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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Two companies own 95% of online dating
>they are broke
>just 4 billion will buy a controlling stake in them

MATCH GROUP: This company is the most powerful company in the universe. Dating apps gatekeep 90% of romantic interactions in the post me too era. Match Group controls 80% of more of the dating app ecosystem.
Just 4 billion dollars would buy you a controlling stake in the company.
That's peanuts by billionaire standards (for reference Facebook is worth over 1.3 trillion right now)
BUMBLE: controls about 20% of the market. Controlling stake: 300 million

Musk paid 44 billion for Twitter. A controlling stake in Tinder + bumble would cost only 4,5 billion (10% of that). That is less than teslas revenue FOR LAST MONTH
>but why would musk do this
the apps are money printers with over 5 billion annual revenue. They carry massive debt which makes them vulnerable to takeover

Musk wants people to reproduce. hypergamy makes it impossible
Musk has spoken of turning X into a dating app before, this is the most efficient way (network effects already built in, just needs integration into X)

Tldr have elon musk buy tinder and turn it into X for fertility
People use birth control. Having kids is gay.
Tinder works pretty well if you pay to win.
Whites don't get paid to have white kids, everyone else does.
add 100 pounds to the retards in ops pic and it'd be accurate
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Just get rid of jews and put people back in church so men and women have reason to be around each other beyond just wageslaving(where they can't interact or they will get fired)

Its that simple
There is actually nothing wrong with tinder as a woman. As a man, the issue is that it’s setup to make you pay for success. Realistically, if you can’t afford tinder, you can’t afford a girlfriend or wife, so it’s fine with me, but I can see why it’s frustrating.
>just go back in time
hell yeah!!
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Maybe a private company shouldn't mediate nearly all romantic relationships?
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kek if I had 4 billion dollars to buy this shit I would and then I would make it even more dystopian.

>get an AI that can recognize a chad
>chad is only paired with troons and the ugliest roasties
>make the algo so woman never get to see a chad at all over the online dating app they only get matched with obese old guys
the point of OP is
>dating apps should be APOLITICAL companies operating as NON PROFITS or break even at maximum
only musk or thiel have enough cash to do this and thiel is a demon
other obscure rw billionaires might work but the banking industry would never finance a takeover like this for (reasons)
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maybe? hmm perhaps??
not only do whites not get paid, they pay for everyone to have kids. spics are probably the worst, dropping millions of bioweapon disgusting anchor babies.
How about instead of thinking how you can spend money you don't have, you tried to think how can you make that money first?
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>Just 4 billion dollars would buy you a controlling stake in the company.
Just invest 4 billion in a failing company who's business model is to not satisfy customers.
We could also just remake the original okcupid for a couple of grand and make it free while *checks notes* vanguard and blackrock keep holding those bags.
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the problem is capitalism. always has been.
well musk lost 30 billion on twitter so clearly he doesn't give a fuck
unlike twitter tinder is quite profitable
fuck whatever this gay retard OP is talking about but it is genuinely amazing to me that every single american law regarding trust-busts or anti-monopolization and all this commercial bullshit they teach you in school has meant nothing lmao.
>12 years of school: monopolies are bad this monopolies are bad that. IT IS ILLEGAL!! :((
>5 minutes in real life: schlomo cocacolastein owns 60% of all food and his cousin schlomo pepsistein owns 40% of all food, their uncle and tranny grandpa own everything else. by the way literally everything is like this ha ha
nooooo you have to worship mr noseberg
Please save us based Elon.

He fought for climate change.
Tesla is green.
He fought for chips in your brain.
Neuralink is redpilled.
He fought for free speech
X is based
And now he will fight for a trad cath society.
I've thought of the new dating app thing but it has been done a million times before with no success – chicks will only use the app their friends use, they fear ostracism more than anything
you'd need a lot more than 4 billion to build something with any chance at breaking in, to this day facebook dating isn't going anywhere
All the fat zoomies are going to genuinely look like that after another 8 years of Kamalaflation.
>I've thought of the new dating app thing but it has been done a million times before with no success
okcupid is famous for actually working because its just an indepth questionaire.
matchgroup (blackrock) bought it and turned it to shit because happy couple arent repeat customers. Dating apps are designed to not work.

