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Military H60 Helicopter intentionally flew low over a volunteer supply drop zone at Roses parking lot in Burnsville, NC because the volunteers REFUSED to let FEMA confiscate their supplies and take over their operation!

>pilots wore full masks
>No markings on the Helicopter
>There wasn't even enough space to land a helicopter in the parking lot in the first place

>Previous threads

Damage control has now switched from "it didn't happen" to "it was just an honest mistake"
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janitor delete this thread while it's still fresh spam
>"it was just an honest mistake"
who doesn't try to land on top of a bunch of cars in a disaster situation?
>pilots wore full masks
>No markings on the Helicopter
>There wasn't even enough space to land a helicopter in the parking lot
OP is trying to kick off a cute little Balkan conflict
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Are shots be fired out of that chopper???
What the actual fuck
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Tyrant traitor terrorists on suicide watch.
Is fema technically murdering civilians by denying them life-saving aid?
To doubters that think they have rights
Wait, the schizos were right?
>fake news copers with yet another thread in which they get btfo repeatedly
Lmao this is worse than the ivans trying to justify their smo
Must be heartless to do that, shame on you US military.
Is fema under law to provide aid?
By the way they call these niggers "Green Door". They're selected based on certain psychopathic criteria.
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Yes, many such cases with fedfags.
This. It's probably just CGI.
>Can we see these masks?
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Herein lays the problem for the Left. One of these is easy to explain, not 4.
erm... nope snopes fact-checked them already sweetie
Yes, that's the entire reason they exist. Of course, reality differs.
white people enemy? other whites
the LZ was supposed to be clear for them to land. you cant just land that wherever you want to, those volunteers fucked up by putting all of their shit their illegally and blocking a designated LZ then they get pissed when an attempted landing is made then abandoned afterwards.
>"it was just an honest mistake"
Maybe it was. Could've been a DIE pilot having a woman moment like that lesbian boat captain from New Zealand sinking her ship on a reef.
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Are they tho? Even the police aren't under law to protect you, you think some bloated federal agency is under law to provide aid?
Said the scorpion
Enhance. Wtf is on his chest
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This is the ceo he has DOD clearance
Someone explain to me like I'm 5
>the LZ was supposed to be clear for them to land
Prove it
Here comes the glowniggers trying to pin the blame on PEOPLE CONDUCTING DISASTER RELIEF.

why haven't i been selected?
DEI or malicious pilot. Could be both.
Looks like a tacticool chest rig. Probably holds a radio and extra mags for assassinating civilians looking for food
>muh guns
>govt tyranny
>try it in a small town
I'm pretty sure in Pilot School there's something about looking where to land first...
Amateurs with a hero complex getting the way of disaster relief professionals
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frog skull
If the landing zone isn't clear
Evening Fed....alot on your menu tonight?
its just a bit of gentle trolling. learn to take a joke
There's is, and in Kansas you'd have a million landing pads.
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should we worry? wtf even was this
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very odd
>military helicopter tries to land where civilian helicopters have been landing all day
>black hawk has significantly more rotor wash than anything else that has landed in the area before
>civilians have no idea it’s that much stronger
>pilot is used to flying near shit that’s palletized and held down by cargo nets
>pilot immediately aborts the landing and fucks off when he sees the damage
>doesn’t just jam the collective which would make the rotor wash worse and eases off
Seems like a simple fuckup to me, don’t attribute malice where incompetence is the simpler answer.
>amateurs with hero complexes
kill yourself.
They are not amateurs, and the federal government is not professional.
An emergency aid distribution center is not a landing zone you fucking retard.
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If that were the case, why not simply say that and apologize?
There have been a few private UH-60s over the past week
He was being waved off, and it was very clear there was nowhere to land
>schizo believes anything
Oh scary anon
What, make a Facebook post? Yellow really loudly?
There was always a kernel of truth to the FEMA conspiracy theories.
You like? For $34.99+$9.98 shipping, you too can have a Pentagon challenge coin!
Except for that whole transponder turned off, pilots wearing masks, daylight conditions showing landing zone was full of supplies, pilot hovering then dropping lower causing more damage....

