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Anons, we need to get our post numbers back up to 777mil so we can recreate the conditions for meme magic.
Keep posting, and replying to posts. We need to bump our numbers up befor 5th of November.
Do you diligence, reply to every good post for KeK.
Don't forget to meme hard.

Who ever gets trips in this thread makes a correct prediction about politics.
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Fear not my brother in Kek, for he is always with us. PRAISE BE TO KEK
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No way to reach all fives before Nov 5th.
It's over.
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Praise to kek and getting that special someone.
Trump flees to Israel

500000000 is the next bit get, and that won't happen until after the election.
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Do not loose hope anon, we can at least get 5s. Put in the work now.

The Dub rate is high in this thread.
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Drink this bottle of magic potion!
And all your dreams wil come true.
Peace and Prosperity for all is coming.
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Say with with me
The 4's are looking tasty.
Trump wins.
>droogshuim mousse
what kind of trip is this?
If we get 4's on a political post then we don't get an election, a solar flare will knock out the world's electricity before the 5th.
will solar panels still generate though?
it'll just be some kike shit again anyway
Niggers tongue my anus
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999 trump wins
Nah I think it'll knock out the panels too. If we hit 4's on a post about Hitler then Yellowstone wakes up.
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Missed it by ** that much
reply to my post if you're not a jew, a jeet, a nigger or any shade of brown. any posts after this that are not replying to this post are one of the undesirables listed above.
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So close. Guess Bernies more likely to be back in with these numbers.
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Hitler reincarnates and conquers Asia
And replaced by based JD (scatman) Vance
I'm in a simulation.
WW3 Starts in February.
488888888 and 499999999
come first doofus
WW3 Starts in November?
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Praise KEK!
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It's already in full swing.
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The US will have another civil war
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I am a wizard.
>Let's try this
God will send a terrible punishment
I was hoping for the nuclear fire part of the war. Im just waiting for china to invade taiwan to be the final straw where everyone stops pretending the world isnt at war.
Even getting to 500M by the 5th would mean increasing traffic by 600% for four weeks straight.
site or board traffic
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Trump will again
Troons will ACK’d
Suck my dicks bitches

Literally thought I was looking at Michael Jackson for half a second there
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God that would be amazing.
Kek has forsaken us wndsmr
Praise Kek.
May we live in interesting times.
Not long now till 4s
May the 4's be with you, Anonkin.
if septuples jannies must rangeban all indian ips
put me in screencap
rollin' for self replying post
what ever happens, it aint going to be this thread
Yellowstone will erupt on February 26, 2025.
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Ruh roll
Israel will lose and the US will be free.
Ziggers and niggers eat each other and jews die.
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Ive watched the mad max series 50 times. My body is prepared for the horrors.
Rerolling for total shabbas goy death.
I'll witness you anon
Trump will win.
Rolling final time for shabbas goycattle death.
There is no incentive.
Back in 2016 people gave Trump the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't just be another faggot neocon. Now we know 100% for certain he is and will be.
Still better than a woman holding office but he still sucks
Niggers tongue my anus
Total nigger death
Whites are going to be the dominant race across the Earth again, and we are going to win.
We're so back
We shall ride eternal on the Fury Road!
Total ziggie, niggie, cuntoid and jew death.
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palindrome get
OHHHH!!!!! So close! I kneel.
Close but no cigar anon
Not a prediction.
Just a truth.
> Both mainstream political blocs in America are part of the same Oroboros.
> The points of contention which they trumpet are unimportant in the grand scheme, and/or purposefully executed ineffectually - meanwhile key pieces of legislation are quietly rushed through the system while the populace is distracted by the circus.
> These hushed priorities will be achieved not matter who 'won' the election, because both the Democrats and Republicans are cooperating - working together *AGAINST* your interests.
Meme magic is dead and Trump killed it. You'll still get your war with Iran, so don't worry.
who stole it from me
A niggerfaggot
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Christ is King
Meme magic is DEAD
Didgits confirm
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Trump will win
for the third time, even
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It's over.
As long as the Noosphere exists, Meme magic cannot end.
As long as humans can think and exchange ideas the Noosphere cannot end.
Humans realize we're all under the same sky and unite to say no more to Jews and Scientologists larping as Christians.

