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Previous >>483367620

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Ground invasion officially underway, confirmed by IDF
>Artillery preparation taking place in Lebanon ahead of Israel's ground invasion
>Israel is planning a limited ground operation in Lebanon that could start imminently
>Hezbollah attacks Gesher Haziv, Sa'ar & Cabri with rockets
>Yemen shoots down 11th mq9 drone
>Syrian air defence activated, blasts heard in Damascus
>Iranian Foreign Minister: The elimination of Nasrallah will not go without a response.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igq3d6XA75Y [Embed]






>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed]
Hezbolla won.
is there any footage? i stopped using twitter a bit ago
No they havent, this level of coping is sad.
>>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
>https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Remove] [Embed]
>Este video es privado
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>Israel relies on its intelligence, air force, and cyber personnel to engage in combat. They avoid sending ground troops in because they don't have a real military, it's all just reservists
>If Hezbollah and Iran can keep up the pressure with missiles, eventually Netanyahu will be ousted and it's unlikely they can sustain a ground occupation of Lebanon

Is he right? Don't bother replying to me if you're a kike btw, I have all jewish flags filtered
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>Is he right?
of course and kanye will be president with trump as his VP
also mudshits BTFO
>>If Hezbollah and Iran can keep up the pressure with missiles, eventually Netanyahu will be ousted
Dont think so
>and it's unlikely they can sustain a ground occupation of Lebanon
This is true, but I think they expect US to do it for them
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bros i am un ironically demoralized

>israel invade gaza
iran does no shit
hezbollah does no shit
muslim country does no shit

>hezbollah btfo
iran make secret deal to usa
hezbollah fucked

>biden say the cease fire and israel ignore it
usa say lol ok what ever
iran big mad but do nothing

>lebanon invasion
i guarantee no thing happen

i hate saying but israel keep winning! when will we stop the cope bros. it obvious only solution for lebanon army also btfo hezbollah and play nice with israel. jordan and egypt now peace full and no wars to israel.

palestine question very hard but i think gaza be in egypt now and western bank to jordan they can crush hamas rebellion may be we can see peace after all finally

i am very sad the sword has failed but it time for the pen. to many innocent are dying and israel too very strong and iran cucks and muslim nation do not care only of power and money there is other option to peace if we can not fight with might .
Where are all of the webms? We have a very strict censorship, but nothing is holding back the lebcucks, are they getting blitzed so gloriously they have literally nothing to show for it?
>banned by the israeli government
Based, death to lugenpresse
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Its just homes kufar, ignore the fact we cried about the fact that 1 million people ran from their homes and therefore its shitzbollah using them kufar
Obviously Israel is going to target Hezbollahs weaponry. Netanyahu is not unpopular in Israel.
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Sissybollah got the war they wanted lol
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Kill yourself tranny
>Is he right?
As I've said for months, Hezbollah is just buying Iran time until they get nukes.
>Based, death to lugenpresse
So, death to kikes!
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Actually hilarious, but in an ironic way.
Seriously thinking about saving these for future malicious compliance.
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>commie blocks burning
why are we doing these niggers a favor?
though this may actually be damascus
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>they don't have a real military
nah nicks just telling his muslim fanbase what they want to hear (ie grifting). the lesbians are going to just sit back and let the israelis do whatever they want, then when the israelis leave they'll shoot in the air and claim they drove them out.
Why muslims from Europe wont go to ME to fight their holy war?
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Theyre cowards that only ever fought against civilians, they piss themselves at the thought of fighting the IDF.
Why is he not in South Africa liberating his people?
>when you hear a knock on the door and voice in hebrew
Whats the source?
Al Jazeera.
getting sick of the blackpilled because being amateur warfare analysis of amerimutt morons like fuentes and adam green



the mutts also sabotaged their own fuel ship, lmao
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this, the cope that you can easily replace people with international connections and trust, 30 years of experience is a fucking joke
>the mutts also sabotaged their own fuel ship, lmao

If (and a big "if") this is true, a very interesting position for military leadership to take if theyre going with conscientious objectors/ Non-compliance route.
This would also imply a disconnect certainly exists between Washington and the Military.
As to not bog the US into another war by deliberately limiting its involvement and hiding behind plausible deniability.

