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Previous: >>484003548

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nakba
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Comfy kot!
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Iran you just wait, saint Bibi will be attacking in 2 hours
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Scans indicate that Israelis are hiding military weapons inside civilian structures.
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Happy October 7
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But Jackson Hinkle, cirnosad, WarMonitors and PartisanGirl on X told me Hesbollah is strong and will destroy Israel!!!

What the fuck happened?
Based, finally they've started targeting "civilians" as well
are you the monkeybibi le banon creator?
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israeli civilians are dual use so targeting them is fine.
send dead IDF in Lebanon, webms, pics, whatever goes
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resistance kot
No I just saw this circulating on telegram and found it amusing.
bruh, why did the soldier coming outta the tank try to touch his dick
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Hamas took more land in 1 hour than israel took in 5 days.
Good night, little chippers. Always remember - excessive coperaging is not good for your mental health. See you another day! :)
We don't see the actual bulldozer but it's a huge boom and you can hear it operating.
welp. apparently the blue area can get huge with a bomb shelling. So if they keep dropping bombs they can use the media to make it "seem" like their ground troops are doing something but in reality they're doing jack shit.
once again a 1:1 copy of hohol propaganda but adapted for pro-mudslime purposes
kikes will attack Iran tomorrow to remove the trauma and the L of 7th of October
>bulldozer IED
>west bank
this is getting spicy now
Again happy Oct 7th
hezbollah capturing IDF soldiers?
Just in
>taking the scene down that path
i see that Swedish YES-ism is already having an effect on you Ahmed
nah, it's Oct 7
kifak ya 5aye
neko rab dahye, enta wen?
kek, theyre not returning to the north
Hezbollah took them over... Didn't they?
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RIP to the over 2,000 Israeli lives lost in the October 7 massacre. It is will be a somber day and, even though I am a chud, I’ll be attending a memorial ceremony to honor the lives lost.
I hope Israel will end Iran’s axis of “resistance” and the Islamic republic will finally be destroyed.
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3am 3abe bnzeen 3nd el total
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You guys coping with another destroyed munitions dump exploding in south Beirut.


Is it another "gas station"? lmao

Those flying rockets coming from the building are just gas remnants obviously.
Where are th webms of dead kikes?
>Be Israel
>Get BTFO by Iran
>It's now October 7th
>Still no response
lek sarlna 3am nhadir lal harb 20 sene w fata7ona b jem3tein 3am fakir eno serna metaren ntabi3 ma3on
mesh esit she 5aye 3am elak he l 7ake b lahjte om 3ayad badesh yser he damar wel araf wel atl mara tenye
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But this time is funny because israel is struggling not against a near peer foe but against a militant organization without heavy weapons like artillery or air defence.
>2,000 pisraeli lives
it was 1000 last year
lil’ /chip/pies already think hezborats are taking over northern Israel or some shit. >>484009812
They are coping badly.
Lebanana invasion status?
We are global boys, politicians literally saying they want to censor the internet even more and disrupt the free flow of information. Fuck them and tkd
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Be careful what you wish for mudslime…
remember when our kike shils here kept bugging us about when iran was going to attack? hahahahah
3reft 3lek azdak masna3 asli7a nawawiye* bibi ma bikazib /jk
the October 7 attack started at 6:30AM (Israel time) now it is 1:49AM in Israel
It’s about 2,000 give or take.
Stop posting AIslop you untalented turd worlder.
Flag status?
Run by the same group.
Literally Ukrainian intelligence run, *always* has been. There's a reason /sg/ regulars call them Jihadmin's.

pic related, their office was near(literally 500m away) bomved last summer and the site bombed was the SBU HQ in Dnipropetrovsk, no survivors at the initial blast site. .

