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FEMA helicopter intentionally flew low over a volunteer supply drop zone because the volunteers REFUSED to let FEMA confiscate their supplies and take over their operation!
Pilots were masked
LOCAL PD trying to track down the helicopter so they can arrest the pilots!
Clean it up janny or no paycheck
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Only one H60 Helicopter was picked up on Flight Radar near Burnsville during the time of the incident and Flight Radar says it flew past and did not stop or hover in the region like the one in the videos.

So you want to be btfo three times on a row with your fake news threads?
Mutts won't do shit lmao
>no actual videos of the helicopter flying low enough to destroy anything
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It knocked over a pop-up tent lol. Truly these are the end times!!! Da gubberment is killing us!!!1!
Fine these cucks for littering. Their for not securing anything.
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>pilots wore full masks
>No markings on the Helicopter
>There wasn't even enough space to land a helicopter in the parking lot
they do that with goyslop and mrna injections
Dank u for ur dervice
I love how pathetic people are on /pol/ these days, kids are taking still active and up threads and just reposting them as if they have breaking news there aren't 4 other threads about already so they can be "the one who started a thread on pol about this". Holy fuck.
>DEI hire flew too low by accident and knocked over a tent
Truly a sign the illuminati running FEMA are ushering in the end times. Take your meds
Kys faggot

rofl. lmao.
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>pilots wore full masks
>No markings on the Helicopter
>There wasn't even enough space to land a helicopter in the parking lot
>DEI hires at FEMA are so incompetent that they interfere with supply zones
who is running FEMA anyway?
janitor delete this threadd
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Fedposting topic of the day
You bolshevik fucks will be cleaned up by the end of this. True human fucking evil.
i look like that, but i do not say that
Illuminati are good guys, government boi

Team napoleon were Illuminati and masons, in the destruction of pope and monotheist government rule
tranny jannies deleted the old thread wtf
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Only going to say it once.

Delete this thread. Stop talking about this.

Tell that to the hospitalized FEMA employees.
That's how you know you are over target
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This company is using those black hawks right now may be them
kys sargent niggerson
>government gives billions to foreign nation states to wage war
>billions to assist in illegal invader migrants to settle into hotels
>hurricane ravages a region of the homeland
>helicopters pull this bullshit

The United States federal government is waging an war against its own citizens. Unless there was a mechanical hiccup that can be pulled from the blackbox indicating it was an accident, the helo should have been shot at.
The entire catalog should be flooded with this until the corporate media like the kike lovers at Fox are forced to cover it also you should be shot in your skull and your body burned.
haha…anyone else feel sleepy? lets stop talking about this and take a nap.
the government intentionally blowing away tents at relief zones is a bad thing, actually
so sleepy
>we need da black box!!!
>or else we'll shoot at the people trying to rescue us!!!!
Southerners, everyone
>the entire catalog should be flooded with fake news
I'm sure you'd love that
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Maybe they want civilians firing on these helicopters?
Notice how these federal agents have complete and total disdain for the most populated region of the country.
>its intentional because some brand new accounts on chinktok told me so
>there aren't 4 other threads about
its an ongoing continuing thread with interested anons, but jannies shut it down for no obvious reasons
>sure sign its worth discussing
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Owned by a dod clearance holder Rodney Allison
Reminder that PMCs are among the goodest goys around.
>no google image matches
>no yandex
>no sourcenao
>no trace
>no 4plebs hits
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>More unverified twatter rumors with zero real evidence.
I assumed it was just retarded grifters in the beginning, but it's becoming more likely that this is a coordinated effort.

To what end though? Well poisoning to make "right" wingers come across as unhinged retards when they parrot this nonsense and made to look stupid when no evidence ever appears to verify this shit?

