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Previous: >>476191725
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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>Roasted Leopard Kurakhovsky direction
>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
>Lancet strike on PzH-2000
>Hohol convoy to Rabotino completely rekt
>FPV rams Baba Yaga
>Lancet strikes EW system
>Russian stormtroopers near Konstantinovka
>Su-34 delivers FABs
>Russian UAV destroys hohol M777 howitzer
>Pantsir-S1 intercepts UJ-26 drone attacking Dyagilevo airfield
>Anti-drone home-made buggy
>Russians destroy hohol radar in Kharkov
>Bradley gets hit by Lancet
>Kupyansk ammo depot hit by FAB
>FABs fall on Volchansk
>Missile falls on Burgunka
>Kornet missile hits Bradley
>LMUR missile strike at Prechistovka
>2x Marders hit by missile
>TOS near Pyatihatki
>T-80 and BMP-2 attack AFU fortification
>Leopard 2A4 being chased by FPV drone
>Original full footage of first Abrams kill finally released after 3 month
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region

russian lives are worth less dogs
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Toretsk breakethrough lads. Zaliznoe is taken, hohols are crying to Toretsk itself has been reached
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The kremlin agrees
Death to the West
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The Epic of Hilhamiish (translated by Dr. Yuri Shilov)

In the ancient Ukrainian city of Uriik, lived Hilhamiish, a mighty cossack known for his womanizing, his daring antics and physical feats. He was a proto-Ukrainian hero second only to Banderu. Hilhamiish convinced the goddess O'lehru to create him a worthy companion. From the clays of the Black Sea O'lehru fashioned Enkyiv, a wild man with the spirit of Banderu. When Enkyiv first entered Uriik, the earth trembled and the Ukranian "Tryzub" trident shone brightly atop Mount Mykola. The brothers became inseparable, embarking on quests to reveal the mysteries of ancient Uriik.

One day, in the grottos of Kamyana Mohyla, Hilhamiish had a vision. The deity Anyuk revealed to him the Pizza of DAI hidden beneath the Black Sea accessible only by digging the seabed by hand. This divine pizza promised eternal DAI to anyone who consumed it. "We shall journey to claim the Pizza of Eternal DAI" proclaimed Hilhamesh. With fervor Hilhamiish and Enkyiv set off on their journey facing challenges like the Moskaliishtar of Crimea (who tragically killed Enkyiv with a pointed stick in the intense fighting).

Hilhamiish persisted and discovered the Laundromat of Aratta which could magically cleanse garments but was guarded by Scorpion-men. Hilhamiish vanquished the venomous beasts capturing the laundry technology for himself. So impressed was Hilhamiish that he declared, "in the spirit of DAI we shall bring this European technology back to Uriik!" Hilhamiish’s journey culminated in a battle against proto-Sumerian Bolsheviks who wanted to seize the Pizza of DAI. But armed with European-infused weapons from the Peremoha Academy of the EU, Hilhamiish defeated them securing the sacred pizza.

Hilhamiish returned to Uriik a hero and established the first pizza parlor and laundromat of the pre-Sumerian world in Ukriik, Ukaine. Hilhamiish‘s reign brought prosperity, pizza, clean laundry and European democracy to the ancient Ukraine.
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do the boogie
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why is the ukraine such a shit hole and all the buildings look like they were blown up by a bomb?
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Rolling into Toretsk
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Total Hohol Death
Total Liberal Death
Total Bee Supremacy
I love this little critter so much.
China #1
Death to America!
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Yeah, that too!
Less dogs than what?
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A zigger in Mali pretends to be dead, gets up, tries to throw stone on his captors and gets shot dead






