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Previous: >>476070330

▶Day: 887 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>All the resources in the russian economy are exhausted - Head of russian Central Bank
>Zelenskyy and Syrsky visited forward deployment point near Vovchansk
>Another russian dam broke in (temporarily occupied) Karelia
>More substations droned in Kursk, Orlov and Belgorod oblasts, Russia reported shooting down 41 drones over 6 oblasts
>Trump's Peace plan in a nutshell: TZD - Republican Pincus
>Oil base in Kursk oblast droned
>TZD incident in Mali, involving Wagner
>Romania refused to shoot down russian drones, referring to the impossibility of "shooting over the territory of Ukraine."
>One killed and 13 wounded (including 7 kids) as a result of a russian strike in Sumy oblast
>a Russian Su-34 military plane crashed in the Volgograd region, supposedly the reason was a technical malfunction
>GUR hit three Russian Mi-28 and Ka-226 helicopters on the territory of the Russian Federation — RBC-Ukraine; also GUR drones hit three more Tu-22M3 strategic bombers at the Olenya airfield, — UP
>Explosion of the gas extraction system in Russia's Novy Urengoi
>"Where is the Black Sea Fleet? There is no ego! This is the fact of the victory of the enemy. This is a fact of defeat." - State Duma deputy from "United Russia" Evgeny Fedorov
>In Russia, drones attacked the Ryazan region: the target was the Diaghilev military airfield
> Vladimir Arseniev, 74, the head of Russian defense enterprise Volna Central Research Institute — tried to burn himself on Red Square


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipmentexplorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmedlosses)

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Zizters? Are you ready to cope some more?
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based russia defending traditional values
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>shitskins that killed white people support Ukraine
Wow, what a surprise
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>All the resources in the russian economy are exhausted - Head of russian Central Bank
Good think it's a land war, not an economic war, right Russniggers?
Ukraine is losing though
zizter? What does this say?
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How is employment a problem? Asians are filling up Russia more than mutts a turkey on Thanks Giving. Foreigners can’t be drafted.
Even the ancient ancestors of hohols nazis were nazis
They literally worked as cops in Athens
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.
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Bbbbbbut ,but much multi polar world and shieeet...
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>10 posts
>three Latvian flags posting

>Foreigners can’t be drafted.
hold my banan (picrelated, no homo)

wtf i love hohols now?!
Tuaregs are not shitskins. Pidorashkas are not white. People supporting Ukraine is not a surprise. Everything about your post is lie.
the good guys will win. Fuck Russia.
Elvira just being hysterical
few % drop of GDP is not going to collapse Russian economy and Ukraine is not getting its territory back
>ignoring the fact that most shitskins support Russia
Ziggers are dying
La la la
Russians are crying
La la la
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God damn.
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But the thing I hate them the most for is destroying Rome
Fucking barbar animals should have stayed in your own shithole
Speaking of the multipolar world

people on both sides (but especially ukraine) are going from normal people with a family and a life to expendable slaves in the frontline, and getting cucked with their wives on tinder in germany and poland, but you guys act like this is a football match. you're so stupid and mentally mediocre
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>Elvira just being hysterical
>few % drop of GDP is not going to collapse Russian economy
>Ukraine is not getting its territory back
all this cope in a single post
So we shouldn't listen to Russia's head economist, but some retard Latvian on 4chan? Interesting take.
All Russians must die. Even the ones living in Spain.
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>russian elite troops get defeated by sandniggers with rusty AKs
Wow, what a surprise
this board is simply a proving ground for trolls - nobody here seriously supports this war, they just do it for the memes. it's all gore porn and frantic circle jerking about a pretend war that goes on in their heads lmao
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Hohol nazis are colonising Africa
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I’m rel tho. Seriously can foreigners be drafted in Puccia?
i know you got on tinder to try to get some ukrainian girl. isnt it a bit hypocritical to root for ukraine?

