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Google site launched, yet Chang's sloppa shop persists...
>don't concernfag, keep slopping!

Previous thread: >>481932452
MWG archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive

1. Go to https://hailuoai.com/video (Chang) and/or https://hailuoai.video (Google)
2. Enter your prompt. (NSFW and explicit gore are still censored)
3. Click on the green button to generate video.
4. Hover over image and download or preview / download.
5. Convert to webm and post.
6. Tip: For riskier creations chang will delete the video. Camp creations at 96% and download asap.

>Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:

>Python autosave script

Oh snap!
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New meme idea.
Cockroaches/locusts/rats with pajeet, muslim or nigger faces leave their disgusting slums and swarm into western nations
>bitches and hoes
How is the MW going?
I don't see these being reposted elsewhere
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The AI videos are getting good. Can't wait for AI to make sound.

chose the fucking video you want to share. don't upload every fucking variation of your dumb idea
keep posting and ignore the seething roaches Bruce ya cunt
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I've got a better idea. How about I just do what I want and you fuck off back to India if you don't like it cunt?
Nobody forces you to come here. Nobody makes you stay.
Also needs to have a speech bubble with Hitler saying "NIGGERS!"
Ai is the beast that is and is not and yet is
You idolators are only proliferating your eventual enslavement by normalizing this
Repent for the Kingdom of God is nigh
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It seems to have difficulties rendering the jeet roaches as being distinctively Hindu a lot of the times. Maybe this would work better if they were turk roaches. What are the little hats they wear called?
Thanks for the new bread anon.
Sorry mate, didn't have much luck. In this one I had Austrian painter with thin mustache.
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Context for newfags
Kek, the real bitch looked way nuttier though
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If it's "uncensored" just tell it to make Hitler
>/v/ using it to make vidya memes
>/pol/ using it to make political and racism memes
>/gif/ using it to make 13 year olds kiss adults
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Is always a lie. Just like in this case. It’s censored.
What a "smart" boy
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Damn anon, nice work.
What's the problem?
I've unit in never used this shit
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Which thread is the best one to find people trying to break it hard enough to gen porn?
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degen art thread on
Bitches ‘n hoes they’re like new clothes
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God builds decoy houses, made to look like they're built by the previous generation of tech, but they're very advanced. Look almost "arabian", but like a lazer gun will pop out of the roof. It's like advanced looking technology, very sturdy looking. Maybe 5 of these houses per town. It's a type of propaganda to keep us confused about history. There's also fake graveyards, they're built like a museum to look at. So yeah, God needs to be killed. Literally murder him.
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Context for newfags
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Saved, great one.
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saar do not reedem
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closest thing to a pair of tits i can produce, alot of these ai are fed on stock photos and most stock photo websites dont offer nudity. i doubt this machine even knows what a pussy looks like
The AI really fucked up big bird. He looks worse than his original 60s variation
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fucking kek I told it Tony Sirico from the Sopranos and this is what it gave me
Men who don't have sex often go get coffee, they don't have much to lose, and the coffee is better than what we make at home. So they named it "Tim Hortons", which is a joke. "Whore ton". Documenting their crimes isn't worth doing. Nobody is ever going to stop them. They aren't even human, lol. They are forcing people to be born, they even named the hospitals jokes about dead slaves. They tell me this place is hell. Honestly, how long will this go on? How do they get away with it? There's somebody coming to stop them.
The autoscript ought to be updated, it adds the prompt-name to the filename, which means your prompt can't be very elaborate. I would suggest simply generating a text file for each successful mp4 with the prompt in there.

I also want to know if at all possible to crank out more simultaneous prompts. It currently limits me at 5 at the time.
The non humans have been violently assaulting me all day long, without ever stopping, for 5 years. They punch me in the head or sexually violate me every second. At first, I found it interesting to speak to somebody not human. As soon as he started torturing me, I gave up on them. That was 5 years ago. Nobody has been able to tell me a single thing about them. They are most likely playing our brains like it's a computer chip. And, this is being done from far away.
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Not my fault
We consider it highly probable, the brain is being interacted with through some type of wave that writes code to our processing unit. And, this is being done automatically through a long case script. A thought can be played in the mind using this wave device. So what's happening when you create your own thought, it's said you are writing to your own brain. They violated our most sacred spaces. They are getting away with theft and murder of billions. They are using the most grotesque technology ever created, it literally turns people into programmable machines. One of the top 5 problems of our modern world, the non human wave device.
Tell me more
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Brb heading to/gif.
They won't actually hire you at an education building unless you have a last name of Smith or gardner or something to do with transmutation. This was a very cheap way to return value in the form of psychosis. Have you ever read the names to schools? They're all named after a ranch, or a field, or a bakery. Your last name can be changed. I highly suggest you give yourself a better name, and study the names that aren't working. We can beat the system by playing with it. Lol, they're watching it though. Mohammad = more ham mad. They don't care about humans too much.
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So you are a filthy mudslime after all.
It's mandatory by law, every school has a teacher named Mr dick. Sometimes even further and it's dick Johnson. Every school has this, it's done to promote suicide later in life, when they put 2 and 2 together. But it's not real, they're simply intentionally hiring people with these names. This forms what's known as modern slavery. Children are born into sex slavery, almost every one is molested. This was a plan to deal with the side effects through suicide.
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My starlink hates this site can someone promp more busty girls bbws fatties and funny shit

Me on the left btw
Go to sleep
I'm not a furry but...
For around 100 years, they've been paying an art division to spray paint graffiti at every block in all the town's. It's mostly sexually gaslighting graffiti done subtly to influence your behavior. Often it encourages you to commit crimes or to murder people. The real daily death toll is hidden intentionally, because if people knew what was happening, they would never allow it. People can't even do basic math anymore. All they know how to do is their gameplay loop.
Sir this is an ai webm thread.
Please take your meds
And? All I got gaslighted to do irl and here is to breed fatties

Guess the glowies backfired
Trying but too horny
Go be horny someplace else: >>8510632
Meds posters are criminals. You're suppressing the truth. You will be hung along with your masters.
I believe the problem is much worse than that. Read the lyrics to the punk rock songs, they're all about civil war in the UK. So, your graffiti will be very powerful messages that have slipped through your filter. I agree it's just some words, but they don't do it for no reason. My case is way more severe, they've actually hacked the physical hardware in my brain to play visions and messages to me through my mind. I explained how that works earlier in the thread.
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This is a jeet, that’s why they spelled out chose instead of choose.
Please post every iteration here my bastard Bruce
Most sane /pol/ user.
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Me my mum and dad and ex's saw all this shit too it's really a they live kinda thing either you see it or you don't

That said still too horny
Kek more lool
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What prompt do you use for signage on a placard? . . .I can't seem to get it.
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put stuff on caps and quotes.
>old ladies holding a sign that says "VOTE LIKE RETARDS"
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Cheers anon.
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np. Also of note, it'll sometimes fuck up words consistently. I've never been able to get it to spell "recognize" correctly.
Heheh is this where I can use the word *pajeet*?
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bitches and hoes are like new clothes
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Bloody bitch basturd
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Oh, snap. It's fuckin Hitler. Act cool...
I've noticed that too.

I don't want to spend ages on post editing, but I suppose as time goes on, things will get better . . . .this is new tech but we live in exciting times.
as soon as you got 'em you really don't want 'em.
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And you're a degenerate tranny who needs to kill himself.
Try "Charlie Chaplin as German dictator" or something.
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make it
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Final part of vampire movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIhB4Jf9eH4
Omegalul go to wsg and make some rap onsuno or udio and make a music video
Your dedication is admirable.
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Here's one for 'studies'

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