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Previous: >>476198286
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Air raid alarms

Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Black Bird Group

Livemap (Hohol)


ISW (neocons)


More maps:
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>Unpublished footage from 1st day of Avdeevka operation assault on Waste Heap (volume warning)
>Roasted Leopard Kurakhovsky direction
>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
>Lancet strike on PzH-2000
>Hohol convoy to Rabotino completely rekt
>FPV rams Baba Yaga
>Lancet strikes EW system
>Russian stormtroopers near Konstantinovka
>Su-34 delivers FABs
>Russian UAV destroys hohol M777 howitzer
>Pantsir-S1 intercepts UJ-26 drone attacking Dyagilevo airfield
>Anti-drone home-made buggy
>Russians destroy hohol radar in Kharkov
>Bradley gets hit by Lancet
>Kupyansk ammo depot hit by FAB
>FABs fall on Volchansk
>Missile falls on Burgunka
>Kornet missile hits Bradley
>LMUR missile strike at Prechistovka
>2x Marders hit by missile
>TOS near Pyatihatki
>T-80 and BMP-2 attack AFU fortification
>Leopard 2A4 being chased by FPV drone
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region

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Reminder that the F35 program cost over $2 trillion and they are completely worthless in war because of how easily the over engineered shits break down
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Death and humiliation to the West!
Life and glory to Russia!
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Chug what time is it?
I'm pretty sure those figures are exaggerated but the basic point still stands it's an overpriced piece of garbage that works less than half the time.
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Thank you for the bread!
Total finflag shill death, total Russian victory! Z
Total sexo
And all that does is accelerate multipolarity and de-dollarization because irresponsible dollar printing is outsourcing dollar inflation onto the rest of the world and reducing the value of their foreign labor and the buying power of their local currencies which need to be exchanged into the dollar to trade internationally. Not only is the grave abuse of reserve currency status (especially when you combine with it illegal sanctions) but this is really fucking stupid. Sure in the short term it allows the printer to go grrr and benefits a few select interests but it hurts the world and most Americans.
Nothing ever happens.
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Huh, imagine being SO desperate that you pay US Military level wages to your volunteers instead of just catching random men on the street and putting them into party vans like all the NORMAL PROGRESSIVE and CIVILIZED™ counties do. It's completely ogre for ruZZia now.
Unfathomably based!
This nigger worshipping communist anti-white and native finnish hating npc country deserves death!
reminder that ziggers and contrarians know so fucking little they thought 16% interest rates were a good thing and they STILL think 18% interest rates are a good thing.
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Aren't they quite reliable all things considered? What is more concerning is that not many NATO nations are interested in developing their own 5th Gen fighters and are basically buying them from the US and not getting them delivered for years.
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Who here going to join mighty Russian army?
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I thought russia is a tyrannical state that doesn't care about losses and is running out of money, why are we paying them at all?
reminder that this thread is filled with ziggers and contrarian losers. the world would and will be a better place when these people kill themselves.
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The West is just very... jewish. That's why we are like this.
Forget politics as you know them. You don't know them at all. All this crap about "this country will do this, and that one will do this" is bullshit. They really are working towards the same goal.

Its called the Noahide World Order and it's based on the way the early Christians lived with the Apostles controlling everything from what they knew and accepted, to the things they were given "according to their needs" and them serving the Apostles, believing them to be ordained by God. The way the Twelve Tribes cult operates is an example of this. The instructions for it are in the Book of Corinthians. Instead of having everybody sell everything they own and then "lay it at the Apostles feet", they just want to combine corporations and the state. The WEF calls this Stakeholder Capitalism and says it's a "peoples market" but it's not, the WEF will have full control of the business while everyone lives in this semi-communist state. The profits will be said to "benefit the people" but they will go to funding the extravagant lifestyles of the elite and the bare minimum used to keep the serfs alive.
Just add "money" to the list going up to the king.
reminder that ziggers are literally posting from concrete shitbox apartments and think their country is better than yours.
You need to have prior military experience to get this.
i dunno, sending thousands of your countrymen to their death invading your neighbour so you can earn a few more gas/oil shekels seems pretty jewish to me.






thanks for bread
Helsinki is a shithole.
Knights did not give land to peasants, lords did.
>Westernized Mutt delusions
Next you're going to tell me that Australia is about to become a nuclear submarine power.
should i google quality of life differences between finland and russia? or you just going to stfu and kys you dumb zigger? pathetic contrarian.
You are wrong. Russia isn't jewish.
What Russia did was based, albeit too humane.
Only total kike and hohol death is acceptable.
I love how quickly the narrative changes from
>cannon fodder! Cheap prisoners and mercs!
>These Russians are actually paying their soldiers, they must be desperate!
I don't need go to know that you're jewish. Would you kindly go into the oven?
And Russia HDI > THE Ukraine HDI
>Some English
Makes it seem that whoever shilled for F-16s to Ukraine just assumed that Ukrainian pilots would have good understanding of the English language like a lot of citizens of Western European nations.
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From house of arested russian general
reminder that you lived in a giant concentration camp in covid days.
Australia such a third world country ))
>Both NATO and Ukraine refused to honour agreements guaranteeing mutual security
So now the western block is fucked and its puppet state Ukraine is about to be destroyed. You deserve it.
yeah you're just a dumb pol teenager, probably don't even know what interest rates are. ignored.

