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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>483135869

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Nasrallah assassinated
>Massive strike on Beirut, apparently targeting Nasrallah
>A Houthi hypersonic missile hit Tel Aviv
>The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted Golan using several drones.
>Syrian army units target with heavy artillery the positions of terrorist groups supported by the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of the town of Kabashin in the northern countryside of Aleppo







>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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Muslims won't do shit
they will flee to Europe and wage a jihad against them, but won't lift a finger against God's chosen ones
typical subhuman shitskins

Islamic Resistance (Iraq):

Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted northern Israel with 'Arqab' cruise missiles
New 9/22/2024



Published footage of targeting Ramat David Airbase and Haifa military industrial area with Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 rockets yesterday morning
New 9/22/2024


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Al-Qassam Mujahideen seizing a booby-trapped military vehicle and drones in the eastern area of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
New 9/21/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Martyrs of the Jerusalem Brigades in the battle of terror in the camps in the West Bank.
NEW 9/20/2024

Al-Quds Brigades release footage of their fighters shelling the "Abu Mutaibeq" military site with mortar shells and seizing a "Zionist" drone of the "Evo Max" type in the skies over central Gaza Strip.
NEW 9/12/2024


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

Scenes from the bombing of the zionist enemy forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
NEW 9/14/2024

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
>News / Clips

Islamic Resistance:

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting Jal Al-Alam site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army at the southern Lebanese border with an assault glider.
New 9/09/2024

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the espionage equipment at Al-Tayhat Hill and Al-Ramtha site belonging to the "Israeli" enemy army, along the southern Lebanese border.
New 9/09/2024

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Within the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa the detonation caused direct hits, resulting in deaths and injuries among the occupation soldiers during the large-scale raid that the camp witnessed.
New 9/02/2024

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of some operations carried out by the Mujahideen Brigades during their resistance to the zionist aggression campaign on the northern West Bank.
New 9/07/2024

Scenes of the Mujahideen Brigades detonating an explosive device on a zionist bulldozer on Abu Al-Asal Street in Jenin Camp.
New 9/05/2024


Hezbollah military media publishes: Our mountains – Imad
New 08/16/2024

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades:

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its mujahideen bombing with mortar lava the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy invading the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
New 9/06/2024

Al-Quds Brigades shows scenes of its fighters, in cooperation with the fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, sniping at the soldiers of the Zionist enemy on the axis of progress in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
New 9/03/2024


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY- Non-Google & can Download MP4
Are we gonna see neteyahus corpse live tomorrow?
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Is levanon gonna get invaded??
Theyre trying to invade it. But i dont think they can.
where are all the israeli posters?
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im incredibly bored, lets get a ground invasion going already
Media blackout rn. Something happened but we have no idea what.
Why shitskins even try, israel backed by the US, they're fucked. No hezbollah in a month lmao
I feel that if they did it would give hezbollah a fighting chance. I guess it’s not gonna happen
media blackout stops them from posting on 4chan?
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why jews love calling blue eyed christian children shitskins? compensating?

telegram says mileikowsky has been assassinated
you have no idea how coddled kikes really are. the slightest of panic and israel as a whole would drain of kikes.
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>They ban people for spreading disinfo
yeah sure, lol. kike lies used to be believable. At this point there's no confirmation either way now compare their reaction to before we got confirmation of Nasrallah.
yeah and afghans lost
i geuss no more larping as a hezboshit warrior huh lebacuck? hope we got some of your family to faggit
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>all brown thirdie flags seething and malding
Brownoids coping hard ITT
nasrallah status?
bibi's current status?
There hasn't been the usual spamming Katyushas the last while. All drones and a missile, but targets got hit. Then there's the drones coming up from Yemen and possibly missiles behind them. It's going to be a long night in israel.
We’ll see, it would be huge news if true but I doubt it
would you look at that, in quick succesion all the kikes woke up at the same time
We all know you're a brown shitskin with a thirdie flag behind that memeflag.
You’re brown too
argentina is fucked.
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I'm white.
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lmao. reminder that brownoids arent human
like when a rock has been upended, with nothing but vermin scrambling around and making a nuisance
The US is collapsing and many of their intelligence agents are abandoning ship and moving to Europe because they lost faith in the country.
Good you acknowledge you aren't human
Ashkenazics aren’t white lol

