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Previous: >>483982683

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nakba
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Nasrallah status?
kikes sending internal security units to the front after failure of SF teams and collapse of golani brigade
Decentralization makes sense if you don't have air superiority.
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Ground war status?

Reposting Sep/Oct bombing kinos


Bonus meme, IDF talking about the 2006 Lebanese incursion where they got their shit pushed in lel
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allah bless hamas
allah bless hezbollah
allah bless houthis
allah bless the ayatollahs
palestine WILL be free
israel WILL cease to exist
jews WILL seethe
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Happening cancelled
sauce me, dude.
they can't find good goyim willing to do the job
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Pray for peace on this blessed Sunday, brethren.

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Kek. Good one. Reminds me of the jew nigger memes.
Kikes are pussying out. No response.
Mudslime goat fuckers BTFO
Its over bro
Dilate post haste
>JUST NOW: Massive explosion in Beirut
>try to invade
>bomb civilians
>try to invade
>bomb civilians
>try to invade
>bomb civilians
this webm is fuxking perfect kek
The shills taught me that only bombed-out hospitals, schools and apartment blocks count as victories. I hope Iran remembers this next time.

You did not even get my point, you mentioned that many jewish people were expelled from Germany back in ww2 , but that did not stopped jewish people still being German citizens this days, you are delusional this is a different timeline , if Hitler could not erase jewish identity and he actually had ideological support from a good percentage of germanic people, what makes you think that in the timeline you are now you could wipe Palestine identity , in the most woke period of humanity so far.
No serious you are delusional
the shills are also retarded. thats why theyre not in the army but are here instead.
they are planning for october 7th, and that day israel will cease to exist
hehe enjoying the daily dahiya bombing
>you mentioned that many jewish people were expelled from Germany back in ww2
i never mentioned this, learn to read
don't engage with the tranny
just tell it to dial8
Iran letting lebanon and hezb get BTFO, help is not on the way lmao
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lol we actually nuked kematia! thanks for the tip maurice, any lebanons on this board got any other locations you want us to bomb, i have old contacts in the airforce, ill try to hook you up
...uhm... Shebrews, our response >>483996891
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>this is how shitzbollah defends lebanon lol
im sure that some muslims in australia have your address too :)
Dude why are you not being direct? Why are to going around semantics.

Let's get to the point directly.

In this day and age , the most WOKE period on human history , you will never ever wipe Palestine identity not even conquer their territory or land, no matter how smaller Palestine become in terms of territory, it will still exist
our response is that gaza is full occupied, mutts couldn't full control Afghanistan after 20 FUCKING YEARS
i propose an all-encompassing partnership between Israel and India, Israel being the brains and India being the low-wage factory, this axis can be a super-power on it's own
>our response is that gaza is full occupied
objectively false. dial8
>IDF false flagged a soc media post and then bombed for real
I don't know why you even bother, just bomb it without all the theatrics. You've burned all your media capital with the public anyway so why even pretend.
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t. ranny

captcha: T0NY
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Mass immigration of jews to Ukraine
Seriously, fuck that one Jew in particular
>Dude why are you not being direct? Why are to going around semantics.
im not, you are making shit up and im correcting you.

woke is dying, nobody is doing shit to help gaza, nobody will attack Israel to save palirats, people are already sick of this conflict, given enough time people wont care.

we dont need to wipe their identity, just expel them away from us, possible traumatize them and break their spirit with a Hiroshima like calamity, it worked on japs and germans
another french gas station bites the dust
kek, these are gay Uman pilgrims, Hohols should draft these niggers and let them die in trenches
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>our response is that gaza is full occupied
You're supposed to take the dick in your ass, not the eyes and ears. You've been hiding in those meme corridors for months, that's why kino stopped coming out. You rolled back in last night and have been under attack non-stop since.
>woke is dying
but anti-semitism is thriving
i didnt know that the new israel project just started and is underway
they are based and outbreeding you shitheads though
Might be lazy Jew trickery. But damn, if Jews are so scared, why not bomb them again?
shut up faggot they did that ages ago
The mudslimes are being very quiet here now that they can get picked up by anti-terror glowies. No leb mudshit wants his house raided and the families pill press taken because they flew a hezb flag or said good things about them.
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holy shit what did we nuke them with, pretty kino in beirut today
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>No leb mudshit wants his house raided and the families pill press taken because they flew a hezb flag or said good things about them.