That said its not rocket science. If you wanted to you could restart it under a new name and just make money with ads on the side but blackrock will offer you millions to buy it because its not about the money at the end of the day but destroying reproduction rate numbers.
I'm messaging Elon on twitter niggers idgaf
I'd gladly swing beaner babies into brick walls with a look of absolute mirth on my face

Wow, I guess I'm out of touch then.
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>buy shares of our insufferable whore market app goyim and save le hwyte race or something ehhehehh
kys spammer faggot.
holy based.
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White people are still expanding. Just not as much as the Chinese. There were always less white people. Our strength wasn't in numbers but the selective breeding based on environmental and cultural hardships.
The white population continues to grow inspite of atrificial difficulty and with it the seething of everyone else.
>be 1% of the global population
>send a few hundred men starving and dying of disease to distant shores
>they conquer everyone or rizzmax them out of their resources
>fast forward
>7% of the global population
>bots and doomers think whites are dying off because they're comfy and the world is still seething
I'm currently unconcerned about the opinions of butthurt non-whites that can't into the wheel let alone aero/thermal dynamics. Including the whites that seethe on others behalf.
You and others are overcomplicating things and waste energy on "solutions" that will never work.
To fix the fertility issue you need to
1. convince people to have simple lives (no career/money chasing)
2. most women out of the workforce and education

Best way to solve this is to kill urbanization and centralization

I personally don't like this and most of the people that will read this won't like it but we all know this is the only solution we have for now.
We as humans simply haven't found a solution to maintain the civilization peak for more than a few generations.
Civilization leads to comfy lives (food security) which lead to consumerism and focusing energy on more complex ideas instead of just securing food and having sex. This then leads to dysgenics as smart people are not having kids and civilization collapses and we have a few centuries of idiocracy before we start peaking again.

We must find a way to maintain peak civilization and comfiness which IMO is best achievable by men keeping their masculinity and women loving their femininity.
Today and in previous civilization collapses you had failed men (masculine women) and failed women (feminized men)
There is no fertility issue aside from non-whites breeding like rats. The population "decreases" in white countries is an increase of non-whites. Whites are still breeding, retard.
Tell me we live in a capitalist dystopia without telling we live in a capitalist dystopia.

>can't afford tinder
imagine paying the jews who wrecked society for permission to interact with the average 2024 woman lmao. money's got nothing to do with it
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If you can't get a date with modern women you're not trying. /pol/cels will simultaneously claim women are attention seeking whores with all the knowlege of why but can't seem to get one to tell them about herself.
they are so disgusting and like roaches and destroy all the once nice places they go to.
This is completely false, fertility is dropping even in brown countries and is below 2. Even if a brown country has a 3 or 4 fertility a few decades ago it was 7 kids per woman. The trend is spiraling downwards worldwide with the most extreme cases being China and South Korea that are even below 1 kid per woman
this gay trend of everyone and their dog smoking a cig is gay
Dating apps are a jew scam that almost no one actually uses.
You can look up public data about the size of their userbases and only about 5% of single girls in the 19-35 age range use dating apps, and 15% of men. Usually only the lowest-quality most desperate people too. And that doesn't even consider how many of those official users are bots, scammers, people who have no intention of ever actually meeting anyone, and trannies pretending to be women.
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>where once a simple executive rancher with an detached garage,built by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright, now stands an adobo hut with an abandoned clay-pit
We used to have nice things.
so we are still at cope, okay
Fixing a dating app isn't going to fixed the fucked up mentally ill people that use them, just cut them out of the user base.
Oh yea? Why are the "whitey isn't breeding" stats based on population percentages? You stinking maggot?
>omg whites aren't breeding because Europe is suffering from population explosions due to immigration
Nah, kid. Whitey be fucking and brownies be invading.
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Tell Elon to hook me up with a plapper
Worthless non-solution, doesn't work for normal people that don't use apps to date and marry with. Your parents didn't meet through an app, retard.
Go re read my original post, you are not making much sense.
I am not even talking about whitoids but fertility in general and why it drops and what is the solution to fix it.
Even immigrants are not having many kids btw they just come in big numbers to maintain the (((economy)))
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>misses the point and makes the same mistake as the guy i just responded to
not interested, sorry. no playing your stupid game of pretending worthless women are virgin pearls. i might as well go donate sperm and at least get paid for it

if i decide i want a real wife at some point i'll adopt a teenage girl and groom her
>Just 4 billion dollars
Go outside and talk to chicks irl worked for me I just saved you retards 3 billion dollars go ahead and send me the last billion for my expertise
Since Musk is probably reading this I'll tell you how to fix it. I'm making my own app but realistically it won't take off.

