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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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After pajeet festivals, Turk/kurd rapes, Amerimutt crimes, Vietnamese theft, now we have shia chest slapping event!


London people will feel right at home in Tokyo
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will normies finally wake up when their goofy anime wonderland gets done in by niggers?
Its crazy to see how cucked every single "developed" nation is.

Even Russia is full blown cucked into the ground. Full of afro niggers and asian mongols.

Just unbelievably sad.
Welcome to Globohomo friend, enjoy the ride this is only the beginning. Glad you could join us, Japan.
It looks weird to even see a black person in Japan
It is skiddly overino. Not that I give a fuck anymore. This world is gone.
The guy in the foreground is cute. You should a asked for his phone number.
at least you're not speaking japanese
The question is, why the fuck do these countries follow the same immigration policy knowing the harm it causes to the native population
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What's with Yakuza, don't they do anything about it?
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Why would hot MENA want to rape some ugly gook? They aren’t into chinks nor jewish trannies like you that are obsessed with them.
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Chink psyops spam
This is 4th threads you made today, pvt Gonzalez
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Simple, the entire economic system assumes the population always goes up, bc thats how its been for all of human history, but governments wanted to destroy the family + the community + religions influence on people so that they can more effectively control people, and that led to a massive wave of apathetic hedonists saying shit like “we’re on a rock in nothingness” and thusly a tanking birth rate.

As a result, mass immigration is here to fix their problem, 1000 Sub-Saharan African immigrants isn't the same as 1000 natives born, but it doesnt matter as long as there are new people to tax and build for and whatever. Every extra person they lodge into the system is another battery to continue their lifestyle, they couldn’t care less about anything other than that.
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Because mankind's greed has left us at the mercy of kikes
Every developed nation in the world has fallen to them ans their influences
Just look at the WEF and how far its claws reach
Now imagine the forces at play that are operating in complete secrecy
Everything must be so much worse than we already think it is.
I fucking hate my countrymen for bending the knee to this shit
>resist: get murdered like Abe and all your supporters imprisoned
>cooperate: get bribe money like Kishida / supreme court
this is like asking, "what about the American biker gangs and mafia? will they stop the Mexicans?"
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I know it’s paid CCP chink or sea monkey, but chinks wished they look like this.
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The government is just an arm of Satan, bro
Just embrace globohomo and get a qt tranny shemale girlfriend and worship niggers Japanese man. You want to be friends with the USA don’t you? Well alliance with us requires certain loyalty from your people given to our globohomo cause. Embrace globohomo, it is not a bad thing, it is the future.
why would they? desperate people generates more money. that's literally how they came to existence.
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Go do your little shiiet chest clapping monkey dance indoors.
Sometimes I think islam it's just an excuse to attention whore in public
Retards keep spamming this same webm because there’s so few of them
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challenge accepted
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and more
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oh... and more...
That's why central governments are cancer. Anyone against secession of any kind is a massive fucking retard.

>but muuuuuh united countryerinooo

Dont fucking complain then when your government gets coopted by luciferian jews then and every square centimeter of it gets opressed by the laws created by them.
Why do you resist? Compliance is so much easier because globohomo is inevitable. Your fate was sealed the minute you surrendered in world war 2. The victors write and decide history and the future and that would be us. Your country will become just like America and all of our other globohomo vassal states in Europe and across the world. We have special plans for Japan, you will be one of our biggest globohomo projects we have ever worked. Our goal is by 2040 for Japan to be less than 50% Japanese and your population to be at minimum 30% homosexual. This will happen, like it or not.
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>Those faces