God I hate these disapora niggers.
you niggas dont have the balls to poke the slumbering lion that is iran so you resort to blowing up more civvies, sad
they will be poked a week from now, screencap this nigger
>slumbering lion
its just slumbering khomeini lets be honest here.
>JUST NOW: Another large explosion in Beirut
even more french gas stations getting vaporized
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>le woke is dead
>*talks about palestine 24/7*
>t-t-trust me goy i dont care about palestine
screencap cap your death in less than 5 years at Arabic hands ...
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>shut up faggot
Salah malecum Abdulah
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shiite area of Beirut will look like Gaza in 1 or 2 weeks
police get murdered in france and germany by muslims anyway. anglo nations protect and fund islamic terror groups lmao
>muh airstrikes
Daily reminder: Air units CANNOT occupy ground tiles. No ground game = no occupation.
>anglo nations protect and fund islamic terror groups lmao
its literally just israel and israeli NGO's
khomeini is the soul of iran, he's actively carrying them to victory
How the FUCK do people watch this carisma void kike?
there are rumors that a hezbollah singer fueled up his car in this gas station 10 years ago goy! Dont be stupid!
7/10 in Tehran now
It really depends on if there's high octane action happening, if not, then yeah, there's no point.
they gotta fix their mossad problem though.
>BREAKING NEWS: Another explosion happened somewhere in Lebanon
i dont watch him for entertainment i watch him for happenings and info
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>The Dahyia is going up in flames

Tell that to Radw-ack forces that said they will conquer the Galilee if Israel bombed Beirut
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Talk shit about lookner one more time and I will take your foreskin. You have been warned.
Iron Dome at work on the border
after pissrael falls, we'll rescue her
>We're bombing the SAME people we've bombed for decades
Didn't work those times, this time will clearly be different. Fundamentals are fundamentals for a reason. You have no ground game, you CANNOT occupy without ground game, it really is that simple.
the shills have become increasingly desperate in their posting since the lebanon invasion has gone poorly
no websloots in /chip/ please. it is haram
Hezbollah counter-strikes get less and less intense, we cant even have a proper Iron Dome + Air Raid Siren kino anymore
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i hope she will be safe even if there are more attacks. i don't care about the rest of pissrael but i care about her
kikesess show off their European genes they are ashamed of their jewish ones
stop posting femoids, this is /chip/ not /coom/
Pretty much. Israel is stuck in 2003. The US thought they could meaningfully win a war like this then too but quickly realized the only way to actually change the facts on the ground was actually occupying the ground and monopolizing violence like a state which culminated in the Surge.
>after pissrael falls, we'll rescue her
Are you sure you want to see her without the filters?
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They can easily, Biden and his Iranian masters won't allow Israel to occupy lands in Lebanon. once Trump is elected Israel will expand 40x.
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Hey, atleast you don't have to live in a Capitalist country, r-r-right?
God I would love to see her run to the bomb shelter, bobs bouncing out of her top and everything.
her face? who said anything about her face

but enough, it's haram. i am sorry
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what a punchable face
welp, they voted for this. with the help of israeli lobbies.
yawn. there isn't any daylight between dems and trump. it's all just rhetoric for stupid people, and apparently you fell for it
Time for a nap, grandpa. Q said trust the plan and get some rest.
They think cause they are occupying that stops Palestine from existing.
In the year 2024 you simply cannot erase flags, this would make a tremendous impact on humanity. Everyone would fear their flag being erased if someone decided to use military brute force to erase the identity of a nation, specially after the holocaust
Kike, your people made Russia look like that.
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Community Notes FTW!
>voted for this
>help of israeli lobbies
get rekt, kikes
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her safety must be ensured. make sure she's safe
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Tick tock lil’ /chip/pies
they didn't need that anyway
even euro genes can't hide that kike nose
In honor to the holocaust memorial that have impact humanity sentiment of how 6 million jewish people suffered , we cannot have Palestine suffer any longer. Don't let the Palestinian people suffer.
Make peace not war
seriously go coom somewhere else, kike
What the fuck did Hezbollah just drop on Haifa?