Musk do the following
Have some sortve love or soul mate mode where the pictures are disabled.

If you match with someone you have to just talk to that one person to force a proper intercation before deciding you don't match. Have an AI that monitors the chat and if people aren't talking points things out like 'you both say you really love X movie, that scene where Y says Z is so funny'. It's like having a third party there trying to set you up. Or things like 'how many kids would you guys want?'

Potential matches are ordered based on a plenty of fish style questionnaire. The more you answer the more likely you are to meet the right person.

Pictures don't reveal unless they meet irl, whereby then they have to confront their own physical bias for love. This has worked for a lot of dating shows.

Matches can go into relationship mode if they meet someone they like. It looks their accounts together so they can't use it to cheat on their partner.

By having the actual focus on looking for genuine love women will probably use it more and thus men will have to. And when that's the focus it forces people to consider a long term relationship a la kids not one night stand.
True but now most people do. Zoomers are using it less tho
Fraternities, billionaires, feminists, corruption, gangs, etc also
zoomers are using TINDER less
cumulative usage for all dating apps is higher than ever and growing
this line is peddled by used up roasties wandering where the likes went
ask any couple under 25 where they met it's either hinge or instagram
>I'm purity spiraling and refuse reality
Nice blog post, homo.
We don't need to fix fertility and it's not a problem. The original models of "we do good and people have more kids" is 100 years outdated. Turns out when times are good it makes sense that people have less kids as they aren't succumbing to infant mortality which was the driving factor for humanity before the late 1800s.
As in pay the app for its perks or as in you need to be rich to attract women?
>chad is only paired with troons and the ugliest roasties
>>make the algo so woman never get to see a chad at all over the online dating app they only get matched with obese old guys
checked and based bernd
Why not flood the apps with AI jeet profiles that will harass women and get them to delete the apps?
This reminds me of me and wife in our twenties. Great times
all majors use ai face recognition to verify profiles now
If fertility stays at around 2 then its not an issue, even 1.5 isn't that bad
but each decade it keeps falling more and more and sooner or later you'll have dozens of countries following in China and South Korea's footsteps and will go below 1 which is a massive problem
Who is that a problem for?
>online dating kikes go bankrrupt because no one is using their trash anymore
>somehow this means they gatekeep anything

Normies are leaving those shitty sites behind in droves, after corona everyone got sick of it and they fucked the algorithms up so much that the only people using it are uggos, simps and the utterly desperate.
Just take parrt in destroying that shit, redpill people on how dating apps try to screw with their head thrrough dopamine pushes, how no one uses them anymore and that they should delete their profiles.

>True but now most people do.
No, they really do not.
Just do the math.
Tinder is the most popular dating app and has 7.8 million active monthly users in the US, which sounds like a lot until you remember we have over 330 million people here.
Out of those 7.8 million, over 75% of them are male, meaning there are less than 2 million female tinder users in the entire US.
About 20% of the US population is Gen Z, and half are women. That means there are about 33 million Zoomettes in the US.
The statistics about what percentage of users are Gen Z varies from 26% to over 50%, but even if 100% of them were Zoomers, that would still mean that less than 6% of US females in the 18-30 age range use Tinder. And that doesn't even account for the large number of "female users" that are scammers, bots, and trannies just pretending to be women.
Yes, there are dating apps other than Tinder, but almost everyone who uses dating apps uses other apps too, so there is a lot of overlap and the total number of people using any of them isn't much higher.
chronically online post (lowkey incel alert)
out of a pool of 5 of my gfs friends (ages 22 - 26 philadelphia london and nyc)
- 2 met their partners on hinge
- 1 on bumble
- 1 is femcel
- 1 is fucking a club dj
that still wont do anything

women straight up do not use these apps, every study ever done on them had showed that only 1-2% of accounts on them are female, and that INCLUDES all the bots with hyperlinks to onlyfans and instagrams

people do not meet online, they never had and never will in any significant numbers
women are socialized since childhood to be unable to speak to men outside of men they already know or someone introduces them too
Good luck keeping your 5 users engaged
>i have some self respect and bare-minimum standards which would have been seen as liberal 100 years ago
>We could also just remake the original okcupid for a couple of grand and make it free while *checks notes*

Thing is that you most likely wouldnt even earn enough to keep the serveres going, as most people would just grab a quick gf or one or two
fuckbuddies and then no longer use it.

