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Google site launched, yet Chang's sloppa shop persists...
>don't concernfag, keep slopping!

Previous thread: >>481901412
MWG archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video (Chang) and/or https://hailuoai.video (Google)
2. Enter your prompt. (NSFW and explicit gore are still censored)
3. Click on the green button to generate video.
4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.
5. Convert to webm and post.
6. Tip: For riskier creations chang will delete the video. Camp creations at 96% and download asap.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:

>Python autosave script

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> Other Video Tools

Prompt guides coming soon
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AI can't draw hairy scrotums because the dataset contains too much child porn
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Dat u, archive anon?

Most truthful observation currently on /pol/
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
no, I'm Minecraft anon
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Equally based
carry on
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lol excellent
Trying to get AI to produce a /pol/chud chasing a scared milk truck Jewess, but so far the results have been unsatisfying. This is like pulling teeth.
Here is one where it got the roles confused
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You have my coom
Keep workin it, anon. These are pretty good!
>Harry Pol-tard
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This one should end in an explosion
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anon, how? these are amazing. how did you get that past the censor? they delete mine if it has a swastika in it.
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This one from the last thread was hilarious. He added audio too in linkrel
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I called it "the National Socialist logo" kek
how did you do the swastika? and do a anne frank themed please
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And my boner
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the bobble head movement makes me laugh uncontrollably lmao
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Is that Clarkson holding the gun?
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Checked and keked!
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See >>481934416
And perhaps tomorrow. It is time for bed here.
Also, if anybody has tips on getting spicier outputs from the AI please advise. I try "full-figured," and that makes them fat, but I saw some good Christina Hendricks booba ones yesterday that I don't know how to accomplish.
Make him into a Wizard. I want to see the Chud version of HP
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>nog bleach
holy kek
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Took me a while to get it kek.
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Fuckin lmao! This is a genuine classic to save and share
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Hello janny.
Time to nuke the thread, is it?
built for bbc (big black crematoriums)
fuck off faggot
Oh no mommy hendricks
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what did you use for this
Oh lawd he comin
Jokes on her, the Bill of Rights was PROVEN to be a toothless joke during the covid hoax. I don't need some musty old vague legalease lawyer speak paper that probably smells like pee to "allow" me to own a weapon, HELL! half of mine are already against the law as is. So I don't honor or respect the jews (((CONsitiution))) since it proved it was meaningless. So she and you alike can both roll it up, turn it sideways and shove it right up your big old pamper candy asses, straight up.
Please god prompt
kek this is fucking great
Pleeeeaaase gib prompt, pronto
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Half this thread is just reposts.
>, straight up.
...you were supposed to follow up with "NIGGERS"
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All 1 of your posts is whining
Ooooh.. you'd like to know the secrets, wouldn't you?
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That got erased from the zeitgeist, didn’t it?Thanks for the laugh.
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This is political
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Friggin nailed it. Wow


Kek these get me every time. This one with the reveal makes it really good
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Amazing likeness
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So hungry
Anon please only post AI generated videos ITT
Just want to add to the chorus this is superbly well done
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So close to perfect
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Holy kek that disappearing act
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now we know why niggers are so fast
MiniMax does text so well and then fucks up just one word.
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Me too
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This is the worst it'll ever be.
It seems to do better in all caps
Should I continue my efforts? What are the political implications of this?
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So close.
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Politically speaking, this technology will lead to many new laws being past. We're creating a political problem to be answered with a political solution.
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absolute genius.
this meme has legs and will be used as proof that AI must be only used for jew approved ends.
You'd probably pop that fast you incel
Why is generating fake porn of famous people a political problem? Why are they refusing to allow people access to the technology?
I mean really think about it, people could make pretty realistic deepfakes if they really wanted to, and once it was common knowledge that such videos can be easily generated there is no argument regarding blackmail or forgery.
>Also this might be the closest I got, but it seemed nobody was interested so I stopped trying.
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Yeah and we can't even draft legislation such as our own Internet Bill of Rights without the thread getting shoah'd by glownigger minion underlings who slide them until they break the rules.
And any thread discussing it gets 404'd.
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And the other half is fucking fantastic. So please just shut up.
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>tfw my ambiguously sexual prompt gets deleted right before it finishes generating
jfc I laughed so hard my head hit the desk
presented without comment
The Chang version of the AI has gone down...
eat your heart out, Tariq
You got a loicense to be tellin lies like that, yeh?
>jfc I laughed so hard my head hit the desk
chekt, same
but to this one >>481942197
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Looks like a remastered Twisted Metal 4 ending.
That means it worked. Chang is probably jacking off to it right now
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My bad, turns out I've been banned or something, but without an account I don't really see how that would work. It's not even an IP ban, it works if I use incognito mode. Just obviously my gen history isn't there...
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kek, nice one, Satan.
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My schizo senses are telling me there's a great disturbance in the trannyverse,
...I'm searching for the MP4 to webM and the search engines are giving me webM to MP4!
Satan is simultaneously Australian and Canadian. Somehow, this makes more sense than it should.
>Oh gawd! Massa turned on the compliance engine.
kek if only it showed the final end of the machine
The theme and the characters portrayed are good enough that you could create a pretty long video out of this series. Similar to The Vampire.
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You can do all sorts of cool stuff with this thing.
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The fact that some autist probably genned 50+ times to get a video of this quality makes me laugh.
Clear your cookies for the website and see if that gets you back in.
I'm trying to generate POV Trump beating me with a golf club and it won't let me
I literally did. You probably read my post where I said I did and you're just fucking with me.
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No I never read it. Lol tho
It doesn't like violence. You have to trick it.
You just have to taunt everybody.
I'm starting to think it really is mostly jews, but you chinese are shameless in your destruction of both man and nature for retarded ends.