7th October last year. Just like the Hohols, these people use year old footage.
1 year operation to conquer Gaza
the word mudslime is so lame, it has no meaning and no offensive capabilities, get better content fags
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ITS been a year of fruitful agony to every kike, started with making kirby cry like a bitch on live tv to macron calling on isis style intervention just for you to end up with murricans asking for a palestinian state and macron asking for arms embargo
truly finished the last lick of holocaust tearjerks
>this wasn't Israel goy, IT'S Lebanon!
my fucking sides
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>2023 october 7
>Picture of Hamas right before they got out of the israeli prison to rape jooos.
hezbollah supports on X are saying its medical supplies and oxygen tanks lmao
More confirmation
Sandnigger is much much better but happens to include Israelis too
That is true. Kek.
looooool they are getting clowned on AGAIN on october 7
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Turkroaches should be remigrated back to their homeland and leave the occupied territories.
>doesnt deny its jeet roots
4 more hours of Jew cope it is.
Good morning, saar
I can just imagine the struggle going on inside between the part of them that denies their losses like a pussy and the part of them that wants to use it to play the victim card.
>Being anti-kike makes you muslim
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>It’s about 2,000
I hope we get more next time
>Stop posting AIslop
Don't tell me what to do silly jew
hala2 lek el hezb mano methele w 3ndn kteer balewe a8lat w fadayeh w ana mn abl el harb bsebelon lel w nhar w aslan ana dod seyeston el deeneye. bas mane be nafs el ma3 el salem wl maye3a plz bde roo7 3a haflet david guetta or2os nazel story 5leena n3ml etefe2 salem :( ... israel saratan w lezm net3amal ma3a 3a ases hek. hala2 lsayed fawtna be hel balwe w howe ma ken 3eref ha tseer hek. bas hala2 5alas 3el2et 3l e5er w mafina nehke law w law... w haliyan 3m yeklo 5ara bl ground invasion fa byodrbo el dahye. mtl eza el computer talat be2om byodrob el sheshe. msh kl she tshoofo te8re ton2oher darbona btz3al darbnehon btonboset.... he harb w badna nemro2 bkteer
The irony of mudslimes who have no claims at all to the region and are themselves the inbred offspring of the arab horde colonisation after they massacred the Christian majority and Jewish minority during the conquest period.


pic related is next
what is the jeet trying to slide this time
brutal...how will Israel even survive?
Kys jeet.
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You can’t fool a pro-Israel chud like myself.
Idk, maybe make room in your apartment moshe. They can come live with you.
Kikes are hated by people of every ethnicity, every country and by people of every religion. Do better.
Anything to distract from the exploding massive depot in Beirut.

I just saw AJ report that it was a "hospital storage site" even though fucking rockets fired from it and hit nearby buildings causing more damage and fires.
I'm fucking crying with laughter. The sheer copium.
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>Kikes are hated by people of every ethnicity, every country and by people of every religion. Do better.
>It is a warcrime and they do it to turn the general population against Hezbollah.

Biden should have really fired Blinken a very long time ago, because guess what ? Bombing a population don't make that population love who they bomb them...

SIDE NOTE: If Biden was really interested in diplomacy he would have fired Blinken since years !
under the cope bunker appearently
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we know it's you belle
Kek, I had forgotten about this troon
It’s true. Muslims are savage genociders of Christians. Not only this, but jizya and dhimmi are actual mafia tactics.
But this is the kind of vile animals they are, they took ancient Arab magicks and black stone sorcery and fooled people into thinking it is an abrahamic religion.
It is not.
yesterday they were saying it was gas stations
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It is actually an abrahamic religion, fuck off newfag.
otw to free hotel room at tel aviv for refugees
one of the main reasons isreal is raping hezbollah is because of their involvment in syria and fighting with the corrupt syrian regime and russian many of whom are zionists and shared intel with the US and the coalition , its okay though after hezbollah is finished a new lebanese government can negotiation for the land isreal took in exchange for normalisation
>You're the embodiment of people understanding why Hitler tried to kill as many as possible
>no one will even remember jews
>you sociopathic child murdering fucks

