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Previous: >>483757517

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv
>Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon underway







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases 10/1/24
boom boom boom
fuck jews fuck jews
boom boom boom
hate jews hate jews
>reminder: hamas still owns gaza
>reminder: hezbollah still kickin jew ass
>reminder: iran isn't playing games anymore
>reminder: houthis are due for something big
>#Urgent Hebrew sources: Large fires broke out at training sites for the occupation army in the occupied Syrian Golan, as a result of falling missiles.
And by training sites I imagine they mean the soldiers faces.
Should've made this the thread theme if you ask me
Hezbollah rocket fire in Galilee being described as "non-stop"
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wtf is that real?
The cost of each of these interceptors could provide hurricane relief for an American instead.
By cutting off aide to Israel you can help make an impact at home and in Israel.
They keep telling Israel how to stop it but they don’t want to listen. God has hardened their hearts. God knows what comes next.
he's been practising
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Hezbollah rockets have ignited an empty field in the north.
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What future do hamas and hizbullah have?

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ سَوَآءٌ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَأَنذَرْتَهُمْ أَمْ لَمْ تُنذِرْهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not—they will never believe.

خَتَمَ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَعَلَىٰ سَمْعِهِمْ ۖ وَعَلَىٰٓ أَبْصَـٰرِهِمْ غِشَـٰوَةٌۭ ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌۭ
Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment.

Surah Al Baqarah verses 6 to 7
a ceasefire can stop it tho.
ceasefire = more time for hezb to prepare missiles
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so a win=win for israel
hezbollah is trying to free israel from it oppressive regime
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Why are browns like this?
why there is so much reporting from ukraine and so little from palestine/lebanon
Because nothing really happens, this war is a meme
Evacuations and more discipline among israeli/hezbollah fighters

Hezzies have probably banned cellphones in their ranks
He is from the Christian clans (unless he has converted). The traitora in the current Palestinian government hit him
Ans most IDF know better than to tiktok on lebanese territory where it can be easily geolocated
cuz Israel booby trapped all the electronics
because europeans have finally realized that ukrainians are more important than the middle east.
Why do kikes massacre villages and then plant conifer forest on top of them to cover it up?
> Scoop: The White House wants to use Hezbollah's weakness to elect new Lebanese president in the coming days.
Why don't lebuttnese? Shitskins hate nature.
"special" forces can't even cross the blue line
They're also too scared to actually commit but at the same time need to present an imago for PR, so it's a slow-burn holocaust of IDF troops
How is it evil badguy Iran can hit military targets from that distance with maybe killing one civilian while Israel can't do anything without killing a bunch of women and children?
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An unusual attack on the scale of the USA and Britain in Sana'a, Hodeidah, and other centers of the Houthis

>First and unverified reports: the aim of the attack in Yemen is to eliminate the leader of the Houthis, Abdel Malek.

>First and unverified reports: the aim of the attack in Yemen is to eliminate the leader of the Houthis, Abdel Malek.


aimbot got patched in 2006.
Nice deflection, retard. Why don't you go to israel to show those nasty muzzies what-for instead of cowering in your modern Babylon? Fucking faggot.
I already posted this on the last thread kike
>muh deflect
Fix your forests, your national tree is going extinct.
The kikes did not get an update.
What type of response do you guys think the Israelis will commit against Iran?
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Mountain vegetation as related to altitude and wind direction is 3rd grade basic fucking science.
>Jewish IQ
lebanese are white under us law, have been since the 1700s
yup jews have entirely banned from the discourse the peaceful solution of withdrawing from Gaza and making a peace deal with hamas. they just want you to think hezbollah started attacking on october 8th for literally no reason oy vey anti-semitism
You can see the border just from the green, it's not because allah willed it.
But kikes keep telling me they are unstoppable
are you retarded anon or just baiting i really can't tell?
iran has some libtards in the city you can point to but in the end the vast majority support the current regime
Fun fact Israel's borders can be perfectly seen from space from all directions because Israel is much greener then the Arabian ape countries around us
I believe Israel will strike Iran's nuclear program. It's the easiest to propagandize in their favor and will guarantee a massive response, which will pull the US in.
And what type of response would Iran have to this?
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Go on, yankee doodle. Pick up your favorite Wal-Mart gun and do to Hezbollah what you did to Al-Qaeda