Some Israelis who left when the ICJ got involved were definitely the smart ones, since they also have the luxury of plausible deniability that they left as "conscientious objectors" and simply return when all this boils over, or avoid prosecution if it doesnt. Really smart play.
you stupid bitch, the cope is you havent taken any ground in lebanon meaning the rockets wont stop
>you haven't taken any ground in lebanon
our tanks are literally raping you as we speak, we celebrate victory after victory while you make excuses and cope after cope
>our tanks
You are a tranny pajeet, you don't own shit, little tranny
Sweet Muzzie seethe thread
Let the kike cope commence, where were you last night sisters?
Trans folks live rent free in your head
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ignore that underage tranny obsessed spic btw. He's already got mind broken from my arguments last thread so now he's just full on rage baby mode.
why are you so buttmad i dont see myself as an atomised rootless individual but part of a collective? why are you so pathetic
>oy vey, why is Iran having military cooperation with le evil russians
TKD is being prepared right as we speak
You keep talking of trannies, did your mtf dad abuse you as a child or something?
you cant even conquer gaza in a year, youre a joke
Trannies are mad I see
Stay mad little trannies, the talmud instructs you to stay mad anyway~
dang ol' jews are just shitty man
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> 2 more weeks
every post he makes is with the word 'tranny'. Its really shows the whole "every accusation a confession" LOL
>i dont see myself as an atomised rootless individual but part of a collective?
So, on top of being a tranny pajeet you're also a commiecuck? Holy kek
Sisters stay with each other! Girl power!
Praying for more dead kike demons.
>You keep talking of trannies
And kiketroons keep financing them!
they have been seeeething all night, they dont kno how to cope with the ground invasion KEK
>kikes in 2014
"Hahahaha russia will never invade Ukraine"
>kikes right now
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Are the kikes still asking for webms of the current event while posting no content of their own? Asking as a fellow kike pls respond where is our ammunition these fucking chuds are killing us!
>as of 8:05 no israeli casualties
but you told me they'll turn them into red mist
Errmmm except that kiketrannies finance global LGBT via jewish banks and Soros "charities" tho? You've been found out, little tranny
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This single statement did more to seal palestinians fate than any ground invasion.
Gg no re Gaza, if you're gonna curse your lot in life curse your fellow Arabs before you curse jews.
Oh nonononono
Lots of misinformation right now. Some say that pissraelis are in Lebanon, others say they're not
painful to read
choose a different flag
>Are the kikes still asking for webms of the current event while posting no content of their own?
In fact, the kike who calls himself "a real woman tomboy" said that in those webms not a single kike died kek
Few threads back
>invasion status
before thata
>bibi status
Before that
>nasrallah alive and well in iran
Before that
>you wont do shit to hiznonollah
This cope and cognitive dissonance must be tiring jeez.
Sisters, why aren't we on the front line and are on cope duty instead? Are we too dysgenic even for the IDF?
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How is the invasion going for Putler? Russia is economically in the shit and made itself dependant on China.
Saudis are truly the scum of the earth
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Hostage status?
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why does this general still exist?
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Ermmm except that saudtrannies have been kike buttbuddies since the 70's? Were you born yesterday little troon?
Talk about cognitive dissonance.
Is there a Telegram page that will post live updates of the situation in Lebanon ?
dang will u fuckin jews just invade already stop wasting time christ all this yatta yatta yatta
Iran doesnt seem like a reliable parner anymore. Peace with the strong as always.
>How is the invasion going for Putler?
500k dead hohols and counting, thanks for asking
Why does the JIDF branch still exist? We need you in Lebanon stat, sister
Shitkraine's demography has been practically doomed. And that's a good thing.
why are you literally making shit up now
To get your faggot head chopped off
>Iran doesnt seem like a reliable parner anymore
Ermmmm except that saudtrannies partnered with anglotroons in the 70's and not yesterday? You kids don't know shit other than guzzling hrt there days
you forgot my favoute cope, when they said they destroyed all the airbases with timed rocket barrages and Israel could not repair the runways due to the rockets non stop hitting due to the iron dome being out of missiles, then the next day they got airstirked 1300 times in 12 hours KEK
Based, i can already see this will make the brownoid seeth ITT
Uh oh, someone got shaky hands
>my victory is that i abuse women and children
al aqsa status?
freedom of palestine status?
famine in gaza status?
iranian mossad hunting unit status?
nassrallah status?
beirut status?
Is that going to win you southern Lebanon, sister?
good fantasy brownoid
naw we only kill gypsies and shitskins
>our tanks are literally raping you
holy kek I missed this one

like this??

