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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>483606875

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv (8 killed, 15+ injured)
>Hezbollah and Ansarallah shoots Tel Aviv, with settler injuries
>Ground invasion of Lebanon officially underway, confirmed by IDF







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases.
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thank you for the bread baker
Can I get all the previous thread themes? How many were so far?
shaky hands bibi status?
He was having a mental breakdown.
Hostage Status?
Netanyahu Status?
Ran scared
Bunker Status?
Hiding in it
Economy Status?
Hamas Eradicated Status?
Hezbollah Invasion Status?
Scared, btfo and L
Iron Cope Status?
America Status?
Not our problem

pissrael putting the L in pissrael
Thanks and Czech'd. I will christen this the 1842th with the flavor of the century, enjoy.

Sorry, you'll have to go back (through the previous threads), I haven't save them unfortunately.
Here's this thread theme

And I'm in favour of you krauts getting nuked. Too bad we don't get what we want in life.
Reminder hypersonic reminder zig Esau reminder low flight reminder iron dome defeated again get off the boars Nick fuentes is msdked to be killes and shit head baph hog all Anderson shit alex fat ass fuck oignisa nkiar a oiece of shit 3 zionidt csnnibal jewish zionidt marxiet communidt linked osraeli dod jeiwsh cartels and etc Peru etc fleeing to pozzrael with rabbis and what
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reminder about the Israeli seethe
Aren't you the tranny from a few ago who said he isn't gonna post here anymore?
So this is the problem with kikes. They interpret any attempt at securing peace, de-escalation, negotiation, or simply avoiding a massively destructive five year regional war as weakness.
>Kikes are Talmudic psychopaths
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wew it is indeed getting late

Have fun without me boys, here's one more for the road
Badly programmed bot
We havent forgotten your mental breakdown on 1st October.
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Pics from the Israeli strike on a Russian weapons depot in Syria.
nothing at the border today
I believe it was an Iranian/Syrian weapons depot in a nearby town a couple of km from the airbase.
>Iranians think people based enough to bomb russian bases will not nuke their oil refineries
cant wait for the epic fire pics and oil going 200$ per barrel and mutt coping at the pump
>one wants peace
>the other wants a WW3
I fucking hope for a WW3 so I can conscript some jews and ukrainians to the front line
>We want peace!
Then they go bomb every country that doesn't suck their dick. If they want peace, they withdraw all their troops, give Palestine an independent sovereign nation along the 1967 lines and make Jerusalem an international city open to both people. Give the Palestinians enough reparations where they will leave you alone. Dismantle your nukes. Hang netanyahu and his criminal cabinet. That's your road to peace right there otherwise Iran will nuke you off the face of the planet

Now I await pissraeli hubris responses
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Nah THIS is the thread theme. Kikes removed it from their tube kek
Times of Israel:
>The IDF allegedly struck a weapon depot near the Syrian port city of Lattakia overnight.

>According to the pro-government Sham FM radio, Syrian air defenses worked to confront “targets” over the sea in the Lattakia area. The station later reported that firefighters were working to extinguish a blaze in the coastal city of Jableh, just south of Lattakia.

>Opposition media in Syria reported that the target of the strike was a weapons depot.

>Footage posted to social media showed the aftermath of the strike.

>The IDF has vowed recently to prevent all weapons shipments from Iran to the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon, which often are delivered via Syria.

>Some Syrian opposition outlets claim that the targeted warehouse was inside Russia’s Khmeimim Airbase.

>Doesn't understand what the word Based means
I'll clue you in kike, it doesn't mean psychopathically violent
i hope all of the muslim parasites in the west get drafted, cant wait to see them human waving Iran lol
Why are kikes so ungrateful to the benefactors whom without you would immediately collapse
Most anons here saw this coming years ago and have been aggressively buying oil companies in safe regions for years, we’ve out jewed the Jew
nigger did you miss the part where mutts were reporting live on our incursion into lebanon exposing our forces to danger like the backstabbing rats they are????
Funniest thing is that you kikes are the most likely to be sent to the front line.
Better version here. Bump this shit in the club
Kike, how about you stop accepting the billions of dollars in weapons they give you to show how upset you are at them
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Why would anyone get drafted to fight for Israel?
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>The Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen take responsibility for overnight drone attacks on central Israel.

>In a statement, the Houthis claim to have successfully hit a “vital target” in Tel Aviv with several drones.

>The IDF earlier reported that a drone was shot down by the Israeli Air Force over the sea off the coast of central Israel.

>A short while later, two more drones were identified over the sea, one of which was shot down and a second which landed in an open area, according to the military. In the second incident, sirens sounded in the central town of Bat Yam.

>No damage or injuries were caused.

