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Previous: >>483883401

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
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Kill the French. Behead the French. Roundhouse kick the French into the concrete. Slam dunk a French baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a the French's food. Launch the French into the sun. Stir fry the French in a wok. Toss the French into active volcanoes. Urinate into the French's gas tank. Judo throw the French into a wood chipper. Twist the French's heads off. Report the French to the IRS. Karate chop the French in half. Curb stomp pregnant Frenchmutts. Trap the French in quicksand. Crush the French in the trash compactor. Liquefy the French in a vat of acid. Eat the French. Dissect the French. Exterminate the French in the gas chamber. Stomp the French skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate the French in the oven. Lobotomize the French. Mandatory abortions for the French. Grind French fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown the French in fried chicken grease. Vaporize the French with a ray gun. Kick old French down the stairs. Feed the French to alligators. Slice the French with a katana.
you're a lying jew
i agree desu
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Don't listen to all the kike shills telling you they've advanced deep into Lebanon, brozzers! Look at this video of a highly successful operation by our brave Hezbollah resistance fighters, who just valiantly disarmed the Zionist invaders by entrapping the Zionist bullets and bomb fragments in their vital organs!
Just imagine how much money it cost Israel to slaughter these Muslim men like dogs! Their economy will collapse in this war of attrition!
allah bless hamas
allah bless hezbollah
allah bless houthis
allah bless the ayatollahs
fuck jews
tonight a Great Happening will happen, i can fell it...tomorrow the mudslime will be seething so much that they will behead themselves
then why was there an ISIS member with a child sex slave in the ranks of Hamas?
Lel people are obsessing over that earthquake even though records show an eartquake of that magnitude basically every day in the region. Everyone wants it to be a nuke test so badly. But if the Nork 100KT thermonuclear test set off a 3.x earthquake you would need a full megaton to hit 4.x
it was the Jews who created the God of all 3 monotheistic religions so it is obvious that God is with them first and foremost
because the story is jewish bullshit, faggot jew

ISIS themselves declared hamas to be disbelievers to be beheaded (jewish punishment)
those are civilians
just a reminder that nothing will happen. israel will bomb some iranian military base in syria or something and claim victory
yes... i can feel the happening... it is brewing as we speak
>they will behead themselves
Demonstrate how this is possible, please.
Moldovan and Romanian special forces are about to land in Tel-Aviv.
in case anyone is curious about the blue tape, word is that it's to mark which corpses have been checked to make sure they're not booby trapped, and that they're actually dead and not just playing possum.
you're probably some orthodox kike kek
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>more effective than admitted
>more effective than admitted
>more effective than admitted
>more effective than admitted
>more effective than admitted
>more effective than admitted
crazy that this group of "civilians" was composed entirely of fighting-age men in military fatigues
okay so if ISIS is so against Hamas and vice-versa, why did Hamas recruit an ISIS member who fought in Syria?
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>earthquake detected in Tehran
Is Iran testing nukes? Is it over? Is it happening?
sounds like the invasion of libanon bounced so bad they're going to pretend it never happened
Don’t harsh my buzz bro
i had a hunch
makeshift guillotines made in their backyards
iran has small earthquakes all the time. nothing ever happens (except the ground moving, which happens constantly)
those are not military fatigues and every single jew that was killed by other jews on the 7/11 were also all fighting age adults, who were reservists
>okay so if ISIS is so against Hamas and vice-versa, why did Hamas recruit an ISIS member who fought in Syria?

those are jewish lies, once again

jews lie all the time

#Lebanon: 1 - When an enemy #Israeli infantry force attempted to advance towards the vicinity of the municipality in the town of Adaisseh, the Islamic Resistance fighters clashed with them, which led to a huge explosion in the advancing force and forced them to retreat, killing and wounding them.

2 - The #Israeli enemy soldiers attempted to advance again towards the vicinity of the municipality in the town of Adaisseh, but the Islamic Resistance fighters confronted the attempt to advance and the clashes are ongoing.

3 - The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers in Kafr Fal with a rocket salvo

4 - The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers in Kafr Jalaadi at dawn on Saturday.