>3 kikes posting within literal seconds of one another
Nothing suspicious going on here
so you're not sleeping after all, triple shill? we are all family. Nasrallah is a father to us all. I will never forgive you for this, you martyred more than all your jew lives and deaths worth combined.
Their feelings are always the priority of the israeli government.
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Thanks for the bread baker
God bless the Resistance
Nasrallah died defending Palestine
Rest in peace 'Legend is born'
Glory to the martyrs
Post sauce pls
Alright Mehmet you subhuman roach
I guess the libs were right then :)
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i actually saw a thread about net&yahoo dead getting 404'd
they are too busy winning to care
if they don't Hezbollah regroups and the zionist entity is gone from the coordinated retaliation. if they do, Hezbollah probably repels them and we have some kino close quarters kike gore before aforementioned happens.
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Exactly. They're niggers. Kikes themselves constantly state on twatter and articles, and others, that jews are not white
Dead Bibi status?
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according to JIDF this is a shitskin but your pic isn't GEG
death to the zionist entity
There's hardly anything to talk about, hezbollah will never respond, Iran will raise the magenta flag of super duper revenge, and we'll keep bombing mohammadans
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5 days of mourning just flew over my house!
So what do you think they’ll do? The latter?
Hez literally just leveled netenyahus house.
hood certified post.
amalekites are the biggest shitskins of all after all.
>Israeli Broadcasting Authority: Israel requests urgent military support from Washington as part of preparations for an Iranian response.

They must reckon something is imminent.
>constantly state on twatter and articles, and others
Those are amerimutts.
nasrallah replacement status?
Something bad happened. Cant wait for hoothies to post the kino.
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>of all after all
ESL moment
i just flushed a possible candidate down my toilet
Bibi replacement status?
like it leveled Ramat David and Tel Aviv?
Another kvetching retard coping hard lmao
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nit-picking a comma like a nigger
Maronite bros, it's about to be a new chapter.
I think they'll posture a mechanized buildup at the border for now regardless of what happens, and how effectively jews keep doing jet strikes and how fast Hezbollah organizes will determine if they attempt to go in
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You're a brown thirdie subhuman.
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A chapter where israels bordera get pushed back and officialy redrawn to be smaller.

Nasrallahs ghost is always there to haunt the false israelites.
operation prosperity guardian status?
Oh, don't even start, just another proof that mudslimes are degenerates, USA left and they immediately surrendered lmao. Without USA you shitskins and chinks can't do shit. Vietnam, USA left and south immediately surrendered. Only being a puppet of china or iran/turkey
But when it's a real war like Iraq USA won in a month
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That missile didn’t come until 4 hours after Netanyahu landed
Lmao lying shitskins, what is new?
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Nice projection
What did usa win in this month? A destabilized government they bare could control?
the ones who won, the "terrorists" so to speak, were the ones who opposed child molestation and drug use/abuse. verily, the good guys.
The kike projects as he strikes you.
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Disgusting Jews cannot wait for the last one to die.
See >>483144421 screencap
>>483144462 link
>iran still doesn't have nukes
How retarded are they? Even North Korea was able to do it and they're a tiny hermit kingdom.
Seeing claims of "local media" reporting of a strike on Mileikowsky's house, wonder if this is complete bullshit or if it's something.
truly the worst of gods creation. a testament to what happens when you stray from gods path and follow s*tan.
>A Grad rocket made impact near the American Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Azraq, Jordan, believed to have been fired from Iraq.

>It is the most important base to defend Israel in the region.