>The military is still investigating the origin of the drones.
Those conflicts will never give a full validation over casualties and damages...
You hope Muslims get drafted so they have guns and access to your military bases? WTF kind of logic is that? They'd kill you all
>We gave journalists access to the northern front and to up to date tactical information
Interesting, given that you kikes have imposed a complete news blackout on the missile hits
Why did Iran only fire 200 missiles? Why not 200,000?
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>And I'm in favour of you krauts getting nuked
TKD bump
UN bullshit that the US will ignore probably
You dumb krauts let the Americans destroy one of the most critical pieces of energy infrastructure for the German economy and then pretended it never happened. What a bunch of cucks.
>Telegraphing to Iran and other actors "we don't have 5th gen planes, or enough" is poison to them.
there is no way in hell Iran isn't getting at least the summaries if not the raw sat images of the damage from at least Chinese commercial earth-observation firms, if not the Russian / Chinese military sat data themselves
>israel would collapse without usa
Vice versa, american globohomo empire would collapse instantly if state of israel just suddenly disappeared
A carefully calibrated message to both West Jerusalem and to the Pentagon.
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der ewige Jude
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Kek you really believe that shit? What a dumbass. USA would go on as if Israel never existed
>Vice versa, american globohomo empire would collapse instantly if state of israel just suddenly disappeared
how? why? what would take away the petrodollar, the two oceans protecting the US, the ample watersheds and fertile land, the educated population, the command over the world's media and all the nukes it could ever need?
Thats is stupid, are you a kike too? Israel is ball and chain around the neck of the USA
And that is a good thing
To be fair, the most critical infrastructure we lost, was our perfectly functioning nuclear power plants that the traitors in two consecutive governments colluded to switch off. Danke Merkel, danke Scholz.
US produces all the oil it needs and more.
Usa would lose access to the middle east and the oil platforms they are stealing from.
>israel gets btfo on the ground in lebanon and immediately stops their ground offensive
>goes back to bombing schools and hospitals in gaza
what's the matter, already out of pampers?
That too. What is it with the Kraut deathwish these days? Don't you like having a modern industrial economy?
It would still raise prices though
>Kek you really believe that shit? What a dumbass. USA would go on as if Israel never existed
I have so many American friends who are such good people. The only Israeli I ever spoke to in my life was a nice guy until it turned out he was a crazy bigot Zionist. I wish the US could cleanse itself of the parasite, I really do but I don't see how without a massive shakeup.
>That oil still gets sold at global market prices
>Goes back to bombing Lebanon with drones
What happened to all their F-35s?
You won't do shit. Iran deterred you. It's a new world - scary isn't it?
Based appreciator, prefer Ummati myself, got that one?
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>we are losing. quick, a false flag!!
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If someone wants to convert kino to webm format with max quality
>Proper WEBM conversion preset for VidCoder
You can change encoding preset to slow+ if your CPU is powerful enough
No, we are becoimg a neo-feudal system with an impoverished population and wealthy mafia of politicians and ultra-rich that uses AI and social media to control us. It's happening everywhere, just look how they are banning cash, making mobile phones mandatory to access government services etc.
USA has Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan. Also USA gets most of it's oil from USA and Canada. Israel serves no purpose other than to protect Chevron profit margins
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good day, the middle east deserves israel
Give it time. Majority of people under the age of 45 in this country hate Israel
If it means I pay $1 more per gallon of gas and Israel is wiped off the face of the earth, I'll gladly pay it
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i'm so excited for whatever happens next
god is great!
Can AfD or BSW change the current dynamics? At least both parties aren't warmongering like the mainstream ones.
seriously, they already cucked out from doing a ground invasion?
>Usa has this has that bla bla bla
That is not the point. Nobody said Usa wouldn't be able to buy oil from middle eastern countries.
Pretty sure a lot of the Pentagon thinks Israel is a total liability
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>Don't worry about it goy. Ignore all videos showing the planes getting bombed by Iran. Here's a satellite picture of the airport and no trust me bro it isn't old. The Israelis would never, ever lie
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Heres Nevatim before
No, they are russian assets and have no intention of doing anything good for Germany.
We are truly fucked because all of our political parties are compromised.
That's why I don't care about being ruled by the US, at least they have a functioning stock market where I can invest, and mexican immigrants who are much better than muslims.
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and here's after. Clearly the entire base got destroyed, glory to Iran.
>this is why biden personally went to suck MBS dick when prices were rising during the start of russia-ukraine
They do. The problem is Israel blackmailed and/or bribes our politicians. When majority of this country wants nothing to do with Israel and would rather cut all ties, you begin to wonder why all the people who spend our taxes refuse to help Americans but gladly give away trillions of dollars to pissraelis
Mudslimes eternally BTFO
>Trust me bro. No this isn't doctored

