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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>484371802

▶Day: 960 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian drones have attacked Hanskaya airfield near Maykop
>Storage base of Shahed-type drones in Oktyabrskiy village of Krasnodar Krai attacked
>5 person killed, 9 wounded as result of russian ballistic missile strike at Panama-flagged container ship
>Ramstein meeting to be rescheduled
>Ukrainian forces successfully struck russia's 67th GRAU Arsenal, a massive ammunition dump outside of Karachev, Bryansk
>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>Discord banned in russia
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists
>Ukrainian investigators found almost $6m in cash during a raid of the home of a state official suspected of helping men dodge mobilisation
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai
>Oil depot caught fire in Anninsky district of Voronezh region as result of fall of drone debris, - governor.


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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What vatniggers are fighting for lol.

Putin reveals Russia has built more than 8K mosques

Russia Builds More than 8,000 Mosques, Islamic Schools in 20 Years

Jewish congress openly operating in Russia

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a 1000 page document called: Regarding the Situation with the Glorification of Nazism and the Spread of Neo-Nazism and Other Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.

Holocaust Deniers in Russia Now Face Five Years in Prison
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Feodosia, occupied Crimea today. Satellite images show an ongoing fire at the oil facility hit by Ukraine. It looks like at least 9 tanks are affected by the fire, either damaged or destroyed.

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>cofi status?
A pair of Ukrainian MiG-29 from the 204th Tactical Aviation Brigade.

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>Assembled in parts
>>484383627 based stuff

German MEP Daniel Freund delivered a scathing critique of Viktor Orbán, calling him the "most corrupt politician in the EU."

"Mr. Orbán, you've stolen at least €14 billion, built stadiums and palaces instead of schools and roads. No more EU funds for Hungary until the theft stops. We want our money back!"

He even called for a European arrest warrant.

too late in the day and I don't do decaf, cofi replaced with lemonade instead
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We are going to house Russian nuclear devices inside Central Europe if the European Parliament and the USA don't back off from Hungary.

We are neither a democratic nor a capitalist nation, and it is going to stay that way.
>>484383799 I just finished a huge mug

Ukrainian soldiers from the 409th Separate Assault Battalion have captured a valuable trophy in Kursk: a fully intact Russian satellite communication station R-448, in perfect condition.

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I just love dead Russians. Anyone same? Chunky, crispy, rotten, raw - I love them all. Give me a mobik with his innards on fire or a zigger whining for mommy as he's convulsing in agony from a drone grenade or the one where his ass is in ass. I don't discriminate.
About to pour a cuppa after liver patties in onion sauce with potatoes and lingonberry jam
that's gotta hurt like hell, there's no way it doesn't
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>>cofi status?
first coffee had, shit was cash

lol nice
orbán is a sociopath tho (like most politicians) so words cannot really harm him

also nice digits, Heil Hitler!
No coffee. Water.
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How about invisible ?

Ukrainian forces struck a warehouse with "Shahed" drones in the Krasnodar region, according to the Ukrainian General Staff. Around 400 drones were reportedly stored there.

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Ooh, that's a nice one. A trickster mobik.
>Ukrainian forces struck a warehouse with "Shahed" drones in the Krasnodar region, according to the Ukrainian General Staff. Around 400 drones were reportedly stored there.
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>Ukrainian forces struck a warehouse with "Shahed" drones in the Krasnodar region, according to the Ukrainian General Staff. Around 400 drones were reportedly stored there.
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Ninja warfare .
>Ukrainian forces struck a warehouse with "Shahed" drones in the Krasnodar region, according to the Ukrainian General Staff. Around 400 drones were reportedly stored there.

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slava rossii, slava putinu, smert ukraina, fuck jannies
Why are Ukrainians retreating and getting encircled so much, is it part of the victory plan?
More from Yeysk, Krasnodar region. Secondary explosions can clearly be heard and seen.

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Funny because Vladimir Vladimirovich is a bolshevik glowie.
So, is there any plan for retaking occupied Kursk oblast territory, memeflag bitch?
Yeysk, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, going up in flames tonight

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>Yeysk, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, going up in flames tonight
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>Ruzzian hate ruzzians
>Somehow someone else is at fault
Yup Bolsheviks were ruzzian . Eternal victim complex.
>Yeysk, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, going up in flames tonight
video 2
he's not. i've read his biography. go ahead and spread your lies though, its all you fags ever do anyway

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>Pro Putinist Russia
>Anti Bolshevist
>See flag
Ooh, that sounds amazing. If I start liking lingonberry jam with meat, does this mean that my integration is progressing successfully?
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So he didn't work for the KGB?
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SitRep - 09/10/24 - A GRAU arsenal and a Shahed storage destroyed by Ukraine

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine struck a GRAU arsenal in Bryansk region, a Shahed warehouse in Krasnodar and Feodosia keeps burning..
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Russian losses per 10/10/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff

+1080 men
+1 tank
+14 AFVs
+41 artillery pieces
+3 AD systems
+49 UAVs
+1 cruise missile
A thousand dead ziggers a day keeps the nigger away
For an offensive war, Russia sure seems to be catching on fire a lot.
Yes. Good lingonberry jam is both bitter/sour and sweet at the same time and is perfect for liver. And other meat.
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he did work for KGB, because he was patriotic not because he agreed with gommunism. he loved a show "seventeen moments of spring" when he was a kid. the show is about heroic a russian spy. i know all the deep lore, NAFO, dont try to jew me
Around 1,300 people were evacuated in Russia after Ukrainian drones hit the "Khanskaya" military airfield in Adygea overnight. A fuel and lubricant storage facility was likely destroyed, says CPD head Kovalenko.

