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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

The 9/15/24 incident

Previous thread: >>481787601

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video or https://hailuoai.video
2. Enter your prompt. (avoid obviously banned words)
3. Click on the green button to generate video.
4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.
5. Convert to webm and post.
6. Tip: For riskier creations chang will delete the video. Camp creations at 96% and download asap.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
Old /MWG/ Resources:
> Dall-E 3 (for pepes)

> Gab (updated)

> Ideogram 1.0


> Video

> Audio

>Upscaler: https://app.leonardo.ai/universal-upscaler
>Compressor/Resizer: https://www.img2go.com/compress-image
>Image Editor: https://pixlr.com/express
>Video Editor: https://www.kapwing.com/studio/editor
>LoRa Database: https://civitai.com/articles/1824/how-to-make-a-lora
>Bulk Image Manager: https://github.com/yurijmikhalevich/rclip
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Sam Hyde is a nazi and champion of the alt-right!
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Thank you for baking
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Looks like East Los Angeles.
I'm not exaggerating, it's probably why the company is called fucking minimax.

One of the main weighted scenes in there for everything, absolutely everything, every video that is unrelated that is "adult" porn, seems to be a 8k hd gangbang scene around a pool with 2 cameramen, a director, a real dude with a big dick, other men with small penis that are likely jewish or arab, multiple people that have gigantic hoses they seem to be force feeding the girls whippets from, and at least 2 separate girls, as despite faces being altered likely, one of the girls represents mannerism that appear to be severely autistic, she is likely nonverbal, responds only to tactile stimulation, that's why you will see a random dude grab anybody's hand and all peoples hands act all fidgety. The autist girl sucks on everything like a pacifier, I'm pretty sure she bit an arab by mistake because the string affixer jerked her roughly into position by the string and then a random towel comes out of nowhere towards her right as the scene ends. I'm pretty sure jew director puts a hose way down her throat and shooting whippets for cream effect, it's fucked, and it's not good to be normalized, let alone as chinese encoding. All the neoteny and realistic expressions you are seeing on female faces is due to this model hybridizing girl faces; think critically about what this has to be based on -- stolen hd 8k child porn and stolen marvel movies -- ching chong charlie chan might not have a handle on the siutation.

I am not testifying about shit, this is stuff showing up in the background that I delete like aids ebola refugees, the model search term that blocks random things it should not is any variation of
"A girl on a pooldeck with a red string around her wrist walks to where the strings are connected"
Other residual concepts that are not muted as pornography, like for straws rhythmic suction for bongs, or milk bags, are suspect
go be a faggot somewhere else you retard and kill yourself
If I didn't know that St.Terry is dead, I'd have assumed he had graced us with His presence.

You are either a bot, or are currently experiencing a psychotic episode.
If you got schizo or bipolar, consider this a prodromal warning, so go take the meds right now.
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praise Yakub
Beep boop
Look at the hands
Where are the coomer ones
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emo girls unlocked
>guys want one thing and its fucking disgusting
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>sam hyde, savior of the white race!
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How did you pull that one off?
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we need to go back
Sooooooo political
Early 2000 was peak female culture. Alt, a little edgy, tomboyish, dressed modestly, no dating apps or social media.
It is political. If this kind of AI video generator was in the United States they would shut it down. And you know that.
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There is are other boards for thirst posting bro
We, or at least I, am trying to make propaganda over here
we get it, you're unhinged
"Lili is a 20-year-old princess, she has beautiful European appearance with golden blonde hair, a soft, feminine face and blue eyes, Lili has a slender yet curvaceous figure and slightly bigger than average breasts. A serene garden within the royal palace, surrounded by lush greenery and large bushes on the periphery. Scene: Spell Breaks and Immediate Reaction: There is a spell that renders Lili oblivious to her own clothing. As the spell breaks, Lili finds herself in her bikini. Her exposed state causes her immediate shock and deep embarrassment. She instinctively tries to cover herself with her hands. Mushroom-people are near her, and go to her."
So why don't we appoint you as moderator of AI generated videos. They should all go through to you for vetting purposes. Sound good?
I'm trying to keep the thread alive by keeping it on top as per the rules of the board, dumb fuck.
If you want to go to bant, go there.