nuclear powered submarines, yeah in the 2040's/2050's when the delays come.
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I live in a commieblock similar to this, it's better than cardboard mutt sheds or overpriced euro gingerbread houses with 19th century piping in the city center full of niggers
Yes I know, the knights served the Lords/King, whatever. Dude, anything that is trying to trick you into not owning property, and this is a very basic rule of thumb to go on, does not have your best interest in mind, and neither does anything wanting to benefit massive corporations or banks. Its be difficult, but economically to kill their whole system we have to go back to the bartering system and people just trade.
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>Aren't they quite reliable all things considered?
I'm not going to look up the reports now but no. They are okay planes when they are up in the air, but the readiness rates are sub 50%, in optimal peacetime conditions.
The cost of this plane is all sorts of weird - the F35A is actually pretty cheap, last I checked ~70-80 million, but the F35A requires smooth, meticulously maintained runways and the machine itself requires an excessive number of man hours to keep in the air. Because it's a piece of shit that breaks down all the time.
The F35B and C variants are a lot more lenient when it comes to runway quality (they are for carriers and short runways) but the base price is much higher (off the top of my head there were some in the 130s) and the maintenance requirements are even more awful. I will remind you that Norway could not scrape together the engineers to keep their fleet in the air. As in, the entire country could not train enough dudes to work on the jets because it requires high end experts and an excessive number of man hours.
Now take one moment to ask yourself as to what happens when this whole system finds itself in high intensity warfare and dealing with rocket attacks coming in every week or two.
Funny thing is that large numbers of young Australians have been priced out of the housing market and will never have a nice place of their own to live in.
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F-35 readiness for some selected assigned missions can be up to 50% to 60%, readiness for all assigned missions including combat is in the 25% range.
It warms my heart that someone scammed shoigu and sold him these low effort shoops.
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Don't worry, UK has also started to build up a lot more apartment blocks over private houses.
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Damn, nigga. No more shovels?
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Holy kek
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can't believe this is the future of warfare
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I bet you know all about the (((interest rates))). Go on, run and hide, faggot jew!
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Why are there so many niggers in Russia?
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Airbases have plenty of highly trained security and force protection units. Might add up to 10,000 to 20,000 personnel across the country. Moving them into frontline roles and replacing them at bases with fresh recruits makes sense when you are looking to maximise front line combat momentum for a massive assault.
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Russia is a multi ethnic country and it has longstanding diplomatic, educational and technical roots with many African nations.
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I actually like bong row houses with small yards behind. Is it really that expensive to live there?
>writes fictional work
>pretends it's real
>every liberal cites it as a documentary work about the VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM
you think it can't be both of those things? lmao you're legit retarded.
for now, whatever is left of ukraine at the end of this is going to join the EU and NATO and QoL will sky rocket, meanwhile, russia will still be going backwards, as it has done for years.
reminder that we had a negative excess death rate during covid due to vaccines and lockdowns. how'd russia go? lmao. its actually part of the problem for the west when predicting the future of this war (both close and far) in that, the west struggles to grasp how little a russian life is worth to fellow russians. my country dumpsters yours. enjoy your shit pathetic life whilst i enjoy mine, you dumb thirdie.
nah they'll be fine. russia can barely take ukraine, its actual neighbour. zero force projection.
i own a house similar to this. double garage, side access, more grass though. stay poor and shit thirdie.
yeah i do, mortgage of $250-300k on a house valued at $750,000
Let's make it into a hat-trick!
>nah they'll be fine. russia can barely take ukraine, its actual neighbour. zero force projection.
Hey if you are happy with the way the war in Ukraine is going currently and I am happy with the way the war in Ukraine is going currently, then we can declare this a win-win situation. Well done.
I could not remember off the top of my head so I didn't want to lowball it but yeah that could be correct.
It's an okay plane, on the odd occasion when it works.
And from here continues a related topic, which is NATO anti air, which is utter fucking garbage. The ground to air AA is famously shit, but what they don't talk about is that the air to air capability is also on the edge of obsolete. The primary AA plane is still the F15C.
The F35 is SUPPOSED to do this, but the truth of the matter is that it is actually optimized for ground attack and while it can perform air to air combat, it has a whole host of issues relating to that, the most obvious being low payload capacity in the stealth configuration (le beast mode joke) and its low velocity. It is effectively a subsonic jet, which is obviously not what you want when it comes to intercepting incoming supersonic missiles.
And so on and so forth.
And its great advantages, the sensors and networking, are not actually a new thing, Sweden had it for over a decade and the Russians had rudimentary versions of those systems that they've rushed into completion over the course of the war.
The only major benefit of the F35 program that's really a thing is mass production, the plane really was made in large numbers, there's like a thousand of the things around.
>t. homosexual whose father left when he was 11
You are jewish. Opinnions: discarded.
Also, you didn't ignore me. You can't.
I'm immune to jewish propaganda.
That makes you angry.
Do those fences keep the abos, chinks, and niggers out?
Australia is lacking land or something?
Or maybe there's a shortage of rock and clay?
Africans built Russia. Just like they built America.
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>russia can barely take ukraine,
Wait,so it CAN take Ukraine? What happened to crimea and kaliningrad?
>Loud mouth Aussie thanks China for his country's economic success
This shit is so funny
i am as is ukraine you moron. this is why you contrarians are hated by all you know. you're so dumb you think you're smart.
ukraine said in 2024 it was going on the defence, forcing russia to pay a high cost for every metre. it is doing just that. russia's aim is to take ground, no matter the cost.
both sides are completing their goals in 2024, whether you loser contrarians accept that or not is another matter.
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Damn nigger larps as he lives in a renovated dacha for 1 million dollars and it's a good thing
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Dumb ZIGGER Ukraine was never supposed to win.
I built Africa.
Checkmate, niggers.
It's a bank loan fueled financial ponzi scheme, like the rest of western GDP.
It’s interesting but I’m still not sure. I understand that there is a historical conversion happening now between state and corporations, public and private interests—stakeholder capitalism as you call—and it seems to be inevitable because there is an excess of democracy, an access of information, an excess of narrative breakdown, which is diminishing the rule of international oligarchs in aristocracies that are embedded primarily in finance.

