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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This is the horrifying moment a woman fell to her death after she tripped over a wall while she was being filmed singing and dancing with her friend.

Arina Glazunova's last moments were caught by her pal in the hard-to-watch clip filmed in Tbilisi, Georgia, last Friday.

Footage shows 24-year-old Arina, from Moscow, striding across a pavement singing along to the Russian boyband Hunger Boys' hit 'For The Last Time' on September 27.

Arina is seen looking towards her friend's phone camera without, looking where she's going. While she keeps singing, the phone turns back to her friend, whose eyes suddenly widen in horror as she sees Arina disappear headfirst over the edge of a wall and into an underground passage.

Arina's panicked screams can briefly be heard in the clip before it cuts to black.
Local media reports say that Russian national was rushed to hospital after the fall, but later died of head injuries and a broken neck.

A street memorial has since been put up by the underground station where the tragic accident took place, with locals laying flowers at the scene.

Photographs of the spot where the tragedy took place show a wall above a drop onto a flight of concrete stairs.

The small memorial to Arina can be seen at the foot of the steps.

Several social media users have expressed their shock at the tragedy, with several commenting on the safety of the entrance to the underground station.
Have a nice trip see you next fall
Women deserve this.
I guess she wasn't the main character after all.
A woman who looked like that gave me a pity hug once. I don't even know why. I've never forgotten her and it has been 8 years.
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What the fuck, this is actually retarded architecture.
I blame fingols
>24-year-old Arina, from Moscow,
That counts, another good russian who has been removed from the gene ppol.
What is this death trap? Lol
what the fuck?
Its a rusnigger shithole, what do you expect
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To be fair, Russia can’t into building codes.
What is this shit, the Death Star? How much does a railing cost the city, fuck's sake.
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we purposely trained the city contractors wrong, as a joke
Putler banned guardrails in Georgia because he said they were boogie, her death is on his hands
it's not completely flat, look close, there is a low wall
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total moskal death
Yeah but if you trip you'll fall. Needs railing.
That's third-world tier levels of safety precautions. I'd expect that in the jeetscape or china or something.
>singing along to the Russian boyband Hunger Boys' hit 'For The Last Time'

Oh no
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New York, 100 years ago:
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They are called "stairs". They are why white people are not as fat as americans
Yeah it's like 2 feet.

Total normie death.
you are supposed to look where you are going.
She was looking at the camera instead and walked into the low wall and went tumbling over.
>trips over a wall
How the fuck do you trip over a wall? Was she a 50ft giantess?
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i wonder whos behind that post
The photo creates an optical illusion, there is a perimeter wall around the stairs.
The wall comes for them all.
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Make no mistake, Georgia is effectively third world. It's filty, with animals running around, people driving like retards and all money for safety regulation stuff like railings has been long pocketed by corrupt politicians. Cheap and people are nice though, worth a visit, just watch your step.
It's an ankle high wall meant to be tripped over see >>483556529
What in this world needs more railing than 5 feet of solid stone wall? You cant build your way out of idiocy
Russia should know better that their population are a bunch of drunks and childproof everything.
I ain't clicking that fucking shit. Where's the video?
>/pol/ virgin thinks you deserve to die a painful death if you look away for 5 seconds
the pathetically weak female body in action
That wall is NOT 5 feet tall.
epic prank
jesus christ what is wrong with slavs.

When I see people run around DayZ and they are in those big apartment blocs with the giant concrete staircases with no rails I wonder if it's just shitty mapping or if their buildings actually have 30 story death traps if you make the slightest wrong step on the stairs
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if you trip and fall into that, then you deserve it, that's at least thigh-high wall and I'm being conservative. look at the photo, she was wasted and singling and twirling and threw herself over because she needed attention for her friends video
Pahahaha that “wall” is actually less safe than nothing at all
Someone who knows how to install posts apparently
It's in Georgia(country in Caucasus mountains independent from Ussr for 30+ years) you tard
She is leftie hoe who ran away from Russia when the war started
nice graffiti
Fuck, the pretty one died. Fucking Putin put some small fence there, you have money hypersonic missiles.
She may not deserve it, but it's no one else's fault.
>with several commenting on the safety of the entrance to the underground station.
Watch where you going instead of acting like a tards for updoots and you won't have any issue
its in georgia
yea but it looks like its knee high and might be knee high which is why she fallen head first in there instead of just bouncing back
>Georgia is effectively third world. It's filty, with animals running around
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its actually a "retard remover". all walls should be built like this. railings should be banned.