We aren't stupid and brainwashed like you Ehud
You forgot to mention 0 deaths. Very sloppy JIDF.
The petrodollar isn't a huge thing anymore because the world has gone from settling oil contracts in dollars to settling contracts for everything everywhere in dollars, and countries holding US treasuries as reserve currency because they are more liquid than any competitors, there are more of them, the Fed accomodates the needs of the rest of the world to the detriment of Americans, and the US dollar inflates less than any other competitive currency.
Basically it comes down to networks of trust.
Because of this to preserve the dollar its better to abandon Israel and stop making enemies in the rest of the world, as they are the users of dollars.
Or not, because as said, being the world reserve currency is a huge detriment to America.
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I cant wait until this island gets cucked and is burning, you kno bibi is going to put on a show for us
>Showing literally 5% of Nevatim
I wonder why that might be, kike
the chinese won't like that and they are a major stake holder in Haifa port. Doubt
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>Only post a tiny section of the base where the transport planes are stored
Nice try, Yehuda
>Videos show a column of IOF marching into Lebanon
>Chadzbollah soldier fires rocket at them, direct hit
>"Listen goy nobody died. Just trust us bro"

This shit works in brainwashed pissraelis but the rest of the world isn't as stupid as them
JIDF shills btfo
The Saudis and UAE aren't going to like it either. The moment oil infrastructure becomes a legimitate target they all know that they are all at risk.
Bibi will do what is needed to protect his people, it will be up in flames
yeah. only one mad enough to do something like that was saddam, and it was on his way out
sure anon
How does Bibi destroying Iran's energy infrastructure going to "protect his people"? Isn't Iran just going to destroy Israel's gas platforms, oil storage and thermal plants in retaliation?
wasnt that vid from the syria war
Realistically what would Israel achieve by attacking oil infrastructure other than it being a chimp out?

Assuming they'd do it, it would just be more expensive for Israeli's to leave the sinking shithole and they'd lose even more international support.
its in reverse bro
trust me bro
they are bringing out sleeping soldiers out of the helicopter because thats how calm they are
higher gas prices right before the US elections could swing voters towards trump, helping him to win. bibi favors trump alot more than Harris.
couldnt they just block the strait of hormuz to achieve the same thing then
I read a tweet that said 100+ houses in some town were damaged due to the missiles. I'm surprised we haven't seen satellite imagery to verify it.
Idk if Israeli ships can go that far
I know the US is full of retards but how would Trump being a bigger supporter of Israel be a good look if they caused the prices to go up in the first place?
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we were sold the lie that shitzbollah was a competent military force, but as usual they rely entirely on civilians infrastructure and melt when trying to fight in the open, the people currently fighting are the elite "muh raduwan force" which were the elite of the elite.
>sure anon
has bibi let us down so far?
People blame high gas prices on the current president, which is Biden
chip only believes Israel when they tell them how many idf soldiers died
kek this never gets old
Metro Tel Aviv is now in the northern Israel eviction zone
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>chip only believes Israel when they tell them how many idf soldiers died
Ummmmm wut no lol
Thats not true, we know Israel undercounts them.
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>only believe israel when
i don't believe israel at all ngl
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Also, you propagandized kikes dont understand the difference between journalism and literal IDF statements.
You can't convince the most brainwashed people on earth that they've been brainwashed. North Koreans aren't as brainwashed as pissraelis
explain to me why syria can't retaliate against Israel with missiles?
>but as usual they rely entirely on civilians infrastructure and melt when trying to fight in the open
they also shoot at medivacs evil arabs i cant wait till bibi takes the gloves off
syria doesn't have a large missile arsenal
can anyone explain to me how they can possibly be this retarded? how have they still not learnt grouping like this is dumb as fuck? if these are the so called elite forces then i'd love to see what enters the field after