We become Star trek in the next millennia

Praise Kek

Long live Reason

Fuck Hasbara and their masters, fuck scientology. Death to Gay Niggers From Outer Space and the Crab People and Retards
Russia loses the war
Check me faggots
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Trump wins both E.C and popular vote by landslide, KEK WILLS IT!

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Trump successfully 'nated, starting a true cw2.
Russia will be one the key actors in the next global war.
Their conflict in Ukraine is only tangentially related to the inciting incident, which will ultimately come about due to the Israel/Iran conflict.
We used to have dozens of these 10 years ago. Praise KeK!
>Let's roll, but hopefully now
2025 will be the year of the "we're so back"
Hitler reborn is already walking among us.

>Verification not required.
Things need to be over before they can come back.
Will trips reveal reincarnate's nationality?
Imagine creating a meme where the Reddit logo subtly symbolizes the platform’s increasing association with antisemitism. It could ironically critique how Reddit is becoming linked to extremist ideologies, highlighting the absurdity of it all.
Would be pretty amusing.
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Well, Weimar so it is
>If 1
> If 2
> If 3
>If 4
>If 5
> If 6
> If 7
> If 8
> If 9
> If 0
000 btc to 100k 2025
guess he will be born in ukraine and rule poland which is worse
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Poland! Poland is the winner, whatever that means
Kek free Germany
The all 4's was actually pretty fucking funny. Some retarded leaf post.
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Reda Book Ur so st-pid.

Prepare Ur anus, Explorica Rectorals
> Hitler SlavSquats his way back onto the world stage after Poland is pushed too far by either Russia or the EU
Utterly incomprehensible.
What an amazing timeline.
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I'm doing my part
Trips of truth. The pol of /pol/.
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Red Right Return.

U Shrill Knot Pass.
Trump will win, and (another) new American century will begin.
Check them.
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hump hump bump bump
>Its all because of the jews kurwa
>jews startef the toilet cleaner meme to insult us
>to the jew the concept of honest labour is funny
>but clean toilets are actually a sign of a high civilization
>only barbarians didnt care about their toilets being clean
>being a toilet cleaner is noble, dont let the jew tell you otherwise
>>500000000 get!
Jews tongue my anus
Probably will win a third time.
The opposition is a woman and a shitskin.
Keked and checked.
Polish Nazi janny is going to take out the trash and he's going to do it for free.
For the common good of all mankind.
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Oh you kekboys
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>get people to engage in thing
>thing is free speech
>peons power comes from the communication between the peons
>power loses grip on peon culture
>peons do away with corrupt leaders
>peons become newly minted shitheads
>shitheads create new corrupt system
>the ride
ww3 this decade
Naw you are skipping a potentially good part which is the flourishing of an uncorrupted society.

Corrupted society results from success of uncorrupted society.
There is a long period of slow corruption during which a successful society decays, but this is only the case because people are afraid of ending up in an unsuccessful society which is even worse than a corrupted society.

It's only when the corrupted society gets so bad that there's nothing to lose that people will decide "ok, now it's time to risk everything for a chance at life"
There will be a war spanning multiple continents before the end of this century.
Well, that's that.
Looks like we're going to get nothing but minor regional conflicts for the foreseeable future.
It's gonna be war with Iran after mossad proves the IRGC assassinated Trump. We might even get a very convincing AI video of it to really get those MAGA types motivated.
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stick it up ya ass
good I dont want to die for hoholand
how about total Israel oblitetation?
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>good part
only way that happens is if heads roll.
Trump will lead a successful term and then die in 2028.
based polish philosopher
i assumed that was what you meant by "do away with" the corrupt leaders
I'll just go into threads and say nigger.
Modern white male culture in a nutshell

