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I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they identified as white and supported white interests.
but they cant and that's the problem.
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They kind of do

kys kike
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Jews are a criminal race with cursed and evil genetics. The only difference between them and niggers is a few iq points and a couple shades of skin tone.
They are white. But so are communists, fags, coalburners, etc. I'm not sure why people can't acknowledge they're white while also acknowledging they're our enemy.
Shill Detector


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Shill Features:
>lust inducing image
>supports jews
Some Jews definitely identify with being white and European but they are an absolute minority
Same, it’s the Jewish left lobby that fucks them so hard. I’m actually bros with conservative Jews.
They play both sides whenever it suits them, that's the problem. It's why we call them shapeshifters.

The funny thing though, deep down they're bigger white supremacists than any other sub group. It's why so many of them are cuck fetishists, they see niggers as animals, and Jews are known for being into bestiality.
Ok....but they dont and never will. It's not part of their DNA to have white interest in mind
They're mutts considering the jews in Israel are brown
Jewish lobby is getting wiped the fuck out by arabs with oil money, much of the Jewish lobby is not built from donations from rich Jews like many think. It's built with Israeli government money received as handouts from the west, and that money is drying up or needs to be used elsewhere.
Because they're shapeshifters. They are white when they push an anti-white narrative but when shit hits the fan they shift back to being jewish and act as victims of whitey. It's either white or jewish, there's no in between.
they want me to track me witheir app. bastards, digital priso for all...
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Jews are not white biologically or genetically, it isn't a matter of choosing an identity.

They have Semitic blood, their original racial languages were Semitic not Indo-European. They are Westernized Semites with some racial admixture with their host nations. Their language is more similar to Arabic than any European language. Not to mention they vote and donate tremendous amounts of money against White interests in our nations. They are not, and will never be, one of us.
You have identified exactly why jews hate us and are our mortal enemies, congratulations.
those are some MASSIVE khazar MILKERS WOWEEEEE
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Grant me strength, mein Fuhrer
To resist the seduction
Esoteric Hitlerism is not enough
Kosher mammary gland supremacy is too strong
some of the ones in israel might be
I am aware but ashkenazi jews were genetically white people who started we wuzzing as israelites a few hundred years ago
>They kind of do
yeah sure
Nothing a simple dna test can't solve. You get tested and id you have semitic blood you're jewish, if not you're white. Enough with the religious bullshit.
>They are Westernized Semites
Other way around
I wouldn't object to that standard.
Well no shit Sherlock but they don't. And if they suddenly start to, why would you ever trust them? They cannot be forgiven for their role in destroying Western society.
Can I ask a bigger question, can jews not see their roots? Why do they get such shitty bleach jobs?
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If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle. Jews are the biggest threat to the White race. They don't just not support White interests, they're using their immense wealth to ethnically cleanse us. They want to live in an America populated by spics and pajeets. I wouldn't have a problem with jews if they didn't exist. If you really look at history you'll see why Hadrian and Hitler didn't go far enough
They can't identify as White because they aren't White.
We always did.
And whites always stabbed us in the back in return.

