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Previous: >>483123262

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah assassinated
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targeting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo







>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead) (Dead)
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
I love religious play with jewish mistresses
So are they actually going to invade Lebanon?
Shitskin cope thread
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through a fence, imagine.
she's taking it raw, no cumming through a cloth towel into her cervix, nah.
Gazan bulls deserve to hit it unfiltered, can you imagine the disrespect??
they view you as less then nothing.
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Bumping the non-tranny /chip/ thread.
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BEST chip lmao

They are SEETHING today

>shitskin calls you shitskins
Why does she look Asian? Is she one of those Indian Jews?
I could've saved her bros...
Resistance status?
No. Jews can't fight.
Thanks for the new negev chan.
Kek, based adolf bringing tkd in style back again.
she now serves muslims in the afterlife. god is truly just and knows what is well.
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please stop posting these threads anon I've been shitting on your head for the entire day I'm tired!
>here's your chance to tell ratsrallah your final goodbye
buck status?
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Please share how much TKD advanced in number sense beepers went boom. jk let me help you, it's 0.
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>Nasrallah was THE terrorist
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Israeli invasion imminent and shitzbollah ranks are already breaking
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>Indian Jews?
I'm starting to lose track of kike genetics myself tbqh

not really cause she's brown tho

>Thanks for the new negev chan.
why is she so pale?
Who’s going to win if Israel does a ground invasion? Hezzbollah or Israel? (Shills may also answer)
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>buck status?
Absolutely broken.
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abandoned by Iran
abandoned by god
Mushlim L
There’s Jews in India that are “tribal” (the Asian looking ones) and from Cochin (they look like regular jeets)
>t met both
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TKD means TKD
Bible says salvation is found in the jews, the bible did not stutter, it's your whore women who freely and without disregard give away their cervix to non kike men. They love to be dominated while they DEMAND that you, the filthy; coom through a cloth napkin lest your filthy semen stains their womb. Not the "goyim" though.
No-no, the Goyboys get to give it to them straight and deep inside.
Every stroke an intent to impregnate. You know it as well. You probably got hard as fuck reading this shit you cuckold. But alas, you'll be stuck playing with your broken dreidel.
>how it started
>how it's going
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Rest in Peace, hero. May the torch you've passed on to your successor burn ever brightly.
Jizballah firing at al aqsa lmao
still roleplaying as a woman?
whats your discord look like? i bet you smell like faeces at all times.
probably a more preferable fate to be a tranny then a kikecel
fuck the israel
fuck the biden
fuck the zelenskyiy
fuck the milei
>why is she so pale?
The same reason her nose isn't 6 inches long. She wouldn't be cute.
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>when kikeCHIP dies and all the browns come over to the superior White man's version
Brace yourselves lmao

it doesn't matter how many concern trolling bots you have, we'll still be able to spot a nose from a mile away

ah yes
How close is Iran to developing a nuke? I'm really blackballed right now. Plz. give me some good news or whitepills.
My Jewish boyfriend wants me to convert so we can get married in Israel. What am I in for? Will I have to kill a boy baby?
I wish they will hit the dome of the rock.
relax pula they have the missing suitcase nukes
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Gays can't covert.
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Just wait 2 more weeks the next announcement will free us inshallah.
It's ironic how kikes talk so much shit about the mutts but wouldn't exist or operate without them
AND eat his foreskin.
god will reward you
Whats with all the israeli flags
>Strong and successive explosions heard east of occupied Jerusalem