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Goddamn Beirut is ugly

Trump said Israel will expand or die
Bibi will adopt this policy officialy
Fucking jeets. Maybe Hitler 2.0 can kill off the poopjeets along with the likes
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Picrel isn't accurate at all. The people aren't brown enough.
You showed us, grandpa. Your generation was the best. But now it's time to rest. When you wake up, there will still be plenty of jewish cocks to suck.
>BREAKING NEWS: Another explosion happened somewhere in Lebanon
What did I miss?
ooo. smoky
>muh Beirut
Might wanna check Haifa, dude.
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it looks like HECKIN' NUKE WENT OFF
honestly all this horrible bombing of beirut, iran should do something again soon.
That always cracked me up when I read about Canada. The poopjeets had so much India pride. And yet, when Trudeau was going to deport the deadbeat students mooching off all the free gibs, it was the biggest torture threat ever. Even with 1 day food stikes (should have been 24 days, not 24hrs. They were simply fasts)
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Wow they managed to hit a roundabout, it's over
>muh Beirut
Shills went quiet suddenly.
wait.... is he pro Israel with a Hitler pfp??
what happens when you mix the worlds shittiest genetic pool together? kike poo mix lmao
plenty of indians are like this

That would be bad, bibi is under some severe psychosis, I serious believe all this conflict is fucking with the man head big time, he is going to kill a good portion of Israel population
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>to Ukraine
... but why?? I mean, I know about the new khazaria meme, but isn't it a little early?
Pissrael will cease to exist. Iran has the capabilities to hit any target it wants at will with nothing more than a press on a button.
I do hope you're ready for MANY more years of this. Except unlike you the other side has ground game, thus more options.
Looks good and is the right strategy. Destroy their first world feeling. The qualified will fuck off and the economy will collapse.
he's an indian schizo. makes sense
they need to do that waaaaaayy more often
>Israel indiscriminately bombing Beirut and Lebanon
>The Lebanese army wont defend themselves
Can someone explain to me what has the Lebanese army been doing?
the jew's strongest bioweapon, truly
Pack it up. Israel lost!
>Visible smoke rising
>No smoke rising
>Even megakike OSINT admits a building was hit

Put down your pass and leave you're not fooling anyone.
>MANY more years
He probably doesn't have that many anymore.
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>muh roads
Kek I love how arabs try to overhype 2 of their rockets getting through and hitting a roundabout

>I do hope you're ready for MANY more years of this
Is Beirut ready? is Damascus ready? Is Tehran ready?
Try Haifa, a lot of terrorists there
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but the problem is they DONT DO IT
hezbollah IS the lebanese army (and state)
there's a fake and gay state + army that doesn't actually do anything
hezbollah actually provides a lot of goods and services for the people, not unlike a big city government
>hurr durr is the whole region ready?
Yeah, man, certainly the impression I've gotten.
So your are going back to posting Russian kikets to get people on your side? How sad
New weapon or is Irondome just fucky today?

Horrible try kike

>muh Iron cope
>hurr durr, they're just blowing the place up but nothing important
I'm enjoying the narrative shift I must say.
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>jews will now have to PAY to rebuild the roundabout, it's over

Is that why they can't shutup and begging for a ceasefire?

Lmao how pathetic
honestly iran, make israel your bitch
you can do it, at any time
Or the hypersonics were released for use after Iran fired the first ones.
>Iran has the capabilities to hit any target it wants at will
>muh ground game
Just shut up and enjoy the booms for the time being, watching beirut mudshits get btfo is comfy af
The guy lives in Israel you kike nigger
Tell us about avocado toast.

Me unironically
And? where are all the pics and videos of the supposed hit buildings??
israelis are automatically mudshits, theyre muslims but worse
Iran has drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. It can fully saturate Israeli air space and exhaust air defenses. Iran has proven this twice now.
Netanybaboon cucks out, no banan.
Retaliation Status?
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Why are you guys like this? From every video of this girl it's apparent she is insufferable cunt that will make you want to bang you head against the wall.
7/10 in Occupied Palestine
Let's see if anything happens
all the hemming and hawing over iran nukes is pointless. iran can ALREADY destroy israel any time it wants lol
>Israeli settlements on northern occupied territories are under attack again.

