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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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These YouTubers are intentionally going to slums or Dalit areas and presenting as if ALL of India is like this when 99% is not

It's good content
>when 99% is not
You are a jeet with a vpn
This, you are 100% correct OP
It is clear these videos are funded by Pakis or Chinese to make India look bad
I went to India before but in reality places like england and France is more dirtier
And this is coming from an european btw
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Google street view proves you wrong, jeet.

This is now a Pindia thread.

>People discover other countries are, in fact, shitholes
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Something tells me that you're not really in japan and that brown hands typed this post
Nice b8 m8 8/8
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Kek, can't tell if troll or jeet... their cope is meme level, there's no difference between a jeet post and caricature of a jeet post.
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I've noticed a lot more litter in town since the jeets arrived. Making themselves at home, it seems.
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They show up in our country were going to show up in theirs, and we're bringing cameras to document EVERYTHING

When everyone knows why you left they'll know what you're bringing when you come to stay. Hell, we don't even need to go to India to show what you fucks really are like
this is so sad...jesus christ
Given the apparent behavior of lower caste and non Christian Indian Hindu immigrants (, low IQ, sexual assault, visa fraud, down to fake qualifications and scamming etc etc) are higher cast Indian immigrants concerned at the backlash against them and also being sent back with them from European nations who have just had enough?
>99% is not
Nigga, we have google maps. India is 99% slum. Even the "nice" areas have trash on the ground and people shitting on the street. Stop coping and fix your country, Jeet. Start by making it illegal to have kids if you're below a certain income threshold.
Are you one of the "foreign students" in Japan or just as >>482793492 says.
There are almost 1.5 billion of jeets there with an average IQ of 80. Average. That means hundreds of millions complete, below ape intelligence retards. You can basically go everywhere and there is shit, piss, rape and retardness. Those YT vids are true. And yes, even this shithole that Slovakia is still feels like heaven compared to Pindia.
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These places look like warzones, I can hear the machineguns in the distance ...
>goes to Hilton Hotel
>surrounding areas looks like shit
>pretends Dalits aren’t 90% of India’s population
>get scammed in front of Hilton
Yeah india is wonderful
Its China running anti indian videos ever since India passed 1 bill population and started getting uppity.

Indians have been a scourge on canada for the last 15 years. was nothing new
Ok so go to India and film 99% of India to prove them wrong.
What are India's best areas ?
Trend probably revolves around the need to call out this country for being a complete shit hole
how long until documenting br*wnoids in their natural habitat becomes a federal hate crime?
I've been to India for a business trip and stayed at the Four Seasons in Mumbai. I wasn't going to stay at anything less than a five star hotel, because this is India.

The area around the hotel was fine. A little smelly, because lets face it, India smells as soon as you get off the plane, but more or less decent. This is one of the nicest areas in all of India, however.

If you go too far north or east from there, the area very quickly becomes typical India. I'd say that 97% of India is composed of what I would define as slums and "dalit" areas. You're basically all dalits compared to the average westerner, with few exceptions
OP could spend a whole day checking random spots in india with google earth and never find a place that isn't a run down piece of shit with garbage strewn everywhere.
The interior areas of their airports.
>says the Indian currently shitting up one of the most homogenous countries on the planet
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This is probably the cleanest I have seen so far.
I did see a pile of halved coconuts, for some reason, so wasteful.
It's not sad. They do it to themselves and they want to bring it to your country.
>when 99% is not
Any nice areas you can share via Google street view?
the areas that will get nuked
more exposure to pajeets= more pajeet hatred= untaped market

also pajeets so themselves no favors by going online and acting like absurdly smug entitled arrogant pieces of shit
yea, India has the most happening content. Everywhere else is pretty boring
Same fag.
It's their forests, where nobody dares live for fear of getting eaten.
>Backpacker ben
Probably because reasonable people don't want the rape-biomass that never transitioned out of the iron age invading everything
99% of India is a slum though..
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Not for the faint of heart.
6 mth Himachal.
Stunningly beautiful, amazing food, friendly ferrel pupperinos.
Heart breaking suffering.
Nice try Ben but I'm not watching your video, you're a boring cunt.
Stop shitting up Mr Bald's videos with your whiny presence too
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I found remote places in the mountains. It’s cleaner cause there’s noone there