by the way, the sooner zelensky loses this war, the earlier ukraine goes back to normal and the less it'll be destroyed
>implying a mambet churka would work on some factory
>implying a mambet churka actually able to do something other then wanking with his crooked hands
Nah, they all coming here to sell banan, hashish and ride around as couriers. The last option is for elite mambets only.
>but you guys act like this is a football match
True, it feels like watching this one kek.
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Reminder, this faggot is paid shill.
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A few %, no.
But the 40-60% will fuck shit up real nice . Which will happen the moment military spending will run out. You see, those shells and stuff are not really much good for further development after they've been produced.
you should use your head
is Elvira saying that Russia is going to leave occupied territories? lol
i always liked tuaregs, underdogs, third direction types
is the ukrainian flag a shop though?
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How cute. Lads, look, he think we were ironic about TZD. Such a cute little fella.
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> pic


i didnt know there were still football matches. i thought with that euro championship that was it until after summer. i guess NPCs got to be entertained at all times lol
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>is Elvira saying that russia is going to leave occupied territories? lol
>mfw when
Doesn't look like a shop. Look at all those stretches fitting perfectly.
That's a good thing, right?
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Donated, volunteered (ah), but I confess it’s for the memes.
>Foreigners can’t be drafted
God help any foreign guest worker in Russia who thinks this.
This might be my favourite drop of the whole war so far.
>Foreigners can’t be drafted
in russia, they can be... happened to foreign workers from bellorussia and african university students...
Add to that the opportunity for indians and nepalese males to join the russian army and get russian passports... unless when getting rekt when doing the first attack from the trenches..
tuaregs usually get shit on, desu
i wonder how they got the jump on wagner
french intelligence?
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>yes yes but we've caused trillions in damages xDDDDDD
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Agreed. I think it was dumb from Russia to attack Ukraine
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But weren’t they naturalised first?
No reason it's have to be fake, see
They're projecting a pro-Ukraine message in the hopes of getting more recognition/sympathy/solidarity/support for their own fight against Russia and the pro-Russia government
pajeets and niggers will be pariahs in russia even if they make it out of the war lol
What's the alternative? Let a kleptocratic FSB mafia do whatever it wants to it's neighbours with no consequences?
All Russia had to do was go home.
>doesn't know shit about football
fake spaniard detected kek.
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Mali bros, we're so back.
it was not bad from Putin's pov. he is not there.

putin had some conditions to not invade and they were not that unreasonable

lets be real both sides want this

look at how nuclear wars never happen bc then the consequences wouldnt be only for expendable men. politicians can be peaceful when they want
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That would have ruined Russia's superpower larp and meant death for Putin. Putin needs to keep the war going to keep himself alive
its for NPCs. i spent that entire championship hoping spain would be eliminated
>i didnt know there were still football matches. i thought with that euro championship that was it until after summer. i guess NPCs got to be entertained at all times lol
capture this as an example how to prove not being a spaniel...
When we stop finding ukraine, the western proxy war against Russia will turn into a bloodied tide against the westerners and their hohol simps. Ukraine has no economy and no prospects. They are only to become fertilizer for Novorussiya after the SVO concludes.
>politicians can be peaceful when they want

I guess Putin was in too deep from the start and didn't want peace and expected Ukraine to not fight back
Normal in this instance would be completely cucked and just waiting for Russia to make more demands in a few years once they had recovered, because an independent Ukraine is unthinkable to the Kremlin. They need at the very least to be as biddable as Belarus.
Anything less than a return to 1991 borders with full security guarantees from NATO is rewarding Russia for being a savage nigger.
Not only will Ukraine regain its lost territory. Russia will lose territory as China lays claim to Siberia
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Russians will pay them in yuans, and those yuans are running out since the chinx are getting stingy lately
considering that those "signing bonusses" usually aren't paid at the time of signing the contracts, but only maybe months later, and not to any relatives of vatniggers getting rekt immediately when reaching the front, I'd say: it depends...
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It's grim how Russia's victory depends on whether Russia is let to win and if Russia is not let to win, Putin just keeps sending more ziggers to die to keep himself alive
"Special forces"
>putin had some conditions to not invade and they were not that unreasonable
That's a lie and you're a faggot
Putin's "not unreasonable" demands basically amounted to dissolving Nato and letting Putin freely threaten and coerce all of Eastern Europe up to Poland
neither first, nor after they got rekt at the front
Putin's conditions were not reasonable.
They were equivalent to 'put yourself in a position where you cannot resist our demands on your sovereignty'
>if they make it out of the war
no need to worry about that, though, as they are firstline troopers in any assault...
But what about ACK-hmat and mongoloids killing white people in Ukraine?
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Does anyone have the original of this vid without those comments?
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True, no one supports the war that Russia started. But Russia refuses to end the war that they started, so many of us support self-defense and castle law.
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It's in my country best historical, security, and geopolitical interest that TZD be finished . Russia must be demongolised after 800 years.
you and Putin will be waiting for the 'end of western support' from now until the end of Russia
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blessed digits, Mein Führer
To the last ukrainian then. Russia promotes more childbearing while the west imports greedy shitskins who only want to see your decadent holes on fire. Russia will overcome all nato bullshit and maybe hit Poland next. US will pullout when Biden leaves office. Don't fuck with superpowers lmao.