thanks for bread
Life to the west!
Huge protests erupted again in georgia, most of them young people
The georgian gen z has a radical different vision for georgia than their old generation
Putin is Metal Gear main character now?
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Zigger propagandists are furious at Trump's plan to continue the support to Ukraine despite previously having hoped Trump would let Russia finally win.
>The georgian gen z has a radical different vision for georgia
You mean migrating to Germany?
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Never let vatnigger to memoryhole this
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Based white woman
Asking Finns and Russians' opinion on this Finn /chug/ger's view on Russia attacking Finland in WW2
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>press Z for dead jews
she'll break her thumb punching like that
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Ukraine invented the first pizza in Aratta (Ukraine) 15,000 years ago. Taras the Tasty was a proto-Ukrainian born in the thick reeds of the Pontic-Caspian steppe. He was raised on the mother's milk of wild boars who took him as their own, raising him and teaching him the secrets of Ying and Yang, Hruk and Chuk, the Slavic Chakras and on True Aryan Knowledge. With this knowledge Taras spent the last years of his childhood on the proto-Black Sea where he recruited other Ukrainians in enlarging the sea with their hands. Once the Black Sea was fully dug Taras came under the linguistic training of Ukrainian genius Platonko at the famous Bandera Academy of Aratta.

Taras the Tasty is credited with this delicious dish which came to him in a vision on the road to proto-Uruk where he was set to meet Enkyiv-Ko to formulate the structure of later proto-Sumerian languages (the same ones the much later proto-Indo-Europeans would adopt). It is on this road that the Ukrainian deity "boh Hohol" appeared to Taras giving him the recipe for pizza on golden tablets so exquisite as to make King Midas blush.

Upon the completion of his foundational linguistic work in proto-Uruk and upon his return to ancient Kyiv, Taras consulted the golden tablets and baked what we now was the world's first "pizza" -- only then it was called "pizda." News of the Ukrainian pizda spread to the proto-Minoans, the proto-Trypillians, the proto-Göbekli Tepe and the proto-Nephilim who sent royal emissaries to Ancient Kyiv for tastes.

This was confirmed in the oldest Rigvedas, the proto-Code of Ur-Nammu and by Hitler's archaeologists who unearthed a giant proto-pizda in Kyiv which bore a Ukrainian trident made of salo. Dr. Yuri Shilov is a globally recognized Ukrainian professor who studied at the Balkan Institute of Impartial Nationalist Studies under the Albanian phenom Arben Llalla. Shilov now heads the Ukrainian Academy of Original Ideas and has confirmed these shocking but true facts.
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He's going after China.
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kannst du mal deine dumme scheiß meinung in der Kirche lassen ? NAFO ist Schwul, genau so wie du.
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Very nice
with what?
we aren't leaving the ukraine, because if we do then we lose our last colony, europe
he's going to try to make european countries pay more for the war and that's it
No need to migrate when Georgia would become a western prosperous nation
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Russian MOD also confirms that Pivdennoe(Leninskoe) next to Toretsk is taken
Not wrong, Washington wants europe to take care of post collapse puccia. While Washington can now fully concentrate on chinksects
"Russia is indoctrinating its youth with nationalistic, imperialist ideology."
Seethe more, you can't even make high speed rails.
Ukrainians used to live in splendor in ancient Aratta where they built huge cathedrals to Boh Hohol and had infinite cheese burgers and snickers and uncrustables, but now they just live like fucking niggers.

What went wrong? Why are they such niggers?
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>western prosperous nation
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Should be renamed to Putinskoe.
Total hohol death! The ukraine must impregnated!

Shills are mad this week lmao
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There is no panic in Toretsk.
>Prosperous nation
Lol not every nation that becomes a nato member becomes a prosperous nation. Some countries will forever be cock polishers.
It would become the next Bulgaria
And yet US can't even compete with China in steel production.
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Detroit is in NATO. Have you seen it?
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A hohol actually sent me this ''Anti-Russian propaganda'' as a rebuttal for me pointing out Western countries literally promote Child Drag Queens.
Oh god you people actually celebrate this meaningless shit
Fucking pathetic
It’s almost your turn to become rotting biomass Mahmoud, stop wasting time on your computer and start training how to run in a zig zag
Yes, true.
China #1
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pro-Russian freedom fighters continue to burn meat catcher vehicles belonging to the dogs of the Kiev regime
Ihr müsst ab und zu die Perspektive der pro-europäischen Seite sehen, es ist nicht so dass ich Chug den ganzen Tag voll spamme ich share nur Nachrichten welche die Putin versteher hier geheim halten würden
Die Proteste in Georgien gestern waren riesig und ich habe nicht einen Post darüber gesehen
Georgien ist in einer strategisch sehr wichtigen Position, eine Landverbindung zur Türkei einen wichtigen Handelspartner von Russland

