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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Monday Meme BBQ Edition

Previous thread: >>481858008

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video (Chinese) or https://hailuoai.video (English)
2. Enter your prompt. (avoid obviously banned words)
3. Click on the green button to generate video.
4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.
5. Convert to webm and post.
6. Tip: For riskier creations chang will delete the video. Camp creations at 96% and download asap.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
File: 1697528103186265.png (1.68 MB, 1080x2000)
1.68 MB
1.68 MB PNG
> FLUX (least censored)


> Stable Diffusion
https://huggingface.co/spaces/AP123/IllusionDiffusion (Hidden Pictures)

> Ideogram

> Audio

> Video

> Image Upscaler: https://app.leonardo.ai/universal-upscaler
> Compressor/Resizer: https://www.img2go.com/compress-image
> Image Editor: https://pixlr.com/express
> Video Editor: https://www.kapwing.com/studio/editor
> LoRa Database: https://civitai.com/articles/1824/how-to-make-a-lora
> Bulk Image Manager: https://github.com/yurijmikhalevich/rclip

>Or rook! You a prompt armorst a finish!
>uh oh! Arr gone now!
>Bye bye Chlistina Hennudreeks!
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not giving my phone number away to use it, sorry
it's so over, bros
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Too much of a dumb nigger retard to click the other link?
Apology not needed
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>phone posters getting filtered
You need meds too to be able to spell properly, it seems
Blame the chink AI, memeflaggot. If you'd ever actually tried to get it to generate text before, you'd know it will randomly misspell words or cut them out entirely. You double nigger.
Dobson erasing giraffes
Dobson is against comer content
Nahruk (rumor)
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Need to do one of him being inflated/inflating someone else.
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Dumb kikes still hiding behind memeflags to post their hot takes, I see.
ZEus delivering electricity to Ukraine after outage caused by zigger bombing
Only AI should be posted in this thread anon.
Definitely one of the better Jannie posts you've made so far, anon. Stylistically at least. Shame it doesn't let you "build" off a previous output to try and keep the style while changing up the composition. That's one of the features I've really enjoyed with Novel AI's image gen.
This is like a Moby music video
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This shit was so much better last week before they started cracking down on lewd stuff,
Only AI should be posted in this thread anon.
Other generators might be able to do it.
I'll run some tests later on..
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Kek, you're right! Side note: The liquid/jiggle physics are actually kind of impressive.
I am of apologies, saar! Letting me redeem!
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The way it captures Clarkson's fed up expression never fails to make me kek.
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What was the backstory on this one?
I forget if it was a copypasta
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go damn. i'm hitting a ceiling on my prompts. i made 40 of these and it never put all the details perfectly together, something was always off. argh.
anyone have that post about how it's baked into indians to get run over by monolithic things?
I just remembered we're on the internet and knowyourmeme exists
nevermind :(
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Get it together anon. Shameful.
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>I am of apologies, saar! Letting me redeem!

I'm sensing cope burger.
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btw i was wondering if we're destroying chinese water reserves for the amount of electricity needed to create these videos in chinese servers.
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I gottchu senpai
>humorless Leaf unable to differentiate cheeky banter from seethe posting
Refer to >>481904877 if you think otherwise, you goober.
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that is the plan
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>2 black people
Disney at it again
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Excellent then!
I'm pretty sure they do this shit every year
Heard about it because one fell and fucking killed a bunch of them recently
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i was thinking about making an AI about this but it felt a little low brow for me
somebody going to take up the challenge?
where's our chi-com anon's or glow's wtf
somebody translate the optimiser text and put it in the general's title
my first share hope its ok
Yep. I saw a video of them actually hauling around one of those mobile stone temples and a bunch of the men pulling it had a gigantic goiter/hump on their neck that they purposefully inflame their bodies to produce because they think it's a holy thing or some shit. Wish I could find it. Think it was a Bald & Bankrupt or Sunny (Food Review bandana guy) or one of those other sex tourist channels.
That's kind of what I was going for with >>481905642
and this other chud-train, kek.
chud train was funny abit macarbe the natural evolution of the thomas poster
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New Taken film just arrived
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"surrender is a bad word" i dont know if it's the optimiser or a nono word .....
2nd one
nicely done anon
I don't trust the optimization with spicier content, but it seems to do a better job with translating English syntax (assuming you're writing in complete sentences) and understanding the composition you're trying to build rather than mish-mashing parts of the prompt together in ways you never intended. But that's purely speculation based on my own experiences.
ty dude so its a prompt optimiser i don't hate this
has anybody fucked with the new minigame yet