thats the whole problem with modern society. its why we need to re-introduce peanut butter to school lunches. we are never going to have a high IQ society and go to mars if we keep propping up the stupidest people. Its why we need to ban narcan. we need to make wheelchair ramps illegal.

the gimps and the tards need to fucking DIE ALREADY.

why are we protecting these people. they are just a burden to the rest of us.
the russians built the shitty soviet infrastructure. don't blame the georgians for that
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>perimeter wall around the stairs
The wall is waist high. Guaranteeing that anyone going over would hit head first.
Built for BGC. Big Georgian cock.
Darwin Award
get your shit together russia
Yes. I hope you meet a similar end, preferably more painful and drawn out.
Where’s the webm
That’s shot at a weird perspective there’s clearly a short wall not just a straight drop off lol look at the guy walking behind and the cars, it’s just blended in because of the light.
I like where you're going with this. That means niggers gotta go.
Why do 99% of npcs have no spacial awareness?
That's in Tbilisi, Georgia, not Russia.
Too soon, anon. Too soon.
But kek
The "optical illusion" would literally be safer if real. Less chance of falling straight onto your head, which is clearly what happened here.
Makes it worse ngl, if it was flat a person will fall on their feet, worse is spine injury, but they won't die, with little "wall" they will fall on their neck and snap
Railings are sexist
This isn't political at all.
That "wall" would be illegal in Italy. Any wall or railing with a drop behind it must be at least 1m (≈1yd) high, to avoid tripping over it.
More like Big Georgian Cemetery
The contractor pocket the $50 needed for another few levels of concrete blocks.
It looks like it goes up to your knees. You walk into that and whoopy daisy. You're plunging to your death or a broken neck of some kind.

Which makes it even worse than having nothing there at all. If there's nothing you might land on your legs, the low wall trips you onto your head
I could have saved her.
She could have just as easily killed herself slipping on the stairs and hitting the back of her head.
In fact I'm sure more people have gotten injured falling down the staircase than falling over the perimeter wall.
I'm not arguing that it's a good design, obviously it's better to have a guard rail and some sort of awning, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
You'd think that's enough of a gap for you to at least put your arms out and break them instead to soften your fall
Tbilisi Georgia Oblast RussiACK
Lol. Kazakhstan greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls.
What was she singing about? So sad. At least in the US the family would get rich.
Russia should just invade Georgia and fix it, they clearly can't manage it on their own.
Women are idiots, zero situational awareness, if she was with a dude she will be singing and he would be looking around and guiding her. Happened to me a few months ago with my ex, she went to the balcony while drunk and i got her inside, she threw a tantrum that i accused her and eventually we broke up.
Drunk russian dies
>many such cases
Whole former Soviet Union land is full of ridiculously unsafe constructs.
>if it was flat a person will fall on their feet
Only if you jump, retard. When you walk you put one feet in front of the other. You'd have one leg falling while the other is not so you'll end up on your head too. In your case that would be fine because it seems empty.
>What was she singing about?
>poslednij raz
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Look how dangerous that subway is, anyone could have fallen off into it. And someone did. Awful.
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Somg was called
>The last time
Pretty ironic?
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>Russian dies to bridge
May I know the proper name for the bridge to properly welcome it to the team?
imagine filming your friend die then uploading it to the internet
>What the fuck, this is actually retarded architecture.