Other than that your theory might work.
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Dead zogbots are good zogbots.
How about pick up the fucking radio and say something? The pilot did not attempt to use his radio BEFORE or AFTER making his "honest mistake"
Lol if the government can’t figure out how to distribute a simple message then there’s no way they can handle disaster relief.
Because believe it or not there is a hierarchy in the military and situations must be debriefed before responses are given
Oh yeah he's glowing.
>things i dont know
is fema doing all this shit that keeps getting shilled
>things i do know
either way the point is to further divide America in a vulnerable time
>things we all know
isreal is behind it all
Another fair point.

But I guess radioing civilians is below them.
Just 1337 hack into the ham operators and command them to post the apology on social media?
So you’re saying the military is so incompetent that they will let hysteria build while they go through the paperwork of a debrief?

Who the fuck thought it was ok to allow these incompetent RETARDS anywhere near a disaster zone?
Boomers are so fucking retarded kek
>They are not amateurs
Sure seems like it. You don't see a bunch of unsecured fod at the fema operations center.
if the government can’t handle such a simple task, why the fuck are they trying to assist in disaster recovery?
Slaves in waiting
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>Joe Biden doesn't care about white people
How do we know they didn't?
Yes they will 100% make sure the situation is debriefed before making a statement. You think the government is supposed to be competent? Have you been to the dmv?
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Those helicopters are not bullet proof.
You don’t see any food at fema operation centers.

Plus, why is a supply distribution center suppose to have everything packed up? Thats stupid, it makes it harder to distribute.
bumping this is important
hungry people aren't seeing food there either
Yes? They're not going to issue a press release the minute something happens.
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>pilots wore full masks
Maxillofacial shields are the norm for crewchiefs
Also the norm, it'd take forever to tune all the possible freqs when it's likely no one is even listening.
>No markings on the Helicopter
They're black on black.
So you are just going to assume they did the right thing, with zero proof?
Bootlicker lol.
Well you’re just proving the point. The government is too incompetent to assist with disaster relief. They should just leave it to the locals.
Right now they're on here wargaming their responses and going down faster than Kamala at Willie Browns house. The more they try to explain it, the worse it gets.
It's funny how these trannies both love the government but try to get you to hate them, their responses make no sense lol
Upscaled badly. You suck at sd
Why not? The longer they wait, the more hysteria builds.
Talk about incompetence.
>the locals
>Who have no supplies
>should be in charge of the relief
Oh wow, you are dumb as hell huh?
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this is factual
>transponder off
>radio silent
makes a ton of sense for a disaster relief operation
which supplies are being blown around, again?
Oh right, the supplies the locals are distributing.
>Plus, why is a supply distribution center suppose to have everything packed up? Thats stupid, it makes it harder to distribute.
Seems like the morons on the ground left all their trash and garbage out in the open. From what I've seen the supplies were not damaged in any way shape or form.
>do everything in your power to hamper the governments efforts to help
>look everyone, they're not helping!!
I'm not assuming jack shit. I'm keeping my mind open while you're headlong down the fema demon hole. While that may be the case I'm not getting a headache over something so innocuous.
>Hovers above parking lot
>blows some unsecured ez ups and papers around due to prop wash
>waves off the second after
Nothing burger
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zogbots belong face down in a ditch
So what you're saying is the pilot is so incompetent:
>they attempt landing in a dangerous area
>turned their transponder off
>Made no radio contact to clear the landing
>Hovered then dropped lower causing damage

Man you Feds are in a pickle with this one.
Nothing ever happens over night in the military.
> Seems like the morons on the ground left all their trash and garbage out in the open
What a strange thing to call people distributing supplies to those struck by disaster.