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Just like they did in april where _all_ the cruise missiles and drones were shot down?

Good god take the Iranian dick out of your mouth, we can barely understand a word you're saying
tranny is jealous
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Woah, the full version! It's been ages...

>screencap cap your death in less than 5 years at Arabic hands ...
Don't be silly, anon. It's going to ACK! way before the resistance members get there. We all know how muslims feel about abominations under god...

>You have no ground game, you CANNOT occupy without ground game, it really is that simple.
Kikes online when they bomb empty buildings:
>hehe enjoying the daily dahiya bombing

Kikes IRL when they have to go in afterwards to secure bombed territory from the foreign threat:
>beluga whale noises, seething, general crying

I don't even know who tf she is lmao. I'm just horny
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>Just shut up and enjoy the booms for the time being, watching beirut mudshits get btfo is comfy af
You understand that many Muslims in Lebanon are Christians don't you?
I mean being a Christian yourself how can you watch Christians dying and you laugh
there are injuries though
>lebanon: 2000+ dead
>israel 50 dead
wew israel is getting fucked amirite bros
one thing is for sure, israel's anti-missile systems are currently sucking ass. they either got damaged by iran or are just out of missiles or something kek
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>Origin: Latin Meaning: "of the Tiber" Name of a town in Israel on the western bank of the Sea of Galilee, known for it's natural hot springs. Named for Roman Emperor Tiberius (different spelling),and as of the 4th century has been known as one of the 4 holy cities in Israel.
Fuck r*Mans

Literally the same roundabout and same location.
>You understand that many Muslims
Meant to say Arabs*
what a strange and wild reality you live in, twitter brain rot is powerful.
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50 soldiers counts a lot more than 2000 civilians, yes, kike.
>Conveniently and retardedly forgets oct 7th

Aren't you jews supposed to be smart ?
I love you israel womanz!
Please marry me israel womanz!
Btw: 9 seconds too early asshole. Ypu missed the sexts. SEXY TIME digis for sexy israel womanz!
God is with Palestine and Hezbollah. Good luck and my best wishes to you for tomorrow
>they're just blowing the place up but nothing important
KEK! lightly injured open areas bros, did we get too cocky?
>muh civvies
you do know pre beeper attacks Hezbollah admitted 500 dead fighters right? They stopped updating a few weeks back for some reason.
These retards think its still 1991 and non Nato/non western aligned countries lack military technology and capability.
The worst thing with these peoples is that they refuse to admit that they have been wrong.After the last Persian slapping of israel they still pretend that Persia lacks the capability to seriously hit israel.Same story with Russia.Russia have been methodically destroying the second best army in Europe and hitting them with precision weapons that are equal or even better than western weapons but these people pretend that its not happening and Russians are just drunk mass human wave assaulting ukraine every day.
well iran did take out 2 Arrow radars.
Are you actually bragging about killing civilians?
wow desperation hitting hard, you are going on psychosis like bibi
>God is with Palestine and Hezbollah.
thank you, based hungarist
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so what is going on with the iron cope? iran proved to the world that it's not as reliable as the kikes want to make you believe, it's a fucking paper tiger
another lie. they caused 37 deaths and a lot of minor injuries.
>you do know pre beeper attacks Hezbollah admitted 500 dead fighters right?
>Source: ummmm.... thats antisemit-ACK
Only 20 of these 50 dead were military from israel
Reading comprehension reps
yeah isntrael, it's a major problem.
people are sensing you are weak
That webm is reversed and it's AI.
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>still posting the reversed video
>still thinking ballistic missiles travel that slow
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fate worst than death
God is always with the truth, and this time the truth is with the Palestinians.