Yes they're never dying, as long as people know how to argue with an enemy the board is great lmao

torn bottom surgery risks lel
>upload failed
>upload failed
>upload failed
That's it. DUMPING
coping sandniggers around the globe have to vent about islam losing
>>my victory is that i abuse women and children
>al aqsa status?
>freedom of palestine status?
>famine in gaza status?
>iranian mossad hunting unit status?
>nassrallah status?
>beirut status?
anon that whole list is nice and all but do you KNOW they shot down ONE expandable drone last night! they are winning now! that one drone will NEVER be replaced!
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Ermmm except that kiketrannypedos have murdered hundreds of kids for months + the kids they routinely rape worldwide every year?
Judaism = pedophilia, simple as
>my victory is that i abuse women and children
>famine in gaza status
Mmm, I don't think you can cry about civilians and at the same time gloat about starving them, gurl. You'd know that if you weren't so absoutely assblasted. Maybe take a slurpy break, live, love, laugh
Any Telegram page for Lebanon content ?
Oh shit my bad I totally forgot about your post in my last one. Here's your tank busting video bruh
It's a poopjeet on a VPN. Hands are shaking due to being in the middle of a really hard poop in the streets. All the local villagers in his farmland town are laughing and pointing that his poop isn't liquid like 95% of the other poopjeets. The other 4.5% have normal solid poop because they just took immodium for explosive diarrhea
What newfags need to understand is to never take a kike seriously, whatever those trannies say there's always a 100% chance that its a lie or a distorted truth. One should never, ever, entertain what a kike says and always call them for what they are: pedophiles, homosexuals, trannies and murderers.
>naw we only kill gypsies and shitskins
That's true, that's why you send them in southern Lebanon to get mogged by Hesbollah BVLLS
Very funny prank
did you HEAR the fed had to PRINT bills last night to fund iron dome?? we actually pulled some people in for a late shift!! great victory for palestine!!!
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imagine using ukraine cope on this
why did you run to europe?
regardless, i have a different mission i cant tell you about just yet ;)
dead palirats don't count as human, of course a gypsy isn't to know that
In their mind they are the only humans so there is no contradiction, plus those kids deserved it, IDF found a copy of Mein Kampf in their mother's womb
Kek, my sides
air defense?
Ukraine cope? Nigger, weren't orthodox pussies out in the streets crying about getting drafted? Talk about desperate times lmao
You're indian
nah that's a driver screen on a namer
it's not out of fear
they're just leeches that want to keep on doing nothing
Oh yeah, also thanks for the tip, forwarded o7
bro just top up the engine oil
nigga who cares
it has nothing useful on it
there is a reason i took a photo of it
don't worry about it
>did you HEAR the fed had to PRINT bills last night to fund iron dome
The tranny thinks this is a good thing, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i see, the camera seemed to be pointing at the sky that's why i asked...
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Poopjeets love to larp as kikes. They have such low egos, that even kikes are viewed as superior to them
There was even a community note on vivid, that he was a poopjeet living in small village slum in india
>>did you HEAR the fed had to PRINT bills last night to fund iron dome?? we actually pulled some people in for a late shift!! great victory for palestine!!!
inshallah! victory is close at hand if Israel needs to use the infinite money glitch this early in the ground invasion!
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>they're just leeches that want to keep on doing nothing
Now describe an israeli in general lel
Holy shit I can't believe I get to make a kike seethe right before he gets murdered
sooo... what happened to all dem muh nukes?!?!
>they won't use them because if they do israel will invade and they will lose !!!
like what's happening anyway right now?
isn't suicide bombing like their whole thing? think of it like one big suicide bombing.
ok i trust you, give em hell and leave none alive
lmao even
oh you're that underaged poster
i'm coming back with the scalps of your relatives
Oh, okay, I'll let the boys know it's nothing useful then. Hopefully it won't get your team fucked then. Thanks.
Poopjeets love to larp as kikes, diue to their terribly low egos.
PICREL: Vivid lives in the slums of india, he's not a kike in israel
File deleted.
>i'm coming back
Mmmm, no, I don't think you are
I don't like israel leeching american dollars and shit but why would I ever care about them fucking up the entire middle east? They rape kids, throw gays off buildings, cut off arms and cut out eyes, and throw acid on women who don't want to marry them.