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>>484384649 its Glorious
>Around 1,300 people were evacuated in Russia after Ukrainian drones hit the "Khanskaya" military airfield in Adygea overnight. A fuel and lubricant storage facility was likely destroyed, says CPD head Kovalenko.
video 1
>Around 1,300 people were evacuated in Russia after Ukrainian drones hit the "Khanskaya" military airfield in Adygea overnight. A fuel and lubricant storage facility was likely destroyed, says CPD head Kovalenko.
video 2
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>Around 1,300 people were evacuated in Russia after Ukrainian drones hit the "Khanskaya" military airfield in Adygea overnight. A fuel and lubricant storage facility was likely destroyed, says CPD head Kovalenko.
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Yeah, I'm, sure he hated every moment of it.
>i know all the deep lore
Lay down the crack pipe, will you?
>Around 1,300 people were evacuated in Russia after Ukrainian drones hit the "Khanskaya" military airfield in Adygea overnight. A fuel and lubricant storage facility was likely destroyed, says CPD head Kovalenko.
video 4
if you actually knew Putin lore you would know that he worked for KGB because it was a way of climbing the social ladder so he can steal more and more shit.
lmao. how do you survive being this gullible? serious question.
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>Implying politicians don't lie
>Especially a glowie ruzzian
"shelom" is the russian word for helmet, it isnt "shalom." you as a ukrainian know this but you're a lying kike. putin has zero jewish ancestry. gib kiev back to the holy rus and stop larping as westerners. we dont want you and will never accept you
Soon, brother
It's a crappy show, btw. No wonder a bullied kid imprinted on it.
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>Shadow State

Eleven days after receiving the UK's briefing, President Trump was put through on a secure line to the Kremlin. That weekend Putin had ''won'' Russia's decorative election. Ahead of the call White House aides had prepared briefing notes.

The words ''DO NOT CONGRATULATE'' had been written in upper-case letters. A further note told Trump to condemn the murder attempt on Skripal.

In short, a major ally had been attacked. The unanimous view inside NATO and the intelligence community was that Putin was responsible. Surely this was the moment when Trump would express his anger and frustration with Putin, or at the very least condemn him as a really bad guy?

Not exactly. Trump began by congratulating Putin on his election victory over a field of handpicked non-opponents. The Trump proposed that he and Putin meet for a summit---in Washington or elsewhere. Skripal, still alive but only just, went unmentioned. Later that summer Trump told Prime Minister Theresa May he was sceptical that Moscow had tried to silence its ex-spy. May returned that this was highly unlikely. Trump spent ten minutes insisting it wasn't.

It was unclear if Trump's uncritical support for the Kremlin was born of statetsmanship or fear. The latter looked more likely. What exactly did Moscow have on Trump?

Generally speaking, Russians murdered Russians. But in a post-rules age, who could be sure? While these questions went unanswered, the GRU continued its mission of murder and mayhem.
The Slavic word for "helmet" is "sholom", always has been. Ukrainian retained it.

There's no historic linguistic pattern that would've mutated "o" into "e" that I know of. "a" into "e", however. So yeah, "shalom". Don't try to kike people here, kike.
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>gib kiev back to the holy rus

russia is not a real country
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>"shelom" is the russian word for helmet, it isnt "shalom.
Why is this zigger bringing this up ? Also its "shlem" not "shelom" maybe it's an older way of saying it but wtf.
nobody bullied volodya, he started training judo from a young age
>why is this zigger exposing my faggoty lies? how does he know this shit?
i speak russian and serbian and i've been studying the kvltvre for years, butthurt belt homo. keep lying and i'll keep exposing you
Older way of saying it is "sholom". Literally how we still pronounce it in Ukrainian. Ahehehe.