Some glow cucks trying to stir another jan 6th style crisis that they can use to round up tens of thousands of trump supporters and make the right more toxic for skittish voters?
Yeah, I just noticed that as well
>Supplies closed
Wow I didnt know that multiple confirmed reports and video evidence was fake news thanks for the update rat
Fuck off spook, you won't do shit you nigger.
>they couldn't see the tents and trucks and shit
give me a fucking break
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>refutes nothing
My point stands unchallenged. These supply depots need armed militias ready to mag dump foreign government helicopters.
Well they have to shut it down somehow, right?
>external link thread
Please let me fucking work for you, I want to glow so goddamn bad. Let me see the machines controlled by ZPE
That's pretty much exactly what it is. And it's working swimmingly because these morons are spamming it everywhere on social media.
So far got 5 different angles from eyewitnesses, know the exact location it happened, know the time it happened within 15 minutes, know the people who were involved, know what supplies were destroyed.
it is quite remarkable how much damage and destruction those g-d damn demonrat libturds in that helicopter caused. we need to annihilate iran so this NEVER happens EVER again.
Kys faggot loser. You're going to burn in hell forever.
I'm only going to say this once.


Lol jk, I'm gonna say it again. Niggers.
>its intentional because some brand new accounts on chinktok told me so

Lol, no, it aligns with your character and interests.
You can even say it three times
nigger nigger nigger
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>who is running FEMA anyway?
A bunch of people beat the shit out of a FEMA director for acting like an arrogant prick. And a sheriff threatened to shoot FEMA agents for denying aid and volunteers.
We are doing shit. This is when we do shit. When shit has hit the fan, the shit happens.
what's that mean?
Are you fucking stupid? A war is being waged against the U.S. population.

East Palestine
East coast

Shut the fuck up you ignorant faggot.
Where is the evidence? Why are you not posting a webm right now?
Good on the janitors for censoring this misinformation.
The only foreign agent here is you, since you're perpetuating a bullshit narrative sold you to by (most likely)kremlin bot accounts.
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demonrats and chicoms buddy
>helicopter looks for a place to land
>downdraft knocks a few flimsy tents
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH evil FEMAchopper gonnna kill us!!! goes some faggots

This (((campaign))) to try to provoke violence seems so (((organic))), especially right before the (s)election
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>looks to land
>in the middle of a supply tent
you niggers are ridiculous.
Loyalists to the illegitimate and openly tyrannical US federal government deserve a noose to the neck and a bullet to the skull
>intentional because some brand
it was either intentional or total incompetence
until there is additional information
either opinion is equally valid
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Just glowniggers being glowniggers.
without the south there would be much lower support for your dirty hook nosed people getting billions in aid every year. show some appreciation Moshe
A foreign agent is helping expose how much our federal government hates us?

Based. Maybe you fags should serve the people and stop giving the foreign agents so much ammunition.
Just larping boomers with diabetes and pacemakers posting from their WFH jobs
You should clean your living space. Disgusting ass zogbot.
What was the point of doing that, anyway?
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What you going g to do! Fed boi
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Might have just been La'Quishria flying?
t. Jose Hernandez
>im 12 years old and what is rotor wash
The post
Nice fedpost
It's incompetence from the people on the ground for not having their shit secured next a helicopter landing zone
Jew pilots trying to get good ol boys to shoot them
it's fucking nothing. they flew away as soon as they realised they accidently blew over a marquee
checked. schizos actually think this was a golberment op to knock over a small tent.
They aren't going to shut shit down but they are very close to catching a fucking bullet from a Sheriffs rifle at this point. They want civil war. They want pain and suffering. They want dead Americans. Everything we dont want.

But now they have crafted literally the perfect storm for vast amounts of U.S. citizens to realize the federal government is the enemy of the people.

They should pray to God for forgiven because I will not forgive them.
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kek sweet now we can all be glowbois
fucking kek
somebody wants civil war, and I think it’s you
>what is a rotor wash
Something pilots are taught about.