>syria doesn't have a large missile arsenal
so what? why can't it hit the Zionists, what's israel going to do, bomb syria?
Kek. satanyahu(d) and israhell. Sinple.
>what's israel going to do, bomb syria?
yes, they are not as dumb as hezbollah they kno they cant do shit vs bibi and his airforce
Yeah I can bring them reports made by Israeli journalists and Israel NGOs that prove their warcrimes and they just pretend they dont see them or they just go "o those a pink hairs Im not going to read that" (why are they pink hairs? because they say Israel is not the greatest) and then act like they werent challenged at all.
It should be obvious to even themselves they are going lalalala I cant hear you whenever their world view is challenged, it seems it isnt
hit them with what? artillery? they have nothing that can hit that long of a distance.
0 casualties
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these chads can not be stopped
Then Syria is destined to slowly be turned into a poorer yet obedient Zionist Jordan.
>Hezbollah destroys the elite occupation forces
A direct hit on the Israeli enemy's gathering
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>>Then Syria is destined to slowly be turned into a poorer yet obedient Zionist Jordan.
what is the other choice? syrian ppl have had enough war
syria has its hands tied by russia, if russia finally decides to take a stand then the region will get fun. unfortunately putin is a massive slave to the jews and will probably apologize to israel on behalf of israel striking his assets
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>hit them with what? artillery? they have nothing that can hit that long of a distance.
What "long distance"? it's barely 100km from Syrian lines to Tel Aviv.
If Gazans, Hezb and the Houthis can strike Israel then why no strikes from Syria in retaliation from Israeli bombings?
>what is the other choice? syrian ppl have had enough war
i have no clue
bibi no get to eat lebanana :-(
because Syria is buck broken, one wrong move and we destroy the leftovers of their army and then Assad get hanged
Khamanei gonna make a new fatwa regarding nuclear weapon on friday.Apparently they havent been building one due to an earlier fatwa regarding them. Its probably just a technicality on what is a nuke weapon, they got the components ready but not yet a weapon since they are disassembled, for now.
They have the roach, roach terrorists, mutt, mutt terrorist to take care of first. They did send some rockets into occupied golan but those are probably hezb there.
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>idf spokesman:
seems this is the season of Israeli bluff calling. from the destroyed myth of Israeli invincibility that Oct 7th gave us last year to the impregnable missile shield to the unstoppable assault into Lebanon to the certain defeat of brave Hamas in Gaza
Syrians should join the party, Putin is too civilized for this world, just like the Pesians.
>Name a better combo than Black men with palestinian girls
Lebanese or iranian girls with BBC are a close runner up
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>The actual state of JIDF kike shills
Who owns the media in America....
You talk alot of shit for someone that had a full fledged mental breakdown on here when Iran bombed. Laughing stock.
> A difficult event at the border to Lebanon

Fried jews incoming, brace for epic impact

Only a matter of time until a chad palestinian wipes you off of this earth khazarian tranny
>kikes and leftists hate trump so much they tried to JFK him TWICE
>oy vey trump is our loyal puppet and most ardent supporter for israel
Make up your damn schizo minds lying jew rats
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i suggest you stop smoking Crack, nigger
tits or gtfo
Watching this right now
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Check out this video, you won’t find it posted in any western media.
Passive amerigoyim christcuk gets his cross necklace removed and splashed with Gatorade while passively taking it from his Jewish master ahahahha
Trully amazing

>i suggest you stop smoking Crack, nigger
ill stop when hezbollah grows some balls and stops hiding under kids beds
Kikes are out and seething today. Kek.
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IDF has been choking on shiaa penis for 2 days straight.
invest in the diaper industry I heard it's been flourishing in Israel LMAO
Does anyone have that hezbollah infographic? The one where they say they killed 2,000 soldiers?
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>invest in the diaper industry I heard it's been flourishing in Israel LMAO
looks like lebanon needs some diapers the skyline came is looking nice today
Good to know that you acknowledge that the IDF can only bully the civilians from the sky and they get raped on the ground.
Please send more teenagers that you call "captains" kek
>can only bully the civilians from the sky
Not the IDF's fault hezbollah are a bunch of faggot that hide under kids beds
>Not the IDF's fault hezbollah are a bunch of faggot that hide under kids beds
Whatever keeps you sane
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They took out Hezbollah No.1 in broad daylight, did you already forget?
Please someone make a thread about this short, 4chan prevents me from posting due to abuse since i trashtalk the kikes lol

