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Soft launching becoming a Republican
Wasn't there a pic of here a long time ago with a Glock hard case?
she looks like princess peach irl
I don't care either way but it would be pretty kino
would be a big deal. She's like the king of women right now.
...how? Just because she's wearing sexy clothes that means she's a republican? I don't get it.

>middle aged
>childlike inability to be accountable
>lurks /b/ and /tv/
>prefers cats to dogs
>child actors syndrome

Stop promoting this /b/tard degenerate.
Idk. To me it just looks like she's the penultimate normie. Like a normie queen to a normie hive.
Toxoplasmosis claims another.
The Democrats are just trying to manipulate right wing men to vote for them. They think a denim crop top will do the trick.
CIA asset being instructed to dress and act a certain way so she can influence those voters when she endorses Kamala Harris next month.


Football is republican
Oh man, imagine a muscular BBC manhandling all that white meat.

Fuck I'd pay good money to see that.
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Can we all sue Travis when the script flips? He’s a Pfizer shill of the highest order.
>Soft launching
what is this newspeak?
>her pussy is on fire
*ahem* *gulp*
VPN American, always salivating about nigger dicks.
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there can be only one
this is a psyop with her and Kelci's agents putting them together for propoganda. nothing else.
Maybe 10 years ago.
I'm not really into hand-egg, but I didn't think that liking sports made you a Republican. My wife was telling me that apparently she's writing plays for her boyfriend's team or something, lmao. It seems like she's just really in love with her boyfriend and wants to be involved in, and supportive of, what he does. For some reason that's angering people, like she's co-opting football or something.
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Built for BKC (Big Koopa Cock)
football is niggers
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I see the psyop to get young men to idolize 30 yr old women to stigmatize younger fertile women is moving along quite nicely. The no-eggers are doing a great job with this one.
Kek right on target
they all think their experience is going to be similar to a woman in the top .01%.
The players are niggers, the viewers are white.
or a Minnesotan nigger-worshipper that got too close to the border
The NFL is jewish
anon if young men are idolizing a 30 year old female pop singer they are homosexuals
Why are we tolerating this whore being a role model for little girls?
Shes unironically the best available retard
Why are American women such snarky bitches?
Yo with the deal with her again ?2ops
95% of this board is homos?
>penultimate normie
You're using that word incorrectly. All you're saying is that she's the second to last normie. It would have been more accurate to call her the "ultimate" normie
There's a difference between idolizing someone and wanting to marry them
Dont idolize people
Dont marry no eggs roasties
Idolizing will lead to npcs wanting to marry them
Simple as.
If some tall blonde aryan goddess wanted to marry me and make ubermensch babies I'm not going to turn her down cause she's a "roastie"
and neither would you or anyone else here
If that tall blonde roastie is 30s you arent getting any kids you moron. But by all means, 35 is the new 20.
>she was only 35 you freak
I'd give Tay Tay what she's looking for.
A baby.

Then she can make all of her music about me and the baby. Hit me up bb
I can only hope so before she slows down.
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Sorry bro she loves me
women in their 30s can and do still have kids
yes, it'd be better if they had them sooner
but you live in weimerica, fucking deal with it
why are political junkies so obsessed with her being on their side
Kys faggot
she's the closest thing the world has to a michael jackson now
>turn her down cause she's a "roastie"
She's way too old. You would be lucky to get one tard kid. Each try with IVF is $35k successful or not.
She doesn't know you, she won't love you. I'm just offering her what she's looking for. A baby, she's not looking for a man, she's more than likely given up on men, and likes women. That's why it was a PR stunt. I just want another song about me, and think she'd be worth impregnating since she can afford to give it everything it would ever want. Plus, she's kinda hot.
Imagine thinking some jew controlled pop star would do anything but shill the democrats.
>women in their 30s are perfectly fine
Hmm you sound like the woman in the screencap.
How is your font bigger?
Closest yet light-years away. Kind of sad really
Football is full of black niggers who kneel for the Black National Anthem
Swift getting pregnant would reverse birthrates overnight.
some camel jockey talking shit about /pol/ on /sp/ lol
Found the Jew.
Taylor Swift refused to sit with Brittany Mahomes after she liked a Trump post.
Nah, just at least 1/4th of the team owners
it's a different world
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>Nigger Felon League
of course retarded boomers can't get enough of watching millionaire black bucks throw a ball around
because you're a retarded cuck.
Her mom is rubenesque
Taylor is getting kind of fat
you're getting kind of gay
So because I don’t like fat girls I’m gay? That makes sense. Enjoy your pigs that you fuck.
so is the republican party (and the democrat party)
I thought the superbowl was like a month ago
>it's September
"I used to be a Swifty, but hearing how she's actually racist makes me want to stop being a Swifty."
t. The Unavoidable Narrative.
She probably has no serious political opinion. Her fans are braindead backwoods football fans and that's the part she plays.
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She sure does