Natually, they are trying to destroy any new movements against them And attack any form of genuine populism or organization against them. This is all to reassert themselves but I don’t see this as a globally coordinated event, do you? Why do you see it as a globally coordinated event given the current war? The proxy war is an obstacle to this coordination, which is evidence that it is not coordinated… would you agree? This war is ultimately about Sovereignty and if Russian didn’t believe in its own on sovereignty wouldn’t be fighting it. That’s one of difference between Russians and Europeans. Russian’s actually have balls whilst Europeans LARP as having balls, but they are cucks who are easily shamed into submission, not just physical but moral and cultural. That’s why I see Russia as not only fighting for itself, but for much of the world who can’t quite stand up for itself, but wishes for a Russian victory against the Jew world international order.
For reasons unknown they planned just in time logistics for a machine with tons of moving parts and jet engine to save on warehouse cost.
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Hey great if you believe that good on you, like I said win-win.
Sounds like a plan by some management consultants that the Pentagon decided sounded good.
>I'm immune to jewish propaganda.
>replies three times to obvious bot
Jeet phonescammers will have a field day with you.
But at least you're living in muh wectroon cibilazashon, not like some African negroes innit.
When will the quality of life of Detroit sky rocket? Detroit is in NATO.
You'll never be a woman
>my country dumpsters yours.
you don't even realize how wrong you are. Russia outlive all of you. we have all resources and land to survive. West moraly stagnating without God and traditions. you all gonna die while chinks and poojeets colonize you.
they also said that their "counter-offensive" is going to crimea
then it was melitopol
then it was tokmak
then it was "what offensive"

they said a lot of things and you would still believe them all, as gulliable retard that you are
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Yes, we're currently full.
>problems with information transfer
Oh here's another tangent for me to go on. This is why the US not even once won an airplane acquisition contest in India.
American planes are straight up built for slaves. If you are a non US country and you buy an American plane, you do not actually own the plane. You get to use it to do your master's bidding and that's it. It wasn't always quite like this, but Iran is using F4s and F14s to this day which is one of the reasons the US kept introducing what is basically DRM into their export models. If the US doesn't like what you have to say, your F35s are either shut down remotely, or you don't get the files that the machine needs to work properly.
So when they showed up in India with their jets (I think it was super hornets), they were refused outright because the condition for sale was that India only gets to use it on US orders, and this is guaranteed with machinery/electronics inside the planes themselves.
I think France won the contest and actually around that time France won a bunch of contests for this exact reasons and sold a couple hundred Rafale jets (Including to us, we got some used ones for cheap because the Frenchies wanted to sell and saw we're broke as a joke).
i am fully convinced that JD Vance is a manufactured hero just like Barack Obama was but made for the "rightwing" side of the dialectic
Who's laughing when I get my 10k € from Microsoft special rewards program, ziggybli?!
Didn't know linux users qualify, but here we are!
only issue is Fighterbomber isnt a pilot.
Glad to know you admit you are a retard.
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less fighting, more waifus!
Basically after the stalemate in Korea and getting our asses humiliated in Vietnam, and with the Soviet union done, we turned our military industrial complex to the middle east where it was designed around air striking gorillas.

With no purpose, or genuine threats, the military industrial complex just became an expensive "tomorrow land" exhibit where they made everything seem innovative but over engineered the shit out of it.

Now were seeing that we are completely useless in conventional warfare. If the F16 ever fails to perform, due to anti fighter AA, America is 1000% giga fucked. Our military is useless. The f35 is useless.

This doesn't even bring up china
It's all jewish. They want Kamala for White replacement, Trump for pissrael.
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Compare it to 42mln of niggers in america
I wonder when we're gonna start seeing American pilots "volunteer" for the frontline and then start dying mysteriously in training accidents
That's Mr. Dr. Based Retard to you, Alexander.
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digits demand
JIT is the industry standard because it saves on warehousing costs and minimizes standing capital.
They put it in because they are retards floating along on autopilot and nobody took a moment to ask as to what happens if they actually need to use the planes in a fight.
Mr gayfaggot* ftfy
Replied to you here anon >>476208502
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It does sound like someone from private business sector. Both the west and the industry here have been obsessed with cutting logistics as part of kaizen approach copied from Japanese.
Sure it works if you are running a bread factory or other fast moving stocks but a military without stockpile is a disaster.
you don't outlive me though, you die 10 years before me on average? lmao dumb zigger thinks he's a 1st world country.
Dr. Gay Faggot, sar.
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>The mobilization push has so far not significantly bolstered Ukraine’s forces on the battlefield, those people say. Many conscripts are still completing the weekslong training process and have yet to reach the front. And some recruits who have arrived are not physically fit for combat, members of Ukrainian units have noted.