im sure the men going through what you can see in the gore gifs are thinking "at least ukrainian sovereignity is intact"
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they were reasonable. if i remember right he just wanted nato to have no troops in ukraine or something. makes sense
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This is a pretty good drop, but nothing will surpass the "bounce, hole, mfw no face"
That's a lie and you're a faggot
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Get some!
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Judging by how Russia has tanked its international credibility and economy, I sure hope Russia keeps this shit up for more glorious zigger gore
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I mostly see zigger gore. You got any hohol gore?
Two more weeks, my brown friend
Daily reminder that /UHG/ used to be pro-russian before newfags plebbitors and nafotroons came here
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I had an idea to put such trash bags in vatņik neighbourhoods.
If you could remember right you'd state exactly what they were. But instead you're being a disingenuous nigger who thinks it's okay to let a hostile neighbour take your stuff.

i dont remember that tb h

but still lets be real joe biden and zelensky wanted this too. if its really putin just being sadistic and the other leaders have no choice but to fight back, then why is trump so confident he can end it?
More chemical weapons! H2O is banned by Geneva.
>men going through what you can see in the gore gifs
would be weird, with them being russian and shit..
The whole conflict started because Ukraine's pro-russia president tried to veto Ukraine wanting to join EU, Ukraine's parliament ousting him and Russia feeling humilated for Ukraine leaving Russia's sphere of influence.
ukrainians are going through the same though that's what i meant
It never was pro-russian. It was so uncomfy for you pidors that you made yourself a safe space
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no surprises there
Their mentality is really something isn't it?
Trump says a lot of things that aren't true.
He's very good at spinning bullshit, that's literally his one talent.
>if i remember right
you don't... or you're lying on purpose, which is the more probable reason
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Hahah, i remember /chug/ splitting from /uhg/ because zigger anons couldn't handle zigger gore and anons laughing at Russia's army's incompetence
Lie to me slowly.
Why lie Serbnigger?
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What were the last thoughts of these Russian soldiers?

ok maybe im wrong

i dont support putin either. but i dont think either side did their best to stop this. lets be real. to joe biden and zelensky this is also just business
Seeing Russian written in Ukrainian makes me confus
>/UHG/ used to be pro-russian
nigger, stop lying and use your proper flag...
>i dont remember that tb h
Let me refresh your memory, faggot
>if its really putin just being sadistic and the other leaders have no choice but to fight back, then why is trump so confident he can end it?
Choose one or both of the following:
1) because Trump is a retard and a liar
2) in his book throwing Ukraine to the wolves and giving Putin whatever he wants is an acceptable way to "end it"
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No Vojvodina?
Also why do you post these loweffort plebbit memes. At least when you meme something make it funny
I'm sure it started as such, but yeah, by the early days when Russia were being humiliated it was really starting to get uncomfortable for all the ziggers who thought multipolar world could save them from gay frogs. So they had to start their own general. Reality dodging edgelords.
They aren’t fighting on the front lines, usually just killing Russkis who dared to turn around from their flesh storms lmao
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>rolling blackouts completely canceled for tomorrow
it's ZOVer for shills
>i dont think either side did their best to stop this

