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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Sydney Wilson, 33, a commercial real estate manager in the DC area, and former college basketball player, was visited by an officer for a welfare check at her apartment in Reston on September 16 at 10 a.m. She decided to slash the pigs face with a knife.


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Georgetown Basketball morns their loss. Go Hoyas!


It do be that way.
finally a good FPS in the vein of Bioshock or Half Life
She must have been high on drugs.
No sane person attack a police officer with knife

It is a common way for hopeless Amerifats to kill themselves. I know someone who did this personally. He had a harmless starter pistol and followed a cop into the gated police station parking lot. He raised the gun and that was it.

She got the cop too. Apparently she was a BLM activist.
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Here is the cop.
this is now a dead pig thread

Niggers are naturally on drugs.
If that ape didn't chimp out at that moment, "she" could have done it at any other moment on the streets, in a shop, in a school, attacking random white people.
It's a good thing that animal was put down without others being injured. Well no one besides the cop who got his head sliced up lol.
Scrolling through the catalog I thought for sure it was an AI picture.
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sneed it
>harmless pistol
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Full vid from cop channel.


Meaning it was empty.
do you think they gave him a description ahead of time, or just dropped this in his lap?
pretty yoked asian but no taller than 5'8. Would be like you or me getting attacked by a moose
If these two fought with bare hands, who would win?
The woman has the size advantage but she's a woman and also she's out of shape
The man has the testosterone advantage and also knows how to fight
fights don't really happen in a vacuum. In a muay thai ring he would win, but in this hallway with the element of surprise she would slaughter him with a dull butter knife vs. taser and it would be absolutely terrifying. Hand to hand in the hallway I think he could win, her nails are too long.
this new BOON (doom) video game looks dope.
>No sane person attack a police officer with knife
it's a nigger
sorry, it WAS a nigger
For anyone that might be interested, I ripped and converted the video into a board friendly .webm.
nigger tranny lol

That's too bad, at one time she seemed hot enough for WMBF porn. Maybe the white dick would have stopped her from degenerating into a crazy sheboon.
No, you didn't, because you would have included sound, uploaded it on /wsg/ and linked it
That's a nigger and they have an iq in the negatives.
And yes they're definitely not sane.
nice work anon
What good would that serve? The whole point is having a webm you can post on boards.
HAHAHA deserved, hope the cop is fine. He is a good man which warned the NIGGER tranny many time before ending it's life.
>No, you didn't, because you would have included sound, uploaded it on /wsg/ and linked it
/gif/ is more fitting because violence, blood, and death. Anyway, here you go:

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She used to date a white dude, although it was many years ago.
a couple of years ago she realized that she's a bi and started to date a white woman for a year or two.
>white dude
That's a spic.
Fuck no, he let her get WAY too close. He should have shot when she was approaching like a goddamn slasher movie.
Nig V Pig is the same a jew V Muso.
That's what they do 90% of the time but then the libshits cry that's murder because they hadn't actually done anything yet but approach.
>a white woman
These things can destroy anyone, they are worse than fentanyl. Beware of white womyn, bros!
Fucking retarded pig fired two shots into the wall. And that nigger sounds like a man
Doesn't that pig know he's supposed to let her slash his face as reparations so she can heal her ancestral trauma?
What a racist piece of shit... Let's start a petition demanding he take racial sensitivity classes.
Starter pistols are made from cast aluminium and would explode if you tried to fire a real bullet with them.
She is a 6’6 former athlete amerinigger who comes from a lineage bred to be human oxen. She is also probably less inhibited and more readily able to shrug off pain and fear. The cop would have an extremely hard time stopping her
She could literally rape you! Imagine the smell!
>And that nigger sounds like a man
"she" is 6'6" so it could be entirely because of that. But then again, you just never know these days...
this anon is correct. Cop did the right thing to give the nigger a second chance..
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> Officer Peter Liu
>14 yrs in crisis intervention
lulz. what a joke of a country. able-bodied man should be doing a productive job, not babysitting feral nigs. i have no hope for the future of this country. it says that bitch was employed, too. as a "manager". and she still went nuts.
>doors opens, get immediatley slashed
>collect yourself, create a distance, draw your firearm
>attacker approaches you slowly with a weapon still in hand
>get slashed AGAIN
I know cops are retarded but come on. Was he thinking she suddenly changed her mind and wanted to make him a sandwich? He should have magdumped her as soon as she took 1 step in his direction.
It was a nigger and devic chauvin is in jail rn
ya - with sound on /wsg/ and then linked here
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>former athlete
It was over a decade ago when she played basketball, now she was overweight and the the most she did in terms of staying fit was this dance/yoga thing that women do.
She has enormous amount of height and weight over the asian dude, but the police office knows how to fight + testosterone makes you stronger
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>welfare check: cashed.
Was pretty impressive restraint, too much even. Otherwise they'd be jammering about the female Michael Jordan getting Floyd'ed.
Cop should have magdumped the moment the door opened and she slashed at him with the knife
>sounds like a man
But actually isn't a man. Yeah, it's surprising, but it's a woman. Though black women are pretty much men.
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Quadruple asian hate.
I was gonna say Mexican but there I heard the cop mutter "it come wit eggwuh"
Ah this explains why he missed a couple shots kek imagine having an incompetent chink defending you.
Gross. And people ask me why I left Northern Virginia. Your neighbors are literally murderous negresses.
>nigger slashes an azn.
Whites are to blame here.
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>Real estate manager in DC
>a commercial real estate manager in the DC area
seems like she's relatively well off
what made her act like that? did officer ask her the breakfast question?
Diversity hire.
She was on welfare.
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Nice. The only thing is you should put that cop's slashed face over this though. Maybe pixelate it up a bit or something. I dunno.
Really needs that guttural death rattle she let out
Jim Goad's gonna have a field day with this one.

