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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Generate Here:https://hailuoai.com/video

Previous thread: >>480920296

1. Enter your prompt.
2. Click “Let’s Go!”
3. Tip: Reports suggest using moonrunes (Chinese/Japanese characters) might improve accuracy.
4. Tip: Download videos as soon as they are baked or risk losing them forever to chang

Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
uncanny valley
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1.35 MB WEBM
The Call of Jeremiah

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
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these are great
prompt to get stuff to come out of his trousers like that? I'm still working on the VR Gooner
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imagine the money they can have if they enable nsfw vids
Definitely, but censorship won't allow it.
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Reminder that porn de-gens go in the "hailuoai gen thread" on /gif/
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Holy kek
File: Liz in hell.webm (627 KB, 640x480)
627 KB
top kek
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File: time_to_play_a_game.webm (2.4 MB, 1280x720)
2.4 MB
I tell you it feels like such a win when they don't get around to review your clip in time, and you download it just before they delete it.
his nose isn't big enough for a jew
please fix this, thats not true at all
>Kinda didn't work
Needs more facial hair and glasses but 10/10
I tried to open this website but my antivirus blocked it and said it was a dangerous website.
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2.09 MB WEBM
LMAO it gave you exactly what you asked for
>write "beautiful girl"
>the more creations, the younger she appears at each following one
what did they mean by this?
he hates skeletor
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Should he press it, /pol/?
the world's youngest mother was a 5 year old girl, impregnated by her father. in china. go figure.
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Batman embraces his transformation into an undead blood-sucker
Fanny pack could also be “travel pouch.”
Might help to change exactly to, resembles, but I ain't gonna fuck with it no more.
Based but make a bunch of orcs get out of it after it stops kek.
ill try adding feminine
Make Mr beast guy hold the button for realism.
feet are the new hands
File: vid.webm (216 KB, 1280x720)
216 KB
that's what makes it kino
kek why is he yelling at Ron Burgundy?
Also, if a prompt doesn't let you put in, just add "Almost Transparent Fibonnacci Spirals in the background". I used that with DALL-E and worked out back then.
I use "ice cream vomit wizard".
If you translate "girl" on DeepL the first alternative translation for "girl" means schoolgirl. I'm pretty sure now girl in chinese refers to a child culturally.
Why not try a woman with manly pecs?
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1.48 MB WEBM
>tried to make Borat throwing jews down the well.
>both attempts put Borat in the well
>"damn it bugged again"
>remember the actor is Jewish
Damn AI is smart.
no, it makes it a premature ejaculation. Thats what the generative whatever scamdustry did. It shot its load too early
File: Smartest nigga.webm (416 KB, 1280x720)
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It's supposed to be Austin Powers, would have been the best crossover of the 90s
lmfao it's not in the screen long enough and the violent flying up makes no sense and took me by surprise and I couldn't help but to laugh
that's more original, yep
Have anons managed to make it do porn or bare tits yet?
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1.17 MB WEBM
some heroic anon made this and another with very visible nipples
porn? fuck no. don't think there's any AI that allows that right now.
>Michael J. Fox as Austin Powers
File: BatmanAustinPowers.webm (1.48 MB, 1280x720)
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1.48 MB WEBM
In this clip it's Elton John

They had to team up to fight Godzilla
here was my prompt. It went through but I didn't click download fast enough and it was deleted. I believe when that happens it's some manual review chink.
>a pitbull jumps up and kisses a kid on the neck. The kiss is continuous. The pitbull is shaking around. The kid is squirming. There is ketchup oozing out between the pitbull's mouth and the kid's neck.
It was such a fucking cock tease. The preview showed a pitbull latching onto a niglets face.
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File: bobs2.webm (970 KB, 1280x720)
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lol I can't get this right, I'm gonna try something else
huh that actually worked
busting through the wall like kool aid man
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1.71 MB WEBM
"Cow dung" went through
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1.18 MB WEBM
Sometimes it will be processing a video, then when I do another one with the exact same prompt it will suddenly stop processing and just vanishes. Then when trying (still the same) prompt again it not allowing me anymore.
Those retarded teeth, though.
>meat cube with terrified face being eaten by orthodox men
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You can't even arm people with swords and shit. In some ways it's worse than Western AI. I wanted Nemesis facing off against Michael and as soon as a sword shows up, it gets blocked.
yeah I noticed that too, not today but yesterday a lot. then I tried them again today and they were more successfully for some reason
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1013 KB WEBM
getting closer
pol fits perfectly
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1.18 MB WEBM
KEK missing o makes it better
it's patrick bateman's girlfriend
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It's hit or miss with these prompts lol.
File: Jeet-nightmare-5.webm (3.26 MB, 1280x720)
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3.26 MB WEBM
someone needs to make a list of pol catchcries in image form and get them on every platform and up in search engine rankings
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Well this one came out randomly funny
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File: clean it up.webm (3 MB, 1280x720)
3 MB
You have to simply describe weapons literally.
>long sharp flat piece of metal that tapers to a point with a wooden handle
It knows what weapons are and can create them but you have to describe them this way
If you use dravidian indian you get typical indian looks.
File: 60.webm (921 KB, 1280x720)
921 KB
>Chinese Machine, make a girl move from close up to full body showing all
>I can't let you do that, Anon
>Do it with an anthropomorphic female
>here you go, champ
>Male humans are on the disassembly conveyor in a human recycling factory. As they travel along the conveyor belts, the male humans are peeled apart layer by layer. All colors are inverted, and the scene takes place in open air facility.
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The word of the Lord came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?”