Interesting location for action...
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Based Hezbollah nuking Balestinians
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>They cry out in pain as they strike you
Don't let kikes break you. They want you give up and not spread their crime. Let everyone know. When hezbolla attacks back we will celebrate again.
when does blood in the water not attract sharks?
israel won buddy it's over
you were born gay. you had a grown man's mouth on your cock barely 7 days after being shat out.
or is it not gay to have a man's mouth wrapped around your cock?
imagine if you moved your hips during the metzitza b'peh, you'd have literally fucked the mohel in his mouth you little faggot, how do you guarantee that this faggotry did not take place and that he only licked up your nuts and sucked you off?
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>For the 3rd time
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No its not lol, they're despicable animals and they did the same thing to Old Rome. Look how that turned out. There's even technically kikes anymore, just larping khazars
Israel finally managed to kill an actual combatant so they're here to celebrate.
Those are Hindus, 100%
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>A Reuters report from a Lebanese official: about a million people have left their homes in Lebanon since October 8, following the Israeli attacks
Displaced status?
top right to bottom left,
>Deepak, ranjeet, Srivindeep, baleet
imagine having simps with no money lmfao.
sucking off gazans behind a fence is a more preferable fate indeed. verily.
they are inventing AI that reads twitter posts and whenever muslims get btfo, the AI automatically raises cuck flags
all of their scientists are working on it like it's a space program, and it's much more important than nukes anyways
Urgent | Explosions in settlements west of Ramallah, north of it, and east of occupied Jerusalem
look up what AWACS stands for
it will suddenly will be clear to you what they were doing there
if not, its monitoring what we were up to
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This is only getting started kike
You can see the moment the illegal settlement loses power. I guess Israel found a way to power their houses on empty fields now.
yeah that's what i thought little gayboy
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Reza Pahlavi, the son of the deposed Shah of Iran, tweeted two hours ago:
>"Hezbollah" will be defeated, the regime of the Islamic Republic and its terrorist axis will also be defeated.

>The Iranian people and all people in the region seeking peace will win.
>Urgent | Israeli media: A rocket fell in the Ma'ale Adumim settlement area east of occupied Jerusalem

Palestinians live in Ma'ale Adumim?
u delusional accept the defeat
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an alert triggered there, but these niggers cant aim for shit the area is saturated with palirats, these niggers already hit Huwara
Getting ur shit rocked eh?loooooöl
Ma'ale Adumim is one of the biggest illegal settlements in the West Bank that are considered internationally to be illegal and therefore are not entitled to legal protections. It contains 38,046 kikes.
Muslims are so fucked. Their chest beating "2 more red lines" rhetoric has been absolutely hilarious.
These niggers were really digging tunnels like it meant anything against an air force powered by Palantir.
Absolutely hilarious.
Maybe you can't read. The rocket fell in the settlement.
jews escalate with assassinations, but Iran can't without involving the u.s.
Even in my dying breath I'll never accept defeat fag
did the mohel suck you off too?
So who is lobbing missiles in israel then as we speak?
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It's near where /oursettler/ matthew lives. I bet he's already on his way to smash some Arab bussy in retaliation.
i wondered where's the "democratic opposition leader", one thing that was mising from (((their))) m.o.
Probably one of the most successful rocket strikes by Hezbollah yet, and so far away from Lebanon too. This is probably a way of telling Israel that the fight is not over yet, despite Nasrallah's martyrdom.
Goosebumps, unironically need more of these hope posts to combat all the shilling and demoralization
>Urgent | Israeli army: The rocket that fell in the vicinity of the Ma'ale Adumim settlement east of Jerusalem was launched from Lebanon
Urgent | Israeli army: The rocket that fell in the vicinity of the Ma'ale Adumim settlement east of Jerusalem was launched from Lebanon
>Urgent | Israeli army: The rocket that fell in the vicinity of the Ma'ale Adumim settlement east of Jerusalem was launched from Lebanon
Urgent | Israeli army: The rocket that fell in the vicinity of the Ma'ale Adumim settlement east of Jerusalem was launched from Lebanon