5 - The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of #Israeli enemy soldiers in Khallet Abeer in Yaroun with a rocket salvo.
no, they are just a seismically active country
They killed a palestinian and damaged some property
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Discussed last thread.
A 4.x magnitude earthquake is a daily occurrence in the region.
Earthquake is too powerful and too deep.
You'd be looking for 2.x at a very shallow depth of maybe 1-2km for their first nuke test. But nobody even bothers recording anything below 4.0 so it's hard to look back historically for shakes that small.
in a real war, Iran would get off maybe 1 or 2 salvos of missiles during the window of time it takes Israel/America to systematically dismantle their air defense network.
after that, they're fucked, so they'd better hope those 1 or 2 salvos struck a mortal blow.
go back to /k/ you fucking troon. Adults are talking.
persians are humans, they only targeted military

jews are subhumans, they only target toddlers and babies
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why didn't they do it the past two time?
> - Unconfirmed initial reports of sounds of strong explosions being heard in 'Irbid' Governorate, Northern Jordan
maybe we DO have common ground kek
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yes, that's your delicious cope, but the truth is coming out every so slowly, and there's nothing you can do to stop it
nice cope

ana curious 3an al video al lathee nasharo7o al mutt fawq. ayn tam al tasweer wa matta?
>NEW: Iran has issued a NOTAM for the closure of its entire Western airspace every day from 17:00 UTC to 01:30 UTC until the 9th of October, for military operations

Boys, we got us a happening.
>in a real war, Iran would get off maybe 1 or 2 salvos of missiles during the window of time it takes Israel/America to systematically dismantle their air defense network.
KEK. Iran only needs one operational salvo at any given moment to completely decimate Israel. If it came to that, they would saturate Israel with drones, then cruise and ballistic missiles. It would cease to exist as a civilization.
>in a real war, Iran would get off maybe 1 or 2 salvos of missiles during the window of time it takes Israel/America to systematically dismantle their air defense network.
In a real war, the immediate casualties the US would suffer would send shockwaves through the country. Subsequently, the Ukraine having proven that you cannot bomb a country into defeat, the US would continue to face drone, missile and guerrilla attacks across the Middle East in yet another war it could not possibly hope to win.
Don't discount the bracing effect of seeing a few dozen American PoWs taken from all those bases paraded on camera in 4k or the sudden flood of flag-draped coffins from say the 5th Fleet HQ in Bahrain or the big airbase in Qatar.
the US 2024 is not the US 1990 or 2003 and Iran 2024 is nothing like you've ever faced.
Not to mention that the prospect of sending arms to Iran to shoot down / strike US assets as payback would give Gerasimov and Putin a boner you could likely see from space.
thats very likely to happen, or bomb an iraqi airforce site with some old migs. The government wants that to happen because theyre desperate to replace them with F16's
it is happening
israel you fucked up
israel now u fucked up
Laying the groundwork for deescalation? That would be ideal but Bibi has at no point shown that much rationality.
The NOTAMs are probably a red herring, They likely intend to fire from locations outside of that area
>- Jordanian NGOs alert employees of an imminent Israeli attack on Iran

>Jordan has received a warning about an Israeli attack against Iran in the next few hours," - Channel 14.

Imminent, if true.
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>NATO air tankers to refuel the Israeli F-35 fighter jets on their way to the skies of the Middle East entered Turkish airspace.
iran doesn't seem to think so:
how are those F16's working out in ukraine?
>Israel will strike Iraq soon
Happening cancelled, oh well, easy come, easy go.
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Why does Mr. Lookner always overexplain himself on stream? Like bro just go eat, snack, piss, do a bump in the restroom. Do whatever, you don't have to grovel like "I JUST NEED ONE MINUTE GUYS JUST ONE FUCKING MINUTE AND I'LL BE RIGHT BACK"
They would never live if down if they cucked out that hard.
israel is striking everybody kek
they are lashing out like a wounded animal
Be extra precise with the missiles. Hit only military areas. Keep hitting the military leaders areas associated with conscripting/drafting.
I recommend mostly ignoring the conscripts.

The Israel-cultist leaders that are associated with causing conscription are the vitals.