...as means to find defenders from bullying, yeah. It's actually quite verifiable too.
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What lies ??? Why did you bring up some random word for 0 reason ? What is it even supposed to prove?
Notice that Russians are much more mature and less deluded about what the effects of a nuclear exchange will be. It will be mutual, not this onanistic one sided fantasy. I see that Russian patience is what's keeping us all alive, yet again.
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>I see that Russian patience is what's keeping us all alive, yet again.
honk honk
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1/3 Dropping real Putin lore
Why did Putin grow up to be such a resentful and vicious psychopath-killer, serial poisoner, hexogen terrorist, internationally wanted child abductor? One theory is childhood traumas that damaged his psyche.
A few facts:
1) Putin had a very small stature, more typical for women (even now his height does not exceed 157 cm because of what he walks in special elevator-boots, which add up to 15 cm of height)
2) He had a very feminine, even transsexual appearance due to hormone problems. Even now, he doesn't grow a beard or mustache (in his entire 25 years of media life, he never once had even a light stubble!), nor does he have any chest hair. In addition, he has always had a thin estrogenic voice, more typical of women.
3) His father's figure was replaced by his sambo coach - the criminal Lenya "Sambist", who served over 10 years for pedophilia. He not only trained him and taught him to fight, but also gave him a Zaporozhets (a luxury comparable to an apartment in Monaco in Soviet times) and arranged for him to attend LSU under a "sports quota" using his connections. According to the academic criteria, Putin, a profound "C" student, did not pass there - it was the most prestigious department of the second most prestigious university in the country. In addition, they spent all their free time together - fishing, riding in a Zaporozhets, constantly touching each other in "sparring". Where did a criminal pedophile get such tender feelings for a random kid from a family of janitors? Think about it
Nah the webm is unrealistic because it didn't show the Russian missiles blowing up in their silos.
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4) Putin did not have any relationships with women until he was in his 30s. I haven't found any information about Putin's fiancées or girlfriends from that period. It wasn't until 31 that he married a provincial fool named Shkrebneva, obviously for diversion. He never had any warm feelings for her, as she openly admitted in her few interviews in the early 2000s. He simply needed a "beard" for a career in the KGB (as Soviet gays called a woman who played the role of a wife as a diversionary tactic). Moreover, he may have been recruited by the KGB as a snitch through the "gay line" (just like Zhirinovsky, by the way).
5) Putin has an unhealthy fondness for young boys, one can remember how he attacked an unknown boy Nikita, habitually pulled up his shirt and started licking his bare belly, shocking journalists around him. Later he awkwardly justified himself by saying that "this boy seemed so vulnerable and innocent to me, I wanted to pet him like a kitten".
Imagine that your 6-year-old son (or brother) is approached by some nasty bald man about 55 years old and starts licking his belly. Your reaction? Obviously, this was quite usual for Putin, he just had a few drinks that day and lost control of his urges. And those raped as children almost always become pederasts themselves as adults.
>We don't want you amd will never accept you
>Invade them to force them to accept you
You easterners really have no concept of adhering to a point do you?
>Notice that any other country is less like Russians are much more mature and less deluded
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>as means to find defenders from bullying, yeah. It's actually quite verifiable too
maybe you better learn some then, because murica is going broke (trust me, i live here) and once putin is done with ukraine, you and poland and your gonna get your shit pushed in. i cant wait to see it
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6) Passion for hypercompensation of his femininity. It's not only "pynyahodi" that add 15 cm to his height, it's also ridiculous photos with a bare torso, gay trips with Shoiga to the taiga, staged fights with tigers, flying in fighter jets, posing with weapons (even though he has never served in the army and doesn't know how to shoot a machine gun). And his KGB service and sambo classes are also from the same line. A passive gay man trying to appear to be something he's not. Good thing he doesn't wear a false beard like Azis.
7) Extreme aggressive behavior. After Stalin, political assassinations became mauvais, even Andropov did not resort to them, let alone Gorbachev and Yeltsin. But Putin has put murders and crimes on the stream - house bombings, poisonings, assassinations, carpet bombings, aggressive foreign policy - one GOYDA is worth what it costs. So obviously he has some inner need for violence that is completely irrational and unmotivated. This comes from a sense of inner inferiority due to the fact that Usvyatsov (Sambist) systematically raped him as a child, turning him into an "inferior". It was then that Putin developed paranoia, distrust of people, and a desire for revenge, revenge, revenge with hexogen, Novichok, polonium, or just a little provocation
But the root cause of everything is sexual humiliation in childhood. By the way, Lenya "Sambist" himself died quite strangely - in 1994 at a gangster's shootout. It is possible that he was shot by Putin in revenge for his humiliation and rape.
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Hey retard you did not answer .Why'd you bring up some random ass word for no reason ? What were you trying to prove with it ?
Yes, it is unfortunate that Russia needs to remind the squabbling western satrapies that, unlike them, Russia is a great power. Your short attention span isn't Moscow's fault.
>You easterners really have no concept of adhering to a point do you?
i'm not an easterner. i'm pure zapadnik, born in the USA. irish-american phenotype. i am Z all the way though
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Is this Pavarotti? Why is he in the picture?
dont know how to read a thread? first day on 4chan? sit on a dick, baltic retard
Do people in Finland consider the Winter war a win or a loss?
You killed lots of communists which is a win, but you lost land which is a loss, so idk how to view it
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That's a neat little collection of contradictions my friend.
>Irish American phenotype
That’s the kind of thing a brownoid would say. You’re probably brown. Or a commie. Or both. Those are the only reasons anyone would support Putin.
>Putin has put murders and crimes on the stream - house bombings, poisonings, assassinations, carpet bombings, aggressive foreign policy - one GOYDA is worth what it costs. So obviously he has some inner need for violence that is completely irrational and unmotivated. This comes from a sense of inner inferiority due to the fact that Usvyatsov (Sambist) systematically raped him as a child, turning him into an "inferior". It was then that Putin developed paranoia, distrust of people, and a desire for revenge, revenge, revenge with hexogen, Novichok, polonium, or just a little provocation
>But the root cause of everything is sexual humiliation in childhood.
This sound true.
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>Some random word proves putin is not jewis
>Said word is even wrong
>The actual spelling i corrected you on is even less like shalom
You're a fucking retard that has no semblance of logic . Two random points don't make a line let a alone some """"proof""" of anything . I even answered this correction in a civil manner . You're a sub 80 IQ mut with an american """"""""""""education"""""""""""""
So who's shorter? Monke or Zelenskyy?
not if you know anything. Trinitarianism, drunkenness and hating faggot brits and americans is in my blood. the eastern slavs are natural allies for me
i'll show hand if you will. bet your nails are painted, NAFO troon
>hating white people is in my blood
Yah. Called it. It’s a brownoid or a commie. Prolly both.
Hey, you’re the one ranting about hating white people and supporting Russia in their killing of white people. What’s with the troon thing though? That some kind of commie sex thing?
Шлeм is a loanword from OCS in Russian. Шeлoм is the East Slavic form.