A bunch of retarded clowns who can't take anything seriously and nothing will unfuck this.
There won't be an election
Fuck your chaos magic, THINK, why would evil gods empower Trump if he is the good guy?
Sorry anon.
Seems like that particular roach will linger for a while yet.
Its not much of a prediction, but a major incident will arise due to Israel killing more UN operatives.
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Fo sho
Trump will win again soon. Check em
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Ha!!! Doctor Zaius!!!
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I will take it
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv, idolator?
Sorry anon.
That outcome is no longer chaotic enough.
Trump has integrated into the political landscape and everyone has acclimatized to his presence.
God I wish.
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That's from 2016, dumbfucks. Trump has revealed himself to be unworthy of meme magic over the last 8 years and money from jewish billionaires more than makes up for it.
But what could stop the democratic process?
Not just subvert, but halt entirely?
Some kind of massive disaster?
A foreign invasion of the US?
Magic is for faggots. All frog idol worshippers burn in hell.
Glowies will get the axe
This is seriously pathetic. Meme magic has been replaced by jewish billionaire cash. The election was decided on Oct 7, 2023.
>Who ever gets trips in this thread makes a correct prediction about politics

America will be white once again
maybe they will say they didnt recieve the votes or some shit and then fake the result with fake votes. few days ago I did a TOS thread and some anon asked about the election and RNG said something like
>claim box broken
or some shot like that
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I can easily increase my posting by 600% if you niggers provide something worth responding to.
too many niggerjew glowies. this site is dead because jews killed it.
if a dumb ass like me can think this up, it has been known this is the cycle by whom for just how long?
>Corrupted society results from success of uncorrupted society.
this site being dead is another psyop I think. Its gotten worse but saying its dead just makes the 5 sane people left want to go away
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jesus christ will rise against the wicked and they will flee from the light that shines against their sin
i think most people just left. the site was hijacked all the way back in 2016 when naming the jew ben fischbein (head of correct the record) would get you instabanned. this entire site may as well be a fed honeypot. too many bot posters
Trump will beckon the second coming of the Messiah
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Trump wins but then it turns out Kamala was a Russian agent. The election gets a redo and JEB! wins and serves as president of guacamerica for 8 years
Better luck with fives
>The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
Fuck niggers. Trump wins with a plot twist
>israel loses
Yeah, that sounds like the sort of lame 'dog ate my homework' shit that I'd expect to see.
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>Be shill
>Hates Trump
>Wake up every morning “Time to dilate!”
>Hits /ptg/ “hmmm what should we go with today?”
>Eureka!!!! I'll spam MIGA until my fingers bleed
>35 posts later not a single reply
>Someone points out I'm only bumping the thread
>My Actblue manager is gonna be fucking pissed
>Check bank account
>It's overdrawn
>Pissed because I haven't bought a funko pop in months
>I'll watch the latest softball Harris interview to cope
>Answers every question with “I grew up middle class” CACKLES MANIACALLY
>”How the fuck is she dumber than Joe, he has fucking dementia!”
>Mom comes down to basement with tendies
>I'm so angry I slap her with my dilator
>Tendies fly through air and honey mustard on my MLP furr suit
>I'm literally shaking right now
>Latest polls come out, and she's down another point
>Turn on Trump rally and see over 100k people
>Decide to end it all
>Make noose “goodbye cruel world”
>Swan dive off my Disney Elsa kids bed
>Rope breaks because it was made in China
>I can't even join the 41%
>Pray to Jesus who I don't believe in that things will be different tomorrow
>Spoiler, they aren't
If I lived in murica I would vote for trump but this doesnt change the fact that he is jewish bootlicker. its just a 1% lesser evil
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Yea, Great Glow Ni_Egg-er so bright shhil_it A wizard with a gun is taking posting.