The Palestinians can give exact information. The Palestinians are aware of where the elite are.
If Israel opens a front with Jordan, even the US would need to start distancing themselves from Israel
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shizbollah is pretty much the joke of the middle east at this point
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who are we going to get this time i wonder?
Iran does NOTAMs and close parts of their airspace regularly. Bigger tell is that they pulled ships out of their ports.
It's probably Iraqi resistance hitting their bases on the border between Jordan and Syria. nothing new. Burgers will send a few coffins home and pretend like nothing ever happened since the base in Syria is a wanton violation of international law.
>from Russia with love
hadhol min suriya wa al tasweer min al awqat /sg/ ya3ne min zaman. hadtha al taswir qadim ya akhi.
Iraq/Babylon/Mesopotamia is ready and already attacking the Israel-cult
Quiet! Men not wearing dresses are conversing.
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I need a palestinian refugee wife that looks just like Dena
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konto a3lam lakan oreedo al ta2akod itha kana mn syria
88 million Iranians/Persians are sending huge amounts of supplies to Iraq/Babylon/Mesopotamia
Kek, troon ask your Dr for more meds. You are clearly historical. Posting the biggest kike shill of them all. The one who said the videos were reversed.
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>coping about men wearing dress
the audacity
Israel will attack Iran in a few hours. Buckle your seatbelts!
How will Iran respond though?
Dubai IG THOTS will be soon be birthing MUTANTS
Scratch that. Iraqi media are apparently reporting that the explosions people are hearing are caused by Israelis hitting targets in Syria.
FAFO indeed
Really want to see an F35 get merked. Can you imagine the histrionics that would ensue in American domestic politics?
Seems like Israel is going to attack everyone at once including Iran and strongarm the US to get involved.
>bombing beirut
>bombing gaza
>bombing syria
They seem incredibly un-focused for allegedly being about to launch a major operation against Iran.
damn, turkey getting its airspace violated worse than shani louk
israel could nuke washington without losing us support
People have been saying this hours ago reeee
I don’t think it’s happening today
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Iran has quickly earned its place among my favorite based countries
>Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper:

>Air raid sirens sound in the north almost every minute.
what is lebanese army doing? they should buttraping kikes. what the fuck is going on?
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invade Israel, become hell.
what if israel nuker israel?
its a diversion, though our airforce mogs even the amerimutts, we can easily pull this off
You're all invited to my RISK THREAD!

Other than that, what can I do as a bored "Western" to help the axis of resistence?
Based israel?
NATO is begging Israel to hit anything but the nuclear sites. France just stopped their weapons export to Israel. Iran issued a warning that their retaliation will be even harsher. The stars have been aligned, kike fighter jets will drop their loads all over Iran.
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i like this one better
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Digits confirm.
Israel has fucked up.
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>I am a reformer.
>I intend to reform Israel into a crater.
Why are you so evil, jews?
Oh... right...
Let’s hope, I want to see them do something stupid
>Hezbollah appoints entire population of Tel Aviv as new Sec. Gen.
>Netanyahu nukes Tel Aviv and declares victory.
It could work.
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bruh, i want a hezbollah patch.
that requires the israelis to actually entire libanon. the specops they sent first got btfo pretty badly, so they jews are getting cold feet.

now, if you're asking why libanon isn't invading israel...
Aren't there place you can get a custom one made? Here there are a few.
for jews it's all about retaining their population in

but people with modern comfortable lives don't want war so lots of kikes are escaping israel right now
återvandring, en lösning för oss alla
GPS jamming being reported in Lebanon and surrounding area.
the armband
isnt that normal
it would be perfect cosmic justice if israel's nuke exploded at the launch site. everyone would suddenly believe in God again...
been happening since oct 7 bruh
i miss my waze so much its insane
hrt status?
>its afraid
not your blog, tranny
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daily dahia bombing status?
No they are being smart troon
>eli davidberg