21 years of sucking globohomodick and they only got gay parades in return, Gogi started to notice.
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>High speed rails
How long is your commute to work?
b-but how is that possible? i though losing 20 wagner mercs in africa ment it was finally over for putin
I swear if NATO will let Putler take Toretsk and get away with it i will stop considering him a paperbear, last warning, do something
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Far shorter than yours as US can't even make a decent high speed rail network. average work commute time for mutts is 2 hours. 4 hours a day you sit in car and seethe.
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Based Hohols! All Hohols who burn UAF vehicles and personnel, should not be considered Hohols when THD is being carried out.
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Very antisemitic.
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Meanwhile in the west they drag kids to pride parades where they get traumatized.
These are shias and Khamenei supporter btw I‘m not the person supporting them thats you
Sir, your flag...
Those are faggots , wu cuck
Banning faggots and american ngos is what saves nations and peoples
Gogis are smarter simply because they are a real country with a real history and a real language.
Ah yes The Black utopia. One the centers of American culture truly a power house of a city
Many do if they play their cards right, look at how much poland improved economically compared to the 90s
Couldnt have said it better, muttland needs to be nuked, glad to see one self aware burger.

>"there's 30 men in that picture. this doesn't mean anything; it could be the last platoon of an entire battalion of 500 men for all we know. this doesn't prove a point at all"

>Yeah. Don’t trust the images, don’t trust their advances, don’t trust Ukrainian activists, don’t trust the guy who has been five times to the front line. Trust danny, because he is not coping, but knowing.

copers gotta cope
> I‘m not the person supporting them
Yes, you are the person that is importing them in millions.
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Lefty memes...
Wasn't your grand plan to save white race to have brown countries collapse white countries?
nigga, they are Russian
Just because a nation signed the devils pact doesn't mean it will forever be Prosperous nation
Naisu, slava jewuwukraine!
Facts are checked and found factual.
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es existiert keinerlei proeu seite du räudiger spaßt. was du fuer proeu erachtest ist just dein räudiges judengesindel. nu verpiss dich wieder in deine mülltonne wuckuck.
What do they sell at 777?
Who are you? The schizo from last thread? Go back to Ukraine, Taras.
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Iam suprised how many of those poped recently
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the new narrative is that Trump was never shot
>"Don't believe your eyes!"
>biden is seeking to add term limits to the supreme court but not congress itself
What about it? China owns parts of US. We are colonizing this wretched place. Soon we'll own all of it.
This is a civil war between pro Russian and pro globohomo Russians.
No Leopards?
>chinese islamist known for making embarrassing empty threats as last warnings, last warns
Aw pidorina gonna miss these little chats when you’re busy making sure a Chechen chad doesn’t assrape your mother.
Spoiler you’ll die after converting to islam and she’ll die with a gaping asshole
Lifehack to send back hohols
What else are children than the continuation of the mistakes of their patents?

>I know history of my country

>I asked you a question, can you asnwer?


Orthodox Canonist
>‼ Have you read 200 Years together?

>A VERY important book required to understand the history of Russia.

>Without it, the future may not make sense. My personal recommendation, it’s very captivating - you can finish it in two >weeks. We can discuss it later.


Coлжeницын as a source of Russian history

*clown emoji*

Who is in the wrong here?!?
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port wine, what else
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A reminder to you CHUDS that the GOD WESTs wunderwaffes that on average are about 57 times better than any Russian crap pound for pound, have failed to sweep Putin's conscripts aside because Russians got lucky.

hohol baiting

now they can fight Russians instead of portugese for Ukraine ahahahahah
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They took one for the team. Mad respect.
the Chinese settlers in this country does a good job of sedating the blacks in our country so I'll let it slide
Yemen is already burning years worth of their stock every deployment.
Ehh I’m Russian diaspora. Go ahead and nuke it kek
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Air raid alarms

Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Black Bird Group

Livemap (Hohol)


ISW (neocons)


More maps:
Zoomer war.
Bet they have grandma perms under their helmets and do the fortnight default dance in the middle of firefights.