So you are suggesting it was purposeful, then?
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Suck it, glowie. This is all falling apart under your incompetent watch. You're pitiful, and a disgrace.
It’s ok, because the people backing them WILL throw them under the bus once they realize they don’t have near enough control to win a civil war.
Lmao. Stop pretending you kike rat. It's fucking everywhere. You wont shut shit down subhuman.
What was the point of even doing that in the first place?
Truth. These are the same people that fell for the q-anon bullshit.
Yes, the morons on the ground purposefully left their garbage lying around. Because they want to larp as heroes on social media. Not sure how this isn't obvious to you.
>This (((campaign))) to try to provoke violence seems so (((organic))), especially right before the (s)election
yeah I'm sure zog is biting its nails over this close race between a brown lady who pledges unconditional loyalty to israel and an orange guy who pledges unconditional loyalty to israel
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>oy vey it was just an honest mistake goys! saying we're intentionally fucking with you is russian disinfo btw

uh, is this really the glownigger narrative? lmao
It already fucking is.
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He didn't fly so good.
>next a helicopter landing zone
where? prove it
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this one that didn't happen or the other ones?
>it’s the locals fault!
Confirmed DEI pilot.

I look forward to this being the headline tomorrow. Cheers.
We live in a world where everyone has a high definition video recorder in their fucking pocket. Provide evidence for your extraordinary claims, not just blurry photos, or all you're doing is spreading well poisoning bullshit.

This is the same level of retarded as the 5g mind control tower crap. It makes the "right" look stupid as fuck, and doesn't accomplish anything at all.

There are countless more obvious, and easily proven things to redpill normies with. Like both sides of the aisle tripping over themselves to funnel money to Israel, while refusing to fund disaster relief for Americans. Or the dubious ties between Ukraine and our politicians. But instead, you focus on fake ass twatter rumors, and make a mockery of anyone who would genuinely try and question the government.
if information on this was so obscure (it isnt) neither opinion would be valid until enough information is known
fuck this room temp IQ board
>everyone has their phone out ready to film in a disaster zone
confirmed zoomer
Never mind lol, stupid retarded bitch
> "conducting a k9 security sweep of the area"
Retarded bitch
Everywhere but here apparently. Wild eyed schizo fantasies have been getting spammed on here for days, and not a single shred of proof for any of it

What are the odds of that?
The government does a fucking good job at outing themselves as maliciously incompetent useless morons.
They dream about some low IQ nigger like (you) shooting at them, so they can reverse the situation and further demonize the good hearty southern huwites.

Fuck off, glownigger.
She is a K9 cop
what else is she supposed to do with her dog?
There's obviously something nearby the pilot was trying to get a closer look at
What's the headline? Larping civilian morons cause delays in SAR and supply deliveries?
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>Nooooooo not the tenterino Noooo save me niggerman!!!
May the Lord bless you and watch over you.
May the Lord cause His countenance to shine to you and favor you.
May the Lord raise His countenance toward you and grant you peace
They need a huge shipment of those powerful laser pointers that will blind you if you look at it for a second.
I live here and have noticed a few MIL helicopters with their transponders off. Seems kind of dumb, considering all the flights we've had lately
The correct move is to continue to document the military growing increasingly violent and desperate.
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>a sheriff threatened to shoot FEMA agents
threats aren't the answer.
>The helicoter did all of these things that would take tens of seconds to do, far too short for anyone to reach into their pocket and start recording.
>we need to document these things that aren't happening!!!1!
Not what I asked, dipshit
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>“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
t. Ash Ketchum
any better vidya?
When one side is the government and the other is hurricane victims, which side do you think the public will be on, retard? These people aren't being shot enough. They do shit like this with no care for optics so why the fuck should we?
geddem local pd
You are so bad at your job, shill.
I have yet to see any video at all. Just grainy still photos.
I don't give a fuck what you asked retard. You people spam the same out of context webm like it proves anything. The only thing it does prove is that the helo flew away when the pilot realized he was throwing these morons trash everywhere.
>maybe if I make the same post over and over again, people will believe my bullshit narrative
>t. cock suckem
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Have sex with the dog
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Seems like it might be them
would have to match their helicopters to the ones in the videos somehow
>out of context
There is plenty of context, you’re just a whiny faggot.
fooled nobody award
It would be a shame if someone were to fly a drone into one of these choppers. I wonder how they defend against that.
Identified. Usual suspect.
burden of proof re "landing" is on you, cocksucker
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>Government denies aid
>Confiscates aid
>Actively fucks with the aid process
>Still no shots fired