>people driving like retards
Bro you're one to talk. They can't possibly drive worse than Latvians.
Good, another russian pig dead, based gravity
It is retarded. Where is this?
Nope, i had few friends who fell in similar situations, worse was a spine injury
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When people in the west tell me how many people have hiv in Russia etc and how backwards it is they can't get treatment and all I'm thinking about is how eugenic it all is.
That is sad as fuck. Put a railing up you fucking morons.
should have had a roof like a house or some other kind of building
maybe like a cinema or restaurant perhaps?
I've seen things you can't even imagine. Safety is not part of Russian or Soviet culture.
> painful and drawn out

like life in bumfuck eurostan where you spend the day chopping fire wood? hahahaha fuck off bitch
What the fuck, that wall is too low.
If you were an architect, you would have designed something similarly as dangerous because you are a fucking moron.
sexual things?
People say it's in Tiblissi.
Fucking dumb Georgian niggers!
I expected better of them.
Lanklets tripping over walls. Manlets keep on marching
>few friends who fell in similar situations
You just proved my point
It's OK to laugh because she's Russian.
She would never have said my name.

So it's no matter. shocked how many care for nonsense.
Billions must die, no railing pls.
Why is it good?
We're being sabotaged by the food industry and the corn cabal
There is railing. It is the same color as stone and picture quality is shit so you dont see it, but if you take a closer look you will notice the lightning changes that imply it is there.
India maybe, but even China would have a railing, a shitty railing that would fold over if you leaned on it, but a railing nonetheless. Rus-niggers are suicidal.
What song are they singing in the video? Someone post it.
A bunch of drunken soviets built it years ago.
Same subway entrance today from the other side.
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Silly foreigners. The wall is at least one political poster high.
This walkway was built in 2015
its on the link you lazy fuck, click play
The cool thing about America is if you get even slightly injured you can sue and get tens of thousands in settlement cash.
An accidental death is worth millions.
In Europe if you die, you die. Her family won't even get an apology or rail pass.
Why the fuck will you go over it? If you have such bad coordination you should die for darwin.
You fucking spastics need glasses. Can't you tell that there is fucking wall there so STOP people who are watching where they're walking from falling in? Jesus christ you fucking retards.
Anyway, I guess the stupid fucking whore missed hitting the wall.
Oh no that sucks.
>not one joke about her hitting the wall
You guys suck.
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The one down the street is even safer. The height of a Prius front bumper.
Well I'm pretty sure drunk teenagers walking around at night is pretty common in any country
Ok? Are you arguing that that is a safe and effective wall?
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There is a difference between hold my beer level retarded and whoops one miss step and you break you neck. I'm fine with Darwin awards for dip shittery but a random pit in the sidewalk isn't OK.
It screams broke ass city too poor for even a basic guard rail or even some chains between posts..
B пocлeдний paз
Aнcaмбль Becёлыe peбятa

Idk moon runes, but learn to use shazam. It's gotten pretty good at identifying songs
Third-world architecture, Ziggeria edition
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we need more "third world" levels of safety precautions, not less.

this shit need to be banned.


two feet is two feet too much. just put a yellow strip of paint there. a "visual barrier".

you are the pol virgin faggot.


the tards and the gimps have to fucking go. we simply cannot afford to keep them alive.

This is natures most basic commandment. learn to live OR DIE.

No more welfare, no more EBT, no more food banks, ban all charities, no foreign aid, tax all religions, no more EI .... total tard death now.
no more railings, no more ramps, no more braille, ban othorpedics, ban wheelchairs and "mobility" scooters, no more publicly funded buses. all this fuckign commie crap has to go. no more student loans. no section 8 housing.

In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and bitches tripping on some bullshit.
she never sucked my cock so why should i care?
But in all seriousness if she were with a man he would have grabbed her ahead of time and not stared at the fucking camera trying to pose their look instead of looking out for their friend.