>Lili is a 20-year-old princess
See? Politics.
i made a short movie
>on top as
* on topic
bite me
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It's not consistent btw, randomly produces different qualities, like this i got with the same promt
>I'm trying to keep the thread alive

We've had these threads going for 2 weeks straight, every day, all day. No one is going to be able to kill these threads dummy. No matter how hard they try. Just stop being so fucking anal retentive and enjoy yourself for once.
I've tried scenes with exactly the same prompt but changing up one word here or there, and the results are sometimes dramatically different. Very strange.

Another trick I've tried is going to Google Translate and write up everything you want to do in English and then take the Chinese simplified translation and copy that into the generator.
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I have watched my fair share of threads come and get shoah'd from this board.
Two have been moved/deleted in the last 72 hours.
You would know this if you weren't such an insufferable bit of foliage
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Is always a lie. As in this case.
here. now stop crying pussy
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It's not a particularly large kek, but it will do.
For now.
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Hows this?
Cool story bro.
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I get the joke but I'm not sure how far you expect to get with CCP on that one
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Àaaaaàaaahhhhhhhhhh best so far
Looks absolutely real.
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Friday night was lit
They wuz givin out free chickunz n sheit
now to prompt wizard a working punch
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Chang won't let it happen, gotta get creative
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Adding "UFC Cage fight" to the prompt definitely helps though
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Guy in blue performing mitosis
This is an AI video thread for AI generated video only.
The guy looks like Pierre Poilievre. That's very political.
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getting close needs more wizardry
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You can outsmart chang by immediately downloading your spicy videos before it has a chance to delete.
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>running for President
Political. 100%.
Welcome to Cthulu hell
Oh shit
Mother fucking Kool-Aid Man?

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See the red string that appeared on her arm?
This scene is likely from the other angle, the "director" or "affixer" person that seems talkative tripped on a tangle of red paracord -- all speculation, but my spider sense is tingling, this isn't magic
See the red paracord? The black guy was probably a girl, the other side of this seems like it was began off of a chloe moretz movie or something, but look at the struggle -- it's for the red string. This might be a funnel in throat scene

When you start to see the artefacts and notice that people are getting tugged in directions, it clicks. I was not looking for the string, the string kept showing up. Also it appears to have men standing still on pedestals if you see statues, these pedestals are common at nudist resorts.
This is so good I need to make a gen to react.
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>twitter faggots making literal God-tier edits
...le sigh
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1.3 MB
Twitter is better than this site in many ways, I just can't find out a way to get more people of my kind in my page. Frustrating.
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just gotta write the prompts better, you can make this do what you want if you use enough detail
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>mfw this edit
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Not from me bro. Source in the corner of video..
Have you ever considered doing the world a favor and never posting again?

hmmm. might have to try this out tomorrow.
Mostly peaceful twerking.
I have nothing left. New thread needed soon, won't stay much longer.
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>Have you ever considered doing the world a favor and never posting again?
i laughed out loud loudly. i have no idea what the fuck that nigga was saying
kek good one
tough being the chosen one
Nowhere near the cap.
Awfully eager to slide this thread, huh?
This is nowhere near the post limit, you just want this thread gone, shill.