kek, literally
Killed nasrallah, no more hezbollah, abdulla
Sure. You mudslimes are all the same.
>grads now flying into mutt airbases
lmao someone wake me the fuck up
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They are really like that
So the strike definitely did happen
The question then is if we'll see Netheryahoo live again
israel has been killing its scientists and sabotaging facilities for decades.
i guess there's a real threat now that a transfer of knowledge between russia and iran can take place, so israel and us are pushing to start and finish the war before that can happen
I pray for him with an honest heart, he is a hero and my country and myelf have a lot to learn from him. I will try to be worthy in practice to what true courage I've seen from him even if I'm from a different background
>one grad rocket NEAR (100km idk) a base
You guys can't stop winning lol
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jews are not your friends
bullshit, that sort of guidance tech is far beyond local militias
We can all learn from Nasrallah fren.
yeah it's no wonder that western soldiers lost their minds, being told they were fighting the bad guys while the next tent over they could hear a child getting assraped by the ANA police commander.
the good guys LMAO
i mean i don't claim to be be pure arian, i have light brown hair with brown eyes and pale skin
like a true med/levintine
god himself guided it there to teach you a lesson
You rely on Christians for sustenance. Muslims are nothing but parasites. I hope you are ready for what's coming.
>israel has been killing its scientists and sabotaging facilities for decades
Poor excuses. They couldn't move the reactors underground or fix their security? North Koreans made theirs really quickly and fooled the CIA/Sorks.
kikes are nothing but parasites. I hope they are ready for what's coming. TKD
indeed, no one is expecting you to have a10 blue eyes and blonde hair in the levant.
your impotent seethe is delicious
>tkd any day now!! you will see!!!
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Why is it always thirdie flags and shitskins kvetching?
kek how could kikes ever compete
It's so demoralizing that the kike shill orgs and JIDF keep sending nothing but 100% poopiejeets. At least send 1 jew shill once in a while, since 100% poopoojeets just shows how little that they care about us
you're barely balkan let alone european, what's with the yapping you polerat
to be honest it's easier for asians to defend against a hybrid warfare, if not for anything then because its harder for cia/mossad to blend in east asia.

middle eastern muslim countries simply don't have that level of experience, north korea is light years ahead regarding counterespionage
That's what i said, you all are the same.
>brown neurotic screeching
seems like its just a precaution
when will you join your brothers of the iof?
I can't take serious parasites in foreign countries
They must have intercepted something really bigly about an imminent response from the gigachad warriors. No wonder all the kikes are gone from the thread. They're all busy pissing and shidding their Pampers in bunkers right now
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you wish amalekite

jai shree ram
They're shidding so hard and overflowing their pampers, that they don't even have contact with their kike shill NGO armies of poopiejeets
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>N-Netanyahu died guys IT TOTALLY HAPPENED
KEK muzzrats are now coping with this made up disinfo
>3 izzo shills entered and are now gone
Very likely they just got drafted to serve in the idf.
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Threads/hour still seems high though
Bibi status?
>Reuters: Maritime security groups and industry raise risk level for ships docking at "Israeli ports", fearing possible missile strikes from Lebanon and Yemen in the Mediterranean and Red Seas
bibi bros?
>I'm white.
le 56% white
Iraq and Syria being bombed by unknown aircraft.
It's not nice to mock the poopiejeets, right after they posted a selfie showing their current mental breakdown. There will be much time to mock them about mileikowsky when the shills eventually return after getting new shilling scripts
>posting animal torture in a nazi flag
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Something big must of happened. They broke sabbath yesterday. Now they are quite.
>animal torture
it's a slaughterhouse what are you blabbering on about
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>Bibi status?
Alive and laughing at NasrallACK
kek, you're right they did. they're not supposed to handle electronics during the sabbath
It's a Mohammedan.
Cowering from his own people*
>Al Jazeera correspondent: 3 explosions in the Albukamal area on the Iraqi-Syrian border, and eyewitnesses talk about air strikes.
likely an american response to the earlier attacks
kosher/halal slaughter is torture.
the surname ypijak means literally "Drinker" like in alcoholic. Are you niggers sure this isn't satire? ... thought so
I really wanna see if bibi is really ded tho. What do u think
niggers we smoked your nasrallah in shabat lmao
I think our settler kike got hit
what's with the retarded posts man, is it asinine 'o clock?
Shill #1 has appeared
probably preparing defences
I'm guessing once hezbollah settles it's new command structure it'll ratchet up attacks
I'm doubtful, with a very small chance since they used a ballistic rather than a hypersonic. That being said, I think it's really going to fuck with net&yahoo's head currently and in the future. Always in fear that he's going to get attacked. Messing with his judgement, and making lots of unforced errors. I think they'll get him in the future though
>New command structure
I hope they arent boomers this time.
I think my country is finally bombing with its own aircraft
>Syria: A field source in Deir ez-Zor to Al-Mayadeen: The bombing on the American Conico base resulted in direct hits on the headquarters of the Armored Division.
These shill bots glow
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God i hope assad lets the russians and chinks have free reign
Seems like they're wasting ZERO time lining up our October surprise
i doubt there are any religious jews here ahmed
the boomer - millennial/gen z divide is unreal
Looks like the idf chicks will backstab their own at every turn. I wonder why though
>my country is finally bombing with its own aircraft
The US has responded to attacks against its Iraqi and Syrian bases with airstrikes and scores of successful assassinations. It's very well prepared to deal with this chimpout, and they've been collecting deep intelligence since forcing the PMF to stop a few months ago. I expect a shitload of Iraqi Katib Hezbollah casualties shortly.
Its a 10 mile gap in technology knowhow. Not even joking.
rolling for dead zogbots
you evangel*cal dog
these amalekites bear no relation to jesus or the jews, they are canaanites and other assorted mixed mutts who wield a babylonian religion. They themselves have no claim to the holy land but should piss off back to the caves in iraq where they belong.
the bible does not stutter.

Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind

Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Curbstomp evangelic*ls, Force feed them Bible quotes, tie them up and duct tape their eyes open on Revelation 2:9, Kidnap evang*licals to church and beat them
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Before kikes appear again. I think they never expected to unit Christians and Muslims. Different ideas and ideologies. I've said this before, but it's good they can't divided us. Stay safe my brothers. Even if we don't agree on somethings.
My brother in Christ we are going to be genocided 10 years from now lmao
Quite what?dumb spic
Also noticed that kikes LOVE to cosplay as hamas members.
every people's women ever
They will never divide us because this isnt a religious problem. This is an israeli problem.
Russian women seem loyal
>Christians have no claim to the Christian holy land
>it's for Muslims
kys Abdul
They are shizos and immoral
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they need to filter amalekite cum through a white cloth to prevent amalekite semen from staining their pristine amalekite wombs. Ofcourse, they take every single load raw so long as it's a goyboy stretching out their cervix . little shlomo still hasn't figured it out after two millenia and thinks that this certified cuck shit is rabbinically ordained. Meanwhile half the IDF is taking gazan cock from behind the fence in secret.
shut your bitch mouth evangeliDOG the bible does not stutter.
at the same time, nasrallah has been revived by the powers of islam. and then everyone clapped.
the fag of beirut.
Lotta gear has been piling into Cyprus as well.
Don't be so bitchy. I'm astonished Hez are eating these blows. It's like watching Disney in a macabre parallel universe.
Man I have to read the book of revelations again. Pure KINO. Altho I don't get half of the symbolism
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That entire thread makes me disgusted at how evil these kikes are. Truly the people of synagogue of satan.
>my prophet tells me to wage war on all non-Muslims, but this has nothing to do with religion
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relax faggot, she wouldn't have put otu anyway
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Ben gvir assasinated or who was it?
look up the cherubim
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How would /chip/ ever recover?
2 more weeks......
lole who died?
that faggot was just a random officer not the "new leader of Hezbollah" you colossal mutt retard
The new iof commander?
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You're a mexcrement goblin? Lmao, how pathetic. Every single time.
It’s confirmed that they were American strikes in Iraq. I forget, have they responded to any other strikes before this (besides against the houthichads)?
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Kikes are evil, talmud must be denounced. Muslims are evil, quran must be denounced, the entire misbegotten race of Isaac and Ishmael and the rest of the benighted brood of Abraham must be destroyed.
>Abdul quoting Bible that he believes is corrupted
>thinks Catholics are evangelical
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Hostage status? Did they free the hostages yet?
sausages? what sausages?
Theyre all dead thankfully
you took 7 business day to draft up a reply, keep your mouth shut before i fuck it evangeliDOG.
Plane shot down over Yemen, apparently carrying Houthi spoksperson

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How are kikes in your country? Not many Jews in Norway, but here's a short clip of a Jewish-Norwegian girl. Text translation works

>(((Emmanuel Miller)))
into the trash it goes
Explain the Trinity in your own words.
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I really hate the Israeli state and I hate that our government supports them but at the same time, I hate islam and I don't want them getting their way.