Why are you people so fucking heartless?
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they were doing fine thats why FEMA was forced to sabotage it to save their nigger importing budget you pathetic glownigger
Again the locals do not have supplies, who did they get them from? If they had supplies, they would not need disaster relief, don't you have an axe wound to douche out?
>im not assuming jack shit
Yes you are. You assume the government is doing its job properly.
It’s not night. It’s the middle of the workday.
Again, what is being blown around in the video?
Supplies? Woah, you’re a lying glownigger!
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it was criminal memeflag jew
they shouldn't even been there
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>is fema doing all this shit that keeps getting shilled
I'd like to smash your face with an aluminum tent pole
At this point I honestly think they are purposely trying to enrage people.
Nothing else makes sense.
Well the damage didn’t occur until the last moment and he immediately waved off once shit started flying away. It would make sense that he hovers and makes a slow landing so his vertical velocity would be low. If he landed fast, he’d have to put out even more rotor wash when to slow down before touching down.
The mask could be SOP for flying over disaster zones because of burning buildings or flying over water or they might just always wear it for communication. I’m sure an actual pilot could chime in. I don’t know what a transponder would do to prevent rotor wash.
It’s not really clear, there’s an 18 wheeler in the way…
FEMA should definitely put out a bulletin about setting up safe landing sites, minimum clearance etc. An explanation and apology is probably earned too. This just seems like operational teething pain to me. This is a learning point for the NC aid workers and NG, not really something to have a meltdown about.
And again where did they get the supplies, not from locally owned shops all those supplies are gone with the flood, so who did they get them from.
>At this point I honestly think they are purposely trying to enrage people.
>Nothing else makes sense.

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time
And you're assuming the inverse.
>over night
It's a common expression for something happening quickly. There won't be any realest until an investigation happens and that can't happen until the pilot touches down and reports in.
star of david
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Not just FEMA, Yankee carpetbaggers like this local faggot are just as bad.
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your jewish dominated government is in state of open war against american people
anyone get the tail #?
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imagine the last thoughts going through the mind of the federal children in the OKC federal building daycare as two thousand tons of rubble crashed upon their fragile skulls
Desperation...the post.

"Maybe the pilot broke every rule he understood for flying his machine which caused all of this"

/pol/s razor points to deliberate incompetence. The flurry of the Fedboi responses espousing dumber and dumber theories confirms it.
they are freemasons. freemasons worship jews.
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Threadly reminder that (((climate change))) is ZOG geomanipulation. And Jews, as always.
They get it from the churches, dipshit.

At this point, the controversy is from all of these people online trying to cover for this small incident.
Most of the children were vaporized or killed in the concussion, they never felt anything
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He had an accident
>you don't see a bunch of unsecured fod at the fema operations center
The hangar they used had plenty of unsecured food, it was just all donated food from Trump and celebrities because there wasn't any other food for victims.
it’s really funny how you people always assume the government is doing their job honestly.
>churches just happen to have enough disaster supplies to support western NC
Lol you're dumb as hell boy or girl, however you trannies identify
Gloves leaning on a handle or mount
The Americans with the most guns are least likely to do shit. They will cope and seethe about how they COULD do something, but won't
it's such smoothbrained cockswallowing
They were asked time and time again to coordinate their efforts with fema. They've got nobody to blame but themselves for this literal nothingburger.
People like you just want to be a part of something so badly, you'll post cringe bullshit like this all day just to fit in
or competently
"do shit" means what, mossad hq operative?
WTF, is that the sikorsky one? Our navy uses those to hunt and torpedo submarines, why does FEMA have one?
Most airbases don't have to worry about shit flying around.
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That's good. Hopefully their parents felt everything.
You don't need radio contact to land. I'd hazard a guess the true story is pilots had a limited view of the ground as you can't see what you're directly over in a Blackhawk. They likely had to play a delayed game of telephone between the chief telling them "you're blowing shit around" and waiting for collective responsiveness on a overweight bird. You can take off with a decent amount more weight than you can land, it's likely they were still near the limit and struggling to regain lift from a near hover. Translational lift is around 25 knots and only above that will a heavy helicopter fly responsively.
How do you nail FEMA on genocide / ethnic cleansing charges at the ICC? FEMA is guilty of Nuremberg trial / NAZI tier crimes against humanity, including the promulgation of the genocidal so-called 'critical race theory' that is simply whitewashed NAZI propaganda used to corrupt the federal government of the USA
They could stop paying the taxes that being used to abuse them and help foreigners for one. What's the feds gonna do? Arrest an entire town?
Optics matter Fedboi...

What everyone sees is a dipshit pilot with a nonfunctioning transponder causing mayhem.

Keep trying...I'm sure by tomorrow this won't have blow into a huge shitstorm.
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Shalom, goy- civilians! Are we backing the blue today?
you’re a literal nigger. people have been donating to the churches to bypass FEMA.
Its a military helicopter
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Upscaled for your pleasure
Why coordinate efforts with a government agency that is too late to start assisting?