yeah because the higher you go in altitude the less green stuff can grow, retard
this is your last free ecology lesson. go to the library
You literally have no idea what I'm talking about
>Jewish IQ
The border is based on the precipice, after which there is a sharp drop in elevation. Sharp drop in elevation also creates a low pressure weather engine. Low elevation + rain = vegetation.
This is literal elementary school fucking science.
You can't consider yourself a cognizant human being if you reach the age of 10 without knowing this.
>8 Israeli soldiers killed on Wednesday
>1 yesterday
>2 today but killed by an Iraqi drone rather than Hezbollah
So far the kill count isn't massive.
The eternal mutt at it again
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>Golan Heights
I need to correct you there, senpai.
Did you miss that the mountains in the west are greener on the Israeli side?
yeah, sadly theyre all pro hezbollah now. color revolution and regime change dont work as it used to
Iran would launch hundreds of ballistic missiles at key infrastructure without any warning.
Hasbara sister, your response?
I hate these faggots so much it's unreal
even they gave up HOLY KEK
I knew something like this was coming. Get a Lebanese government that begs for U.S. intervention to eventually deal with Hez. Try give U.S. intervention a veneer of legitimacy
jews will just say "heh only extremist israelis are like that. don't worry about them (and also please ignore that extremists are gaining more and more power in the government)"
I think they'll get thousands on the next punch.
Otherwise Iran is stupid. Prevent them from escalating further, and make their burger and gulf arab allies shit their pants as they watch. Become the new major power of the region.
>"e-even though Iran just exploded Israel... w-we find it appropriate to remove all sanctions"

literally this, if Israel didn't fuckin nuke their reputation, they couldve snuck in Geagea
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You destroyed the indigenous almond and citrus groves so you could replace them with astroturfed evergreens that better suit your European temperament since you're, ya know, an invasive species who's not actually from that area.
Invading lebanon actually gives hezbollah a reason to keep existing and gain support among the entire lebanese.

The mutt inteligence isn't what it used to be.
it's not gonna work
the lebanese government is powerless, nobody cares about them
They truly are contemptible.
Every place they go the desert follows
Arab desertify every place their foot steps on
Literally and spiritually
>be jew
>steal people's land, rape, murder, drive them out
>plant a bunch of trees where they used to be to cover your crimes
>act like you are some godly saint because green stuff
same thing vis a vis occupation of Palestine and Hamas, like, did mutt strategists drink lead paint as kids or smthn
When do you guys think the US will start to get directly involved? After this Iran attack?
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On R*ddit will you find the delusional liberal Zionists. Only based far-right Juden post on /pol/
what did mikati say today? didn't araghchi visit?
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Who are you trying to fool, cretin?
Note the elevation marks, stop coping. Lebuttnese suck at forest management now deal with it.
This made me laugh, normally I would have sympathy. But like I said before my heart has turned cold and no kike is a good kike. Listen to the little pig squeal.
>may God forgive me
If it's too disproportionate of a response, Israel and the US are guaranteed to escalate. I don't think it matters either way, but that's probably what Iranian leaders are thinking.
yeah only on /pol/ will you find jews retarded enough to let it all out for the world to see i guess
>lebanese government is powerless
The question is are they recognized as legitimate by the people? The U.S. can add their power if the legitimate authority is requesting they do.
embarrassing post
500m Arab and Persian Muslims vs 7m "israel" jews