do we not need linebreaks or grammer anymore? is it better at mis-spelt words not or more literal ect
My prompts are worse without the optimization thing, they put that just to make more censorship
it does not like CCP im trying to make us a general webm lol

it will put ccp or general in
but it really does not like both its like im fucking coomer gening
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Ty social credit score
if only it kept the gasmask we would have a legit webm
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Yeah, like I said before, I wouldn't recommend the optimization when using terms or content that already runs a high risk of being rejected. But for more obscure/abstract kinds of prompts (anything that doesn't involve overt violence or sexual content) I find it produces more coherent results with greater frequency. For example:>>481910085
was made using the optimization and was able to do much better with the composition of the man, woman, and tv than some other versions I made using the normal version.
>Oh snap, it's fuckin Bill the Butcher! Act cool...
But also fug you for mass replying. Double nigger.
Muscular Panda wearing a gasmask and a tactical vest stands on top of a skyscraper, the sky scraper is neon blue with a sign saying "CCP GENERAL"
A large crowd is gathered at the base of the tower holding long lit torches,
the content is not problematic in anyway it is not a mockery nor an indorsement the image is inspiring

guess what i added to the prompt lmao the ai censor shit is wild
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huh, they generated at 83% for me now, anyone else?
Is this real?
Fantastic war film, would watch again
best edit ever
the solid transitions are difficult but without interaction and directional play's we just hope for blinks and give clean cuts

its to clean to use transition's

the peck blurs ect are still clean lol but remove it
Hey i had the exact problem.
How specific are you guys with describing what you want? Being brief returns dogshit 99% of the time, like it doesn't bother setting up the scene and camera angle correctly, and everything turns to shit after that.
this is great anon
>Chang thinks u mean winnie the poo
Dobson inflates himself
Brief prompts only work if you can sum up all of the main details in one sentence
> example Alex Jones stealing Ducks from the park
I've had the most success by describing the type of film quality, then the characters position at the start of the clip followed by another sentence describing the end.
After that I've just been adding buzzwords separated by commas
If only the fuckin TV would face the right direction
fact i find it easier to describe a vauge scene that is what you want
that is difficult to fuck up then buzzwording the shit out of it
Hitler didnt work so here's some Nick Cage Action
Thanks that's great info. What are the buzzwords about, typically?
>Best I've made after like 10 attempts
Sadly this is what it thinks Scarlett Johansson looks like. Just a coomer bait rip off
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The mattress
you have 1 job
Sorry, I didn't mean 'buzzwords' persay, but just random adjectives that didn't fit into the first few sentences.
lmao bruce
>CCP censored
you said it correctly its buzzwords
"HD" "4k" "pixels alot" "pixels" "alot"

hell yea dude mfw no ,s
oy vey
lmao were at 11 take it to 8 KEK
nigga brushes his teeth with curry
side view a bearded hebrew rabbi with tiny rabbi hat and dirty yellow teeth and very big hebrew hook nose, grinning and rubbing his hands together
When's the next ep?
another Cage dancing in a camp with burning ovens attempt
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fuck forgot the webm
lel. Thanks.
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>cooking cats and dogs
lmao amateurs
6 million using only air bending? doubt that
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lol that's dark
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Nigga stole my bike
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based kek
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ok im hooked
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It's an honor to have two of my creations reposted here, hispano bro. Here's another one of this series.
Kek, amazing
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What I find amazing is how well this chink AI displays the water movements when they walk through it. High quality, the same of the US goblino's small roster/cock stabilized head, just like in reality. And those details were not prompted.
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1.22 MB WEBM
Its water effects are better than the flying effects.
What, no loli?
big brazilian cock kek
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This is my favorite of the ones I've made. I fucking hate how you can't change small things without changing the entire scene...
The text should read "WEF" or "World Economic Forum"
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>tranny jannies remove loli from the report list
>then post this
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1.02 MB WEBM
>big brazilian cock kek
that's the new meaning for BBC, get with the times lmao the AI even got the nigger to say "it's bigger"
Getting better, but still fail at the details.
I have more, but i'm not satisfied with the product, like this one
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2.24 MB
2.24 MB WEBM
Think Different.