Awwww, look at the Muslim act like a social justice warrior now. Try not to cut yourself on all that edge Abdul. The world is going toward De-Islamification wether you realise the futility of your sick beliefs or not. Hitler isn't coming back either. We're going full steam ahead into a world where Jihadists are the unsafe and the endangered, because you Muslims don't draw any water for anyone. Muslims contribute nothing. Muslims do nothing, but bring intolerance, violence, and ultimately terrorism wherever they infest. There are no White people worth a shit who support you, please, do not encourage yourself into believing any "NAZI" here is even *white*. You're all alone in your 7th century safe space islamist communities. Hopelessly Out teched. Out gunned. Out maneuvered. Every Jihadist / Islamist is born with a price tag permanently looped round their ear, like a fucking cow at a market. You niggers are born to be ground into Dollars, for our omnipotent military industrial complex and banks. You have no leverage over anyone in your terrible situation. All you niggers seem to do is run into parks and stab children, or shoot up a concert hall. You have no conception of what this does to your whole community in the long run, because the Mosque and Quran doesn't teach you about *PISSING OFF THE WHITE EUROPEAN*.

You're irreversibly fucked. We will grind you cunts into dollars, forever.
kike retaliation cope status?
You have to go back, goat fucker
When did you first started posting on /pol/ you nigger faggot?
you are getting replaced by not only muslims but hindus and black non-muslims too, british faggot
They walked back their plans to attack Iran and have opted for more civilian strikes in Lebanon!
did you just use the word SJW in 2024 you boomer fag?
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>The world is going toward De-Islamification
just like in my fortnite
Their new cope is that 10/7 didn't actually happen until 6:30AM, which is around 3 hours from now. What a pathetic race of people.
Back when it was /new/
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why are they like this?
Liar. Lurk more faggot shill.
>savage genociders of Christians
Idiot. The jews killed over 100 million Christians during the Soviet Union. You are either delulu or a shabbosgoy, so which is it?
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Whats happening with the jew invasion of Lebanon?
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>british faggot

Why is the single most holy attraction in Saudi Arabia a dirty eternally unwashed Urinal that Muslims need to lick?

Why are Muslims depraved homosexual deviants and hiding it you cunt?
>my wall of cope my dysgenic brain came up with will show them

Happy 7/10 btw, i wonder what the day has in it for us, i'll try to beat up a jew, i'm with a keffiyeh tomorrow the entire day and will shout some insults in hebrew

let's see what stupid kike falls for it lol

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you wont do shit timmy tim tum everyone and his jeet mother know it

poosting and vooting will be engraved on the last timmy grave with a ps note of couldn't breed
bro the cope was actually filmed backwards
guy on Lookner chat made a good point: "Israel will not attack today because of the October 7 ceremonies"

made me sad :(
i want happenings
Jews are getting ambushed by Hezbollah and are chimping out on Beirut in response.
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>did you just use the word SJW in 2024 you boomer fag?

Awwww fucking shit did i hurt your feelings over in Saudi Arabia, where the News is more fucking whacky than in North Korea? You cunts live in a bubble. Im literally responding to an NPC.
I know, everytime a dump goes up they have total copium or try to censor out the secondaries.

BBC News did it aswell earlier, cropping the rockets firing out of it and then saying "We don't know what was hit"

Munitions dumps are totally civilian bro!

Continuing to bomb the fuck out of Hezbollah storage sites reducing their capabilities and liquidating any new leaders that pop up.#

A big response against Iran is looming. Iran is very scared right now and really hoping the US can talk Israel out of it.
Today we mark the one year anniversary of operation total pali death, may we continue to slaughter them for a thousand more years
Perfectly fine: they fell into the trap hook, line and sinker. They'll be in for 6 month before throwing the towel, if Iran don't finish them in the meantime.