Then they wouldn't be jews.
>I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if one of them would just have sex with me
No, their origins are in the Semitic Middle East not Europe or the Steppe. They are distinct from the peoples we describe as "white." They still have racial characteristics of Middle Easterners, for example the "hook nose" they often have Arabs, who are fellow Semites, also often have this characteristic.
Shills will hate this but more are. The younger jews that were not raised religiously all identify as white and hate shitskins. The elite jewish political class hates them more than they hate whites. In another 10 years you will see jews who identify as openly white supremacist and who want judaism banned
>old . reddit . com
instead of www
Usury, water/food poisoning, child sacrifice and so on tend to make whites lose their patience with jewish kind.
Do they identify as white? What are their thoughts on jews who hate whites?
They're Europeans who converted
The dysgenic racial characteristics is because of the inbreeding
They all come from the same group of 100-200 IIRC
>I honestly wouldn't have an issue with Jews if they weren't jews
yeah, me neither mate
The most evolved sexual beings on earth are Jewish women. They must have higher testosterone from other women.
Ashkenazi are genetically identical to sicillians. They arent even close to mizrahi or sephardic. Some time ago they started larping as non white.
This is top level projection only a jew could even attempt
You want to see testosterone in a woman look at the clit if a black woman
Is she a jewess?
my ISP blocks catbox (which seems criminal)
why wouldn't you post an image to an imageboard
haven't we been over this a thousand times? I thought the origin was a group of Turkish men picked up Italian brides. and then stayed cloistered. 60/40 or 40/60 still today
We've tried that 100's of times. It never works out for us.
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That's because sometime between 1 and 109 the jews evolved to pass down kikery matrilineally since all their men kept getting shoha'ed for no reason at all.
every single one of your holidays glorify a preemptive genocide based on a rumor you started. like they're pretty overt about that. none of the events seem to have any historical basis, but if that's what you're reminded to celebrate 8 times a year it probably sets you up for a certain mentality.
>we think they want to kill us, so we killed them before they could try anything
>they tried to kill us! we won, let's eat
Is the science settled anon? I believe nothing i read here in the last 12 years
Look at her hawk face stupid
cuz jannies ranegbanned il isps from pic upload

what the pale of settlement or what? it was your own rabbis that insisted you stay in the ghettos.
but demanding inclusion without even considering assimilation of course ruffles feathers.

you know that's by design right? I think if you could just acknowledge that
>if they identified as white and supported white interests
But then, they wouldn't be jews.
the minute they were saved and brought to America they linked up with the negro and formed a master/slave dynamic where they got status so Long as they continuously attacked whites and demonized them. The jews love blacks and wish to be black. They will never be our ally
>What are their thoughts on jews who hate whites?
The Talmud tells them that anyone who does not identify as jewish is cattle. Yet they don't have a clear definition of who is a jew and who is not. It is an international crime ring full of middle eastern occultists and buck broken white faggots and nothing more.
>I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they identified as white and supported white interests.
They're not White though.

If Jews acted White and weren't anti-White they'd still be the non-White race they are. They also wouldn't be Jews, because Jews are inherently anti-White.
Uh huh, explain the racial similarities between Jews and Arabs then if Jews are just Sicilians. They have the same noses.
I didnt ask you i asked the anon who has conservative jewish friends.
>jews and arabs have the same nose they must be the same
So jews and whites have blue eyes they must be the same. Retard kys.
I don't really give a shit. Imagine trusting jews because they vote red. Couldn't be me.
K but i didnt ask you because you dont have the interactions the other anon had so your opinion is worthless.
They wont. They support antiwhite policies and protect their own jewish interest. They deserve their faith because they are duplicitous backstabbers. They support niggerifocation and libertinism because it hepls them rule over the mongrelised amorphic society.
The only way there can conceivably be peace, on the surface at least, will be if the Jews and the Whites are separated and the Jew isn't constantly trying to ruin the White race.

When a sizable portion of the White race accepts that separation is the only thing left, that's when everything will get real interesting.
>I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they identified as white and supported white interests.

They do only when it suits them. They need the White goyim to fight their wars for Greater Israel right now.

You lying kike. Jews do this all the time, and what's worse they make Jewish interests white interests. Nearly every "mainstream" white position is Jewish. Whites are terrified of having a collective identity and will only accept positions that Jews make for them. Odds are you are Jewish and you're doing this right now, you fucking soulless hebe!
We must never forget it doesn't matter how "good" or even how bad the Jew might act. The Jew is always non-White. The Jew is always anti-White.

All Jews must be expelled from all White nations if the White race is to survive.
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Well unfortunately religion is also a problem. Jews and Christians alike beiliving jews are chosen. Living by Jesus's methods. Nobody is putting race over cope and forced niceness. Jews would never live as slaves. Or even second best.
Not after their time in Egypt
Some Ashkenazi Jews, a small minority, have blue eyes due to intermarriage.