How the fuck did they even make it past the airport
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>muh shitskins fight
How many of those webms not take place in Kabukicho, Roppongi or Shibuya?
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im satisfied now, i hope you are too
>you think there's migrants in Japan? Those are all just in [place in Japan]
I see the "it's just in the cities" cope has started.
Because they are all run by the same Jewish World Order
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>muh cherry picked webms
>nooo it’s cope
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This is the Swedish embassy in Tokyo.
captcha: 4GAY8
look anon, hopefully you're right, hopefully there's only a few hundred africans who are in the cities for work and will go back to Africa when they're done.
hopefully they don't breed like rabbits and hopefully they don't expand to the rest of the country and hopefully they won't destroy the quality of life like they've done in every other country they got to.
hopefully you're right.
Not my problem.
There were some new ones I haven't seen. I'll go to bed angry now, thanks.
Overall I agree but I would add that these immigrants will also reduce wages for native population and increase the price of rent. Both of which will positively impact the GDP and negatively impact the quality of life for the citizenry.
Lmao based, fuck those Freemason white niggers
No wonder some of the younger Japanese are starting to renovate old villages in the countryside.
The problem with MENA shitstains is your incessant need to peddle your faggy religion to an almost hostile takeover degree from demanding mosques to be built everywhere, not following the laws to instill Sharia, and your prediction of violent terrorism from stabbing and bombing proportions when you don't get your way.

Japan should learn from Malaysia.
how TF did Japan get import more nigglets over???!
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Nice read and saved, the ccp glowies have been working hard lately making "chinese superman" threads non-stop.
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Why are Whites the only race willing to assimilate into countries that we move to? Everybody else feels the need to start up their synagogues, establish a Chinatown, play oogabooga music on the subway, where a turban, vote with the same exact policies that they fled from, concentrate into their own little ghettos, and behead you for drawing Mohammad.
half of these webms are just japanese pipo
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>omg why don't those filthy shitskin t50 subhuman porch monkey niggers just abandon their culture when they go somewhere else? it's almost like they want to preserve it or something
also wypipo:
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>want to preserve it or something
Why would you want to preserve something that you're fleeing from? Yeah you get to replace other cultures, but you're replacing them with the same dogshit culture that you fled from.
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Whites have ethics and have developed/culturally rich nations that they go back to. When a white is deciding to travel and move to another place/country, it's a conscious decision to experience a different culture and live amongst them.

Shitskins are escaping/fleeing their hellholes. They leave not out of want of exploration but decision of finance and opportunity. They go to another place and immediately start turning that place like home because they are not there to live like the people or engage in that culture.
Checks out
Post address, tranny nigger jew
Make it profitable for organized crime syndicates to maintain homogenous populations and culture. Your problems will disappear.
4 muslim faggots were praying in public outside my building earlier today. 1st time I've ever seen that and it's bizzare they do it in public like it's intimidation tactic. Just remember that kikes import them.
that they *can go back to
I can sniff the extreme violence on the horizon from here. The Japanese are going to snap to their senses
Reminder that China is responsible for this shit. Why the fuck isn't Japan doing anything about this?
It's time to end such intolerance. You live in this world, you have to get used to this world. Yes, the whole world has the right to come into Japan at any time. We've been invaded by everyone since forever, now it's time for payback. Fucking slant eyed asshole, what the fuck made you ally with the Axis against us and lob artillery over our heads? Stupid fucking IDIOTS! We will make everyone suffer now. Stupid fucks! Everyone will suffer!
Because zionists and free masons run the developed world
The Yakuza? the zainichi Korean criminal organization that employes thousands of nigerians?
Easy to say when your own shitters are backed up and in no danger at all. You are still moaning like a bitch for acceptance like some beggar as you attack someone. It's disgusting.
I like the guy who tried to use the barricade as a weapon for half a second and then was like "nah actually fuck that idea."
they're the ones bringing them in
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Get used to what? your disgusting poo ass with your disgusting poo "culture" making every nation worse with your pure presence? Nobody in this world like your Ranjeet, you should at least open your eyes enough to realize not even a single race in this world tolerates you. Not whites, not asians or latinos, and not even niggers like you, even the likes of them are disgusted by your existence. Just stay in your shithole filled with poo and stop bothering everyone else
Kill yourself fucking queer.
Its to drag you down into a controllable state. The more they import these low quality people the better. Soon they will start populating your government and start changing laws to accommodate more of these same people
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Those gooks will be merciless to those mudslimes. They forget yellows aren't altruistic Whites. Yellows are savage. There is no Yellow Guilt lmao they finna die all of them.