all it will take is a slow trickle
/pol/ is just more honest, for example, we can use the word nigger here. R*ddit is censored as fuck and so is Twatter
That video is the funniest thing I've watched all week.
Between now and yom kippur something will happen, likely near Oct 7.
>The question is are they recognized as legitimate by the people?
no, they are not
and getting some US puppet in there is not likely to help with that
>The question is are they recognized as legitimate by the people?
also no
They won't because they have now affirmed the fact that their anti-missile systems are antiquated and can't handle modern ballistic missiles. It will take them 1 year to replace all of the anti-ballistic-missiles they fired and multiple decades to divorce themselves from all the worthless wonderwaffle bullshit they are heavily invested in already. American involvement basically means the complete loss of all US military assets within a 1400 mile radius of Iran for no real gain other than the taste of jewish semen.
Sounds Russian
and jews are traitors

How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

>The question is are they recognized as legitimate by the people?
Lying wont save you.
Axios, according to an American source:
>In addition to Hashem Safi al-Din, it is believed that Hezbollah's intelligence chief Hussein Hazma, known as "Murtada", was also in the bunker that the Air Force attacked yesterday.

lel dumb murtard got axed too
after the election
It won't work
You can tell by their schizo posting lately. They know there is no turning back. To much has been exposed.
Won't work bro
Exactly and took the US reputation with them as the moral police of the world.
My guess to many schizo kikes in the alphabet agencies.

you're jewish
Can't wait for the incoming TKD Kino
Hezbochads fucked up the jews on the border
Every place Arabs are, they bring crime, rape, stupidity, corruption, violence and so forth. Even Sweden obviously. The problem is Arabs. Removing Arabs is a boon to any nation, not just Israel. Any nation which removes kebab instantly becomes richer and happier.
I’m starting to wonder if they ever will post vids. They’re probably super busy trying not to die to be filming
>Between now and yom kippur something will happen, likely near Oct 7.
How many holidays do these fuckers have? Every week is a holiday.
sadly we expect that they stopped carrying go-pros and cell phones after the pager attack.
This is part of what the kikes took from us with their terrorism.
Americans arent jews.

Jews are jews.

Your job is to pay them :D
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jews are traitors
Can’t they check their GoPros for tampering tho?
They run by the logic of 3-day weekends for me but not for thee
Again, lying wont save you.
Oh oh, I thought kikes had destroyed hezbolla and killed a 3 billion of them
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You also delete your posts out of pure cowardice KEK
i do feel like something big will happen soon. just my gut feeling
Probably is
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>Reuters: a manager of a shipping company received an email from Yemen that says:

“Your ships breached the decision of Yemen Armed Forces by docking at occupied Palestine port. Therefore, punishments will be imposed on all vessels of your company… Best Regards, Yemen Navy.”

Into tje oben
also lmao at the jews claiming they offed 250 hezb members, that number may be real if they add in all the children, civies and paramedics they killed since monday
even more kikery, they're going to remove netanyahu and say "look, we're the good guys again now, please look away" while they enjoy the fruits of his kvetching
I bet you are an Arab, lamo. The native Swedes hate you and will eventually remove kebab. You should go back.
Every place Jews are, they bring prostitution, trafficking, usury, corruption, degeneracy and so forth. Even Sweden obviously. The problem is Jews. Removing Jews is a boon to any nation, not just Israel. Any nation which removes kikes instantly becomes richer and happier.
> "Why, Mr. Anderson?. Why?, Why do you PERSIST?!."
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nobody asked kike
Israel burns down vegetation for better visibility
jews are traitors
baseless anti-arab hate might work on old boomers with atrophied brains, but it won't work on anyone else sweetie
bruh, FUCKKKK the PA. Seriously.
Let them cope. Literally the Palestinians made Honduras more prosperous and same for Chile and many other countries.
>I bet you are arab
You jews are hated by everyone, not only arabs. Keep up with the world.
definitely. i'm very skeptical of anyone who is "anti-bibi" for this reason. fuck that. be anti-israel
Kek, yeah I read it. They don't understand the pool is closed because of kike aids
Bliken says that Iran is “2 weeks away from having nuclear weapons”
Imagine choosing to surround yourself with 500m arabs, then complaining about arabs, lmao