At least fly a drone into that fucker, not like anyone is going to find out.
read the OP

There were zero videos, photos, or any kind of proof of this event, so it didn't fucking happen.
Something like
>Glowniggers fail to cover DEI pilot interrupting recovery efforts
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It's so if they bag and tag children or organ slaves there's no paper trail. At best it's because they're doing reconnaissance and laundering of supplies that they also want to hide.
but they have this tweet from RetroCoast
didnt you see the blue checkmark?
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threadly reminder
fema is not your ally
so you’re denying that video exists?
He can’t keep getting away with this!
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it's a glownigger playing dumb. he knows what he's doing. he's a slave and he loves it
>There is plenty of context,
Screencaps from some literal who on twatter don't count anon
Yeah that's definitely the move, go destroy a helicopter that's out there saving lives
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>government black helicopters fucking with people and doing secret operations is seen as an urban legend
>normalfags seethed at the mere mention of this

>black helicopters openly fuck with people on video
You are dumb, They had sent out a notice previously that no helicopters were to land there and when they tried to land they were waving them off.
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>but they have this tweet from RetroCoast
I only trust buck tardwater about things this serious
>out there to save lives
Looks more like they’re out there to fuck up supply caches.
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This is how you know something is legit.
Look at this army of astroturfed faggot subhuman niggers that immediately enter the thread to shit it up and scream about deleting it. Literally all the proof you need outside of the fucking videos that prove this happened.

Burn in hell, kike ass demons.
All fucking glowniggers should hang
DAMN. First time I see a bunch of comments that get deleted right away.
The people were clearly being antisemitic towards FEMA. They fucking deserved it.
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>JIDF btfo
>Share Blue btfo
>Glow Niggers btfo
>Discord Trannies btfo
Man it's been a bad week to be a shill.
This. Yet another crazy schizo "conspiracy theory" that turned out to be 100% true, and these fucking subhumans will STILL shill for their daddy government oppressors. They are either quislings working for them or Stockholm syndrome is at max level.
You're trying way too hard
Twitter fag claims it was Connecticut NG

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Nigger we will gun you down
Why would you need a K9 dog around a place distributing supplies? They aren't drug dealers there. It isn't a border checkpoint between two countries.

you dumb nigger, a bunch of Appalachians beat the ever loving SHIT out of some fema glowie. you don't those hillbillies will do it again?
Was the tent part of the supplies? Probably would have been easier to keep it stowed.
Nah, it's just some "race war now" chud types trying to sow seeds of distrust by spreading rumors. They don't care about truth or consequences, they just want more people to become angry at government so they can start their very pathetic "revolt" if their daddy Trump doesn't win the election (they will still not be satisfied if he does win, though). Basically, chuddy will only be satisfied when he starts his little race war and tries to rape some Stacy and take revenge on Chads and Tyrones who mogged him. Chud boyos think everything will change when there's enough angry people, but the only thing that will probably happen is that those chuds will end up being lynched by their own community when "SHTF", for acting antisocial as always. They think "no government" means "can do everything with no consequence", while the truth is that the federal government protects antisocial chuds from real consequences, by safeguarding their freedom of speech and right to private property. Chuddies are trying to cause shtf, just to find out that most people of all races will actually curb stomp chud when he misbehaves and the manny state will no longer protect dysgenic chudoids from consequences.
But hey, chuds are so retarded, socially inept and disconnected from the average normie neurotypical mind, that their little plans of total chaos will probably fail, leaving chud hanging from a rope with a noose crafted by his own hands. It is the fate of the "muh race war", "Turner diaries" chud reject. They simply don't understand that there's no government type where a chud can "ascend", including total anarchy. They will always be losers, the laughing stock of every place.
Nothing but genetic rejects who would be put in mental asylums in the past, for the good of society. That's all.
Checked and herbed
He’s entirely correct.