Why should people STOP their relief efforts at the request of FEMA?
nigger all helo pilots know about downdraft

go guzzle semen fool idiot nihher
>You don't need radio contact to land
Im sure all the ATC's out there are pissing themselves at this.

Now, about that transponder turned off...you know, the one that lets radar know where they are...

Jesus you fucks are sad.
a supply distribution area is not an air base.
>it’s the people on the grounds fault for a pilot being retarded
This is the line you’re going with now?
Someone should shoot it down
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collect all the dysgenic playing cards
You won't do shit
>that post
Actual mental illness
It's not "a line", that is quite literally what happened
But it is a landing zone if you want to deliver supplies
>just land on the roof
Why are they blaming FEMA if it's the military doing it I'm confused
gee mr mossad hq, iran really gaped israel's anxious and needy anus
And you're a man trying to be a woman, you can always tell the general users by how they type and all general users are trannies.
Clearly it’s not a landing zone, because it’s being used to distribute supplies.
I'd like to fit a tent stake into your eye socket, regardless of the praise and admiration it would bring me.
you glowniggers are panicking so hard lmao.
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ok mossad hq. show me where iraq shoved it up israel's anus
Might not have anywhere else to go
FEMA is just as complicit
The entire government is corrupt

They'll die screaming in agony together though, that should simplify things for you
there you go assuming things again.
It’s not desperation at all. I’m just speaking from experience from volunteering in hurricane relief and from operational experience in the maritime and aviation industry. There’s a wide range of backgrounds and experience levels working together. It’s obvious that things are going to be fucked up on occasion.
I’ve only seen the “controversy” on /pol/. I may be out of the loop but this is just a retarded thing to get upset about.
wow they should have taught prop downwash in pilot school lmao
>Again the locals do not have supplies, who did they get them from?
you absolute retard. People are brining in relief supplies from hundreds of miles around. They are filling their cars, trailers and trucks with them, They are then being dropped off at distribution centers in Asheville/Hundersonville/Marion and being distributed from there, or on-site in the smaller towns. It's been going on for ten days.
ok nigger. You fucks expose yourself by coming to /pol/ of all places and defending the federal government.
Why would they panic? Not like anybody ever does anything, feds could walk straight into that camp and kill everyone and nobody would do anything about it. You know, I know, the feds know it. You should be lucky they are just blowing papers and tents around
Their reason for existing is in their name. Emergency management. Its not about controlling the chaos of an emergency or anout mitigating the impact of an emergency nor is it about rendering aid, it is simply about managing the emergency and making sure there are no unmanaged groups doing anything. It is the absolute peak of bureaucratic ordered evil.

Whats been going on is synonymous with an occupying army dealing with partisans. But, then enters the question, why? What immediately comes to mind for me is if joe, bill and bob successfully render aid where the government would not it proves said government as unnecessary and illegitimate.

What comes to mind following that is there is another motive to sieze upon an opportunity for *something* while any opposition would be distracted.

Siezing property would be one possibility or maybe its a hamfisted attempt to solidify the notion of government as sole provider. Or maybe something else or a combination of things. Either way there is a point here that I feel like needs to be driven home really hard:

The survivors of this hurricane and the ensuing floods are being treated like fucking palestinians. The federal government has transformed that area into an open air concentration camp and people trying to render aid are being threatened and attacked.
Same as you. It's a storm ravaged town in a place known to build towns in narrow valleys in the mountains. Helicopters need flat ground to land and that's in short supply when everything has been washed out.
you wouldn’t be making posts like this 24/7 if you weren’t in a state of panic :)
>anonymous tough guy posting
Oh fluff!
>same as you
Incorrect, because I’ve actively worked in a hurricane recover zone before.