jews can't help but be a stereotype, a nation of Larry Davids and Woody Allens

"oy vey, it's the consequences of my own actions!"
arabs aren't the same everywhere, nafris are despised here but the lebanese have a good reputation in france
>I bet you are arab
You jews are hated by everyone, not only arabs. Keep up with the world.
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lamo so delusional
be anti jew, which is the source of all of this

the symbiotic relationship between jews and america is the same as the relationship that existed between the Khazar Khaganate and jews
>invasive species expels native species, and replaces native plants with invasive ones
That's gotta be a hint at Israel's upcoming response.
But kikes keep telling me everything is fine
>they're going to remove netanyahu and say "look, we're the good guys again now, please look away" while they enjoy the fruits of his kvetching
I think something similar. If things get too dicey then there's a handy break in case of emergency exit strategy of throwing Bibi to the wolves if it all goes tits up.
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>Ayatollah Khamenei's sons visited some wounded Lebanese sent to Tehran on his orders.

lmao new hezb nuggets just dropped
I expect it to happen pretty soon
Like today or tomorrow
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tommy robinstein is the best gauge we have for how kiked the people are, and he's getting ratioed every time on twitter

the arab problem can be fixed in a week, the jew problem has been ongoing for hundreds of years
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Thank you
Let's see if this works with the transparency.
I have close friends from this clan. I've hated abbas and his government for a long time. The feeling is mostly the same for the majority of the diaspora.
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Kek, see who is in the majority of industry kike.
i think iran already has nukes and ready to use them

no way they didn't rush nukes after seeing the irak invasion
Zionism thrives on antisemitism. This is not some kind of "le epic own" like you seem to think. I am not some diaspora Jew living in Sweden who needs to lick Swede balls to survive.
8 minutes ago
i've just seen your name

you're either a k*rd, a sonni or a low caste jew
we are witnessing a global gentile awakening

anti semitism doesn't exist it's not real
Kek, let's see how long your thriving last
Why dont sand nigger militias obtain some air defense and use it against israel
Shooting down an F-16 or something will be a huge (propaganda) win
Cope. Zionism wouldn't exist if the entire world was antisemitic.
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Doesn't work it seems. Anyway here is the memri tv logo at normal speed. Meme responsibly
When all else fail, try to divide and conquer...
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That's fine! The theory behind Zionism and Israel is goyim are irreducible anti-Jewish zombies who live for no other purpose except to murder Jews. This is not some epic own.
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we got a kvetching kike here

>Zionism thrives on antisemitism.
correction: Jewish people thrive on antisemitism, if it wasn't for it your people would have disappeared long time ago, in fact your leadership (Illuminatis) were behind almost all the pogroms...but that is advanced conspiracy and you may be a Jew but you are still a "little Jew", you only know what you need to know (Pyramid Of Power <-> Inverted Pyramid Of Knowledge...the true meaning of your Star Of David)
brother needs to drop the skin care routine
Does anyone know where one can watch the Israeli response to Iran? Lookner’s stream is mostly focused on Lebanon
khamenai is white af
and yet you can't survive without american goy gibs. curious.
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it is a fact that the god of the jews is the dollar and america, because without america the jews are nothing

they can't blend in with the chinese
the russians have evolved in a way that makes them allergic to jews so they won't be able to attach themselves there neither

what's left for them when the evangelitroons die out?
Yes antisemitism is the biggest ally of Jewish power lamo. Do you think I don't know this? Keeping Jews in a permanent state of tension is the source of our power and our very peoplehood. That's exactly why I am saying it's not some kind of "le epic own". This is how we meme the War of Gog and Magog into reality.
Lookner covers everything. If there are any reports of Israel's response, it will be on his stream.
Daily Reminder to make aliyah
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fuck webm transparency seems not to work on 4chan or something. Here is the version with chroma key
the only problem with the gog and magog meme is that the arab states are nowhere near capable of fighting the western world