>still not worshipping hitler
So are all parties.
Stop namefagging you desperate homo
Maybe if Peach sucked on a lemon, and had lemon juice squirted in her eyes, after being forced to take ozempic until her ass disintegrated.
Sabrina carpenter and ariana grande put that fat 40 year old pig swift to shame. Those are real gorgeous women.
That was Hillary Duff
Yeah, see, that just goes to show how much I know about all these celebrities.
are you into midget porn?
Someone PLEASE shoop a gun in her hand.
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no u
Taylor Swift is a brand not a real person. Best you'll ever get are vague platitudes because any direct endorsement of a candidate would hurt record sales.
she's pretty.
6/10 AT BEST.

Your brains have been programmed to force you to respond to obvious low effort trolling. You have been conditioned to be retards. You are beyond saving. You should kill yourselves.
Kill all Jews
Is she a psy op of the republicans to transform all of the young generations of feminists into right wing women in a long term movement? It'd be based lol.
Look at her. You think she wants the country full of brown people who won’t like her mayonnaise music?
When the Democrats have all but declared explicit war on the existence of gorgeous women with blue eyes, white skin and blond hair, you have to make choices with your political support. And while I doubt many entertainers are going to be Republicans, the business is 90% Liberal Hedonist, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine beautiful white women realizing that you don't make more beautiful white people by making life impossible for such people. Whites don't need a Right vs Left fight, per se. They need a struggle for the right to exist because they lost that a very long time ago with the force integration laws.

because they are running by scaring people, and she is a girl who isn't afraid of those things. also, she's beautiful and white so she messes up their racist underlying narrative that white liberals are flawed degenerates. and its just a fact that most of her fans will vote especially if she tells them to. etc etc etc
I don’t believe that, and how do you know she’s not played football all her life?

And why do you have elections, when you just could get the numbers of republican votes directly from the football clubs’ lists players?
>country singer
>attractive White woman
>dating a professional athlete
>normal colored hair and not covered in tattoos like a disposable paper table cloth at Chile's
There's really no reason she should be a dem other than she's in Hollywood.
Why isn't she pregnant?
Are all mutts gay?
A newspeak way of saying, easing into an ideology. If one were soft launching into a bold stance against private central banking they might start by going to local political meetings and preaching the case before trying a national spotlight. If one were hard launching into such a position they might use the 1A Petition for the Redress of Grievances and take their complaint straight to Congress (who has much of the power to issue currency,) while they are in session.
She's religious and football ownership circles and highly right wing religious groups.
NFL is right wing.
She gets bombarded with right wing ideology at every single NFL socialite gathering.
You can't debate religious people on politics.
>Why isn't she pregnant?
There are countless hands depending on her success. It's probably in her contracts that she can't get pregnant otherwise her days as a performer are over.
it's a man
The older "she" gets the more I believe "she's" a tranny. The ending of this video shows how far the deceit has advanced.

brown hands typed this post
> Your brain on mutt ideology
Everything is about blue vs red zionism ...
Fuck them, baby making is the only valuable skill a women has.
This. I know a roastie in her late 30s, very single, who believes she can have a baby into her late 40s because she's heard of some celebrities who have as well.
Liberal women are traditionally disgusting
Now faggot
she made a big song with pride flags and gay black trannies in 2017 saying you need to calm down you're being to loud to the right
>Fuck them, baby making is the only valuable skill a women has
Not really. Her business has made her a multimillionaire.
She won't be able to spend all the money on herself and there is no heir. Which means everything she did is ultimately pointless.
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Yea, that's the second pic I've seen today where her thighs look like they're getting a bit of the thickness.
Which is why some Lefties would be getting very worried if Swift tried out an all American girl act. While I doubt Swift is going hard right, she shouldn't go that far anyway. It would be far more appropriate for her to play the good American girl, consistent with her regularly portrayed image. That could really scare the Left though because a lot of them are pivoting hard to Anti American, even pro Hamas level of Leftist (which would have been unheard of even just five years ago.)