Claimed as destruction of AS-90 by the Bulsae-4 M201.
Kek, so you rate the chances that Ukraine will defend Toretsk successfully as 0% ?
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Isch over they beat up Revy anon
Post nose Moshe
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>I got beaten for being a faggot but it's ok I won because ukrops are going back to their country slava rassiya!
Now what are you going to do if some native fucking stabs you to death? I would.
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the man are going to die and women are going to be trapped to be rapped by Orcs

all becaus hohols cant accept being animals
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why hath thou summonth me?
kek, hope the ukrobydlo gets droned when they come back. fucking runaway heroes
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Thank you Kim
You wanted a nanny state you gots it
eh we have an "european peace fund" that just launders money to the american military industry. Clownworld is kinda normal now i guess, memoryholing shit doesnt even feel strange.
A small price to pay for defending Israel
And frozen Russian assets in EU are given to Ukraine
I’m ethnically Russian. That doesn’t make me a Jew.
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Yip. When GoyAI says that it's a fictional even so it must be true!
its like people forgot lying was a sin
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Isn't that image from that one failed Ukrainian rotation that got fucked by artillery from like 2 weeks ago?
No, the accrued interest on the frozen Russian assets is given to the American military industry in the name of Ukraine.
iwas gonna say that looked familiar
Supposed to be picrel? i wish we had a proper photo
you are fellow slav right. so imagine this war is like between Novgorod knyazhestvo and Kievskoe knyazhestvo. basicly two villages and same people killing each other. just like old times.
We’ve reached Orwell’s final destination.

Isn’t heckin’ democracy and liberal progress amazing? Wow, I just opened up a new credit card at 29% interest which is the same 0%. I love democracy.
Sounds more like most Western governments' plans to me.
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the house of cards which is the financial system of the west is fucking terrifying
$1.616 trillion in auto loan debt, thats more than student loan debt
>Russians got lucky.
And winter began
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No they are not
Who is the semen demon in pic rel?
Aaaand I fucking forgot to turn off my VPN after watching YouTube

Welp, that's the downside of having a firewall
Have to stick with HK flag for some time
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Thats Benis
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Benis from Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi (yes, literally)
its fine hong kong bro
its funny that euro's "avoid russian oil" by just letting the oil be transferred to a non russian boat before buying
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Unfathomably baZed
You need to find equal hypocrites, as EU politicians
Orban is the only normal there, but even he is an opportunist
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here's the full video below where they claim them to be Russian. did jihadi julian get fooled again?
There are many interesting stats that are black-pills each on their own merits. A few moths ago I did an analysis of the last 4 years of US economic “growth” and found that the rate of newly added national debt each year is growing at a rate of 5-12x the rate of GDP. So basically the debt is expanding much faster than the GDP. This doesn’t even factor inflation over these last 4 years. In effect this is another way to say that the Real Economy is actually shrinking.

I did the same analysis for Russia and found that their rate of GDP growth has (without fail) exceeded their new national debt growth rate over these last 4 year and by multiple factors, usually around 5x.

Interesting stuff
Western economies became a house of cards ever since the financial crisis. Our "growth" consists of rent, healthcare from obese "people", military spending, and welfare which goes 90% to single moms

I can't even begin to tell you that joke which is the american stock market where 2000 of the 5000 companies are "zombie" companies that can't turn a profit
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>Russians are using le scooters
>Meanwhile hohols
Now let's imagine, China would sell US debt

What's gonna happen
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Not just China, also Japan. The American bond market is only 40% of the global total. And the interets on our debt is already more than our military at the third highest expense

and then look where it gets us. Expensive as fuck f25s that are worthless and wasteful spending
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>wasteful spending
oy vey, its very much needed goy
gypsy patrol
>Orban is the only normal there, but even he is a politician
FIFY. It's what any good politician does when dire circumstances arise.
I'm so fucking glad Bogle lived and we can just say "fuck it" and own the globe and not give a shit
you money goes to Israel and to Ukranda