IDF training is not worth fuck all, their training is only effective vs unarmed terrorized civilians.
>Please someone make a thread about this short,
We have had threads about it, it's old news.
forgot how kino the footage was of the paragliding hamas
>They took out Hezbollah No.1 in broad daylight
and how many casualties did they take out? Anyways Nasrallah have already been replaced and Hezbullah is still as strong as ever.
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>cower under civilians while attacking country
>pretend to cry when the country you're endlessly attacking eventually decides to bomb you anyways
Only bleeding hearts fall for this taqiyya and they would be crying about it anyways
> Lebanese rat snitched about nasrallah's whereabout
>IDF nuked a whole building full of people
>w-we are strong
On to the next cope.
Its the Kosher Right in America and Europe that suck Zionist dick (Trump, Orban, Milei, Wilders etc). The Left is the Soros faction.
>be hezb rat
>have entire lebanon mountain range to hide in
>place your main command centers under civillians buildings
muzzies keep crying
>hide behind civilians while attacking country
>country attacks you regardless of civilians
>t-they are genociders
On to the next cope.
Still a war crime. mr the only democrakek in the middle east.
So Iran destroys 20 F-35s just like that and Israel won't do shit?
>Under international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute, the death of civilians during an armed conflict, no matter how grave and regrettable, does not in itself constitute a war crime. International humanitarian law and the Rome Statute permit belligerents to carry out proportionate attacks against military objectives, even when it is known that some civilian deaths or injuries will occur. A crime occurs if there is an intentional attack directed against civilians (principle of distinction) (Article 8(2)(b)(i)) or an attack is launched on a military objective in the knowledge that the incidental civilian injuries would be clearly excessive in relation to the anticipated military advantage (principle of proportionality)
muh war crime
They can't do shit. France, germany, UK and even Biden said they won't help Israel. Basically Isralel is that annoying child that nobody wants to be around.
>A crime occurs if there is an intentional attack directed against civilians
Uh oh stinky
Israel hit a syrian weapons depot and call it a victory against iran.
what are they gonna do next? hit hodeidah again?
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>take specific part out of context
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>worships the circumcized penis of a jew
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obviously kikes were bombing the innocent dwarven city beneath beirut that everyone knows about
If the Saudis refuse fly over rights and refuse to refuel Israeli jets, there isn't going to be an Israeli airstrike on Iran.
>83x 2000lb bombs levelling six apartment blocks
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b-b-b-but Israel's long arms that reaching everything.....?
Nasrallah died like a dog, he died like a coward, choking on his own spit and vomit beneath his human shields. Good riddance.
Kikes don't believe that the rules apply to them. God will teach them a different lesson.
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"she" had a melty and claimed "she's"" gonna quit the internet but here "she" is,
back in /chip/
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>Kikes don't believe that the rules apply to them
>say this when arabs are brazenly violating the laws of war by using human shields for the whole world to see

labayka ya nasrullah*
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Please go to McDonald's already. Israel needs your tax money more than ever.
he types like a 'man' he seethes like a 'man' and he smells like a 'man'
how the fuck he is allowed to post this much without timestamps
he should be ignored in full until he does
holy shit the amount of jew illnesses he acquired
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>The British oil tanker Cordelia Moon's ideological Zionist owners broke the Yemeni sanctions law and put the lives of their crew at risk for the sake of Israel.

They got bombed by a Yemeni drone boat for breaking the Yemeni sanctions law.
>brown thinking about sucking dicks
Your whole existence depends on your oil lmao
How hard is it for international shipping companies to heed a countries sovereign waters? Capitalists need to fuck off.
Why are they shooting at a suicide drone boat with small arms.
>kosher right are pro-jewish
>just like trump :^)
Hey moishe, israel needs more of those terror bombings that will wipe your stupid race off this planet.
You genocidal kike fuck, these are people living in their home communities. Not that it matters to you psychopaths, but be aware, your rules will soon be turned upon you.
>Declining Israel's survival depends entirely upon the also declining Pentagon.
This is going to be funny.
>kosher right are pro-jewish
>just like trump :^)
Yes? lol
As for me, I am a supporter of the patriotic resistance movements in Jewish occupied Palestine, as well as Hezbollah, Ansarullah, and the other members of the Iran-led Resistance Axis.
>be american
>wake up
>flip burgers from 9 to 5
>get 20 dollars + tips
>come back home
>wife's bf says the rent is due
>you pay up
>Israel takes 60% of your income
>Carolina and Chicago are Africa tier states
>well as long as my jew gods have free health care and education I'm happy
>gets shot
Garbage country
world would be a better place if these retarded sunni countries were shia as well
friendly reminder that jews are weak and incapable of face to face combat, this is the only satisfaction i need to ignore their cope

none of their words hold any value to me when time after time they've been exposed as a completely incompetent 'force' in every single form of close quater engagement. they're nothing more than a colonial killing machine that specializes in killing civilians on an industrial scale
Hezbollah announces:
>While an Israeli infantry force attempted to infiltrate towards Maroun al-Ras, we detonated 2 explosive devices against the advancing force at dawn.
the return of /sg/?
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>Please someone make a thread about this short, 4chan prevents me from posting due to abuse since i trashtalk the kikes lol
check the date and the person
Imagine the absolute TERROR being the average jew, biggest struggle in life was your bar mitzvah. Suddenly the trees start shouting "allah akbar!" And the tank that is covering you blows up out of nowhere....the shouting gets louder, its coming from behind you. Now in front of you. Bullets, actual bullets are flying. Where is your mom? Shes supposed to protect you. Oh god, I see one. Hes so muscular, hes charging straight into your commanders force, no way he survives....an explosion. They are all dead. More chanting, more are coming. Find your blanket, maybe if I hide they will go away...maybe they will go away....go away....away......( allah akbar in the distance )
>So Iran destroys 20 F-35s just like that
he still believes this shit
lmao, dont @ me
In the north, waits the next messenger of Allah... Hasan Piker.
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At least they can recover his semen
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>Iran didn't hit nothin'
Washington Research Center:
>Hezbollah may plan to carry out operations abroad against Israeli interests in revenge for the assassination of its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah.
possible false flag?
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Finally sobered up, have you?
100% false flag, the kikes are desperate for American boots on the ground
>Zionist enemy media announces the death of 4 soldiers and the injury of 15 others in southern Lebanon today.