No one cares faggot
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Ok retard
Majority of India is look like this
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holy shit it looks exactly like Cuzco peru not even fucking kidding, pic related
I go to street view and browse around and OP, 99% of india is indeed like that, lol.
This is the 99%?
not from street view
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Not even close

Abandon my Honorary Aryan ALLY Japan, you stupid useless pajeet .
I curse Ganesha
I curse Vishnú
Damned be Shiva
Fucked be Brahma
A bitch benchode is Hanuman and Parvati
Fuck every single one of your Devas and Devis
Fuck Narendra Modhi
Fuck India
Fuck (you)
And fuck Jannies for allowing you to post
Same reason people here mock India: because they are too easy to troll. They actually feel offended, they reply, they engage, they give views and comments. They even try to rebutt.

A 20 min video gets 8k views in a hour, and who's to blame for that? The indians themselves.
>Dalit areas
>99% is not
Self contradiction
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>send plenty of retarded, rapy streetshitters everywhere
>people realize jeets are all retarded, rapy streetshitters
>some even go to their shithole to verify whether they're all like that
>they indeed realize jeets are all retarded, rapy streetshitters, whether in their shithole or not
absolutely baffling, right?
why are women like this?
Maybe he’s french and kisses cheeks
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>more dirtier
Pajeet broken English detected

VPN or VISA Jeet detected
India is a failed state
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because they don't want to be raped by a retarded, rapy streetshitter
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Cleanest street in a busy area I found. Still littered
Sentinel Island.
it’s still good content
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>this is not the real india saaaar
Spreading racism against Indians is the best way to avoid your relatives being scammed or rsped. Also it doesnt affect real people so its basically harmless.
Barry Stanton literally made shitting on India cool, based Barry.
no it started with Pewdiepie
jeets don't stay in their own country, he probably really is slumming in tokyo
As a white man it's obvious China is making this propaganda videos to make India look bad. India has a long rich history and many wealthy neighborhoods and they only showing the negative points.
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Hello saarrrrr master race sarrrrr
>>As a white man
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>Meanwhile, a couple blocks away
hey Indianon
it's weird seeing a Indian being self aware and accepting that hos land and people are abysmally backwards
any thoughts or insights you'd like to share with me? I'll treat you like a human being since you stay in your lands instead of seeking to destroy ours.
Lmao we just broke India.
Moments before jumping
i hate the white cucks even more than pajeets
>Hurry durrr why are Indians like this!?
>Shows videos of pakis