the fact is that these retarded talmudic prophecies will never happen and this is when the global gentile generation will arise

amalek is coming back
well if too many people are anti-semitic, which is happening, you will not be able to parasite off of the goys required to sustain yourself. it's a fine balancing act, and one you are failing at
whos fault is that amalekite
The War of Gog and Magog will kill off 99.99% of humanity
that's not going to happen, that's when the gentiles will lash out at jews

the only thing that can kill 99% of humanity is the micro nova and the earth geomagnetic tilting 90°
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hostage status?
invasion status?
retaliation status?
limey little cunt, based bilzerian
are you the guy that posts his face?
>muh ancient stories with stupid names like gog and magog
nobody cares, jew
just leave palestine
>t. doesn't know how nukes work
>you're either a k*rd, a sonni or a low caste jew
i am an SSNP supporter
Oh it will happen, in fact it is happening as we speak. Buckle up buckaroo. Only a few million people will be alive on this planet by 2030.
Based khameinei. Now we will have to wait for what hes planning.
It's nice of kikes to leave supplies for the resistance
4chan indeed strips transparency
Might want to use https://files.catbox.moe/
Well. There arent any F16's flying low enough yet
(or well, nvm, if you want to use it for logos)
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Remember when it was 48hrs, a few days ago? Now, Iran will finish its nukes in
jews are lashing out because they have to
they don't know how else to keep the very existence of the zionist entity alive
really, war is the ONLY thing sustaining it now, even if war means nonstop jew casualties, they have to do it, because peace means failure
it's really sick when you think about it
none of them will be kikes lmao. tick tock
thst's obviously true, the problem os that Jews are always at thr forefront of bringing them here, including state-sponsored Israeli organizations that run infiltrator aid centers on Greek islands
>17 kvetches from this US-based ID
We have thousands of bunkers all over the Pacific you dumb nigger, kilometers underground. Jews will be the only survivors.
If you kill your enemies they win tier argument. Pure cope.
>Remember when it was 48hrs, a few days ago? Now, Iran will finish its nukes in
I want this guy and the jeet to be the first to get executed in the Hague court
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>kilometers underground
now youre stealing hamas tunnels. pathetic.
kikes know the evangelicals are dying out, so they're searching for new ways to create a cult following

they had some result with the conservacucks, the only problem is this generation of conservacucks isn't as fanatical as the evangelicucks

the conservacucks will be very vocal online but they will refuse to die in some patch of desert land for anybody

jews need to find a way to cause a very traumatic false flag on the american people and this can either be trump getting kike'd or like new york getting dirty nuked by kikes
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>israel will be lost but jews will survive in underground bunkers all over the world
interesting cope
glad you admit that israel is done for tho
Israel has always been the whole world
if it's anywhere near sea level or even below 500m, you'll get flooded

please get yourselves stuck in those lmao
What are the chances that Iran will launch another major missile attack on Israel before Israel retaliates for the initial attack?
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True but Jews are the HIV that weaken their host's immune defenses and invite Arabs, blacks and other undesirables to invade the body.
I think that general vicinity is where my guess for their next infiltration attempt was.
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jews can't create, they can just steal and abuse until it's destroyed

they can't even run a company properly, look at open ai

jews are sapping the chances of white western gentiles becoming leaders in AI
This picture is from like, 10 months ago and was posted by that “hello my enemies” journalist.