Well it was Russia sending its troops to Ukraine to try take Kyiv in 3 Days SMO. Should Ukraine have just let Russia do it? If niggers invade your house, do you fight them or do you let them have your house and ponder what you could have done differently?
Prigo aint dead tho
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stop demoralizing me! (っ °Д °;)っ
probably something about their families. if you see this and just think "good, fuck russians" you're 15 or mentally 15
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so finally Coco got proved right?
there were negotiations before that

we'll see what trump does but it'll probably prove you wrong and be great for ukrainians
They rape and enslave the locals tho
you got pictures to prove it?
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We had UH but nafobots(you) were being retarded and caused a split. CHUG is filled with faggots but so is this general too. Supporting a zogged nation like ukraine is the most astroturfed thing ever.
>lmao Boris is the faggot!
>to joe biden and zelensky this is also just business
Yep, the ukies wanted the war too. Before it started they were going crazy on social media abt it.
Ok, so if the niggers before invading your house wanted to first negotiate if they get part of your house and dictate how you live in it, would you accept it?
Genetic trash
he comes here every day to spread lies, so it's just his usual routine...
its a war. both sides are killing each other

in fact there was a report from US generals analyzing the war and they were saying that modern industrial war kills people way too fast and that they're drafting ukrainians like crazy
please provide a list of 'based' nations and then check against the list of nations where you can drink the tap water.
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>putin had some conditions to not invade and they were not that unreasonable

The fuck you're on?
Russian delusion of MUH sphere of influence is some of the most demented shit ever conceived in an aids ridden brain.
They have no right to demand anything. The US for example does this stuff whit actual benefits for it's neighbours.
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>Genetic trash
im talking about their leaders. completely different thing. the fact that zelensky had to forbid men from leaving proves it. he was astroturfed
>putin had some conditions to not invade and they were not that unreasonable
nigger, putin never made any conditions, he said he wasn't going to invade
kill yourself
After hours on Google Street View I can officially declare Russia the most depressing country on earth.
>thinks his estrogen contaminated water is negligible
kys troon
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>If niggers invade your house, do you fight them or do you let them have your house and ponder what you could have done differently?
What a fucking cope. Rusniggers were never welcome here. Remember 2014, nigger?
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what race is this
So where do you guys find the time to shill here and shill for shartblue?
Oh nononono, well that was it folks, I will come again in 3-4 months as always until then here's a pic
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>its a war. both sides are killing each other

One country is attacking other country, while the other country is defending itself. See the difference? If niggers invaded your house would you call it merely a dispute between two parties who get to live in the house, or would you say the niggers are wrong for invading your house?
Do you have proof? Never heard of it, as long as they kill russkis they are okay in my book
>can't provide a list of his opinion of based countries
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Nah, they are more like "at least Natasha gets a free bag of potatoes".
every agreement between Ukraine and russia since 1991 was broken by russia
Any other arguments from you to prove you're either a retarded dumbhead or a zigger shill?
extremely gay

honestly if the niggers were armed and i'd probably die then yes. but of course in this case zelensky is just having others fight lol
Yeah, and they didnt get a democratic election yet to choose another president.

People here have a hard on for zelensky and hate puting when both are the same. They're not the ones on the battlefield so they enjoy it. Its like a movie to them, they can shut it off whenever and forget about it.
after many hours on /uhg/ i reached the same conclusion

lol, lmao, rofl even

lol stop providing the organic spanish anon with free yuans for vodka (and maybe food)
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it's always funny how you get these propaganda nitpicked areas in the tourism videos and it's like, wow, maybe it isn't as shit as I imagined and then you go on google maps and pick a random street and it's a fucking warzone
>then yes

