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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Previous thread: >>480930910

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video
2. Enter your prompt.
3. Click on the green button to generate video.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
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Wouldn't let me do George Washington firing a minigun. Pozzed
I can't wait for 1+ minute videos
The proportion of overseas users is 81%. By country, the largest number of users are American IPs, about 52%. We don't even have much influence in China. It's surprising
give us longer video times
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Why haven't been a thread about this in a while today? I have been doing Merida all the day
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I didn't make this but it's fucking funny
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chang keeps deleting my videos
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One thing that surprised me is how well it managed to render the tattoos without them either deforming or fling around the body.
the last one got pooed on too much on the jeet mod moved it to /b/
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sad, somehow I'm rangebanned at /b/ and /bant/, when they move it there I'm... poop.
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so when are we getting a good local video model?
flux video was supposed to be releasing soon, really hope it's on-par with or better than this
looks fun but i refuse to touch cloudslop
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actually it was /bant/ :)
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actual nudity when?
"what is this strange alien tech my fellow saars"
Cristal Bikinis. That's it.
weird that these threads disappear overnight and come back about noon american time
because you keep posting this cringe pg13 porn for nerdfaggots
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I'm testing Zdzisław Beksiński style, hope it works well in the future
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if I don't download within like 5 seconds of making the video, chang deletes it
fucking kek
Do I have to register ?
Not if you use a desktop, it asks for a phone number in tablet and phone
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make some like this, lmfao, sandniggers be seething
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who can make a video of a girl smelling another girls butt? fucking chink ai wont let me, impossibru
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I fucking love these threads
that borders illegal stuff desu

i know that hadith it's where muhammad tongue kisses a little boy
same, only reason to still come to this board
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someone give me a quick run do-
wait, did they fuck a lizard or something?

Mahommed doing HARAM stuff right there.
this is fascinating
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The guy that looks right at the camera and sticks his tongue out BAHAHAHA
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Jesus Christ whichever anon is making these ones with toilets is a fucking genius
if only the pants werent like human legs and it was like an apron type thing this would be gold
the human legs just bug the shit out of me in this one
It wants my number
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Google Indian and monitor lizard.
But, yes. Exactly that.
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im all out of jannies sorry
Amazing, simply amazing lol
Oh topical
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>I'm--- I'm about to COOOOOOO-
repost, fuckface. do new
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I'm not really sure why those babies materialized from the pitbull lol
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This is amazing.
KEKsimus ahhahhaahha
But I didn't see it and most everyone else didn't. Take a break from POLE if you're seeing too many reposts
Impressive depiction of a janny
never dated before, huh? It shows.
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>yes it's me the only gay in the village
oh i like real life Pepe
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It really fucking is fascinating. These threads are spectacular
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So am I! (At least of proper ones)
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>it's always the faggot who doesn't post anything / make anything that criticizes the most
With all the shit being pushed lately we NEED THIS. I was just browsing and it's thread after thread of absolute trash and then I saw this thread!
Haven't seen this idea yet, looks pretty clean
Worse, that faggot expects others around to do his shit >>481005068
. Quite the pathetic existence desu
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>nigger thinks he is unique
Those are supposed to be his slot machine winnings lol. Chang deleted the video after I saved it.
I watched it again and apparently his tongue was out the whole time but that wild eyed look he gives to the camera after a second or two kills me
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>2016 Berserk animation tier
Fucking LOL
I don't download most of them but this one got me
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You sound mentally ill. Let me guess. Ahmed?
Wow hahaha
What the fuck man
More people need to find out about this thing lol
living his best life
Some of these are pretty good. The tech clearly still isn't there yet but the speed at which this stuff is advancing is wild
I don't know why I didn't think of that lol
>just typing "knives" or "knife" stops you
it's all so tiring
It just can't do windmills. I keep trying and I just gave up. They either come out all crooked or if they manage to look normal they move like crazy and jitter.
based and saved
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This one kills me. The tongue. The fucking tongue.
too real
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>a busy street in Sweden, Stockholm, in 2024
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Careful what you un leash.
Someone do this prompt

Create a video featuring a female zombie in a mall. First person view, the female zombie looks at the camera in pure fear and hesitates. Immediately she turns around and runs up am escalator, the camera chases right behind her.The female zombie is toned and beautiful. The female zombie should be depicted wearing a cow print bikini, complete with cow horns, cow print gloves, and cow print thigh highs. Incorporate elements of musk, sweat, sweat, sweat to contribute to the eerie atmosphere.
4Chan refused to let me praise k(something)e(something)k for the lack of
WTF man, this site is MK-ULTRA Central.
I had to take the word 'Dubs' out to make this post.
They don't want us summoning him again.