>Troop shortages have been one of Ukraine’s biggest problems on the battlefield for the past year. Russian forces have managed to break through weakened Ukrainian lines by overwhelming them with waves of ground assaults. And the Ukrainian Army has not had enough soldiers to mount large-scale counterattacks.

>Mr. Voytenkov, the press officer for the 33rd, said his brigade gave one week of additional training to conscripts to show them the weapons and armored vehicles that they would be using. After just the basic training, he said, “they are not ready to fight, honestly.”
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Afternoon tea time?
Whatever retard, keep replying to shills like the dumb idiot that you are.
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I've seen some of the newer housing developments in Moscow and they're actually nice as fuck. I really wish this stupid war and sanctions would end soon so I could spend a summer there. Moscow seems like a lot of fun, and a lot better than most European capitals.
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Always was under the impression that US Air Force is actually superiors in their average iq to the regular Army/Muhrines zogbots who's jumped headfirst into the trenches as mercs given the first opportunity. Wonder if I was correct in my initial assessment. Guess we will see over the next half a year to a year.
>you said you'd take your neighbour in 2 weeks
800 days later
> you said you'd overthrow the government
>you said you'd stop nato expansion
>you said your navy would take the coast
not even in the sea anymore
Really depends on what you do in life. England (not whole UK!) average house price is 300k while average UK(!) salary is around £35k. But these averages mean fuck all since house prices can swing widely between regions. You can buy a very comfy 3 bedroom home around Manchester/Leeds for 250k.

Even in London you can find houses for same price but they are in a more rougher area and need fixing. They are not complete run down shitholes, but in a lot of cases their interior looks very dated and slightly damaged.
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uh excuse me but the most epic foreign policy think tanks in washington dc have assured me that actually the ukrainians will have the best super special ghost recon rainbow six frontline training, which will in turn annihilate the ruzzian mobiks.
is this "you" in the room with us right now?
Hah! They just called me. I need to send the 100 € to get them to send the 10k € to me from Ireland. What a good lad that Paddyjeet from Microsoft was.
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Sheit mang. You struck rich
cope and seethe loser.
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>February 12, 2024 - after winning the elections, the President of Finland said that the path to peace in Ukraine lies only through the battlefield.
>July 29, 2024 - The right moment is approaching when it is necessary to begin negotiations to establish peace in Ukraine,” the Finnish leader believes.
Can't believe it myself, mang! If'd have listened to mace-d'ouh-nyans, I'd be 10k € poorer!
you come here every day to argue with people on a message board lol. you're already at double digit posts. pretty clear who the loser is.
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2 weeks and hoholinas will surrender
Picrel sounds like a good thing, but I guess it's only good if the thing you're trying to improve is the efficiency of your manufacturing and not the efficiency of your price gouging
>thousand of those things around
And yet UK cannot get enough of them to suplement their 2 aircaft carriers designed around the F-35 platform. I think the plane is probably fine for the country it was designed for - the US - and its sheer scale of military and logistical capabilities. But any other nation seems to be shooting itself in the foot by acquiring F-35.
i want to go get some fried shrimp but theyre all farm raised here. truly a dystopia i live in
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>two weeks
God I love you retards, this isn't the own you think it is, never change
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muh sweet waifu Frieren-sama is so deliciously flat it's unreal
My mistake
>posting inbetween games
i'm not the basic loser who hates his country and cheers for russia because he's a social reject mate.
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Ukraine is so pig!
It has everything!
Did you know that Ukraine has PIGeons???
To be fair, the ships themselves are buggered. The planes also don't work but nothing does so it doesn't even matter in that regard.
a scholarly choice
Time to read between the lines
>we're running out of men, women pls join the AFU
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>he goes on 4chin to cry about losers
look at dis dood
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no hrony
This Aryan Evangelist page is so fucking sus to me. Sort of a "how do you do, fellow nazis?" kinda thing. The frequency with which they dig up pictures of Russian women in compromising situations with niggers can only mean the page is a group effort, aka a US government psyop.