Our boys are back.
and osama bin laden's death resulted in a u.s victory in Afghanistan
i can read, i can also know you make shit up
born without a dick
I'm getting all my electronics from China.
>the only way they can reach al aqsa
By bombing kike settlers? Hell yeah. The fight ain't over yet.
I never once doubted our brave heroes
i've read this same exact shit verbatim spouted by the ughshit shills, you're the same subspecies of rat
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>some bushfires
>the most successful rocket strikes by Hezbollah yet
Wow, situation is that bad?
Something's on fire.
Clearly a secondary explosion from the Khisreali missiles hiding in people's houses.
zero (nihil) percent chance of that.
> in the vicinity of
guess you would take anything as a win ah? even empty hills
>some bushfires
Oh boy are you in for a rude surprise
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>rockets falling on israel again
No... NO! Their leadership is destroyed! What the FUCK why isn't netanyahoo DOING SOMETHING we're supposed to be WINNING
this is what our shills look like btw
ted killed incconets because he couldnt fuck,
we killed terrorists because they wouldnt leave us alone
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They never left.
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Scott Ritter told me that Israel is finished.
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forgot to attach
>to combat all the shilling and demoralization
bro, are you new to following wars?
this is what always happen when dealing with zog, they prepare for conflicts for decades, 20 years in this case
free middle east can soak up these losses, and when all prepared (((plans))) are exhausted they will screech for mama u.s. which won't be able to protect them
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>you in for a rude surprise
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I’m a chud that has stopped being antisemitic against the kikes. I’m seriously impressed by them since October 7.
>Fire in open area
The fact that Hezbollah is STILL capable of firing all these missiles and rockets that hit their targets accurately as far away as 100 km EVEN with Nasrallah's death and their entire chain of command wiped out is genuinely amazing. It just goes to show you how resilient resistance groups like Hezbollah and Hamas are. They're built for these kinds of conditions.
Why arent the strikes stopppiinggg they killed all commanders hellooooo
Hitting the west bank settlements is a pretty good strategy.
Less protected than the north and central, and it will cause settlers to get pissed off and demand Israel spread their aerial defenses thinner.
That are is 90% Palirats. The difference is they are sitting ducks with no protection from sirens and iron dome, so they don't show up on red alert maps. They just get blown up
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> only getting started
>Open area that managed to blow all circuits in the settlement and started a fire in a nearby human shield facility
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Whatever helps you to cope.
I feel like chip thread makes are just memeing muslims. At least give it a break today.
Hahahahahaha have we moved to the stage of cope where even people in Israel are now Hamas and Hezbollah? Israelis died? No problem, they were Khamas.
6000 dead kikes and each rocket has no guidance system because god's hand guides them upon the kikes most deserving of desintegration.
Enoch 25:3.2
And I said to him: Disintegrate yourself, Adoil, and let the visible (physical) come out of you.
thanks for info, schlomo
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Rolling for an Iranian nuke on Tel Aviv
They were prepared for this, Hezbollah has always been a guerrilla group, and it needs to be autocephalous for that
kek no wonder the women all find themselves a goyboy instead.
that one kikette is hideous btw wtf
Maybe rely less on god and more on logic
Would you rather have us rely on poop instead?
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>oh no it hit a powerline it's over israel is finished !1!!
forgot to flick the VPN Saar, full sapport yahweh guide your hand
Not the first war I followed, but certainly the first I'm the most invested in. I usually never go into generals, you can imagine my surprise when I saw all these kike flags shilling 24/7
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Are you really egyptian? Are you really incapable of understanding geography? Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem are where majority of Palirats live. I thought you'd know but apparently you are retarded.
No you dumb nigger. I am saying in Judea and Samaria, only Jews have Iron Dome and Red Alert. That means if as Hezb missile hits a Pali village, they get no alert, no siren, no Iron Dome, they just get blown up. This is not a good strategy because Jews and Arabs live right next to each other in that region.
Yeah that's totally what I said. Turn off the memeflag Pajeet.
Khamas illegal settlements.Mega kek.
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You really made that jew blow a fuse kek
what the fuck is wrong with these muslims? Israel could air strike the kaaba and muslims wouldn’t do shit about it
In a parallel universe where things aren't on a knifeedge, bombing West Bank settlements is actually pretty good strategy. It's not just symbolic but highly practical showing up Israel in a one-step forward, two-step backward way. If by some absolute miracle Hezbollah held together and they managed to cause West Bank Settlers to be displaced back into Israel, that would be a major coup for them and blow to Bibi.
>Verification not required.
Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Negev, etc., None of it matters because it's all Khamas territory.
look at me, i'm the National Socialist here. go pick the recycle flag or something, you're not strong enough for the natsoc memeflag.
You forgot the retarded faggot settler kike that rapes animals
>hit palirats
It really depends where it hit though. If its in Maale Adumim then it was jews if its near Maale Adumim then its either Azaria palis or open area Bedouins

source: used to live in Maale
Yes. Our poop is no less than a bio weapon.
why jerusalem? there is haifa and tel-aviv, instead they bomb jerusalem
I really really hope you get shelled by Assad
More footage of impact
send pic
is it the guy in the shower with a puppy
morbidly curious. provide background ser
taliban was also decentralized, same as hezbollah in 06 war. battalion level command vs Isreali generals
Since the news broke about Nasrallah potentially being killed by Zionists I've been hella depressed.