You clearly haven’t.
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>general users
All I see is a 24pbtid working overtime trying to convince everyone that they should be worked up over a non issue rather than focusing criticism on areas that actually matter.
>this is now my stuff
>face the wall goy
that is literally an old jew with a star of david on his chest and one hand on his gun.
the bolshevik commissars are now just rounding up the white americans without any push back. america is a joke lmao.
>pilot should know you need at least 100 feet of room to land
>pilot can see it’s a crowded area
>pilot can see there would be a kicked up debris field if he attempts to land
>descends anyway
>rotor wash does what it does
>he pulls off because he finally figured out the obvious
>I-it’s the people on the grounds fault for not coordinating with fema!
This is how stupid you sound. Pilot is the first and final authority when it comes to landing. He was either incompetent or it was malicious. Not good any way you cut it. Blaming the people on the ground when the pilot should know better is just dumb. People get taken off flight line status for less or just simply fail flight school.
Checked. Anyone?
24 posts is a lot to you?

You fucks just can’t help but expose yourselves as tourist with every single post.
I'm from Lafayette, New Iberia really. I've been involved in every one since Rita. Fun fact about Louisiana, there's a bunch of flat ground around. North Carolina? Not so much.
>im from new Iberia
Explains why you’re a fucking retard, then.

I’m from Houma, and now I know you’re full of shit you inbred fuck.
Can't read anything off that tail
>destroys aid
>literally just some pop up sunshades flying around
I hate the antichrist as much as the next guy but nothing meaningful was destroyed. They just have a little cleaning up to do. Dick move by the chopper crew tho.
What's the rundown on FEMA camps? Why would they want to purge Appalachia?
"fitting in" is projection on your part. Adult men don't think of such things.
Sounds like carolina patriots need to talk to viktor bout. He's back in business.
It’s more of simply covering up for their general incompetence.

If Americans knew how useless FEMA actually was, they would wonder why they get so much funding.
Ew people let you near them?
Lol so helicopters are supposed to land on the sides of mountains then sister fucker?
And yet you felt compelled to say that...curious
Why would I be panicked? It's like you fags don't remember Katrina. Those cops just executing people on the bridge, remember that? No of course not. Feds could crash an unmanned drone into a church picnic celebrating the birth of cute white quintuplets and nobody would do anything about it. You're all cowards, bitching with other cowards on an anonymous image board. You won't do shit. In about 2 hours you'll be jerking off and watching anime, while the federal government rapes your fellow citizens and prices you out of your freedom. Fucking internet tough guys, the feds aren't panicking about anything
This is retarded. The "green door" on that patch refers to being an intelligence analyst who works in a SCIF, which usually have green doors.
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no data
you picked the wrong place to pretend to be from, retard.

The only people who think FEMA is worth a shit in Bayou country are the dinky little faggots who stay inside crying about the AC after every single hurricane.
>the LZ was supposed to be clear for them to land
Soooo even though it wasn't, He/She decided to try a landing anyway even when not clear?

Fuck off Fed bootlicker.
Just playing devil's advocate, something any reasonable person should do when faced with such broad strokes. >>484111983
They also all suffer from getthereitis.
How many parking lots do you know with a tower? How many dudes do you know that sit around and listen to traffic/tower freqs in a parking lot? As for turning their shit off, I'm not defending it.
> the feds aren't panicking about anything
The damage control suggests otherwise.
You are both wrong. That's for flight testing bullshit like Groom Lake and Tonopah. "A lifetime of silence" means they can't ever talk about what they do because they are flying around next generation stealth fighters, bombers, helicopters and whatever the fuck else they have
>God hates houma so much it autocorrected it to human
>which you swamp rats are the furthest thing from
Lol good. Anything that pisses off white people is a good thing.
Funny how some fag from New Iberia doesn’t remember to proof read his post.

Oh wait, that’s exactly what you’d expect from some retard from New Iberia.
Never said they were worth a fuck. Just explaining that helicopters (jet powered ceiling fans) blow stuff around. Not that you'd have those at home, but maybe you've seen them in the STD clinic before.
>when talking to a swamp turkey
Not in you or you sister-mothers lifetime
You’re sitting here defending FEMA like a limp wristed faggot.