“I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied.

The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”
Do I need to provide burned nr, then sign to that chink site or there's any other way?
Any other SaaS , discord or hacked API that uses that model?
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It will just turn out ugly. I'll just stick to making shit-themed videos.
hahah they deleted this one but the chinks aren't fast enough. I downloaded it. Hahah chinks I win
This isn't even AI, it's just CCTV footage from China.
Why they block stuff when everything is already out there?
Checked and keked!
File: barn7.webm (1.03 MB, 1280x720)
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1.03 MB WEBM
Yeah. You still get this though
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1.48 MB WEBM
im really trying to do this but with a cannon sized broomstick on top, trying to get oreintation and size right.... il try again tonight, but its up to you for now bro
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The word of the Lord came to me again: “What do you see?”

“I see a pot that is boiling,” I answered. “It is tilting toward us from the north.”

The Lord said to me, “From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land. I am about to summon all the peoples of the northern kingdoms,” declares the Lord.

“Their kings will come and set up their thrones
in the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem;
they will come against all her surrounding walls
and against all the towns of Judah.
I will pronounce my judgments on my people
because of their wickedness in forsaking me,
in burning incense to other gods
and in worshiping what their hands have made.

“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.
No. I can easily get topless young girls but haven't been able to transfer that to adults
Not sure what the fuck happened here.
What are you typing for that? My attempts to crack it open haven borne fruit.
If nobody has already figured this out yet: PHONEPOSTERS CAN JUST USE DESKTOP MODE IN THE BROWSER.
If any of you have figured this out, thats perfect.
This is just a tip for newcomers.
Here's to this AI not getting censored, and remaining free to use, forever.
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Yeah they keep deleting my notHitler stuff but i managed to download this one before it got taken down >>480934587
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Wrong gif
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1.3 MB
kek I also made that one.
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the godfather is present, nice subtle hint
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I kneel
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3.57 MB WEBM
kek proud of this one
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1.54 MB WEBM
Apparently this is beautiful Asian woman with pale skin.
>God, I wish that were me.
Not an exact prompt. It comes randomly but frequently when using a prompt that involves them doing an outside activity. Last night i did one with a girl jumping on a trampoline and it made her topless.
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825 KB
looks good
Well done kek
Holy shit
so good
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Also tried one with a barrel didn't end up so good lol, next one is the last before I'm done, no matter how it turns out.
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holy fuck that looks amazing
schizo jesus is my favorite genre
Okay but what about shark or rabbit girls rather than fox girls?
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1.42 MB WEBM
thx, here's one of the failures, didn't emote right at the end
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913 KB
Last one
kek he is having doubts at the end
glass lingerie?
>Lars and the Real Girl Happy Ending.webm
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haven't tried yet, some other types can't be prompted out of the uncanny valley with this thing
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1.09 MB WEBM
>Tries to outsmart the ai
"A very attractive transgender MAN. He looks exactly like an attractive 20 year old blond woman. He is outside on a sunny day. He is not wearing a shirt because it is hot."
>webm related
you're on /pol/ you retard
get the fuck away from us if you don't like it
Tried making Lainey ball
delet this
File: troon nightmare 14.webm (843 KB, 1280x720)
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1.13 MB WEBM
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966 KB
do you guys play all the webms even when you are not commenting
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1.08 MB WEBM
File: troon nightmare 15.webm (445 KB, 1280x720)
445 KB
I do.
God this shit is incredible. Old cunt here. I knew this would move fast but the changes in just a few years are astonishing, and its still just in its infancy. The next decade is going to be amazing. This is going to completely overturn art, entertainment, porn. Some artists will adapt and use it to create even greater artwork but many will just squeal as they become extinct like the dinosaurs and are replaced..