Jag är redan i irak, har en vpn för porr och min hemnät.
>Jordan has reported that US has warned Iran about the imminent attack
That would be completely unacceptable and we would be forced to withdraw all US troops across the globe and converge them on Israel so we can invade Israel in order to protect Israel from those damn dirty Israeli terrorists in Israel.
Also Israel.
i have it on good authority that its happening right now
stop watching porn autistic ass nigga
ill check some out.
Is that real what a fucking retard. He's got that mizrahi in him for sure
nope def oct 7
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jews are faggots and traitors
>no link for such a big piece of news
We heard this drivel before
and then we went on to inflict one of the biggest military humiliations in history
i wouldnt be surprised as the mutts are backstabbing child raping pedos
Never have a seen a more unforgettable creature than kikes
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Why do you pasty redheads want to live in the desert so bad instead of living in khazaria?
>the imminent attack
Yeah, but then there's like picrel. I'm getting mixed signals to be honest with you., fog of war, yada-yada-yada.
Damn, kuwaitis causing a ruckus now. This is some actual happening.
> Some sources say that the reason for the clearing of the sky in western Iran is the 100% activation of the ultra-advanced cloud electronic warfare system of Murmansk BN (Murmansk BN), which was delivered to Iran by Russia.

> @Hezbollah_com
They have activated the Murmansk
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>if you destroy your enemy you're bad
seeth more goy.
yeah ok but america in 2024 sucks ass compared to america in early 2000s
because this is our homeland, its not like whites arent violent savage that terrorized us for millenia.
> Israeli media: NATO aircraft entered Turkish airspace to refuel Israeli F-35 fighter jets on their way to the Middle East.

Israel is just going to borrow a bunch of F-35s from NATO for their operation.
i dont wanna get a girl tho, theyre annoying and use up too much money. But i still like girls. So this is one solution.
as if you dont watch ya khawal
checked quads fren.
god damn, i dont know if its beirut or gaza anymore
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why are jews so gay and cringe though
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>muh rustsian wunderwaffles
dont you ever get tired of this cope?
typical swed, just begging to be an arab's slave.
>because this is our homeland
Your homeland is back in khazaria, which is in the caucus mountains. All that desert sunshine is bad for you redheads skin
very very misogynistic post
this proves jews can only kill toddlers, babies and women
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>because this is our homeland
>muh Russian wunderwaffen
>let me tell you about your country amerilard
every time
They're kinda cute tho
the irony of him being gassed, wallahi the revenge of every sunni baby gassed by bashart
show some respect, tranny
without america you would already be living in Palestine, ruled by President Sinwar.
Once you get into a long term relationship, you'll understand. Also, i had a girl for 10 years and we broke up a few years ago. I dont wanna go through that again.
america is your god not hashem, without america you're nothing
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Something happening in Iran airspace ?
That plane did a half turn and is going back
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i'm sorry, bro.
Don't you retards understand that, if not for Israel, Europe would be flooded with muslim "refugees" who would rape and murder and commit terror attacks on a near daily basis?
They are. esp my ex, she was exactly my type but i just couldnt handle all the bullshit that came with her.
how bout 3aqed mot3a
literally the exact opposite is true
gaslighting kike
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>comparing iran with iraq


please, shabbos goy, do get shipped to iran to fight and die for the jews there
As time goes by more people will start to speak up. Everyone is watching who is siding with kikes. This will also fuck up their travels.
>its not like whites arent violent savage that terrorized us for millenia.
huh... wow... that's a big claim. Claim that big, might be inclined to ask for some proof. You realize people have eyes, right? We're all legit watching your savagery in 4K def and real time. Who do you think is buying this shit?
yeah they are about to get bombed retard
maybe he just typo'd "wouldn't"
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it's the hole ratsrallah is buried in. look closely maybe you'll find him.

video from 2022, bibi in the parliament running to make it to a vote. seeth more goy.
yeah i think so too actually
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all you're doing is targeting civilians