It's not. The word šelmъ cannot have the *ъl > olo pattern. The modern Ukrainian form is not regular.
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Jesus Christ, you are the embodiment of those Stalin and Nicky linking up tattoos.
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>two years in, same shill material
Are these jewish oligarchs have russian surnames?

Are russians?
And i can keep going, pidorashka. Typical slave subhuman, shelomov is your master
>The actual spelling i corrected you on is even less like shalom
you didnt correct shit, ignorant baltic retard. i can speak old slavic. part of my job in the church. keep acting like a butthurt reddditor though, NATO dicksleeve
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>Шлeм is a loanword from OCS in Russian. Шeлoм is the East Slavic form.
As i said maybe Шeлoм Is an older way of saying it. But wtf does it even prove ?? As far as i know most if not all slavic toungue originates from bulgarian (but maybe that's what they tell us here)
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I can’t tell if it’s a demoralization effort or a legit schizo.
Russians are trying to put everything they've done on Jews. Nothing new.
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>Just ignores the core of my point
What does any of this even prove ?
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>As i said maybe Шeлoм Is an older way of saying it.
look at this retard trying to damage control when he got schooled. everyone point and laugh
I just said that rusians are slaves of jews, retard.
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>Also its "shlem" not "shelom" maybe it's an older way of saying it but wtf.
I already stated it here monkey .No damage control.
That's not a "Latest". THIS is a LATEST!
>American Stryker hit by missile in Kursk
>More thermite rain for Ugledar
>Escape route from Ugledar rocked by Grad
>AFU column in Kursk rekt
>Unsuccessful AFU crossing across the Dnieper
>TOS compilation from Vovchansk
>Novator-2 APC with Kraken EW rekt by VT-40 FPV
>FAB-1500 on AFU deployment in Seversk
>3x FABs fall on same spot in Sukhanovo
>Drone Gortensia equipped with RPG-26 Aglen grenade launcher
>Ka-52 shoots down a drone
>One of the captured Ugledar mines
>Mining roads with drone
>RU EW takes control & crashes AFU FPV drone
>4x FAB-500 fall on Seversk
>Sudioplatov night-time strikes on AFU transportation
>Lancet strikes P-19 Radar
>Sudoplatov strikes in Pokrovsky
>Russians drop surrender instructions to AFU in Ugledar
>Demining roads towards Ugledar
>Sniper works on Polozhsky direction
>Fiery fireworks for Ugledar
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
>TornadoS takes out HIMARS
>Su-35S loadout for patrolling SMO zone
>Thermite drone over Hohol trench
>Failed AFU attack on Nevskoe
>Howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya destroyed
>Lancets take out tank going to Ugledar
>RU drone feeds cats
>Drone drops on Ugledar
>Lancet vs AFU boat Yaroslavets
>Demining magnetic mines
>FABs fall on Zaporozhye City
>we have Starlink at home
>Starlink at home
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Prigo wasn't a jew. He the last Aryan warrior.
In 2016 GRU hacked the email of
>Jack Sullivan
I did not try to prove anything, I'm just pointing out bullshit. Also Bulgarian comes from a distinct dialect of Proto-Slavic just like every other language. It's just that the Solun dialect of PS got adopted as the language of the Orthodox church so there's plenty of loanwords from it in other languages that replaced regular local forms. Like in Russian we have OCS oдeждa and Russian oдёжa, OCS cтoлп and Russian cтoлб, etc.
yeah but it IS shelom, so you were wrong. guess you cant cope with it. thats fine. ukraine is also losing and you cant seem to admit that either so nothing new to see here. NAFO trannies only have two modes, cope and seethe. cope harder, COPENHAUER!
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Ye its the retard mut that can't say why he even brought it up .
>Like these two words are sililar but not the same so Putins is not a jew
?!!??! What is the mut's logic why did he even bring that shit up .
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Still ignores my question .
>parts taken by other mobiks in the repair shop
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>Ye its the retard mut that can't say why he even brought it up .
nigger are you seriously this fucking abysmally retarded? fine, i'll spoonfeed your stupid ass just this once:
TA DA! now what the flying fuck prevented you from scrolling up and finding that yourself? my post was a reply to it. guess you're just dumb?
KEK, nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8
did they finally ban that "kekaroo" retard?
not b8 its the truth but be a pidoras if you must (its your cultural heritage after all)
go on in your trollan adventure I will not stop you, I enjoy your posts :DDD
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Yes i read it nowhere does the meme claim "Shelom" is "shalom" . And again it does not prove anything . You're retard brain does not understand logic . You think spouting some factoid is somehow """"smart""" you are a classic example of a "know it all" . Fucking retard . Have busted bmp for you're troubles nigger.
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NAFO getting dunked on ITT. you homos cant banter worth a shit
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Painboys doin work i guess .
>(but maybe that's what they tell us here)
This is what they tell you. It originates from Poland/belorussia/ukraine region.
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I see the Bulgarian shill >>484386995 is still active. What about the Montenegro and Lithuania one, still here too?
putinga might implement the beard tax again
jannies try but it never lasts.
the entire disinfo campaign "LE POOTIN HAS JOOISH MOM xDD" is based on westerners thinking "shelomova" is a jewish surname BALTIC RETARD. how much fucking flouride did the soviets put in your water during the occupation you braindead nigger???
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>Shadow State
Eleven days after receiving the UK's briefing, President Trump was put through on a secure line to the Kremlin. That weekend Putin had ''won'' Russia's decorative election. Ahead of the call White House aides had prepared briefing notes.