Hamas is like 80% destroyed. Most of Gaza has been reduced to rubble and anywhere from 50,000-200,000 Palestinians are dead. Hizballah was able to be taken out almost completely within a little over a week. Yemen and Iraq will most likely be destroyed next. If Iran does anything – literally anything – they'll be met with force not just by Israel but by America too, possibly NATO.

I have no hope anymore. If Israel can't be destroyed by decades-old resistance movements what chances to we have of freeing ourselves from our oppressive overlords? What chances do we have of destroying capitalism and overthrowing the system that oppresses us in our countries?

Israel was supposed to be a paper tiger. October 7th proved how fragile the Zionist entity was, that it had a weak spot that could lead to its initial destruction. But after an 11-months long campaign of genocide and all-out regional war it seems like Israel isn't going anywhere. I truly believed Hizballah would be the nail in the coffin and destroy Israel once and for all since they were an actual organized army. But alas.

The pager attack on the Lebanese resistance last week is what did it for me. If Israel can do that you know our governments can pull something similar on us. Imagine being involved in a large-scale uprising in Canada or the USA and all of a sudden your iPhone explodes and you're left maimed. That's evil. In fact, the one thing this war/genocide has done is set in motion a new, much more horrific form of warfare. Imperialist countries will soon use the tactics Israel uses to genocide Palestinians and Lebanese on their own citizens. Mass surveillance under the guise of "anti-terrorism" will be 1000x worse in the upcoming years than it was in America under George W. Bush and the Patriot Act. Just wait.

I need reassurance to know there's still hope left...
No it wasn't. It was Khamas. Ma'ale Adumim is Khamas! There are Khezbollah missiles stored INSIDE of the settlement. Don't you get it? Khaaaaaaamaaaas!
I don't use vpn though
Kek based kamerad
with the CEP they get
its more likely theyll bomb palestinians more often than israelis
and the north wasnt evacuated because of indirect fire
>you can imagine my surprise when I saw all these kike flags shilling 24/7
yeah, they used to be more subtle, guess this conflict made them act dumb
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>force not just by Israel but by America too, possibly NATO.
How many Israeli commanders or leaders die?
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>kikes and muzzies are so brown that not even the kikes can tell them apart anymore
Seems that the west bank settlements have iron dome coverage but not arrow missile coverage.
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lmao fuck off
zionist knesset member called out his kind for lying too much
Azaria won't show up in Red Alert. Only Israeli settlements show up. It's not Homefront Command's responsibility to alert Paliniggers that other niggers are about to explode them
>have communications device explode everywhere
>basically all chain of command neutralized
>obvious high up mole with sensitive information
>goes to Beirut anyway
what did Nasrallah mean by this? Also, i dont think there are any meaningful way for retaliation for Iran let alone Hezbollah. gotta give it to the nose tribe, because every threat they made came to existance
>inb4 ur a DeMorAlizaTion Kike!
nope, i just tell it how it is, i hope things change but i have not high hopes
>Ma'ale Mikhamas
The memes write themselves
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>Yeah that's totally what I said
You said
>the most successful rocket strikes by Hezbollah yet
Over a nothingburger POWERLINE
>already backtracking
Lol so mindbroken about Nasrallah dying you think hitting some trees and powerlines is a major achievment. Kek utterly and completely buckbroken.
lmao 3 out of 3
Not it's Mathew Goldberg the blond with the pube looking beard.
A retard that post himself like this is fb. He swore I couldn't doxx his faggot settlement because it's not officially on a map. Yet I did.
Ask me how I know you live on the Internet.
Are you the jewess in this image? >>483132443
Would if true.
What a repulsing language
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Now they have no power
It's ok though because the settlement is part of Khamas.
hahaha, the jewrats will die of heart attacks sooner than from bombs
Before the kikes get pressured into widening their ballistic missile coverage I think Hezbollah should cause as much mayhem in the west bank as possible, target military checkpoints, etc. Complete civil meltdown
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Ask me how I know you live in a trashpile of a ""city"", 7mar
take THAT jews!
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>lose your high command to pager bombs and bunker busters
jesus christ this is just sad
kek based, well done
nice blog schlomo. oct 7th was mossad
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why use a nuke when you have a red flag?
also hezbollah's new leader hassan khalil yassin is also dead keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
they can't even cover north israel and riots are already happening
When I switch devices I'll post. I don't have any on this one.
you thought they would magically stop fighting or something didn't you?
Mindbroken buckbroken cope shill kek utterly broken!
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holy fuck this egyptian sandnig is the best comedy this general has ever had. if only muslims were as good at literally anything else as they are at lowering the bar for themselves for what constitutes a "victory" they might be a force to be reckoned with