You made my point for me dumbass, some Ashkenazi Jews have blue eyes due to racial similarity (ie intermarriage in this case) and Jews and Arabs both have hook noses due to racial similarity.
Your list for khazar milkers is leading you astray.
If only rattlesnakes and cobras weren't poisonous slimy reptiles I'd invite them into my bed to sleep with me.
I didnt make your point retard i showed that sharing traits doesnt make you the same. There are euros with hook noses too. There are whites with curly hair. There are more than a minority of jews with colored eyes and jews look more white than arabs by a mile.
Jews were never in Egypt, and as a people are not nearly that old. the Bible is a collection of myths and fairy tales, it's not a history book.
There's no evidence aside from their own insane bragging about their criminal adventures about ever having been in Egypt. Not a shred of evidence. Stop reading the Bible like it's the ultimate history book. Read it like it's a particularly shitty version of 1001 Arabian Nights.
I thought they had been in Egypt, they just were never enslaved and there was no Exodus
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Which way do you want it? When Jews assimilate, they get accused of conspiracies to seize power and take over whatever industry they work in
>They play both sides whenever it suits them

The Jews who look white by your estimation are Jews from Europe who are products of intermittent intermarriage. They are not white people, but a bastard race. Their root is from the non-white Middle East.

Jews from Yemen or Morocco or Iran don't look "more white than Arabs by a mile." Nor do many Ashkenazi Jews for that matter.
Why don't you midwit preddit faggots just read the bible instead of spouting space negro talking points? The bible is 100% clear, ISRAELITES were in Egypt, JEWS were not.
is that the earliest heart too? one theory was that it was based on the leaf Romans used for birth control that they used to extinction at one point
>Well unfortunately religion is also a problem. Jews and Christians alike beiliving jews are chosen. Living by Jesus's methods. Nobody is putting race over cope and forced niceness. Jews would never live as slaves. Or even second best.
>Not after their time in Egypt
Judaism is inherently anti-White, true.
Whites being anti-Christian to other White Christians is a non-starter. It causes too much division. Whites must stop attacking other Whites because they're simply Christians.

This issue of ours should be only a racial issue until the future of the White race is secured. Then Whites can have the debate about Christianity, other religions and their place in a White civilization.
I think Jews were in Egypt during the Hellenistic period but they don't originate there and certainly didn't exist when the Pyramids were built circa 2500 B.C.
I dont believe ashkenazi are the same as sephardic or mizrahi. They are clearly not the same people. If you look white you are white. If minorities hate you because you look white to them then you are white. I dont give a shit about the religious larp or globohomo games the elite play. Look white, are white, simply.
Israelites were not in Egypt either and indeed didn't even exist in the period referenced.
>Why don't you midwit preddit faggots just read the bible instead of spouting space negro talking points? The bible is 100% clear, ISRAELITES were in Egypt, JEWS were not.
The argument can be made that the people who call themselves the Jews today have no racial connection to the Hebrews and Judeans of the bible.
Another argument can be made that the religion that the people that call themselves the Jews of today is not the religion practiced in either the OT or the NT.

Is it that far of a stretch that the race of Jews that are liars about everything else wouldn't lie about their racial lineage and their own faith?
I don't think anybody would accuse a jew of "scheming or conspiring" if he took up a regular working class profession or trade skill i.e actually creating something of tangible worth and helping his community as opposed to being perpetually stuck as a member of the blood sucking parasitic tertiary merchant class. If you gave a destitute refugee kike a tractor he'd break it down for parts and sell them at high interest.
>that money is drying up
Is this true, will germany EVER stop pouring cash on their heads? I scarcely believe it
No. That standard cannot hold water. By that standard Turks, Arabs, Iranians and Afghans are all white.
The only people here who pretend not to understand this are kike shills like: >>480903036
>Is this true, will germany EVER stop pouring cash on their heads? I scarcely believe it
The last dollar the nation of Germany spends before it collapses will go to a Holocaust victim.
It’s too bad then that jews aren’t white.
I think circumcision should be banned so there can be no compromise with them.
>I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they identified as white and supported white interests.
No one would. But they seek power over the world and your death.
Then if you don't like that, they call you an antisemite. If you're not an antisemite, you're insane
>The only people here who pretend not to understand this are kike shills like:
Regardless, it has no bearing on the survival of the White race, which is what we should be talking about.