Why are cumskins like this?
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India has a very serious problem with rape and most indians do not give a shit. 90% of rapes go unreported in India and so India has the highest rape rate on earth if you include the unreported rapes, thus making India the rape capital of the world. And indians dont even feel ashamed of this. Hell, some indian men feel proud of rape. India truly needs feminism. The horrific sex crimes, rapes, gang-rapes that take place in India are horrifying. Indians should be horrified and ashamed. Why don't they do anything to stop this? Why don't they create a fast track court system to put rapists in jail? Clearly, most indians do not care or do not see rape as a serious problem, otherwise they would demand change. And as we've seen on 4chan, many indian men actually feel proud of rape, they laugh at the rape victims and think rape is something hilarious or funny. It should break our heart to see this horrific culture of abuse and rape of women in India. We all have mothers and sisters, imagine if your own mother or sister was getting gang-raped and murdered. No serious action has been taken to stop this rape culture. It can therefore only be concluded that most people support it. Otherwise they would demand an end to it. How can such a culture even be fixed? A culture where women are treated like livestock, animals. If only indian women were treated with as much respect as their holy cows
See the Hijab on the bottom right corner? That is in Bangladesh moron not India
India has a literal rape culture because most Indians support it. Otherwise they'd do something to stop it. India truly needs feminism. The human rights abuses going on in India is absolutely sickening. India is the worst country on earth and even African countries look like a paradise by comparison. It's time to boycott all Indian stores and companies until they stop the mass rape of women. 90% of rapes go unreported in India. In India, you have a patriarchal culture of male entitlement, men are spoiled by their parents and never disciplined when they are children and so they grow up to be over-grown manchildren, spoiled brats, and they think they are entitled to sex, entitled to a woman's body, and so entitled to rape her. India is proof of why the patriarchy is evil. Most of the anti-woman threads on this board are posted by incel indian men, incel asian men. Only feminism can fix such a broken culture. Indian men need to be disciplined by their parents and stop being raised as a bunch of spoiled little man-children with massive egos. Of course, the bigger the ego, the more fragile it is, which is why indian men get so triggered and offended by the idea of women's rights, feminism. They take feminism as a direct personal attack against their horrible culture of abuse of women
>suddenly division when before there wasn't
jews I'd wager
you know google map shows most streets in india? there is not a single nice neighorhood.
They look more like Indians. Pakis are usually darker.
Although its hard to say.
>Nice try Ben
I actually unsubscribed from Bald because annoying whiny Ben kept showing up every video and he is such a drag.
Its literally the same thing.
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retarded, rapy streetshitters aren't French
Then go film those mystical nice areas and upload to youtube. I'm sure you would get a lot of views
Peruvians and bolivians are made fun of around here for looking like a bombed shithole.
it's a channel for russian fossile fuels. NATO no like
You cant say that because muslims are there it must be Bangladesh.
Bald saw loads of muslims on his Indian trip. They tend to inhabit most indian inner city slums.
Fuck dude when that little bug-eyed manlet pajeet emerged from behind Bald, I just completely lost it.
He'll just film the Shat Mahal and say see I told you.
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it's good content because it makes Humans hate streetjeeters
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>>if only you knew how bad things really are
i think he gave up on life and isnlike fuxk it life sucks here
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Just saw the comments section
This guy is spitting straight facts here
You keep pulling the same trick obviously samefagging with a Euro memeflag. Very curious behavior. I don't know whether you intend to up or sink India's rep, but rest assured everyone knows its a trash country so you can't make it go up or down.
>Some poo had to walk through these streets with a heavy camera rig for 360 capture
Tough life
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same difference, rapejeet
How do you know it's not? Ohhh because you are a jeet who fled your shithole to go live in Japan. Shut the fuck up, India is trash because it's full of Indians and Indians are garbage.
Are u a jeet? Nobody outside of jeet land gives a shit about caste. Jeets are jeet no matter the caste.
post your brown subhuman latinx hand
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india is a slum though
Imagine visiting this board in 10 years and reading jeet posts hating on Canadians for immigrating to their beautiful, clean and civilised country.
>he is such a drag.
He is. He's a one-man buzzkill.
He never enjoys anywhere he goes, he never tells you anything about anywhere he goes, he has no banter, and he is outshone by his Portuguese girlfriend whenever he drags her along.
Fuck knows why Bald keeps travelling with him. Harald and Simon are much better.
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prbly some gooklandian national geographics wild episode
niggers and arabs are called french. Your country turned to shit after you overthrew louis
they are the definition of human locust
India was indeed a beautiful country before Indians appeared. Like Canada. :(
>and they only showing
even the fucking taj mahal is covered in filth and litter and smells like shit, the water has gone foul
it would be simple as you showing how "nice" india is, it would be as simple as me walking into the local indian grocer and showing you how fucking rancid it is with the moldy tomatoes and onions and rancid spilled milk in the freezer for the last three months and peanut shells and coconut husks on the floor
indians as people are filthy,oud, rude, and disgusting when they come here - it stands to reason that your country is, too
fucking rotten people from a rotten place, are you not ashamed of yourself?
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>Man survives lightning strike - only to suffocate to death when villagers insist on treating his injuries by covering him in cow dung in India
I feel bad for animals in India, even the cows
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fun fact, not being a urban sodomite, I've only seen 39 shitskins yet in 2024 (so about one a week, in average, and generally much less since they rarely roam alone)
meanwhile, you'll always be a mere Mutt
so there's that
The last time India was decent was when the British ruled over us. We’re like a giant colony of ants, that needs a leader. This leader, however, cannot be Indian, because we are so inept. I predict that this country will only become shittier with time. Then, in the distant future, perhaps two centuries from now, some tribe with an aristocratic spirit will once again invade. We will happily be subjugated and bend to the will of our overlords once again. I imagine we will look back on our current nightmarish epoch as an example of what happens when we attempt to rule ourselves.
>people literally visit india and take videos of it being a shithole
>indians on the internet: "No, this is fake!"
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streetjeeters are mere animals
but I'll grant they're among the very lowest
watch another bald and bankrupt about some african country and ive got to say its shocking but even the african slums looked well kept compared to anywhere in india. there truly is something cursed about the place.