Don't tell me some random fuckup from Kentucky handling a meme page is digging all these up himself. Why is he so obsessed with Russian women and niggers? Unless the point is to drum up anti-Russian sentiment among the right wing, aka support for the Biden administration's war effort.
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no way!!! I'm literally shaking from that information!!!
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flattest is bestest
But does it have niggers? As a westerner, I demand niggers
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Oh yes, I do. And yeah I know it seems inevitable because it is under their crap. It's all working towards it, it's designed for this "brave new world" to come out of it. They aren't panicking as the machine goes down, theyre counting it so they can "rebuild" it. WW3 is meant to bring about this "Great Reset".
And what you said about Russians, this is true for some Russian groups, some not, basically the ones that interbred with the Poles and other groups that were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are more domestic because, let's just say Poles to make it simple, are bred to be domestic and many Germans are as well. It happened in England too. That's why I am so thankful to be a Celt, they could never control or conquer Celts so we avoided this. Just look at the way the Irish behave compared to say Germans and even the way Celtic Americans are known for being rowdiness. All that "being White means being peaceful and civilized" shit is a massive psyop for the "White" groups it happened to, to embrace the breeding programs used on them in the middle ages. I'm an anarchist anon, spiritually and politically. I believe by combining enlightenment and freedom we can actually achieve a true, good World Order without elites fucking everyone over and all races can actually live in peace, while not mixing for racial advancement purposes. And about the populations that have been domesticated, they also have altered brains, so they need to work as a team to breed "back", by instead of selecting for tameness as was done before, by selecting for rowdiness and high intelligence and then starting spiritual teachings young. Remember it's not just in Europe, Asian groups had this happen too.
Hold on anon I'll be right back.
>тyхлoпepeмoжный тpaнcгeндepный швaйнoгoлyбь
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>28 July 2024
>"The main message is that we have no cause for concern in Finland. We have the situation under control and are able to respond," he said.
>Meanwhile, the Finnish president said that Finns should accept the fact that the war will come closer to Finland's borders, as "it is not that far to fly from Helsinki to Kyiv".
I am talking about UK literally does not have enough physical planes to put on the carriers. They have enough for one carrier I believe, and if they want to have both carriers out in the sea they would need to take most of F-35s from RAF. And a handful of years ago, there were no F-35s to go on the carriers at all lmao.
there's a special Frieren for the likes of yours
>he goes on 4chan to defend his country sending thousands of his countrymen to their death so his autocratic leader can get richer
its a cope i guess.
Jesus Chirst, that's brain rot.
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they really photoshopped this nigga's face on my boy pozzo di borgo's portrait LMAO
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British AS-90 SPG destroyed by North Korean wunderwaffen
at least their getting training. you see the example posted the other day?
>be russian
>leave for army on the 13th of June
>arrive home in a casket on the 30th of June
>poзoвoпёpый гopдливoпoтyжный хвинтoхpыл
Hohol sources seethe the Russia "finished preparations" for another massive missile strike.
Hopefully tonight will be comfy with light roasted pork smell in the air.
>canned response
>n-no u!!1
Kek, what a loser.
*talmud evangelist
Are these the same examples that post 700k Russian KIA?
He outed himself as a gook. They're the most liberal males in the West by far. Even Indians are often lowkey right wing. Not gooks. Too low-test. Western debauchery just tears them apart. He should fuck off back to China where he belongs.
I want 5G so much bros
>no response
keep coping dumb zigger.
unless the russians are saying 700k kia? i dunno
>The reaction of Iran supreme leader Imam Khamenei to insulting Jesus Christ in Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: "We have common religious beliefs with Christians. Respecting Jesus Christ is a certain belief among Muslims. These insulting actions to Jesus christ that happened recently are condemned in our opinion."
So he low-key admitted that NAFO will lose Kyeiff?
why don't you have it?
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I ain't seeing too many waifus here
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Oh shut the fuck up and go back to your pigsty. Read this and wheep.
>christcucks and mudslimes seethe
2 birds 1 stone, nice.
Xe says while literally coping xirself.
>muh 6 gorillion losez!!!
Okay, but when will Ukraine win and take Crimea? And does NATO want it to win?
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>"it is not that far to fly from Helsinki to Kyiv".
Is he implying that hohols will try to bomb finns? Mad pig will pay for this.
>Ukrainian sources report that the North Korean Bulsae-4 ATGM was spotted for the first time in the Kharkov region.
>This complex is a launcher with eight missiles (presumably these could be Chinese HJ-10 with a range of up to 10 km). The chassis is a modified version of the BTR-80.
>hits everyone but Jews
Good goy
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Kill yourself, kike
>have triple the equipment
>still getting outpaced by a snail
ziggers really are dumb af
don't you mean chink? check your racism lingo retard.
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Hohol Finance Minister: Ukraine needs additional $12-15 billion from partners in 2025 'because the war will continue,'

>Ukraine will likely need an additional $12-15 billion in foreign financial support next year as the war is unlikely to end in 2025, Finance Minister Serhii Marchenko said in an interview with RBC Ukraine published on July 30.

>"Now we are constantly discussing with our partners that we need additional financial assurance because the war will continue in 2025, and we need to have a buffer," the minister said. According to Marchenko, the current pledges from partners will not be sufficient.

>The figure of $12-15 billion corresponds to discussions between Ukraine's Finance Ministry and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), he added.

>The IMF has allocated $15.6 billion in financial support to Ukraine under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program, which is to be disbursed in regular installments until 2027.

>Ukraine received the latest tranche of $2.2 billion in early July. Under the IMF's program, Kyiv also received political commitments from its partners of $122 billion by 2027.

>The besieged country received $42.5 billion in external financing from various donors last year, allowing it to function amid the ongoing war. The IMF said Ukraine will need roughly the same sum to support its budget this year.

>"We are showing that we are ready for the most difficult decisions and that we are making our own contribution," Marchenko told RBC Ukraine, reminding that the government is pushing forward a tax hike.