So you would say it would be wise to arm yourself and maybe get some of your friends to help defend your house from known nigger gang roaming around your neighborhood?
>They're not the ones on the battlefield so they enjoy it. Its like a movie to them, they can shut it off whenever and forget about it.
are you an FtM?
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>US will pullout when Biden leaves office. Don't fuck with superpowers lmao
You're dad should have pulled out. You're mom would still have gotten HIV tough.
Even tho jewlensky is a kike, for the sake of the argument what do you expect a president to do? Jump in the trenches and get killed so the government falls into disarray? Btw Putin isn’t fighting either
>lol stop providing the organic spanish anon with free yuans for vodka (and maybe food)
Bold of you to assume russia has enough money for that
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People here have a hard on for zelensky and hate puting when both are the same.
NPC's think wars just happen spontaneously
are you telling me that they are doing this shit for free?
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Damn look at him go.
>are you an FtM?
classic move kike

that depends. if the niggers are armed too it'd still be too dangerous. but this is the way reasonable people make choices for themselves. when it comes to political leaders they just count loses by the thousands and think about what they stand to gain if they win the war
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generations of mental torture and subserviency culminating
make a real effort to negotiate a way out

fight with only volunteers and if ukrainians arent interested then so be it
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another sputnik moment?! the HATO must be jealous....
>Jump in the trenches and get killed so the government falls into disarray?
zelensky has already pushed ukraine into disarray, him going to the front lines to get killed by ivan is the best thing he can do
Why do you think majority of ex-soviet countries rather joined west than stayed under Russian sphere of influence despite having had first-hand experience living under Russian rule?
What the fuck is shartblue
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lol, lmao even
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Bold of you to assume we don't know how beige you are.
Zelensky was the pro-Peace candidate. Zelensky speaks primarily Russian. Zelensky repeatedly tried to downplay the claims that Russia was about to invade right up until Russia invaded.
At which point he stepped up and did his job. Unlike Putin who when Prigozhin started his march on Moscow, hopped on a plane and fled to St Petersburg.
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>All the resources in the Russian economy are exhausted. -Head of Russian Central Bank.


There you go, ziggers
Ziggers are you ok are you ok ziggers ZIGGERS ARE YOU OK ARE! YOU! OK ZIGGER! ziggers are you ok wont you tell us that your ok! You fall out a window with the bloodstaine on your dirt floor!!
I've been out of the loop lately, when was our last coco sighting? Is it just meerschizo left now with a few random saars and bots?
You can’t negotiate your way out of everything you dumb zigger

Let me rape your ass and see how you negotiate your way out of that
lmao at picrel
You need to go back Ivan, your drone is waiting for you
so pro peace he said he is going to use up all ukrainian men on this lol
i think i saw coco posting a few days ago
>make a real effort to negotiate
Why? Russia is losing, all Ukraine need to do is keep pushing. No reason to negotiate with russia at all.
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>Zelensky speaks primarily Russian
ukie and russian is the same jibberjabber language. literally no difference except for hohol accent being active in ukie land
Remember in 2021 and early 2022 when US warned that Russia is planning to attack Ukraine and Russia denied it and then in February 2022 attacked Ukraine?

because each soldier that dies will never see his family again

but nevermind its better to go hard on this and win the match
Are you bald yet?
my name is abdul thank you very much
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So Russia is wrong for having started the war?
idc lol
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>ukie and russian is the same jibberjabber language
No it's not. Ukraine language is slavic. Russian language is mostly borrowed from Golden Horde languages.
yes but zelensky too for not trying to convince putin to not invade
There are millions of Abdul’s in Russia lmao you still need to go back
it's why the love the jannies so much, mutual respect for fat retarded nogs doing it for free
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So now that your concerned neutrooler shtick failed you can only lol?
He didn't though. You're just pulling shit out of your ass because your argument has no basis.
Putin invaded Ukraine, Ukraine have a right to defend themselves.
If Zelensky died or was removed, they would continue to fight, because Ukrainian sovereignty is not up for negotiation within Ukraine.
Regardless of what brainrot Russians have about how really Ukrainians love Russia, it's not true.
All they need to do is understand this and fuck off home.
I wouldnt trust Nabibulina on that one
Could be the usual "appear weaker than you are" sun tzu crap
I other words i will believe it when i see it
>for not trying to convince putin to not invade
this is what those niggerbrained retards actually believe
>fight with only volunteers and if ukrainians arent interested then so be it
That's retarded. We should keep the volunteers safe and send all the russophone and pacifist cattle into meat grinder instead
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This is impressive, now the liberating of territory can start
Either he'll die fighting, or russia will bomb his family half an hour negotiations starts, like russia did in Georgia. No reason to negotiate with russia.
"to the last ukrainian"