Once again /chip/ and mudslimes are lying to COPE
yeah conservacuck support for israel is tenuous at best. they definitely don't wanna do any fighting for them. they're also mainly motivated by money, so if israel's enemies start offering a better deal, they will be in trouble.
gr8 b8 m8
enjoy the bunkers
Goy cope. Everything about AI is Jewish
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why does catbox.moe not work for me anymore bros?
read your books, what did it say about the amalek
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Israel is waiting until October the 7th for a retaliation against Iran's attack

So on the Monday
check your browser settings
lucky for you that arabs are semites while khazars are not
probably overloaded by people trying to upload kino
Metula must be a death trap for them to try anywhere else.
Post proof
>What are the chances that Iran will launch another major missile attack on Israel before Israel retaliates for the initial attack?
nil. Persians are too civilized for this world.
>Only a few million people will be alive on this planet by 2030.
Schizo porn is just my jam! Dish, what's your take on it?
>the Pacific

are you drunk?
>everything i don't like is fake
>why does catbox.moe not work for me anymore bros?
replace catbox.moe with fatbox.moe - there's some DNS / CDN fuckery going around
It will start the night before. If we start seeing heavy strikes or troop movements or warnings from Russia to Iran on Oct 6 we will know its happening.
Not much, they might focus more on wanting to root out who the mole is. so they will use their proxies and work on the mossad/cia infliltration at the same time.
>pictures of graveyard ceremonies with ~30 coffins
>8 dead goyim!
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>Indian navy is now in iran because india has invested heavily into iranian gas and oil that the israelis/americans are planning to target.
Some unexpected good news from Modi. 3 ships - a landing ship, a training ship and a coastguard patrol boat are in Bandar Abbas
check your web browser cache, it might be full
lmao is someone gonna tell him that iran already has nuclear weapons, and that they just haven't publicly announced it yet
she cute tho
Saar, you are redeeming yourself. SAAR!
every jew death causes untold kvetching
also while jews probably aren't hiding too many deaths, they are definitely hiding all the maiming going on. tons and tons of jews walking around with missing limbs. from a war perspective, that's just as good as dead
>Bandar Abbas
Damn, the indians are enjoying themselves. Its a beautiful city with a nice beach.
Squeal pig!
Oh man... I can only imagine the geopolitical fallout of getting India to cooperate with BRICS militarily on a broader scale.
>iran is a totalitarian regime that imposes religious beliefs on its people!
also kikes
>haha, look at how leftist iran is

make up your mind bitches
I personally own a bunker near an island called Kaven. I don't mind telling you this because you'll never find the entrance.
>Damn, the indians are enjoying themselves. Its a beautiful city with a nice beach.
We have those at home, believe it or not. But Bandar Abbas port is as safe as Martha's Vineyard is from Israeli strikes. On the other hand, if a single cadet gets as much as a papercut from an Israeli strike, all the millions of Modicels will instantly flip to anti-Israel, it'll be something to behold.
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This isn't some epic win, homie

This is the sixth seal being broken, you're gonna die
>I don't mind telling you this because you'll never find the entrance
No, you dont mind telling us this because it doesnt exist. Here is some (shekels) for heating this winter. i hope your economy doesnt eat iself alive now.
>#Lebanon: Ali Shaib - Border News :
1 - On Friday morning, the Islamic Resistance fighters bombed #Krayut, north of #Haifa, with rocket salvos.

2 - The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a #Merkava tank in the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah site with a guided missile, which led to the outbreak of fire in it and the deaths and injuries of its personnel.

3 - The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted the enemy's artillery positions in the south of Kiryat Shmona with a rocket salvo.

4 - The Islamic Resistance fighters bombed the #Ilania base with a rocket salvo.

5 - The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen bombed the occupied city of Safed with a rocket salvo.

6 - The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen targeted a force of #Israeli enemy vehicles and soldiers in the Maroun al-Ras plain with artillery shells and inflicted confirmed casualties among them between dead and wounded.

7 - The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen targeted the Ruwaysat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with artillery shells and hit it directly.

8 - The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen bombed the #Karmiel settlement with a large rocket salvo.