A group of actors tried to silence this story for whatever reason.
Who knows, maybe they were intentionally trying to Streisand it.
Most likely just incompetence from a BIPOC pilot.
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delete this
checked sending a helicopter your way chud
Dog is also trained to detect the smell of rotting human corpses.
There are lots of bodies buried under mud and rubble most if not all of them are dead by now
ask me how I know you’ve never, ever participated in a disaster recovery effort before.

because even the most retarded of niggers would understand that allowing anything to bake in the sun is a terrible idea.
There are multiple videos of this incident. There are one of two explanations. Either the pilot is a fucking idiot who doesn’t know the aircraft he is flying or it is intentional. Either way it’s not good but here you are trying to rationalize and dismiss it. You have to be extremely stupid not to figure this out.

Fuck conneticut yankee faggots. Fuck out of NC niggers.
>incompetence from the people on the ground for not having their shit secured
considering they are in a weather disaster area, yes, they should be prepared for sudden wind gusts
but this is a story about what the helo was up to
fema has been acting very pozzed and deceitful
they are the ones who have to prove themselves, not the disaster victims
Fuck off shitskin.
Honestly the real story is how these literal glowniggers got activated to suppress a story about an incompetent helicopter pilot making a mistake during a high stress disaster recovery situation.

Mistakes happen, I can forgive the pilot.
These niggers trying to suppress the sorry, though? They need to be shot.
Nobody believes your bullshit, Airman Schmuckatelli


The shilling is so telling.
I’m willing to forgive the pilot if it was truly an honest mistake.

It’s the behavior of other actors that is making this so suspicious.
What are the chances that FEMA has been funding a public relations decision that specializes in shutting it down?
Probably fairly high, considering who runs it.
>Either the pilot is a fucking idiot who doesn’t know the aircraft he is flying
But what was he doing? If he landed close by, on a mission of some sort, I'd understand it. Looks like a dick move.
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they can try to avoid the redpill, but it's coming for them one way or another
kek they're third rate. if they were worth anything they wouldn't be shilling on a hentai website
He could just be retarded, who knows.

I’m now more interested in why every single instance of FEMA making a mistake also has multiple people defending them and trying to shift blame to the locals.
Lmao maybe they should have gotten with fema then. From what I've seen fema has plenty of warehouse and hangar space to store all this stuff.
I've already explained it multiple times itt. Now I'm going to be pull a (you) and do some magic handwaving, and tell you to do your own research :^)
It's fireman, actually. I was in the navy.
Im sure they already have their guillotines set up, strange we haven't seen the condition of the dead bodies they find of supposed flood victims…
I bet they all are missing their heads but FEMA will say this was due to flood water

Some people out there are really fishing for any kind of instigating event that can be spun in the right way with misinfo to get things cooking off for their little Balkan conflict they want so badly. You see a new one every week or even a few times per week.

You will never have any proof that it was an "honest mistake", dumbass.
The Federal government's entire MO when engaging in malicious, subversive bullshit is plausible deniability.
Yeah, don't warn em. Just do it.
Why would they get with FEMA?
Possible the most incompetent federal agency.

After the pentagon, of course.
>Just like that movie shooter it's easy.
We will have proof, because the people on the ground will be hunting down that pilot.
They already found the helicopter.
It was two locations. Look at the 4th video from OP.

Can you explain why there were no markings on the helicopter?

