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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>483788438

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv
>Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon underway







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases 10/1/24
first for TKD (total kike death)
Threadly reminder:

Arabs didn't live in the Middle East before the illegal Islamic conquests in 634 CE.

Original Philistines were Greeks from the Aegean, not Arabs.

""Palestinians"" are Jordanians/Egyptians and ""Palestine"" is a modern Soviet invention created to annoy the U.S.

Simple as.
Hostage Status?
Netanyahu Status?
Ran scared
Bunker Status?
Hiding in it
Economy Status?
Hamas Eradicated Status?
Hezbollah Invasion Status?
Scared, btfo and L
Iron Cope Status?
America Status?
Not our problem

pissrael putting the L in pissrael
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onions status?
Lookner is streaming:
Who do you guys think is winning in Lebanon?
Why is Israel so bad at this?
thank the mods
They can't wash that Iranian dick off their face
if any war in the middle east is any indicator its going about as well as expected
At the same time, the Israelis are all European stock and their state was also created by terrorism against Europeans namely British.
because you traumatised them. look up generational trauma and epigenetic studies.
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Can’t wait for leaked video of dead hezborats. IDF is really tight with the blackout. I want to see piles of dead muzzrats
I eat my own poop
This post right here FBI
Fuck man my captch didn't go through when i said I was baking >>483798092
>he only reason they are invading the west is because this retarded war turns their countries into even worse shitholes than they were before.
>Don't you see it? The whole reason you have arabs in your country is because of the destabilization caused by Israel.
>They held no horde, they created it.
>Capcha: TJDN (total juden death, nigga)

Muslims have been invading the west non-stop for 1300 years. picrel was eastern europe literally 75 years before isreal was created, before literally the very first zionist jew arrived in the region.
thanks for embarrassing canada on the world stage, bud
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>first for TKD
u lil shit

Threadly reminder this one was confirmed to be kike in the last thread lol

>I want to see piles of dead muzzrats
The piles of kikes aill be bigger tho
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Much like America? Hypocrite much?
It's fine, this can be the main since it's more active. If the other one is still up by the time this one hits 300 we can use that.
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Sorry baker just let other bread die out.
These have been updated btw if you plan on posting them again
You are still repeating the same lie that has been disproved on multiple occasions like it will change anything.
Unlike you we take care of the natives
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>the Israelis are all European stock
Are you samefagging? I have never heard anyone call these brown things euros lel
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Sounds good mane.

Won't be the first time and def won't be the last kek
No foreskin
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1K+ hezborats died to kill 9, you will never win
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Yes, very good care.

>56 million genocided
That's enough to kill all of Gaza+Lebanon+Syria+Iraq+Saudi Arabia combined.
Hypocrite Eurotrash scum.
the natives are fine with their own independent nations. time to do the same for palestine.
again, that number is from a whole year of fighting, jew. nice try
No foreskin
Hey use the picture from this post >>483798481
for one of your picrels
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David vs Goliath
>goy lies
damn, your whole existance is based on lies ahmed
You can bake next, TY
Unlike you evil losers, our natives have their own country inside USA and we treat them better than American citizens
Hey look, a cuck!
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2 state solution, jew
do it or the war never ends
I didn't know the Ayraps in Saudi Arabia were fierce enemies of "Israel"

Amerigoyim boomers actually believe this shit KEK
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Oh it's up to nine now? Very good. I can only assume by that metric it'll be up to 30 by the evening.