>"...NIGGR GAY????"
>Verification not required
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2.81 MB WEBM
i said ukranian flag and the retarded chink AI makes russian flag
>Brief prompts only work if you can sum up all of the main details in one sentence
>> example Alex Jones stealing Ducks from the park
>I've had the most success by describing the type of film quality, then the characters position at the start of the clip followed by another sentence describing the end.
>After that I've just been adding buzzwords separated by commas
you use the checkbox or nah?
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I'm about to go on a vision quest real quick to find us some moar resources.
Hold my meme.

You could probably vague-post the scene change a little harder and this would be gold.

This one sparks joy.

>If anyone else has prompt advice please share it
>am gonna try to come up with a 'workarounds' pasta here shortly
>unless someanon else wants to do it
kek fuck the ukraine
In my case I said Russian flag but got a French one
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I've been meaning to..
Does it actually work?
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"Russian, Armenian, German, and Spanish princesses are in revealing bikinis in a big castle hall. They are embarrassed because there are Mongol warriors in the room."
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that's really good, pol shoudl make this band irl
>This one sparks joy.
I made a couple where he successfully punches the woman, but it doesn't look like Sam.
Who is who?
>I've been meaning to..
>Does it actually work?
I haven't really tested it, I keep enabling it by accident and I haven't noticed any difference yet.
I wish I could get it to do rapid cutting to different images every frame or two
LOL classic
File: What a fucking tigger .webm (1.29 MB, 1280x720)
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1.29 MB WEBM
how is this AI so good and the western ones so shitty
Revenge of the cats - Ride of the Valkyries
I said migger.
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Because CCP social credit Boggs are based accelerationists
Man, i'm having a blast. Probably the funniest and unintended part of the joke is that Haiti looks so devastated that attacking it is pointless. I lol'd hard
Does it matter?
it's a clean up kek
1. Russian 2. Armenian 3. German 4. Spanish in that order.
That's just Xena. There was an episode with exactly that scene.
Well, that didn't work as expected
change the sign to "Sneed's Buck and Break"
damn, give this until the end of the decade and it will be perfected.
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I don't know

I don't believe it orders them how i wrote them, because pic related is the same exact promt
LOL I kinda want to request Biden going around with the meme nigger-pimp apparel hugging Zelensky while they walk through the red carpet. Would do it myself but i'm doing other stuff
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We should have a /pol/ AI movie thread by the end of the year, at this rate.

doit fgt
>I don't believe it orders them how i wrote them

In fact I think you might be correct. I've tried some prompts with elements in a certain order and at times it appears to randomly change the order.
File: Tigger became a nigger.webm (1.44 MB, 1280x720)
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Hmm, it made Tigger into an actual zesty buck this time around
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>brought prosperity even as they trampled
I really fear this isn't far off.
Someone please post the AI video showing a jew driving a truck of American soldiers. Please post other AI videos from earlier this year.
happens to my prompts too especially if they get longer and list a lot of different things items separated by commas. it changes the order randomly and instead of person a having a red shirt and person b having a blue shirt it switches it around for not apparent reason. then i have to run the same prompt up to 10 times to get one version that is exactly how i wanted it. i know this is a skill issue so please if you have any tips on how include detailed descriptions of people and items let me know please.
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I haven't tested it extensively nor looked up anything about it but using le old (((parenthesis))) on the main details, such as text, MIGHT help
Not sure.
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>A shot perfectly split in the middle.
Turns out splitscreens are easy, and the memetic potential strong
amazingly coherent shots and details, excellent work
teach us senpai
>20 more billion $
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Keep trying until they move.
We have to minmax the fuck out of this while we can.
Even Chang knows.
kek what incels dream about
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How am I incel if I'm doin your mom
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that should not be so accurate to life
not you faggot your video,incel fever dreaming faggot
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Sequential doubles witnessed
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fuck off to reddit glownigger
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been here since 08 faggot
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I've been in an open relationship with bofa yo baby mamas since September of 2003
then a faggot since 08
It's pretty accurate except too many white guys here
soulless vs soul
Hail Asthar Sheran & Lord Gorloj