But like I love to remind everyone, if you aren't discussing the power to issue currency and you aren't worried about that power being in the hands of unelected, private central bankers, you aren't paying attention. The power to issue currency is the piece of the puzzle everyone is missing when talking politics.
>She won't be able to spend all the money on herself
We don't know that. She'll live comfortably off of royalties. Shit, I wish I didn't have to work in my age of nearly 50. It sucks getting up every morning!

Mahomes wife is maga and told people to get over it
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Isn't she getting a little too old for those Canadian hooker outfits?
Maybe she's got an NHL boyfriend on the side.
Buy an ad
She get some plastic surgery recently? She has got the look. And not ozempic face look.
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I'd brokeback mountain this twink.
>95% of this board is homos?
you must be a new here
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>That fucking leather over-knees
>In that heat
>Over 2 hours

Holy shit is this women INSANE
I literally sweat in 25 ° celsius if i have stockings on but atleast moisture can get out
She is going to have seas of sweat in the boots and trying to open them will be a nightmare oin the evening

(Don’t bother, i think he got doses of the real shit unlike other players that cheated and just forged their certificate of vaccination identification 2019 cards. Many in the nfl were judas goats to get the “goyim” to take the poison death shots although many of them didn’t take it themselves.)
Every time I seen someone with a football in their online profile on twitter, facebook, tiktok, etc its a far leftist. Democrats love football for some damn reason I cant exactly explain. I feel like its them wanting to be a part of what they think is popular, like how they like msm and dont want to be “wrong” so they say how not racist and queer they are
that's a weird looking man.
I still don't understand the point of this 'Taylor is actually a republican' psyop
That’s a really retarded outfit. I fucking hate blue jean material on women in general but whatever that top she’s wearing pisses me off
Yeah well women aren't disgusting sweaty men you freak
She really is incredibly good looking in that Marilyn Monroe sense.
People think that her targeting conservative women to get them to vote democrat is actually her getting ready to become republican lol as though ideologies are outfits people change in and out of on a whim
imagine caring about that. youre a fucking faggot dude
It’s just cope. She’ll bake cookies in November, making a clear call for action in support of Kamala/Walz, and Republicans will seethe, labeling her a childless cat lady, only to end up galvanizing women against them.
She’s stunning. As always.
Coomer simp
51% of white women voted trump last election.
Notice how I said women? I also expect that statistic of yours to decline given the repercussions of Roe v. Wade, Kamala being a woman, and the overwhelmingly anti-women stance of the Republican Party. Vance is generating some terrible PR for them.
>zero personality
>zero value as a wife
>wall fast approaching
>garbage music with shit lyrics
fuck off
>She's wearing denim she must be a NAZI
Leftists are so fucking unhinged.
It's in decline, thankfully.
>red dress
fuckable. Her hank hill ass may still be salvageable with some squats and a proper diet
>hag mode
borderline chubby. Definitely about to hit the shelf life / expiration date
Taylor is positioning to purchase a NFL team. This is a negotiation strategy to get the best deal. She's looking at equity + A cut of the merch sales of a team. If Kansas City doesn't play by her rules, she can approach another team. Kelce is a contractual relationship; he's positioning to become a Hollywood actor with this contract with Taylor. All her relationships have a yearly contract
>for some damn reason I cant exactly explain
Really? It's explained with a single word. Hell a single letter. "N."
The cheapest team is is worth like 4 billion dollars. And it's the fucking Bengals kek. Who the fuck would want to buy the Bengals? Hilariously enough they're my dad's team. I'd die from laughter if she bought them. My dad would never hear the end of it.
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Simply the most gorgeous woman who has ever lived.

Also a world class songwriter and performer, and a great role model for women.

HOW is she so PERFECT bros??
I can't stop looking at her......face.
>Taylor is Queen
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Her last 4 albums have been remarkable. And Red and Reputation are very good.

I hear her early stuff in stores sometimes, and I get why people don't like it, although I do (Swifty since 2008) but she's fucking incredible at this point. What people think Stevie Nicks is, Taylor is actually. Without all the cocaine.
the right looks way hotter
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People with truly good souls stay good looking and often get better looking with age.

Karma is real.
Karma is a God.
Karma's a relaxing thought.
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It's happening on TikTok as well.

Remember the post Trump made with Tay being AI generated saying she wanted you to vote for DJT and she didn't say ANYTHING about it.

I think it's a soft reveal. Bottom line is the woman has a huge heart and truly cares about others, and there is NO way she's been watching what America has become the past 4 years and doesn't realize that we're on the verge of collapse.
Sorry but that's a man
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She is, honest to God, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Hands down. I don't even know who #2 would be. I've felt this way for forever, and she just keeps getting MORE beautiful.