That's what good with Israeli: every trap set for them, they rush into it.
I’ve been on 4chan since 2006, lmao. Sorry, champ.
>ceremonies while hostages are starting to learn how to speak arabic next door
he’s going to the hotel for free toiletries
Women are whores. This is what they do.
They should never be in positions of power or influence and away from all uniformed services.
>Perfectly fine: they fell into the trap hook, line and sinker.
kek...you reminded me of the mouse trap hohol that looks like a retarded faggot on steroids
No much progress on the ground then? I dont follow this conflict very actively
Could be, the terrain to invade Lebanon from Israel is very bad for offensive operations, I dunno how Iran would end Israel though
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England nowadays
imagine what it would look like in 20 years (;
Their all dead
>it’ll take us 1000 years to kill a people that have no real military training, terrible weaponry and live in a prison
wow shlomo
moor most here dont give a fuck about your autistic ventures into other generals or said war of that general
you're a schizo projecting everything to your liking because you're too stupid for otherwise conclusions
you might really have the highest ego/brain that ive seen i'll give you that
>No much progress on the ground then?
its safe to say that there was no progress at all today.
Zero progress.
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Just like the jews want it
You're talking to a kike, not a Brit. Celebrating White replacement is cowardly.
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99% he is a jeet who thinks he and his jeet brethren are white, since britain has all kind of minorities he wont be fixated on one. its either that or a silly christcuck who wont admit his religion is deader than his god and jealous not all of us are that cucked
I hope we see TMD within a year
Rolling for nukes on October 7th 2024
Rolling for nukes before US elections
>wears converse
definitely the biggest crime in the video
KEK has spoken, nothing ever happens, see you faggots next year
>Could be, the terrain to invade Lebanon from Israel is very bad for offensive operations,
They are fucking ready for this since years, it's the people that lives here, and they are at the contact of the Iron dome. They perfectly know how to deal with it. What they need to do ? Simply hold the longest possible time. Israel doesn't have reserve or strategic depth. And their army is more an occupation army than anything else. Against really motivated and armed fighters, they are not well prepared.

> I dunno how Iran would end Israel though
Count the number of thermal power generator plant in Israel ! There is 10. They are all a key for the power supply of the entire country.
It's not in reality a big deal to hit them all, and once done you have 12-16H of daily blackout for the pampered population of Israel with their dual nationalities allowing them to leave instantly.

Now count how many thermal power generator the israeli will have to destroy in the large, mountainous, 80+ million people country that Iran is.

When you understand that, you understand Israel will loose any attrition war against Iran.
>live in a prison
Not even fucking close. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Pre war it was literally the most pampered place on earth with everything provided for them and has been since 1949 on a daily basis. You've been decieved and brainwashed about that place. I bet you think the "refugee camps"(lol) are tent cities aswell right?

>no real military training
I thought Hamas and Hezbollah are chad warriors who could beat Israel? You were really hyping up the latter in particular for an entire year but they've been humiliated and revealed to be a paper tiger in just days.

>terrible weaponry
American,Russian,Iranian and Chinese weapons are terrible now? Make up your mind.

Oh and by the way "Palestinians" already have a state, it's called Jordan where 60% of the Arab population are "Palestinian".
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learn your role and how to roll
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we just dont like you is all
fuck all jewz
Nukes will drop on Paris. Digits do not lie
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20 years in the can
>It's not in reality a big deal to hit them all
On paper sure but thats not how military operations usually work, Israel would in turn strike against iranian oil facilities and also their energy infrastructure, Iran most likely wants to avoid that if they can
>When you understand that, you understand Israel will loose any attrition war against Iran.
If they were alone then yeah ofcourse but the US will continue to be there for Israel
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>England nowadays
>You're talking to a kike, not a Brit.
>99% he is a jeet who thinks he and his jeet brethren

One thing is for certain in the midst of all this pondering. If Saudi-anon is correct, I will already be long gone for Israel. I'll be knee deep in some South-Lebshit neighbourhood, where its green, lush, and ripe for terraforming. Along with many other pilgrims in this new frontier, we will carve out a Kibbutz, and remove every trace of Islam's memory in South Leb. We would naturally be armed to the teeth with AR-15's and other cool shit the really cool Israeli Government will hand out to Settlers.