>two more weeks
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Seeing Japan getting cucked in real time is quite the sight to behold. From safe ethnostate to yet another brown migrant shithole.
You're dumb if you think savage Asiatics are anything like Whites. You need to learn the history of what the Mongols did to the Muslims. Lmao stupid fuck. They're going to kill you all.
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It's almost as if they are all run by the same judeo-satanic death cult.
That's some racist optics there. It's obviously a collaborative discussion between a doctor and engineer on the feasibility of bionic loli catgirls
And Whites had Hitler just 80 years ago. Now the swastika in Germany = jailtime. Your chinkoid ancestry isn't scarier than anybody else's. 2 more weeks + sneed
Kill them
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dont think you arent any different than them, david kun.
Some Asians do it too, but they can take a little longer. I know a bunch of 3rd and 4th gen Chinese (mostly descended from people who had to leave in the 40s when the commies took over or 60s when the Cultural Revolution happened) and they're very well assimilated and often pretty based because they hate the commies so much. I also know a few with even earlier roots in the US, ancestors came to build the railroads or for the gold rush in the 19th century, and they're basically 100% culturally white, one of my best friends back in the day was a super tall one of those guys and a huge football fan etc., sadly he died a few years back.
>they do it in public like it's intimidation tactic
You think?
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Yeah, and in the end the mongols ended up adopting Islam hence why most of Central Asia is mudslime now
Listen to Hitler's speeches and you'll understand why and how.
This ricels have been running this subtle rice op while pushing poo hate threads
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Two niggers travel separately to the opposite end of the planet, miraculously meet each other, and the first thing they do is try to fight.
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There's a reason why I don't leave the oikoumene, even for modern Japan. I enjoy living. There are stories and news reports of Westerners going missing and found dead all the time in Japan. The Japanese hate other Asians who are non-Japanese, let alone other races. The Japanese are very "xenophobic" and you can't guilt trip them with Yellow guilt. They are simply not us. Your precious mudslimes and shitskins are going to die as soon as nationalism takes hold in Japan.
I wish. I dont know what japanese think really. Some of them are obviously willing to go very far. But I think the majority are just too naive and brainwashed to do anything.
None of those chick is nipponese.
All those niggers are Nigerians and probably work there
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Johnny Somali was mocking hundreds of thousands of dead Japanese civilians for months and it took a BWC Gaijin to knock him out.
Yellows are savages, and you'll learn that the hard way. Dumb shitskin. I don't think I'd ever visit or live in a non-White country. I don't feel like dying. I will stay in the oikoumene.
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im terrified
The guy in the black shirt actually stopped him I think.
Why are Muslims so aggressive and disrespectful? I honestly think it's just genetic.
Polweebs somehow thought le ancestor worshipper Master Rice of geriatrics would voluntarily vote for their own euthanasia for youth in Asia
That's literally the only alternative to a migrant labor tax base
Dumping niggers on Japan is like throwing pit bulls in a cage with Chihuahuas.
Ok so why are the signs in angloid language??
Yeah I saw that the other guy caught it, the first guy still gave up instantly after that though.
Are Muslims even attacking people in Japan? There are nigger marines gang-raping Okinawan girls. There are a bunch of videos here of indians brawling. What are Muslims doing?
I wonder how they will react to living in a pagan non-White country. Japan is an interesting case because they are not White. Yet Jews are now flooding the only modern civilized non-White country on Earth with subhumans and violent mudslimes(also subhumans.)
What these people are fleeing from is economic doodie shit not cultural shit necessary but low iq shit skins will never make the connection
That's China
It's literally just Jewish bankers telling counties "we won't extend your credit unless you increase your population with browns". That's literally it.
why are the signs in English? Even the police badge is in English.
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Kill yourself mutt.
Cause it’s fake and gay
What race even is this? Some kind of SEAmonkey?
Shitskins will just reproduce the same economic conditions they fled from in their shithole country of origin.
That’s in china retard
In that city that has all the African niggers it
and that became a meme during Covid 3 years ago
because every single one of them was blackmailed into infinite growth meme
It's hilarious that you chuds can ask these questions when they're entirely redundant.
We now know that even in an ethnostate women won't fuck non Chads. The presence or absence of immigrants has absolutely zero to do with birth rates. It's not like a million additional simp jeets suddenly raises white women's sexual market value to the further detriment of white suitors. Neither of those groups (except chads) were ever suitors in the first place.
Kikes and their Negro bioweapon must be stopped.
You will never be a jew?