Let's ensure the survival of the White race first and then if one really wants to, one can become an archeologist or historian in the ethnostate and figure out where the Jews really came from and who they are.

The only thing we should be really discussing about the Jew is that they're non-White, anti-White and behind all the plans to destroy us. Side quests like "were they really biblical?" are for another day.
You have the temerity to call me a "kike shill" when the deity you genuflect to is a Jewish Street Rabbi.
>I think circumcision should be banned so there can be no compromise with them.
We'll never get an outright ban under this system. The best you might be able to get is circumcision is delayed until the person is an adult.

We shouldn't be wasting our time on circumcision bans in the face of White Genocide anyways.
We'll get a circumcision ban in the ethnostate.
I wouldn’t have a problem with rattlesnakes if they cooked me dinner and didn’t bite people
Unfortunately for you kikes are actively genociding white males with alarming success
you'll get pushback from the muslims too
it's definitely an issue that should be pushed and discussed as much as possible now
but you're right about policy not mattering
this isn't our state
>I wouldnt have any problem with bad if it was good
Fucking mutts, every day you surprise me with a take more retarded than the last
>it's definitely an issue that should be pushed and discussed as much as possible now
Again, we'll ban circumcision in the ethnostate. That's already assumed.

Advocating or debating for it now is a waste. It won't happen and we should be advocating for the ethnostate to save the White race instead because that is what matters most.
>oy vey its us filthy brown subhumans that created all of western civilization not you white goyim!1111
Gas yourself, Chaim. You are Edomite sand niggers and God hates you.
>Fucking mutts, every day you surprise me with a take more retarded than the last
What else would you expect from a 1pbtID shill?

OP wants us to think there are "good Jews."
I mean that it's a rabbithole that leads to antisemitism
The Western Civilization you reference existed long before the Bible and your Jewish deity. It existed in the Greece of the city states and Rome after them.
>I mean that it's a rabbithole that leads to antisemitism
I understand that. The only rabbithole we really need though is WW2/Hitler/the Holocaust

If someone is open enough to accepting their mind changed on Hitler or the Holocaust, all else follows. That's why holocaust revisionism and Hitler scares them that much.
>The Western Civilization you reference existed long before the Bible
Yeah, the bible records its creation.
>It existed in the Greece of the city states and Rome after them.
It existed in Sumeria and Babylon and Egypt, dumbass. All white civilizations that you want to pretend were brown like you.
Most people don't just go from being bluepilled to questioning if Hitler was the good guy with nothing inbetween.
>Most people don't just go from being bluepilled to questioning if Hitler was the good guy with nothing inbetween.
I know but explaining that this has been going on since at least WW2 is a good starting point. If they can accept WW2 was a lie, everything else can follow.
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Honestly same. I don’t care about racial identity so much as I care about national or cultural identity (a la Mussolini, Yockey) so as long as they assimilate and “become European” then I don’t have a problem.

The issue is, most Jews are zionists and as such will always but the interests of Israel over their own interests or because they put their religion over national interests, which is mutually exclusive with the idea of the nation state
I'm pretty sure Yockey cared about race
He did but he stressed the cultural organism more and even stated that others outside of that organism can become European, with the main one he was citing is Russians, which had a transient culture according by to Yockey and could meld itself within the European superculture
*according to
Not according to them
Absurd, Babylon was a Middle Eastern Semitic polity, the people spoke a Semitic language.

We know less about the Sumerians but they called themselves the "black headed people" and considering the region they probably weren't what we'd call white today.