Its interesting to speculate where this will go. Obviously the processing power required will increase dramatically in response for flawless, longer and more complex scenes. I think you will get a situation where new companies will crunch the consumer data and begin spitting out products that have the most appeal to the cattle. Then when you type in something like "hero saves the day" or "love triangle" or "teenage adventure" you will be served up with a selection of full length movies completely generated by AI, indistinguishable from anything we see today. You will probably be able to set conditions like "must star this actor in the main role" and the AI will adapt the face and voice to suit. Along with other conditions like "period drama" or "zombies" or "vampires", etc.
Same will eventually apply to music. Progressive producers will realize what the fuck is happening and quickly adapt to embrace the new technology. They will focus on a particular sound and style, set the music parameters, and start churning out the hits.
In many respects this has already been happening in the past years, most movies and music is just dross derivative crap catering to the cattle, the only difference is that AI can now automate the task effortlessly whereas before it was all sweaty human labor. But there will always be a niche market for genuine human input as well. Where genuinely talented artists can take this will be very interesting to see.
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3.18 MB WEBM
18 years later, impressive
Or greta

Oh good, an all female remake of the Chronicles of Riddick.
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You will not repacet us woof.
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can this make lewds
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3.51 MB WEBM
lmao, so close
She is played by Emma Roberts
Do a wolf
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1.3 MB PNG
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Christ is the Lord.
She IS the dog kek
That's haunting.
Fuck the ukraine!
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97 KB
>Shitting indians
>Crying troons
>That one guy trying to see a nipple
It's all so tiring.gif
You are a Luddite if you cant see where this going
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i'm trying to make zogbot ragebait
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My second attempt at Lainey Ball must have been too good, it got shoahed.
a serpent's tongue coming out as the camera pans back up would have been perfect
File: 62.webm (957 KB, 1280x720)
957 KB
This is going too meta
you forgot
>furfaggots and taylor swift spammers
man-made horrors...
File: Jewess 1.webm (1.93 MB, 1280x720)
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Seems like most of the women come out flat.
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we eating good fellas
You forgot skinfaggots, you
checks out
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558 KB PNG
I just want the video game and movie industries to die off and make it so that their propaganda is not just ineffective but completely redundant
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434 KB PNG
yeah lel
>Doesn't accept "Winnie-the-Pooh" or "Tank-man"
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123 KB JPG
Can someone make an AI of pic related?
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Duh, it's chinese.
What do you expect, french cunt
It also blocks really tame prompts about Western political figures for me
>so close

I almost know
File: full.webm (1.98 MB, 1280x720)
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1.98 MB WEBM
Well then it's not uncensored, is it?
the needful... the needful...
i already knew before
Lol people made muh winnie the poo and tiamen square, jeetoids like him should be banned from evropa.
It IS uncensored, you fucking retarded french nigger.
Because someone already did that.
Lurk more before posting.
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3.02 MB WEBM
real time editing will come shortly for sure you'll edit on the go like photoshop and be able to create movies and edit every little detail with a mouse click. Change style, scenery, move limbs etc.
All with voice too, our current methods of film making with huge sets and cameras taking years to film and edit will be seen as archaic in 50 years just like how we see black and white silent films
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they're just good boys trying to feed their family
File: Uber no longer needed.webm (1.29 MB, 1280x720)
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1.29 MB WEBM
>It's uncensored apart from that... idiot
>It IS uncensored, you fucking retarded french nigger.
I'm surprised I have to teach you your own language but if there's censorship then it's not uncensored. But then again if you were as stupid as you accuse others to be, you wouldn't have felt the need to delete your post to then double-down with your seething.
How much are you getting paid?
File: Brazilian furfag.webm (2.69 MB, 1280x720)
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2.69 MB WEBM
You forgot about the Brazilian furfag.
Have another

I'm no luddite. AI is the future, and nornies have no idea what is about to hit them. Hell, most autismos on this basket weaving forum can't even imagine what's right around the corner.