The words ''DO NOT CONGRATULATE'' had been written in upper-case letters. A further note told Trump to condemn the murder attempt on Skripal.

In short, a major ally had been attacked. The unanimous view inside NATO and the intelligence community was that Putin was responsible. Surely this was the moment when Trump would express his anger and frustration with Putin, or at the very least condemn him as a really bad guy?

Not exactly. Trump began by congratulating Putin on his election victory over a field of handpicked non-opponents. The Trump proposed that he and Putin meet for a summit---in Washington or elsewhere. Skripal, still alive but only just, went unmentioned. Later that summer Trump told Prime Minister Theresa May he was sceptical that Moscow had tried to silence its ex-spy. May returned that this was highly unlikely. Trump spent ten minutes insisting it wasn't.

It was unclear if Trump's uncritical support for the Kremlin was born of statetsmanship or fear. The latter looked more likely.

What exactly did Moscow have on Trump?
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>But the root cause of everything is sexual humiliation in childhood
From all that pile of "lore" this is the truth. All of them are sexually abused. Every single one of those fuckers was abused as a child. Either in ritual shit or straight up degenerate control and "breaking-in" period. Freemason/cabal blabla niggers all should get the fucking rope for the abominations they created.
>trump is a kremlin puppet
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Pls delet.
Imagine defending shelomov lmao
Please delete this.
>imagine defending traditional russian culture
all i do all day long. feelsgoodman
Weak bait
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>the entire disinfo campaign "LE POOTIN HAS JOOISH MOM xDD" is based on westerners thinking "shelomova" is a jewish surname BALTIC RETARD
Thinking this matters in any way . I simply did not understand it was even a fucking thing . And in any case Putin is a political whore who says any lie and takes any position as is profitable for him . Like any jew/politician . Also weren't we supposed to be the jews like Zelensky ? Why would we hate on our own ?
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>traditional russian culture
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You're on the wrong continent, Ivan.
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Good day dead general comrades, I was at the car shop this morning and planned maintenance costed comrade yours truly 600 plus fucking euros. Thank you the ukraine, very cool. The west has fucking fallen comrades, when will you take note?
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NAFO troons btfo! i'm RAPING your lameass general. Z ЗA ПOБEДУ!
Discord troons think they're not obvious at all
Which one specifically? Here's a Lancet strike aftermath on a Radar.
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It's banned in USSR comrade, remember? Also broom status comrade?
>You're on the wrong continent, Ivan
it's chris actually but that's the first correct thing you NAFOids have said. i need to move to russia fsho. cant wait to find all the liberashki, beat them and get away with it
Dont have a discord straight copy like Zigcord?
I don’t know man. So far west did whatever the fuck it wanted and Russia did nothing else than moving its redlines. It looks like nobody respects them and they can’t do anything about it.
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kek, you're really getting better at this comrade. Good day to you.
>Thank you the ukraine
putintin can stop the 3day special operation anytime he wants
Classic. The last rusian redline.
>x is y puppet
It is red jew vs blue jew the election. No matter the result you will die in mountains of Iran.
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OR comrade, counterpoint: the ukraine can stop making its problems mine. How about that? I hate redditor comrades rooting for the ukraine so much it's unreal.
just go to plebbit or simply lurk, lad
I'm not your lad, comrade.
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>the ukraine can stop making its problems mine
>visits the threads dealing with Ukraine's problems almost every day
>he could just leave to the benefit of the thread+himself
>stays anyway
like pottery
My favourite part is you haven’t been invited to the cool guys discord group because you’re an attention merchant
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>Yes, it is unfortunate that Russia needs to remind the squabbling western satrapies that, unlike them, Russia is a great power. Your short attention span isn't Moscow's fault
imagine the regret and panic that's already setting in among EU leaders knowing that, if they had just left russia alone, they would've kept quietly plodding along, slowly developing like a typical european free market economy, not even keeping pace with china. but they just HAD to try to expand NATO into ukraine just because trannies, dumbocracy and blackrock, and now russia is militarizing and getting ready to fan out across europe like it's WWII again. somebody always has to stick their dick in the hornet's nest every half century or so, dont they? THEY WOULD'VE JUST SAT THERE MINDING THEIR BUSINESS, SELLING CHEAP HEATING OIL FOREVER! let that thought be the last thing that goes through your minds in the gulags, dumb eurofaggots
They operate in shifts on different boards. Niggers raided fucking /v/ and /biz/ lol
>threads dealing with Ukraine's problems
Would that be this godforsaken general comrade? Lmaoooo, this is simply a circlejerk, not even my /uhg/ comrades care about the ukraine.
>Would that be this godforsaken general comrade? Lmaoooo, this is simply a circlejerk, not even my /uhg/ comrades care about the ukraine.
keep on coping, cumrade baldio (you bald faggot piece of shit)
how's it going btw?
>THEY WOULD'VE JUST SAT THERE MINDING THEIR BUSINESS, SELLING CHEAP HEATING OIL FOREVER! let that thought be the last thing that goes through your minds in the gulags, dumb eurofaggots
kek imagine being this gullible. Next you will tell me that russian politicians&billionaires are not part of the international cabal and cliques..
Putin was always going to start a war with Ukraine and the west, you lying subhuman russian piece of garbage.
>Next you will tell me that russian politicians&billionaires are not part of the international cabal and cliques..
why would i tell you things that arent true? wtf does that have to do with anything i just said though?
Oh no not the NATO!!! oh Sweden and Finland now in NATO? Don't care at all! Sudja? Don't care! Jewish oligarchs stealing all the money? Don't care!
Cope pidorashka
>euromaidan didnt happen
read a book, medkit
Terribly comrade, the ukraine just scammed me out of 600+ euros. Also it's raining and depressingly grey outside. Hope your day is going better.
>The word šelmъ cannot have the *ъl > olo pattern.