It is a very simple matter yet these jews want to make things seem "complicated"
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but what about the 20k poor children ?
>You understand that many Muslims in Lebanon are Christians don't you?
>I mean being a Christian yourself how can you watch Christians dying and you laugh
Who gives a shit. Jewish actions led to the migration of many people to western countries. Jewish actions gave these people extra protection and free care. In the end, jewish actions even gave these people political power. The question is, how can you condemn these people before you condemn the jews?
youre welcome. Hamas' incredible grit, walking up to tanks with a bomb in hand fearless, seriously made me think we could use some black in our flag too. maybe peopel would remember what it means to remember martyrs and be worthy of them in battle
Did you guys miss the daily hezbollah posters? Where do you think picrel meme came from?
yes, complicating simple things (and simplifying complicated things) is one of their main tools.
Well, yeah not many people died, but the injuries were not by any means minor. However, the vast majority were not fighters.
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>kikes aren't brown!
Someone fell for lefty memes lel

Hostage status?
Gaza status?
Buffer status?
Ground war status?
LEBANAN status?
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kek my favorite cope
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Nigger burger! We North Indians are not as brown as you brownoid burgers. We are white! Asshole. Does picrel look like we North Indians are browner than picrel?! I think not, nigger burger!
>The question is, how can you condemn these people before you condemn the jews?
with a 157 million dollar aid package from bidens administration. Thats why they sent that fat ass pack.
i like those copes it reminds me just how stupid every other lie is, theyre just bald faced
Cope. Niggers and spics aren't American. Try again.
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Holy fucking shit that Irony ... German dude posting trains and jews , where really are they heading ?
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he is a leb rapefugee who got exiled with his crippled dad and whore mother and seethes 5000 km away like a bitch
he has no idea wtf he is, neither australians nor lebs will take him
Yes. Fuck sandniggers hope you all die
But what about 1.2m homeless lebanese
Those are dual use residential buildings and restaurants.Legitimate targets.
That australian is a self proclaimed Christian, sorry but being a so called man of faith and laughing he's ass at Christian Arabs dying it's a huge slap in the face of muh Jesus teaching or whatver.

But no forget about what i said , keep the the show going lmao

indeed friend. Because the jewish people couldnt hide behind an atrocity this was very obvious to everyone, but the speedbump that was the holocaust may have turned the world away from the straight path a little bit. But God always has a way in which he straightens our faith and the natural order of the world.
why dont you insist on lying with this straight face and cohencidently putting the same number of dead 500 leb civvies that died on a completely different day
>You understand that many Muslims in Lebanon are Christians don't you?
I bet they wish they were Christians now instead of shitting up the country being over 60% of the population. I'm sure the Christians really appreciate jihadi militias completely fucking their own country just for some meme solidarity with a bunch of other jihadi goat fuckers.
Anyway the IDF is bombing a shia stronghold with a minority of sunni head choppers, the maronites all left when the IDF told them too because they don't celebrate tiktok dead baby martyrdom like abduls.
Yes I'm sure the children that Israel killed the other day were legitimate targets as well. :)
merry 7th October bros
> hope you all die
Dude if you really live in the middle east I have bad news for you, the chances of you or a arab dying are bigger compared to me dying so soon, but hey life is odd, i can die in a car crash tomorrow.

Have fun in the bunker
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I wasn't talking about the niggers and spics. I was using nigger as a slander insult word for you amerimutts! You el goblinos will never be as white as us Aryan Hindus!

Are you amerimutts as dense as you are brown? Cope! You will NEVER be as white as us Aryan Hindus! It's why you talk about us all the time. Since you are so jealous of us and our rich culture!
yes well the atrocity propaganda of oct 7 and the lolocaust is so similar in absurdity that I hope it starts enlightening the normies a bit
actually no, your children murdering behavior is what legitimizes total cleansing of Palestine of the "jew" gypsie invaders from lviv and poland like nutty-yahood, but all other of his ilk. no civilians in the zionist entity
shukran jordanon
Now show the damage or casualties... oh wait. No reason to waste arrow rockets on misguided missiles hitting empty dessert and roads.