the day will come you'll be bombed as well, and no one will come to save you, not even the american golem
Haven't they just sent another $8 billion in military aid? whats with you kikes and biting the hand that feeds you, disgusting
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airspace isn't closed yet, many commercial flights still in the area
is this also from 2022
>the day will come you'll be bombed as well, and no one will come to save you, not even the american golem
this already happend, but we are strong now, soon you will see.
also shitzbollah top military command are not civilians.
Kek, it's the opposite. Israel is what makes the whole region unstable. No more kikes no more immigrants.
nothing to be sorry about, i was already having thoughts of breaking up 8 years into it. I just stuck it out because we lived together and i didnt wanna lose the apartment. At the end i told her i need to move, this is during the time i live my hell of a life in gothenburg. So i went to north sweden and never looked back since.
Exactly it is only because of Israel’s dogged vigilance that Europe remains the utopian vision of racial and cultural purity it is today.
isn't that what you ALLEGEDLY did? moved your f35s? wasn't that your cope? kek fucking khazarian retard
>the day will come you'll be bombed as well
are you intentionally being retarded?
>and no one will come to save you
Yeah that's kind of the point of zionism, thanks for justifying my entire ideology mister kebab.
>No more kikes no more immigrants.
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>this already happend, but we are strong now, soon you will see.
do you even believe this? it doesn't sound like it.
honestly, i'm starting to feel bad for you
you know the end is near
must suck
bribe in one hand knife to stab in the back with another, we would prefer they let us massacre the niggers in gaza instead of forcing us to buy overpriced precision bombs
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Surely that was just a coincidence
idk, i just cant handle being intimate with a girl when my previous girl's memory is still embedded inside my mind. I dont think id be able to handle mot3a. Besides, plenty sunni girls in bagdad are on dating apps anyway. So i wouldnt need mot3a for that sort of stuff.
>seeth more goy.
What exactly does "goy" mean?
kek true
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>this already happend
no, it didn't
you'll learn in due time kike
>Jordan announced that they will open their airspace to Israeli jets
Kill these treacherous niggers already
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stop posting shit without a source, nigger
and you're a jew
>Yeah that's kind of the point of zionism, thanks for justifying my entire ideology mister kebab.

you exclusively rely on america no hashem
yeah, but this will also destabilize the middle east. Hopefully its for the last time. i cant take this much happening anymore.
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Sooo pre 73' was what exactly?
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>"Israel's response against Iran will be such that it will not lead to a regional war." - Yedioth Ahronoth, citing US officials.
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>targeting civilians
fake news
>no one will come to save you
god is on our side, allah isnt helping you
>What exactly does "goy" mean?
it means normal (non-kike) human
(((they))) think it's an insult
It's already pretty unstable. After kikes are put in their place. I think we will have order again.
You guys are khazars though
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im off to sleep, bad night all the niggers ITT, and good night to the few based Israeli fighting the good fight only aginst the muslims shill.

dahiya getting nuked again, and shitzbollah is powerless to stop or deter us.
Reliable authors, that's all you need to know. Besides don't act like i said anything surprising.
kill all kikes
That’s not good enough
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kikes had gotten help from multiple nations not just america

nice try though
so either it's gonna be some super lame cuck response or they are severely underestimating iran
Is this the attack? they doing bomb runs everywhere except Iran
>Iranian Media states that Iranian "F14 Tomcat" fighter Jets have taken off over the west of the country.

Imagine not having an f14 Tomcat in current year. That's so rad and vintage.
america is your god not hashem
yep, i wouldnt be surprised if israel just becomes a saudi/turkish puppet regime.
kys faggot
posting sources is a /chip/ rule
>good fight
Sure, good for your father Satan lmao
Kek, I dare one of you to say it to my face
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>will not lead to a regional war.
>because we say so!
I'm going all in
Please detonate a memecarrier
this happened couple days ago when many other countries said they wouldnt.. like saudi arabia?
Too bad they don't have any parts to make them useful. America should be nuked for scrapping them.
Top Gun: Khomeini
They're all basically just delusional retards that think they are still calling the shots in the region.
if you see any israeli flag, those are people not fit for duty on the front