I'll be going to a ceremony and put flowers out for him here in sweden. Thats the least i can do for someone who fought on the frontlines against the greatest evil this world has ever seen.
Even if you sleep well at night (tough I can't imagine how), rest assured that there is a hell, and you WILL end up there.
Turns out this guy was a mossad agent. Not even joking.
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Isn't that hard in fucking 2024, to not have a air defense system protecting your country?
Come on Lebanon ...
Place bets on next to die friends
1. Khamenei
2. Yahya Sinwar
3. Hashem Safieddine
Reports of arrow missiles fired in Eilat, houthis might be taking another shot.
if only that would end the war lmao
arabs have always sucked at war, it is unbelievable despite living in a region facing warfare for centuries
no one actually thinks that lol. although i expected better from them
maybe rely less on the street and more on a toilet
I totally believe it because Mossad has a way of abusing twinks into becoming informants.
You have to go back
Where in my post did you see me write "victory?" You're so mad that Hezbollah hasn't collapsed that you are now starting to think of anything they do as a victory. Stop with the projection and go outside, breathe some fresh air. I understand the kikes spamming this general 24/7 since this is actually happening in the area, but for you who lives in a trailer park in the USA to be this obsessed with the Middle East is indicative of unresolved mental illnesses.
Only cucks use toilet.
imagine not having jew money to buy air defense in 2024
Based Sven, godspeed
I can't believe the swedes are such pussies that they haven't taken up arms to wipe out the muslim invaders yet. they should be taking up hatchets, meat cleavers, hammers, any tool that can be found and solving the problem before it grows any larger.
Iraqi protestors have successfully breached the green zone!
>Iraqi protestors have successfully breached the green zone!
Stop kvetching kike-golem
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Lol they hit Jordan
Based Houthis
Based. All of Swedistan is mourning his martyrdom.
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amen, god himself guides these missiles upon the heads of those most deserving of meeting him.
It's not a country, just a bunch of brown people in a certain area.
Failed state
>this level of cope
whats wrong ahmed?
>The IDF says the sirens that sounded in several settlements near Jerusalem, including the city of Ma’ale Adumim, were triggered due to a single missile launched from Lebanon. No damage or casualties have been reported.
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Hold on, there are still 100 Israeli hostages in Gaza ...
If Hamas didn't kill of them in response, they're the dumbest people ever
>Yahya Sinwar
Sinwar is believed to be dead already in an airstrike in the first week of September, one of those "school bombings" the muslims were chimping out over. but the IDF doesn't want to announce it until they're sure.
Sinwar for sure. Then they install a kike guy to make a deal with hamas. Lebanon PM gives up all of southern lebanon for some shekels.
Honestly from the videos I saw the Iraqi riot police weren't putting their hearts into it. They were slouching and getting pushed around by protestors.
Says the kike that is hiding in the US
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I have it on good authority that all of the female hostages are being kept as sex slaves and are being used to replenish the local population in Gaza.
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>muh ahmeds

Im sry, Silberstein. You're the one who's going back. I rather take a 1000 shitskin mudslimes then a single jew.

Everyone beside the evangelicals want you dead and gone. Deal with it.
Lol wouldn't have died if he shat regularly on streets
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>Syria shelling Israel in retaliation for removing one of the biggest thorns in Assad's side since the civil war kicked off
kek you're a clueless shitter
US Base in Jordan reportedly also hit
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>Hezbollah hasn't collapsed

Hezbollah has collpased dumb muslim faggot.
It never happens in modern history to see like 20 top leaders of an armed organization killed.