to the last hohol!
>being jewish
Кaк жe ты зaeбaл, ёбaнoe пидopacищe.
I was in Ukraine in 2017 and they were still on 3G (as in they had no 4G). What’s Russian like in terms of carrier technology these days?
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>10km ATGM
how the fuck do you aim it?
What is this cope again? Please give me your best cope. How is this happening? Elastic defense?
>10km ATGM
>how the fuck do you aim it?
the hezbollah versions have tv guidance, so you spot it launch and find
also probably there's laser spotters
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I mean this is pretty badass for an ATGM system.
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I love you too.
Beeline (or Beeline as I like to call it, one of telecom ops) is nuking 3G in my region this year but they're not installing 5G as a replacement.
4G has been a thing in my city since '15.
yea, iran has super long range atgm's, i'm guessing they got them from the chinks, and then gave them to hezbollah
now russia has them apparently
obviously you can also use these as anti-personnel or fortification weapons
another arrow in the quiver
Fuck these faggots, one of the most scummy companies in the country, but that's most telecoms.
Dugin with the former leader of the KKK
David Duke
I quote him: „We are the KKK, we hate n-words we hate k-words, we hate f-words and we hate spics“
Disgusting people dugin hangs out with yet he is still a serious person in russia
>n a conflict with China, the United States would largely exhaust its ammunition stockpile in just three to four weeks. At the same time, important ammunition, including anti-ship missiles, will run out in just a few days. Once used up, replacing this ammunition will take years - from Congressional report to the Senate Armed Services Committee
uh, muttsects sisters?
>Based people
FTFY, cuck.
>we hate n-words we hate k-words, we hate f-words and we hate spics
wtf i love dugin now
Even worse, dugin with former ss leader Leon Degrelle, who never renounced his ideology and tried to spread his nonsense in europe till he died
How can russian be okay with this? The ss killed millions of russian civilians
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You were supposed to post this on reddit, not here, wu cuck.
>hate k-words, we hate f-words and we hate spics
How very antispicmitic of you.
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>Always was under the impression that US Air Force is actually superiors in their average iq to the regular Army/Muhrines zogbots
They are, but promotion in the US Air Force is highly competitive as an officer. It's up or out, meaning if you don't get promoted, you're forced to leave the service and basically leave behind your entire career and start over. Lots of these guys have dreamed of being fighter pilots their whole lives, and they were smart and hardworking enough to make the cut in a very selective process, so it's a very crushing loss for them. Especially when they've spent their whole adult lives training for this career, and all their friends are doing it.

Promotion from Lieutenant to Captain is pretty much guaranteed as long as you didn't get a DUI or fuck up in some other way. Afterwards, promotion boards need to start making tough decisions. New generations are graduating from pilot training every year, and there are fewer and fewer spots for older guys the higher up the ladder you go. So it wouldn't surprise me if, given the opportunity, some of them would volunteer for the fight in Ukraine, just to have that combat experience on their resume. In a peacetime air force, having actually fired shots in anger and having racked up aerial victories would pretty much guarantee promotion, since nobody else would have that.
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zoom out mate. kyiv when?
keep coping loser. just do your family a favour and kys
And Dugin said we hate kick scooters and reed people
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Shut up! They giving me a 300 minutes/300 SMS/15 gigs plan for like a 7 roubles a day. Also afaik MTS a waay more scummy, at least in the user support department.
You know what n/k/f word means but s-word probably not
The kkk basically hates anyone though, black people, jewish people, hispanics, homosexuals, catholics, germans the list is long
>0.15 Uzbek somas have been deposited on this Beeline shill account
нacкoлькo нaдo быть дeгeнepaтoм, чтoбы бyдyчи житeлeм нeэpэфии, пoддepживaть pф?
Our stock market GDP is more important.
one well place missile floods literally millions of chinese to death.
Haдo быть coвceм нe дeгeнepaтoм.
It is laser guided
For what it’s worth in my area we have no 5G either coverage. Thanks for the info.
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I mean the only real complain I have about it is really spotty coverage in the countryside. Basically the moment you pass over your city's boundaries, it's 50/50 if you even gonna have any internet access or not. But then again, not such an issues for the city slicker like me.
the united states doesn't have air defences
every american would die from starvation if we even tried to hit chinese infrastructure
reminder that ziggers and contrarians ITT have been arguing for weeks that high interest rates are a sign the economy is going well.
that's true yea, gdp score is what matters
The right moment being when the frontlines collapse and the piggers are routed?
Well thats basically what happened in their war with russia so it makes sense he would think that. Will russia go full rape on ukranda or will cuckler fall for it and let them rebuild for the next few years?
QRD on Krasnogorovka?
>he thinks the chinese have enough force projection to take on the mainland usa
uhhh no
>doesn't have air defence
you have the 1st, 2nd and 3rd largest air forces in the world mate. air power is not an issue for you.
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Negev I promise I will kill you with my bear hands and I will strap myself to a nuke and send it to Tel Aviv.
why you make so much fuss about Dugin?
nobody knew who he was in Russia before his daughter got blown up in pieces.
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>AWACS flying over the Black Sea establish an active datalink with F-16 launched AMRAAMs to provide guidance towards Russian planes
What will be a reasonable response and escalation to such an event?
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>Russia takes the entirety of Ukraine
>Just zoom out bro, it's only like 1% of the Earth
I want to understand why there are russian neo-nazis when Hitler didn‘t like russians and murdered so many of them
Maybe the nazis on chug are only edgy/ironic but it seems like there were serious nazi movements in russia
Yeah in the nearest village to my city they have installed a transmitter tower in winter '21 but it's still complete shit somehow
Probably 4G-only, because I only have a dogshit tablet that doesn't support 4G because my relatives are all fucking subhumans, not even because Rashka is le parashka.
Also, 300/300/15 being 7 roubles a day is bullshit, it's more like twice than that, and I'm saying as a customer of these retards. But I have 30 gigs...
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Our telecom companies are getting rid of 3g as well, apparantly there's lots of people and devices that still use 3g though.
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Who else is signing up? I will do my part in total Holhol genocide, Who is with me bros?
Also we get to leave degenerate west behind and get land and farm and a 9/10 russian virgin waifu
They should shoot them down, but they won't
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sad isn't it
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>This doesn't even bring up china
Not to mention the fact that neither we nor NATO ever meaningfully invested in ground-based anti-aircraft because, in their arrogance and selfishness, the US Air Force decreed that we would have no need for such, because we had reached the end of History and they would control the skies forevermore.