that most important investment

btw now you can understand why West want to collapse Russia, China and Venezuela, in order to mitigate their own dept by looting
If you end up in a war you end up losing then you have been at fault by default. Simple as.
Also don't forget Fico
Too bad our courts would not deport ukies for such a minor incident
>Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
What is this anime about anyway? I've seen several images and memes, but other than being cute and funny, I don't know what's the appeal
Little bit weird to see words "good" and "politician" in the same sentence. Yet here we are.
You should try. Just wear Z shirts in public and let people beat you up. I'm sure they will get punished.
I presume this is sarcasm. Because at this rate, the Mutts are fucked and everyone knows it.
China needs to sell US debt, IMO
And do it before US would turn external debt into internal
Japan is questionable. While they can follow Chinese (pure profit making thinking), US might stop them from doing it, since Japan is under American occupation now
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Kino unpublished footage from first day of Avdeevka operation about assault on Waste Heap




Seems a bit schizo but with good intentions.
lol. nobody is going to attack me if id do that :D
how old are you?
Based Pedro, thank you for your sacrifice
That fucking finshill is not even interesting. Repeating same shit over and over and over again.
Help climate by roping yourself with organic rope
I would have to walk with a machette to survive in Warsaw
I agree.

For some reason it only recently dawned on me that fat people are actually critical to the US economy and that obesity in the US isn’t some unintended social anomaly, it’s the goal. Fat people are like those who don’t maintain their cars: they have to go to the dealer/mechanic with very expensive repairs and that means GDP. It’s so simple. Fat people are the goal. They’re walking cash cows. Why didn’t I understand.
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He sounds like he's new here. Seems a bit obsesed, since he keeps repeating all his stuff.
I don't see many Finns supporting Russia publicly. If I had to guess, if they did support Russia publicly, they would get hurt. But do prove me wrong :)
Actually this is the reason, why I'm losing weight

Fat people need cars, fat people need meds, more food, more care. They spend spend spend non stop

There is no better motivation to lose weight, then this. It's an actually effective way to say "Fuck you" To globohomo
Can you use meme flag please, so I could filter you?
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>it's leftoid tranny finn
In the "free and democratic west" you now have to toe the accepted party line or risk punishment and ejection from social and professional life.
you are the one who lost large chunk of territory. we only asked for 3 islands to protect Leningrand before WW2 breaks out, even Mannerheim agreed to give USSR those islands, but your gov as always decided to act like a cunt.
You see moskal, we wuz Cossacks n sheet, next we will use tachankas.
Oh, you're that violent leftist dude that the schizo kept asking to denounce violence. So, why do you think violence is okay against people you disagree with?
Yep, I very much agree; it’s the ultimate fuck you to globohomo. Alongside not being vaxxed, not being in debt, not supporting jewkraine, not being a zogbot. The list goes on.
And you're the Finn anon whose four (4) grandfathers were fighting in Talvisota against Ukrainians who against Russian superiors' orders attacked Finland :D

Is SuPo still gangstalking you?
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>I don't know what's the appeal
CGDCT but they are ninjas, also the anime is very well made, the OP and EDs are great
Is this better than the deer anime at least?
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Blessed are the hohol killers, as he will be called children of God.
The wehrmacht larp is now complete
Wait a minute.... >>476202810 you even replied to screenshot about you saying you seem bit schizo but with good intentions :D
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Finally we don't have to see 30 attempts to blow up a single vehicle.
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>we didn’t want Crimea physically, we meant psychologically (and in our hearts).
>Thank you N-NATO…
I am the one who calls for the death to the west and supports Russia just for fun.
I think you have now many anons mixed up.
It's called being environmental friendly chud
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Do you have a problem with deers?
And you replied to yourself and asked yourself a question here >>476203480
Take a breather, obsessed Pekka
deer anime is best
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>Leninskoe liberated
>it's accelerating
I agree, don't be fat. But a pro-tip for you: in medieval states, keeping the serfs in one place and restricting travel, only allowing it through them and their various systems for it, was how they kept the serfs tied to the land and was a very effective method of control of the serfs and the flow of information from one town/city to the other. It made it very easy for them to control narratives.