Plus is Iran or Lebanon a big enough shithole for this to become an Iraq 2.0 where the bad guys were fucking up the worse guys?
I'm old enough to know you trannies are walking into your graves for the THIRD time.
>inb4 "w-what are you talking about"
Don't worry little tranny, you're gonna learn soon enough
Have shias ever suicide bombed? Isn’t that a sunni thing?
You shouldn't care, you should die in the floods like a good cattle goy
you said that already and i'm still alive
Throw more babies at guys to steal their wallets
Damn, so impatient to die? And I thought Muslims were a death cult. God damn, eager beaver
Don't complain when you're sent to the front to die as you should, or when Ahmed decides to blow up in your Walmart and take you away with it.
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I think he's coming back, just not in the way his little tranny brain thinks
The pratyposting is indeed getting real
Glad you agree
Uh oh, someone got shaky hands again
Hopefully he gets his coom extracted so they can impregnate his sister
you're almost funny
>why aren't you on the front
>y-y-youll d-d-die
Not gonna happen, that little homo no longer has a penis kek
This war is only directly relevant because:
> the tactics the Jews are using will probably be used against White people later
> increased illegal immigration
> Jews may kill Christians and bomb churches
> western nations fund it
talking with browns is so tiresome
>le 70s
Did yo miss the developments in the past 2 years or what?
Uh oh, the pajeet tranny is already tired, quick, bring him emergency hrt
Shaky hands again huh
you have to be 18 to post here
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That's why it's called a job, saar
>but the holocaust
I'm stealing your line.
>deport muslims back to the middle east
The holocaust.
>White Australia policy
The holocaust.
>bring back early first millenium marriage
The holocaust.
>law reformed based on the code of Justinian
The holocaust.
You seem nervous. Maybe you shouldn't go bragging in random places of the internet about where you are and what your job is during the middle of a war. Not very bright you kikes
>arab conutries
those are murican lap dogs and hezbollah wont listen to them LMAO
>deport all Jews from Australia back to Israel (or Madagascar)
The holocaust.
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imagine being used as a human cumrag by the people claiming to defend you lol
Nah, he's still just in the middle of constipated super hard shit. He's been streetshitting while shitposting. 1lb done, another 4lbs to go. It's when he does his best work
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There's that word again lmao, and you guys say your programming is effective?

Why are you kikes so BROWN?
So what's next after Lebanon? Damascus?
>the cope changes every 5 minutes now
NGMI street shitter
i have time to burn
and what's better than seeing you trying to weasel yourself out of this one
>mu human shields
westerners are going to kill them anyway LMAO
You wish I was under 18, right pedo?
Why are all kikes such pedos?
Why is judaism so pedophilic?
Why are kikes always thinking about kids?
i hope lol im tired
Ermmm except I literally wrote in here >>483382731 that saudtroons are fags? You are lying once again, little tranny
i'm not interested in you
it's not personal, im just not gay
>and what's better than seeing you trying to weasel yourself out of this one
Out of what, dipshit? You're messing up your thoughts cause you're scared you might have fucked up. Who's weaseling out of what now?
what cope?
hezbollah never cared or listened to the murican lapdogs in middle east anyway
Wtf are you doing in Syria bro? Just walk through the border and get free stuff from uncle Erdo.
Stop claiming that jews are all pedos. It's... it's....goyim!, yeah, that's it! That are the pedos
Wait, you think that did something to the tank?
Ermmm except I posted here >>483382731 that saudtroons have been fags for decades? You're lying too hard little tranny
Don't kill Christians. Don't blow up churches.
nah im fine
The spic is coping his insides out
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>when the kikes switch over from lying to just taking up space to own le chuds
Comfyposting hours