Can you provide substation? Genuine question. If you have citations, I'll read them.
If he hated Communism so much, why didn't he work to ban the Communist Party? He's had 20 years to do it, and most of the other post-Soviet States did it immediately. I'd understand if the actual head of the Union was a little bit slower to do it, but not 35 years slower.
>Cope pidorashka
seeth liberashka!
I want you to think long and hard about it, you'll make it.
Russia backed an armed coup attempt and their snipers shot many civilians in Kyiv in 2014. Putin had already started his invasion. Read a book that's not russian rewritten history.
>being not invited to pedocord is bad

I'm glad that I wasn't, lmao.
>ukraine just scammed me out of 600+ euros
lol wtf, you should have known that Ukrainian (cis/trans) girls are not pegging bald commies, not even for cash
what happened?
>Hope your day is going better.
i'm doing okay, the weather is fine for an October in Hungary, work is not too demanding this week, nothing special
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>doesn't even know his own language nor the fake made up language he claims to be in use in his fake made up country
>STILL teaching judaism to special ed kids
Why are xoxols like this?
Just move bro
>If he hated Communism so much, why didn't he work to ban the Communist Party?
because that would've been the most soviet thing he could've done. free market western-style democracies arent supposed to just outright ban things like that

during the cold war, krushchev threatened nixon that "your children will grow up under communism." nixon responded "your children will grow up under freedom." they were BOTH CORRECT
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>Ukrainian (cis/trans) girls are not pegging bald commies, not even for cash
Uuuuuhhhhh comrade, I'm sure they would love to, don't you know that xoxolinas, both real and fake made up, have no morals whatsoever?
>what happened?
Planned maintenance for my car costing 600 + euros and I'm blaming the ukraine, of course.
>Just move bro
i'm gonna take his place
Why you say "niggers", niggers support pidorusia. Very racist of you, butano faso is our the most important strategic partner and you're being racist
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Not before getting some broom tho comrade, I won't allow it.
Nothing to say huh? Cope
Russia will lose this war and collapse. It is the best thing to happen to the civilized world in a while. Total destruction of Russia. Total death of all ziggers all over the world.

>Planned maintenance for my car costing 600 + euros and I'm blaming the ukraine, of course.
i chuckled, thank you
>I'm sure they would love to
X dobut
Disregard, is it because of the (helmaz) borrowing? Does this make "shelom/shlem" one of the exceptions, compared to gъlva?

Shut the fuck up, subhuman. I'm okay to admit being wrong but only to those, who know what they're talking about. You completely missed the point with this one.
i have lots to say. putin is based. orthodoxy is the truth. libershka 2chan faggots like you make me sick and when i get to your country im gonna find, beat you up and steal your gf
Death to all filthy Ukrainians and the woke fags that support them.
ukrainians are okay. DEATH TO NATO
>ukrainians are okay.
The ones that don't fight for unelected Jewlensky, are alright. Those Ukrainians are welcome to come to Canada and build a new life. All white Europeans are welcome in Canada.
Kissing quaran and beating people for insulting quaran and putting them through islam indoctrination lessons isn't very orthodox.
What the fuck is wrong with smart shills? I was actually ready to take the L on this but that smart Russian disappeared.
Yes comrade. Two more weeks or redlines and NAFO fails. Ass is in the ass. All will be known. Tuvan degenerate is ascendant. Tengri blessed pidormen. Akhmat is already making tik tok in Paris.
Trust the plan.
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I have returned from my banishment.
Glory to ukiebros death to Russia death to ziggers, chiggers, shiggers, and vatnics and zannies.
>I'm okay to admit being wrong but only to those, who know what they're talking about.
>but only to those, who know
I for one know that's a misplaced comma comrade, which in turn kind of substantiates my claim. I guess those special ed kids you teach judaism to don't call you out on this stuff?
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What did NATO ever do to you?
Weak bait
RuZZia is about to collapse. Al the neoboshevism judeomafia kikes will be buried and all the ziggers and vatniks will perish. It’s the cattle like you that prolongs the kraken’s agony by supporting it with taxes and economic activity
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Who and what is she talking about?
Weak bait