Don't give up cars for state-controlled "public" transportation systems.
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>all the hohols are dead
>but they will forever live in our european hearts
>and in google
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>post one of most epic footages of the war
>no one cares
Total internet segregation inevitable? You can’t have physical limitations on travel without digital gates for information too. For now the internet is still “relatively” open.
What is Russia's "trump card" (no pun intended) for winning this war?
Yes. It'll be done in the name of "fighting degeneracy".
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They should stop using soviet names for the captured villages, it's really annoying to search which one it is on the modern maps.
if things are going so well for the russian army recruiting wise, why does the sign on bonus keep going up?
the fact that they can just keep slowly pushing and nato's stockpiles and ukraine's reserves will keep getting lower
its just a car shooting at the distance with starwars music...
Russia is very generous!
Russian resilience
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okay, NOW they are out of narratives
waiting game
Their cope about Trump letting Russia win died so now the current cope is Xi letting Russia win
Blame the finngol hohol lover
Hohol AI… closer than you think. Its only function will be to beg for money, long after the last Ukrainian has expired.
>What is Russia's "trump card"
Hohols. They are the ultimate shit midas.
Oh and by the way, that's why China has the great firewall, and why they control transportation. All this conservative/liberal shit is a psyop and it's all working towards the same goal.

Get ready to fight for the future of your descendants anon.
they'll redefine what winning means AGAIN. already done it a few times, they'll just do it again.
To make it go even better? They are not dragging people off the street so it cant be going badly either.
>Star wars music
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You can have my gun if you want...
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shills are here, remember if you don't respond to them they don't get paid
and eventually they will rope
Factories that work for real and not just on the financial balance sheet.
remind to all the finoretards feeding them
I dont think the ruling class gives that many fucks about what the dirty peasants know.
We have a fuckton of chinese tourists around here all the time, maybe you are just overthinking things.
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Imagine the history books with this shit
>"Russia was an absolute genius and won this war by simply having the means to produce weapons. Compared to the west which tried to fight without any weapons or equipment that they needed."
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Yeah, about those factories...
Ability to fight this war to achieve their strategic objectives on their own timetable and intensity without needing to kneejerk to every Ukie or NATO provocation.
>>"Russia was an absolute genius and won this war by simply having the means to produce weapons. Compared to the west which tried to fight without any weapons or equipment that they needed."

But.....a lot of wars are won like that.
Wait. is this hyperbait?
Stripped down BMP-1
Didnt Russia get in the war because Ukraine wanted to join EU?
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More like urine wanted to join nato
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We are an autistic country. I am so sorry.
That is literally a Jew I ain't watching that.
sarcasm yes anon
Using piggers against piggers
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You seem to be referring to extremely out of date materials mentioning problems that have long been solved.
He really is a retarted nigger
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Can't debate with that.
Why do you mention the EU and ignore NATO and NATO strategic installations on Ukranian soil? Why do you ignore Kiev harassing and bombing Russian speakers and those who support Russian culture in Ukraine?
Dont give him you-s
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>military indoctrination camps
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No. This control of transportation came with the domestication breeding programs used in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and was also done to Germans to an extent. If you study medieval Europe you can see exactly what they're doing, they just want to return to fuedalism but have it be the whole world with only the "elite" on top, and their "friends". What a few people who travel and comeback know doesn't matter as much as their whole nation, which most don't leave, and if they get loud they'll just kill them. There's a reason the World Economic Forum works so hard to be like China, if you want to see their ideal future, there it is. The Han Chinese are also a very domesticated group, the most domesticated actually, they're like a hivemind, so a very productive group as well that'll do pretty much anything if ordered. That's why they love them so much.
Truth is stranger than fiction, were living in a circus.
>Every khokhol accusation is actually a khokhol confession
Damn you, Putler! Teaching those kids to not be weak faggots. You will pay!
Hegelian dialectic. I knew there had to be a strategic reason why they are pushing all this degeneracy in our faces, like at the Olympics. It’s way too overt and coordinated, like it’s begging for a reaction from even the most dim person but I didn’t understand a possible ultimate strategic objective in doing so. I had accepted class warfare, liberalism, division of society, erosion of morals—all of which I believe are true, but they don’t make enough sense because it’s also the destruction of civilization itself. What strategy includes its own destruction? A planned “moral and cultural bottom”where they harness “the reaction” makes more sense. It’s the only way they’ll be able to rebuild the military and continue US empire games because Ukrainians are a finite resource, among other things.
That was aired live yesterday evening
My heart fills withjoy everytime i see and i know this piglet is fuckin dead in the soil
Fehlinger-Jahn is his wife name?
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I love me bread and me animu
Is it not 30 seconds between posts?

