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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Generate Here:https://hailuoai.com/video

Previous thread: >>480930910

1. Enter your prompt.
2. Click “Let’s Go!”
3. Tip: Reports suggest using moonrunes (Chinese/Japanese characters) might improve accuracy.
4. Tip: Download videos as soon as they are baked or risk losing them forever to chang

Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
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Getting there
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>Rings of third reich
get help.
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Make them dravidian indian, they will be more jeetish.
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Kek thanks, gonna use that to proompt from now on
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>making racist videos will make us win
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Can someone make piccolo a Nazi? I can’t get it to come out right.
Wake me up when this shit goes local.
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These threads have been an absolute goldmine, can't wait for the day we can make our own films and kill the hollyjew industry and when some wicked shitposters with money create an uncensored version
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I haven't really messed with AI very much.
Could share this here.
I tried to make it generate an answer to the meaning of life, like Superman's Miracle Machine generating the answer, something along those lines, but the text is always gibberish or just something not undestood.
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You forgot to name the thread, retard
>seven 96%ers in a row
Chang is being an absolute fucking menace right now.
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Set Phasers to kill!
How long does rendering take?
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designers needed for ongoing meme wars
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Cut a few clips together, surprisingly consistent
how long you think this'll be up. I've been making them all day thinking they'll gimp it eventually. or do chinks really not care about racism?
There's something fucked up about this shit.
> We wuz afronauts N sheit
Somebody has been listening to Hillman
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kek. He dindu niffin tho.
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what's that, fren?
I think you might be lost, friend.
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Mega kek... Tarantino like gore
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Did you input Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer in the background or did the AI do that on its own? That's actually really good.
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the shitty uncoordinated dancing makes it more realistic.
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No, it nose.
Another dream sequence.

I try to get into my house which is locked, so I go to the side of the house to touch the frog statue to get in the secret entrance. There's people playing in my gaming hall though and I want to be alone so I slip into the secret room. I think people my find me here so I activate the secret door to the secret room in the secret room by touching the lamp. The secret secret room is a comfy pillow room.
somehow I suspect it is a way out
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1.92 MB WEBM
I'm not training your shit
>Angry Indian man in ragged clothes (knife in hand) running towards viewer while chunky brown mud pours from underneath loincloth (set on a dirty street)
the constantly morphing likenesses where the more you look the more disturbing things get like >>480945769
I want to know what the prompt is for these, specifically whether Jews are referenced or if it has to be spelled out
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Imagine if you went back in time and showed this AI video website to the people at Flip Your Lid animation, who made the 20th Century Fox logo back in 1994.
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The dead just fucking disappears like GTA!
My god, your captcha system is shit on this website, but finally passed it again.
>Czechfag cryptokike immediately makes porn
wow it just ripped off jeet from Big bang theory
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will this be any good or do you have to write an essay for the prompt like other "ai"
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why is the one in the middle so brown?
change it up a little

>Major motion picture quality of dramatic extremely realistic and detailed scene of young Carthaginian mother with curly red hair and father with curly brown hair solemnly kneeling before a hole dug in the tropical dirt beneath palm trees and behind them is a large Tophet stelae with "KLM" carved into and beneath that is the shape of a circle above a horizontal line with a triangle beneath the line, including numerous other stelae in the background. The father and mother carefully lower a small clay pot filled with ashes and bones down into the hole.
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>the fate of all manlets
Doesn't he look happy!
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Idk but the next one I generated is borderline, I ain't posting dat shit lol
i wonder what that covid grandpa is thinking now
>red bandana
is that Sonny????
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Why is this the first thing I made?
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What a sick fucker wants to see Indians (invetors of math, medicine and technology) being ejected from an airlock?
Mostly because you are a subhuman mutt conditioned by your kike overlords to love porn.
I don't like the Danny Jones podcast all that much, but in his interview of Ammon Hillman he manages to keep Hillman pretty much on track. It's a pretty good intro to his ideas.
Black Man marches on
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Hillman is a satanist, which is also an abrahamic religion. Romans would kill him like any other kike abrahamic demon.