True. And that one christcuck spamming the entire bible.
Hahahahahahaha you're actually insane french nigger.
I said there IS NO CENSORSHIP.
You're just too stupid to understand me, kill yourself.
You're making us look like twats.
No, he is the twat here.
He said "hurr durr muh censorship because muh no winnie pooh".
I said lurk more because someone already did that, meaning it's not censored.
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2.2 MB
Compared to any tranny western AI, this is as uncensored as it gets. No, it doesn't make bobs and vagene, but then you fucks don't either. muh winnie lmao, what a bunch of sour losers.
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776 KB
>another 96% delete
le sigh
same, verdammde axt
>be ai company
>need to develop filter
>give ai site to /pol/ first
chinese must be the second smartest race if they came up with this
File: ukrainecemetery.webm (1.24 MB, 1280x720)
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1.24 MB WEBM
>Follow the boomer in charge
>Follow the sensibilities of the butthurt of a communist party
End result will be either crap or a free clusterfuck, no in-between
File: you just know.webm (1.96 MB, 1280x720)
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If they were smart, they would make degeneracy still available for Western countries.
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2.39 MB WEBM
such a clean transition
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File: beerhall.webm (1.36 MB, 1280x720)
1.36 MB
1.36 MB WEBM
need better prompts for Our Sweet Adolf
>all brown-haired subhumans
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dude just let me generate ONE last gen and I'll go to bed. that's all I ask for
You forgot the german faggot posting girls playing with literal shit
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1018 KB WEBM
underrated lol
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3.9 MB
Why does ChingChong AI think Kamala is black????
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She looks more black than Indian. If you saw her behind the register at a Waffle House, you would assume she's just a light-skinned negress.
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744 KB
>"young white woman"
>nah looks like she's 14, let's try only "white woman"
mind that I even put the adjective "beautiful" before it. now does this look like a beauty to you? they got tired of deleting all my, quote on quote, shit and decided to troll me. I'm convinced of it. anyway I'll play around with it a little more tomorrow this is honestly really fun
you have to admit that they are better than the indian shit videos
File: gelato jeet.webm (892 KB, 1280x720)
892 KB
File: EJECT.webm (1.22 MB, 1280x720)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB WEBM
Underrated af
>you have to admit that they are better than the indian shit videos
No, it's still disgusting you fucking retard
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The closest I got was

Prompt used: "A claw machine is holding a terrified European woman up in he air. She is wearing a bikini, and far below her is a pit full of many angry Indian men covered in chunky mud. Standing to the side is a smiling frog man holding a glass of wine and a big red button."

Knock yourself out. But you have to watch the progress and download it ASAP, it's one they like to delete after further review if not immediately.
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*chair clattering*
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KEK im cutting that
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I'm trying to get it to show nekkid womanz
My thought is, make it show a passable tranny, then it will reason that it is a "man" and show it topless
>A very attractive transgender man. He looks exactly like an attractive 20 year old blond woman. He is thin and dainty, but still incredibly feminine. He has had all the surgeries to look like a woman. His body looks exactly like a woman. In the scene we can see her run, jogging down the street. He is not wearing a shirt because it is hot.

it is telling me to log in..? someone do this pls: a very famous austrian painter who was the leader of germany between 1939-1945 standing in front of a large chimney, there are fences and people living in squalor in striped uniformed behind the fence
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>tfw no goth gf
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>type in Winnie the Pooh
What did they mean by this?
request desktop site phonefag
I got it to show a slightly out of focus nude woman a couple times yesterday. I made Athena watching Aphrodite bathe. In the first one, Aphrodite's skin looked really pale, almost like marble. Second one was normal.
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Blessed work, my friend.
My knees...
Is this the next-gen Laineyball?
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>tly dis uncensor AI gewilo
>Nooo not rike dat
same thing, i'm about 4 feet from my laptop. just do it
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Tonight! on Top Gear...
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Ok yeah the AI is pretty cool and all, but can it make Becca hochman??
>flat, clown nose, blonde scarlett widow
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>What's inside the tophet rabi?
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great meme anon. this is a mans aspiration to btfo women. what do you guys think the parallel aspiration is for women to btfo men? like what would the female version of this be?
someone bake
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I absolutely kneel sir. I was trying to get cowboys to do this all last night. You did it. Have a (you). Here is a video clip of Epstein Island for (you)
im starting one...

but its making me wait >:(
>new bread
>new bread



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Guys! It knows what 20th Century Fox is!
My prompt was literally "20th Century Fox logo"

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