I support which ever solution makes muslims and israelis both seethe without involving mass casualties.
>gypsy jeet discount poo thief
Wow even worse
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>Theyre all dead thankfully

This guy thought along the same lines (picrel)
may your mother be raped with the dicks of 6,000,000 dogs
and your stash of foreskins be devoured by dingos
in salad
I, on the other hand, support which ever solution involves the highest casualties possible
>do xYz
2 enoch 25:3.2
Disintegrate yourself, Adoil, and let the visible (physical) come out of you.
I follow the same God Muslims do. what am i even saying.. I wish i followed God half as devoutly as Muslims do.
3 aspects of the one God, or maybe 3 ways we men have been able to recognize Him. in every case He teaches to reject evil satanic jews and love one another.
>i hate everyone in this conflict
>plz no mass casualties
ok ahmed lol
2 states.
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Go fuck yourself muslim nigger retard. We all hate you cunts.
>the kike is implying I give a shit about dead mudslimes
I support witchever solution results in the highest possible dead toll among kikes and muzzies alike
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should you be laughing kurwajebanec?
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Yeah this is my standpoint as well, which is why I'm not really invested in this conflict at all, unless it escalates further with Iran.

Fuck both jews and muslims desu.
Anyone who doesn't recognize the holiness and true courage Nasrallah showed and doesn't take it into full account is a piece of garbage. And if you do take it into account you will only want good things for his people and destruction to his enemies.
not buying it if it's from Zhidter
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>a Muslim follows the same god Muslims do
No shit.
>Again.. US bases in the region/ Iraq under fire
in truth, for he Israelis its a religious battle but for hamas and hezbollah its political
they just want autonomy and for the US to leave the region
a functioning islamic state would probably stop migration to our countries
we hate you jews very much
>couldn't do it
Imagine that.
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if the kike word for someone with true faith in God is now Muslim, then call me that, i dont give a fuck. i take it as a compliment.
we thrive off of your impotent rage cuck. you will watch your mudslime heroes get btfo, livestreamed by the jew lookner, watch his ads, and seethe
you havent even read the bible, how can you even pretend to know the line of ishmael
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>completely stop paying attention to this so called "happening"
>check in because i'm bored
>map looks like this
do israeli shills work on the weekend or do they do it for free?
jews are just making shit up now.Whenever they kill a new Hezbollah officer they claim that he just become the new leader on Hezbollah 10 minutes before his assassination.
sometimes I do think it would be good to just nuke them all but that's because I'm a sociopath when it comes to people from that region. but on rare occasions they can elicit sympathy from me, I don't want the few that I could care about to die
You put yourself in league with antichrists and support the destruction of their enemies, which includes Christians. Why pretend to be Christian?
Damn. She doesnt look like the norwegian babes i see in norway. Def jewish genetics.
exactly, that nigger was a somewhat high ranking officer but in no way the new fucking leader of Hezbollah
hear hear
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Nasraha got aked and my village had it's first missle siren of the war
The quality of the ones today, with unorganized scripts. Points to it being unpaid poopiejeets attempting to use it on their shilling resume to eventually get paid 50 cents per 16 hour day
Amen brother. People will try to break your spirit but just put your trust in god and let everything fall into place. This materialistic world is temporary, the afterlife is eternal.
highly unlikely safieddine will be on lebanese territory so i doubt he'll get assassinated just yet, expect to see some high rank IRGC niggas getting knocked off in lebanon though
TKD boys!!!
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Congratulations on the new "unknown aircraft" paint scheme, this is the way.
>making their leader a martyr
they're not even trying to hide that they want a region-spanning war anymore, huh?
It is your Quran that says you are a descendant of Ishmael, not the Bible.

I like iran but this just makes me fucking laugh
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yse yes ali hussian fidaqi syrian girl .. oh wait I guess you are just a shitskin ali hassain fidaqi

syrian girl beutiful as she is must be fuming right now
How are they jews? Certainly their culture is not jewish and I'd be shocked if they weren't almost all 75% plus norwegian by blood, at most you have a few chabad rabbis around imported from abroad to help jewish torusit, I've met a few imigrants to Israel from nordic countries that became religouse their almost all heavily mixed with the natives today
If it makes you feel better the support is fake, even america "our greatest" Allie is two faced
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We're lucky to have fewer Jews than Sweden, but we have some of (((them))) here as well sadly.
that's my point stupid, how the fuck are you gonna say anything at all when you don't even understand your own religion.
you probably need the scofield reference bible to understand anything at all corn syrup for brains.
how about you pick up a bible right now and post in chip next week.
syrian girl is ugly as fuck
But some Arab girls and some Jewish girls have huge mommy milkers
why would I want to genocide Abigail Shapiro
The best they could hope for is the impact of the missile to coincide roughly with the predicted arrival time of his plane according to flightradar. This is a calculation a 7 year old can make. Zero chance of hitting the plane or convoy while moving.
>Urgent | Syrian Observatory: A number of Iranian militia members were killed and injured when their positions were targeted near the Syrian-Iraqi border