Did you not see the back portion explode after the second shot? That's where the fuel is, schlomo.
Fight your own war.
It might be some to stop giving the jeet free unlimited (you)'s. He doesn't care what you write as long as he keeps earning shekels per (you) & then has a reason to post more and have it look organic. Kikes will do anything for the shekels
i played enough Backgammon to last me a lifetime
so it's either that or sitting on my ass and doing absolutely nothing
so laughing at you is better than that
The holocaust.
Ermmm except that you brought up underage kids out of nowhere?
Why are kikes always thinking about naked kids?
Why judaism endorses pedophilia?
Why all rabbis have to fellate baby dicks?
Why are you all so gay and pedo?
>if you evacuate from the battlefield and not die for some shia child rapist, you die
Yeah you are actually retarded
Aren't you supposed to be trooning out?
>70% of the thread replies filtered
Fucking retards, stop interacting with them
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Forgot the picrel
khazarian queen is a pajeet tranny who always lies, I proved in here >>483384465 that the little tranny is lying once again
Post name, address, and bank details.
They have nothing left besides trannies diddling kids and larping as jews. What a beatiful buckbreaking bread, bless hashem.
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You're laughing. Israel's iron dome is failing and you're laughing! Won't you think of your fellow countrymen?

Enlighten me, shitskin. Also sorry I thought you meant my other tank buster video, there was only one shot in that one. Both were neutralized, of course.
>either that or sitting on my ass and doing absolutely nothing
Thought you had a super sekrit special important mission. Did somebody else take over making the matzah balls?
Nowhere near Melbourne, faggot brown tranny.
Ermmm except only pedos like you get mad when called out?
Instead, explain why your religion revolves around raping kids. C'mon, tell us
/chiב/ has been on the ropes for a good while now but this settles it.
filterfag still talking to himself and the underage ragebaiting beaner are the only ones left.
>ummm except
i'm not even going to read it
you're a dumb nigger
and you post like a child
which is why i told you to fuck off
The troon got doxxes recently. Xir's twitter account was posted. Along with the vore jew's discord account in a server that a fren found
You have exactly one minute to convince me why I should care about this war.
omg they were diapers!!!
bro they still btfo your sandnigger kin lmfao you are coping so hard
>Both were neutralized
Yeah by an obvious APS. It is pretty telling when your only hope for a win after weeks of getting raped is that maybe, just maybe you have damaged a tank. You are on 100% pure copium and because you are a retarded nigger, you don't realize it.
Post hand first brownoid.
failing what
it works just fine
i have a different mission that we are waiting for the go ahead order for
so i can't give any details until its over
>so i can't give any details until its over
Don't worry, it's over
Ermmm except you trannies are literally forcing the ultraortotroons to join since the other soldiers are already dead? Why are you so gay, little tranny?
Ah, there you are, thinking about fiddling kids once again.
Why are all jews such pedos?
Stop thinking about kids for 5 seconds, little tranny.
>The troon got doxxes recently
I saw, he's a fucking homo
there is no evacuating with westerners, you are going to bomb them until they are either killed or until they flee away from the county just like gaza
South Lebanon status?
Holy shit you are retarded.
Xhe also said he was in a "very important mission" yesterday as an excuse to leave. Xhe was also shaking a lot.
You shouldnt give a fuck at all lmao, dunno why clueless westeners keep thinking their opinions mean anything besides moralfagging or pushing agenda for whatever topical trend in their own country.
North shitrael status?
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ye it pretty much is
global rule 2
>dunno why clueless westeners keep thinking their opinions mean anything
Ermmm except its little trannies like you who get triggered about what we think all the time?
>The UKMTO reports that a ship was attacked in the Red Sea, 97 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah, Yemen.
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>Some of you Lebs are alright, don't drive south of the Litani today
Back to trannies again? Its ok bro dad is now a woman so youre not gay anymore.
I broke you, lmao
Drafting the orthodox has been an ongoing topic for years you buffoon
huh so I can post text but not imags/webms today
can't bake today
doing what arabs do best
>declare victory regardless of outcome
Full of dead kikes
Very messy and environmentally unfriendly
You sure showed them, sister
Why Israel flags so active today?
>global rule 2
You should follow global rule 88 and stop being a kike
I’m having the same issue
It’s weird because the image I want to post has nothing to do with anything harmful. It’s a pic of a man’s shadow
I tried uploading it as a test