The Egyptians were probably an olive skinned people judging but their art.
You are no different than a liberal. Culture and assimilation are the mainstream view. It is genocide.
Exodus was written hundreds of years later to describe the actual real collapse brought precipitated by the Sea Peoples
it's horrific
wow. you sure showed me.
Rami Malek is an OG egyptian. when Egypt collapsed they split but mostly became Greece.
Athens, Aten
as a Founding Myth for the modern state, WW2 is a death cult.
Nurembergers crushed the testicles of all but one of the witnesses.
crushing testicles and chopping foreskins is an easy parallel
But they don't, and they won't, and they'd just as soon rape and kill your child as they would a sandnigger kid, because they fucking hate you too.
the door
There may be some truth to that. "Greek" at least in the Hellenistic period seems was as much a way of life as a people. We know some Hebrews learned the Greek language and adopted the Greek way of life. Not a stretch to imagine numbers of Egyptians doing the same.
>I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they identified as white and supported white interests.
The Kikes who are serious about integrating into European nations do these things.
They change their names to match the host nation.
They stop calling themselves Jews.
They don't circumcise their children.
They become Christians.
They don't tell anyone they were ever Kikes, and they don't tell their children about it either.
Anything else shows they are parasitically clinging to Kike identity in the hopes it will pay off somehow.
Anything else shows they --want-- to Other themselves.
Anything else shows they still are lying,
that they still think pretending to belong to a nation that stopped existing over 2,000 years ago is okay.
Very few Kikes are willing to go this far.
90% of them aren't stupid; they know their identity is a lie.
But they cling to it anyway.
They cling to it because they think it will benefit them somehow.
They deserved what is coming upon them.
>Absurd, Babylon was a Middle Eastern Semitic polity, the people spoke a Semitic language.
The modern conception of semitic as meaning "sand niggers" is completely ahistorical.
>and considering the region they probably weren't what we'd call white today
Yeah, being in a white region full of white people means they must have been brown. How dumb are you? This shit is like saying "obviously the Sioux were white, considering the region they were in is full of white people today".
>they kind of do
You forgot to add:
>whenever it benefits them socially and politically.
the issue is that it might confer advantages. the only difference between Pakistan and India is circumcision. Pakistanis are aggressive, militaristic, and Muslim, while Indians worship cows.
it's of course tied to all kinds of negative stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg0H0Q3t4dE
especially if that impulse isn't directed.
neurotic frustrated mental illness.
>Galatians 5:2
>Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
it ain't white. without being directed it just makes incels. but without it at all you lose a bit of that fighting spirit and psychopathy, which in an increasingly psychopathic world puts you at a disadvantage.
which is probably not worth the loss of humanity.
Their big hooked noses are the mark of Cain. The mark of Cain is defined as a sociopath/narcissist/psychopath disposition.
fpbp. /thread

OP get over it, they're not your fellow white and hate all of Europe with a seething passion.
I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with jews if a jewish bitch was sucking the sperm out of my cock like a Strawberry Go-Gurt
The Egyptians revolted twice against the Greek rule.

>Misrule by the Pharaoh in Alexandria led to a nearly successful revolt, led by a priest named Hugronaphor. He proclaimed himself Pharaoh in 205 BC, and ruled upper Egypt until his death in 199 BC. He was succeeded by his son Ankhmakis, whose forces nearly drove the Ptolemies out of the country. The revolutionary dynasty was finally defeated in 185, and a stele celebrating this event was historically significant as the famous Rosetta Stone.

Well duh. Then being Jewish in and off itself shouldn't be a bad thing but they made their bed.
The nose thing primarily seems to be a middle eastern/jewish feature but not always. Some white people and especially italians have big noses.
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Unfortunately many jews feel that their tribe cannot truly be safe in white majority countries.

>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


>Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy
They would never, that's why they are jews
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+When the Romans arrived, the kingdom of the Ptolemies was starting to fall apart — it was short of money, heavily corrupt, and had a series of civil wars between rival claimants to the throne. The famous Cleopatra was the last queen of this dynasty — but she owed her position in part to having defeated her own brother in one civil war and chasing her younger sister out of the country in another.