so funny white grills go there to get `enlightened`; I bet the ones that survived it turn out to be the most racist middle aged karens on the planet
There’s more poor people in India than the entire continent of Africa
Whenever you see a white boy walking around with a camera talking to himself around your third world country just punch him in the face.
did you miss the indian flag on the train, street shitter?
>Whenever you see a wh--ACK!!
>he is outshone by his Portuguese girlfriend whenever he drags her along.
In one video he said he is married.
So hes got a wife and a Portuguese girlfriend?
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should have studied dung-fu and poo-jitsu
He said Rwanda was quite nice.

Which is funny because our legal system has officially designated Rwanda to be a shithole that is unfit for human habitation. But they say india is fine.
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jeet kune poo even
My guess would be the north western part since that’s where the whiter, higher caste ones live. The farther south and east you go the browner and dumber they get.
Someone is doing it on purpose as this has happened dozens of times, anyone would k ow by now so its obvious its someone pretending to be indian.
Its true. Even the so called rich areas aee trash shit filled hellholes in India.
I've no idea, I watched about five of his vids and he's just a miserable cunt. He may have married the Portuguese girlfriend I don't know. I didn't look for a wedding ring
India is a shithole. You should go back there
What compels pampered first worlders to go to the worst places on earth? He looks like a fish out of the water and everyone there is measuring him up to rob him, scam him, or even kill him if he takes the wrong turn.
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>cope code B_SA1
>cope code B_FR3
Don't distespect Barat! Gimme 200 rupees.
Wouldn't the people near the slums hear the constant car honking too? Does India have traffic cops?
Content and altohugh Ben is a skinny bastard he could probably take about 20 of them at once.
They would just give him diseases and stuff.

I just watched the Lord Miles video where the south african militia guy talked about how he punched a crackhead and his fist got infected and nearly had to have his hand amputated.
> I love white youtubers who come to india please send more WHITE MEN Here
it will soon make white woman gain some empathy towards india .
They banged on Travellight's door for hours, Karl Rock said she should have called the police, but the police are rapists too.
when the slums cover 80% of the country.....
this is an L leaf. She started onlyfans. Stop posting whores
will do fren, downloaded with yt-dlp!
>brooming the road
dafuq is this a communal service ad they decided to make
That's the funniest thing, at least with sandniggers it's common for a tourist to get a better opinion of them when you go to their countries like Algeria or Morocco because the cops there will actually beat to death any sandnigger acting like a sandnigger.
But nobody in India cares, all poos act the same everywhere and their cops and government are all too busy eating shit and raping cows, lizards and women to stop other poos from doing the same.
man i wish i could get this close to a woman at least once in my life ;_;
Stop stinking up japanese 7/11s
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are you challenging bharat's potential to rape? let me tell you something...
You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at euros and you look at jeets and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with a white rapist, you got a 50/50 chance of coming out unraped. But jeets are genetic abherrations and they're not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at avoiding rape. Then you add their culture to the mix, your chances of being unraped drastically go down. See the raping at India, you got a 33 1/3 chance of being unraped, but jeets, they've got a 66 and 2/3 chance of raping, because women KNOW they can't go unraped, and they're not even gonna try!
So girls, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus their 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of going unraped in India. But then you take their 75% chance of raping, if we was to talk one on one rape, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, they've got 141 2/3 chance of raping. See Anon, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for women and grandfathers in India.
Everyone was afraid to talk about how horrible india is but they're no longer afraid. That is what is with these trends.
its troll, he's already repeated this thread before with the falseflagging included.
it's blatant racism and it needs to end
Jeets are rapey. But attention seeking whores who have rape fantasies are another.
honestly i would not have the balls, traveling to shitholes like that i would constantly be worried about getting robbed and getting dysentery
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the train is 150 years old, kek
kek dude talks like an australian (accent)
/pol/ has never gone outside their house. Mom does the grocery shopping.
Your grammar reveals that you are a poojeet immigrant in EU, dickshit. Go back to your glorious super poower 2020 nation if its really as great as you describe.
Brampton man threaten server after dining and dashing:
"I'll f***ing knock you the f**k out," the man yells at the waiter in the video, "you don't know me."
Almost all of India is a shithole like this. The only way to get away from it is to go to a gated community or hotel or something.
All of India IS like this, actually. Sri Lanka is about the only India adjacent place I would ever visit.
Lmao no. Only good areas in india are outside india. Kek
The gunshot sounds you'll hear in pooistan is their incessant brapping from designated shitting streets
akshully, I know a fag who went to pajeetia, and some jeets stole his phone
he went to the local police station, and they did catch the thievering jeets
and they did slap and hit them in front of the French fag, who was a bit shocked
had it been me (purely hypothetical: the turd world disgusts me, so I wouldn't go there), I'd have cheered on them, and even asked them if I could hit the proto-gypos too, desu
not generalizing on jeet cops, but I sure wish the French cops would be like that, instead of being a bunch of perjurers, usurpers, deserters and traitors
how do you manage to fail so hard?
your women are very hot and easy, ffs
border areas with Tibet/Nepal.
I just cant understand how Nepal despite being almost identical to India is much more cleaner and has less crime
Indians are bots. That's why they accuse me of being a bot.
Nepal is more or less the same. You might mean Bhutan
it's also the repetitive posts
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That sounds like good fodder for a sci fi short story. Unpublishable, but interesting nonetheless.