they set up those people in JIDF units to spam propaganda online

pic related
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>already moving goalposts
kind of funny an arab UN welfare queen talks about getting help from others.
imagine if an iranian s400 hit an israeli f35 jet which it's going for its bombing run
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>w-we attacked iranian proxies in iraq and syria... take that, iran....
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Except that that didn't even happen. The Iraqi Army went underground and regained control of Mosul by the time mutts got chased out of Iraq by cellphones taped to artillery shells.
>Too bad they don't have any parts to make them useful
i hope they reverse engineered enough of their F14's to have them in the air for an extended period of time. Hopefully they can copy the whole thing in due time.
They are also hitting Palestinians hard.
>may God protect them
the F14 program was used by the mudslimes against the Shah as a symbol of his supposed megalomania and yet it was the best performing jet against Iraq during the war, their highest scoring ace was actually taken from prison to fly his F14
desu if it actually happens Russia is going to get a shit ton of purchases but they probably gave a shit copy to the Iranians and are too scared to show off any of their equipment or the kikes have a meltdown
as much as i dislike mongols and khaleejis, they're infinitely better than jews
Analysts and experts project a second offensive strike by Iran before Israel's retaliatory strike
Wasnt Fallujah also another disaster for the us army? Or was that later on?
Antiquated, but stylish.
kif ya3mlolon siyana lol
Do jews own TalkTV and GBNews?
yep. Nafris know how to play nice
>"Israel's response to Iran will not cause any regional war" - Yedioth Ahronoth, Jewish American officer
Israel lies, probably telling americans "no worries we bomb empty field" and in reality they are gonna kill khamenei.
More or less a PR shitshow that displayed we were horribly unprepared for an occupation.
Can't decide whether to listen to hell march or highway to the danger zone.
>hahaha we are hitting Iranian proxies, that is soooo humiliating for Iran.Its over for Iran now, their regime will collapse in two weeks!
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>mention jidf once
>all the kikes disappear

t. Israel Channel 14, now rest.
why is lebanon being post about in bread for palestine? are the browns in palestine no longer important?
>How will Europe get its next flood of Arab refugees without Israel? Have you thought about that Macron!?
they prob still have the docs form the shah era and most likely used parts from the already ruined F14's from before to extend the life of the other F14's.

Iranian airforce in general gets veeeeery little funding compared to their missile program. Theyve succesfully made turbojets and turbofans but thats only being used in trainers so far. They did successfully copy the F-5 and call it the HESA Saeqeh, but still, because their missile program swallows up most of their military budgets they cannot make enough of them.
"goy" literally means "nation". in the torah it even refers to israel as "goy", when we were slaves in egypt, they became worried of our numbers because we became "a big goy". that's why they decided they must kill every hebrew boy born. so when talking about nations the bible it refered to them as goyim, and as we became a nation, the the other nations are nations that are not us = goyim. but today goyim are obsessed with jews and go crazy with jealousy of us, so when we just refer to them as a nation that is not us, they become enraged. and to that I say: "seeth more goyim".
Yeah but does Iran care? They already said that ANY response will be met with an escalatory retaliation
kys fence shitter, pick one side
wait till oct 7
I'm also convinced this is the kike retaliation. Killing more civilians everywhere.
Anons, I...
literally just gentile but funnier sounding
> #urgent | Some sources claim that in case of a hostile action against the territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Revolutionary Guards' missile force along with the army's air force have prepared a shocking surprise for Israel.

> @Hezbollah_com
TKD is on the menu, boys.
It will literally cause a regional war unless it is so retarded that Iran doesn't even feel the need to respond further.
jews are talking about how big and significant its going to be so the guy is just lying.
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>highway to the danger zone
If iranian F14 are scrambled, it seems to fit
thats bad desu
If an israeli attack happens (it wont, they pussied out), then it most likely will happen on october 7
why would i? the browns and jews are dying. whats not to celebrate?
if israel directly attacks iran they WILL counter. the credibility of the ayatollah's would be at stake
sime nice booms on lookners stream
>Prime Minister, sir! The new shipment of goyim foreskins has arrived.
damn...that was a big bang
This is just sad. Gaza is just getting destroyed from the air and the people need all the help they can.
israel will definitely want some kind of military success on oct 7 to steal the headlines. the resistance should be on high alert (im sure they know this, and they also might be planning their own things...)
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>go crazy with jealousy of us
People could literally just convert to judaism if they wanted. I don't think it's jealousy. Your women are whores so if they were jealous of that then they could just get a jewish chick. Do you think it's possible that you're just an unlikeable people?
Kikes are just plain evil.
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don't listen to this lying jew

hear it directly from his chief rabbi
Jesus Christ, words words words, only to explain what I just said here >>483895642
Jordan has reportedly given Israel the go-ahead to use their airspace. So much for not turning their country into a battlezone.
>noooo it can't possibly be something about us as a people....
>jealousy of us
No one wants to get their dick cut or get exiled and raped by every White civilization for a trillion years
You faggots are really fishing for ips?