This is China
Edomites were never Jews. The real Israelites/Jews are the Germanic peoples. You are not a king, Doeg.
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>Ayy Ohh, let me hola atcha little May Lingy Ling! Your BBC is herr!!!!
Boomers are a cancer even in Japan. The root cause is that Japanese live 24 years after retirement, whereas Americans only live 11. Kentaro is jewing out his children's future one last time before he dies so that he can play Genshin Impact for an extra decade.
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I used to work for a Japanese company and spent quite a bit of time there, and have a whole bunch of Japanese friends. Some of them were here in July and they were practically begging me to move to Japan and let them find me a Japanese wife. Maybe this stuff is why.
>When they come out of the store he goes inside to film
What a pussy as faggot
Wouldn't matter if they didn't insist on educating their daughters (thanks American occupation), since the native workforce would fund those lavish retirements and Japan would be a utopia.
It wasn't gayfaggot Jew economists who predicted Japan's downfall starting around 1990, it was demographers.
No new family formation = no consumer demand = no jobs. Old people don't buy shit. They don't upgrade their car or buy a bigger house. They're completely worthless bags of dog shit.
No one cares mutt.
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It looks like Japanese writing honestly
Most of them are Chinese and Koreans
They aren’t bringing in millions of niggers

You don't want to wind up in a Japanese prison. You will spend twelve hours a day in a concrete floor cell balanced on your knees and elbows in steaming summer heat or freezing winter cold. Don't feel like it? Sadistic gooks the descendants that made American aviators into sushi to supplement their meager diets will fix your wagon for you. Wake up nips. Snap out of it. Channel your honorable ancestors.
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Japan will become the new Sweden YES. It's already happening right now.
I hate shit skins so much it’s unreal
Based. Muh heckin schoolgirlerinos can invest in pepper spray if they want. Or they can stay home. This is entirely their choice.

At least bring out your samurai swords to sharpen them in anticipation of the outbreak of the bulding storm, nips.
yeah it's the CCP forcing Japan to accept migrants from Africa and india. Lmao
That’s why I hate 3rd world migrants than the classic niggers in this country. At least the niggers control the birth rate of their own population via abortion and still believe in the Christian God. Not to also mention that they’re citizens that have been here for generations. Meanwhile, these immigrants, usually mudslimes, come here and ONLY for economic benefits. They join in the anti-white sentiment, declare pride in national heritage they fleed from, could care less about the foundations that made America and the West great, and get subsidized housing from our tax dollars…

Honestly, the amount of retardation from white boomers and gen x’rs needed to make this happen makes me genuinely consider the Jewish conspiracy theory. Why else would whites cuck themselves this hard after all the progress made in the past thousand years?
Their existence and the fact that they are clearly trying to colonize the area immediately around them is proof the they are obnoxious faggots. Muslims always do this. They pray in the middle of the streets, play their atrocious call to prayer and build big ugly mosques everywhere as a pathetic show of power. Everyone knows what they're trying to do.
Is nowhere free from the wog menace?
>get subsidized housing from our tax dollars…
MENA in the U.S. are sandwiched in between Whites and Asians in income/educated. It's South Americans here who are welfare queening. In Europe, sure, they took in a bunch of refugees who are bitter that NATO bombed them out of their countries and they're bringing their culture with them.
damn, I wonder how much wanton Japanese pussy these black fellows crush.
to be fair, these girls are more retarded than niggers. They might be downgrading their appearance, but their intelligence can only go up with whoever they breed with
Again, if polcels were smart/strategists, they'd CONCEDE the BBC appeal meme because that moves the question forward to "OK what now. Well obviously we're not gonna just watch substantial numbers of our women fuck blacks. Let's talk solutions."
Instead you fools DISPUTE what is already evident and no progress is made. Rushton didn't sacrifice his weekends asking black dudes about their cocks so that you could sit here engaging in BBC denialism
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Big black cope?
hopefully Toby doesn't gang-rape more Okinawan girls because he's not getting any
The jews want this to happen.
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The Globalization wave hitting the East is going to be like a nuclear bomb. I didn't think of it like that, I'm so used to thinking of them as more nationalist states than melting pots.