No (You)s until you start trying you little rascal

Also, does anyone have the webm for picrel? It was posted a while back but I missed it. The guy was crouched on top of the tank pulling stuff out and speaking to the camera? Thanks in adv
>dude, i invaded this family's home and it was like, 5 vs 1!! I was david vs. goliath
>muh genocide
Who the fuck cares? lol
>said the tranny
remember that every accusation is a projection and a confession when you're dealing with jews
Lookner's stream has constant gunfire bursts now.
Heading home now.
Thread should still be up.
>posting the fake picture again
show picrel when jews usurped power in europe
enjoy your taaqiya while you yet live to perform it
Thread theme

I'll bake but will have different id.
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>i-it was AI generated... in reverse!!
bread theme
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Saudis were one of the original members of the anti Israel coalition
>arap doesn't know his own's region history and has the gall to lecture an Amerigod
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May the hezboshits burn in hell.
no bigger lie exists than you, jew tranny
>helicopter sounds on lookner stream
More medevacs?
Oh no no no
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>i-its fake
Surely hasbara pays you better. Oh no wait, that's right... maybe they don't

zoinks look at dat iron dome

Distant explosions now lel
Tuesday's theme
go hezbollah go
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More pager attack stuff, huh? Don't you have anything more recent, moshe?
they don't have any new stuff
just living in the past
Not saying the image is fake, retard. But the fucking description is fake news
They're the Sacramento Kings of /pol/
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Wait wait, ok lets go through my folder, is this old?
Not old enough
keep spamming gore, jew
just means you're the new hohols
gaza is fucking tiny. how the fuck has israel STILL not taken over all of gaza? and why haven’t those useless hezbollah retards invaded israel yet? these sand dwelling faggots are fucking pathetic
So there are only 9 dead Israeli soldiers from the ground invasion.
>The jews are scared
>They won't invade
>This will be their grave

Again arab lovers are wrong and jews are winning. The dude who replaced nasrallah is dead, the second replacement is Ibrahim Amin and he is next on the hit list.
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>gurgle gurgle uuuurrk...
I bet Muslim immigration was crazy at the time, too! Right, Anon? There's ABSOLUTELY NO CORRELATION between Israel destabilizing the region and Arabs emigrating to the US and Europe, right?
yup, it's pathetic
they can't do urban warfare
Not old enough
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is this old?
so do you have any proof they've captured any land at all? would love to see it :^)
You can't use logic and facts with brainwashed people
the machine gun fire is getting closer and more frequent. it's not slowing down. Lookner is creaming his pants after days of sitting through 8 hour streams with blue balls waiting for an actual happening
Not old enough fatty
I would rather have unarmed rapefugees coming over than armed, organized armies of rapists. the former will be easier to deal with, once europeans un-cuck themselves. which, we can see from the sweeping advance of far-right parties, is well underway.
get it through your thick head anon. Muslim jihad during historic times and circumstances means Muslim jihad is happening for the exact same reason in present day present circumstances. also, the jews opening the gates for Muslims to europe and trying to force my country to take them in too so we pay for the jewish bloodshed against Muslims by losing our homeland is also purely negated by the fact that there was jihads in the past.
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Is this kino old tho
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Living in the past, doomed to die, explosions on the border of israel, explosions IN israel...

Spamming gore? Really? IDF is MAD lmao
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Way more than three lel
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Lebanonbros... how we feeling?!?!!!
Your stupid ass speaks English or are you a poojeet? Older
still waiting :^)
into the trash goes israel
nigga links this like it has any relevance today kek
you don't know what that word means. "tranny" on the other hand, that's something everyone understands here.
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>Spamming gore? Really?

You and I are on a mission to determine what kino Im in possession of is qualifiably "old" or not, its nothing personal.

anyway... is this old?
Iran has lost its mind!!!! there literally crazzyyy!!!! the AD was overwhelmed they should have exterminated every last degenerate jew terrorist plagueing humanity!
Firstly, what a waste of digits.
Secondly, again, I bet before Israel existed, Arabs were pouring in with organized militias, guns, and missiles into the US and Europe, right?
so r u guys ready for this happening to last 20 years
i think i could spend 20+ years with u guys
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From Yaroun village and Lebanon. Wait a few days for official announcement and some Israeli flags in Lebanese villages.
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Ahhh the ai Aisha fapper,