Israel is kicking muslim ass country since 1948, that why your shithole country Egypt is quiet now.
>please goy trust our totally not false propagamda
every single pro palestinian twatter user got mind broken today. What a day
> 4 large fires are burning in 4 settlements east of Jerusalem as a result of a missile attack from Lebanon.

oh no no... the zionist project is burning.
new baker needed
Death to america
Death to jews
heard this as well. their brood will be trained and use the right of return via DNA to infiltrate kike HQ as double agents and nuke israel. the star will gorge itself on clay.
>nooooo Hezbollah HAS collapsed it HAS to have collapsed!

>sinwar already dead
Holy shit Israel killing people even before bets
Is hamas over at this point?
i'm sure taliban will fall anyday now too

egypt is broke on arab mutt gibs, they still funnel weapons to Hamas though
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this is the 6 millionth dead muslim that had any sort of importance
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I wonder if the kikes will fail to subvert again so we actually have four Dead Kike Generals on the board at once lel
maybe jesus saying "trust the tree by its fruits"
is a word of caution against kike lying.
Thanks for the breads.
bro just because they will shoot a rocket here and there doesnt mean their overall capabilities werent diminished by more than 60% this week. Stop being a delusional coper
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mental illness
This is a bigger get than Nasrallah, I have no patience for that narcissistic shit
israel doesn't give a fuck about "hostages", it's just a falseflag for gaza genocide, do you think they prepared exploding pagers for years because they had a vision hamas will strike at that exact timespan?
Absolute state of muslims lmao
I have relatives whose entire adult life has been spent smuggling weapons inside the Gaza Strip, and this continues to happen although obviously now with more difficulty. Hamas ain't going nowhere anytime soon and neither is Hezbollah.
You will never be a real jeet
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Al Hadath:
>Total blackout in Beirut

mohammed is a pedophile child rapist you masri monkey.
they look like they've been all kinds of fucked up for a while. MORE
>بعد صاروخ القدس..
سرب مسيرات يخترق أجواء عشرات المستوطنات
>After the Jerusalem missile..
A swarm of drones penetrates the airspace of dozens of settlements
>Nasrallah assassinated
Kek how much more of a ground and pound are muslims gonna take
NOOOOOO NOOO HEZBOLLAH HAS COLLAPSED NO!!!!!!!!!! Nasrallah DIED!!! dont you get it HE DIED!!!!!
Dozens of settlers being treated for anxiety as we speak.
How the fuck was Israel able to nullify Hezbollah so quickly and efficiently while they just completely thrashed about in Gaza?
its been like this for muslims since 1940s
Feels like both sides are just spreading misinfo at this point
Dont know how to trust anymore...
Lol, lmao even
sorry saar, ill cut off a few inches of my dick.
muslims are goys that love having their asses pounded by israel. they'll just find someone else to do what he did.
single handedly rolling all the kikes ITT top kek
Sinwar is still alive cunts.
I don't understand why Nasrallah's bunker was so shallow.
>open fields are burning
so this is the power of hezbollah?
The difference between Hezbollah and the Taliban is that the latter is more of a confederacy of many different clans / factions / tribes constantly jostling one another for dominance while putting on the appearance of a united front, whereas the former is more of a classical hierarchy. Hezbollah, for all intents and purposes, is functionally dead and if it comes back, it will either be supplanted by an entirely different organization or it will remain a shadow of its former self.
>he believes the jdf propaganda
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lol a literal hezbollah operative nigger posting fake news all the time

>no sirens
>no alarms
>just hallucinations of a broken muzzie
>Explosions being reported in the occupied city of Eliat.

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another one bites the rope~
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>s-stop bombing us, we won... we WON!
>I-it was just one bomb, mossad said so!
>we killed the other leaders who don't exist, mossad says so!
>every one of me who dies is a muzzie because they were too weak to be kike!
This is getting GRINGE
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tanks on the way up north
THD incoming
lol it's funny how Iran just dipped out
growing up I heard that Persians viewed Arabs as sandniggers so their support confused me, makes sense they wouldn't go to war over them
i'm sure that's the case *yawn*.
Houtchads again?
So the new coping strategy for kikes is going to be spamming "HEZBOLLAH COLLAPSED!" over and over again, huh?
The ghost of nasrallah keeps haunting them
they likely already have some
Greater Israel soon?
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>Hezbollah stopped last week reporting on operatives killed by IDF fire because of the large number of cases (Amir Bohbot)