More DEAD shitranians
you understand, as a child i would have most likely ran away scared from someone like Sinwar, but now all i recognize in his face is someone who faced the injustice done to his people and took it on his shoulders? its unique to read you assign these people as my heroes, but i guess its true, they are some of the most worthy people living in our present day. but i dont rage, i contemplate how to have such strength against your degenerate evil. as for lookner i dont watch that kreacher looking motherfucker no matter how much you post him.
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can i get a time estimate on when we can expect this revenge?
>How are they jews? Certainly their culture is not jewish and I'd be shocked if they weren't almost all 75% plus norwegian by blood, at most you have a few chabad rabbis around imported from abroad to help jewish torusit, I've met a few imigrants to Israel from nordic countries that became religouse their almost all heavily mixed with the natives today
Isn't being Jewish an ethno-religion? Like none of you guys are still full canaanite/Israelite by blood anymore anyway. Ashkenazis in general are mostly European as far as I understand it.
Jews nor trying to destroys healthy nations challenge impossible
A muslim will say that they follow the same g-d as us any learned muslim will have more positive views of judiasm than of christianity
It's territorial conflict for all sides not religouse
sometimes you must choose the lesser evil (tkd)
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fren with wings has the enemy that flyes
My first post made it clear that I am a Maronite. I further clarified for you that I am Catholic. You have no idea what you are talking about.
nasralla status?
You're forgetting that the houthis are supported by Iran and indirectly by Russia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aVKG8KcCks @ 22:24
I don't know what the goverment what's but the majority of israelis have wanted war with lebanon since at least October 8th
I would if she wasn't just an iranian gov shill hore

just put a sock in her moth and børk
>any learned muslim will have more positive views of judiasm than of christianity
>It's territorial conflict for all sides not religouse

lie and create confusion
Is all you guys do
jewish fuckery of western soecity seems more of a recent thing though
but Muslims have been invading us for over 1000 years. Imagine if they succeded and europeans were now all inbred arabic speakers
>my hero is someone who executed Christians
>I'm definitely a Christian, btw
you follow satan, freak, and vilify the Son of God and their Prophet. shut the fuck up and get ironed.
seriously I've had my share of crazy womyn... it would never last
fpbp /thread
Sandniggers and mudslimes BTFO'd once again, I love the cope
>my hero is someone who executed Christians
no, i fucking despise nutty-yahood and all filthy murderer jews.
>. Imagine if they succeded and europeans were now all inbred arabic speakers
Bosnians don't speak Arabic. Chechens don't speak Arabic. Albanians don't speak Arabic. Asian Muslims don't speak Arabic. Subsaharan African Muslims don't speak Arabic. All these groups have different cultures and traditions.
nah that's not what you said. you've been acting like a kike since you rolled into this thread. your lack of bible knowledge is appalling, and then you have the balls to call me abdul you inbred kike.
>recent thing

Christian kings have burned and expelled jews for centuries. Eventually europeans got cucked.
It is racial and religious lying rat
>being Jewish an ethno-religion?
Theire is an ethnic component to its not an ethnonreligon since we have almost always taken in outsiders
>Ashkenazis in general are mostly European as far as I understand
Nope and it's crazy impressive the average full ashkenazi is between 40 and 60 percent levintine
Explaine how I'm wrong pro tip you can't
>western soecity seems more of a recent thing though
Yea becuase it only stems from the asimilation of jewry witch began being forced on us in napoleans era
>not religouse

it is religious, jews believe they can treat non-jews like cows, with jews being the cowboys, even "secular atheist" jews think in this manner 99% of the time
>vilify the Son
This right here is why muslims like us more than they like you, if you made a muzie food it would be haram he would not eat it, if I make him food it would be halal
>It is the most important base to defend Israel in the region
Kek they don't even bother to hide the real reason America is in those countries.
no one cares tho and thats a real long message that i didnt read lol. keep coping
>Subsaharan African Muslims don't speak Arabic

some do, in sudan
>jewish fuckery of western soecity seems more of a recent thing though

been going on since antiochus the 4th, titus and hadrian dealt with it too, AFTER rome expelled jews in 139BC
Well, yes, we hate the christians because the Christians do worship Jesus peace be upon him besides Allah, and commit Shirk, and Jesus peace be upon him, is innocent of what they say.