I, for one, welcome AI rule if it is completely objective. It would be very funny to see nigs and other undesireables complain about racism to an all powerful computer that cannot be racist by its very nature.
See that pooistan flag on train?! Go back to drinking your cow urine, ramloo. Your electrolytes are looking low
do you have 1,000czk?
It gains views
Also it's the truth
ive been through india for business.
that piece of shit nation deserves every second of this exposure. its a disgusting dirty ugly smelly shithole.
it makes me want to have a fascist emperor
like Reinhard von Lohengramm and then threaten the wreckers with Charles zi Britannia if Reinhard gets pissed off with insolence.
Bald said on a podcast himself a month ago that the first time he had success is when he went to India with Harald Baldr
The question is how long will they be able to beat this dead horse
Every type of content on youtube has one or two prominent creators and a gajillion copycats.
Kek, no mate. Average India town makes even the worst Bulgarian village look like Zurich in comparison.
Much of the Open defecation comes from superstition. The term "witch" (Dayan) in India is the same as a foul spirit that inhabits places of filth; Toilets, Battlefields, Graveyards, etc.
Departure lounge at the airport
note how it's fenced not to protect the property but to prevent others from using it as a public toilet
yt ((creators)) are in it for the money and when they smelled blood in the water everyone tries to get a slice until they milked it dry, and then they move on to the next thing
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the loo witch
>It’s cleaner cause there’s noone there
So India would be beautiful if there were no Indians living there lol
I watched the first half of the bald guy's video. It was quite boring.
Remember the media's obsession with "horse paste" during the plandemic? Meet cow paste:

He is a racist, same as the other Benjamin the rapist and their Norwegian neo-nazi pal.
I kek every time
Or it's a tourist trap
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>funded by Pakis or Chinese
It doesn't matter because it's exactly what they are like, kek. It's 1:1.
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>This post was brought to you by poo in loo
they're washing away the blood from the guy that got run over by a truck as the man on the bike on the left eyes his next rape victim
Post the village
india has a lot of cultural and political problems that the west was completely unaware of up until recently
i can't blame people for assuming that india is a "normal" country, only to go there and see what it actually is
even by third world standards, it is an absurd place by all measures

but my deep conspiracy is that anti indian hatred is being funded by the chinese government as a spiritual attack against their most populous rival
if you can demoralize over 1 billion people, they will be easier to defeat in the event of battle
i doubt this would work, if it's true, since the same mental state that resulted in india being the nation it is, makes them immune to such attacks
all it really does is fire them up, ignites their spirits, as they now want to prove to the world that they are capable and proud people, despite their current state, which can be blamed on blatant government corruption

it's a fascinating situation
china making the world hate india so they're less competitive, but it'll end up having the exact opposite effect
When you say most of India isn't like that, I assume you mean by land area? I'd imagine most jeets live like animals in overcrowded areas, yes? If so, then showing you these conditions is pretty representative of how the average jeet lives.
the gay guy had me laughing, but these 2 should really change their getup, they look like glowies
99% of india IS like that
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It's just plain old divide and conquer and economic assault, anon. The jews have done this before, it's nothing new. Just new to us. It's occurring at every level, from students to CEOs.