No one in their right mind spends all their time going on first dates with randoms and having extremely mediocre one night stand sex. Its a subset of disturbed nutters who do that, and they apparently find joy in playing the tinder algorithm.
>Have an AI that monitors the chat
Sounds creepy why do you niggas come up with the most creepy weird solutions just ditch your faggy dating apps and meet people in the real world. Fucking spergs
I would just date the ai
Sounds like you are a lunatic that has given up on himself
OP you are not making sense. How is buying and controlling all the dating apps going to fix hypergamy. You yourself admitted hypergamy makes population growth impossible. Even if a billionaire tried to force foids to date their looksmatch they would just run to any new app that gives them better opportunity for hypergamy. The tech won't uninvent itself. Governments don't even care because they can just mass import the third world forever. There is no state solution to the hypergamy problem. You can still geomax or passport bro, that's about it. Go ahead, tell me where I am wrong.
>2 met their partners on hinge
>1 on bumble

Which means they are not using those services anymore.
Also americans are fucking weirrd, you guys are also crazy about social media in general
I got laid in germany using tinder bro
It's about making the algo public and not some obscure talmudic DEI trick and making the whole operation non profit or profit capped. More radical solutions can be explored down the line of course.
kids are gross. I cant stand the scatology of other human beings so kids gross me out because their life revolves around poop. they're always screaming how they need to shit, they describe their shit, they play with their shit, they say gross things, and theyre not ashamed of it
fuck having kids
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you want me to solve your white fertility problem? here's the political solution
pic rel
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I had a friend in my twenties who was all about dating apps and would bring them up. He was also notorious for womanizing, cheating and shit like that. One day I told him "You know, you aren't a teenager anymore. You fuck around with someone's gf or wife now and you might get in real trouble." He just laughed and said oh I've gone home with so many dudes gfs or something along those lines. He got shot to death five years ago by the husband of a wife he was messing around with. Truth be told, he was always a degenerate type, but he should have listened to me.
church makes everything worse. just removing the undesirables will solve all problems
kill yourselves immediately
It would be cheaper to make a better competing app, X dating or some shit. Not even hard to beat those other apps, they're absolute garbage pay to play scams.

Normies just use social media btw. It's only the antisocial guys and girls who don't get enough attention in their DMs that end up on dating apps. Sometimes it's better to just go outside and say hi to women and try to hold a conversation.
Tits or gtfo, hole
Gen Z here. (25) Most of the women I’ve ever had in my life came from instagram. It’s fucking grim anon.
I would like if tinder was created for us instead of to kill us. It kinda felt like tinder used actual genocidal tactics lol, which is extremely common for companies in the last 5 years and even longer. But this section of time was significant. They killed the free chat roulettes on purpose so they could increase mixed race and demoralize men to suicide by limiting their choices online. Meanwhile real life is even worse, but that's a different post.
It was very easy to meet women online pre 2015. They made it harder on purpose to install a type of castration device on the west. To increase immigration functionality I'm assuming.
Not having social media is major red flag and ick. Having one with few followers possibly moreso.
Foids rent fake private jet cabins and take expensive vacations for social media clout. If you're socialmaxxed gymmaxxed tattoomaxxed good fucking luck
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Women choose who to mate and women always choose CHADS. Ugly women, pretty women, fat women, skinny women ect… it’s all up to them. Women will choose a CHAD and BETA to live off. That’s nature. You can’t change nature.