We've spent years taking a jaundiced view of our allies attempting to improve their AA capabilities, because if they're American allies, what need have they for anti-aircraft? They wouldn't need it unless they were planning on, Heaven forbid, pursuing their own policies, and not being a US-Jewish vassal state. One day we are going to eat shit for what our "leaders" have done.
They already do that with the ground launched missiles so probably the same. They'll just shoot something back at the launcher
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Nuke Tel-Aviv
They claim their userbase is like 98% 4G, but they still sell 3G tablets for 35-45 bucks here.
>Gigavaxxed cattle has retarded opinions
Go figure
You will be shot down by כיפת ברזל, fall into mediterrarean sea and die in vain, Tell Aviv will remain intact.
100%. Fighters aren't the solution for intercepting missile and glide bombs. It's ground based AA that were fucking terrible at
the type 055 destroyer carries DF-21
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>Also, 300/300/15 being 7 roubles a day is bullshit, it's more like twice than that
I mean ok, it's 7.83 actually. From an old 2021 already archived plan that I didn't move away from.
and so on
> an air force is an effective air defense
Top kek, how is 1914 treating you?
hohols gotta cope
They've been putting in 5g, it's becoming more common in cities and main towns, not sure if it's up in remote areas.
nah, you're all gooks
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>not using GSM
Sorry to disappoint.
However, thats finally not bad money, I may be thinking about this.
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I want you to look closely at this image. Look at the uniforms. It was taken at the Bohemian Grove. Its the KKK man. Its a loooooooooong story.
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Redpill me on the Bulsae-4.
It's an ATGM that hits from BVR, but it isn't tubed artillery?
It's winged?
How did the norks do it
russian nazis almost all moved in croatia,poland or switch sides and joined azov in 2015-16. almost no such this as russian nazis. only russian nationalist with kolovrat symbols and slavic pagan ideology from the Rus times. most of them very rusophilics and full of Rus ideology and celebrations like Ivan Kupala and others.
Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Prohibit social parasitism and use taxes on childless and bachelors to fund a marriage loan program; restrict abortion by implementing a "heartbeat ban" and mandating counseling and ultrasounds.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Utilize Belarussian-Malorussian cooperation for offensive.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!

How does this route seem as a way to take the highway? Progress seems to have stopped along that river going the short way, so this works better.
Use R-37Ms to shoot back while staying well outside the SPAMRAAM range.
>we would have no need for such
This was true and would remain true if the US wasn’t actively trying to make enemies with powers that can also reach it. In theory the US could have one the cheapest militaries in the world (relative to its GDP) given American geographic remoteness and its geographic advantages in geography. But alas, MIC.
Fun fact, if you're on GSM/2G a lot of fancy soidev stuff on the Internet will NOT load, and that includes the captcha on this shithole.
So if you're on GSM in current year+9, you're effectively banned from half the webz for being too much of a poorfaggot.
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Bro that house kinda sucks. It’s a suburbia plastic house which requires a car to live in
>Gender is a multi-layered process. Biological, preferred, imagined, groomed. Most people can’t think at more than one level of gender abstraction simultaneously. Don’t expect them to understand that a trans surgery might be a strategic disaster.
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Nothing going on.
Are they lil babbies?
The Iranians reverse engineered an atgm that failed to detonate
Ironically, the Israelis stole the design from the US and sold it to China kek. Americas greatest ally eh?
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Very young bunnies, yes. Super cute.
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México is a sithole compared whit Russia
>Redpill me on the Bulsae-4.
it's fucking over
fires 6 10km range chink laser and maybe tv guided atgm's from a BTR chassis
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>The Nobody is a cat.
oh yeah? show me our atgm carrier with 10km range
I love the absolutely incoherent translator speech in this meme
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I remember talking to a Russian girl at the time, and she said he's seen as a Richard Spencer type of character.
How are they even legal and not considered a terror organization?
>show me our atgm carrier
Brimstone is older but more advanced. At 10km just use artillery for a fraction of the cost. Except nork artillery is trash. Which is why they have long range ATGMs meaning they have no faith in their artillery.
Because nuck figgers.
Kek because they run shit. That's the elite who controls America. The South lost the battle but won the war. Like I said, it's a really long story and Aryans are not who you think they are. I'm an Aryan, but Im on the other side of things.
you are here
>Russia is going to copy the german WWII project again.
>Motorized rifle regiment of the Aerospace Forces.
>People recruited from airfields.
hohols did it first tho
why would they be then pro-mss migration of spics and niggers to JewSA?
doesn't make sense
The Brimstone is supposed to be NATO'w ultimate Russian tank stopper in network centric warfare with 8miles range but for unknown reason became one of the missing wunderwaffen along with Switchblade.
Brimstone 2 is advertised with 12km range from helicopters and 20km from planes.
I only know many influential confederates were masons but so were unionists
And not all masons are bad it‘s a diverse group with differences in believes and values
> Russian girl
> watches anythything about politics
you are crazy
The "drone in a can" thing?
Never saw them anywhere after they advertised how strong and useful they will be
I don't see the advantage over a two an atgm team on dirtbikes.
and the incident when they hit two moldovans at the russian border guard post
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>Twice as good as expected
>Challenger tanks
>dominate the battlefield
>12km range weapon
Doesn't the lancet have like 80km range at this point?
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The KKK is actually designated as a mega terror organization in theory (and the US still has a martial law provision allowing them to be detained without trial) but they use the same trick as antifa since WWII. By creating numerous different organizations and calling it an ideology rather than a group, they make it almost impossible to tell which organization is the real one, and as such the US doesn't designate all of them as anti-government groups. Also note that under US law, only a foreign organization (not a domestic organization) can be designed as a terrorist group; a domestic organization can only be designated as a criminal organization, and few Klan groups have committed crimes, yet alone enough crimes to be declared criminal groups by a judge.