9 - The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy vehicles and soldiers in Sa'sa with a #Burkan_Heavy missile.

10 - The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen targeted gatherings of #Israeli enemy soldiers in Kiryat Shmona with a rocket salvo.
what a weirdly elaborate larp
yeah i think indian support for jizzrael is much weaker than some think. they think it's great because twitter is full of indians trying to get clout from stupid tweets saying WE ARE WITH YOU ISRAEL SAAR kek
zoomers despise Israel regardless
zionists have the bigger demographic and culture change problem to worry about
11 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers in the settlement of Karmiel with a rocket salvo

12 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers east of Dovev with a rocket salvo.

13 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a force of #Israeli enemy soldiers while advancing towards Bayader al-Adas west of Yaron with artillery shells and a rocket salvo.

14 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed the Nafah base with a rocket salvo.

17 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers around the al-Baghdadi site with a large rocket salvo.

16 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted forces of #Israeli enemy soldiers in the Maroun al-Ras plain with a large rocket salvo.

17 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers in the vicinity of Avivim with a large missile salvo.

18 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed the Katzrin base with a missile salvo.

19 - In support of our steadfast #Palestinian people, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers in Kafr Jalaadi with a missile salvo.

20 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed the settlement of Hatzor with a missile salvo.

21 - When the #Israeli enemy forces tried to infiltrate towards Maroun al-Ras, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance detonated three explosive devices at the advancing forces, and then the resistance fighters clashed with them and inflicted casualties.

22 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance clashed with the #Israeli enemy soldiers while they were trying to infiltrate towards the town of Yaroun.
he just wants us talking about anything that isn't the war, which is going terribly for jews
don't waste time with him
That's what the other kike thought until I doxxed him
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saar, thank you. this actually helped. you bloody bastard should be in tech
>they think it's great because twitter is full of indians trying to get clout from stupid tweets saying WE ARE WITH YOU ISRAEL SAAR kek
Yeah modi got into power because his party recognised the power of social media and twitter. Modicels have infested the place since. Most people from other countries don't know that 245 million people - the majority Hindus - voted against Modi in the general election this year.
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All of them and they can't destroy that little red dot? Lmao! No wonder they are all losing their fucking minds. I though they had the final revelation from Allah? Shouldn't you lo be superior in every way?
>you bloody bastard should be in tech
my first distro was slackware kek, a long long time ago
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>while Israel can't do anything without killing a bunch of their own women and children?
>all the millions of Modicels will instantly flip to anti-Israel, it'll be something to behold.
Oh, so indians love their military?
turns out some sars are okay who would've thought
>Oh, so indians love their military?
Oh yeah, we do.
You’re gonna die lmao
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So is this move Modi trying to signal he doesn't want a wider war? I would assume so because India reminds me of China 20 years ago but without a much needed cultural revolution. It has the numbers and resources to shake off the west over a longer time frame and I'm sure Modi knows that.
I'll have to wait and see bro. The number of Indians that come and spam. Not just here is great
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the whole world is wanting lebanon/hezbollah to win. don't let the news fool you. also, when are you going to join Hezbollah?
>So is this move Modi trying to signal he doesn't want a wider war?
Well... our favourite dance move is playing all sides. This tracks with trying to de-escalate the situation and it also has a selfish motive in that we've poured a lot of money into Bandar Abbas and we don't want our precious money wasted by Israelis.
We have a history of not having a lot of money so we tend to naturally be very frugal when splashing foreign currency about.
We all are kike, pray you don't die first
> A senior Yemeni official to Al-Mayadeen: More than 860 American, British and Israeli raids and aggression since the beginning of our support battle did not and will not affect Yemen’s position and did not destroy our strategic weapons.