Most likely they aren’t censoring people, but something is instead wrong with the site
Special military operation in Lebanon going great, obviously, that's what cope brigades are for
you are a stupid fucking kike, wasting your life being cringe thinking its funny while putting your rat colleagues at risk doesnt send the message you think it does, especially when you die a stupid ass death after being so smug and fruity. then all you achieved is to end up in a kike slaying montage or get your obituary plastered all across these generals. you clearly have no idea whats it like to worry about semtex blowing up under your fucking mrap, take care of yourself you fucking irresponsible retard
you ask this question everyday kek. Our bread now, get nakbad.
Oh true, they totally aren't drafting them by force right now because the other idftroons are dead, right?
Ermmm except that kiketroons declared victory in 2006 after getting defeated by Hezbollah? You're projecting too hard little tranny
> cope brigades
You've done nothing BUT coping, meanwhile Israel has been issuing warning to civilians in Southern Lebanon because it's getting occupied. Dumb gypsy faggot cannot put 2+2 together.
Same here. It said too big for 247kb webm, it said upliad failed or corrupt for others. Even pics get rejected most of the time, and i had to mess with the image file to get it to upload before. Shitty chan bday posting day
Or maybe they put us on a list?? Idk maybe in the past they noticed we uploaded no-no content and have now prevented us from doing it again?
Not sure what to think. I’m gonna stick the theory that the site is experiencing technical difficulties
The more shitrael loses, the more active the shills become
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250 dead hezborats in bekka region, probably many more nuggets, imagine being this cucked, what are you even fighting for? to piss of the jews so the kill you more?
i'm not putting anyone at risk
im not bringing my phone in
and it's not my first rodeo
>Our bread now
>if I come in and take a shit it's my house
If only those pesky Muslims understood that simple rule :(
Ermmm except he's right? Why are you trannies so active today? Get holocausted little soapy tranny
>meanwhile Israel has been issuing warning to civilians in Southern Lebanon
So coping by bombing civilians because they can't destroy Hesbollah? Thanks for admitting
Ermmm except that shitrael has had so many loses you trannies got forced to draft the effeminate ultrapedos?
Would be a dream come true to see those penguins forcibly sent to the field
khazarian tranny posted an image after your post
uh oh..
Khazarian queen is a tranny pajeet who always posts lies that get proven wrong in minutes, if you see him remember he's a disgusting troon who's been to jail for touching kids.
>bombing civilians
Are you retarded, Israel isn't bombing the roads, they're told not to drive because there are ongoing battles, because your Hezbollah heroes are getting pushed back north of the Litani. Idiot.
Apparently there's at least 3 reports on chip. I think 1-2 are new to us