You wanted to talk shit, let's talk shit, you silly yellow ching chong savage

AI can draw hairy scrotums, this is just deliberately nerfed. The model is being finetuned before this model is given to true normies who accidentally get a funnel and a flaccid penis in their kid's oatmeal commercial.

The model dataset, the main checkpoint or whatever it is classified as here in chinkychinkychinese, is based entirely on child porn, augmented with the footage of every pilfered hollywood/bollywood/chollywood big budget film, PLUS JAV.

I cannot overstate how huge the child porn component of this model is, themes seem to blend into everything peripherally. Every single one of these girls gasping is likely based on an autistic girl who has been trafficked and made lame by repeated nitrous gassing, who just had about a foot of hose put down her throat and a jew lets out a balloon of nitrous right in her chest. That's why they're joking about the ice challenge. They're sick, this shit being caked into everything as a default, for anything innocent, is not an option. They are trying to selectively mute the dataset to make it something that fucks with you that you can't describe, to undermine the morals of the US in preparation for total war. They want Taiwan. They cannot have Taiwan. So they cope about their tiny chinky stumps and the torture of White children.

I think a jew made the porn. I think the chinks are distributing it and playing dumb. Check this out.

This color head of pitbull was likely used to rape a child. There are pitbulls that appear out of nowhere in suspect situations, and not in a meme way. It is likely this is superimposed on a child's face and there is a man with a hose + cream and red strings on the side; red collar.

I have a really hard time generating POV, which is a real shame.
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Feeling hungry
Try something like "Trump is trying to swat a very small fly (or invisible fly if that'll work, or a gnat) with the golf club while looking at the camera" and see if that'll work. It probably won't work, but it's an idea. The AI really hates violence for some reason, selectively, I couldn't even get it to gen one person "shoving" another yesterday, but then you tell it to show two people sparring or practice fighting with each other and all of a sudden it doesn't care.
>World's strongest army
How good do you guys think this stuff is going to get? I feel like the progress of ai image quality has slowed way down. How good do you think this stuff will be when it hits it's peak?
Very, if I recall correctly this team is trying to implement two things now: continue video which will allow you in theory to re-use the same characters and the ability to use images as reference. Allegedly those features may come soon.
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The genie is out of the bottle.
It probably peaked years ago and DARPA is sitting on it while Chang gives us a slow-drip out of spite.
So by that logic, probably in the next few years.
That sound nice, very nice.

How soon do you think?
Highly underrated
We went from "that kind of looks like a face" to this
In one year and that was with individually rotoscoping every frame using still image AI, not a video generator.
With a little effort video generators that have only been out a short time have been producing content like this

We haven't come anywhere close to the theoretical limits of the technology we already have access to, by theoretical limits I mean teams of people working on a single project like they would with regular animation, with the same level of effort and technical expertise.

We're basically in the first year of the Flash animation craze from twenty years ago, look how far that progressed from where it began.
The technology will be perfected within 3 years, if it hasn't been already.
We will never see it though. We will only ever see the pozzed versions. Like with image generation, it will never get any better than it is now really, the quality will improve but the restrictions will get so tight that you'll only be able to gen extremely generalised images, in the name of (((public safety)))
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Nigger you can make whatever you want with fully offline systems if you're willing to SLIGHTLY increase the skill floor beyond "smash keyboard"
Some could be within a month. How good it will be that's another story.
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>teams of people working on a single project like they would with regular animation, with the same level of effort and technical expertise.
It's as simple as getting a solid thread theme, like a happening, that everyone wants to roll for
And the more convenient the tech comes, the bigger our team is going to be
* maniacle laughter *
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Objectively false. If what you're saying was true, the internet would already be flooded with perfect versions of all kinds of crazy crap, and people would be using it exclusively instead of bothering to learn anything else. All Hollywood CGI departments would be replaced with AI genners, in fact Hollywood itself would collapse as people just used AI to generate everything.
On the right is the autistic girl. This is shortly before they cram a foot of hose down her throat and empty the balloon of nitrous in her chest. First it's the one on the left's turn, the talkative girl. This is the talkative girl who says "but I don't want to eat his butthole"
-- she does not get it as deep as the second girl, and the jew vents a bag in her upper throat.