Men who are not CHAD it’s OVER. Either take steroids, lift do anything to be successful or get left behind. At the end, the road always leads to APLHA FUCKS BETA BUCKS.
I used Omegle a lot in 2013-2014 and can confirm. I met a lot of women back then, young and attractive just through there. Then at some point the pajeets and bots took over and by 2018ish the site was almost completely useless for anything.
>women get ability to express their nature
>WTF why would the Jews do this to us
You're part of the problem chud. We THANK Jews for redpilling us on foid nature; TKD is on an entirely different basis, it's an actual 3000yr race war
>liberal 100 years ago
So you'd be seen as a suicide cult by today's standards?
I like this art
Facts. Thought it is fair for white people to be angry at losing the nations they built, at least after the dust settles and the new nations rise, we will have learned our lesson. Never before has a collapse of a powerful nation been so well documented.
It's fanart for a game called "the Coffin of Andy and Leyley"
My ex looked similar to that but with red hair, was toxic and maybe bpd sucked my energy, still recovering from her despite been together only 5 months, god help her new bf who had after less than a month we ended it
Whites were never 1% of the global population you dipshit
Nah were saying it was done intentionally using marketing strategies as part of a suicide encouragement of the natives through sexual denial. It was a fake scarcity basically. Play up women's value, play down men's value. Charge men money to speak. Hide cards. Post demoralization propaganda to make it look normal. Show us fake statistics. It's a long list of crimes. And it's almost every company that's in on it.
Kids are great and it's a shame you two will never experience it and forever live in consoomworld
Actual schizo tier cope
Females in all species choose males. Briffaults Law.
Whites are approximately 7% of the global population. At one point Whites were 0% of the population. The number between 0 and 7% is anywhere between 0 and 7. You're the dipshit.
What makes you think Musk, or his handlers for that matter, can be trusted?
The solution is to ban social media and dating apps, bring back arranged marriage, and end anti-male divorce laws.
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it's called the overton window, look it up
That's not true, you've been taught wrong information intentionally as part of a mass castration module to encourage suicide. They spent tons of money on doing this in America and Canada.
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That’s really stupid anon
Not just for the math, but for unironically provoking the "what really IS whiteness tho?" manipulation question
Hi Rabbi
After massive expansion whites are only 7% of the global population. Maybe I was exaggerating ill admit.
That's not a word, retard.
Unironically wasted
Only reason I clicked the thread to begin with
Waste of a get grammar nazi retard
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Retard get!!!!!
Fucking kill yourself niggerfaggot amerigolem mutt.
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Wasted get
Off yourself nigger
I guess unironically isn't a word any more
What a mega retard.
Unironically check e.m
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oh god its a retard get in a jewish thread
uniron kys
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>unironically is not a word, retard
you absolute buffoon
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>dating apps are the problem
No, dating apps are the symptom of the actual problem, which is in general allowing normalfags onto the internet and in particular social media being as widespread as it is. Meme the idea that being social means meeting people in real life and you’ll see a lot of what you’re complaining about go away
Welp, guess my post is getting buried now
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How can this be?
KEK has disowned us
Unironically washed
it's over
What a waste
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We are off by one digit!!!
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I've collected all the (yous) and exposed esls to proper english. You fucking faggots
chicks will only use apps that give them the ability to have multiple accounts>>484430445
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Unironically a fag, checked.
if i could make elon blow 4bil, i would just have him wire it to me and i would fuck off to some island and buy women
Unironically wasted

Unironically never come back and go back to containment site
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You've done him
Ya dun goofed, anon.
Unironically bathe with a toaster you fucking faggot.
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a cringe omen.
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>*absorbs coins*
>That's not a word, retard.
open a dictionary you retarded waster of digits
unironically wasted
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Unironically Checked
Gaza had the highest rate of birth per capita, before Israel went ham. Why is that? The place was a pressure cooker, extremely stressful, and yet they were fucking like crazy. Do you know oaks produce more acorns in drought years? Now, look at the people of the West, they say
>I can't afford kids
>I don't want to bring a child into this world
These are excuses. What they're really saying is, simply
>I don't want to have kids because then I can't be self-centered anymore
The fact is that people in the West are not having children because their lives are too comfortable. No amount of government incentives will change that (unless you're negroes getting welfare, but it's not the welfare that's making them have kids, their lives are shitty. They'd be fucking and popping them out without the welfare)
Concerning these dating apps, if you want to make a change, buy them, then shut them down. Take the loss for humanity.
Fuck this board, fuck the jannies, and fuck all you shills/bots and fucking idiots who can't piece a thought together because your brains are fried from the zoom zoom grifter playa hustler life. Go back to your fortnite.
it includes unironically, unironically
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Rope yourself nigger
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I hate how much idiots on here use that word
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i unironically came from another thread to tell you how badly your faggot ass wasted this get. fucking kill yourself unironically you massive fucking faggot and leave this place forever.
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unironically kys
go back to inchan and you won't see it anymore poo poo patel
>exposed to proper english
His brain is unexplainable
I just ended ur whole career bud. You won't recover from this
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Checked with reservations.
I'm not using a hammer so this is an unhammered painting. My art is unhammered and I have to preface that because most things art is hammered.
Do you realize how fucking retarded you are?
Enjoy your constant irony until it becomes so normal that things need to be unironic, as in, without irony.
It really is over.
but you're wrong you retard
I'm going to start saying things aren't w
ords now that clearly are, thanks anon.