For if England does fall to Muslim cunts, we'll just come over to your homes out in the desert, and remove every last one of you till we feel safe, while you rot in the shithole that would become the most depraved Islamic hellhole of Europe.

We'll just out-muzzie you at your own game lmao. Life is good.
steve is really lashing out at the chat now
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it's october 7th in palestine
and it /feels_so_good/

Absolute fucking copium and cannot respond to fact.
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Scofield was a scumbag
Christian Zionism is a lie
Pray for peace

saar please.
invasions take time.
it is totally normal to make no progress for a whole week saar
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>implying if god came down and explained it to you it would stick for tomorrow
Digits and washington is nuked by the israelis for abandoning them
He's sperging out.
You know poojeet, you are really a slave race. Kikes have literally told you here many times (yesterday being the most recent) that they fucking hate you. Yet, all you say is. Sorry saar, I won't use teeth when I'm sucking your cock. Really pathetic.
Lanat on America
Lanat on Israel
Lanat on Jews
God is the Greatest
simple as
bibi literally fucked them up with high voltage hopium for 2 weeks that they felt invincible but forgot about how fast and neurotic they are that they needed constant supply not one massive supply
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>You know poojeet

Wait wait, is he the poojeet, am I the poojeet or in your mind are we both poojeets, or the same exact Poojeet using VPN's, because surely, not more than 1 single person can hate on Muslims this fucking much, right?
Checked, it kinda is if we look at how the contemporary conflicts have worked in terms of troop movements, especially since Hezbollah is very well dug in southern Lebanon
>srael would in turn strike against iranian oil facilities and also their energy infrastructure
They will.

>but the US will continue to be there for Israel
They will, also.

Then Iran will react by targetting all facilities in the entire ME that deliver oil to the west, because in reality they have escalatory dominance (something Obama understood well btw).

And it's pretty easy for Iranian to achieve this blockade.

It can bring the oil price to 300+$ a barrel.

That is going to make the entire western economy scream !!!

And don't forget that some 30+ years ago, the entire west waged a missile war at Iran, while they had nothing to reply at this time.

They stood for it. Now, they have something to reply if it happen again.
Or you are both poos which makes sense
enormous new explosions
>enormous new explosions
enormous new explosions
>enormous new explosions
Invasion status?
where, clown
you're an annoying tranny that keep sperging up the thread with attention whoring and act surprised when we ask you what is your angle
if you go conscript kill 50 ayyrabs a day you wont be as annoying to this thread
literally no one gives a fuck your villain story arch if you didn't poost here all the time
make israel general get nuts fag
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What mudslimes will see in the next 24 hours will shock the world.
Kikes keep targeting hospitals
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Scenes of destruction in Haifa after a bombardment by Hezbollah against elements of the self proclaimed "jewish state"
Sure they did
How will Israel live without its roundabout?!
It’s over..l
turns out it was just a replay.
be3tizir ma radayt 3lek de8re ma ntabaht

mouhem, ane kel 3emre kent ma3 hezb bas 5aye saro million wa7ad 7ayetoun 5arbene w alfan atel w ma rbe7na shi mena lal sha8le
enou 5aye wad3 bika2ib w ane la ayre isa shramet lebneniye bi3arso am la mohem te5lass ha 7arb w ane mane mesh met2asir b haw a7des ane bas 3am ez3al 3al 3am ysir b lebnen
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They certainly cant target Iran
tis just a roundabout bigot
Only jews welcomed here
>AR-15's and other cool shit the really cool Israeli Government will hand out to Settlers.
Kek I wish
You have to go back
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Fucking shit....

That missile really made a patch of scorched earth in the middle of the carriageway? What... and you're telling me it MAY HAVE blown out a window or two from one car at a nearby lot?!?!?!

Man... Its so over for Haifa.