Its because it gives away that we dont live in reality.
hello plebbitor
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Czech jew is spamming underage girl prompts in a desperate attempt to get this banned

His posts get a lot of 1PBTID replies from memeflags
oh it's real alright
off button nice lmao
peak snyder
File: AI Goyslop 3.webm (1.9 MB, 1280x720)
1.9 MB
I called him out on it, lol. Kikes are seething hard with the current LLM.
I tried to make an animation about how Thrall knew about 9/11...
what's with the purple cum though?
I mean every explanation isnt really pleasant.
HAHAH! "Neanderthal power!"
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>This gets deleted but this >>480950227 doesn't
Mods are faggots.
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Thanks mayne, hopefully AI gets better at text outputs, as 99% have typos
They are indeed
I don't know why AI artists always use Taylor Swift but it keeps getting funnier. One day there will be more weird AI videos of her than real ones.
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Except for a mix of that and that is how that young sounding math professor said an overlap. But in all his gist it would be a circle from afar and a circle as a square.
I mean you gotta consider that time in a way is a circle, never a perfect one.
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It's that burning PURPLE my friend
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Progressives love their swiftie, so it's the icing on the cake for generating seethe
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you indians are so easy to read
Tried to make a zelda treasure chest
someone do something with raptor jesus
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its getting too close to reality
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fuck off ammon ,your a fag
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you shitskins can claim "math" all you want... those of us who have a clue know you did some interesting things with triangles MUCH LATER that egypt inventing geomotry, so remain you are still an unwanted nigger. no man wants you in their country, and no woman wants you in their bed. kill yourself galdip.
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Absolutely cursed
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I want to examine those more thoroughly. Not with my finger but with a hammer.
To be fair, the prompt was "people looking disgusted watching a fat woman jump up and down."
I didn't ask for her to be in a bikini or on the beach.
here we see the limits of AI.... the girls don't look jewish enough. not realistic. kill yourself rabbi.
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I apologize then.
That cz*ch is 100% kike; in fact, he is not even roman, posting from pagan perspective at all. Just uncontaminated jewposting satan worship. If you want to scare kikes post burning torah it's holier than talmud in their world.
It's all good.
That's why I found it so funny: it choose the outfit which made it so much worse.
you don't have a future rabbi. you try to kill us with BBC porn, but instead your whore little girls watch it and subconciously learn kike women fuck niggers. you are making yourselves go extinct.
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Looks nothing like warwick, LAME
are you color blind why did you tell it to make the bear yellow and not dark orange or orange brown
looks like they have started censoring it.
I tried many times but this think is so retarded about any kind of context you can hardly make it do what you want: It outright ignores instructions at times, doesn't know what proper context is (warps objects, sets up a scene wrong despite only 3 instructions) and genuinely doesn't know how to create certain scenes, like people fleeing in terror or how directions work (vehicles moving in reverse). It also randomly fucks up faces and has trouble with naturally looking movement (pointing gun at = bent arms).
Mark 14: 50-51
Can't do it.
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>When the AI gets your prompts wrong in an unintentionally hilarious way.
Cope and seethe, praty
You are cucked in every thread
that is a seething jeet not a rabbi
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That guy did it because she gets shilled here in Nazi uniforms with fake quotes all because her handlers made a pol thread and we wound up naming her cat for her so they think she's a closed Nazi that browses pol
whiter than you, ahmed
Howdy jeet, you'll never be white.
kek he replaced every word, the mad lad!
my name is hans lutsch meinen schwanz jeet
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It definitely took a performance hit since a few days ago. I can't get the same quality as when I first started, and there's clearly a bunch of bug jannies prooning half of the clips

You need to be Johnny on the spot and download it immediately when it completes too.

she's so fat she has to sleep using a pap machine
My only complaint about these threads is that /b/ fags come here and are coomer trannies from a discord and telegram group.
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Jeet peewee’s playhouse vibes where Jambi comes out of a computer screen to shoot cow shit at you KEK
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>steamy explosion from under hem of skirt
you got ripped off by a happy merchant.
he sold you nigger slaves painted white and told you they were valuable white slaves
Look at me
I hate Christianity
Chinos have more advanced ai than westoid judeo cucks
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>No, I'm not nervous!
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Censored and woke
all the worst people do
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your grandchildren will be named Mohammed and Fatima
based zion don poster
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just a swede with a tan
you should be in india not on the internet
This one isn't very creative but it's fucking funny lol
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You jeets are such impotent dorks
I've made 2 and they get deleted like 30 seconds after they are created.
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Pretty neet.
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I'm glad someone got the reference
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I work part time as a chem TA, this doesn't work on me lmao
A way out? Or a way deeper in?
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I feel like the faces have gotten worse since yesterday
i'd like to see if someone can "break" the AI. of course people are already doing this to make pseudo-porn, but what about a prompt that's so weird and outlandish that the AI goes completely haywire and spits out pure nonsense? can it be done?
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It's the simplest flag imaginable and the AI gets it wrong most of the time.
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Fuck off you attention whoring faggots.
I'm not sure what lies beyond, I don't think the meme specifies. A final battle on the astral plane? I think Arnie could be up for it, one last time.
is that the origin of finland?
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Found the Plebbit nigger
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>muh kike on a stick
Go back to faceberg