Another busy day it seems.
also remember that when you're hitting soft targets i.e parked aircrafts you don't go for crater impacts but you use air burst to maximize the destructive power

craters don't mean shit in this type of attack, instead the jews should go park up their 30 whatever F35s and prove to us none of them were btfo (they can't)
> Helicopters and ambulances are participating in transporting dead and wounded Zionists who were injured in the clashes on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.
>After the resistance operations, the Israeli enemy left an armored vehicle behind in the town of Kfarkela.
>Hezbollah announces:

While an Israeli infantry force attempted to infiltrate towards Maroun al-Ras, we detonated 2 explosive devices against the advancing force at dawn.
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush

Vax status?
There will come a day when every one of us will have the opportunity and the pleasure of skinning a kike alive and his amerigoyim with our own hands using a very dull blade.
That is the day where the world will utterly rejoice.
There will be a day where every shape shifting kike and spy will be visible and his disguise lifted and we will rejoice at the cheer horror he will express when it realizes it has lost its cover.
I can’t wait
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dafuq is this
>A Yazidi woman who was kidnapped by ISIS from Iraq in 2014 at the age of 11 and transferred to the Gaza Strip has finally been rescued and reunited with her family.

>Unverified posts on social media say that Israeli security forces carried out the rescue operation.

>In a statement, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry says that the woman, Fawzia Amin Sido, was released through joint efforts “in high coordination” with the US embassies in Baghdad and Amman along with Jordanian authorities.

so how did isis casually cross borders and into the walled gaza?
what is israel smoking to come up with such tales?
>2 more weeks, err years, err decades, err centuries
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the gall to say that after they seem to have abandoned the hostages
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here you go, combined that with something interesting.
>The US restricts sales of satellite images over just one state—Israel
>A 1997 law prevents American satellite companies from selling high-res images of the country
Fire does though, shit's flammable as fuck if just due to the fuel.
And the darkness of night revealed nearly exclusively quickly fading flashes of light with little afterglow, meaning that whatever was hit was neither flammable nor explosive.

No secondary explosives or plumes of flame revealing i.e. ammunition or fuel either.
>he thinks there was a single f35 plane on the ground or in a safe place when the attack happened
>he thinks the claims by the IRAN MEDIA an hour after the attack could've assessed the damage that was done clearly after it happened
>he believes muzzies
>jews giving free stuff
Holy shit it must have been a disaster
Isis = israel
>This empire is different from all the others in history, goy
Lol loot for the upcoming holocaust museum and the next holocaust will be a celebration to the world
they didnt even booby trap it like they did in Gaza last week
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also funny IDF can rescue random Yazidi and Bedouins but never the Israelis.

yeah it seems ISIS/Israel freed one of their hostages and pretend they have some kind of victory.
Never mind a few months ago ISIS killed Palestinians and they are quick to apologize to Isael
war trophy.
Is not women's lingerie but its something
It'd be foolish to play along with the blackmail, especially when it serves as a handy complete justification for all acts of war.

After all if you had wanted the war to stop you'd have given up the hostages. You don't though, thereby revealing calls for peace to be insincere.

It wasn't the smartest gambit Hamas made, effectively giving only a slight morale boost in exchange for impunity for their enemy.
Ground invasion status?
>Is not women's lingerie
Fuckin' LOL
You daft panty sniffer you!
They advanced 20 meters!
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doing good
Didn't they advance 4 km before they technically even started? That's what allowed that ambush that killed like 8 Israelis to happen after all.
>Kikes say nothing important was damaged but have to hide the satellite photos
They advanced six feet - underground!
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israels forces are absolute garbage
they can’t do anything unless its american toys bombing from the sky and they can’t do anything on the ground because they are only trained to deal with unarmed civilians
>Invading Lebanon
I don't believe it, I was kind of baiting for new info. Anyway the radio silence on this matter from Israel is pretty suspicious. If it was 0 they would just say 0. The only thing we know for sure is that Iran destroyed between 1 and 500 F-35s.
this, they got wrecked by fucking dudes riding lawnmowers on october 7. like their entire army on the border got wiped out.