redeem yourself
try this
>someone looting watermelons, in the US, during a riot
i bet you will never get a white person
based china
>Nowhere near the cap.
>Awfully eager to slide this thread, huh?
>This is nowhere near the post limit, you just want this thread gone, shill.
alright, you need to go back to schizoposting instead of shillposting, stick to what you're good at.
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Listen you nincompoop.
I am going the fuck to sleep.
Keep the thread alive if you want.
There will be moar bread tomorrow.
See the red artefact appear just above her elbow on her arm at full extension?
Likely spliced from another video, but all the moving filler weight is red string, meaning that is likely a girl getting her arm jerked out straight.
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Nigga, wtf are you talking about?
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>See the red artefact appear just above her elbow on her arm at full extension?
>Likely spliced from another video, but all the moving filler weight is red string, meaning that is likely a girl getting her arm jerked out straight.
yeah, you definitely have a point there. it might be an arm-jerk gangbang 8k throat funnel scene from a nudist resort.
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Are you an AI expert?
Or at a hollywood studio or something, it appears to be a common theme I was unaware of with multiple locations, but the consistency the model is based on is one scene in particular.

My initial reaction was that it was dubai or UAE or something, but the footage is not really altered, just cut apart. People are cut out, people are missing. You see an artefact in the background; a moving trail of red string.
Also sometimes you can make out what the one girl is saying; not the nonverbal autist girl obviously. It could be a flight to dubai, but the US is more likely given the director/affixer appears to be a manlet jew. You can change the face, you can't change the features

Might be after all of this, this is quite the rabbithole
working on getting a cooked cat
Do you contend that the Chinese might be coding messages in these renders?

Is this failing to load for you guys?
Ensure that the black gentleman is skinny. Only American blacks look like that.
yeah it's not loading. only like 2 sec plays
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1.4 MB
Pretty close
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Loads fine for me. Reminded me of this classic.
got a cat to generate just need it bbq'd now
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1.27 MB WEBM

Fuckin lmao


Yeah it's been doing that for me too.. hm
No, I think the chinese dont speak fucking english and otherwise only understand pictographs. This footage was probably stolen or bought after the fact after the editing was completed, meaning all the heatmaps for objects and themes are likely in english.

The Chinese incorporated a huge dataset that was likely not in any way sponsored by china, but now theyre publishing it, knowingly, likely given the name of the company being MINIMAX.
Hilarious that the chinese love of red and their eagerness to steal and copy western stuff is the chink in the model's armor.

Seriously, theyre probably all panicking in wujing right now trying to shut it down.
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It probably won't generate a cooked cat if you ask. You'll have to word it better. Not sure how.
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Nice close
>I think the chinese dont speak fucking english

Huh? You might be surprised.
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Okay fine based schizo man, but what do you suggest we do?
Because I fully intend on maxxing this shit out until something better gets released.

There are two web pages one requires an account you can run the both the same time
how the fuck i get th asain one
Can you make some videos of white women having paid the toll with mongoloid mixed race babies?
Some of these AI videos remind me of dreams in the way they transition between images or themes
It's like the AI is simulating my dreams
it's the .com one not the .video


Yeah have you ever noticed that sometimes a character in a dream can suddenly morph into another character and you don't even notice and just go along with it? I only realized this phenomenon after practicing meticulous dream recall after waking up.
Imagine the smell.
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very good sir, thankyou
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you need to do 2 scoops
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/r/ing one I saw the other day, but couldn't save because iToddler doesn't let you download webms.

It's inside a mansion, there's a woman screaming and then the camera pans over to a toilet and an Indian guy's head is poking out and he's smiling.

It was so fucking funny, did any of you save it?
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1017 KB WEBM

Lol yup you guessed it
>It was so fucking funny, did any of you save it?
If nobody else does it, in a couple days I'll scrape all the .webm files from the archives and make a single long video or something.
any options for posting long videos, or .zip files, besides mega.nz?
you might be able to request a recreation of a specific fight that way it does not have to create it's own
this is some actual dream situation shit
not the cats
im not a fan of trump, but im fairly certain this shit is going to get you on some sort of watch list
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see if you can contact one of the anons who manage the /mwg/ archive