Does it even matter if globohomo's Androcentrism future is what we're hurdling towards?
>white people
>create degenerate red light district eyesores in SEA

Nips like Jews? Nah, u wrong.
Yes. Thai girls and "girls" want BWC. We gave the locals what they want, as decent tourists should, and now they have a decent GDP/capita, higher than Vietnam, the Philippines, and China.
If weebs don't go after those who destroyed their anime wonderland, then nothing will stop them. Too much fear of the law and the judicial system, even though that law is system is insanely corrupt.
They were all on the same playing field in the 60s/70s. What changed? They allied with OldWhiteBoomeristan and fucked their way to the top of SEA.
that's the family mart in the middle of Shibuya where every tourist goes, it's not really representative of Japan
It's actually amazing that 10 years ago japan only had about 2 million immigrants and now they have about 8 million.
Recommend me a country where there's no niggers, no jeets, and no chinks.
Sounds like Valhalla
Just wait 5 more years and there will be no more niggers/jeets/chinks left in Africa, India, or China.
Imagine, endless killing of shitskins. Day in and day out.
Make Earth Valhalla Again!
RIP Japan.
It's called capitalism. It needs unlimited consumption for unlimited growth. Otherwise the whole system will crumble and fall.
I love their faces
>"Whi the fuck let these monkeys loose"
those are not nations, they are all part of the American Jewish empire, some by choice, some by force
That is why things happen at the same time in all of these places
white people shitted up the place with red light districts full of prostitutes, so much for my le heckin white assimilatorinos, yes most of those hooker bars are run by white people. at least thais are more discrete about their own prostitution scene, but white people have to turn the foreigner scene into las Vegas, it just looks bad.

it's not as nice as Chinatown.
You have no idea how wrong you are my weaboo friend
Just takes one guy with a Samurai Sword and its all on. Jeet will go raping then he'll go dying.
So in Ireland a large amount of White English and White Americans started moving here over a decade ago . I believe the muttifration of Europe by force is to stop the white exit of America.
As ever the AngloJew is to blame.
It's Doctor Yusuke now.
kek even you know that prostitution is a very large component of Asian culture. My first 3 bodies were Chinese hookers here in the U.S., ran by the same guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dPTLMOQUE
>b-b-b-but they're discrete about it
jap gooks kind of deserve it for thinking they anything mor than a vassal state. Heard they also got cucked out of buying out our steel industry and wrote a crying bitch letter pleading to buy our steel industries.
the in your face concentrated prostitution scene in the tourist areas of Thailand are run predominantly by whites. there is no equivalent for thais. the thai scene is more spread out and discrete. a lot of girls are light skinned sugar babies from universities. Thai men get much higher quality prostitutes than whites. whites source their brown tattoed uneducated prostitutes from the countryside. this also echos the quality of regular girls white guys date in thailand, all around low tier girls.
>Retards keep spamming this same webm because there’s so few of them
just like a year or two ago there were no videos like this at all. Why do they exist?
My whole plan of thriving in Japan without jeets has been dismantled
Japan needs to bring back thr shogunate!
Abolish degenerate democracy.
Hunt down these scum people and deport them back to where they came from.
Only allow screened people to enter Japan.
These aren't sovereign countries. They all have a US military base pointing a gun to their head. They can't say no.
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you didn't listen to him
If 30 Thai women want to work for a White guy and he obliges, how is he "not assimilating?" It takes 2 to tango. He is in agreement with the local Thai women and working together with them. You're grasping for straws.
Japan, wtf are you doing
Dirty Muslim Pakistanis come to a land of a different culture, but instead of respecting the local culture, they demonstrate their religious nationalism and cause trouble.