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i'm so glad some dumb hezbonigger took this photo so it can be the response to every muslim retard talking about IDF diapers
who's the real diaper force now?
This is like 200 meters from the border and the footage is from the reconnaissance a few days ago, kek.
>once europeans un-cuck themselves

they'll let israel dissapear.
>Lookner is creaming his pants after days of sitting through 8 hour streams with blue balls waiting for an actual happening
He's been spoiled by the last week of happenings. Even just yesterday was the biggest explosion in Beirut yet.
>Secondly, again, I bet before Israel existed, Arabs were pouring in with organized militias, guns, and missiles into the US and Europe, right?

right. that is factually correct.
there were ISIS raping and enslaving white european women at will in the early 1800s. back then they were called "bashi bazouks". except they had a large military with firepower to back them up, so nobody could save their victims.
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Just wondering tho brother, would you consider THIS kino to be "Old kino" ?
>They will never cross the border
>just 200 meters
>muh reconnaissance

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Another angle of the same Kebab'd leboshit
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Retro gorewar, eh? I can dig it. Glad to make you seethe though 'briton'. Stick around, only more kino to come. Well, for the West. You guys seem like you have some real problems down there tho lol

oof instagibbed
right, sure. and what about now, when they're coming in thanks to jewish lobbies and governments, and jewish organized invasion fleets under the guise of migrant "NGO"? why don't these magnanimous jews simply not do the Muslim invasion arrangements if theyre such a bulwark?
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british flag is a verified pajeet

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Your own traitors from the EU want to bring the brown people for economical gains, some of them are jews but the majority are whites.
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Ye figured. jew until proven poo lmao
just 1400 more meters to go and you'll have a whole mile :^)
judging from 9 jew casualties every 200 meters, that's a mere 63 dead kikes :^) totally worth
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What are they going to do without israeli money once you're gone?
the brown people wouldn't even be eligible for migrating if it wasn't for jews displacing them
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I'll mix in some general oct7 kinos in case anyone missed them.
>christcuck pose in death
enjoy hell moshe crossberg
western europe has no serious government due to jewish murders and economic usury and debt traps and actual military enslavement from usa, which are just the same as you, only you larp as something called "jew". theres no traitors only usurpers. and theres no Muslim waves without you murdering them in their home. apart from that i didnt know someone elected Soros and other ferry logistics NGOS.
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there's really no way you can make a logical argument from the premise "muslims are aggressive and violent" that it then follows "we should help the muslims win military victories, if we do, they'll leave us alone out of the goodness of their hearts".
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the country with the highest growth in 4chan users is ground zero ahah
the rapefugees coming from fucking morocco and algeria were displayed by "jews"?
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Holy FUCK that one right next to Lookners cam
they're aggressive and violent because jews robbed them of their lives in their home countries in the middle east
this isn't complicated. kys if you're too stupid to connect some simple dots. we don't need your stupid genes polluting the pool
Kek, kikes so you get called up to die and they won't even take you to the front line. How cheap are you faggots?
Muslims were far less aggressive and violent than the atheist jew regimes of ww1 and ww2. But i'm not sure why i haven't filtered you yet, it's obvious you need to die for your lies and murders, not be talked to.
This is horseshit. They're both to blame.
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>10 mins ago
Blow your load too early? I have that problem sometimes too
Stop it jew, the rest of the world don't have to die for you to get the "promised land", no matter how bad you paint the muslims.
some kike bragged that it's only 6 hours, hop on a bike, kike, HezBVLLS are waiting
someone post IOF dying to IEDs. hope there's more flagkino
the reason for the invasion is because muslims breed to much. they'll be coming over either way, and whether you like it or not, the average normie doesn't have the guts to machine gun them in their leaky boats rather than letting them land. it's very reductive to blame "jews" for that tendency.
so have they taken Yaroun yet or what!?
this kek

jews have higher fertility than lebanese you retarded mutt
no, they're aggressive and violent because they're muslims. the quran tells them to behead, rape, and murder all unbelievers. I thought this was common knowledge on /pol? except for among the brown mudslime shit that has been seeping in here over the past 5 years, that is
just ignore EDbs65Xf please
he's shitting up the thread
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>some kike bragged that it's only 6 hours, hop on a bike, kike, HezBVLLS are waiting