Hurricane relief is usually a blessing because you faggots never show up.
What damage control? Is your mentally ill tranny brain so damaged you think there are feds in this thread trying to damage control a nothing burger situation? Lol they don't give a fuck. Like I said they could mow down a bunch of church ladies at a potluck and they wouldn't bat an eye, because why would they panic? Nobody is gonna do anything about it
I'm not defending I'm telling you that wind moves shit around. Goddamn.
we both know you don’t proof read because it would take you too long.
Literacy is pretty crap in New Iberia.
>I'm whatever you want
>what damage control
this damage control

you’re defending like the typical uneducated nigger you are.
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How do you nail FEMA on genocide / ethnic cleansing charges at the ICC? FEMA is guilty of Nuremberg trial / NAZI tier crimes against humanity, including the promulgation of the genocidal so-called 'critical race theory' that is simply whitewashed NAZI propaganda used to corrupt the federal government of the USA
That's why I left. That and proximity to houmos.
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>what damage control
>wind blows stuff around
>this is unforseen and an act of an angry god
>let's sacrifice a cat
Toe of the boot might as well be end of the world from the way it sounds.
you know what they say.

You can remove the retard from New Iberia, but you can’t remove the New Iberia from the retard.
notice how this uneducated nigger from New Iberia forgot to mention the helicopter pilot?

What do you do, nigger boy?
Smart enough to know helicopters generate wind.
>helicopters (jet powered ceiling fans) blow stuff around
Exactly why they do not land with a bunch of shit below them that they can clearly see on approach.
They need one to fly, generally, yes.
but not smart enough to know pilots control said wind.

What do you do for a living, retard?
some real bullshit
the fuckery is getting more and more out in the open
Could have been the only clear landing zone. NC is known for its vast fields.
yep, and that’s why it’s the pilots fault for disrupting a supply distribution center.

Something you’d understand if you ever bothered to lift a finger to help during hurricane cleanup.
don't care. a single shot into helicopter tail rotor would make it fuck off. you could easily claim self defense since it comin down so low and making heavy things fly at you constitutes deadly attack. getting pierced with a flying pole can easily kill you.
There you go making assumptions again.
The wind has a large radius and is generally why air pads don't have much going on around them. An outpost on the side of the mountain with few choice spots in need of supplies however.
What damage control? You aren't showing shit. This is the last you you get from me, enjoy next week when this situation has been forgotten
If that was the case communication would have taken place prior with LE or someone in charge on the ground. I worked dispatch for fucking years and even the most retarded townships knew that. You’re losing control kike, and it may have worked this time, but Florida Man will be ready.
Wow, then that just proves that what you say here

Is incorrect.
If it were actually a landing zone, they wouldn’t be storing supplies there.
It's in the smokies bud. The mountain range. Tall hills if you will. Not flat.
>Could have been
Anyone with the experience to fly that helo knows full well what they need for a clear LZ
lol you’ve never been out of the state, have you?
He’s an inbred from New Iberia of all places. Please understand, their education is not good.
More pics of offender pls
Not much room thanks to the lack of prime landing zones? The fields was sarcasm. It's in the smoky mountains. It's not known for being flat there.
Studied at App for a semester actually.
Last digit is 5
Look I know you’re not smart, but if it were a landing zone they wouldn’t have supplies there.
Your argument about it being mountainous only reinforces this: they would have more prepared landing zones if the landing zones were severely limited.

for a semester LOL
And if there was no other option? Air drop that pallet to the ground right? Or hover long enough to winch it down and really blow shit away?
>and if there was no other option
There you go, making assumptions again.
And if there was no room to go anywhere else because the entire town was just washed out?
there you go, making more assumptions.

you’re one stupid nigger, you know that?
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clearly, the pilot was on empty, had to land on the picinic tables
As with you. This is some retarded merry go round you can't find your way off of. You're assuming one thing and championing it as fact. I'm playing devils advocate. It really is that simple.
More projection from the uneducated nigger.

Why are you defending the government so much?
What do you do for a living?
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has anybody read this?
rednecks btfo
I'm not defending them until it's proven wrongdoing. Which it has yet to be.
>FEMA confiscate their supplies
what does the Biden administration gain with this? I don't get it
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This is a concrete plan to use mass killing to stand up to genocide:
How do you nail FEMA on genocide / ethnic cleansing charges at the ICC? FEMA is guilty of Nuremberg trial / NAZI tier crimes against humanity, including the promulgation of the genocidal so-called 'critical race theory' that is simply whitewashed NAZI propaganda used to corrupt the federal government of the USA
you’re defending them by continuously making excuses for them.
Why? What do you do in Lafayette?
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All this glownigger shilling is hilarious, we don't matter faggots, the normal fags are pissed. Masses of people do shit, I don't.
They were not blowing anything when they first approached retard. It was only as they started to descend.