also people in the donbass probably do love russia
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So when niggers invade your house, it's your own fault?
I believe I can fly....
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>No it's not. Ukraine language is slavic. Russian language is mostly borrowed from Golden Horde languages.
I have both ukie and ruski people at my workplace and they both speak in whatever slav language it is. Shit's the same. Dont try to make it seem different because to everyone else it looks like the same wordslop

wait but isnt going to the meat grinder a good thing according to zelensky?
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>Hohol nazis are colonising Africa
Id colonise some black qveen, alright
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>people in the donbass probably do love russia
that's not how politics work
not my war, not going back.
>to convince putin
To convince putin of anything Zeliboba would need a soldering iron and purin's ass. That's the only thing subhuman jewish manlets understood.
the way politics work is russians getting consistently ass blasted by superior countries
He did not say this.
Also, there aren't any Donbass people left as the DPR and LPR Seperatists have already been fed into the woodchipper in 2023.
That's how much Putin cares about Donbass.
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Damn, ziggers are mad today. Must be hard to see your economy in the bottom of a barrel. If only you could've prevented this
Also most primitive social engineering, propagated on the widest scale in history.
Vodka and TV. The only entertainment they can afford
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>it sounds the same for me, therefore it's the same language
Swedish, Danish and Norwegian sound the same for me, so are those just one and the same language too, nigger?
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once again: God bless the creator of 4chanX
he's sending russians to war by attacking ukraine, why would he care about donbass?

i didnt at any point say that putin is doing the right thing
>Shit's the same
Russia still have many slavic word roots, but they all are 'argo' words. Not really in official language. Like 'hata', house, russian would understand this, but actual word in russian for house is 'dom', and it borrowed from Horde.
They dont sound the same.
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Maybe he should stop doing it then.
Oh wait, he can't because his entire existence is riding on this gamble.
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That is exactly how they work. Russia had no power over Ukraine, Russia felt humiliated, Russia attacked. In Russia's SMO against Nato expansion Russia gained two new Nato neighbors and now Russia is locked in war Putin can't retreat from because it would be the end for him so he keeps pushing more ziggers to the meatgrinder. Russia's international credbility is lost, Russia is cut off from western markets, banks and payment systems and Russia's frozen assets are given to Ukraine. All because Russia decided to attack Ukraine expecting Ukraine to surrender but when Ukraine didn't surrender Russia painted itself into corner with no honorable way out
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
Russian and Ukrainian also doesn't sound the same, nigger.
You think everyone else i thinking about that when drunk ruskies and ukies have a fight in the middle of the street here?
>wait but isnt going to the meat grinder a good thing according to zelensky?
Yes. We should fight to the last yiddesite and donbabwean
They do
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That's not how economic integration works either but apparantly Russia can keep its war economy going forever and not default somehow lmao.
You ziggers need to muddy the waters all the time by blasting that old firehose of yours.
It just doesn't work anymore, everyone knows Russia wages war for imparialistic reasons alone. You do too.
Are you actually Russian or are you going to Russia once mass starvation begins?
Rusniggers must suffer
based moderate
You speak the same shit and it sounds bitch ugly .
We'll make Ukraine speak English, sorry
>implying theirs no aggressive NATO expansionism
>it's the same
>moscals and hohols are same
>please agree
>I beg you
Meh. Get a better metodichka. Wish you happy TZD.

no they don't. you're talking like politics and wars are "your house got invaded what do you do"

people are way more careful than that about making choices for themselves. if the risk is too high they'd rather leave the house or give their money to the armed thief, they don't "fight until the last ukrainian" when it comes to their family