Different factions among in the royal family fought against (or alongside) the Romans on a few occasions, but in their shaky state they were never successful. After Cleopatra sided with the wrong side in a Roman civil war Egypt became part of the Roman empire, and remained so for the next six hundred years.
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>I honestly wouldn't have an issue with fire if it didn't burn you when you touched it
that's just not in their nature
>The modern conception of semitic as meaning "sand niggers" is completely ahistorical.

Well considering that Arabs speak a Semitic language I'm not sure I would agree.

>Yeah, being in a white region full of white people means they must have been brown. How dumb are you? This shit is like saying "obviously the Sioux were white, considering the region they were in is full of white people today".

A good point at last! Yes that is true. So I'll phrase it this way, what evidence do you have that the Sumerians were what we would call white people today?
I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they didn't cause any issues
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You should, they are outsiders, not what you are. They are a separate ethno-religious group. That will always "cause issues."
not identifying with the host organism they parasitically feed from is the literal defining characteristic of jews.

I make no sense to say if "they supported our interests".

I also wouldn't mind mosquitoes if they didn't suck people's blood. But then, those would really be mosquitoes in a meaningful sense.
I honestly wouldn’t have an issue with Jews if they werent jews and were white and supported white interests.
is there a super duper simplistic version of events I can follow that's almost as dumbed down as this
or is history too messy to bother
Phyllischafly that's out ally fuck that fucking bitch
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because I feel like greeks were to Egypt what germany was to rome
>Well considering that Arabs speak a Semitic language I'm not sure I would agree.
And since injuns speak English that means all injuns in all of time were always white. Perfect logic.
>So I'll phrase it this way, what evidence do you have that the Sumerians were what we would call white people today?
No brown people exist there in the archeological record until ~600BC. They were still limited to the Arabian peninsula.
that's just so crazy. I see people talk like that all the time and I don't get it.
>you tried to burn down my house
>this is an outrageous inflammatory and offensive accusation. the ignition of flammable materials under your porch was brought about by circumstances that led to a conflagration.
..... ? is that it?
how is that effective at...
>these are not the droids you're looking for
oh ok.
Native Egyptians had basically lost their independence before the Greeks and Romans arrived. Egypt was conquered by the Persians in 525 BC. It briefly regained its independence from Persia in 404, but was reconquered again in 343.

Alexander captured Egypt during his war with the Persians in 332. He made an obvious effort to present himself as a friend of Egyptians and an enemy of their Persian enemies, so he was welcomed.

After his death, the family of his general Ptolemy ruled Egypt for the next three centuries as mixed Greek and Egyptian state — the national government and army were almost exclusively Greek, but local government and the traditional Egyptian temples were run mostly by Egyptians.

This Greco-Egyptian state did fight several wars with other parts of the Greek world (Seleucid), with a variety of wins and losses — Until they themselves were conquered by the Romans in 30 BC.

The Romans ruled there until 639CE when it fell to the invading Muslims, thus ending 975 years of Greco-Roman rule over Egypt.
When the Greeks leave a giant wooden horse outside of the city wall, there's always some idiot saying, "hey, we should bring it in".
>And since injuns speak English that means all injuns in all of time were always white. Perfect logic.

You're making sense honestly. That is true, an Apache speaking English doesn't make them Anglo-Saxon.

Still though if your contention is that Ancient Sumerians and Ancient Semites were whites, as we understand that term today, you need evidence that that is true.
>I wouldn't have a problem with parasites if they weren't parasites
I mean that belongs in like an SAT question. they use synonyms but the meaning is reversed through emotional elements? is there a term for that
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Why would they? They know you would never accept them. So their only solution is to slowly destroy you.
yeah, crazy how people can still justify any foreigners existing in the west
"Egypt" collapsed in 1200BC
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They do if it serves them. Evil seeks friendship whenever it is convenient; by the skinner's box of internet, social media, etc quantifying everything we are and do, jewish media control (including internet) instigates psychopathy and evil in the population.
that all just seems as relevant as describing Italy's prime ministers from 1890-1920.
Rome already fell way before.