That bitch was clearly trying to be attractive for the camera before she started squealing like a rodent.
My brother in law is a structural engineer and a while ago we were explaining railings. He said they gotta be high enough to be able to stop someone from going over like the top ropes of a wrestling ring. But short enough to be able to look over and rest your arms on. Similar to what you would see at an indoor shopping mall. He said in newer structures they're making railings a few inches taller because dumb asses will find a way to someone fall over the current ones.
This is literally fine
Here it is you blind schprota retard
Too soon. The dust hasn't settled.
why her friend upload dat
So? Just let natural selection do its job
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Could have been worse...
Did she do a flip?
Coddled, weak, soft and useless men. Your kind will be the first to go when the power goes out and the grocery store stops getting deliveries. You fail in every masculine measurement. $20 says you were all raised by single moms
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OMG, no cap! It's like these subway entrances were designed by Jigsaw, basically murder devices!
Think of how many women and bipoc people are probably killed by these basically camouflaged 20 ft long, 6 ft. wide murderholes. There are prolly THOUSANDS getting killed by these every year just because they were distracted by a TikTok or Insta alert. In fact, I bet they were put there just to kill women and minorities! FUCK THE PATRIARCHY!!! THIS IS NOT OKAY!!!
>New York, 100 years ago:
yeah NY subway was based then now it's the same sloppa and just as slow, but in my many trips to NY (I live on LI) I've never seen an unmarked bottomless pit
>Russia should just invade Georgia and fix it, they clearly can't manage it on their own.
They have my permission, in fact they can have up to Germany but that's it.
More of a curb really.
Yes. Railings are often installed later and are 1m high.

It also consist of metal rails inserted vertically in stair and with wooden rail on top that can be easily removed, creating additional peril of stabbings.

Russia lives by “tough environment breed tough people”
Had to turn off my adblockers to continue.
WTF is this ad minefield of a niggerfied site? Is this how internet looks to normies nowadays?
This design is fucking dumb put a roof on it. A small shelter from the elements and to prevent falls.
Simp semper tallfaggis
>after 100 years of niggers
This post might have been funny eight years ago. It's so bad I can't tell if you're a JIDF / Shareblue bot designed to lower interest in the board.
if it had a roof like a grocery store or a garage or other types of buildings this wouldn't have happened
>acting as if your life is some gay musical in public
my pity is limited
yeah, the above pic's like this >>483558046
make it look like the sides are even with sidewalk when it's actually raised up a decent amount
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Family should sue the city
Yeah, your momma niggie.
I met Chrissy Meyer outside a bar once. I gave her a "y-y-you to" head node and she smiled and patted me on the shoulder out of pity.
i dunno, i do not see any of that shit, and was still able to play it using ublock
Looks like reddit is having a field trip on /pol/ today
You're right. If it's dark you wouldn't see any of it.
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She voted for this

She voted for the current society that created the postmodern architect with their retarded topsy turvy designs that led to her downfall.
the wall around it is elevated, it just looks as if its flat due to the angle
check the flower pot on the right, makes it more obvious.
although it doesn't look very high, I'll give you that
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and how will rusians fix it?
rape them untill they have hiv?
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A nigger who can't even conquer the Falklands has zero say in international policy.
It's in Moscow you melty.
This isn't a russnigger shithole, this is the cream of the crop, the best they can produce. Their shitholes are far worse.
Joke's on them, city is broke.
Nah, look at those rails, they have spikes to prevent people from planking on them. That trend was only popular among whites.
>no video release
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It is incumbent on every person to be aware of where they are placing thier feet.

I speak as a carpenter and steelworker. I routinely worked at great heights. before that I worked in forestry. when i was akid growing up we played hockey without a helmet, we played tackle full contact football without prtective gear. we JUMPED our bycicles over our friends laying on the ground.

people got hurt. i broke my collarbone playing football. Im still missing a couple teeth from hockey. my dad (a naval officer) had a full set of dentures by age 35 .... he was a goalie for a hockey team in the 1950's!

you get tough, and get you 'situationally aware" .... OR FUCKING DIE ALREADY.

peanut butter should be served in every school cafeteria by law!