Reminder Iran used in the attack 20% of their ballistic rockets just to cause no real damage and kill one palestinian
Those are Dravidian subhumans not Aryan descendants.
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all of the nevatim missiles hit infront of our own eyes... lot say it was empty warhead so just the message comes across... for now.
thats why mutts are now acting like they're the ones to talk you down on retaliation when turth is iron cope cant do shit to a similar swarm or an even bigger one

keep coping who gives a fuck you gonna be fish neighbor and you know it
Kek two more weeks. Keep on hiding your flag, you will never be white
>No reason to waste arrow rockets on misguided missiles hitting empty dessert and roads.
i love this cope
jews want us to believe their anti-air system is calculating the VERY precise landing location of every single missile before it makes a judgement call of which to shoot down and in what order
sure bro
ahahahah imagine if Iran just kills you all, and we wont have one of you still with the chutzpah amid the bones of your fellow gypsy-jews to say "oh those 5000 rockets that gor through and leveled a few cities, surely you dont expect us jews to waste arrow rocket to block them while the population are in bunkers and they all hit open areas and light injuries"
Didnt you hear? They destroyed half the F35 fleet.
Lebanon is currently getting bombed via space lasers.
hezb claims they used fadi 1 missiles, but they have been used before and they didnt do this much damage
no one cares proceed on seething like a bitch thousands upon thousands miles away son of oh crippled one, faggot
how is your sisters boyfriends, i imagine they're not quite as resentful as you since they're drowning in peen

>One injury (severe) in Tiberias.
>4 injuries in Haifa
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How dare you call crypto crypto jew (or crypto jew jew?) Mileikowsky a gsypsy?
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Persia now have nooooks.
Its oyver for israel.
that means about 20-30 kills in real terms
>two more weeks
Why are you scared to bomb Iran? Talk to me moshe. Happy 7th October <-
>simple math calculations are jewish magic
Why muslims are so stupid?
satisfying amount of red mist.
love this one.
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You're right, here's the real video. keep winning king.
>Hezbollah confirms:

>As part of the “Khaybar series”, and at the call of 'At your service, O Nasrallah,' we launched a salvo of Fadi-1 rockets at the Carmel base south of Haifa
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Not the same video as >>484001388
No cars in frame, nice pilpul attempt tho, sandkike
Oh youre in for surprise later today... i will remember to (you) you
if you watch the whole 20 minute non reversed footage, theyre going all the way back to Iran and slowly sitting down on top of silos and trucks. fucken SpaceX tech
indeed friend
dude just today you had a so called terrorist attack right? not to mention rockets alerts almost everyday,you deny you can actually die at any moment?
As for being white, like what the hell are you in on about, like are you that dense about race?
Sorry I'm not racist , and in Honor of the holocaust you should make peace with the Palestinian people, Hitler failed and the world proved him he could not just erase the identity of jewish people, same way Palestine identity will not be wiped in honor to the holocaust, no more hitlers. Bibi will fail.
Palestine lives matter
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who bullied you from using nazi flag again, schizo?

check the footage type iron dome stopping everything vs the last iranian attack and you clearly see how especially nevatim base they all landed
arabs commenting on the live video said so and they live there
>you will never be white

You won't either lol
>iran kill
They haven't been successful at doing that so far, two different attacks, over 600 ballistic rockets and just muslims keep dying top kek
>later today
I expect to never hear from you again. Kek <-

> 6 injuries in Haifa
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I am North Indian Aryan Hindu Saar! How dare you call me south inndian you piece of shit bloody south indian benchod bastard! Does my eife in picrel really look like she's south indian?! NO! She is North Indian Aryam Hindu just like me, saar!!

I expect an apology from you for that disgraceful language. From a mere boy who is embaressed by his own flag, and has to use a fake flag instead to hide behind! You south indians make me sick!

Keep talking fool, more Christian blood to Satan I guess, I mean being a Christian yourself you should know that Jesus teachings were about to spread love, nice to see that you abandon the Christians in the middle east and holy land
press S to spit

Oh yeah I wont, im superior jew
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>deflects and can't come up with an explanation why supposed hypersonic missiles travel so slow in that footage
>even regular ballistic missiles would travel 100x times that speed.
kek, thanks for yielding
as i said 20-30 killlz
how did fadi 1 missiles do this much damage?
You are so right. Hitting military targets is such a looser move. Let's pray they hit apartment blocks and schools next time.
>A Restaurant and several High-Rise Residential Buildings suffered Damage as a result of Heavy Rocket, or more than likely Missile Impacts, in the Northwestern Israeli City of Haifa; reports now suggest No Casualties.
lol get rekt haifa
>it was just a roundabout
proven cope
how did they reach you in 25 minutes
im surprised it didnt do more
Looks like Israel is going to eat shit today instead of responding to Iran. What a bunch of cowards.
they realised Iron Dome and Arrow decided not to deflect them because protecting F35 is unimportant so they just went nice and slow
my white anglo sister is married and with kids, they're doing really well at the moment.
So a balding askhnazi with numerous health problems?