LOL that's why the posters topped
They've been planning it for a long while while Hezbollah had their thumb up their ass making 50 speeches. I've never seen people who like to yap as much as Muslim leaders.
cause Gaza was a side project. Hezbollah was a decade worth of work
explosions in Homs, houtis tried to get Eilat and failed, bomb Jordan too lol, the axis is in total collapse
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>tanks on the way up north
one day eventually it will become true.
wow another flavor of anti-jewish resistance organization different from previous ones
Muslims used to have a fearsome reputation, but now a few million jews are holding back a tide of almost 2 billion muslims. It's Thermopylae tier. I now realize that this generation of truly psycho fearless jihadis had joined ISIS and has already been exterminated by the Syrian and Iraqi state opposition, Russian mercs, etc. Militant Islam has been defeated as a general concept. We should be thanking jews honesty it's not like the west has anything to see with it now.
Only the occasional terrorist attack (most of them foiled, and most of them in Russia) or low level stabbings that barely make the news
>Hezbollah, for all intents and purposes, is functionally dead and if it comes back, it will either be supplanted by an entirely different organization or it will remain a shadow of its former self.
Oh you are a very stupid man who has no idea what he's talking about.

Hezbollah is deeeeeeeep deep deep. It's not merely a resistance force inside Lebanon but a worlwide organisation. And you fucking retards killed the most in-control leader of all time, making its power scatter. A top honcho will rise and he is going to be fucking you for the rest of your lives.

Fucking stupid kikes.
Should we be worried /chip/bros
They did pretty well in gaza though. They already killed 40k+ terrorists with few casualties.
>80% destroyed
Theyve regrouped weeks ago. And back to operational capacity.
this crusade will be different this time-pope
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>Al Arabiya: Expect Israeli attacks in Iraq soon, the Iraqi security forces have entered maximum alert

Yessssss please kill iraqiswede
Ah yes, the hilarious videos that don’t show aftermath
The tank was fine
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thank god israel will at least weaken hezbollah enough that lebanese people will finally disarm them and lebanon can move forward as a country with just one army instead of two like some 3rd world sectarian arab shithole like the rest there
kikes quite literally still haven't controlled Gaza AT ALL, nor did Hezbollah collapse.
What am i supposed to ascertain from this? that kikes are utterly dogshit at warfare?
>Not gonna lie former ___ supporter here
That's a 9 year old pasta template for fucks sake.
Your settlements in Jerusalem are on fire you fucking retarded kike.
Will Lebanon become Christian again?
I honestly Hezbollah was badass, but they're weak as fuck just like Iran.

Just fucking shot a civilian plane full of Israelis, that will shut down all sraeli aeroport for some month and crush kike economy
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Here's a glimpse of what NasrallACK is up to in "heaven"
lol, wishful thinking schlomo
Next he will limit the amount of dicks he sucks from 5 to 4.
>da joos fought off militant islam in the middle east so now it isnt happening in the west.
so wrong
Didn't tank spam already backfire in Gaza?
Såklart. Jag gör samma sak i så fall.
>Hezbollah is deeeeeeeep deep deep

Except firing shit rocket, what do they do? What's their recent massive action against Israel? NOOOOOOOOOTHING.
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>th-this tank was fine stop watching these
Please! You 'people' are getting embarrassing!
>40k+ terrorists with few casualties.
what are you blabbering on about you hindu rape rat
Khamenei is old af he'll just die of old age soon
the kikes wouldn't dare
Kikes already lost
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I will explain it to you once you come from your real flag.
> #urgent | Informed sources: American bases in Iraq are on alert

>Explosions have been heard in some American bases in Syria.

> @Hezbollah_com
Oh no no, the shabbosgoyim are under attack.
no, itt utterly buck broke palirats, 40K casualties vs like 500, any general would say palriats were steamrolled
strongest /pol/ ragebait
Besides. Jews push arabs inte europe with all their color revolutions.
The cope is amazing in this one
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yeah it just went *thunk* and the kike soldiers emerged from the hatch all black with soot, after which they stared into the camera and shrugged their shoulders
>*Queue laughter and applause by audience*
man lmfao kys
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Where are the 100 hostages still in Gaza?
Why one of the best army in the world cannot enter the whole Gaza to free the hostages?
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why did you crop the date? god damn you arab niggers always fucking lie.
come from or go to, or hither upon. perhaps dawdle towards.
>obvious joke goes over the shitskin’s head
Once again, you have to go back
Lmao okay
>Sderot residents reported an explosion, details are still under investigation