Same kind of shit the Israelis did when they attacked the USS Liberty. No markings on the planes.
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You fedfags are subhuman assholes, never change shitdicks.
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Clean your Desk, Nigger.
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He can't keep getting away with this!
I don’t know if it was a mistake or not. However, I do know how to set up a landing zone. I can tell you no pilot in their right mind would attempt to land there knowing the potential debris field caused by his wash would be a danger to the people you can clearly see in the area and his own aircraft. People have failed flight school for more minor fuck ups.
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>I’m now more interested in why every single instance of FEMA making a mistake also has multiple people defending them
it's fishy
>the pilot realized he would throw shit everywhere before he began his descent
You won't do shit
Cajun Navy has already offered to give the pilot a free Bayou tour all he has to do is come forward. It will be a private tour deep into the everglades, paid for entirely by the Cajun Navy.
Disaster tourists clogging up the landing area the lowest form of life above the clout chasers screaming about it.
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kek wtf ???
Man before another helicopter goes down unless the whole damn package on every fucking idiot.
These pilots are dumb because all it takes to ruin your life at that altitude is a stray powerline or tree branch.
Yep, but knowing how our government is ran I wouldn’t put it past them to pass a DEI hire who would do something like this under a high stress situation.

He’s better off coming forward and apologizing before people get too worked up.
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LOL glowniggers fooled nobody. enjoy getting fired after trump cuts your budgets. we'll pay you a visit patrick bateman style when you're all homeless living under a bridge

Write your congressman and tell him fema needs to be overhauled. Until then, shut the hell up and stay out of the professionals way.
People handling supply caches are now disaster tourists?

People like you are fucking scum.
>just sit back and do nothing!
>until then stop bitching
Spoken like a true welfare nigger working at the pentagon.
That's exactly the kind of government fuckery I can see happening. Seizing and redistribution of community aid according to their own incompetent organized priorities.
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Don't have to, the sheriff will faggot.
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Funny to see the story go from, it didn't happen, to operator error.
calling something it is not is quite common what the leaf posted kek
Who the fuck knows. Either way it wasn’t smart.

>I-I explained it!
No you haven’t. All you’ve done is make smarmy comments and act like a retard.
pools closed
Just vote the problem away. Worked previous years; right?
Yes, gloryhounds are usually despicable people. Should have just stayed home desu
What exactly do you hope to change?
It's not enough until HIAS starts paying you back for all the money they stole through FEMA.
The last three threads has been the spaghetti method from the glowniggers and other paid shills.
Throw everything they can think of at the wall and see what sticks
This is a sign this caught them flat footed and they don't have a prepared narrative
Could have done without the stupid background music.
Like the welfare niggers serving in the navy?

A shame all of the actual soldiers end up dying while you limp wristed faggots always make it back to hog all of the gibs.

They found the tail number of the helicopter, which for commercial and privately owned aircraft is part of a public registry.
For military and agency aircraft there is fuck-all and as far as they are concerned, it's none of your fucking business, prole.
Call them up and ask.
>Oh, I'll have to speak to my supervisor
>Don't call you for 3 weeks
>Oh, I'll have to speak to my supervisor
>Don't call you for 3 weeks
On and on and on.