This cannot fucking be happening guys, Israel sisters, its so over. We are done for.
fuckin pussies
iran smells this weakness
they finally listened to korbochka huh? well he did warn us all
Can't wait for the leaks boys
you better give yourself the usual 2 weeks response again, adam levinbaum aka adam jones
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>Only jews welcomed here

Whiter than you are Achmed.
6 injuries reported so far
it hit a restaurant and a high rise apartment building (i.e. rich jew rat kikes)
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I think its debateble whether Iran has escalatory dominance over Israel, if they did have that Israel wouldn't stike against them so brazenly, infact they actively want to escalate and bring the US in to the war atleast in my opinion, I agree with the rest of what you said tho
last time they didnt even retaliate so this will probably a nothing burger
so achmads on israel aswell
why we must always lose tims
>they actively want to escalate and bring the US in to the war atleast in my opinion
That's literally the entire plan
שתוק יע בן עמלק הרבו דרבו וואי וואי
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>A U.S. Air Force C-17 likely carrying the Commander of U.S. Central Command, General Michael E. Kurilla after his Visit yesterday with Israeli Military and Defense Officials, departed earlier from Tel Aviv and is now heading back to CENTCOM Headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.
Sup fuckers. Any shit going down on this auspicious day?
well why aren't they attacking iran then

what the fuck, is that the mafia series in Arabic? Fucking kek
plus the fact that Iran is 1000 Km away from Israel. And to put it simply, they never though that they would attack Iran themselves, and always count on goading USA to do so. It's like a pitbull expecting his master to bite for him.

also the fact Houthis - which are not even a power just a militia - have managed to effectively bankrupt Israel !

Really, Israel is fucked. They haven't realized it yet, but they are. Once the cost for the USA would have clearly passed the potential benefit, USA will pull the plug like what they are going to do with Ukraine soon.
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today is the day.
Your flag

Jews aren’t of Europe whatsoever.
was our bedouin pooster responsible for todays attack? kek
he was exceedingly getting sicker of jews
>if they did have that Israel wouldn't stike against them so brazenly
2 weeks!
Breached one of the strongest cybersecurity states in the world with nothing but dental floss and deck screws!
Sausages status?
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He has risen, brother.
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yea like that stopped bibi before he got hypersonic on his behind and nevatim
Bruh the entire population of western jews can be traced back to 12 Italian women. They're just Italian arab mutts.
too busy being memoryholed
Centcom is about to get wiped off the earth with seawater

wonder how that will effect operations
the US will support you with whatever you do
if you aren't attacking iran, it's because you're a pussy
will bibi dare strike iran or will he go full homo and just bomb some random shithole in syria instead
sending a message now
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literally this
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>Wai Wai

I'll just marry a fat Russian Jewish woman and you can do nothing about it but watch me go to South Leb with her, and my Israeli greencard, where we will fuck till my dick is broke and we have atleast 20 Jew kids running around with little AR-15's pretending they're in the IDF till they actually get in the IDF.

We may even get medal's for repopulating the Jewish state. I will make sure we only have Girl's, since each one shall birth no less than 10 Jews with their ultra Settler husbands.

You will seethe as you watch this happen, but it will be for your own good.
>keeps posting cope
Ah yes, “paletine” how could I forget!
>like that stopped bibi
It has his whole political career is and always has been defined by him being a cuck
>jews aren't reporting their dead because they just like, leave em there
I doubt we will. If we did, we'd then get out asses handed to us from 7 fronts. Bibi is simply trying to destroy israel and harm us Jews. I swear the bastard is a goyim playing the long game to destroy us
read Tacitus explanation for the Origins of Judiasm. I think its extremely Plausible the God they worshipped was a mountain Greek Deity
its the boars from last thread ofc they turned out to be kikes
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>I think its debateble whether Iran has escalatory dominance over Israel, if they did have that Israel wouldn't stike against them so brazenly,