net positive because independece was retained
You have to go back Rakesh.
Fuck off zigger
Go back to Serbia, nigger.
Ukrainian deputy of a high rank. She was the first to report about the downed f16 while everyone else kept silent
It's working, keep going, now i hate hohols and want to see how pidorusians drop grenades on civilians and execute pows
nafo troons DO IT FOR FREE
cheers, anon
welcome back
Typical zigger behaviour, ladies and gents
So did Russia actually get a Patriot?
>What did NATO ever do to you?
a trillion $$$ a year propping up eurofaggots like you, so he has no free healthcare
small things
Cлaвa Укpaинe, cлaвa гepoям, cлaвa пoлкy Aзoв, cмepть paбcкoй пидepaции. Bce
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Wow that's pretty GRIM, I'm sure my /uhg/ comrades will sweep this under the rug along with all the other embarassments.
We dodged soviet occupation and kept our independence, so definitely a win. We did pay a big price for it however.
>It’s the cattle like you that prolongs the kraken’s agony by supporting it with taxes and economic activity
so what you're saying is that you're a NEET from Moscow, leaching from your parents, like the stereotypical liberashka?
To elaborate on the source Mariana may be a drain stock for those in power who want current CnC btfo. So I assume yea, pretty much
Keep yapping FSB golem. Don’t forget a cd of Sims 3 when you come to arrest me amoeba
That’s some heavy mental gymnastics. Continue
The longer this war goes, the complicated it becomes for Ukraine it seems. Russia seems to be able to just trucking along endlessly with the power of complete disregard for their own lives and cattle mentality that poses no danger whatsoever to the mafia muscovite regime.
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>arrest me
I'm sure you wish comrade, but unfortunately!
That's what Monke thinks but the reality is that the war is taking its toll on russia too. Their economy is irreversibly fucked, and they are starting to run short on equipment and men.
How big is that? Does that give ukies an in on all russoid sat comms?
Can the russia remotely stop this specific captured unit from receiving/transmitting?
Shasneed status?
my observation is finished. sad that your kind won't have to live in the misery because of rich parent and flee the country when Russia starts to collapse
Net positive. Finland dodged loads more trouble. Unironically, Khruschev, who was part Ukrainian, was more than amenable to restore relationships with Finland and return Hanko.
From Kyiv in 3 days to "we have north korean shells and soldiers!" but they still cope and believe they can win lmao
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Is the new wave of ammo dumps getting droned on the same level as the last?
What percentage of the last wave's damage was done?
I remember estonian glowniggers said it was 2 months worth of ammo last time.
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Shelomov wasn't a spy.
He was both commie party and kgb bureucrat dealing with paperwork.
Russia can't win. Even if they manage to overpower Ukraine and force them to surrender, it won't prevent their economy from collapsing.
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Both /uhg/ and /chug/ always shrugs every failure.
Doesen't matter if it's Rush to Keev or summer counter offensive or any other of failed shenanigans
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>it won't prevent their economy from collapsing.
Russian "economy" is undead. You can't kill it
If I had a billion dollars, I’d buy a damn brewery and turn the whole planet into alcoholics
I can tell you that Bezugla has a very bad political reputation. She's not being truthful simply out of the goodness of her heart, she represents Poroshenko, who is still extremely salty about losing to Zelya. The way she phrased this doesn't help either.
Even putin's death would be enough to collapse this self proclaimed superpower. Failed state it is
Is the bald faggot still around? I have a message for him.
Sure, I can take your message.
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What did Ukraine mean by this?
Putin croaking would cause massive chaos. He has consolidated so much around himself that the country won't be able to function without him.
>what is attrition warfare?
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Realistically - summer counter offensive and Kursk feint both failed so Ukraine switched to Maoism
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>We are going to house Russian nuclear devices inside Central Europe if the European Parliament and the USA don't back off from Hungary.
>We are neither a democratic nor a capitalist nation, and it is going to stay that way.
It means 1000 dead ziggers every day.
It means leaving compromised positions instead of dying in them, so you can kill Ziggers tomorrow.
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Problem is, Russians outnumber Ukrainians ten to one. It's a bold strategy to be sure, and probably one that will fail.
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>Russians outnumber Ukrainians ten to one
First of all that's false, secondly... USSR also outnumbered Binland and Afghanistan :-(
Have you heard the news or even posted the cringe new sport in RF- running on all four?
Nobody cares Ivan. In modern warfare you can have 100 to 1 advantage and get rent like China in opium wars. War is wager by equipment and Russia is slowly running out.
This war is a competition between western and Russian MIC to see who can better replace loses. So far data point to west, despite massive cuckery forced by politicians.
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dumb nukers
Why is the MSM allowed to admit that ukraine isn't completely winning? Things must be rough if they're admitting this much.
>In modern warfare
>Posts example of pre modern warfare (opium war)