" Some sources say that the reason for the clearing of the sky in western Iran is the 100% activation of the ultra-advanced cloud electronic warfare system of Murmansk BN, which was delivered by Russia to Iran."
Nah, they need their victimhood day.
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Huge explosion in Beirut, buildings on fire. God have mercy on these innocent Lebanese.
HOLLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU SEE THE BIG ONE??? FUCK!!!!!!!!!
I made tabouli last night and I’ll taste it tonight to see if it needs more lemon or oil. What are you doing to make the world a better place?
nope, they're gonna perform a false flag on american assets or america itself on that day
They hit a fuel station.
That one looked equally big as the one a few days ago targeting Hezbollah leadership.
Its gay when attacks happen in anniversaries/special dates.hohols and nato are doing that so i guess israel is the same because they are all jews.
>bombing more civilians

jews being jews
>kikes have a meltdown
isnt that why they decided to bomb a russian base in Syria this week
Why the long face on Lookner? He looked like a kid in the candy store during the bombings yesterday.
Solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon
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>we would prefer they let us massacre the niggers in gaza instead of forcing us to buy overpriced precision bombs
Too fucking bad, bitches, pay up.
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I don't speak frog but in the Torah that's the actual use, of course over 2000 years the meaning of the word shifted and changed.
Enormous explosion
>Jews cheering mass slaughter
They were never mad about the Holocaust. They were upset it wasn't their turn.
yup, it's a jewish thing
they just love the media attention
most armies would have better things to think about
>I don't speak frog but in the Torah that's the actual use
your shutzpah don't have effect here, liar
they made up the holocost, they wanted to genocide the jews the same way they genocided russians
big secondary explosions and fire...your shit continues to be ruined mudslimes
More of a warning

>the meaning just changed goy
At least Kahanists are honest about this shit, you fags are so gay at making excuses
>Loud explosions were heard around the city of Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria.
Well yeah they a fuel/petrol station.
yes the word means other nations, but it's become a colloquial term to mean non jews (as in people)
he is starving, no time to eat because of all the explosions blowing innocent people to smithereens
redpilling my swedish friends about jewish people
Go read the old testament, dunno what to tell you. Even if you're a muzzie or a christcuck it's all there retard.
>genocide the germans* the same way they genocide the russians
>What are you doing to make the world a better place?
Sending money t o lebanon and gaza
>we dont believe in jesus
>btw, read the books from his faith
>jewish people
BREAD >>483897565
You know you can read the torah online right?
It's hilarious how random explosions occur in the most irrelevant places.
Israel attacks Lebanon, explosions heard in Northern Iraq! Lmao
jews today use goy as an insult for non-jews
simple as
fuck jews
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old testament is the torah moron
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Do you khazars even read the old testament or just the talmud?
Why are you even here ? We are your ennemies, you'll never be believed here
Yes you dumb nigger, which is why anyone intelligent reading it thought throwing you in a gas chamber was a smart idea
if you actually want to counter zionism, you should be sending money to anti-zionist groups in germany or the US
hopefully my money goes to nothing but bullets to kill zionists
plz give me money :(
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Kikes are all liars.
>cloud electronic warfare system of Murmansk BN