Or a dollar store Arab i.e mizrahi?
Those poor israelis. IDF is using them as human shield by hiding military equipment under restaurants.
they have been used before. they used supposedly more advanced fadis. they didnt do this much damage at all.
>they're doing really well at the moment.
Damn, your life is so shitty that you leech some pride off of your sisters accomplishments? very jewish behavior.
Weird typo, you meant to type missing military targets considering zero casualties included soliders
I couldn't tell you, buddy, but if I had to guess, they either used something different or the structures further norf you've seen hit have more Rebar and concrete due to being more liable to take a hit due to proximity. Pure speculation on my part.
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i smell your stench rapefugee and your sister is the towns hoe
Where exactly in israel did jewlinsky's parents actually live? It just crossed my mind. The irony is too delicious.
huh. well, i hope haifa and tel aviv will look like gaza soon.
this thread is gay without iraqiswede
Ethiopian chad
do not allow them to recover their dead and injured.
drop more.
show them the mercy they've shown you.
me too but in the way that theyre full of Palestinians rpg-ing kike tanks. Big day tomorrow bros
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You can literally see in the original video in the 5 second mark the iron dome missiles going out from the same battery.
Imagine thinking multipile ballistic missiles can hit the _exact_ same spot.

Imagine thinking they move that slow.

Syrian air defense is useless holy shit.
Double tap these subhumans. Total Kike Death!
I'm a superior Aryan Brahmin you don't talk to me like that Dravidian untouchable scum.
We need to kick out the untouchable filth again just like how the did 1000 years ago with the gypsies.
I made onion rings
I'm not waiting for some Shlomo dick with no foreskin
You are really just Arabs, Russians and niggers. Led by pollacke jew mutts. lmao.
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>no verification required.
haifa status?
iron cope status?
lebanon incursion status?
iran retaliation status?
beersheba status?
jewsissies, I dont feel so good
i thought it was just a roundabout that got it
>how the did 1000 years ago with the gypsies.
motherfuckers.. take them back right now or there will be problems, you think you can just shovel these rodents onto others backs. fuckin brahmans
Stop cooking while drunk, that's how fires start.
This is what happens when you store weapons in civilian areas.
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>iron cope status?
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Happening is indeed cancelled I guess
Tell us about your first job in the 60s. Where you only earned 3 dollars an hour.
>Fadi-1 rockets at the Carmel base south of Haifa
So they missed? You have to read the word they use in their press releases, including in Iraq and Yemen, it's usually "targeted", not struck. And in the Houthi case they lie all the time.
I'm not drunk any more barely had any alcohol today
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Awwww the shills went real quiet now that I have


Their fake lies
Post hand
You are poor sorry
BREAD >>484003548
they look like haifa rn
why are all jews so schizoid? you'd think they are talking to their alter ego or something
The kikes are too stupid to adapt. Everyone knows how to evade interception with a high success rate.
those poor Mizrahi would prob have assimilated by now having good times, if not for these schizo polack-hungarian-russian-german-hohol gypses
Why is water wet?
we have no idea what the fuck kind of cope you're on rn
I highly disagree with you saar! They must recover the israel womanz! My future wife eill be in one of these attack! I will nurture her as she will be missing left and 1 arm. That way she cannot run away accidentally when confused, and she can still use that 1 hand/arm during sexy time when we do the needful!
chosen syndrome
No just cheap their is a difrence
Haifa is a shit hole the onion rings look good and taste meh need ketchup
Because water is a liquid, retard! Every North Indian Aryan Hindu knows this! Not like those south indian beasts!
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No,instead we will send a new wave and the EU will suck it up because they love subhumans so much.
Nice ,Abraham
based. add salt and pepper to the batter next time if possible.


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