Did you really start this shit with only 3 images stored? Jeez you're like the IDF
Holy shit that's sad, but I feel no pity for kikes
since you haven't - actual Hungarians will be taking care of you soon, Abdul. your days are numbered.
anything happening tonight?
these lies are so old, this have been disproved several times in this general.
kys or just go to the north of your imaginary country.>>483802078
which is why the Lebanese aren't willing to hurl their children into the path of IDF airstrikes like Paleshitstainians are, lol. that's why Hezbollah is faring so poorly in battle compared to Hamas, which was able to make much more extensive use of sandnigger toddlers as ablative armor.
Enough of your bullshit about the past. We are in the present. The reason Muslims are coming in droves to Europe, is because instead of achieving utopia, like Gaddaffi did, they are bombed and murdered by muttoid "jew" atheists like you year after year then other jews import them so their frustration is released onto clueless Europeans who are also usured out of their lives by jewish parasites. The only one being bloodthirsty and needing to be stopped is you agent orange dropping, civilian genociding jewish schizos. kill yourself, or get a HezBVLL to do it
Hezbollab banned cellphones. Not happening
youre right that was my last reply. i got too cocky
How many muslims do you personally know? The ones I work with are just like you and I so not sure where you're coming up with these lies from
Enlist and go fight for israel.

I'd care less about Israel's existence & literal genocide of surrounding Muslim populations, if they stopped hijacking my government to support their nonsense.

like if you take back george soros and get all the jews out of the FDA & stop putting poison in our food & stop putting fluoride in our water... stop flooding our country with immigrants...

maybe the US will support u in ur little 300 moment

as of right now your people plunder our country for profit at the expense of the health & financial wellbeing of our citizens, and AIPAC controls our political system so that we're forced to involve ourselves in middle-eastern politics so u don't get wiped off the face of the earth
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quran explicitly and very unambiguously tells muslims to behead and enslave all non-muslims. sorry, I know that's inconvenient for your taqiyyah
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Come up with a better one kid. This is 4chan you gonna have to try harder than that
>achieving utopia, like Gaddaffi did
I've been violently physically attacked by muslims for exercising my first amendment rights within the past 12 months.
fuck no. I don't wanna live around dirty mizrahi. they're like the middle east version of mexicans. it's only because they are fighting the muslims that they have any redeeming value.
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Whats lookner problem why is he freaking out about some stupid noises. Why does he thank people. Why do people watch this shit
this is what he lives for
It says "in battle" stupid. That means you're fighting a war. How bad is your English that you don't know what "in battle" "war" "martyred" infers and means?
lebanons are no sleeping good tongiht KEK, bet it was worth larping like you care about gaza now
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Lots of big ones going off
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how long do we give them? i say tmrw morning they will be gone
If you said nigger or spic, I'd believe you. I've never seen a muslim here.
dont get cocky leb-anon this will be a long hard fight.
Ahhh so you're a zionist. Good, try to be on the right side of history for once and stop provoking them at protests for internet clout like a loser

all the Muslim people I know who have immigrated to the US are wonderful people. There is no billionaire class of muslims who own all of the food/pharma/banks/news and are exploiting americans for profit, which they then donate to NGOs that try to maximize the number of refuges america has to take every year
>in battle
i love the literal KEKAROOO(chug thing if you know you know) in the West Bank palichads recordings of Iran retribution. i cackled just like that when i saw after the first 10 or so rockets 80 more are on the horizon. i can't imagine how good it must have been for Palestinians who endured the worst of jewish atrocities in the past decades.
shut up subversive
american muslims tend to be the slightly higher IQ middle and upper classes. european muslims are gutter trash filth on the other hand
So you admit that you’re a kike?
this 100%. Don't let the fucking glowies gaslight u lil bro. there are americans who know the truth
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the israeli failure is too big to not laugh at it though
god bless these fighters dude
he's obviously a kike, stop responding to his b8
dumb retard i have been pro resistance longer than you've been alive
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i miss dis lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
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>larping like you care about Gaza
Bubbi, Lebanon is still bombing them.