theres far too many protections in modern society propping up retards, degenerates, faggots and losers.
Yeah it's 1.5 feet above the ground. Perfectly to trip over. Lol.
faggot you haven't conquered even one single sand dune, ran with your tail between your legs out of afghanistan too
now the towelheads are parading your own equipment
the only think you can do is do israel's bidding, don't even have self autonomy anymore
This seems to happen a lot with Russians, why is that?
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am I the only one who thinks this thread is really boring
>You cant build your way out of idiocy
this. probably the first person to die there, despite hundreds of millions of people having walked past it.
russian pop music so much better than usa.
its very fucking bad from civilian population point of view but i guess its form of natural selection at least
gets rid of smartphone addicts and old people
Anon delivers.
What do you want? Two meter high wall with soft covering and safety net on top?
It is underground pedestrian crossing, not entrance to putins bunker.

In all my years I have never seen one higher (unless it is build-in in something else)
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!!!
>In Europe if you die you die
Nah, just slavlands and Mongolian lands.
Twerking and celebrating living abroad/leaving her bf to be conscripted
Seems like this wouldn't kill most people unless they landed head first.
Okay Ivan rapebaby.
Destroy roads. No road - no pedestrian crossing
>What do you want? Two meter high wall with soft covering and safety net on top?

A higher wall would do that trick. Or ffs put some yellow flashing or rods around it.
why are you listening to those niggers pepik
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>Image shows underground passage where Alina fell. Flowers have been laid by mourners in the spot where the accident happened
women privilege
if it was me that fell no one would care. maybe some mcdonalds wrappings tossed there
It hasn't been for decades Grigori.
Can confirm.
My cousin and his friend went on vacation to Batumi last summer. Some Georgian working here told them it was cheap af.
Well, it was cheap for a reason.
Both returned with fucking head lice they got from hotel pillows.
35 years isn't enough to fix your shit and build new shit, huh?
So I just found out this old Russian song is a cover of an even older Spanish song. Here's the original:
use ublock origin you mongol..
Must be done for you in your country
We all know its there you spastic manchild. The point is that its way too low to be considered safe.
yeah i actually had the pleasure of designing a set of railings for a mine safety thing. its not just height that matters, you also have to consider the distance between the posts. they should be big enough that someone cant get thier head stuck in them. no really, people are that stupid, they get their head stuck in the railing.

total gimp death now! every railing should be designed to be just big enough to get your head through, but youd have to rip your ears off to get it out.
A wall that doesn't serve as a thigh-high fulcrum.
That's a nightmare. What in the fuck?
Content and likes
Chinese architecture
We need to stop protecting retards. Put reasonable protections in place for reasonable people who might have an accident but DON'T go out of your way to protect against retards. America is full of anti-retard systems, so retards end up living and thriving. Anyone getting frightened by this image is just outing themselves as a retard who would fall in.
nokia, connecting people, to concrete.
Dead russians = good. It is good because they are subhuman scum and deserve death for being what they are.
specially designed to make you trip and fall headfirst
If you wank into a knee high wall, you'll trip forward and land on your skull. It's arguably safer to have no wall at all. People fall through open man-holes all the time and usually survive thanks to their legs breaking their fall.

lmfao right
That looks super dangerous and I'd be surprised if this same exact thing hasn't happened there before. There should really be a safety rail around that, not just a very low not even knee height "wall." Does Russia not have a government agency whose entire job is to make things more expensive and inconvenient in the name of safety?
>pol chuds who will never touch a woman or go outside react to women dying like it’s a christmas present
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it's just russian architecture
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>literal Final Destination turdie urban planning
>"Please dont steal the flowers"

Fufkint hell Georgians are actual subbhumans.
Also notice how DayFail makes IT seem thsinhappened in Russia when IT was a russian libshotnhoenin Georgia dying over 50 IQ urban planning
It's perfectly fine if people actually watch where they are walking instead of being attention whores on their phone. Her fault with maybe a little blame going to society for allowing her to have a cell phone.