notice the accurate watermelon reflection
One thing is clear. We are definitely going to get movies churned out like this in the future.
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her expression
maximum pac
"Jesus" was "lestes" -- a diddler who traded in kids, and in the throes of drug use (commonplace back then) sucked their dicks for purported "cure" for their snake venom based concoction. The Romans executed him because of his diddling (again, common practice; but, not necessarily universal accepted), not because he was some "son of god".
I think some ai slop that heavily leans into sci fi fantasy and trash humor could do well. Anything that leans into the trashiness of ai generated video to make the most ridiculous plot ever could go viral.
cindi lauper as danny devito's penguin stands in parking structure letting steam out of her skirt as agent smith smiles and imagines the smell.
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We need more BNWO white girl X bbc with little timmy seething in the back
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>Shrek is love. Shrek is life.
You will never be white, benchod.
LoL, never in your wildest dreams with that ever be you, saar. Do the needful and kys.
Ok muhammad
wtf is this?
>another seething timmycel
Lmao. Not our fault ur women don’t want to have sex with you
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>the hog of zog remains undefeated
What was the prompt every time I try to make something like this it gets blocked
loos like a mod of RE
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i thought you were making that scene from akira
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I'm not reading all that.
I described it as a man putting a syringe under a microscope and seeing the words "jew goo," I don't know how it came up with that
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I'm trying. It seems to just ignore parts of the prompt that it doesn't know how to handle.
>please visit chinese link on your computer
poor Arnie, his hand is going to be sore from writing nigger so many times

Alright, what are your clips a reference to? Is this something to do with Tophet and the Carthaginians and Baal, and ultimately an occult link to child sacrifice by the Jews?
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lmao nice
I think its all ogre now
(for whatever reason this one worked better when I reserved it)
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This is roughly my political views in a nutshell.
Yakub creating the white man.
>white woman sees a black athlete for the first time
we need to meme some greco roman gods out of this AI
Incredibly accurate.
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so that's what that glove was about
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I can’t sign up because I don’t have a chink number what do?
nothing is required on desktop
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>you are so beautiful. you built america, you know
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Those paki shitskins belong on their own spaceship much like you don't belong in Switzerland Suckdeep. This is where the problem starts. The airlock is where it ends.
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Can we get a George Droid version of this
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omg is this real?
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you know that shit coming out of your ass? eat it
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>Is this something to do with Tophet and the Carthaginians and Baal, and ultimately an occult link to child sacrifice by the Jews?

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ha ha you're gonna have a zionist president and there's nothing you can do about it lel
gotcha big man
Reload the page where the loading wheel is. Never take your eyes off it. A video will appear for a like 30 seconds before it gets deleted (in most cases). Virtually everything I make gets deleted so I have to do this.
you have to go back, nigger.
>invented math
>eats shit
So, the Biden administration forbids nvidia from sending rtx gpus to China, so they don't catch up in AI, and China simply launches their own AI site, which uses my gpu in my rig to train their AI.

The ancient assyrian/babylonians's were the inventors of mathematics, the greeks then took the basic ideas and massively improved and modernised it. Shitskin dravidians didn't do shit but shit in the streets, benchod.
US will be brown in 50 years. I hope China nukes us.
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india wasn't always so messed up, to be fair
I mean yeah, we colonised and gave them culture, so they did used to be better.
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no I mean back in the day, like 200BC they were okay
Nah, they were never okay, pajeet.
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then you'd love pic related, this sort of stuff really makes the yids' blood boil, especially when its documented and all true
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>they were okay
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>calls me a pajeet

look at my posts m8
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Clearly a double-agent, don't defend them they've always been subhuman.
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new bread lads
>new bread lads
new bread lads

damn that reaction made me lmao. that ai made underage girls in a bikini
this is so fucking vile
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Pretty close to it actually
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bellingcat runs these gay ass threads.
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this thread is deeply satanic.
Looks like that food guy lol
the only decent video in this thread.
Lol, niggers
It's basically just indianslop/bbc slop stuff, we get it already. Same par of that logposter clown shit.
It's designed to filter non Whites.
Sonny NO!!
File: Indian Space Program.webm (1.08 MB, 1280x720)
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1.08 MB WEBM
fucking kek
that's very impressive

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