Pakistanis have low IQs and no morals, so instead of working hard to develop their own country, they invade already developed countries to show off their filthy nationalism.
the capacity for empathy, honor and respect.
the yakuzas were betrayed by the jap commom people and neutered by the government. Now they're just gooks and chinks running the gangs
they are shitting up the place with prostitutuon and it looks bad. it's like if some Indians went to America and went to some town and turned it into whore village full of strip clubs and brothels filled with white women. then Indians and Africans and Arabs from around the world travel there and it builds up a reputation all around the world.
There are 30,000 Pakistanis and Bangladeshis staying temporarily in Japan, but Japan is lucky compared to the 10 million Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the UK.
because judeo america will never give them the green light
Everytime someone makes a thread about pakis, it’s a jeet. Saaar
>Muslamic pajeets protesting against Sweden in Japan
I don't even know what the fuck is happening anymore on this planet. Nothing makes sense in clown world.
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you call that a chest slapping event?
hold incredible india's beer
Who are the prostitutes? Thai women. You're moving the goalpost. Whites assimilate. And on a side-note, caramel pussy is S-tier. Changs will pass up the creamiest death grip on Earth if it's brown and I'll gladly swoop in and take it.
Indians own more property in London than the English
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You have wrong image of japanese
More jeets need to see this and leave Canada
you don't get it. predatory white people went into a dirt poor third world country to exploit the locals for their own evil ends, setting up red light districts to cater to other foreigners.
very scummy behaviour, and is not assimilating.
>souce: my ass

That is in China
>exploit the locals
Sorry, white knight. Women have agency and are accountable for their own actions.
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Never heard of a white guy being named Tojo or Shizuki in japan
Never heard of a white guy being named a sea monkey name in SEA
Never heard of a white guy being named poojeet or sanjay
Never heard of a white guy being named muhammad or muhammad 2
White people do not assimilate and have no need to.
If i travel to japan and murder a shit skin will I be charged and jailed in japan or deported?
And? A gook named Sum Ting Wong can shoot guns, drive a truck, speak fluent English, become a zogbot, and fully assimilate into American culture. But a lot of them decide to concentrate into Chinatowns, vote to take our guns away, and don't learn a lick of English. That's where there's a problem.
white people went into another country and created the market that never existed before and financed the infrastructure. sex trafficked poor dumb girls from the countryside, so that hoards of white sex tourists can get their rocks off.
they are one step away from those paki grooming sex gangs in the UK.
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theyre a second world country now. currency is failing.
Unless they're forcing these girls to whore themselves out at gunpoint (doubt in most cases), I literally do not care. Thailand is not poor anymore. If Thais don't like prostitution, they can stop whoring themselves out at any point. But degeneracy is their nature. Cutting their dicks off, producing loads of porn, and engaging in the sex industry is their culture.
>Has the biggest steel exporter right next door
>Forced to Buy steel from the USA at lower quantities for 2x the price

Fuck me this country is beyond cucked
>memeflaggot too stupid to understand what a temporary visa is and how there are millions of them
>memeflaggot too stupid to understand anyone given japanese citizenship is considered 'japanese nationality' by the government
>a wikipedia article from january 2021, nearly 4 years ago when their rate of immigration has increased to 2 million a year since the end of covid 19
Don't @ me again
You are a fat white dork in canada.
Hello pajeet.
Has Japan imposed sanctions on steel imports from Russia?
porn is illegal in Thailand. they get coerced into the prostitution industry under false pretenses in most cases, using poverty as leverage. Thailand is still poor in the countryside.
The average Japanese are too naive and most just believe the usual media propaganda that poor niggers just need to be given a chance to prosper at everyone else’s expense . Same as the west. They believe in an inherent goodness present in all people but it’s a view that’s been born out of lack of exposure to the lesser “peoples” of the world. Familiarity breeds contempt as they’ll soon find out.
Poor women still have agency. These women don't look like they're forced into anything - they're smiling, laughing, and trying to sell themselves. https://youtu.be/9J8iTzZ1u2A?t=77
You remind me of the christcucks who will forgive a pornstar that does degrading raceplay because "she was braindwashed"
Future JAV stars
Jesus his aped out mental eyes
Japan is now where the U.K. was in the mid-1960’s

They’re a decade off from race riots.

They’ll be some neighbourhoods in Tokyo now that are made up of 50% immigrants that are just waiting to bubble over