I mean it's interesting and important but it was a colony at that point rather than the entire world
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Nah nigga, liberals have degenerated to the point where they believe assimilation is genocide and have for the last 20-30 years now. They’re multiculturalists who don’t believe in the nation state.

Like this piece of shit
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>When Jews assimilate
>they get accused of conspiracies to seize power and take over whatever industry they work in
Got any examples of any trade where this happens where such accusations aren't merited?
>But they don't.
So stop wasting everyone's time.
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Sorta, the war against the sea people was a pyrrhic victory that left them broken. all the wars with the Hittites afterwards made them a very easy target for the Persians to take over.

>Rome already fell way before.
Only the western part, the east survived for another millenia nearly.
And Egypt was the richest country in Rome's possesion, due to their production of wheat.

Romans were just retarded to waste 600 years fighting the Persians back and forth and ignoring the Arab threat from the south (Alexander was planning to conquer Arabia before he died).
>I don't think
Stopped reading right there.
What white interests? You mean lockdowns, vaxx mandates, affirmative action, diversity in publishing, and gay marriage? Those white interests?

Yeah, okay…

You’re an absolute RETARD BONEHEAD DUMBASS if you still believe in WN in 2024.
Every jew I've ever known was an atheist who only considered himself "barely" Jewish and insisted that all jews were whites. It's only woke liberals and pol users who think white europeans with white skin 400 years removed from their ancestors aren't white.
I don't like either but if given a choice between multitulitalism and assimilation I'd choose multiculturalism. At least with multiculturalism you preserve the race to a great extent. Assimilation is mongrelization and racial destruction, dysgenic genocide.
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“I wouldn’t have a problem with Jews if they didn’t act like Jews” very riveting take anon
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I would be parading around with Refugees Welcome signs if all those immigrants in Europe were instead big titted pro-white khazar goddesses thirsting for the BWC.
Jews are the good guys though.
They are saving the planet from Europe.
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Eww what an utter creep.
Those poor jewish women.
I actually think it was 7 million
What does /thread mean? I’m new to this website
They ruined Europe
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They do. Stephen Miller. Ben Shapiro. Trump. Etc.etc.
I don’t have a problem with Jews, just relligious zealots particularly if the Zionist kind who are not necessarily Jews themselves

These people are rabid and have absolutely no moral compass whatsoever
There is no right or wrong to them just Zionism
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Ive been a crypto white half irish kike my whole life, Ive spent more time identifying as white than jewish, I still make nazi jokes and laugh at secular lib "jews" and zionists.

Not all of us subscribe to the tribal mindset or view whites as amalek. I for instance just want to study Torah and be left alone with my animals as a hermit. One thing you have to understand is that Judaism is a lot like Christianity, there are many different sects who are fighting right now, the Orthodox/Hasidic non zionists are the most based faction you can find. Chabad is good, but too tribal and zionist for me. Lets say after reading Zohar and studying Kaballah, I view most secular jews as scum, then theres the unlearned Talmud worshipers who are just as ridiculous following the Paschat instead of getting to the Sod.

What /pol/ looks at are lefty libs who import shitskins and blame/shame whites for colonization. Although /pol/ doesn't really like to talk about how much bloodshed has happened over the last 2k years attributed to white brother wars and religious persecution and differences.

Overall I support whites and wish for a jew/white alliance. I know you guys are going to say jewish mitosis and esau gambit etc etc, but it doesn't change the fact not all of us are the same. Secular jews who promote degeneracy and Sabbatean Frankists are the enemy we must unite against.
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I never had a problem with jews
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Watch some of that chick's earlier interviews and it becomes incredibly obvious that she was a really sweet girl who played around with a few things she shouldn't (witchcraft and DMT) and got her self possessed by a demon (or multiple demons).

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