I think someone has a song about that.
>Karma is real.
>Karma is a God.
Literally says it rains on the just and unjust alike you stupid christcuck
>For He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust
bruh wut
>Could immediately smite all evil from the world and universe forever
Very powerful jew god you guys got there
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You wish Anon.
Just come out of the closet.
It's 2024, you'll be accepted.

Lulz. You call ME a christcuck when I mention karma, and then YOU quote the bible (LOL!!) to prove your point. Holy shit.
New agey or Buddhist faggotry
Even more irrelevant than christcukery for explaining why your religious (spiritual) belief system is either retarded and more impotent than you lol
>how to say you've never had sex with a woman without saying it
Wow Anon, if I wasn't 6'4" and incredibly good looking and in great shape, super happy with an amazing life and gorgeous full grown children that I raised and home schooled, who are winning bigly in one of the most difficult American markets, I would probably have hurt feelings over the opinion of a random stranger on the internet.

Wait...No I wouldn't.
Peace and Blessings to you.
Feel free to cry MOAR.

If Taylor Swift came out of the conservative closet I'd actually start masturbating to her again.
bragging on an anonymous image board
no doubt you would, now go back to fucking the dog
>go into stadium full of people wearing red
>purposely wear blue in opposition even though you are there to support the same team
>must be turning republican since she wore Democrat blue in a red state red infused building where the second most profile woman is an outspoken trump supporter who you are no longer being photographed with.

She's going to support kamala closer to election time for maximum voter participation by women who don't know shit about government or politics.
>middle aged
>stating FACTS on an anonymous image board

I hope you will do the inner work you need to do in order to find peace in your soul Anon. I truly do. Since you like quoting the bible, here's one for you...

"Clean the inside of the cup, and then the outside will shine."

Peace & Light to you.

because the Purple haze jungle mix is fire. people being unable to raise their daughters correctly is not. my problem.

if i don't feed their daughter MDMA someone else will

football is nigger worship for the most part

Travis is fucking the fear of god back into her.
> globalist Jew managers
> surrounded by woke NFL athletes
> vain, doesn’t care about white people
That's actually true never thought of that
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she looks like a satanic priestess
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Digits confirm TayTay is real life princess.

People look like people Anon. She also looks like her mom.
about time
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Wouldn't that be nice. I won't hold my breath, but I'd welcome it if she actually did abandon the leftists. (That means not being a fucking RINO/neocon, either.)

She's too hard-working to be a fucking commie, regardless of what you think of her music. I think she was originally pretty conservative/libertarian, but the ((((media))) shitstorm over Trump in 2016 sort of broke her, like it did so many others, and I'm sure hanging out with (((Lena fucking Dunham))) didn't help. Maybe she's had some time to reflect; maybe she's seen how badly Biden (Obama) has fucked up the US and the world.

Or maybe she suddenly realized that is was (((SOROS))) who bought all her original master tapes out from under her, and realized that those fucking parasites are not her friends in any way.

We shall see...
I coomed, the coom thread did its thing, close this now, I feel shame and regret
She is starting to look like Kendra James. Young cute Taylor was wife material. Milf Kendra was mommy material. Old current Kendra is ghastly
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this your queen?
Her good friend and producer is a Jew. And just like many of us, I'm sure she;s aware that people should be evaluated on the content of their character and not their skin color, religion, sexuality, etc.
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She's getting fat
I have literally never heard one quote or seen one charitable activity from this bimbo the entire time her appearance has been foisted upon me in the media. Who is she really? How did she get here? I haven't listened to even one of her songs.

She looks pretty, shakes her ass on stage for teenage girls, lipsyncs and goes home. It seems like that's been her career because I have heard nothing more from her.
No, they’re trying to make her seem like a folksy country girl that the right identifies with, then sees her shilling for the left. That’s probably where her whole fake relationship with this shitty nobody focus group QB even came from
What (((they))) did to Michael was what they did to Jesus.
He was teaching the children and was arrested on suspected pedophilia after jews paid Judas to kiss him in front of the Roman soldiers and jewish pharisees to solidify the accusation.
You may have seen the anon posting here in the last few weeks with the linen garment spam.
All jews project constantly. They not only killed him, they slandered him.
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Are you sure?
Kobach is comic relief here. No one takes him seriously. He's lost elections for governor more than once and Trump didn't even want anything to do with him.
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What about the $100,000 bonus she gave to each trucker on the first leg of her American Eras tour? Does that count?