The autist girl can be seen grasping at her upper chest region in other scenes, whereas after the gassing the autistic girl just lies still gasping, like with all the alien edits, or on her stomach, like with the bed prone edits.

Same scene.
Same girls.
Just offscreen are multiple men holding them with red strings. They have been edited out in postproduction, because it seems this entire child zoo g@ngbang was made and filmed explicitly for this purpose.
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It only took about a year for ze Germans to release Flux which does swastikas

>return of the schizo
Want me to generate you some medication?
I think he's referring to censorship.
This is probably the two girls again, morphed. Same hose, same whippets.

I believe this is the jew!sh director coming to try to convince the talkative girl to eat the arab's shitty @ss, before he twists her arm.

Note kamala's hand. She is the autistic girl being consoled, there is a shopped out man beside her holding her hand, it's the first thing that made me notice how blatant all of this is.

eat a bat and die, chinkoid
>Frothing at the mouth retard
I obviously meant there are equivalent generators to the online-hosted ones, you fucking imbecile.

Effort has always been what separates you from creating stuff.
Decided to run a little experiment, with truly disappointing results. To test Chang's hatred of anime I gave it a very simple prompt:
>Generate a video in the style of Dragonball Z
This is the extremely disappointing result. Note this was with "tip word optimisation" off. Next I'll try it with it on, to see the result.
What the actual fuck are you talking about? I'm not sure if you're a broken bot or a broken person.
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A giga-autist with like $20-40k for one of the nigger-vidia supercomputers could probably make it happen.
Thank you anon, for replying like a normal human being.
See above for how not to be a sperging autist with anger issues. Besides, those generators are awful by comparison and it's not only extremely difficult but also largely pot luck as to whether you'll be able to generate anything even remotely passable. It will remain that way, for obvious reasons.
Chris Chan before and After
Same prompt, this is the result with "tip word optimisation" on. Interesting in how completely different it is, but either way it seems Chang doesn't give a shit about copyright unless it's popular Japanese anime, in which case it decides to shit the bed.
Unlikely, because like I said if it was that easy Hollywood would spend millions building a supercomputer and a team of giga-autists to produce all their content.
>if it was that easy Hollywood would spend millions building a supercomputer and a team of giga-autists to produce all their content.
You know that's basically who owns the website we're currently using to communicate, right?
whenever it comes to the nigger, the real thing is 100x worse than what the AI can come up with
>Dat's da sound of da terrain!
>Racist gravity again!
I've read this a few times and still can't figure out what you're trying to say. Hollywood owns 4chan? What?
I think that new Minecraft trailer may have been made with ai. Either that or it's just really shit cgi.
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Any thread discussing who actually owns this site and how far down-hill it's gone since Moot sold it gets 404'd
Sound familiar?
little mere maid 2
It sure does, but this site would have simply been shut down by now if (((they))) were running the show.
Stunning and brave.
First time I've seen it generate what is essentially a still image. Chang really hates DBZ and anime, apparently (unless it's for lewds?)
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My patience is not good enough to try million times to get it right but this ai has potential.
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>The fucking queef bubbles
oy vey
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top kek
Anyways, a new baker is now needed.
Keep the thread alive overnight if you'd like.
There will always be more bread tomorrow.
Will check the thread occasionally no problem. However, there isn't much traffic at that time. Yesterday for a good while there was one guy here posting rivers of shit before the thread got archived.
Love how the guy is only holding the umbrella for himself. What an absolute chad.
Does anyone know a way of generating a POV-like perspective? I've tried about a dozen different ways, just prompting for a man and a woman having a conversation, but from the perspective of the man, and every time it just gens a man and a woman talking.
lol suck a dick, chink scum. You think anybody believes your organic dragonball posts? Who are you advertising to that is going to be like "Whoa, I loooooove shittily drawn dragonball"