Over at counter-currents.com
shoulda lost the weight and done onlyfans
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Starting guns are always shit. Once you get the shotgun the game becomes much easier.
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No need. Another Anon already did.
Another victim of work from home
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there are few things more satisfying than watching a nigger get their just desserts
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>the size of those boobs
fucking hell, why did she have to lash out and get herself killed, wasting all that goodness
that nigga walking down that hallway was like straight out of some horror videogame, like the way she cues up and then slowly starts walking towards him withe knife held up
>Maybe the white dick would have stopped her from degenerating into a crazy sheboon
unless it was a long term thing maybe
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Anon, niggers are protected species in US
Criminal nigs are absolved of responsibility to prevent chimpouts (OJ Simpson being one of most prominent examples) and officers that stand their ground are put behind bars even if they had reasonable fear for their wellbeing and life, even after being injured by assailant.
If there were no niggers in US there would be no need for qualified immunity for police officers there.
You can tell she's a woman by how ineffectual her swings were.
dead ?
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Gook finna shoot dis nigga like webm…
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concord fans not reacting well to its cancellation
He's lucky she didn't get him in the eye or juggular or something. Could have been much worse.

He was only dripping blood, but if she got him in the juggular then it would have been a fountain of blood.
Where's the concord edit?
The asylum demon fight from the dark souls FPS remake is looking lit.
I was thinking about that when I posted >>484869230
Fuck the police lol
Hope her Zulu ass killed his ass
Cause she def permanently scarred his ass lol

Only good cop
Is a dead cop
On everything
I'm white as snow too
They're fucking pumping galaxy gas and steroids into every major city the last two years themselves
Every police union
LMAO i watch the video the cop say "HEY MAN"
>The man has the testosterone advantage
that man? that boon? you think?
This basically an Oblivion encounter, or rather, a Fallout 3 encounter.
Uncle roger!! Nooooo
The police officer is man
The attacker with knife is a woman
In all seriousness, it's a very good example of why the 7ft rule and shot placements are so important. He had to shoot 5 times before she crumbled. Luckily for the cop, she didn't hit his jugular or any other vital area.

Nah he's fine. He'll get to keep cool scars on his face, very good for streetcred.
>another worthless dead nigger
ah, like chicken soup for the soul.
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>Difficulty Level: Ungodly
>date white woman
>lose mind

Many such cases.
You can't lie under stress. Doesn't matter how many ADL funded struggle sessions he attend as a cop, his gut instincts instantly kicked in when he saw a hostile, rival male.
>2 MB
>emptied the clip and still moving

that nigger was on high grade cocaine mixxed with fentanyl
And nothing of value was lost. Medal for the officer for putting down a crazy, rabid sheboon and deleting her from the gene pool.
kek this

I thought the OP pic was not real
ol billy strawberry pubes
>You can tell she's a woman by how ineffectual her swings were.
A woman with a knife can still be deadly. Don't forget that one hispanic woman who stabbed her boyfriend to death, and she was just normal sized and not a giant like this sheboon.
I love this one...moron comes in on haughty, high and mighty...2 seconds later, he is doomed, 2 minutes later he is dead.