Once the race riots happen (2040) the native japs will be forced into a come to Jesus moment where the natives have to start putting more blacks and browns in tv shows and commercials to appease them
Temporary visa is a meme. They will all change them or apply for refugee visa. Look at the problem with the k*rds
These shitskin animals have no shame. Everywhere they go ruin comes. Subhuman mudshit bastards. Send all the kikes and mudshits to the desert and glass it, its the only way
took me 10 years of very little exposure. I would have flipped in 1 week if I actually lived near indians or niggers.
China and Russia
I love it. In 50 years most whites will be as racist as your average nazi member. Then the real holohoax can begin starting with the kikes and fake Christians who brought them here
>Japan is now where the U.K. was in the mid-1960’s
Japan is totally different from the UK because they were having 80k permanent residents and 200k total new arrivals per year in 2014, that's now 800k PRs and 2 million new arrivals a year since covid-19. It's more like if the UK in the 1960s suddenly imported 10 million niggers all at once.
Totally no connection to the US Government installing their leaders though.
Lol It’s really that quick. I wish things weren’t that way, but they are. I’ve met Africans and Pajeets living abroad that I liked, but it doesn’t matter. They are anecdotes at best, and letting them and their people into a country at all just leads to disaster eventually. Good intentions are worth absolutely nothing in the end.
they got tricked and broken, it's like Stockholm syndrome
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no they're further along than that because their currency is already failing. it's a full speed ahead race to the bottom.
Every other country is just tied to American/Global economic system. Japanese men are disenfranchised and are not willing to work for low wages or settle with unforgiving marriage laws. Problem is every corporation in Japan is stuck with US dollar machine which funds it's assets and capital; these corporations will become unprofitable if they don't cut down on labor cost. Their only option is to import jeets.

By this time all of you should have known how this world is headed for global system. Race-mixing, low wages, sedentary scrolling media life is inevitable. Nothing will be sacred, not your wife, not your culture, not your children. Unless collective humanity take arms and beat the snake to death.
Saw your flag and didn't bother reading you bloody bitch bastard sar! Now get back to giving shit tech support and shitting anywhere but a toilet.
6/10 understanding but you got few things right.
Correct. Not even India is safe from this. Big corporations in Indian employee Bangladeshi, Nepalis and Bhutanis because they do work for cheaper rates and don't unionize.
kike poster
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Reminder the Japanese did this to themselves. There is no connection to NATO.
Wtf is with jews trying to destroy literally every single thing in this world. There is no reason to spread this subhuman filth all over the world.
Best reply. Concise and to the point. Are you German by ethnicity?

I don't mind any of those immigrant groups as long as they are not muslims
Good. Diversity is your strength! Embrace the Poo!
White women do the opposite exactly why asain women are our soul mates. Nigger fuckers are bioweapons of permanent death and suffering
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>be pewdiepie
>get tired of sand niggers, regular niggers and kikes
>move to japland to escape
>japs are filling their island with sand niggers, regular niggers and kikes control their entire political system
Because may be Kikes erased your ethnic pride and replaced it with golem "Whites"?
Why don't I see "German", "Irish","French", "Spaniard", "Roman"??? May be some guy named Kalegeri wanted to coalesce your people into a golem blob?
Stop being a retard for a second.
Seethe more , Chinks are superior
>Never heard of a white guy being named Tojo or Shizuki in japan
I've actually met white people who did exactly this. After marrying a Japanese person they took a Japanese name to assimilate.

Why? India is already a 1.4 billion cesspool of diversity. We don't more Pakis in this country
>spaghetti evola
>Why don't I see "German", "Irish","French", "Spaniard", "Roman"
Because White culture has been appropriated by everybody. You speak English - we do not speak chicken tikka masala. You wear shoes - we do not wear turbans. You have a Popeyes in India - we do not have a Poopeyes in America.
I knew Japan was fucked the second data came out showing the younger generation watching anime more than jewish media. No way would jews allow such a loss of control.
The last 6 months was very bad. Due to cheap yen the kikes went ballistic on Japan. I stopped going to places like Shibuya and Roppongi because they became crime infested shitholes
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I know some Mexicans in Los Angeles that flew to Japan last week because of the favorable exchange rate.
How did you get sandniggers in Nippon? It's just weird desu
Jews piss me off ngl
>2pbtid ragebait by gook with a vpn
go eat some more kimchi fag
I've been to chinatown in multiple Thai cities and they are all smelly run down shithole districts and that's not even during durian season. I'd rather be touted at by sluts down any Soi in Sukhimvit than spend another day in Chinatown.
>escape your shithole to another place
>be surprised when other people are escaping to it as well
The fact that a degenerate like you were allowed to do it was a warning that others would soon follow.
This is about the only thing that makes it all explicable to me.
It's not surprising that other people want to go to Japan, it's surprising that Japan lets any filthy ol' Johnny Somali type nigger into the country.
>Hello pajeet.