AI Overview
Learn more

The Murmansk-BN is a Russian electronic warfare (EW) system that can jam and intercept high-frequency (HF) radio communications:
The Murmansk-BN's primary purpose is to disrupt the HF communications of the United States and NATO. It can also render drone systems and "smart" munitions "blind and deaf".
The Murmansk-BN's normal range is 5,000 km, but some defense analysts suggest it can reach up to 8,000 km.
The Murmansk-BN's primary target is the US military's High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS), which is a key channel for carrying voice traffic and Emergency Action Messages (EAMs).
The Murmansk-BN is mobile and housed on six trucks. Four trucks carry the system's 32-meter high antennas, one truck houses the command post, and another houses the generator.
The Murmansk-BN is located at an Arctic base near the Finnish border.
The Murmansk-BN entered service with the Russian military in 2016. Russia has reportedly transferred the Murmansk-BN to Iran.
that's a good idea, will look into that. i also thought about sending some to iran after their based missile attack
love yo ubro
based sven
how much can it cost to pay a smuggler to get over here? obv when things calm down a bit
be smuggled to sweden? Idk man this isnt algeria
nice thing if it works correctly
>The Murmansk-BN's primary target is the US military's High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS)
maybe why I haven't hear EAM for a long time, maybe they switched to UHF satellite
the absolute worst thing jews can tell you is that nothing you can do matters. there's always ways to help. find extra-parliamentary organizations and reach out to see what you can do to help.
has to be ways to reach turkey and from turkey to western europe
This was all I can find. It’s from April and the last Iran strike. Although I would believe it since Jordan is a puppet regimen of the west. And that Kings got a guillotine waiting for him in the future.

but your explanation is not accurate my neighbor. and we dont mean it as an insult, the goyim are just insulted by it. one of the sayings here is "no ____ ever called me a goy". goyim just take it to heart. btw are you really in lubnan? beirut is getting bombed to hell, take care now. dont be in any his-زبالة
id never want to illegally get out of here mate. i am not nafri.
how much do you want?
>" Some sources say that the reason for the clearing of the sky in western Iran is the 100% activation of the ultra-advanced cloud electronic warfare system of Murmansk BN, which was delivered by Russia to Iran."
>Russia has reportedly transferred the Murmansk-BN to Iran.

Now theoretically most missiles/drones entering Iran from the West will be jammed/left blind and deaf.

The Russian EW cloud is set up in Western Iran.
The kikes/NATO might need to launch attacks from a different direction than the west, idk.

I wonder what this EW system would do to F-35s entering Iran...
NATO has air bases all over Jordan anyway and conducts missions to shot down missiles incoming from Iran from there
i need to buy 6 gorillion katyusha missiles
First Homs, now Deir Ezzor. Explosions are moving eastwards, next is Iraq. Somebody is clearing the path for the strike force.
Guess that Israelis will do the high profile strikes while NATO is in a supporting role, providing refueling, AWACS, satellite intelligence and communication, strikes at secondary targets and overwatch with F-22s.
thanks habibi

bas idha bidak flos ana momken irsillak.
they should kidnap abdullah's mother and tie her to a rocket to make that pale ape doesn't shoot it down
la amzah faqat
>nice thing if it works correctly

I'm guessing that Russia doesn't have it set up over Moscow because it would disrupt a whole lot of civilian activity like airlines and private planes, and cell phone/satellite TV/radio/internet activity and shit.

So maybe this thing really works, but is only practical in rural areas like Finland border and now western Iran in a short-term emergency situation.
Maybe right now until Oct 9th, Iranian civilians in Western Iran have shit signal for cell phones and satellite/radio signals, i don't know.
Better than getting bombed by kikes though...
>gets intercepted by the iron dome
it seems to be against HF coms so 3-30Mhz (and around), cellphones are 700 MHz and higher (up to 5-6 GHz), GPS is >1GHz but maybe it is also for specific frequencies and patterns, I see sometimes a jammer coming right on top of a call on HF (it was very often seen during beginning of Ukraine conflict), with today's tech, CPU and SDR capabilities it is quite possible to scan a very large spectrum and fire the jammer only on things the software recognizes as harmful for you : voice, drones, talky walkies, VHF/UHF signals for missiles, etc.


gotta link it more
nice, gonna look at this !
>HF coms so 3-30Mhz


An amateur radio station incorporating two HF transceivers.

A typical Yagi antenna used by a Canadian radio amateur for long distance communication

Boeing 707 used a HF antenna mounted on top of the tail fin [7]
The main uses of the high frequency spectrum are:

Military and governmental communication systems
Aviation air-to-ground communications
Amateur radio
Shortwave international and regional broadcasting
Maritime sea-to-shore and ship-to-ship services
Over-the-horizon radar systems
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) communication
Citizen's Band Radio services worldwide (generally 26-28 MHz, the higher portion of the HF band, that behaves more like low-VHF)
Coastal ocean dynamics applications radar


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