>dont get cocky leb-anon this will be a long hard fight
Until IDF retreats to refuel/restock and tries the ground again lmao
based btw
>all the Muslim people I know who have immigrated to the US are wonderful people.
This has no relevance politically. It sounds just as retarded as "every Israeli settler I've met is a wonderful person". Even if true, they have to go back.
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Yeah I got no problem with Muslims. They never did anything to me. In fact the opposite. When I went to their countries, they treated me like a celebrity for being American. Got invited in for tea, food and people would take pictures with me to show off to their friends that they "met an American". I never let zionist controlled media tell me how to think and feel, especially after they lied about 9/11
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muslims > jews
simple as
aint he dead lol?
Just in
Literally looking at a dark sky for an hour


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"Listen to all these booms. Latta booms right now."
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Is this old?
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Handless Lebofapper
It was 10/8. there are large populations of them in many major cities in the south and southwest.
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They have homeless "people" in Beirut too?
We get it, you're a newfag. Piss off back to reedit.
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>all the Muslim people I know who have immigrated to the US are wonderful people.
is this real?
sperm extraction units lmao. imagine having so many dead that your job is to jerk off dead israelis to get their semen.
yeah and quran also says they should go to war with any unbelievers who don't accept slavery (dhimmi status) and pay the jizz money.
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Gummy bear
real and old actually.
they are something else.
I cant say nigger on reddit
nope. I'm not jewish. fuck moses, fuck torah, fuck talmud. if this was a war where pajeets were killing muslims, I'd be cheering on the pajeets. in fact, I hope to have the opportunity to do just that within the next few years.
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Many dead hezbocucks
ooo yeah
love the sound of those medivacs xD
The helicopters are reversed they’re actually bringing more soldiers to the battlefield.
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>new security incident oy veeeey
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paki stop shitting on the floor
> Turkish source to Levant24: Turkey is preparing for a limited ground offensive in NW-Syria.
No shot
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Finally! I thought you ran away like the rest of your countrymen, I was getting bored.
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Why do Civilians help Khezbollack?
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they're getting hezbullNIHILATED
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>the terrorists
Which ones?
finally! I was wondering when we were gonna get to see some muzzie corpses.

theyre threatening to bomb dahye again because they failed at the ground invasion like always. They'll try again tomorrow then fail and then do more raids and post more gore.
Yeah that's why I don't fuck with muslims. Unlike whites, they fight back if you bully them
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Muzzieshits have the best oven mittens.
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>try to invade
>fail miserably
>bomb civilians
>try to invade
>fail miserably
>bomb civilians
>try to invade
>fail miserably
>bomb civilians
>try to invade
>fail miserably
>bomb civilians
>try to invade
>fail miserably
>bomb civilians
Rather, I think the U.S. is currently forming the Lebanese provisional government at the moment. I think it's clear that there aren't gonna be any Hezbollah governing officials allowed to remain alive. Maybe there will be blowback down the road, but Western nations at large do seem willing to continue military pressure on civilian governance in this degree for as long as it takes until "Hezbollah" can no longer operate as a political or governmental force.

> John Hudson @John_Hudson 2h
> Final question to Biden: “How long are you okay with Israel bombing Lebanon? What is acceptable to you?” [POTUS smiles, walks away from the podium]

What's your plan for this? Hezbollah will be banned as a political party, that's just the reality.
The only terrorist that exist kikes and proxies bro
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All innocent orphans and pregnant women as you can see.
shu far2et kel 3mron ebyedrbou el dahye
Whomever made this is a full blown downy.
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Wait a sec...