But the fact is, you are more an enemy to us than Christians.
Christians for one, are not as evil by nature as Jews, like ibn al qayim said about you people:

"The nation upon whom is the Divine wrath are the Jews, the people of lies, slander, betrayal, conspiracy and trickery, the killers of Prophets and consumers of ribaa (usury) and bribes. They have the most evil hearts of all nations, and the worst attitude. They are the farthest removed from (divine) Mercy and the closest to (divine) wrath. Their way is enmity and stirring up hatred. They represent the house of witchcraft, lies and trickery. They do not see anything wrong in rejecting and disbelieving in Prophets whom they did not like. With regard to a believer, they respect not the ties, either of kinship or of covenant [cf. Al-Tawbah 9:10]. They do not respect the rights of those who agree with them, or show any compassion towards them, nor do they show any justice or fairness to those who work with them. There is no safety or security for those who mix with them, and there is no sincerity towards those who use their services. The most evil of them is the one who is most intelligent, and the cleverest one among them is the one who cheats the most. The one who is good at heart – which it is unlikely to find among them – is not a Jew in any real sense. They are the most bad-tempered of people, with the gloomiest houses and the filthiest courtyards. They have very bad manners – their greeting is a curse, and meeting them is bad news. Their slogan is wrath and they are filled with hatred.”
40 40 40... fucking egyptian shit..hold on

is some fucked up shit with this story
you don't need to i dont care what you think. if a single kindred spirit read it i'm satisfied
They were part of Egypt. However South Sudanese do not speak Arabic and a lot of them are Christian
Hezbollah executed a lot of Christians under Nasrallah.
>A muslim will say that they follow the same g-d as us any learned muslim will have more positive views of judiasm than of christianity
according to the quran, jesus will be the one to defeat the equivalent of the antichrist and jews are shunned for rejecting jesus and muhammad
mary is also revered, and the only woman mentioned by name
no one read it bruh, try reddit
if you made it it would probably be poisoned, you satanist freak. any Muslim would stick you in a pike
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>Subsaharan African Muslims
And yet they're all dumb, smelly, and subhumanoid.
I read it, anon.
It's more tribal their is a genetic component but we wouldt be such giga mutts if it was truly an ethnoreligon like the druze and yezidis are
Completely false and secular atheist jews are mentally the same as goyim, arabs and jews both want to rule the same land that's why we have war here
>Nope and it's crazy impressive the average full ashkenazi is between 40 and 60 percent levintine
I find that very hard to believe. Like maybe three hundred years ago due to all ashkenazis basically being forced to live like hobos, but since then? Doubt it.
This was my first post, Abdul.
>nasrallah dies
the life of the bulgarian mudslime immigrant
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I have nothing to "explaine" to you lying bitch.>>483145066
ffs sake based mongols
kalif goes I am of hungery

they give him a platter of gold...
>I can't eat that


is qadrullah... I'll show you qadrullah... then they tore him to pieces with horses.. sigh...
sorry I cant hear you from jewish bombs shredding Christians and Churches
"trust me bro", i assume
Finally, an honest Muslim.
like a kike adressing lebs
>Completely false

nope, your own rabbis like yitzhak shapira and ovadia yosef openly state that non-jews are cattle and should serve as slaves to jews, even saying that they can kill goyim babies, etc
yeah his one post and both sides bad really sold me
I read it anon. CHRIST IS KING
How did the Christian countries become Muslim countries?
>jewish fuckery of western soecity seems more of a recent thing though
Holy kek
>Completely false and secular atheist jews are mentally the same as goyim