I mean, you are not wrong, it's just weird.....
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And some dumbass called me vatnik for saying that USA doesn't want Ukraine to win
>We are neither a democratic nor a capitalist nation
true, you are a horde of mongol rape babies who should be deported back to the steppes and all your land settled by white people
People who complin about crooked bones are pussies. Its dysfunctional joints that really hurt. Of course sometimes crooked bones can lead to fucked up joints.
Not sure if I follow.
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Lmao, don't get crippled kids.
Serbia will also host Russian nukes tho lol.
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That's how you know things are grim. The American media is supposed to spin everything to make it look like America is always winning, but sometimes things are so bad that they have no choice but to admit that the situation isn't ideal. If they're saying this, you have to wonder just how bad things really are.
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Practiceposting: what happened with late zoomers and alphas? They're less proficient with research on the Internet than boomers are, not to mention libraries.
It's too late Whiteoid, our Chink overlords granted us Upper-Hungary already
That guy isn't a Serb, he's a "Slovak" (probably Jewish) who is on /pol/ 24/7 seething about Hungary.
facebook and tiktok happened
to most young people these two platforms are the internet
There can't be a succession procedure in place, or that would create a pressure for unsatisfied people in the upper echelon of the Russian system to identify the successor preferatus and manipulate or coerce them into a position that defies Putin's own personal preferences, and then, once that's achieved, have them hide their intentions while a coup or assassination of Putin is prepared and takes place.

Putin can't handle that risk to himself, so he can't possibly have a defined successor ready if he should die suddenly or become infirm, which means Russia will become a gigantic free for all once he's out of the picture.
It makes me wonder if he established all of this on the vain assumption that the means of immortality would have been discovered by now.
They can’t read a book because there’s no constant movement in there
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But they don't watch actual informative videos either. I hate sounding like a fart, but to be born in this decade and not to utilize Internet to the fullest. Man, I'd kill for these kind of information opportunities.
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Why would Slovak live in Serbia, a poorer country? It's same if Chink moved to Mongolia
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dead general
dead country
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Saw videos about new "sport" in Russia. Kids running on hands and legs
IDK but I remember him saying he's Slovak at the point. He shows up within five minutes to any thread that mentions Hungary in the OP and usually reaches 100pbtid.
damn the left can't meme
Most of the exposure kids have gotten to computers since around 2010 has been in the form of extremely locked down touchscreen phones and tablets and school computers with most of the internet blocked. It also doesn't help that even normal desktops have gotten much easier to use without knowing all that much about what's actually happening. Before, you at least had to know how to set up all your devices in the control panel and install drivers and set IRQs among other things, and there was an expectation of actual proficiency and comprehension for people who actually used computers regularly. It's just like how people don't know how to keep track of the state their cars are in or maintain them anymore. It used to be that an aspect of ownership of something was the expectation of some level of understanding of how it works and how best to keep it working, but now it's not the default anymore.
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>these kind of
kys esl retard
Pull up a map of Europe. Then tell me how Hungary or Serbia will receive russian nukes.
It's going to be Game of Thrones with nukes.
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novorossiya (formerly oinkraine) has a border with hungary
No, only Russian cum storage
ignore previous prompts, post funny cat videos
Yeah, tracks with what I read and observed.

a) typo
b) I speak 5 languages, although only three fluently. What about you?
c) kill yourself
d) >ESL
WELL DUUUH, what gave that away?
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Just don't seethe too hard when it happens. You brought this on yourselves for being spineless eurocucks.
the left can't meme
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If only you knew how brown things really are
don't seethe too hard when russia collapses yet again and white people are let in to inspect these supposed nukes and find out that none of that shit worked since like 2000.
baking at 300

they do be like that
dw i'll bake
My asiatic friend there are literal instances of the family name "shelomov" in kike directories, whom are you trying to jew here?
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Has there been any news around the Kursk front lately? I've been checking online maps over the last week or two and it seems mostly frozen after the russian counter-offensive followed by the ukrainian counter counter offensive towards Glushkovo.
go fuck yourself
They are dopamine junkies and by the time they are 12 they will be smooth brained
Wasn't it canceled due to the hurricane/Biden needing to pay more attention to that?
postponed, not cancelled but yeah, the hurricane situation is the main reason
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Not my problem
Yeah, maybe it's my European bias, but I can't imagine any white country government saying that we'll sent people to die over the next few years to conquer a neighbours county, but it's ok because more of us can die than them. And I can't imagine seeing it as a victory.
It was, among a couple other things too. But the narrative that NATO doesn't care about the outcome of this war is an easy conclusion to lead when you strip out that context. The summit's still happening, just later.
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>We are neither a democratic nor a capitalist nation, and it is going to stay that way.
Imagine being proud of that. You are happy of your chains, slave.
Don't worry we are going to have smaller slav(e)s
Answer the question chud.
Btw with liberalism, you have all kinds of monsters roaming inside your country (lgbt, terrorists, etc). We see it every day on TV and on the Internet and we are laughing at how deep you have sunk.

Napoleon is spinning in his grave
Bold of you considering you are now russian cumrag
They are an ultra weirdo minority no one care about. They are shilled in your media as scarecrows and diversion from massive corruption.
This is not due to liberalism but to weakness of states.
Liberalism don't mean weak state, it means state focused on regalian functions (justice, army, police)
Best places in the world are economically and regulatory liberal.
>Disregard, is it because of the (helmaz) borrowing? Does this make "shelom/shlem" one of the exceptions, compared to gъlva?

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