the fact that ukrainians have to be kidnapped and are not interested in volunteering is proof that i'm right
If you support Ukraine you indirectly support Israel. Meanwhile all Palestinians support Russia.
Remember that.
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top fucking kek
Define aggressive expansion nigger
20 dead Wagners
at this point you're not making any sense lol i guess you escaped the draft by being too retarded to be useful
>Wish you happy TZD.
Im not rooting for the death of people. Dont insult me like that.
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There wasn't and you know it, coco.
All you can make is a lung stew, gypsy.
this tb h
Nah it's more like
>you want to put a security system in your home
>nigger down the street says your security system is an existential threat
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Hey, it's not NATOs fault they're such a good deal that people who feel threatened by Russia want to join it...
What do you expect them to do? join CSTO?!
How did that work out for Armenia
Ziggers are nothing but golem.
France literally left NATO before
you're just missing the point
i bet you think you're people, too, shitskin
>Join nafo
>become an immediete enemy to any non nato member
>pikachu face
Weak damage control chang. It's DRSHG pussich who made the 85 dead claim
did the israelis teach you this one?
He's pretty accurate, subhuman.
most countries don't care dummy
Just now
>The USA has announced a new aid package for Ukraine in the amount of about 200 million dollars, - White House adviser Kirby.
>The package will include air defense equipment, artillery shells, HIMARS ammunition, mortar rounds, Javelin and more.
Thank you USA!
>moscals and hohols are same
Yeah dude, but Ukrainians are latent Americans now, so not anymore. Eat shit
He isnt
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Does /uhg/ hate jews or not, how many uhgers are in or past the phase of extreme jew hatred?
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holy fuck you're ignorant
good to know as now i can disregard all of your dogshit posts
ukraine seems to care
I can speak polish and the other guy speaks Ukrainian we are able to communicate.
I tried whit Russians but I don't understand them.
They are different languages
Fighting to defend your homeland is very basic of politics since pre-historic times. You don't protect your family by surrendering to the enemy, because the enemy doesn't have any reason to treat your family nice. Instead you fight the enemy invading your homeland. Russia is the aggressor here and Russia didn't expect Ukraine to fight back. Ukraine fights back and now Russia has become a pariah country, its military revealed to be a paper tiger and Russia's economy tanking. The extra spin on Russia's military economy doesn't create any profit for Russia, it only creates equipment and soldiers that are designated to get destroyed in Ukraine. Russia keeps losing men which causes long term problems for several decades. Russia's international credibility and trade are ruined and Russia has become more dependent on China. The war is in no way profitable to Russia. The only one in Russia profiting from the war going on is Putin, who gets to live as long as the war continues or his underlings doing the needful.
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When systemic expansion leads to obviously predictable war, this expansion is aggressive
>my experience is the only true experience
You summoned him lol >>476092102
nice own, retard. ukrainians wanted in on the action
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> (free yuans)

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They agreed to be dehumanized and became golem as jews promised them a share in robbed goods. No refund.
Noooooo, dont bring logic into this!
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You will starve and I'll do everything in my power to hamper any relief efforts.
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Based! God bless US and god bless Ukraine. More seethe from ziggers.
>200 million dollars
Few Maybach Mercedes for some rich kids in the capital.
Any more more on the way, or they keep being Jewish
>ukrainians wanted in on the action
and now almost all of the ukie men are dead while their women fuck foreigners. congrats on contributing the decline of the white race
>When systemic expansion leads to obviously predictable war, this expansion is aggressive
Is this GPT slop? This brainfart makes zero sense
>systemic expansion
lmao, what is that even supposed to mean?
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Of course you ignored this. More proof that you are all (((shill)))s.
i agree but according to these guys zelensky cares about ukrainians a lot and had no way to stop this. lmao
>it's real in mind mind
russia is losing
Go back to Haiti brown vermin
Zero self awareness from this retard
and other jokes you can tell yourself
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It's aggressive if the third party is a third world shit hole whit the nation collectively suffering from FAS.

you have no power at all. you could even be drafted the next time zelensky wants another casino
White people should not be allowed to defend themselves because it scares subhuman races? Is that what you two been saying?
yes, like russia "expanding" into ukraine.
All Ukraine did was become smaller and smaller, what kind of expansion are you talking about nogger?
dont insult me like that, im somalian
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>t. self-hating nigger
Like pottery.
Beige, please. No voodoo mind tricks
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>Y-y-you're Ukrainian
Betcha, faggot. You'll regret choosing this side.
oh no, a slav is expanding into another slav country!