always fine as long as its hindus

ban muslims and pakis
>>>481398741 (OP)
>>Hello pajeet.
>always fine as long as its hindus
>ban muslims and pakis

say no to muslims
Rapist pakis might actually be preferable to zionist pajeets. You gotta turn off the water before you fix the burst pipes.
Salam malaykum my friends
>moving the goalpost
kill yourself bunkertranny
Abe got murdered deservedly so because he was a well known supporter of a worst corean cult that preyed upon easily influenced Japanese citizens, especially women. The core doctrine of that cult was that every Japanese person was carrying an immense guilt to worst coreans that can never vanish, only slightly decreased by putting your family into poverty.
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Why has Japan started importing niggers? Fuck is it doing with them? Muh workforce won't cut it. Niggers are worthless , too stupid to work , much less in japanese lol .Jeets make way better slaves
>Why has Japan started importing niggers?
Their technocrats and judges attended university in the USA.
Japan will be speedrunning migration. They are the oldest society on earth with median age of 50 years old and neetdom and hikikomori originates from there. Interesting to see what happens.
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Das right yellow boi.
This is our land now and always has been!
Also boomers live forever there
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Would Japs rather be black than be dominated by the Chinese?
>Why do they exist?
Cheap yen
Backlog of tourists from closure years
Also cherry picked from people going out of their way to find these events
Man oh man. The races are so so different from each other.
>a bunch of whites and their lightskin friends at a festival in a party town just walking and talking
Delete this one from your folder
you can only laugh
It is funny how no matter where niggers are they either seem confused or look like they are about to fight.
Charged and jailed in Japan, then deported.
IF you get caught that is. There's lots of pajeets working in factories in the middle of nowhere. They ride their bicycles home every night through dimly lit back road with not a camera in sight. Just saying...
When they Roll the coal,
STD's will be the goal.
Das rite we finna be in japan
kek'd and checked
>Give foreigners the right to vote
I'm warning anyone who will listen about this every day
Jeets are the new jewish bioweapon.
if that cop were me i'd let the niggers wallop each other
also why do niggers get such wide eyes when angry?
And will MALE niggers breed like snails you dumb polak? Are they hermaphrodytes? How the fuck will that solve the fertility crisis?
Did not see a whole lot of nigresses there
For the first time in 20 years that I follow sumo in the last basho I saw a nigger in the audience...is over Japan
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It's dey culture
Its over nippon, you finally felt victim to the globohomo funded by the international jewish lobbying
Who cares you mongrel gypsy? They make 6 million new niggers a year in nigeria alone
These are modern slaves, the elites need them for the constant growth ponzi scheme.
For the elites there's no difference who's the slave. Your countries don't matter to them, be them jews or their immediate subordinates at the top.
it's their nigger eyes - they have to widen to increase visual information because they didn't evolve for low light regions
if they had blve eyes then it wouldn't be required
Remember that retarded Jap middle aged woman that got ultra mad at a boomer for shaking a bell a little bit more than normal at the temple?
Where is she now?
Japs are retarded.
You won't do shit, you're the minority even among white people.
Everyone hates losers like you, other whites befriended non-whites, work with them, married them and race-mixed.
They'll never betray their family and friends just to join some incel losers who never leave their room.
You lost.
>It looks weird to even see a black person in Japan
Ubisoft thinks it's funny
They got extra expedited visas exactly because of their faces.
Chinese can assimilate pretty well. They almost always take on local names.
But they will always stick out like a sore thumb for obvious reasons.
yeah the chinese pick an english name like "Jason"
shitskins keep their forren name and get angry when you can't pronuonce "mahmoud"
God I hope so
I really wanted to visit Japan for the longest time and now I feel I've missed the boat. Wish I'd gone in the 2010s... in any case I don't want to go and be one of the gaijins clogging everything up now.
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>and be one of the gaijins clogging everything up now.
Literally not a thing, get over yourself nigger.
t. went for 3 weeks last month
As long as you don't visit whatever place is being shilled by jewtubers you won't run into nearly any gaijin and you don't need to visit some tourist trap to enjoy the countryside and mountains. Nature is naturally nigger free too.

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