its been 1 year and they still haven't conquered gaza, their ground army is absolute dogshit. all they can do is drop bombs from the sky.
A single medium large blaze was spotted on footage of the air raids, so they certainly hit at least one flammable thing.
>sending your elite forces into southern lebanon in a 60 year old M113
uhh what lol
>idf doesn't denying rumors from ragebaiters means it has to be true!
when will people learn ;(
The armour situation is dire after The Strip
And there's STILL a guerrilla insurgency to deal with there. Long term holding The Strip is out the window and that's the truth.
its remotely controlled with explosives they used the same thing in Gaza
Nah, the modern insane Zionist kike has impunity no matter what. He'd sell his grandmother down the road then put a hellfire missile on her ass if it suited him.
>only Palestinians were killed and injured by the missile strike!
I find that hard to believe Mr. Rabbi.
And yet it's their enemies that keep getting busted doing almost exactly that.
If they had hellfure missiles and lived long enough to become grandmothers.
>The occupation army will reveal in a few hours a serious military event that occurred last night.

Any shills wish to comment on this?
enough to send a message
not enough for an overreaction
it's up to isr*el to escalate or let it go

plus, this is all new experience. Iran has never attacked Isr*el. Each time they do they get better
Saddam's missiles on Israel killed 90 people, but it took them a while to admit it, at the time they said only 2 people were killed. I wonder if they will ever reveal the true number this time.
It was the second time actually.
The first time got intercepted effectively entirely.
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What? Give me an example please.
Yo, what's the mobilization story, will there be another mobilization in the short to medium term you think? Will we ever get vids like in Ukraine of men being jumped in the street and battered then abducted to go to war?
first attack earlier this year was a small strike to prove they can hit anywhere inside israel with precision

second attack was a barrage to prove they can overwhelm and bipass thier air defences

combine the 2 and do they really want to risk what a 3rd attack might involve?
we'd had less ambushes if our greatest ally didnt leak any info about the war at any moment just so that their democratic ass can survive the elections. literally fuck America I wish they all choke on their woke shit
they're unironically importing indians as cannon fodder lol
you'd have no country if not for your greatest ally
ingrate kike. may your wish come true. let's see how many days you'll survive without your american golem.
>we'd had less ambushes if our greatest ally didnt leak any info about the war
Kween, is that you using a different device or is this Hasbara?
what leak?
At this rate the settlements around gaza might be in danger.
orthodox to be drafted next
nah we would have sided with the Soviets if not for America

we can always find someone else

>is this Hasbara?
you think what im saying isnt true? Have you not been following the conflict?
Right it was 2nd time, my bad. I was just referring to this being still new experience.
1st time they gave 72 hour notice, this time they gave 1hour. Last time they didn't use as much ballistics etc.

if anything it shows that Iran can and will destroy any infrastructure it wants in Isr*el
so much for those patriot missiles that the region keeps trying to purchase
Iran was making a point to the global south that they could hit military targets without causing gross civilian casualties.
:skull emoji:
no no I heard it was actually 100,000 people cmon dude
Grey zones within Israel growing
>America should suspend free speech to keep me happy, the billions of dollars and invaluable diplomatic cover is not enough
Kikes truly dont know what gratitude is, you should just say thank you and shut up
But they only hit empty fields goy!! Nothing of value was lost!
>Still believes there were zero casualties
You don’t share any intel with your allies you don’t warn your allies before you blow thousands of electronics up you don’t listen to your allies when they council you. Remind me again why are we even allies? What’s the actual point if you don’t ever return the favours
No you can't. The fall of the American empire will surely lead to your demise, but the converse is not necessarily true.
I mean just like with you that's going to boil down to pointing to propaganda or stuff that is easy to mistake from it.
But practically we also know you like that up close thanks to your many terririst attacks here, often involvung perpetrators you try to pass off as "kids" whenever it suits you. Besides every other person knows a guy who has served in the ME at some point and tells of the kid-enabled ambushes.

It's not a case of suspecting you (and thus believing Israel more than you) because we don't know better, but rather because we do know you.
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>tfw you will never be kicked by a thin-legged jewstress
They didn't report on ANYTHING the dogs in the street didn't know already, they have MANY ways to view and track your troop movements. Fuck, even I knew days before and I'm thousands of kilometres away using an internet hotspot from a phone. Give your head a shake, will you.
america is the reason you even have a military at all. can you imagine pissrael without air force? you'd get rekt in a day.
Your country is dying, and I dont give a fuck. Suck muslim dick moshe.
Even Israelis were shocked at seeing their own being annihilated by the IDF
its worse than that they actively spy on their allies, the 3 biggest spy rings in the US that have been busted in recent years were all tied to israeli intelligence lmao

they're so paranoid that they have to spy on their closest allies
Fair enough.

Hitting one flammable target with 180 missiles might send other messages than intended too though. Such as that they are apparantly hard to aim and not quite as immune to interception as claimed.