I am so sick of you fucking idiots carrying on about accountability for the Federal government.
Why don't we call the fucking tooth fairy and Santa Claus and ask them what they think about it?
There fucking is none, and there never will be. It is a giant money-printing bulletproof ideology-fuel bureaucratic swamp, and is way beyond fixing.
In a world of immediate availability of information, social voting, and charitable donations, there is literally no need for a Federal government for anything other than building freeways and fielding a military, and to be frank they fucking suck at those also.
> What exactly do you hope to change?
You’re getting defunded, mate.
I wouldn't call that "handling supply caches" if they're not coordinating with the helicopter that is there for that very reason.
you want video evidence of a felony being committed posted by the people knowingly committing a felony?
wow, I haven't seen a glownigger this upset in a while. You are literally shaking.
lol, you think they’re going to ask the government for the pilots name?
go make another nigger dick thread on /gif/ glownigger
Aren’t these people trained by Israelis that specialize in destroying aid?
bold assumption to think that helicopter is there for a reason.
But you bootlickers are all the same.
because they know the fire FEMA is starting is going to blow through all federal agencies, since the federal government shuffles funds between them all like it’s fucking monopoly.
suck the shit out of my cornhole
Hearing your collective glowie anus's squelch in fear as your actions are brought to light sure is funny.
Real sorry, fagbag, but you've been trying to incite civil war for 100 years and it hasn't stuck once.
I was part of the planning for a Cascadia subduction zone disaster(tsunami). Tons of plans to seize resources, including labor, with a total suspension of rights to property, including your own body.
These niggers have been trained to think that being on the federal dole makes them better than everyone else.
If it happened CNN would be ketching like a deadnamed tranny
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>off-topic thread still up
uhh, where are the MODS???
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You both are in serious need of medication. This is severe mental illness.
Notice how these niggers gaslight when they feel like they have no control.
Yeah but it takes 4 times to get rid of niggerjuice but you can't.
Reminder to all in this thread that incompetence is deadly and the government will kill you. Just ask those who survived communism.
Government Helo not squaking IFF?
A lot of feds out there realizing their coworkers are willing to murder their nana back in Missouri.
call shitwood
Lmao are you referring to yourself and your bullshit narrative?
To be fair... Pilots in modern military helo's often require the mask to fly.
>Transponder Off
>Not squaking IFF
That's pretty fucking sus, though.
>no u
you niggers are toast
>they parrot this nonsense
Bro it is right on fucking camera
The panic is real.
Soon will come the story about how the pilot was tired from all the rescuing of Transgender's and single moms they were doing. So tired they turned off their transponder and wanted to land in the middle of a parking lot full of supplies and people.

Squelch away Fedbois....Squelch away.
Mmmm butter my bread chuddy oooooo
Right after you get done saving the world from the comfort of mom's basement.
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>You both are in serious need of medication. This is severe mental illness
>Shares Pic
>File Name:
> תחזור לפול.png
Fucking kikes, I swear. Please, mossad, go outside and spread your anus for the sand niggers to rape. That's all you're fucking life is good for.
Gay troll post.

What I'm telling you is that in a situation like this, anything that the government is legally bound to provide, they are going to give the caller an absolute labyrinth run-around for as long as possible.
Anything in excess of that, they're going to tell them to kick rocks.
Is the hurricane response going to cost kamala the election?
was gonna say this. faggot got it from the gift shop
Their hope is that lurkers will read that comment and then find another thread.

What they don’t understand is that people on 4chan enjoy engaging in threads at a higher rate than other social media platforms, making that strategy counter productive.
Roses parking lot, Burnsville, NC
There are ZERO H60s that show up on flight radar near the parking lot
I read that as Aldi. Pity.
>This is a sign this caught them flat footed and they don't have a prepared narrative
What narrative could they even use? They obviously hoped no one would have their phones out.
Next time this happens they'll do it at night.
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It was quite possibly N451VK, I seen it flying just south of Ashville this morning. It's owned by a cyber security company that smells like a alphabet front company (Input Output Management LLC). Ace Aeronautics is the company that originally refurbed and sold the chopper. Ace Aeronautics has also sold at least 1 Blackhawk to Ukraine.
why do you people always talk like children?
very clearly, just look at what these dumbasses are saying.
You’re right, it is hilarious how incompetent FEMA is at attacking American citizens.
more incendiary garbage from the shit poster general.

Don't let these pathetic shit stirrers rattle your cucumber. Lies are cheap, dirty and and in a way reflect the psyche and circumstances of the betrothed to the bullshit. Their lives are lies, their surrounded by lies.
And again, you assume it will be the government that the citizens retrieve info from.
At least you don't speak German.
Don't say your day is safed now.
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There is footage from four fucking angles. It is a fact.
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kek you're getting defunded and we're going to turn all of you DEI hire zogmutts into pepperoni
Found the CIA clown walking his teenie weenie. Kill yourself
>A lot of feds out there realizing their coworkers are willing to murder their nana back in Missouri.
No honor among thieves.
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>There is footage from four fucking angles. It is a fact.
You cannot make this up.
Not knowing this I know your a shit skin. Keep the dog entertained mostly. If working dogs feel like they're not doing their job they get depressed.
("they") wanna take-all-their-shit-away...

give-it to Niggers & Jews oh-yeah & Mix-a-cans?
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You don't know shit foreign fag, mind your own fucking business.

