act that way. I've tried to help a variety of people in my life and it doesn't matter what colour they are, you eventually can tell a shiteater from someone who needs help. So we agree on that. Everything else is just your own racism lol. Without genocide, which is unlikely, smart people should work together. Think about it.
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>Best part: the judge will give a more lenient sentence because it wasn't premeditated.
kek too true
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Freeloaders are like bears , you think they would share or be respectful, but no the more you put out the more they take.
Oops your flag is show

it doesn't even say take 1 on the sign, he should have took it all and shit on their doorstep
Dude, the Jews currently control the world's money supply, and it still isn't enough.
of course, had to be the useless niggers
>buying worms
Nigga buy a shovel
stop noticing things you fucking racists
dude why the fuck do we tolerate niggers
> in japan it's ok because people will follow the rule and considerate others but in america it will be broken, of course.
Most of America is rural and it would be safe. Only in urban areas is there theft and niggers.
Praise kek
>Without genocide
Excuse me?
>your own racism
You already admitted to racial prejudice, cracker
>The reasons they act that way
>Why is is that "outliers" like presumably yourself cannot accept they are different to the rest of their race
You got no idea what the fuck you're talking about white boi. (Neither do I at this point.)
proof for /pol stupid burger
you know this study was removed for being deboonked, right
I live in a 100% white suburb with a bunch of trump voters

I can literally leave my front door wide open while I go to work and either my neighbors will shut it for me and come knock to check up on me later in the day or i get home and literally nothing happened
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>you know this study was removed for being deboonked, right
Are you making a joke? No it wasn't. Here are similar studies:
yes i am making a joke, genuinely surprised it's still up

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It's a modern thing, you feel like humanity is ultimately good just under pressure or something and you think if you can help in some little way then maybe everyone will treat each other better.
But these people have never dealt with niggers so they quickly realize they made something worse by trying to indiscriminately help others.
holy shit what do you even do in that situation
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Ok faggot.
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isn't it fun to think about all the things humanity could be if niggers were never tolerated?
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Get down on the floor, and do the dinosaur.

>guy takes some free cheezits


you're a fucking loser dude
Blacker than you, Susie.
White women.
You're slowly being bred out of existence and all you can do is cry about it on image boards. You will go out with a whimper because you're a coward. :)
Free is free, morals are communist, communists are a dreg tosociety, if its free and you say "save some for others" youre getting a bullet to the head
jesus christ please tell me that picture isn't real
>it doesn't even say take 1 on the sign
it shouldn't have to
in an ideal society, people would just inherently understand that taking more than 1 or 2 small things is inherently selfish and not the spirit the snacks were put out with
people like you are why we can't have nice things
>hehe it didn't say take 1 so I took everything AND I shit on their doorstep for no reason, even though I got free shit from a nice person, because FUCK YOU hahaha!
I hate you from the bottom of my heart
I don't mean that as a joke or hyperbole, I hate you and wish nothing but the worst for you

there is a reason this word is forbidden
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> Here is my problem with what you said; Indian and African American browns are the hardest workers you will meet.
lol. How did you even type that lie? Indians and blacks are even lazier than Mexicans. If you truly believe your statement, then you have no experience working with either group. You must be from Reddit where they spout that kind of smoothbrain bullshit.
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He was going on his minibike to go get help!
Bringing the wallet for identification and insurance for the hospital.
>You clearly have never been to Asia, I'm European
Like lies, but forgot to hide kikeflag, Lol. I just got back from Korea, Hong Kong and China. You lying kikes should be exterminated for slandering East Asians. As the Chinese say, "if there are 8 million Jews in Israel, we can make a very large soap factory." TKD
What's infuriating about these things isn't the nigger behavior. It's the reactions and copes from the whites.
>Why are people such jerks? We can't have nice things! What's causing all this behavior???
Avoid race at all costs, scratch your head and pretend to be flummoxed over why a mystery meat nigger with a nigger afro would steal all yo free sheit from da cart.
I hate cucked pussy whites more than any other group at this point. We KNOW niggers are going to be niggers. The only people still pretending are dipshit naive faggot whites.

dude looks malnourished and 120 pounds and he's working for amazon which is a hard ass job and the privileged white bitch that just married some beta bucks cuck to live in that house in a nice neighborhood has the nerve to complain a hard working guy took too much of her virtue-signal snacks, you're the lame retard

the day is soon, KOS?
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This. But retards will be retards. Take care of your own, be smart, and you'll live long and be healthy.
You're right, but conservatives blame things on urban areas and cities being somehow inherently bad because it lets them point their finger at something that isn't race. If they say it's blacks or even if they say "demographics" in general, they will get in trouble with Jews.
You can't have that, so they deflect and avoid the issue as cowards do.
Did you seriously just say "priveleged white bitch"?
I guess you're a nigger too
I was right in my initial assessment of you as being less than dog shit

He sure is gonna get a lot of nourishment from those pringles and gatorade
How about the other malnourished amazon drivers that might be coming by in the future?
No thought for your fellow low-income man?
Just going to take it all for yourself because you made poor life decisions and have to drive for amazon and can't survive without taking all the free chips?