Is that you, Pratyusk?


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>Sieg Allah!


you just know this guy has an NSFW variation of all this weird realistic loli shit. Aisha habibiiiii? LOL nonce
half of these are american puppets btw
>kill hundreds of Lebanese in a couple weeks
>bombard every western nation with interviews and pieces on why Israel are good and justified

People aren’t buying it, everyone fucking hates you
it's a proven spam bot
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azde thats what they do. invade, die, airstrike, repeat...
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And who paid for their guns and ships, I wonder
>half of these are american puppets btw

based puppets
>theyre threatening to bomb dahye again
Actual question: Why do people still live there? It's pretty obvious what they're trying to do, no? Why hasn't Hezbollah (civilian arm) had pre-prepared evacuation routes, started closing hospitals or moving medical equipment in more fortified locations, coming up with schooling plans for children likely to displaced (won't they need to train engineers and doctors in the years to come?). They do seem to have a somewhat competent light infantry force but those are part of governance too. Do they actually just want their population to be martyrs?
More war crimes
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>victim blaming
yeah its the norm with israel
if you look at military engagements in 2006 all massacres were carried by the air force cuz the kike ground force is a shithole LOL
Somalis are actually Goliath, they're actually legit fuckin crazy
imagine getting killed because you wanted internet clout like a teenage girl
>More war crimes
lmao nice source
you think we want to leave? lol we aint never leaving
Dem jews don't know how to season them corpses like us do.
>there are no more terrorists in dayhiye please stop bombing our capital
Lol, desperate cope
>dude it's totally unbelievable that jews would kill a baby
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Haven't seen that one? It's a classic, too
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Adorable Zerg Larvae

show flag kike
You do have to have continuity in your society even if you're a victim. I'm asking if they actually thought that was worth planning for, as an element that's part of war in the same way having industrial output over a war's duration may be part of one.
>we heard there's a couple terrorists there so time to kill 1000 people including babies
>I'm going to make up lies to make myself feel better about him telling the truth
No THIS is the desperate cope
Don't give the poojeet any replies bro
I remember the one where the soldier picks up the Palestinian flag and brings it back to his bunker then all of them get blown up
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based kids for TKD
>you think we want to leave?
No, but who builds your society after Israel bombs you all to death? They're not going to stop or change their minds or whatever.
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Whiter than you, Hondushit.
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>I remember the one where the soldier picks up the Palestinian flag and brings it back to his bunker then all of them get blown up
Shit, I have that... somewhere...
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roaches want to benefit from what happen in Lebanon to steal more territory from Syria
lol we rebuild dahyeh in 2006 you think we cant do it again
>Yeah I made it up but erm just believe it!
Maybe don't leave your baby next to a rocket cache
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Could someone scoop my brains up with a piece of my skull pl0x?
bas mn wen el masare lol
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You failed to realize they actually are the same, Russia and cuckrain is the same war as Palestine vs pissrael
trust me if i had a rocket stache i would have emptied it in 2 minutes
bruh they literally destroyed the entirety of dahiyeh in 2006 lol
kelou ebyedabar lmao
They are afraid
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Mosques, man.

What a futile waste of brick and mortar.
so the current cope goes as:
Not being a 30 iq shitskin getting your people massacred and powerlessly watching = American puppet ?
allah b3awed lol
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>welcome to the Fed shitlist =)
>would have emptied it in 2 minutes
Still not as quick as your balls empty into a goat
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Kicking jews teeth in and having jews lust on us, like usual.
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>hahaha you fuck goats haha so edgy
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Rumours of infiltration in Shmoona
Harden your heart hizb Allah and invade kiryat Shmoona and name it Nasr Allah town
source: fat brown basedjack twitter (adro3ee)
Now, ambulances are being used to transport khizballah weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'll need help with this one FRENs

Did this Khamas agent have Elephant foot syndrome prior to getting whacked, or did Allah try escaping his body ASAP?
whats happening in syria lol
hala2 be7ke jeff bezos
if hezb actually managed to infilitrate it would be more embarassing than oct 7
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Found it

A new one! Thanks Leb-anon, I'll add it to the collection.