Dude just state your fucking point clearly.
Who do you think they'll be trying to get it from?
It's literally on camera, don't gaslight us, this is pol, not twatter
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>people are literally risking their lives to help bring resources and save others in a natural disaster, despite the FEMfags trying to stop them
>this equates doing nothing in your mind
Why are you not allowed to deliver aid, I don't get it, is just because they hate them so much?
>mp4 in op
>webm in thread
How much does this kind of job crush your soul?
And americans will still do nothing about it the entire operation is to remove the citizens and take the land for its minerals the government keeps raping its own people making it completely corrupt to the core
Their fear is there is now evidence of fuckery and more will be coming every day. It's very hard to see this as anything other than deliberate fuckery. The Pilot didn't need to land, didn't need to come down lower, had their transponder off yada yada yada.

It's real red-meat to those looking to prove FEMA is fucking up.
Also why the FUCK is there so little news about this event?
Those beautiful numbers.
Wasted on a total brain dead mongoloid cock sucker. What a shame.
The pilot knew exactly what he was doing. And saying he didn’t makes you the brain dead mongoloid cock sucker you are.
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judeo-bolshevik government waging war against american society, killing white christians like they did in russia a century ago

the evil we're up against is unfathomable
try that again
light arms brought down more helicopters in Vietnam than anything else
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>Only going to say it once.
>Delete this thread. Stop talking about this.
>anything that makes the feds look bad must be Russian propaganda
Do you retards still think that works?
It's not so little news, it's blowing up on soc/med now.

The problem is it's getting very hard for the Lefts narrative that everything is going swimmingly. It's deliberate fuckery of American Citizens captured on film.

Im expecting tomorrow there to be multiple narratives trying to explain this. Too late, damage is done.
Clean the dust off your desk faggot
Yes they hate us and want us dead by any means. They only stop short of putting us in mass graves because it would draw too much attention. Instead its a gentle genocide of targeted harassment at the margins where they put every kind of pressure on us whether that is encouraging people to murder us, letting those that kill us for the color of our skin walk free from criminal charges, or creating economic conditions conducive to loss of life such as the denial of aid or making sure any and all resources are distributed to us last using the neo caste system they call DEI. They do everything possible to hasten our journey to the grave. Its a bitch innit.
Hope you're ready to get plowed in the ass / take a few shots in your mouth.
>don't worry they'll give you a reach-around & all the free PREP you want
>no evidence
>except for videos from 5 different angles
You feds are seething over this
why would I tell you, glownigger?
>You feds are seething over this
You can hear their anus's puckering all the way in the Midwest. And remember, this is only the 1st example...
JBM-HH Ceremonies must be fun there
The official line is that FEMA knows how to properly organoze and distribute aid to areas that need it most. If they see one area with a surplus of aid they will take it and redistribute it.
lmao you govt employees really are the bottom of the barrel
>You won't do shit!
>Not like that
>You're taking shit too far!
lmaoooo kys pajeet
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It's Israeli. Mossad.
>off-topic thre
one of the biggest, media blacked out stories in the country, while leading into an election, being made worse by government agencies either being incompetent or malicious based on political affiliation of the victims
and yur calling it off topic?
are you part of that DHS fema "disinformation" team?
and you drew pol as your assignment?
They probably are Israeli
>they will take it and redistribute it.
and leftists see nothing wrong with this statement
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Nigger your desk is gross. You should be ashamed.
candlenigger candlenigger candlenigger candleni
>no actual videos of the haitians eating anything
Your not white i can tell that much
>dusty gift shop purchase demands it!
you made my day, anon.

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