I can't uplaod picrel, so instead:
Search google with:
Jewish organization reports on the 4chan /chip/ "comfy happenings in palestine"
I guess we’re on a list then
Or maybe it’s a regional thing? Idk maybe someone smarter than me can explain
>cuckrallah gone
>/chiב/ regulars gone
The writing is on the wall, the diasporites gave up on shilling for the blastelilinians
im having trouble to if it makes you feel better, 4cucks is antisemitic today
>i'm not putting anyone at risk
Oh but I am putting you at risk, little tranny.
I already sent your pic to Al Mayadeen, I bet those bros will forward it to the appropriate fellas
>Effeminate 5'2 Mestizo tries to understand military matters
Stick to making empanadas Jose
Just as Hitler promised peace and prosperity to his nation while committing evil, the Antichrist is believed to do the same. In this context, Israel is considered God's chosen nation and holds significance for Christians, whether Jews or Gentiles. Any so-called Christian who harbors hatred towards Israel and its people is not aligned with God's teachings. It's not about following trends or agendas; it's about faith and belief.
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>in my mind all of this is happening
Dunno, sounds to me like you're coping and keep peddling back
Actually I just lurk here and rarely post not that even matters.
Anyway you want the general? You want claim /chip/ as belonging to "us"
Sure it's all yours .
Just forget there is not "us" in this board, specially after the white race deception .
Because many of them are still kids, you're always thinking about kids, fucking pedo
bro goons to trannies. It's common practice in mexico to be effeminate, very much akin to lebanon.
maybe technical difficulty. I tried what this anon said >>483385546
kek im imagining a little goblino tranny making all its posts
Just filter him out then. It's the best way to ignore. Thather than hiving nonstop shekels via free (you)'s
>the diasporites
Well that is literally the history of your people, from thousands of years ago
>can't stop talking about kids
>can't stop talking about trannies
I won't take part in your degeneracy
Yeah guess I’ll have to crop more
the pic of the screen that says low oil pressure?
i'm so fucked
>Error: Upload failed.
Imagine my foot on your throat you retarded leb, that's how your people will feel in Southern Lebanon today
ye fucking gookmoot
Ermmm except Hezbollah also had their supreme leader killed in 1992 and kikes claimed they won only to get defeated by Hezbollah in 2000 and 2006?
>haha good one master
God, I'm getting second hand embarrassment from witnessing this.
Khazarian queen is a pajeet tranny larping as a kike, he is mad all the time because he'll never get out of India and will never be a real woman btw
why is the gypsy still seething, you've been btfo several times already
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why are goyim like this?
while you are waiting for hezbollah edits, enjoy these hamas edit
Ermmm except that kikes in average are dysgenic and diseased sacks of shit who always have the same genetic diseases due to severe inbreeding and rabbinic cock sucking? You're seething too hard today, little tranny
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You are a goyim. Cattle. We are G_ds chosen people. It is embedded in our language. Cattle are animals that have no rights. What right? If you are not jewish, you are considered a beast. We are the humans! You are not! Do you shed a tear for chickens that get genocided because of avian flu? Do you mourn the deaths of cows in the slaughterhouse when you are eating your porterhouse steak? Of course not! I will not cry for you! You will cry in pain when I slice your throat like the cattle you are. A jew can take (not steal), rape (no consent is needed when you are not human) and slaughter (not murder) said beasts because you are cattle with no human rights. Dumb goyims never get it. We explain and explain. Do you not know this higher than you mentality? Beasts you are. Die goyim. You don't even know the hate I have for you. Too dumb to know. I cant wait for you to die for me.
Ermmm except that in the Talmud kiketrannies talk about how raping kids is mandatory in Mishnah Niddah 5:4:?
>"Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility. "
Like hell I know, I simply passed the image to Al Mayadeen fellas who are, I guess, friends with Hezbollah?
If the past is your only affirmation for the future, what is there to learn from 1948?
Total Jewish Victory is inevitable, stop shaking
>doesn't deny it
troon out already kek
better than being a brown spic incel who no one likes
Khazarian queen is a pajeet tranny larping as a kike, he is mad all the time because he'll never get out of India and will never be a real woman and today ate too much chili curry btw

did we get 4chan lol?
goyim cant catch a break
>5'2 80 IQ mestizo calling anyone dysgenic
Incredible things are happening in this thread
If you kill all christians in the middle east nothing of value will be lost.
It's ok jesus forgives us

>they weren't destroyed in my mind!
No more coping, shitskin. A blown up tank is a blown up tank. I only posted two. Buck up, I'm sure israel has more to spend