The 'FEDs ain't shit' list? LOL, I'm already on that one
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and of your taxpayer money but its not like you are actually brit
erdog was feeling left out ig
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How are you doing based bro ? I hope your gun is ready. Do not let the rats win my friend. For those of us who can't help militarily, please know we are sending all what we can, be it money, aid, prayers, putting pressure on zogbots here etc. We love you, take care
there are khaybar rockets inside the ambulances
source: trust me dude
the cope is not clearly recognizing that your country is fully under american/israeli influence when it comes to its foreign policy
Sadat sold you out read a book
mn jaraar il jarabeen
How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

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Accckkk, can't feel my legs
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Posting OPs for new bread!

See you kikes and poos in the next one! ;)
Yes! that's the one.

Erdogan is going to save Palestine by bombing Kurds
bezos m3na bl harake
I am comfy wrapped in my quilt and drinking hot tea while watching mudshits in lebanon get BTFO
The war will be over when the mudslime population reaches 0%.
>egyptians calling levantines shitskins

shut the fuck up you octaroon filth
Maybe if you keep saying so you will stop being a bomb crater one day
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I wonder how many goats this regretfully old Khamas faggot raped in its lifetime?
Based post
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>counting dead civilians as hezbollah operatives

lmao, the kike cope is real
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Glad to be of service fellow anon
There's an egyptian flag here that is a pissraeli using a VPN
jews are traitors
lawla el OS la ken Bez
ken yel3ab bl gele howe wl eztez berri
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sadly this and sisi is just continuing his role
god gave us morsi but they wasted him
what a shame
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Imagine if Redwan forces manage to capture and secure Shmoona and raise their flag in the center of the settlement in the 7th of October it will be kino
I like this one but the kike should be browner and more fucked up
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NOOOOOOOO not the infrastructure!!

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ool rasso mtl el bez
Imagine being dumb enough to show support for an entity on canadas anti-terrorism act. I'm glad australia is locking up dumb cunts who support these hezb mudshits.
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Noone cares faggot
the problem with morsi is that he was a sunni islamist.

sunni islamists are all braindead retards no matter what. idk why but it feels like shia islamists are much more intelligent
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Yeah lots of this stuff has Negev-chan syndrome

>Noone cares faggot
>we have never seen the top of bezos' head
Oh this is the one where they bulldozed the guy's pizza shop because he posted a picture of the hostage granny in his poster for a special. Kek pissraelis are thin skinned pussies. Always offended never sorry
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>Imagine being dumb enough to show support for an entity on canadas anti-terrorism act.
Glowies are watching your whole family.
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The top of your head looks like a tit kek
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>Kek pissraelis are thin skinned pussies

oh really now?
It's a literal lebanese rapefugee
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ikhwan since Clinton's days literally work for CIA, they fought against Algeria, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc on the American payroll, its part of a wider plan called Gladio B, but for some reason, the Americans didn't have a parallel structure for Shias
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Uhhh buddy what makes YOU think you are in America? Shut the fuck up or I'll report your ass. You aren't American and don't ever think for one second you will ever know what real freedom is. Fuck I love being American

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>Uhhh buddy what makes YOU think you are in America? Shut the fuck up or I'll report your ass. You aren't American and don't ever think for one second you will ever know what real freedom is. Fuck I love being American

Mate, you're fat as fuck and picking up the phone is more than enough exercise to stop your heart dead.
can i suck the top of my head bros?
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topkek, but they're not wrong

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