well ...
>bombing streets

how will they recover now
From your own faggot news. Last time I'm spoon feeding you kike
0 understanding of the geopolitical reality here
They have attacked iranians on a regular basis, it hasn't been iran that has been escalating this conflict, I suspect they will do so again, you disagree?
Keep building more bunkers and deeper bunkers and spread the bunkers out.
biden wanted to end gaza war last christmas but since khamas dont have any supersonics he couldn't convince bibi
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ewhere do i place my bet on the latter please?
>Axios: One year after Oct. 7 attacks, Netanyahu is on a winning streak
Don't think this can be reasonably refuted. If the war ended today Israel would be up 50 billion in military aid, only 500 soldiers lost, possession over North Gaza and Philadelphi, Hezbollah unlikely to survive the next round of Lebanese elections, with its organization degraded, Syria in even more shit, Iraqi PMF leaders assassinated, greater US presence in Iraq, Syria and the Mediterranean, stronger alliances with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, more support in US and free hit on Iran can be used whenever.
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On all levels except physical, Israel is winning.
And you wonder why I likes arabs more than jeets
I wouldnt believe them. They're trying to make Iran relax. Let's not forget rhy blew up the Hezbollah leader while under a ceasefire Israel told them was on.
Those Iranian bastards! That being said, I hope they nuke bibi and gvir for everything they've caused to the state of israel and jewish people world wide
Stay the fuck away from Europeans, pests.

Your nonsense your own.
israel has yet to attack the state of iran the way iran has attacked israel

iran did a major escalation oct 1

if israel does not respond in kind, then they are pussies. weak, pathetic pussies
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show vagen bb show boob
Beit Hanoun status?
the war can't end today though
because hamas and hezbollah aren't defeated... like, at all
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Oh and the total destruction of Gaza's society and ability to educate the next generation or provide it medical care. So a long term demographic defeat in detail of Palestinians. Which is the most important victory for shaping the future.
He force and ineffective non sensical campaighne what am I saying the whole point of the war and October 7th was to make a palistinian state and that's what's gonna happen cause bibi is a cuck
I wish it was
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very jeetish reaction to rejection also shouldn't they give you the normal jew card since you're a jew?
looks like Iran said bring it on. no more tip for tap. and mutts went in srael to make them think twice
You dont need a source for that you only need to understand what escalatory dominance means
keep coping, pussy ass bitch
Beit Hanoun held out for awhile but it's gone now and is fully Israeli clay.
litani river status?

Tell me when has Israel struck Iran brazenly.
Holy cope
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If Israel doesn't surrender to the request of Hamas it will cease to exist too, it cannot remain in a state of war forever. So Gaza will be rebuilt or the missiles won't stop
Under Hezbollah control
Say high to gallant for me when he visits no halpening till he's given his marching orders
it actually isn't, retard
Soon kike-kun.
Iran took months to retalliate against Israel aswel, I see what you are saying though
>Rocket alerts in northern Israel
keep coping
america only pretends to hold israel back to appease the liberal base
in reality, they give everything they have to israel with no strings attached
just admit you're a pussy
it's okay, sometimes it makes sense not to hit the stronger opponenent
but be honest with yourself. it's too scary
Attacking hospitals again
In English?
>Iran took months to retalliate against Israel aswel
And it destroyed their deterrence, which they now have to re-establish by retaliating disproportionately to any strikes. They cucked out, realized their mistake and are now correcting it.
You live in a movie bro
iran didn't attack because they had a good faith deal with the west that a ceasefire in gaza would be done, when it turned out to be bullshit they went ahead with the strike
>Let's not forget rhy blew up the Hezbollah leader while under a ceasefire Israel told them was on.

I'm not forgetting.
But don't forget also that it's much easier to literally drop hundreth tons of bomb on Beyrouth which is the neighbour and has no air defense at all than bombing Tehran which is 1.500 Km away from Israel, with the need to cross either Irak or Syria which are declared ennemies of Israel.

what they can really achieve in Iran is much much smaller to what they can achieve in Gaza or Lebanon. And also immensely more expensive.