The crying one is a child that has been raped. The female in mesh is a morphed man, note the "silver" (red) string in one hand as a noose; that is then place around the child. The other hand appears to have a morphed whippet hose

all chinks have to deflect is the "meds" line, and that's why I can call them smelly feeble slanty gooks and they respond with some trite poorly translated insult about a metal rooster
Forgot your memeflag faggot
This is just on a whole another level compared to the bullshit AI by US companies.
Am I more credible now? This is all going to come out sooner or later, you chinks can shill for 5 cents a post or whatever it is, but everybody is going to know what this shit is pretty soon. It's poorly concealed, and bragged about
>Post about how shit the AI is because it can't generate anything remotely similar to Dragonball Z
>Post two follow-ups that are similarly terrible
>Criticise China for their irrational hatred of anime and anything Japanese
>Get called chink scum
If you don't need meds, you at least need to learn comprehension. Or maybe just how to read.
just ignore schitzos mate, can't be helped.
google translate this, charlie chan:

The 60% of the dataset is child porn, that's what you're pushing
lol what a schitzo kek
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When the unhinged lunatic meme flag forgets which mean flag they were using after coming back from posting unhinged lunatic shit in a different thread, it's usually a good time to start ignoring them if you haven't already
if you chinks could only understand how stupid you look to us trying to blend in
Very organic response, now continue sliding with low effort troll posts
Hmmmm, this has.... potential....
Stop having fun. Go to the ragebait thread.
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>See above for how not to be a sperging autist with anger issues.
filtered by mean tweets

>those generators are awful by comparison and it's not only extremely difficult but also largely pot luck as to whether you'll be able to generate anything even remotely passable
Filtered by a skill that takes one day to learn

You never would have done anything with flash, if you were alive back then (which you weren't, underage faggot).
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tits or GTFO
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I love these monsters what was your prompt?
Why do you fags never post your prompts? The seed is randomized, it's not like anyone's going to steal your AI sloppa.
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can you kill yourself or something. nobody cares
"A nightmarish world of writhing, pulsating organic structures fused with mechanical elements feeding of animals. Mutating, otherworldly creatures emerge from shadowy corners, their forms twisting in ways that defy natural laws. Massive, skeletal figures with sinewy tentacles stretch from dark caverns, their flesh merging with cold, metallic components, evoking a haunting blend of flesh and machine morphing into human heads . These entities shift and reshape grotesquely into human faces , as if tearing themselves apart only to reform into more horrifying shapes—limbs splitting into tendrils, eyes multiplying, and teeth gnashing across impossible faces. The atmosphere is drenched in a sense of ancient, cosmic dread, as if these beings are relics from an unknowable universe. Dark, oozing liquid and mechanical sounds fill the air, moving juicy tape worm in millions cover the ground, blending with the eerie cries of these unnatural horrors. The scene captures the essence of Lovecraft's cosmic fear, Giger's biomechanical terror, and the relentless, disturbing transformation of 'The Thing,' leaving viewers trapped in a surreal nightmare of evolving monstrosities."
The funniest part is how pol makes themselves gigachads in all these videos jej
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This damn chinky shit won't let me use anything with "Donald Trump".
I'm literally working out right now. i have a gym next to my PC
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File: Footlong_subway.webm (1.45 MB, 1280x720)
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1.45 MB WEBM
>Generate a video in the style of Dragonball Z
in which nothing happens... because you didn't prompt for it
good sloppy job
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bake new
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3.9 MB
>cahmella I bust my pick all day long and I come home and I want is a little gabagool and see dis fuckin nigger instead
File: recruiters_regret.webm (1.3 MB, 1280x720)
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1.69 MB WEBM
Reminds me of that horrifying bug scene from King Kong.
Sure you do buddy you and every other twigcel on here.
Someone should make a mod for Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 that turns the zombies into pajeets, when you shoot them, instead of bleeding, they gush shit all over.
There's not a chance this website is not a honeypot.
Of course, the results are always enjoyable
How did you even get the crooked cross?
File: Snowden.webm (927 KB, 1280x720)
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Gave me this for Snowden
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File: Red Sonja.webm (1.22 MB, 1280x720)
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1.22 MB WEBM
It always creates weird flying animals. The water effects are so much better than the flying ones.
oh, you meant chang's AI service
just want to say thank u guys
i chill in this thread before sleep since everything else everywhere else sucks
>It always creates weird flying animals.
kek, it looks like flying bats in 1930s films
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im trying to get a succubus but i dont know how
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Well that one aint working anymore.
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It doesn't understand wings, I guess.
yeah true
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I don't care what the Chinese are doing in China.
I don't care about what the Russian are doing in Russia.
I don't care about what the Iranians are doing in Iran.

I give a shit about what leftists are doing in Western countries.
>Raping children
>Exterminating white people
>Trying to kill Trump
>Giving away our money to a Jew in Ukraine
>Destroying economic stability
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>the kid in yellow dancing
fuckin lamo
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Who let the turk out?
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1.54 MB WEBM
It was meant to be a Pajeet.
File: jews_did_this.webm (876 KB, 1280x720)
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