>it's not happening it's not happening
We know we know, just keep posting and keep peeping you dead buddies, that's what you're here for moshe. No matter how much content is banned from the board it will still be posted. Shout out to tank kike lmao
Ermmm except that even doctors have reported how kikes are dysgenic little trannies? https://www.gaucherdisease.org/blog/5-common-ashkenazi-genetic-diseases/
Every kike accusation is a confession it seems, little tranny
Army's doing side quests
Ermmm except doctors worldwide have described how weak you little trannies are?
All kike accusations are a confession it seems, little tranny
good more dead palirats
>when israel is getting blown the fuck out so bad that imageboard /pol/ is no longer allowed to post images
Oh im laffin
>nuking 3 countries and 2 terror hives at the same time, i love being based as goyim cope and seeth
>You're a tranny because...tay sachs!
You know about as much about genetics as you do about warfare little Jose. Why don't you stick to things you know like making tacos and leave the adults from countries who have actually won wars to it.
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how does it feel to be powerless before the jews?
that we can reach you even here?
to know that YOU ARENT SAFE
Ermmm except you couldn't prove me wrong and now you are trying to change the topic? Its almost like getting herpes from the filthy mouth of a gay rabbi makes you all so dysgenic and sick, isn't it little tranny?
Fuck off larper! You're on the maintenance crew and big daddy shlomo made sure you don't see direct conflict. Fucking faggot!
The best part is that this means the end of christianity in the middle east, not more larp of muh holy jesus land
Just remove all christians by killing them , that is where Israel comes into play with their Judaism religion ;)
I have to hand it to you, you morons really know how to spin a loss lmao
If jews are so powerful why can't they make khazarian troon become an actual, real woman?
Really makes you think...
/chiב/oids cannot fanthom the euphoria Israelis are feeling right now. History is in the making and it's all in our favor, truly god's chosen.
You're indian
>Ermmm except you couldn't prove me wrong
What you said was irrelevant. Like I said you're both dysgenic, and have no understanding of war, you're just shitting this thread up with your low IQ, run along now little Jose.
Your president is jewish
>/chiב/oids cannot fanthom the euphoria Israelis are feeling right now
Why, are all Israelis getting semen milked BEFORE their inevitable demise?
Ermmm except global doctors said it years before I did? https://www.gaucherdisease.org/blog/5-common-ashkenazi-genetic-diseases/
You can't deny science, little tranny
At least one troon will need to go back in to repair their top surgery stitched because of this post

And another well struck final blow

See you in the next one, kikels! New bread NOW!
That friday was glorious, the complete and utter hezbo cuckening.
Is it a 50kb limit issue again?
Your file went through
SO are you a conscript or you are active soldier?
Seems like you have much free time to be on the internet, shouldn't you be invading Lebanon or whatver?

Also kill al Christians in the middle east or at least the much as possible, do it for us ;) make /pol/ proud
>Died from heart attack
>a mutt, spic and romanian are all /chiב/ has left
Don't go chimping around about us occupying your dying bread, there can only be a two thread solution
Bake a thread with troon flag since they cant and it will make em seethe
Is this today?
>truly god's chosen.
But can you just eliminate Christianity and Islam, you your just gonna larp as especial chosen blah blah
We waiting boy
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>ITT: faggot abduls that are mad the Ummah is a bunch of fucking losers
I hope they do attempts at stabbing attacks and shit so they accelerate the world to just kill them already they are to retarded to subsist with other higher IQ races they could never
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Use a 50kb banner in the next thead due to file size limit
Based Indian
>brown /chip/ returns
Lmao pls, I'd prefer if there were two TKD threads, even if one is brown. They'll both be used for what they're supposed to. ;3

>you're all BROWN
>shilling for kikes
Ugh my stomach... fuck, I'm gonna puke-!
No stay here, this is not "our" general wtf, it's just //chip/, nothing to fight for in some internet retard war, nobody cares about that, this is not 2012.
Stay here , stay closer and let's just bant the hell out of this religious weirdos
lol, you alright mexibro. Thanks for annoying these kikes, shills, kike shills, trannies, kike trannies, pedos, kike pedos
This, without muzzie cope whats the point?

It's the 50kb filesize limit glitch again.
So the next bread needs a 50kb banner which have been used in the past
I rather be mexican than a sandnigger :3(l)
Use a 50kb or smaller banner
Bant has not limits, can be muzzies, christians , judaic neurotic freaks . At the end this is /pol/ or what?
It started as being fun making jew jokes and mocking the holocaust what changed?
We don't like jesus too neither islam
>seething this badly
>34 pbtid
>tells me im seething
I understand why they call you guys the araps of europe
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Whites can't tell the difference tho

me too in case you're a kike

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next bread
>kike damage control central in here
>y-you're seething
tell them to bring 2640


they already have
they dont care about truth just a big ass pilpul charades
no, just shellings so far

kek what a dumb fuck. there is a massive logical fallacy in that rethoric of his obviously incels would miss. kek

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