The reality is that they don't have the ability of any kind of decapitation of the entire military of Iran. They may kill the Ayatollah then what ? On a military POW it will achieve just nothing. And on the diplomatic front, one less they can talk to to make peace after.

BTW: When a country start killing diplomat/negociator of another country, it mean that this country want a war and a win on the battlefield. But Israel just can't win on the battlefield against Iran, even with full US support they will have at least at the beginning.
wow the invasion must be going so well huh jews
Stop lifting my balls poopjeet. We can't stand your shithole of a country, and we can't stand you and your obsession with eating cow poop. If you ever came to israel we'd always have to worry about you stealing our sacred red heifer's cow excrement to eat and do whatever else you do with that literal shit. An actual cow of religious significance. None of that "every cow" is g_d bullshit.

We do not want to be associated with you or your kind. Give it up poopjeet! You will never marry a Jewish female. None of them will ever "do the needful" with your inch worm packing brownoid shit eating race.
>push hezbollah back to the litani river
>still can't let israelis return to their homes in the north because hezbollah can strike them from anywhere in lebanon
What happened to 53? I haven’t been to /chip/ since last November
The red cow is not sacred
i dunno he said he would return some day
hopefully soon
I was gonna say. Assuming this works, Whats to stop Hezbollah from just aquiring slightly longer range rockets
Kek, most based kike here
>it cannot remain in a state of war forever
Why not?
>or the missiles won't stop
Missiles need to be produced by trained adults, engineered and refined by educated people. Eventually the supply chain and production will be found and destroyed thoroughly. It might take a few years, like catching several bin Ladens. But it is possible.
Why do you think Iran retalliated in the first place? Israel missile striked their embassy and the hamas guy in Iran, they have missile striked air bases in Iran aswel
They want Hezbollah north of the river so they can grab the land. Greater Israel isn't a meme.
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"anti-zionist" hasidic Jewish rabbi on the Red Cow sacrifice:
>first time in history
last time was when Haniyeh was assassinated tardo
Man, this place isn’t the same without him
I know about the cow I don't need your video
What’s actually happening in Lebanon btw? Who’s winning?
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Isn't that how Mr. Bond affectionately referred to the tribe in his smash-hit "Europe"?
>Nazis, tell the truth, shlomi
>Got the tribe shook, like "Better censor it, or they'll really put the noose on me!"

Love that naughty goy
He left around may or june I think was burned out from baking, bumping, and devoting his life to this 7 days a week. I assumed that he'd come back once we invaded Lebanon. As he said only that could keep him from leaving. Still hasn't come back though. I hate to admit this as an Israeli, but he was my favorite goy of the thread. He was entertaining and had a passion about him. A fire burning within.
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>good faith deal with the west
topkek at any world leader taking shit like this seriously
>he doesn't know
Repent of your idolatry, Baal worshiper.
should be 6 million in 50 years
yes at this point no nation should be seeking any kind of "deal" with the west... the west is undealable
Baal just means master I worship only the l-rd maker of heaven earth and all their in
Iranian president is literally a medical doctor with zero foreign policy experience. I don't blame him for falling for mutt lies.
BREAD >>484016252
If Israel was winning do you think we would hear about it? Or would they be secretive about it?
Forget that the IDF was posting pics of them taking selfies and videos in Gaza. They apparently all became mature and follow opsec 100% now.
>Israel was winning do you think we would hear about it? Or would they be secretive about it?
Same thing to hezbola
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Repent, or the fire of Elijah consume thee. Samael or Azazel shall not avail you.
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>Attacking hospitals again
nice and attentive sight on this issue mutt
Stop drinking human blood and eating human flesh praying to statues venerateing trees and believing in the trinity
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>we'd always have to worry about you stealing our sacred red heifer's cow excrement to eat and do whatever else you do with that literal shit
Yep, unfortunately the west is largely led by jewish psychopaths so negotiations are not a viable option
If he doesn't understand foreign policy then maybe he shouldn't be the top guy then
who is 53?

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