If the area is not clear you don't fucking land on a bunch of shit.

Are you fucking 10 years old?
It's not an excuse if it's simply looking into alternative explanations. If they're implicit then they're fags. If not it's a shifty mistake. In reality I'd rather have some shifty pop ups blown around if it meant they could offload supplies.
You know that the helicopter doesn't force a jet of air down for miles right? It dissipates the further they are from the object.
>it’s not an excuse when I’m just assuming they did nothing wrong!
Yes, it is.
>if they could offload supplies
There you go making assumptions again.

What do you do in Lafayette? Air base?
It's a wrongdoing. The question is accidental or intentional.
Nigger, FEMA doesn't have enough funds left to help with disaster relief, but the federal government can send in unmarked helos piloted by guys in masks who use no comms, don't apologize when fucking up diaster relief staging the government "just can't help with unfortunately" and then flees after making a mistake and pretends it never happened?
You can't expect any sane, well put-together person to think all of these vast strings of coincidence theories are all that coherent.
So are you suggesting that the pilot knew where his “wind” would be directed?
The fact that so many literal glowniggers got activated to astroturf this away is making me think it was intentional.
There's really 3 ways you get gear off a helicopter. Drop it (gear must be rated for drop) winch it (long loitering time) land.
Dozer operator.
too long, didn't read! but wish you well or congrantnulations, frend.
They were parked at hotel, gas stations, and parking lots miles away from any disaster zone. Of course they didn't have FOD,because THEY WEREN'T FUCKING DOING THEIR JOBS
Do you understand wrongdoing can happen whether or not they had intention? So there isn’t a point in defending the video.
and you are assuming the helicopter had a delivery, why?
Can't really be helped if you need to land to drop supplies.
Biden? He's a puppet. Think 20-30 year plans made by a deep state.
and you assume they are dropping supplies, why?
Why would they attempt to land at a relief site?
why would they attempt to drop supplies in a landing zone that isn’t clear?
You are truly retarded and most likely a Kike.
no doubt in my mind. where the order came from, the perp, isn't clear
Because it was their only option in a rocky/hilly land that has just been washed out by a storm leaving the option for more choice landing zones impossible or inaccessible.
You're not dropping an internal load on a pallet without landing or destroying it. https://youtu.be/UsXhsmRKboo
They used to use more primitive homemade versions of this, but it was very wasteful in terms of food loss and wouldn't be good for large scale disaster relief.
people give nothing to shit holes like purto rico when stuff like this happens so fema wants to take supplies people are willing to donate to white people and save them or use them with purto ricans
>because it was their only option
according to who?
They're people with security clearances who work for Army Intelligence. It's Army Green.
Again, devils advocate. You're assuming malice. I'm presenting a counter offer to the situation. Which is all currently speculative until there is a credible update.
>Must be heartless to do that, shame on you US military.

its literally IDF jewish soldiers doing this shit
>>pilots wore full masks
So you admit that you are here to defend the government.
Got it.

Look dude I warned you, you’re not educated enough to do this.
Posting these webms in relevant threads on /k/ gets you insta nuked

oy vey

Exactly. You drop it and it goes splat or you loiter for 20 minutes and blow the asphalt clean off the roof. The only real effective way to drop gear woth that setup is a landing. Assuming they had gear to drop.
thanks beaner! It is loooong
Double confirmed happening.

These stupid fucks activated a wartime information response to this shit.
No, I'm defending someone who was possibly delivering g disaster relief to those in need.
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It's this bird right here you dumb fucks, I told you this in the last bread. They covered up the tail number.
>defending someone who was possibly
Yup Retarded.
>might have
Kill yourself, quisling.
if he were delivering something, then there’d be people expecting it.

The people in the video were not expecting anything, which is why they don’t have a landing zone.