Explain Reformed Jews and why they seem to be the worst ones.
indeed so it is
sorry bud but shit rolls downhill and you're it
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"The nation upon whom is the Divine wrath are the Jews, the people of lies, slander, betrayal, conspiracy and trickery, the killers of Prophets and consumers of ribaa (usury) and bribes. They have the most evil hearts of all nations, and the worst attitude. They are the farthest removed from (divine) Mercy and the closest to (divine) wrath. Their way is enmity and stirring up hatred. They represent the house of witchcraft, lies and trickery. They do not see anything wrong in rejecting and disbelieving in Prophets whom they did not like. With regard to a believer, they respect not the ties, either of kinship or of covenant [cf. Al-Tawbah 9:10]. They do not respect the rights of those who agree with them, or show any compassion towards them, nor do they show any justice or fairness to those who work with them. There is no safety or security for those who mix with them, and there is no sincerity towards those who use their services. The most evil of them is the one who is most intelligent, and the cleverest one among them is the one who cheats the most. The one who is good at heart – which it is unlikely to find among them – is not a Jew in any real sense. They are the most bad-tempered of people, with the gloomiest houses and the filthiest courtyards. They have very bad manners – their greeting is a curse, and meeting them is bad news. Their slogan is wrath and they are filled with hatred.”

Funny how majority of intellectuals and great mans of the past came to the same conclusion
To the degree we're witnessing, yes. It is recent. It is a post Obama thing.
>Well, yes, we hate the christians because the Christians do worship Jesus peace be upon him besides Allah
i don't think hate is the right word here for what would be in your eyes idol worship, shirk.
good night everyone (except kikes), and Rest in Peace once again to Nasrallah, i'll pray for him and his warriors
cheers bros
You should try being honest. I've read your Quran and many hadiths.
kek, from ford to jesus and before.
i plan to read the Quran but i still havent fully grasped the Bible
Which is your favorite?
the world needs mongols rn
Your Quran is very short -- a 12 hour read. It says nothing, though, and is incomplete without the hadiths and tafsirs.
9/11, lavon affair, USS liberty, morgenthau plan. there's no chance.
>been going on since antiochus the 4th, titus and hadrian dealt with it too, AFTER rome expelled jews in 139BC
These things were not in Europe fuck wad, there part oft he reason so many of us ended up in Europe as well, rome was the instigator in every way they did not need to control our tiney scrap of land they would of been every bit of a world power without it and if they insisted on owning judea they could of ruled it without provoking it's locals, no reason they had to try and hellenize us outher than arogcance
fugk me ghenis.. or halugu from his grave
Bukhari and Muslim for hadiths. Ibn Kathir for tafsir. They get the least objections.
It's hard to admit it today but in the past renound muslim scholars have declared judiasm a pure religon decide of idol worship jewish scholars have said similar things about islam and you even dick ride us more than we do you, to me halal food is non kosher I won't eat it but all muslims will take kosher food, the arab jewish diaspora also always had better relations with their host goyim than asheknazim mostly because of islam
>These things were not in Europe fuck wad

rome in 139BC was definitely in europe, it's still in europe, stop drinking btw, sillyboy
Becuase they were at war
>satanist freak
This is something else we and islam are closer on than you, everything about your mindset and views of spirtuality is european and pagen in nature, I'd bet even first few generations of christains would be more akin to me than to you, I'd like to see them react to you decorating a Christmas's tree
Yeah, not one of those matches the complete filth they show on tv 24/7 (just look at friends, the edgy show of the 1990s by comparison) and their mountain of porn.

Not to mention the open filling our countries with shitskins.
Maybe America already had a lot of shitskins in 2008 but around that time most Euro countries were plus 90% white and London and Paris were still 80% white with just some big and growiing bad neighbourhoods.

I can't explain to Americans what an 80% white big city is, though.
ah, i figured on a grander scale of things. i agree with you in that sense indeed.
Note that he wrote or said this after tailoring his religions specifically for the jews he was jealous of, being a merchant himself, and wanted to convert, but who refused to join his weird cult.
>literally malding
When will these fags stop the theatrics and actually do something?
Sound like bs.

He was based af

>During the Civil War, Gen. Ulysses Grant Began Expelling Southern Jews—Until Lincoln Stepped In
>General Orders No. 11 gave Jewish people just 24 hours to leave their homes and lives behind.
Don't talk down about your sugar daddy you cunt

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