By the way, most KKK groups are peaceful. In fact, since the 90s they've been consciously rebranding because almost none of them commit the violence now associated to the KKK brand, which largely was the result of bravado among the mainly peaceful Klansmen of the interwar period, who would constantly do things like pass an amendment to the Constitution and claim they would enforce it and not the American police. (The KKK has no recorded incidents of enforcing the Constitution in general, yet alone enforcing a particular article of amendment.) As such, a lot of groups called "Klan" groups in the media such as EURO are not even officially KKK groups anymore. They just do conventions where politicians etc. talk about racial politics and White interests, and hold internet meetups, post endorsements of politicians (who may or may not decide to disavow), etc.

They never even committed as many killings as like, Atomwaffen, even if you add them all together. They were known to be more like Freemasons except edgy and they'd slap posters about how they'll kill you if you drink beer on utility poles. That's why they have a reputation.
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The Jesuits and British Empire have always worked towards a globalised society, a World State with no critical thinking. After creating fascism (the WW2 ritual, first stage of a system of eugenics, where they decide who can procreate and who can not), the official doctrine of all nation states became cultural marxism, the Left Wing Church, the dogmatic doctrine of a mixed-race population. In 1950 UNESCO (UN) released The Race Question, designed by Julian Huxley, Ashley Montagu (LSE), Franklin Frazier (NAACP) and Darwinist Theodosus Dobzhansky.

One of their goals now is the replacement of white people in US and Europe with immigrants, to exploit them with low wage jobs and rule through the divide-and-conquer-strategy of the Roman Empire, because the elite know that most "White" people, excluding Khazarians, Celts, and the high families of Scandinavia, most Whites are just albino negros that they bred to be submissive. So they see them on the same level of negros, and they want to breed these immigrants with the White population to create a dumber version of the White, and a more submissive version of the shitskin. I know the truth hurts for a lot of people, but it is the truth.
Yeah the good lodges are those not infiltrated by the Jesuits and therefore have no Roman influence.
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This country is decadent. Everyone is just in it for themselves, for their own egos or to satisfy their base animal desires. From the fighter pilots who make it their whole personality to the neocons sitting in Washington, figuring out how to sell them out. The whole thing is fucked up man.

Things wouldn't be this bad if we had a shared identity, a reason to put aside our own interests in favor of the common good. I read stories about the foundation of Israel and I'm amazed. Jews from all over the world sending money to buy land. Toiling over it themselves. Working hard to raise their kids in a communal setting, standing for hours after dark with rifles unpaid to guard their villages. Imagine living in a society where people actually gave a shit, instead of trying to suck the blood out of everything and everybody else just to puff yourself up.
>Donald Trump promised to create a strategic reserve of bitcoins and make the US a crypto power if he wins

>The Russian State Duma has passed a law allowing foreign trade settlements and exchange trading in cryptocurrency under experimental legal regimes from September 1
That is what puzzles me.
Even this year Bongs promised another 200missiles. Just how did 1300 top of the line missiles disappear into thin air with no footage whatsoever?
Western MIC were hyping the thing as the ultimate ground weapon ever since use in Libya all over our international airshow.
Typhoon Faggot spotted.
Shame there's over a billion of them then
>1300 missiles? We delivered the 200 missiles. How could ukraine lose 50 missiles?
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Good luck bringing them into the battlefield. The old story as usual, hohols stockpile them and they get blown up in spectacular fashion. At least the fireworks will be kino.
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January 14th is the Day of the Russian Pipeline Troops
>The production of FPV drones in Russia has increased sharply - up to four thousand per day - Belousov
the advantage is you can destroy six seperate targets on the run, you just have to stop long enough to press the death button
>I'm an Aryan, but Im on the other side of things.
saar please submit pull request do the needful please
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That's a lot of drones. Did they bring a new factory online?
No panic in Chasov Yar
Looks an awful lot like the past of warfare.
Must be the Siberian one.
I see Gayrope is getting to them if there are so many 'faggots' everywhere.
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Radical individualism has gone too far. There’s no common bonds beyond the mercantile. Something needs to bind people that can’t be bought, a shared common vision and destiny. How does that work… I do not know.
The Druidic Green Man is based on an Aryan. Aryans carry blood of an alien race and pure-bloods have red hair and bluish-greenish skin. Why do you think Hindu Gods are blue? Aryans ruled India before coming to Europe and meeting the albino races.
Do they still believe only wasps can be real americans?
Atgms aren't a super tech that you can't develop by yourself, this is bc cheap electronics and we must thank the USA for the democratization of them by exporting production to Japan

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