Why are you defending government incompetence? Haven’t you seen enough of it living in Louisiana?
Or are you on the dole?
So if pop up tents are around disaster relief is not needed?
>Seems like a simple fuckup to me, don’t attribute malice
but if it was a simple FU, then who dispatched the shill-force reaction team?
Ive watched a fuckton of Airwolf, and the pilot was deliberately trying to make picinic tables go airborne.
I don't give a fuck if Stringfellow Hawk was drunk all the time. It calmed his nerves and made him a better pilot.
You doubting Ernest Borgnine, faggot?
> I don’t know what a transponder would do to prevent rotor wash
How convenient
Dusty as fuck, clean that shit up
I'm arguing that they may not have a proper landing zone because they're hurting for space. There's no 100 acre field to set up a fob in around the mountain towns last I checked. Not to mention mil aircraft put out a ton more wash than anything civilian.
This is a bot.
>t-the transponder is o-off...?
Five me hard evidence it was malice and I'll relent.
Uhhh, do government aircraft need to be designated as such? I thought only private builds/certifications need that designation.
underrated comment
Youre arguing literally every single point you can possibly think of to blame the people on the ground instead of the pilot.
ITT: we see the last gasp of a dying bureaucracy
>Not to mention mil aircraft put out a ton more wash than anything civilian.
Must be the drab paint jobs
Loyalists to the openly illegitimate, tyrannical US federal government deserve a bullet to the skull and a noose around their neck
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This is a concrete plan to use mass killing to stand up to genocide:
How do you nail FEMA on genocide / ethnic cleansing charges at the ICC? FEMA is guilty of Nuremberg trial / NAZI tier crimes against humanity, including the promulgation of the genocidal so-called 'critical race theory' that is simply whitewashed NAZI propaganda used to corrupt the federal government of the USA
Lmao loyalists are terrified
nothing happened yet
>so who did they
people from around the country have been bringing them in from outside the disaster area
thats where the stories about FEMA roadblocks turning away truckloads of supplies
If Blue Thunder has taught me anything, it's that brit chopper pilots are gay.
"catch ya layta"
Gee I don't know maybe because I'm interested in people getting aid?
Civilian helicopters aren't winning a towing contest compared to a Blackhawk. I don't know how to explain it any better than that.
>remember Katrina
this is either bait or peak irony
Appalachia is like 90 percent white and a solid defensive position in the mountains with tree cover and has lithium, they vote republican
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What a faggot looking chopper, no wonder so many faggots use that pos to terrorize innocent civilians.
You're replying to a bot. Probably prompted to waste time and act as devil's advocate. Tone is too sterile.
They have funds but won't use them to help americans, you are low intelligence
Sterile my dick up your ass
you dumb fuck. the difference between mil and civil is ownership. be gone
You and the pilot deserve to hang by the neck until dead
More weight means more wash. I've seen a lot of Robinsons flying around NC and these weigh nearly 20x what they do. A V-22 for example can topple a line through a forest simply by slowly hovering over it. https://youtu.be/PI9gWlM0QY8
Why do you think that one
Your average person flying in and surveying is in an ultralight. Next you're going to post 1 (one) guy that owns a cargo lift in Cali and call my argument invalid?
Clearly 5 is the last digit
That Blackhawk is generating over 10 tons of wind just sitting there, every action a equal and opposite reaction and all that.
"A National Guard Chinook helicopter's low landing at a relief camp in Western North Carolina resulted in over $100,000 in damage, ripping apart tents, supplies, and vehicles, and sending three people to the hospital.

When confronted, the officer in charge gave a casual "oops" and no details, leaving only the helicopter's tail number.

Later, a public affairs officer stepped in to apologize and offer information for filing a complaint."
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Suck my balls faggot
so we are now at the point where Trump voters want to start a civil war by attacking FEMA
Fake news
I would love to stab you in the face with a active soldering iron, the pleasure that would exude over my body would be the ultimate bliss.
look at the glownigger shill seethe on /k/:
Honestly if I worked in the pentagon, even in some bullshit like a janitor position, I'd make posts like this all day.
glowies love this one simple trick
Now the truth comes out. Or is it goes in?
Here we go
>Also the norm, it'd take forever to tune all the possible freqs when it's likely no one is even listening
military radios do not follow civilian fcc regulations. they have a broadcast all channels button. RETARD.

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