How about one of her first band members from WAY back who said that even when she was new to the scene in Nashville, she paid her people more than ANYONE, including the super wealthy vets?

Or maybe we should consider a 2012 interview where it was shared that she didn't want anyone to find out about her charitable giving because she felt it was personal and not something to boast about?

And if you pay attention and know WTF you're talking about, you can easily tell that she sings her music, possibly with backing tracks at times, but she's a real performer.

Other than that, I'm not sure what to tell you.
I've known since at least 2008.

Yes. I have NO doubts.
>Taylor is Queen
Mine at least.
her and I have the same digit ratio
Women are having sex. the horrors!
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Notice how she always uses RIGHT EYE symbolism.
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Maybe you can open for her on her next tour??
>t. roastie
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Nice try, (((commie))).
Rich bankers kid whose dad was smart enough to know who to pay and when. It’s really that simple. I’ve heard more talented people than what you’d hear on the radio in dive bars or on the corner of the street at 3 am.
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She resigned her position in 1990, severed ties with her father, and renounced LaVeyan Satanism. Her religious path eventually led to teaching Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.
Taylor is a man
Football is gay and a waste of time
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>What people think Stevie Nicks is, Taylor is actually. Without all the cocaine.

Perhaps you can link something that demonstrates this? I'm not even that big of a Nicks fan, but I've never heard Taylor write anything that reaches the level of a Landslide, Rhiannon, etc.

Again, I respect her work ethic, her dedication to her fans, and her willingness to stand up for herself. But I've heard nothing from her that puts her in the "world's greatest songwriters" category.
You russian retard, she would only do it for like 10 billion USD. Russia can't afford her.
Todrick Hall is a gay man, gayest of the gays. He's in this picture multiple times.
>I don't get it.
Ahem, sweetie. You see, you simply, just, cannot, be a democrat anymore! It's so out of fashion in the biz hunie bunnie poo! They all hate israel and zog, and O.M.G., does that drive my manager oh-so-a-ca-ra-zy! Okay babe, gotta go meet my law firm to sign a new contract downtown, I'm getting a new PR BF wooooooo! Toodaloo anon!
and that means exactly what??? in the context of you replying to anon who never took his eye off the ball?
bread and circus has always been that way young fool
I would soft launch my semen directly into her cervix.
Yes everyone who believes kids shouldn’t be castrated is Russian. Anyone who is pro white is Russian. Kek fuck off
she looks like Sarah flat ass Plain and Tall

This may or may not be true. I would have to probe her first to tell for sure.
If her plane goes down before the election we can assume she was about to back Republicans.
>flat ass Plain and Tall

Negro detected.
she looks like Cheetara from Thundercats but with bigger thighs
Who's the ultimate normie?
either way taytay is her child probable consummated in a blood orgy with satan
So Republican.
Taylor will never be hard left or right. She will constantly keep her fans guessing and interpreting by sending signals to both.
i don't know wtf this is about
but i can coom to this
It's not a tail, though.
It's a bunch of synthetic fibers glued to a butt-plug.
Worshipping niggers and dad wearing their names across his back while the team fucks his White daughter? Yes, that's Republican.
This/ thread
One day it's going to come out, long after she has stopped making teeny bopper barfing, that she didn't in fact write her own "music".
Joe Rogan.
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guys this worked on me. i was gonna vote taylor swift for president, but i am now convinced. the propaganda worked on me.
and it’s hot af
she writes basic bitch songs that professionals finish off
what genius came up with the term spft-launching?
Her dad is some finance nigger. Paid some guy to teach her guitar, bought half a record label so she'd have a place to record her first album, and the legal and promotional infrastructure, too.

Her boyfriend is a wigger who has multiple product endorsements from woke companies that would not support a republican. Taylor is not becoming republican.
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Be gone, fur fag.
Now that's high investment parenting! Mine just demanded money from me and referred to me as a "bank" , and they wonder why I stopped talking to them.
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Total nonsense.

TayTay is a national socialist and nigger hating Aryan queen. She would never support Trump.
Honestly it doesn't matter what she is. 34, soon to be 35, and soon to be extinct. White women don't breed.
she uses ariana as her slave
Ariana seems to got bogged and looks kinda... off in you know what I'm saying.
I bet his pussy is sweet.
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Fucking this. I'm taking advantage of all the daddy issues. I might as well get my dick wet because these chick's are dicking literal dogs anyway. It's grim out there bros. I'm not finding a wife, I'm just gonna have fun
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>If some tall blonde aryan goddess wanted to marry me
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Okay, while musical taste is admittedly in the ear of the beholder, I have several songs off the past 4 albums I would nominate. BUT...If you're already prejudiced against her, then it's not going to land no matter what. But...