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>china making the world hate india so they're less competitive, but it'll end up having the exact opposite effect
but kurma, India isnt even a worthy opponent for China, China dont need to do this, they should but they dont need to
oh yeah scary jews haha
this guy's a disaster, he's an embarrassment to bongland desu. oh, an buy a fucking ad.
sums it up perfectly
come on now, he's the pride of england
Also, jewish bankers founded present-day China by reforming its banking system, erasing Imperial China. That's why China displays Soviet (jewish) symbols. Culturally, China is Chinese but politically it's jewish.

The jews also formed the UN, and guess who the first member state to sign into it was? The newly minted China. It's amazing how few people know this.
yea bro totes!
India should be governed by the Swiss, Norwegian, Singaporean, Dutch or Japanese governments.
India should outsource its governance to these countries.
no way!
mind blown
That actually looks cleaner since it's just rubble and not trash
he follows a bald degenerate jew around the world because on his own his content is cringe. you fucking poos should fuck the pair of them up if they come again.
uh huh
>learned english in a desperate attempt to escape his own country and culture
Your cousins all work fastfood here, kek. They live in dumpy apartments and can barely make rent or car payments. Also they are in student debt for the same oversaturated, dead-end job that's already being taken over by AI. There are student groups here who are failing because they are unintelligent so they are picketing in the street and crying racism, kek.

Cloward-Piven Strategy. Import filthy, dumb, dependent 3rd worlders and let them collapse the system.
nah he's alright
sorry for my english
they pursuing the american dream in canada, let them be
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>it's just a coincidence
Canada's minister of immigration... the person responsible for millions of unskilled, subsidized losers flooding every city and town.

Do you find it interesting how nobody hated Indians until they had to interact with you? Even liberals know the "diversity is our strength" slogan was total bullshit now. They have come to the realization that short, smelly, unintelligent brown perverts offer nothing to society. And now they are beginning to look at India and see what a disaster it is... because it's full of Indians.

You've always been India's problem.
no he isn't, people from the SW of england shouldn't be embarrassing the nation by opening their mouth's on jewtube, their accent makes them sound like they've just finished fucking their sister and now they're gonna give their cousin a turn. oh, an buy an ad you cringey little cunt.
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Not to be an asshole or anything but I'm fairly certain there are nice parts of India because it'd just be unsustainable for an entire nation of a BILLION people to live in shit all day.

I mean just look up any video of Goa. Yeah it's a tourist trap but it's objectively nice and looks almost comfy.

>India is 99% slum.
And Brazil is 99% slum too. The entire third world is 99% slum. That's why they're the third world.
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YOUR English left a looooooong time ago, hence why you're pooping on train tracks..
can you sum it up in 1 sentence. sorry my attention span is too low.
We need to be careful here, zombies were almost funny at the beginning of the apocalypse because they are slow and dumb and smelly, but the danger is the sheer NUMBER. Sure it's pathetic that they are crammed 25 in a basement, but they don't freeze to death that way, and there is 25 more of them in a single household suddenly, and food and rent is suddenly more expensive for everybody else.
at least they're making money doing it, what about you?
sorry my english
Britshits (atheists/wrongdoers) are investing against the truth. They don't want you to know what is happening in Bharat.
hello saar
chinese spotted
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howdy there sire
They're just legitimately unlikable.
no really? tell me more. post proofs.
we famous worldwide babes
>what about you?
what about me?
are you drunk?
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Proof of what? You guys poop in the streets. This is common knowledge, just like americans being fat, uneducated and over armed...
well what? ask a fucking coherent question you fucking retard.
go back rakesh
your behaviour is too erratic even for a jeet
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The ones inhabited by chinks and other assorted gooks, I pity them
sorry for me english
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hablo angles
looks fake
how many times has bald stuck his jew dick in your arse?
i'm as straight as pole ur mum dances on
Reminder that 99% of India hate on the internet that originates from America and Britain comes from Pakis. Us white guys have no problem with Indians. They’re quite pleasant to work with.
get fucked
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Sup convenience store employee
can i get a hey
Makes Stalingrad look like heaven.
Like the time you landed a toilet on the moon fake?
why do you follow a degenerate jew around the world, are you scared that you're gonna get raped by foreigners?
hola muco Gusto what type of taco did you eat today?
are you a real nigga?
Pakistan my snail munching friend
as tate would call him , he a top g
>200+ replies to this obvious samefag bait
So now the monkeys are getting revenge on the jeets for their unjust killings by stopping their rapey time?
based monkeys
for me its canada
you like banana?
let's fucking go!
>he a top g
i would say that you've definitely been bummed by him. have you bought an ad yet?
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this is 100% mayocel pol propaganda by going to the worst places in india and then making it seem like all of india is like that, how comes non of you mayocels ever promote videos like this where a american goes to the nice / expensive parts of india ????