Looks like the entire axis is punching tonight.
Muslims are abandoning and lying about their own kin just to save their face now lmao
So, if their response had supposedly global ramifications, why has the fact that all of their leadership being blown to bits produced almost nothing in retaliation yet? If there really was 4D chess being executed here, we would've seen the direct ramifications within 48 hours, but so far, crickets. Hezbollah was busted open in a single week without Israel even crossing the northern border with boots on the ground.
R.I.P. king.
Americans about to be expedited from Iraq a year early.
Total Kike Death, that's all
>It never happens in modern history to see like 20 top leaders of an armed organization killed.
It just depends on how guerrilla they are. The cell structure is autonomous, each cell really only relies on the formal structure for supplies and logistics, if the local cells are well supplied, maybe they can perform an upset, don't count your chickens before they've hatched.
kek, hitting nothing but air as usual, a shame they were cucked and launched only one rocket into the palirat infested west bank, i would love to see dead palirats from shitzbollah missiles
Freeing hostages wasn't the primary objective, killing the terrorists and clearing the area was. I thought it was pretty obvious by now.
Twitter post is still up. If youre so desperate for the date use your internet.
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I will do one (1) lazy copy and paste emergency bake.
literally felt more threatened by Hamas rockets than this, what a joke
alas. you'll only see dead amalekites i'm sorry.
The party's just getting started kikes
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I just realized you are a dumb arab nigger that fell for an april fools joke. Congrats, how does it feel turning on your own due to a jew making a joke?
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Chipsters getting morale shredded like this paliturd was for real
they don't need you lifting their balls you know
>T-Two more weeks!
Reminder that Syrians literally cheered in the streets for Hezbollah's leadership getting gibbed. So much for your Pan-Islamic unity.
Muslims don't need you lifting their balls you know.
i feal conned by our leftist generals, they are all amerimutt plants
Hostages are being used as an excuse to commit cleansing of the arab gaza population. Returning the settlers is being used for the same purpose in new north Israel. Shartfalla was a mossad agent all along and is playing Zelda on his switch eating a baconator until he gets his next assignment.
You can see he is a legit muslim and that too a pretty famous one.
no need to be upset dalit, you can always throw yourself in front of a Jagannath and hope for resurrection into a higher caste lmfao
I feel nothing except for nasrallahs doom that you guys have unleashed. Get cooked! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
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holy shit, we are nuking gaza and the lying cucks here are trying to claim its hamas shooting rockets.
its over, the axis of spiderwebs is collapsing
You should probably return back to your cuckshed. Nazis lost.
Someone need to call out Brik now
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>Hostages are being used as an excuse to commit cleansing of the arab gaza population. Returning the settlers is being used for the same purpose in new north Israel. Shartfalla was a mossad agent all along and is playing Zelda on his switch eating a baconator until he gets his next assignment.

Bawwww boofuckinghoo muzzierat dickless nigger.
>killing the terrorists
that's a weird way of writing killing the civilians
Holy shit, the shilling really is getting more and more blatant every day
The only right answer
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Civilians already moved when IDF notified them.
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>Freeing hostages wasn't the primary objective
Oohohhhohoh, thank goodness
They try their best to shill. But nasrallah ghost is the only thing they think about
yeah, to the area idf told them to, that idf bombed
>Nazis lost
>Literally the most widespread political belief
Shitstreet anon......
>I don't understand why Nasrallah's bunker was so shallow.
why are political buildings above ground? because usually, hitting them is stupid and makes martyrs and puts your own leaders on a kill list. hitting them through thousands of civilians with slow bombings against Muslims is a sure way to make a real martyr that will haunt you into death.
Idf could have easily eradicated them all if they wanted to. They did show great restraint and tried to limit their attacks as much as they can. Imagine if they launched missiles indiscriminately on civilian areas like hamas do to Israeli cities, there would be no one left alive in gaza.
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Where? On twitter? Fucking hell how retarded can one muzzie be...
Please wear a hakencruz and stand in front of your policestation. We would have one less retard posting here.
>Idf could have easily eradicated them
Just like india eradicated kashmir?
Oh wait ...

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