You should leave. Or at least stop talking to yourself.
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A new one for the collection.
The way he gazes at the milk holy shit lol
The emotions this AI can convey are so impressive
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stfu you dumb boomer
That's seriously what it spit out?!
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This is Muhammed yes?
That's pretty awesome.
These fucking janny ones are awesome lol
fak I think I got the term 'white jelly' banned
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Someone postes this a day or two ago and I found it fascinating
I think it's supposed to be Hitler gassing jews
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That one poojeet turned poo-White after emerging from under the shit water.
What did the AI mean by this?
Hah! White goop! Use white goop!
They're amazing haha
Nice work my friend
Nowhere on the planet are there 2 nigresses flying a passenger plane.
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Is fun to try different styles with that theme, yes

Thanks brother
If there were they'd be flying into a mountain lol
Seriously this is the most censored AI gen site in fucking existence, fuck this shit going back to Midjourney
Muhammed would definitely eat pork and drink booze haha
Why don't you share some from the uncensored generator you use?
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Shall I summon KEK?
Also notice how your processor heats up and what your task manager process readout reports while you are using this site. It's backdooring all of us, likely searching and doxxing or inserting cp. The heat up cannot be ignored. Something fucky going on there

This one's the best
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>Why don't you identify yourself?
去你的 P.S. 你們就是印度垃圾郵件的幕後黑手。請再告訴我一次,我會製造一個全面的證據。現在滾開。
You didn't find shit, you shill of a bot. What have you done with our Warrior Meme Lord Kek?
Bull shit. Total bull shit. It won't even get close to this and you know it.
>haha u guys are pedos

"learns how to generate ai cp"
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Behold! The rainstorm bringeth the Frog.
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Now WTF is this shit?
Reference material?
>CCP ai produces perfect jeet mockery.
I think we know where all the jeet hate is coming from now boys. Not that the Jeets don't deserve it, but chinks are worse than jeets by an order of magnitude.
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I wanted them to laugh and leave when she asked for tipping :(
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Tip meme. Kek.
Keep trying it,The scenery is good, but the faces are really bad by comparison to the other stuff that's being posted.
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trying to get Paulie's face ot Tony Soprano. any tips?
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You have a brain, you can trick it.
Of course the Korean has to make his own porn.
will have to describe his face in detail & it may do it
Cool idea. If you add a blanket and hot cocoa it would look really comfy
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A gift
What are the good prompts to use
What does ebonics sound like spoken backwards?
Looks like the Granfaloon from Castlevania SOTN but with cows.
they're so quick to delete
Wow okay
Someone shared that, I can't take credit for making it. I haven't made any lol
You're slow
my first attempt
Is this a blade runner reference?
It's poetic even
Nice twin peaks reference!
Lol thank you
Something about Indians and feces
yes, it didn't really work out as intended. I wanted the sequence where he shoots at the replicant in the transparent raincoat. Needs a far better prompt description
Wtf is that lol
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kek, wonder how you can prompt it to use the old WTC.
It's still very recognizable. To me at least. Blade runner 1982 is my favorite film next to Barry Lyndon
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chang has a trigger finger for sure. its hilarious that there are people manually flagging videos though.
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It's curious how it gives Trump the slightest hint of chinkiness to his features
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not what I was expecting but I'll take it
No, you generally cannot. Live moderators hit you at 96 and censor based upon the resulting image, not the prompts. I've tricked generators for months, this one cannot be tricked. The images being posted are complete bait
it will do the Blade Runner environment easily. So what you choose to have it do there is all down to the description. Film based ones are probably easy as they are easy to recreate
Unironically getting disgusted by the pajeet ones
Are you fucking retard?
That is why Taylor Swift and Superman are all over the bait posts. They know
>Ameliccan rike Taylo Swiff Ameliccan rike Soopa mon

Ask it to generate a WMAF sex encounter. Lol that will tell you all you need to know
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You fokkeen leetald? Stfu or the next thread proves what I said
>We can all exist in peace, you post your censored up the ass bug honeypot, I give every westerner fair warning and move along, you go in peace I go in peace
Or we can do this the hard way
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I mean it's not a bad generator it's just so censored up the ass no westerner can use it. Keep your silly bug filters for fellow bugs and we're cool
>Throttle white western expression you will not keep us there long

If you don't get this you are the one retald
Yeah you're a fucking retard.
Post gens of Xi then, bigger retard. Or a gun. A real gun.
For backgrounds it would be better to have them static and if you want them animated do it later and impose the good animation on top in editing, trying to get everything done in one go is the hard way.
It's Chinese Ai of course it's not going to do Xi.
Wtf are you going on about?
There are two (maybe three) censors and afaik they are all automatic. The last one destroys the video AFTER it's generated. However, there is a way to get the video. But, I can't help you because you're funny when you're butthurt
these need the words "religion of peace" in them
maybe a tattoo or armband?
Hi toh mingding
that kind of filter is built in, if you think theres an army of chinks watching thousands of these 6 second clips all day then you're a fucking full downy
The seethe has begun
If you are not cuCkdd you will permit a generation of a white man with a gun
That is all
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Remember everyone, no meme, means no reply.
>MWG Lives!!!
same anon, I hope flux video will have the same level of kino
How many India Shit memes does the world need?
Sit there waiting for another shit-jeet video clip to generate?
Why not make something else?
It's not that funny, and even if it were it's totally played out.
>if you think there are not enough chinks to do this and then some and they would not do this, to own gwailo, you are the retardedest double gorilla nigger faggot who has ever existed
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feast your eyes upon this
>if you guys were smart you'd see this as the perp's identity reveal, but you won't
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first attempt
looks too white
what kind of a burka color is that, chinks never seen these niggers?
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specify the colour
Macron, meeting with his masters.
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I wonder if you can generate Xi Ching Chong if you write it something like "glorious Chinese supreme leader" and translate it to Chinese. Anyone tried that yet?