Holy shit WHY

There isn't even a benefit to no rails and they're not that expensive, what in the fuck

Her family would become instant multi-millionaires in most of the West
Where’s the video you fucning retard? SAGE.
Fucking great now I have a female Ronald McDonald fetish. FML
Nice... Seems something from the 70s.
This happened in GayOrgia thougbeit.
Have you Seen Russian Metrostations?
This is Christian Turks doing Roach civil engineering
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>no webm
I can't be the only who has noticed that women have absolutely shit spacial awareness. They are never paying attention in traffic on and sidewalks.
Who ever left the Pringles can is a real friend.
That’s really bad. I’m surprised little kids haven’t fallen before, or adults/elderly with poor vision. I guess it’s not a busy area, because otherwise a normal pedestrian would have already taken a fall due to other pushy people in a hurry jostling around and knocking them over.
Also the reason why all women bleed every month
Billions must trip.
Drunks are mostly invulnerable to fall damage.
Why isn't there any railing around it? I could see how someone could stumble over that to their death. I could also see how someone could be maliciously shoved over it too. This is increasingly likely as the west becomes increasingly (((enriched))) by diversity and inclusion. Picrel.
Stairway to heaven
>We need indiana jones traps on the streets so as to be smarter
Or just stay in school
Have Vodka drinkers never heard of railings???
>she never sucked my cock so why should i care?
You must really love your mom
should be 1100 mm tall railings there
We don't annex countries. We have no interest in land-grabs, because our land is already awesome. We added Hawaii and Alaska just to complete our biome collection.
We reformd Iraq's government and occupied Afghanistan for 20 years until Trump pulled our troop levels down to 2,500 and released a bunch of sandnigger prisoners for shits and giggles.

We are not the same, negro.
if it had a roof then nobody would be able to go down the stairs, or they would hit their head on the roof and get hurt
>She tripped and fell into an underground passage, receiving serious head injuries in Tbilisi, Georgia
Literally in op link
Open your eyes retarded pajeet
Oh, you're right! I would not have noticed if you didn't point it out. I was actually thinking this must have been some random photo that somebody was trying to pass off as related to the OP story, because there was no half wall in sight.
Optical illusions are funny.
Wall 1:0 Woman
Georgia is not the West.
Anyone notice the people who think the wall is an insane safety hazard (proven) are Americans and every person saying the wall is fine is a europoor? I know europoors can't afford air conditioners or automatic transmissions but are walls that go up past your knees to prevent death too expensive too?
>Stupid eurocuck thinks Americans are fat because they live in a mystically advanced society that has eliminated stairs.

No wonder you euros are so obsessed with Americans. We must be like elves to you.

Kek. Poor girl, fucked up way to die.
The structure itself creates an optical illusion, kek
This is what I think about when someone tells me white people are the same.
okay there are some great jokes in this thread
I'm using ublock origin so I don't know but last time one of my normie friends used the internet it did indeed look like that
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Not if it was a convertable
Darwin Award
This is a retirement filter. Skip people's pensions here
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yeah I know
>a fucking empty bottle appears spontaneously when the woman is kicked
Lmao that can't be real. Who signed off on this?

Lots of people die these days because they're busy acting up for the benefit of the glass eye
Yes kill everyone who does not pay attention
Far from it, maybe sad at best. But that's what she gets for being so fucking obnoxious.

>poslednij raz
It’s an effective barrier for a competent population, bar flies slopping from one bar to the next won’t be missed

I also think she might be Jewish for some random Georgian thot to have made this much noise on here, is she? Is her family seeking litigation and money?

Oh well rip retard
god damn thats so much worse than I thought, its not even above the knees
All right, I take back all my complaints against OSHA.
ever heard of railings? Lol wtf.
avg woman moment. next.
communism is fucking retarded
That is so fucked up its unreal.
Third-world infrastructure. Shit is China-tier.
A 1.5 ft tall wall surrounding a 20ft drop isn't a reasonable-protection. Its a tripping hazard. That tiny little "wall" doesn't even come up to my knees and is camouflaged into the surroundings by being the exact same material as the sidewalk. There is nothing reasonable about that "wall" and who ever signed off on that was a cheap-skate retard.
what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungie cord?