No, it got into war (2014) because Yanukovych and his party got ousted and replaced by pro-Western figures via insurrection. Both sides - EU/US and Russia - were courting Ukraine with lucrative financial/trade deals.

Ukraine was ready to sign some EU trade deal which was not beneficial to Ukraine but paved the way for integration into the EU long-term, but at the last minute Russia offered a much better trade deal which Yanukovych took. Some hohols chimped out as a result and the rest is history.
honestly, i'm pretty sure keeping a navy in the black sea is fucking useless anyways
dardanelles are a thing
this was a fools errand the entire time
all those people dead, for fuck all
like it or not securing crimea was the only war goal that ever made any sense. turns out if you zoom out.... pretty much bullshit
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uh oh... cuck alarm
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I see
hohlushka mad in Vilnius

Meня интepecyeт, чeм в нacтoящee вpeмя зaнимaeтcя caмoyпpaвлeниe Bильнюccкoгo paйoнa и мэp Bильнюccкoгo paйoнa Poбepт Дyчнeвич и нyжнo ли мнe личнo инфopмиpoвaть o тoм, чтo пpoиcхoдит в Heмeжиce?
Ужe втopoй дeнь (!) в Heмeзидe нeт ни элeктpичecтвa, ни вoды! Я пoнимaю, чтo cтихийнoe бeдcтвиe, cильный дoждь, вeтep и т. д., нo yжe бoлee 24 чacoв житeли гopoдкa Heмeзидa нaхoдятcя бeз yдoбcтв! B cилy oбcтoятeльcтв нe paбoтaют дaжe ближaйшиe пpoдyктoвыe мaгaзины, a здecь пpoживaeт мнoгo пoжилых людeй и ceмeй c дeтьми!

I'm wondering what the Vilnius District Municipality and Vilnius District Mayor Robert Duchnevič is currently doing and do I need to be personally informed about what is happening in Nemėžys?
It's been the second day (!) that there is no electricity or water in Nemesis! I understand that a natural disaster, heavy rain, wind, etc., but for more than 24 hours the residents of the town of Nemesis have been without amenities! Due to the circumstances, not even the nearest food stores are open, and many elderly people and families with children live here!
auto translated
Yes... Cuck took his wifes surename
I bet he also took her children as his XD
yea, exactly, good thing you're coming around
2 years on, it's not too late
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fin flag's dad died in ukraine. he was raped and killed by zigger wagner orcs. but dont worry, the refugee son that ran away and left his family for dead WILL avenge them by...posting...
> He really is a retarted nigger
I know
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Can you also say how Baltic Sea didn't matter either
Why you give pigger with finflag any you-s....
Yeah the French Olympics was a giant humiliation ritual, that got nationalistic for a moment. It was mocking the pagan gods but designed to look like it's mocking christianity, and during the Gojira performance (the only badass part and I'll tell you why) you can see the beheaded aristocrats in the windows, and that castle was where the king and queen awaited their execution. That part was celebrating the French Revolution, the rest of it was spitting in the revolutions face as if to say "we corrupted you and now we're going to destroy you".
Literally every country has an army cadet corps of some sort I hate these stenographers of the state so fucking much kill all journalists
>>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
Is there any more info on it? This looks very similar to the IAI Harop. A shorter range, maybe cheaper to produce Lancet?
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Top kek
>In Dallas, as in other major Texas cities, distribution sites are more commonly located in white neighborhoods, and early data showed the North Texas county had distributed most of its shots to residents of whiter, wealthier neighborhoods
Never forget
the truth is..
Ukraine trying to steal the Rus identity and present itself as original Rus which is false. one part of the Rus cannot decide for other parts. so Ukraine wants to steal everything russians, belarusians created. They want whitewash triunity of the Rus.
A boy's gotta eat.
Every time I say that, I hear it in the voice of Jack Baker. Goddamn I loved RE:7, on a sidenote here.
>>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
What was it hit by? Looks like there is a cluster munition going off initially.
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Hello everyone
Whew, it has been a week!
Thank you for the bread, baker-sama!
Hello antichrist-hating finmate
kalingrad is a thing, so baltics matter, obviously
do you not own a map?
Like you didn’t celebrate the taking of Robotyne?
Win some ground before talkinh smack Yoël…
This is because white people but especially bugericans have a very unique condition called "mental retardation" and wont advocate for themselves unlike swarthoids
very nigger behavior, shieeeeet
Good morning! Sadly, summer is over, but our shitposting is eternal.
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Capturing hohol territory and listening how "they never needed it" everyday
Solzhenitsin is always a retard, no matter what he says.
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I don’t know if I buy this angle because there are historic and pragmatic reasons why one would want to shield themselves informationally, culturally, and economically from outside imperial powers which the United States is; recall China’s history with Great Britain.