Yeah fuck you, garbage human being
Where did you find these two? I'd like to send them to someone and I don't want to send a 4chan link.
>why would you ever go out of your way to do things for random strangers in the first place anyways? that's fucking weird.
Something kind occurs towards them during work, which is (positively) out of the ordinary, so it makes them feel appreciated beyond just the monetary compensation that is their salary.

sweJ brought the ape to your heaven on Earth white lands

Brothers & sisters of the weJ
Wonder why people don't do this in nigger neighborhoods but put cyanide or something in some of the groceries. Maybe they'd learn.
I'm just taking this shit to a logical conclusion. If race relations shift to a point were they can no longer co-exist one will try to eliminate the other. It's unlikely but it's the logical conclusion and it's obvious.
You are different to a nigger because a nigger is a thieving, violent selfish retard who happens to be black. We do make distinctions in 2024, but no you'd rather double down and defend the worst kind of people who are the same colour as you. You're racist lol in ways you cannot even conceive of
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>Thats right. When they say Diveristy is Our Strength. They're not talking about mine and yours.

Diversity is (((our))) strength.

I wish we picked our own fucking cotton
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You're sitting here talking about how morally wrong it is to take free snacks when the sign says free snacks, the guys ancestors were probably enslaved for free labor, you are so retarded and gay
Diversity is our strength is just a political slogan. Political slogans have nothing to do with hard facts, statistics or even actual science (not the "science").

Satan has a nigger beard
>The past will be the present and the future because it happened, OK????

Take a closer look at the husk surrounding the fluffy part.
It's very sharp and jagged and will leave your hands shredded after a day of busting ass picking it (notice how delicately they pluck the fluff in the video).
The plantation owner is either left paying compelling wages for a freeman to do that work or import someone who has no choice but to do it for whatever compensation his jew ass feels like.
>This is great! It seems very nice to live in an all white society.
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Africa Addio is a great movie. One of the opening scenes is Africans smashing cases of beer made by the white man.
One of the most satisfying webms I’ve ever seen.

but vote for trump and do something about the mexicans.
It can be a euphemism for niggers but that's beside the point. Yes niggers are an example of the kind of people who abuse any kind of gesture like the one we're discussing, but any city environment is probably a bad place for that gesture. If it wasn't a nigger, it'd be some other lowlife.
>white people don’t steal
How about making white meth heads unable to collect welfare (the poor red states drain more social funds than all blue cities combined according to a study)
a long time ago my parents picked strawberries.

my other still has the scars on her hands to this day.
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Always funny when (((they))) forget to switch memeflags. LOL

The land the homeowner lives on is literally stolen land dipshit
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If she picked faster the foreman wouldn't have had to whip her so hard

Now imagine if that free cart was her front door and nobody was home to stop him from helping himself.
This is the absolute state of Western civilization, and you're too busy owning chuds on a Peruvian underwater fingerpainting forum to realize.
White Americans are known for being serial killers and pedophiles, try again.
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Of course a fucking mutt goblin steals everything hahahahahahahaha
>Memeflag kvetching about stolen land

>Now imagine a situation that didn't happen that I just made up for no reason

We've got a real intellectual over here
I work in the gun department of a large sporting goods chain. I do everything possible to deny sales to niggers. They typically smell bad or act like fucking chimps in the store, either condition I can use as suspicion of drug use or straw purchases.
There are some blacks that are pretty cool, are well integrated into society, those I don't have an issue with. In fact, if they are buying a gun for self protection, its to protect themselves from niggers.
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As you figured out, you're replying to lying kike who accidentally let his flag show below. TKD

But what if it did happen?
the strawberries actually have thorns. unlike niggers and their cringe history sob story mexicans actuallly worked and we dont go around claiming we built shit or that we were kings
>or act like fucking chimps
Don't ask niggers what they would feel like if they skipped breakfast, it's like trying to get a dog to speak English, by the end of it you'll be interpreting the barks and woofs as words because you want to hear them, not because the dog can speak
one word:
I live in Maine. There are tons of eggs and firewood stands unattended. You take a bundle, leave the money in the box. I also shoot in my backyard whenever I feel like it. It feels good to live in the rural paty of the whitest state.
Damn. Yer dumber than shit.
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(((Your))) lies have no power here kike. Why do you even try?
fuck off nigger lover, no nigger is a good nigger. fuck them for the color of their skin they dont deserve equal rights and they didnt earn that money. its still a net negative on your daughters pussy, cuck