Theyre both the same group. If they just gave russia the territorries nothing would change.
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I understand one,
I don't understand the other.
They are not the same. Following the logic retard???
yea well, they didn't, and now russia is being made a fool of
them the breaks
I prefer the name based and chad, thank you very much.
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Damn that's even worse. Aren't Somalians one of the niggerest niggers this world has to offer?
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checked and heil'ed
in your dreams amerimutt. They both look like fools.
If you want to be taken seriously, I would recommend you don't regurgitate fake shit about how Zelensky is corrupt, when he isn't.
Not that it matters because unlike Putin, if Zelensky wasn't president, Ukraine would still be fighting against Russian expansionism, because it's about sovereignty, not about personalities.
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Did you just call Fagner pmc WHITE?
diaspora russnigger confirmed.
no sorry, im cucknadian. actually on another thought, i am a turk from east berlin
Why did you flee from your Somalian shithole to the evil West to live off gibs?
>I would recommend you don't regurgitate fake shit about how Zelensky is corrupt, when he isn't.
this is great example of an oxymoron
Killing pidorashkas is a damn smart move, tho. I can tell, I'm doing business in russia for almost twenty years.
i was requested to work for a big company here. so i emmigrated from france and came here.
Yes, even the other African countries/tribes detest them for their lazy dumb niggerer culture. I recommend watching Tom Hanks' film Captain Phillips, it's a movie about somali pirates and greatly conveys the entitled and lazy and stupid mindset of somali
Joke's on the West actually

>B-b-but we wake up early to feed you!!!
What kind of pwn is this
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i personally think every dictator, autocrat and wannabe dictator should suffer the most painful and humiliating fate humanly possible, total zigger death is inevitable and democracy will be the only way of government on this planet
>I'm doing business in russia for almost twenty years.
being a neet does not mean you were doing business
He's not corrupt though, and your evidence that he is will be fake. It's all projection.
Zelensky has done a great job at fundraising for Ukraine internationally, but he is not the reason why Ukraine still fight on.
>tee-hee, all I need to slip in is to randmly use local slang
Nah. You will never fit anywhere. You'll die a foreveralone freak, we both knows it.
>It's all projection.
All slavic countries are corrupt
Who is she?
I have power. I paid in a crowdfunding event for loitering munitions last year.
There's a piec of shrapnel in some zigger ass somewhere that I own a piece of
why do you shitskins move around so much? why can't you just go home? everyone else more or less seems to stay put, besides a few
you guys are just vagabonds
just go home ffs
>being a neet does not mean you were doing business
But enough of your sad, meaningless life.
kek, have fun rotting away in jewkraine.
im a paper chaser.
Ukraine were taking steps in 2014 to align with the EU, the stipulation being that they would have to reduce corruption within the country to better align with EU regulations pending future membership.
Somebody didn't like that idea... Do you remember who it was?
Damn, so belarus is allowed to be a corrupt country and ukraine not? wild that there is favortism in the EU
If Belarus re-aligned to the EU, I'm sure Russia would have something to say about that.
Belarus is run by pro-Russian dictator Lukasenko and Belarus is not member if EU
just maybe, it also hints at EU being corrupt. or are you one of those that believe that their side is always pure and free from corruption?
So being corrupt just as long as they ave EU bias is okay? got it
because people cheering for a war must be so popular
Who said that? You can't read.
In order to form closer ties with the EU, Ukraine has to address issues with corruption internally.
Belarus does not have any plans to form closer ties to the EU, I do not know why you brought Belarus up.
>Who said that? You can't read.
It seems to be what every pro EU member seems to be insinuating here
Then you fail at reading comprehension.
We're saying that Ukraine is attempting to address internal corruption so it's more likely they can join the EU, because EU has laws about corruption.
Belarus is irrelevant because Russia controls them to the point where any thought of re-aligning to the EU is impossible.
How is being adressed? just paying off those same corrupt leader or replacing corrupt leaders with more EU biased corrupt leaders? Thats how the EU adresses corruption huh. fucking hilarious
False equivalence.
Western governments faults are in no way comparable to the absolute clusterfuck that is the Russian 'sphere of influence'.

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