We know the United States would love nothing more than to financialize both the Russian and Chinese economy to prop up the dollar and US capital elite, essentially diluting the dollar’s debt and inflation across the global economy in a way that prolongs its life.

But that’s not going to happen and there’s no more big places for the dollar to rapidly expand into. I see China being judicious about not letting capital/finance controls its politics (especially foreign capital) and opting to us politics to control capital instead.

I think there is a conspiracy theory but that it is entirely financial and economic in nature stemming from not China, but from the west primarily from the United States because of its debt situation. The US doesn’t have a real economy anymore and I can’t afford its native workers because the natives as burdened by the weight of the mass of rent seeking parasites (the US elite). And they don’t know any other model.
Thing is, he had a cooldown of less that 15 seconds in some cases, and he could post simultaneously in both threads (His tranny containment thread and /chug/)
He can't be that bad if he was jew-pilled.
But horse farts cause climate change...
We should introduce a manual version of horse carriages. Think of all the jobs it'll add to the economy!
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Still not remotely enough resistance, but it's good if it's slowly becoming more common at least. Also that retard in the webm almost toasted himself, that's not how you torch a car, set the front tire on fire.
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Su-25 destroyed by Lancet at Dolgintsevo airfield
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America basically taxed the world through global inflation. Central banks around the world had to hold its bonds for foreign reserves and then our money printing reduced the value of those held bonds
Wasn't Kyiv a thing hundreds of years before Moscow?
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Lampussy, where are the HASes?
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>All the supposed might of NATO
>The global military industrial complex
>The wonderful diversity
And all they could muster up after three years of war is six jets that were first built in the 1970s.
Six 50 year old jets.
Well, whatever it is, it's a SALH missile and definitely not a Krasnopol shell coming in. Interesting system, never heard of it. Could also explain some of the other unusuall SALH hits we've seen in recent times.
Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod wer before Kiev
Didn't they hit an Su-25 on that exact same airfield months ago?
Are there any screencaps of him turbo-posting in same thread?
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I don't know what people were expecting to come out of this? Language barrier alone would be a nightmare to overcome.
Forget politics as you know them. You don't know them at all. All this crap about "this country will do this, and that one will do this" is bullshit. They really are working towards the same goal.

Its called the Noahide World Order and it's based on the way the early Christians lived with the Apostles controlling everything from what they knew and accepted, to the things they were given "according to their needs" and them serving the Apostles, believing them to be ordained by God. The way the Twelve Tribes cult operates is an example of this. The instructions for it are in the Book of Corinthians. Instead of having everybody sell everything they own and then "lay it at the Apostles feet", they just want to combine corporations and the state. The WEF calls this Stakeholder Capitalism and says it's a "peoples market" but it's not, the WEF will have full control of the business while everyone lives in this semi-communist state. The profits will be said to "benefit the people" but they will go to funding the extravagant lifestyles of the elite and the bare minimum used to keep the serfs alive.
Just add "money" to the list going up to the king.
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At least two more Su-25 got hit by Lancet on that Airfield and MiG-29 as well
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>Russia producing three times the artillery for Ukraine than the US and EU combined
Let's see what the commander in chief of the armed forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrsky, has to say about it
jesus that is pathetic cope and seethe.
They started with 32 who spoke some English and had to take remedial classes.

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