IT'S the spooks on hells eve ! LOL

The weJ took the black out of these people and injected demons. It's called Niggerfacation.
Found the nigger.
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>here's a ton of free hyper-palatable goyslop designed to make you hungrier than before you ate it
I deeply and genuinely hate people who do that
Oh no, I'm entirely a nigger given the right set of circumstances. Yes, I always side with the underdog over the passive aggressive yuppie virtue signalling while simultaneously claiming victim status. That's a personal beef from having had to deal with these scheming psychos on more than one occasion. Unironically they are the bigger niggers, everything is just a game of social status to them and their morals consist of "whatever I can do to appeal to my social circle" and not much else, It's why the vaxx was so successful among that demographic. Although we can agree on the definition of nigger being an amoral antisocial person, your classification of nigger would be based upon what your perception of the situation is and is not based on race. I see a bunch of yuppie leftists virtue signalling online. "Look at how amazing I am, I made a beautiful display for our beloved downtrodden delivery driver." If I was that delivery driver I'd be quite insulted because what I want is a house like theirs, what they're giving me instead of money (or even the opportunity to earn enough moeny to own a house like theirs) is a bunch of fucking pringles. I don't even like pringles, why would you assume I like pringles, is that a poor person trope? Get where I'm coming from?
your content is shit, and you hide your country of origin because you're a jew.
This is somehow a bad thing redpilling hundreds of thousands if not millions of people on tiktok about niggers being niggers and getting said nigger fired?
Hope that nigger did get fired, touching my packages with his std hands, ew, no HIV for me.
nu-/pol/ can't seem to look on the bright side of situations.
>He is about as close as pol will ever get to a mainstream politician
His stance on Iran is that of a Zionist warmongerer.
Not an argument.
Did the nigger really not see the doorbell cam?
Did he think these ppl get so many packages that they would not be alarmed that most of the stuff was taken in one day?
Yeh, I do how, thanks, that was interesting and I also agree white saviours are just as fucked in the head as blind racists
It really looks like they just saw no-one was there and helped themselves. This is crude enough but the decision to destroy the store is inhuman. We used to sterilize down syndrome kids who did nothing but be insufficient as state-cattle. These cunts not only offer nothing but destroy what good effort is made by others. What sort of reproductive history do you think they have?
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>We used to sterilize down syndrome kids who did nothing but be insufficient as state-cattle. These cunts not only offer nothing but destroy what good effort is made by others. What sort of reproductive history do you think they have?
Based & Teslapilled.
the malice and complete fucking lack of manners of taking about over $50 worth of products because "fuck whitey and his take a penny leave a penny" grandma's old peaches from the tree in California and shit, the malice- which goes beyond being trash- in your adult life. could be by many considered a political statement or politically biased behavior these chimps so zealously defend in they culture. their attitude they all have COULD be called something like terrorism. black panther terrorism. but hey, no one's pushing for it to be a narrative so I guess it is not.
Dude took around 40-50$ worth of goods from a place while he was on the clock.
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so do you
Just screen record, man.
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The kike ran off after people noticed he exposed his kikeflag. LOL
Who'd care?
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Maybe they have kids at home
Another viral video is one where the white guy who delivers the food makes a snide comment saying something along the lines of "That's a pretty nice house for a 5 dollar tip". Although I probably wouldn't have said anything in that situation, the boomer went straight to the internet for adoration from the baizuo community for validation. The delivery driver was calling attention to what I'm calling to, attention to, there is growing unrest in America in regards to social mobility and you should probably be more sensitive of that if you want to hang on to your wealth, don't flaunt your wealth right now if you don't want somebody who's had a bad day (or maybe a bad life) to decide fuck it, there's no point in playing nice anymore.
Didn't Maine import a shitload of Somalians? I bet those get ransacked and robbed real fucking quick now kek
Who'd care?
these guys are cucks, fuck them man. we all saw clearly how he made 3 trips to take a bunch of shit.
my father would have called me a podroso (some word in spanish for proud after being poor trash spic) and corrected me if I had taken two. that's when I was a child, let alone a teenager let alone a grown man
Fucking kill yourself
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>I see the town I live in on /pol/
What the actual fuck, I walk by that house everyday
semi based?
>I see the town I live in on /pol/
>What the actual fuck, I walk by that house everyday
Have you ever met Stephen King?

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