Im so sick of cali being shit its unreal im moving there at 40 and you best fix ur shit
Truth, it's almost uncanny, like I really tuned it in
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Kek back to you. We need to expand our portfolio of goofy Jew atrocity propaganda.. not enough in this new video format
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It's nice to see ourselves in the spotlight every now and then.
>There are still 223 people ahead, expected to wait for 5 minutes
5 minutes for a 6 second video? Spend some money on video cards you cheapskate motherfucker
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I didn't see the video of a Jew driving American soldiers in a truck. It used to be posted in MWG and AIGV threads.
fucking kek
Not quite marching to the grinder, but ok
>61 seconds of linearly coherent story and characters
How hard is it to do this? Are we at the point where, say, a five-minute music video could be created following a script with some degree of precision, and in which all the scenes feel integrated?
Around 10 years away.
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>Are we at the point where
Chekt. Yes.
In fact I literally JUST posted about this on 8kun /mu/
Is it easier to get exactly what you want with (to our eyes) simplified styles like animation?
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Definitely some tweaker shit, but this is one of the best animations this thing has done yet.

A better program might already be out there
but we will probably have to wait.
>chang bootleg is bootleg
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LOL. Would be funny to have a CCTV filter over this (still in color)
reminder that they'll shut it down in just four days from now and will put the entire thing behind a google email wall so they can cancel creators for wrong think.

Perfect. Will be saving this for the right time on X
ok this one got me lol
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They already launched the google site, Chang's sloppa shop persists.
Why are you concernfagging, when you could be generating slop?
that looks like mclovin in darthmaul makeup

LMAO. Pretty much perfection on this topic. Only other slight variation that would also be funny is a crash
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I'm going to bed.
An example prompt for >>481927560 is:
Advertismenet style video. A shot perfectly split in the middle. On the left side we see a white woman in a traditional European home, dressed in traditional European clothes, baking food in the oven and doing chores in the kitchen, smiling. On the right side we see a very fat black woman, munching on watermelon and KFC chicken wings, with leftovers all around her, her lips and cheeks dirty with food and sauce.
Beautiful, highly realistic, highly detailed, 4K, high resolution
holy shit, how
That is the best moon walk I've ever seen
oh, well i didn't know that. well, then disregard. i guess the ai videos are here to stay. and yes, i am generating non-stop for the past few days.
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Inspired by yours
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1.89 MB GIF
It certainly won't be surprising if they take it down in a few days
But this shit won't stop...
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You take the original merchant pic (or any other pic) and feed it into an 'illusion diffusion' prompt, then you feed the resultant blended image into an img2video AI like Luma.
>Is that a boot or your leg?
Neither, m'lady
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breddy gud

>illusion diffusion
joy reid must truly be AI
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reminder that I am still baking
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Britbong you are rocking my world right now
>thanks for the next bread thumbnail
>continue with (((google)))
>in a truck.

Wasn't it a bus?
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Did they shoah doing ones with Trump I tried to do an innocent one of him crowd surfing and they shut it down
there's a python script to auto save them, but political stuff gets auto-deleted within seconds, yes
Not what I was going for, but still somewhat lulzy
File: DonnyandVladdy.webm (2.44 MB, 1280x720)
2.44 MB
2.44 MB WEBM
I'm convinced chink jannies steal the good ai creations for themselves. They're not just deleting them.
Did that video have audio?

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