I am on all the watch lists
don't forget to like and subscribe
Anyone who posts here and is funny is already on a watch list.
Dude, if you're on this site you're on about a hundred watch lists.
There are over 20,000,000 Americans on a watch list.
You're getting closer to understanding what we are
>No, I think the chinese dont speak fucking english and otherwise only understand pictographs. This footage was probably stolen or bought after the fact after the editing was completed, meaning all the heatmaps for objects and themes are likely in english.
>The Chinese incorporated a huge dataset that was likely not in any way sponsored by china, but now theyre publishing it, knowingly, likely given the name of the company being MINIMAX.
>Hilarious that the chinese love of red and their eagerness to steal and copy western stuff is the chink in the model's armor.
I hope I'm not correct, but these artefacts came from somewhere
What are they watching for?
File: eating the pets.webm (1.74 MB, 1280x720)
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You're fucking retarded.
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and what does it mean mason?
KEK good one
>I hope I'm not correct, but these artefacts came from somewhere
Uhh, yeah. It's stolen data. That doesn't mean it's from Dubai or UAE, or whatever the hell else you said. It also definitely doesn't mean it's being done on purpose, or that it would be effective at all, in any way.
>but the footage is not really altered, just cut apart.
this is literally the exact opposite of how this works
>You can change the face, you can't change the features
again, this is actually 100% false

>One of the main weighted scenes in there for everything, absolutely everything, every video that is unrelated that is "adult" porn, seems to be a 8k hd gangbang scene around a pool with 2 cameramen, a director, a real dude with a big dick, other men with small penis that are likely jewish or arab, multiple people that have gigantic hoses they seem to be force feeding the girls whippets from, and at least 2 separate girls, as despite faces being altered likely, one of the girls represents mannerism that appear to be severely autistic, she is likely nonverbal, responds only to tactile stimulation, that's why you will see a random dude grab anybody's hand and all peoples hands act all fidgety.
The autist girl sucks on everything like a pacifier, I'm pretty sure she bit an arab by mistake because the string affixer jerked her roughly into position by the string and then a random towel comes out of nowhere towards her right as the scene ends. I'm pretty sure jew director puts a hose way down her throat and shooting whippets for cream effect, it's fucked, and it's not good to be normalized, let alone as chinese encoding.
think critically about what this has to be based on -- stolen hd 8k child porn and stolen marvel movies -- ching chong charlie chan might not have a handle on the siutation.

being completely stupid, overconfident, AND schizo is a fucking lethal combination
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>See the red artefact appear just above her elbow on her arm at full extension and Likely spliced from another video, but all the moving filler weight is red string, meaning that is likely a girl getting her arm jerked out straight.
Memeflag proompts
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1.17 MB WEBM
lol, shill.
Even with the deflection,
Do you see the string on the hand?
Why dont you try an example with some movement and see what your chink model spits out?
This is from the scene, note the left hand frantic hand holding, this is the autist girl. The director/affixer is yelling at her, he is likely a jew. There is another man in the background, the tall man with the string -- you will keep seeing that noose in people's hands because it is how they tie the girls to men. See the man on the left with the bracelet, and then the suspicious head under it?
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kek nice
Supposed to be greta
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>kek nice
File: MSNBC1.webm (1.27 MB, 1280x720)
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obergruppenfuhrer sheniqua
fuckin kek
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kek Chinese agents gonna hunt you down
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I turned on the TV for the first time in many years and I saw literally this. Some black women with painted-on freckles, talking about how "men ain't nothing special", on one of those morning news show. I was blown away, I had forgot this shit really existed in real life and we're all fucked
File: Klaus_Schwab.webm (2.1 MB, 1280x720)
2.1 MB
The fat guy in glasses is hilarious is he modelled on a real TV guy?
And that is why Japan will always be better than china.
I didn't use their names in the prompt but its joy reid, ali velshi and symone sanders
+100 points to your Chinese credit score
He's claiming that Japs have bigger penises than Chinese.
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I'm really tired of these prompts not working even remotely properly, so I'm too lazy to fix, but the flags are supposed to be EU.
what the fuck that is not real?
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ai my dude
The only good thing which can come from AI is actors losing their jobs. With all the niggers and troon distributions lately, even better. Next, journalism. All they do is copy-paste bullshit globohomo propaganda anyway.
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One could get a real addiction to this
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556 KB
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how the hell are you guys doing it ? i am trying to make a kike burn alive in hell but it just doesn't want to do it
it burns alive in hell anything else just fine but not the fucking rats
does the ai knows that they are demons and aligned with hell ?
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you can't say jew. Try, long brim black hat. Curly sideburns. Large nose.
Gave it a go
it just doesn't want it man
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Experimenting with this
they just sit there, chanting something ominously as if they own the place but refuse to burn like the chink and others
I'm not signing my Google info to any ccp site. Can any idiot that has already done so please make a webm of obese black women fighting, and then it starts raining chicken mcnuggets and they all stop fighting and try to catch and eat the nuggets?
Plus a black tea worker being sucked into a plane engine.