Then get me another beer.
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Probably more like 35% just like the price of everything. But I hear ya. Sorry, Hitler 2.0 isn't on the ballot this time.
They killed eight chan because it was too fuckin good
even the domain name gets filtered as spam here. fucking garbage
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> a: the cultivation or production of plants or animals
> b: the scientific control and management of a branch of farming and especially of domestic animals
>2: the control or judicious use of resources
in practice long before that was written. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe that's what "Q" meant with the whole corny shit.
Trump will lose because he locked down churches and funded the mail in elections with his Cares Act of 2020. 2 time loser. I dont understand the MAGA crowd, Trump good jabs bad. Sadly he put Fauci in as President in 2020. Some one should tell Trump to go away.
Kamala will “win”.
digits and OP dies in his sleep tonight
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Achecked and Kek'd
I can feel the Meme Magic ITT
He’s the most pro Israel candidate.. I don’t think he’ll need meme magic this time around
>holy shit choose him! Shalom!
that was 77 mil we'd need to get to 555 mil for same power. it's ogre for drumpf.
All negative gets neutralized forever.
All hope for the future restored.
Christ is King.
Kamala will get terrible info leaked on her and cost her the election
hilldawg returns
based slut killer.
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MIGAtards will seethe and the Mets will win the world series. Screenshot this
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Checks gets new fags miss..

I have the book a torched past.
"Micheal Jackson This is it"
Pg 13.
River 3 beers in.
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Michael Jackson A torch is passed this is it..
Honk honk.
Fade to black...
Trump will win electoral college and popular vote
Shills are absolute scum
rolling for total nuclear war
Good post
>Anons, we need to get our post numbers back up to xxxxx so we can recreate the conditions for meme magic.

Nigger. You don't know how to meme magic.
No, wait shit!
By the sheer volume of seething in the catalogue, it much be clear that Harris isn't going to win
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Yet, if you where to guess, like right now.
Pg. 23.
6/23/** honk honk.
Michael Jordan 23..
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Irrefutable evidence of election tampering, riots, Kamala "wins". Checkem.
Trump will win and people will be prosecuted for election fraud
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demonic rat.

A wizard with a "gun" sprit is talking shh_it.

& Like that time to crack another beer.
Skill craft government on that pen_is.
Red Right return.

So much this!

Former t*ump supporter here. I'll be honest, I was with him up until two weeks ago. But when I saw the grassroots groundswell of organic enthusiasm for the Harris campaign, my choice became clear. Lil donnie is too pale, male, and stale for the direction in which our country is progressing. We aren't going back. Once I realized this I became #CoconutsForKamala!
Kamala will beat Trump in a landslide. 28 days later she will be succeeded by Walz. His VP will be none other than Barack Obama. My end numbers will it.
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This deck is Ni+ rigged.
Jews will lose
Praise God
Whites will win
No fucking way
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Trump Wins but dies in office under mysterious circumstances
7 9 9 9 Q .

PBR caps the beer I am drinking Source.
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fuck niggers and kill jews
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Anon, without kek to praise, I dont think it's possible. Dare i say-----
>Praise kek.
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>Houghton Michigan
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You know that when William Clinton lost the keys to the nuclear football he stuck a cigar up Monica Lewinsky's vagina then smoked it.

Bla bla go suck a dick, click.
Ring ring who else am I supposed to call about this crying...
Just saying
A-book was started between Aaron and Zuckerberg in a tobacco barn then the Juden tried to kill the host that allowed it.
Muslims do a thing, get upset about said thing having been done and the consequences thereof.
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>Unburdening what has been is straight from Marx
>'using his language' as it were

No more reds, digits will it.
He's picking up the foot ball kick off tee with a green card VIP class protection pass.
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its over.
you got retards unironically still doing this cringe ass kekistani posting.
you guys are fucked. low energy trump, selling NFTs and 100k watches
That's what I hate most about a trainee Jenny it will claim he has all the power of moot but he is nothing but a temporary janitor.
That's was NFL strongest defensive line he was behind.
They won the super bowl their second year.
They were rated as the strongest defensive line in the NFL.
Kek and Jesus will win
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Trump Wins over 400
trump is a loser and will lose again
1. you are not an American voter
2. you know nothing about the Lord of Chaos. Hes busy
3. Harris is WAAAAYYYY more qualified than trump
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Trump 50%
Harris 50%
15% margin of error.
Ok shrill.
Blow your whistle.
I just hope both sides have fun....
"What I'm saying is you don't play by their set of rules"
I'm doing my part.
Meme magic is gone. It doesn't live here anymore.
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Seems to lie to me 3 v DC.
Just look at that needle, dick
No leaf clover.

I found a ring in there last night.

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