I'll go with "This is me trying" and "The tortured poets department" to start with.

Have you listened to any of the latest albums? I Know you haven't, but what is going to happen is that people like Paul McCartney and many others are going to be proven correct in that she is a once in a generation talent.
>ScreenCap this

>and it’s hot af
So hot.

Smart man. His daughter is a billionaire and global icon.
>Not bad
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She's literally a globohomo icon and the perfect representation of modern girlboss used up roastie women, yet /pol/ will continue to simp because muh blondeblue kween. The AI memes were pretty funny though

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Wrong, chud
>My wife was telling me that apparently she's writing plays for her boyfriend's team or something
Or something? She's either coming up with plays or isn't.
WTF can you imagine if some chalk-talk squiggle she dreamed up was successfully used in an actual game?
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Hey Ms Swift, please post a pic in this thread before you hit the stage. Much love and respect.
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Who says she had sex with ANY of those guys she dated??

Oh let me guess, you just KNOW. You know. You'd put a gun in your mouth and place bets your SO sure.

And either way, even if she did have sex with any or ALL of them, if she was a man, most people would just consider her more of a boss, she'd be an "alpha type" who was out "slaying".

Bottom line, if Taylor was a man, she'd be the ultimate Chad. Just admit it.
>You know I'm right
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I really find her incredibly attractive, always have. I don't know how anyone can say otherwise or claim she is a man or whatever.
That's what he said. Nothing more Republican than loving niggers, well except maybe loving faggots these days.
Didn’t she re-record albums because Jews took her music rights?
I doubt she likes democrats more than republicans, but I doubt she likes either.
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It’s a demoralization psyop
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And she's even hotter now. Seriously, if I had a robot wife made to look like her, how she looks right now is the version I would choose.

Immensely respected and adored global icon, who happens to be a billionaire and somehow defeated "the wall", all while living out her childhood dream and treating everyone with dignity and kindness along the way.

Not bad Ms. Swift.
>Haters gonna hate
tranny hag
Taylor being supportive of her (white) boyfriend and showing up all the time to his games has roasties thinking she's becoming trad. It's like a complete inversion to the chorus from her song You Belong To Me
>But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
She's essentially the cheerleader gf to chad now, not the woke liberal arts student she portrayed herself as.
>Princess toadstool
No way, she looks more like Bowsette if you know what I mean
The denim outfit is what pumpkin spice loving vapid southern women like
>t. Live in Nashville and see it among all the bachelorette parties
Looks pretty slutty desu, not that I dislike it. Just that I don't see the connection.
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>She's essentially the Billionaire global icon cheerleader gf to chad now, not the woke liberal arts student she portrayed herself as.

I'd say she's evolved and ranked up, wouldn't you Anon?
How is she still this hot?
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>always been that way
You are just a retarded foolish old nigger lover. Who wants to watch sweaty niggers let alone some troon sing during the commercials? Fuck you and fuck niggers. Any self respecting person detest them to the extent they don't even want to see them. You love niggers so much you want to suck a magical nigger penis that appears under a zangbeto. You want a nigger's bbc while you chant to the skies, appraising the long phallic image of Damballa's black coily nigger penis.
Her womb is 10 years away from retirement.
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>How is she still this hot?

It's hard to understand Anon, truly a miracle of some sort. Again, it's gotta be her Karma. She's a very good soul who has been shit on endlessly, not to mentioned stalked and threatened, and she just keeps smiling and creating beautiful things for those of us that love her.

That's probably part of it as well. Think of all the Swifties who hold her so close to their heart, and want the best for her.

Either way, I got to live in the era of Memes, Donald Trump, and Taylor Swift.
if we push this idea hard enough, perhaps we could get another live action Mario Brothers movie.
I'd be all in for one that doesn't have live action princess preach being played by a nigger or spic (no poos either).
>dated like 10+ something guys
>and these are the ones the public knows about
she used up
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>she used up

Even if she was a grocery store clerk, I'd happily love this "used up" woman to pieces every day of my life and for all of eternity.
Got any other Kansas memes?
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her true appearance is that of an average looking frumpy suburban mom type. But thanks to magic of hair and makeup she can be transformed into a goddess.
Would still smash
you are scared of women. your pp is small or weird and your insecurity is your dominant trait

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