Houthi's undeterred.
>>Israel strikes Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria

Muh niggers!?
>The number of Indians that come and spam. Not just here is great
NGL because the BJP pumps more money into its online presence than perhaps any other party in the world, Indians on the internet tend to disproportionately be Modicels but the Internet is not India, not by a long shot.
Spammers, scammers, abusers, people who fetishise Israel without knowing the ABC of what Israel or Zionism is or has done.... fuck em all. Zero sympathy.
yeah, Russia is super pissed at Israel for bombing their main airbase in Syria
Welp, at least your relationship with iran can now spread to iraq, syria and lebanon later on as this ocnflict fizzles out. And you wont need to rely on usa and eu anymore.
>giving away things for free
A fate worse than death for khazars
I have two actual Indian friends. One is hindu and the other one Muslim. They are awesome in all honesty. But do say most Indians are fucking retarded.
Pool Status?
the decline of American hegemony will lead to world peace, or at the very least a WAYYY more peaceful world
>or at the very least a WAYYY more peaceful world
yep. and no more forced immigration (i hope to god it stops)
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I know this story has been posted. But dead jews is always nice
Plus has pics of them
wrong, nothing about AI is jewish

jews have either stolen or bought something that worked and ran it to the ground

chinks have superior AI as we speak
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we always had good relations with iraq - my friend's dad, a doc, spent some years there when Saddam was in power. And I think at the height of the syrian civil war we were sending some help to Syria.
Thing is that we've also got ties - military, economic etc - with Israel and the Eu and the USA. And Russia.
So it has the pluses and minuses of doing that - decent but not spectacular relations with most places.
fwiw a lot of the Modicel support for Israel has died down in the public here because no one likes being on the side that kills babies. And some of the India support for Israel is just astroturfed, picrel
What pathetic beings Zionists are.
Saars i only browse pol during happenings but 95% of my replies seem to get filtered out sers. What is the bloody hell ongoing and why
Someone try for 777777
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SAAR you didn't get the updated memo?
/chip/ now loves poopjeets
>we always had good relations with iraq

>we were sending some help to Syria

Jai Hind!
You can do 777777
Some of them aren’t bad
But 95% of them are fucking awful and hateful
>I have two actual Indian friends. One is hindu and the other one Muslim. They are awesome in all honesty. But do say most Indians are fucking retarded.
Most people are retarded, anon.
>the decline of American hegemony will lead to world peace
why would it? america needs to die, but it won't be peaceful
negotiations and/or deciding on pr strats. this caught a lot of people with their pants down, on both sides.
i think theyre sending all their young ones because they dont have enough money to escape israel.
all the censorship on AI is jewish, that's for sure
based bharat.
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aaah bloody hell saars i triggered the western devil filter all this time

now with our mighty help tech support distortion saar we able to bypass the reedeming wall, and onto you i pass this intel saar

Iran is about to launch this mini ballistic soon saars, it will be small but casuality massive saars, how will israeli yahoosaar respond
lol good point. no wonder the deaths are skewing to such a low age.
BREAD >>483778220
Your flag is known for shills. Try namefagging so anons can unfilter them
Bloody hell saars we posted the funny too late saar
>The question is are they recognized as legitimate by the people?
Why does the legitimacy among Lebanese matter in this context? The Haiti option where the US builds a provisional council from a still operating civil society and nudges a President appointment is the solution. It's not like anyone can safely protest if they don't like it. This is the State Department's speciality and can be done very quickly.

Shia areas are also too degraded to hold elections, and Israel will of course attack them precisely if they try, so it's a good opportunity for the rest of Lebanon to take at the moment.
>Shias are the only ones who vote for hezbollah
you sweet summer child.
They don't have to be the *only* ones, but demographic degradation to the point where pro-American parties can get to the 50% is all that's needed for victory here. And Hezbollah did provoke this, no?
>but demographic degradation to the point where pro-American parties can get to the 50% is all that's needed for victory here
good luck killing 99% of lebanese then. let me see how that works out for you.
Why does europe love suppositories so much? Germany is #1 in the world for suppository use. They prefer it to pills for meds

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