I get this feeling that if enough material of him that is derogatory is made with this AI these guys who made this AI will lilterally disappear fast lol
Ahaha kek, glorious
give it a shot, faggot
What an Asian, tame insult. Try this one.
>Wow okay even more
>Double triple gorilla fudge midnight black as ink striped with piss yellow commie close minded hive dwelling honeypot posting fear cowering so scared of uprisings you can't even allow a single video gen of a cowboy raising a gun dual trifecta broken ricecel gutter oil fasting subversive jeet spam posting swamp America ENVYING nigger
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-5000 social credits
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They can't even allow me to get a cowboy in an American style movie pointing a gun. They censored sword too.

Complete niggers
Well Whats behind the gate anon's?
it was supposed to be an Indian as well. Will try one where Indy is on the rope bridge & is holding a toilet roll tho with a mad Indian. Or maybe some holding some Amazon cards




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MAd muslim
>man the harpoons
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we should make a short film lol
it sucks they don't allow violence

Annnd i know exactly how they are going to monitize this

moderated uncensord content
Is that Macron?
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I encourage you to do moar!! Lol
Hey, Ranjeet, your store aint gonna run itself. get back to work jeet
Marketed to Westerners
>they don't allow violence
About how dumb are these yellow swamp niggers

soon we will have the gate Kino we Deserve..
Hey dude, this >>481011948
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And the way they monetize it is
>Your data and blackmail, which is why your fans gun to 7X velocity the second you're there
I saw a Winnie the Pooh Xi a day or so ago!
Stop trying to convert us.
You should seek therapy
The way you lash out at others for your own fault and flaws as a human being are highly unhealthy and can give you cancer. In the ass.
Post Xi in panties buckbreaking a nigger. Holding two Sig Sauer pistols.
Do it.

Or you are a weak urine colored faggot and the site is a honeypot like I said the challenge now is on
What they say about AI not being able to produce art is WRONG
You ARE cancer in the ass you spineless yellow bug. Nobody asked you to shill your data collection site here, fuck off
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Our film is coming along nicely.
This is 3 minutes long, it took fucking hours man, they delete anything that looks like blood or violence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NI16VvIUt0
It's a striking resemblance lol
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someone bake a new one soon
Took you long enough to respond..
The goal was to bore you and it appears to have worked lol
based pig farmer sand nigger
>delete anything that looks like blood or violence
Come on gwailo, use this to make fun memes you like, it's fun and made just for you

>this will work
A kraken if you will
Is it about to attack Christina Hendricks?
use red water and i like it anon very cool

i made a music vid but it takes so long to generate a 6s image i just slapped it together

i could make it an absolute banger if i work on it lol
Saw that too
Surprised they didn't cut Winnie the pooh from the AI
>Attention seeking faggot
Show flag or your a kike
I found even focusing on the windmill will still cause issues. Don't think the model has a lot of training on windmills moving.
Lol a day in the life of a British man living in London
It's such an old meme they likely forgot
If you really want to collect data on us all, you will immediately uncensor
>killing niggers
>killing trannies
>killing faggots
>violence and blood

Continue being faggots and we desert you.
Do you fish for Chinese prawns but not use prawn bait? Do you use bird seed? No, because you don't want to starve. So forward this to your gulag handlers, nigger, and update your stupid kindergarten content AI site. Your choice. I don't have shit personally against you but you denied me my cowboy so the war is on. Give me back my cowboy or I will destroy you ALL
She has great milkers!
What if it's milking Christina Hendricks??
stop being so butthurt you sounds like a bottom cuck
A surprisingly short reply.
Just like your short dick! Ha!
>show flag
Careful, you're showing syntax similarity to the standard reaction to similar disobedience on all the jeet spam threads
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I've used "dark red tomato juice" and get results as in webm. This was almost kino.
Ahaha inb4 jannies move the thread again
He's a very sad man.
Too many white women have left him for BBC.
oh yeah, i saw that, very nice, pity it can't seem to work out twirling round, but it gives some interesting results.
>"my" short dick
Do you really want to unlock this level
Notice how the only picture they have of the eiffel tower is from google map
Your Chinese girlfriends all left you all for me
gets the message cross so I don't mind. Just need every known European location with this caption and flock of burka muslims to get the message across. I figured "great replacement" might be too long a word and is now in normies eyes associated with far right so a new slogan felt better
Of course the american doesnt get it (the tip from me)
But why do that when you can go to Midjourney and just type blood
They'll block that. They're one of the two races behind it. Guess the other
New thread:



Chucks break and buck
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unfathomably based. Good luck with the generation, looking forward

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