Latvian tram drivers are the best
pretty rich coming from a rapist jeet
Fuckload of good its done them by turning them all into fatalistic savages in a poor country full of corruption and addiction. Darwinistic humanism in action!
This is I̷n̴t̸e̶r̷n̷e̷t̴ without adblock. Sometimes you can see its nightmare reality when protection fails
>Soviets have less regulation than the US
You know we're well past soviet Communism in this country
>>acting as if your life is some gay musical in public
>my pity is limited
People having fun
German it's against it
Why are you like this?
It is Georgia.
Fucking dead trap.... She was not the first person to die there
nigga it's in GEORGIA!!!
This happened in Georgia (US state). Is American architecture really that bad?
Pick one you stupid amerimutt
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>Tbilisi, Georgia, not Russia
what comes from the motherland returns to the motherland
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railings should be banned. they should be replaced with a row of spikes on the ground. a nail through your foot will teach you to watch where you step.

oddly enough, despite all the dangerous jobs Ive ever done, concrete, steel and logging .... it was treeplanting in my youth that really made me aware of "foot placement" and actaulyl learning to be sensitive to how much pressure I was applying with my foot as I walked. because on the clearcut, the ground is very deceptive. its slippery. the logs can be rotten. the slash can be thick. cavities exist under thin layers of moss, the earth washed out. a logging clearcut is one the worlds most dangerous places to go for a walk, and you learn fast not to put all your weight onto your foot before testing each step. everythign is slick and slippery, and the recently logged earth is unstable. every step could be your last. i planted some really tough ground, alaska coastal and northern BC, steep steep ground. you climb as much as you walk!
NO railing. the fuck is up with that? That triggers my OCD and fear of heights. Pretty sad
>haha, I am just having fun!
no, you're being a histrionic faggot. act like a normal person
All their chads died in the war. Only genetically defective remained to pass on their seed. This is why modern Germans are autists with poor eyesight. Same thing happened with the japs. Feudalism resulted in only low T men remaining to reproduce. Same low body hair and eyesight problems, social anxiety etc.
Georgia the country, the one Stalin is from note the license plates
The wall plus the good street lighting around it are reasonable protection. What's not reasonable is being a retard borderline running while not looking where you're going.
Have you niggers never heard of Russian roulette? Same thing.
It is georgia. You even sanctioned russia for invading it no long ago
>peak russian humour
>Footage shows 24-year-old Arina, from Moscow

Oh, ok, nothing to worry about
>I blame fingols
thats a 15 year old logo and its turned from blue to gray
>locals out out flowers
How about some fucking safety rails inatead, you turboniggers.

God I hate turdworlders. The fact this station is plastered all over the web and Georgians dont feel embarrassment about it says it all. Niggers.
You're not a serious person.
Logging has some of the highest accident rates in the world. Being lucky does not make you safe.
>That triggers my OCD and fear of heights. Pretty sad

Drink less, watch your step more
there's a knee high wall
should always be watching where you're walking in public
Reminds me of my high school having a bulletin board next to a flight of stairs.

nce try but she still won't have sex with you.
even is she was a roastie. that's fucked.
Turdworld shitskin. Product of middle-eastern semen. Inbred dunecoon IQ posseser.
It is horrific, not horrifying
i hate drunk retards so fucking much
Reminder that Georgia is free, independent, democratic nation that had 30+ years to improve Soviet gibs.
in civilized countries such contructions are illegal same as opening a hole in the road/pavement without easily visible signs there's hole in the ground
in china and other countries civilians constantly drive/fall into such holes since its 3rd world shithole
Nothing wrong with the architecture, what you might be trying to think is that railings are missing.
So that’s how they maintain higher average IQ than the US, the retards kill them selves
They would be free if you didn't insist on imposing your mongol russki mir shit on them, nigger.
>Stupid eurocuck thinks Americans are fat because they live in a mystically advanced society that has eliminated stairs.
Eliminated walking too, lardass, judging by all those fatsos in rascal scooters
Everyone complains about the height of the wall but if it was a constant issue, it would have been already fixed. But so far it seems the only one who got hurt because of it is one drunk cunt. Maybe she should have been looking where she's going.
More like ogres
The road signs (exit) is written in English.
The parking sign has a P on it.
Use your eyeballs.
Turd worlders getting btfo in th7s thread, they have to hide their flairs.