That' not a word, retard.
fuck kek
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But anon.

This is what I wanted

Chill we are being watched.
now what. are you gonna bow for me?
no, I'm going to tell you to go back to india
Something can't be unironic you fucking retard.
>this is un-unreality
That's you. Something being not ironic isn't unironic. Let me guess, you think decimate means to destroy something.
>Paying 4billion to jews instead of simply making a good fair dating app yourself and market it with a mere 3 million
if something is reduced by 10% it is essentially destroyed, if I decimated you, you wouldn't survive it.
But I disdigress and that's irregardless of the unfacts.
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unironically just here to observe those digits
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Rawr X3 *nuzzles* How are you? *pounces on you* you're so warm o3o *notices youhavea bulge* someone'shappy! *nuzzles your necky wecky* ~murr~hehe ;) *rubbies your bulgy wolgy* you're so big! *rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy* it doesn't stop growing .///. *kisses you and licks your neck* daddy likes ;) *nuzzle wuzzle* I hope daddy likes *wiggles butt and squirms* I wanna see your big daddy meat! *wiggles butt* I have a little itch o3o *wags tails* can you please get my itch? *put paws on your chest* nyea~ it's a seven inch itch *rubs your chest* can you pwease? *squirms* pwetty pwease? :( I need to be punished *runs paws down your chest and bites lip* like, I need to be punished really good *paws on your bulge as I lick my lips* I'm getting thirsty. I could go for some milk *unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow* you smell so musky ;) *licks shaft* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so musky ;) *drools all over your cawk* your daddy meat. I like. Mister fuzzy balls. *puts snout on balls and inhales deeply* oh my gawd. I'm so hard *rubbies your bulgy wolgy* *licks balls* punish me daddy nyea~ *squirms more and wiggles butt* I9/11 lovewas an yourinside muskyjob goodness *bites lip* please punish me *licks lips* nyea~ *suckles on your tip* so good *licks pre off your cock* salty goodness~ *eyes roll back and goes balls deep*
Look, you are obviosly not thinking far ahead and thats why you cant see the potential of this idea. Imagine a dating site where your profile is built upon every single data there is of you, from your complete DNA, to every comment you made, every video you watched etc. and then it is matching you with the perfect partner for life to build a family with. Swiping would not exist, the algo would simply just recommend you the best matches to choose from. If a system like that would exist for a few years, it could collect datasets to see which marriages are the happiest and healthiest and then the algo could learn from that to give you even better matches. And that is how online dating would be nowadays if Hitler would have won, instead we have this jewish, capitalistic algo that is designed to be as addictive and profitable as possible.
Lol. I have 10 fingers. If you decimated my hand you would have removed one of my fingers, you stupid piece of shit. You could remove half of my kidneys and I'd still function.
I accept your concession and appreciate the jannyspam
if I arbitrarily lopped off 10% of your form you would no doubt die of blood loss or shock.
You mean one of my arms? You're an idiot.
limb loss is no laughing matter
Your worse post was the "whites were 1% of earth and conquered it anyway"
We were like 25% only a couple centuries ago or less I'm pretty sure
whites were 25% of the global population in 1913-1914. Guess what happened next.
Lmao. Unironically "unironically" was a 4chan invention.
Also, the term came about by the Roman's removing 1 out of every 10 men from a regiment. If I charge you 10c on the dollar do you go broke, retard? Just stop posting. Annihilate means to destroy. Decimate means to reduce by 10 percent. They are not the same thing and I'd imagine even a downie could differentiate between the meanings but not (you).
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Hoes started vootin'
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>the term came about by the Roman's removing 1 out of every 10 men from a regiment
really, you don't say.
This is complete and utter fabrication lol
Even the Greeks were met with millions of brownoids at their gates like "holy fucking shit".
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>This is complete and utter fabrication lol
you don't even know what words are real lel
I accept your concession. Do you need a lecture on fractions, retard?
Your reality is created in lab at cointelpro, zoomer.
so is yours, that's not much of an own. We're all in this nightmare hellscape together.
one man's nightmare is another man's dream
At least I retain the ability to understand language based on its roots.
language evolves
get with the times old man
This is so dumb. When a post is clearly mocking or ironic, so you can use unironically to specify you don't agree with the take. It's in dictionaries. I hope this is bait. Nice get anyway, unironically.

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