thats because it doesnt fit in with your india is a shithole' propaganda.................

fuck you im str8 if you make me angry ill fuck YOU
The china that had voting power in the Security Council was Taiwan until 1975. Not the commie chinks
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this post was brought to you by mi16
Why does this fag always follow bald and bankrupt around?
my english fine for u dan
do you like it when he dominates you and sticks his unwashed tiny skinless jew dick up your bumhole?
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subs to them if you want gift from santa
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yes its fine ranjersh
ok i fuck you and your mom now i angry
Because it is what it looks like
Watch Idiot Abroad, the poo episode is the most enlightening thing imaginable
shut the fuck up you complete and utter worthless scumbag
i love apple pie
he is Kitboga, destroyer of poos
why are you such a useless faggot? you should pobably KYS.
please sub to them santa will gift present for u
Yes here is India today sirs. Already the future is right now.
Can you honestly remember 2018 YouTube trends? They're opportunist copycats.

Remember the ice bucket challenge and hot sauce challenges or the covid dance bulloney?

It doesn't matter anyway - They always conclude that "It's India, not Indians. I am not a racist".
Seeing it from the plane as you pass over it
no i here to support bald and bakrupt and his fren
Lol...I traveled through India extensively throught the early 2000's. It's fucking filthy everywhere. Compounds were nice and well kept, but once you stepped out into the public...dirt city. Worse than the NJ garbage strike of 86. And the smell....a mixture of shit, rotting meat, fromunda cheese, and feet.
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cool tomato
you sub to him or not
doood my cookie cookie
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>their cope is meme level,
Yes and same with trumptards right now.

>She's not really popular
>They're all paid
>Fake rallies!
>Muh valor
>Horse semen
>Trump won i 2016
>Trump won the debates, just watch this Fox News supercut!!!!
> Trump built a wall and stopped immigration, but we need him to build a wall a stop immigration!
too bad u coulda monetized that shit on youtube smith
The entire fucking world hates jeets. You are going to see poo pogroms in your life time.
you not a bro
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lol ooooooooh
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Good you're a disgust shitskin I would never call you brother you dalit fuck
rap or country music?
I eat a burger made from the meat of your most sacred animal the cow 7/11 proprietor
trump will win inshallah
the sounds of total jeet death being played over loudspeaker
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hindi music
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>GG Allin wrote your countries national anthem
he doesn't knwo
headphone or speakrs?
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mp3 or falc?
There's still garbage! Fucking jeets
dammit im bored now, thanks for nothing gays
mine english
>Non Christian
No christkike the christian ones still rap and shit everywhere
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Alternate timeline where Drudic Britain wiped out every Dravidian
Literal monkeys are more civilized than jeets, unreal
the problem is not only shit is the rapes too, the smell, how people drive, hygiene, etc

Your beloved Goa, September 10 2024
The amount of trash is directly proportional to the number of Dems and "immigrants" that are imported
>saaaar i am below the national average of intelligence and cant comprehend more than one line at the time, please do the needful
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why do they love pooping monitors so much?
India is a shithole but its a loveable shithole
No one knows what the fuck a dalit is. Indians always using their weird regional faggot slang no one else understand. What we do know is all of india is a disgusting shithole. Go the fuck home and wallow in it
Sure you did one post nigger
Maybe you should not being such a disgusting spectacle for the rest of world? Then people would stop making videos about you ugly fuckers

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