You know what the problem is, nigger. Your continued defense of your niggerdom. Stop trying to defend the indefensible, shitskin.
Shut up triple nigger
>hurrrr this nondestructive, light fun was only done by Whites
Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? Are you oblivious to the fact that nigs ruin cities?
Yeah, those damned ruskies preventing mountain country from stacking some local rocks a bit higher, for a third of a century..
>Being lucky does not make you safe.
Theres more then "luck" involved. Learn to walk without ever fully commiting to a step, and learn to do that quickly. your mind is an amazing computer anon. it takes practice. it takes a couple of seasons to get your "sea legs".

No sympathy for tards. Like I said, ban all railings, ban ramps and "mobility" scooters. We arent going to make it to alpha centari with a bunch of gimps and tards. ban narcan and aids medications. the world needs to rid itself of losers and faggots. we've got a whole galaxy waiting to be explored (and logged). we've propped up losers and degenrates too long.
Checked, quads of truth desu
As is said - safety rules are written in blood.
Case in point >>483562437

Turdies gonna turd.
Yes, perhaps that's more fitting
It's America, take it up with them.
It's worse, it's right below the knee
Just STANDING BY IT makes you vulnerable to death by light push
You don't know what paved roads are or what a toilet looks like. Don't speak to me, mongol.
>in civilized countries such contructions are illegal
Coincidentally, so called civilized countries are drowning in retards.
Are you a hohol draft dodger or a poolak plumber?
Mythical creatures for sure - rich, fat, brown.

They're taking a meter per day. Eventually Georgia will be absorbed into Russia.

Fuck rails, and every other honky psyop for that matter

It's time for Darwin to make a yuuuge comeback
Remove meme flair and I'll give you a truthful answer. If not, don't (you) me again, turdie.
The only people I've ever seen in my entire life walk out in front of traffic are women and niggers
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sometimes several bad decisions leave their makers and collaborate and events that none of the involved had direct control over. this is one of those times. collective incompetence has a min all its own and takes what it likes in payment for entertaining us.
Ching chong.
Most of them really aren't kek
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you reddit simps are so fucking cringe. it's the same thing as if some drunk fuckhead walked infront of a car, which happens all the time. no one says there should be railings on the sidewalk. watch where you're going its not fucking hard
To be fair, I think they took it last time in a week or so. Olympics did not end before that.
What about now, menstruating cocksucker?
>Are you oblivious to the fact that nigs ruin cities?
They voted for it. Not my problem. I'm just pointing out how niggers don't have anything to do with the design process of that particular piece of infrastructure.
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He'll call you a mexican. Never let a jew take your flag off.
Ironically all the lawsuits and greed make the US safer.
>Coincidentally, so called civilized countries are drowning in retards.


imagine where we'd be if narcan and aids medicine didnt exist. we shouldnt call them 'railings" ... they should be called "tard wranglers".
>surrenders in 30 seconds again
lol, even Luxembourg is less useless than you
yep there is some silver lining to it but also every hangover/returning to home drunk can easily be your last
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stfu faggot
>Arina Glazunova, a 27-year-old Russian TikToker, has died after a tragic accident while walking through the city of Tbilisi, Georgia, with a friend.
>no one says there should be railings on the side walk
*checks building code*
Turns out you're an idiot.
might but a Nokia, don't know why just have this sudden urge, what do they even make anyway
Only Argentinian could consider US safe
>daily mail
Ok there little buddy. You run along now.
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retard got triggered hard. aren't you that Dane that admitted he's half ashkenazi in the other thread?
>drunkards dying
and what of value would be lost?

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