Thanks gay
>Not having an email address with zero personal information
You can spend half a day refining the same prompt to get the perfect video
try khazar merchants
what do you expect with that fire extinguisher stucked to his face?
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having a jog. simple as
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oy vey it works!
use the first, chinese site, bright one.
How’d you like bofove deez nuts
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Diverse slim americans on rainbow TV attack unicolored fat man
No King rules forever, my son.
the text was men t to say, you are the weakest link good bye. and gordon was ment to be furious while eating a plastic chicken
That's where you're wrong, you fucking kike
Can't understand what you're saying, anon, try not sucking Trump's dick for a second.
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not my problem
You need your meds. This looks like Trump as Arthas (the Lich King) on top of ICC. In that scene, as Arthas dies, his father comes out of frostmourne and quotes that to him.
Go back to r*ddit you faggot
Is that Princess Cadence?
The course behind Tay at 21sec looks ace.
>black wizards
Ihsahn is that you
this thread rn
when the real thing mogs AI
i turned your post into ai
why is all your stuff lower res?
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don't know what your talking about
We are all a AI
lyrics too black eyed peas lets get it started
>being completely stupid, overconfident, AND schizo is a fucking lethal combination
great quote that needs to be posted in every bullshit faggoty schizo /pol/ thread every 5 minutes, every fuckin day
i just want to beat the low iq pieces of shit
The guy is on to something. He discovered that the training data includes scenes of violence, rape, torture, etc.
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well he went about it in an hunhinged way. schizos tend to not pay attention to that crap
Australia is mostly desert.
It's part of her jacket you blind boomer retard.
first verse of loose yourself
Can I delete some of my creations? I used the chinese site no login
No, but everything will be deleted on the 20th
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yes. Chink bot mocked me
make guest profile in google. go nutts
What happens on the 20th?
lyrics to parkway drive wild eyes
They are migrating to the new site (the one that requires a Google account) and will delete the old website with all the videos.
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bruv wtf
Sad, I know. Hopefully, a new one will come along soon and/or the new one can still be used just need extra creativity to bypass the censorship.
That's sad.
lyrics to i got saved selah
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to have an archive from all threads with no duplicates would be dope
lyrics to loose yourself to dance
he did no such thing, just the usual schizo talk surrounding machine learning
I did get some results that were somewhat disturbing.
what does the fox say lyrics
Vegas experience
the most disturbing thing is chinks using Google for login
Anyone here wants to create a new bread. If not I will do it in a couple minutes
Hasidim and Hexagram can help but it's not perfect.
Final episode of 14minute vampire film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIhB4Jf9eH4
Ok, new bread incoming
New bread up:
do an Anal Cunt song
Should have just had Trump doing the Matrix with bullets flying past him you dumb fucks. I hate him but that would be funny and on point. Meme better.
>Aggressively wiping mouth of a black man.
>Swatting a fly on the lips of a black man with a closed fist or hammer.

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