I mean they literally still tried to saturate the system despite using stuff they claim doesn't need such tactics.
Again i would believe your propaganda stuff sooner if i didn't know you.
Remember when they assassinated that guy and they all used fake British passports, they were going to try and pin it on us
>still yapping about the only case of idf shooting a tank shell into a house in Oct 7 that isnt even connected to the hannibal directive since the israelis were inside their homes and not being taken into Gaza
you guys are so dumb why do I even come here
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>we can always find someone else
LMFAO the delusion. the west is the only part of the globe where israel is not despised. you should read what they write about you on the other side of the great firewall man, you're gonna need to start pumping spielberg movies into them or something.
India, Saudi Arabia and even many of Iran's allies of convenience have pretty warm ties with Israel in practice.

But Russia needs all help it can get over Ukraine and China needs to hedge its bets regarding sources of fuel in order to remain independent.

Unlike Iran Israel has some friends in the world.
Gonna be hard to guilt-trip the Chinese with stories about pizza ovens and masturbation machines.
>Israeli media platform: Another unusual event on the northern front, currently prohibited from publication.
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>you guys are so dumb
> why do I even come here
Because you don't want to miss the gloves coming off ya silly billy.
israel is tolerated by the autocratic gulf states but absolutely hated by their populations, same as egypt. if the choice is between internal stability or support of israel, what choice will the rullers make? not to mention china engineering rapprochement between saudi and iran... but yeah, maybe israel can become indias bottom bitch. wonder if the relationship will be any different than the current one with america, seeing as how there's basically no internal jewish population in india.
there was one event some time ago, but still no details

true dat
next bread
Again that's why this is all new experience. Iran has always been a defensive country and they never had to shoot so far away against a formidable defense system like the Iron Cope system. This is all research. Some expectations get met, others don't. Back to drawing board etc.

It's clear though, just like the US Military and Intelligence have known for a long time but didn't want to publicly admit, is that an overwhelming barrage of missiles overwhelms any defense and electric sensors designed to shoot down those missiles.

It's actually how the US lost their own infamous wargame because one of the General's playing as Iran literally just did that and won multiple navy battles
Israel in no way facilitates American oil interests. Israel doesn't even allow American soldiers wounded in the Middle East to use their medical facilities, major medical procedures have to be handled in fucking Germany.

Israel is not only not our "greatest ally" but they are in fact actively antagonistic towards us. The Lavon affair, the USS Liberty, stealing hundreds of pounds of Uranium from the Apollo Plant in PA, going nuclear despite all our treaties with them being conditional on them not doing so, AIPAC being a loophole so the Jewish lobby doesn't have to register as a foreign agent, etc.
Rare flag. Yeah, any chinese gonna go crazy with the wooden door too.
Rumor has it that the imported labour are offered 'new opportunities' within the IDF for multiples of what they would otherwise get picking fruit.

Ironically, if they were KIA their payout would reflect that of thier labourer position rather than the new post they took, because if plausible deniability exists and it saves money it'll be exploited.

This is rumors so far, so feel free to screencap this. But keeping tabs on missing labourers may be a line of investigation worth following.
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BSW is just Russian intelligence, AfD are even more pro-Israel than the old parties. They have openly called for Germans to get ready to die for Israel.
What again does the hatred of literal peasants mean?
People remember the revolutions but intentionally forget the thousands of failed revolts.
Even Russia before the red revolution had at times literally hundreds of revolts a year of no consequence.

That changed when strong foreign powers are involved.
In the ME all such positions are already occupied by the US, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The situation is much more stable than it might seem to those who ideate the relevance of the will of weak people.
Egypt's short tolerance of the muslim brotherhood was a schoolbook example of how such things go in practice.

And as you say Israel has other patrons it could turn to, India is an obvious one bas it really wants influence over the region and Israel is the region's biggest pawn.
But Russia has its old ties remaining and China keeps all options open too - and has been approached by Israel in the preceding decades (to the US's chagrin).
Will respond in the new thread.
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>they got wrecked by fucking dudes riding lawnmowers on october 7
hamas murdered civilians and overran some undermanned border bases then died like dogs or surrendered like bitches the moment they encountered resistance
i'm not disputing that israel can find some other big daddy to potentially take care of them. i'm calling attention to the fact that the relationship will be fundamentally different. you think modi and co will kiss netanyahus feet and clap like trained seals when he visits them? there's no sizeable jewish minority in india, and no aipac or adl. there are hundreds of millions of muslims though. any potential relationship would be much, much more transactional. israelis can't appreciate how good they have it, and that they will never find a stronger supporter than the US.
One of those buildings appears to have a huge fucking hole in the ceiling?
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>shaky dextrous fingers typed this
Nevartim base status ?
Jewish loosh is being fed to the demiurge this time.
>lusting for muslim dicks
Very jewish of you.

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