I wonder wtf was he thinking about in those 2 minutes.
>This basically an Oblivion encounter, or rather, a Fallout 3 encounter.
I think its Starfield at this point (I heard that game is nothing but niggers).
>uncontrolable swinging
>probably for some bullshit tiktok
>barely missed gouging out her own eye
This stupid bitch is more lucky than she deserves to be.
report post for violent speech

flag for community note

get them banned
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Stellar Blade chads won, total CrimeR death.
>thinking about in those 2 minutes.
Probably shock and panic, but he also rapidly lost consciousness because of the blood not getting to his brain. It likely took him even less than those 2 minutes to die. Maybe like 30 seconds or something.
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You missed the point. She had every opportunity to get in a kill stab, but fucked up repeatedly. Yes a woman *can* kill someone with a knife, obviously, but women are piss poor fighters. It takes them multiple swings to fail at something a malnourished chink male can accomplish against an opponent who's actually defending himself in a single thrust.
btw that woman has a male finger ratio. Probably intersex if not trans, whatever the fucking college records say.
'college records' lmao
in the US, suicide by cop is a thing. there was even a case at georgia tech a decade or so ago where a troon charged at cops with a knife, too.

suicide by cop by charging them with a knife is an american collegiate pasttime

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I recognise this guy
Hes not only getting a medal , he's gonna get nights terrors and PTSD lol

Imagine having sleep paralysis and not being able to escape this scenario lmao
That's what's he's gonna get
>I recognise this guy
That's him, now grown up.
Dong you ever Disrespectful shin chan like you you piece of shit
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The funny thing here is that this is the exact type of nigger all the major globohomocorpos are pushing into their blackwashed goyslop entertainment

Meanwhile here's what they're actually like outside of jewish negroe-centric entertainment
And for people stabbed in the heart, I read that once someones heart stops it's 3 seconds till unconsciousness. And then death afterwards.
There are vids of this happening to people and it is actually 3 seconds before the lights go out and they fall backwards.
not political
buy an ad
Niggers aren't sane, and neither are they persons
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Damn that's wild footage. He did pretty well considering the situation tho
thoughts in his head were probably "why the fuck dont I live in peaceful china"

lmfao imagine being chinese and living in weimerica policing niggers, instead of living in the glorious PRC. not even meming, china is great lol
Normally woman vs man Id say man 9 out of 10 times would win for sure in a life or death fight.
But this sheboon was 6'6 330lbs former athlete. Even if its been years since then she will still have the muscle memory to use her body properly.
He is an asian so probably 5'8 or under.
Dude would have gotten murdered by her for sure even without the knife if he didn't shoot her.
Also gotta remember that the female of the american pavement ape has very high amounts of testosterone.
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Man I'm glad I never stayed for long in amerifat land, shit like this happens everyday there and Idk how you retards live so peaceful knowing one day a nigger with a knife might end it all.
top kek
he fucked up by standing too close to the door after knocking. no one should ever make this mistake, cop or not. it's just fuckin weird and makes ppl uncomfortable if they open the door and you're that close. anyway, good foot work by the cop, he's only alive because he moved away fast enough but still got slashed. bitch was obviously crazy but he didn't do himself any favors. also, seems like he was alone. why? not enough manpower i guess.
honestly it's awful lol
You vastly over estimate the strength and skill of a woman. Even in this video we see her pathetic, low energy, uncordinated slashes. No, being a niggress doesn't do her any favors. See Serena Williams.
Wait so is it a tranny or not?
>watches 400 minute long video of an officer breathing and bleeding... 5 seconds of some nigger dying.

Cop was "lucky" he will get just some scar on his head, he could have lost his eyes
Well she's either on bath salts or having a mental breakdown or both so it makes sense she's not aiming well
I would never bang any woman 6'6
>trash taken out, and righteous shoot.
Based cop, hope he makes a full recovery and sues her estate for everything it's worth.
>the woman
this one was trans "woman"
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You underestimate the strength of a 6'6 330lb gorilla.
Yeah she was being fucking retarded with her slashes but if they were both unarmed I think she would have been able to take down the tiny chink cop. She has 100+lbs on him and like a foot of height. Women are generally weaker but thats still a lot more mass to her.
more like hoes, yes.
We have her instagram. She was an actual woman this time. Just a freak giant sheboon.
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Or maybe she's just a woman. I don't understand while it's so hard to believe that women can't fight. Even troons on hrt are pretty terrible at it. Estrogen makes you a shit fighter.
people on twitter were saying "she" was trans. though could be a rumor mill. statistically though a woman that big is highly unlikely, even accounting for being a sheboon
>burn loot murder is to blame
fixed that for you
Bro, a giant gorilla got toyed with by a manlet like a month ago. Get out of here with that shit.
Yeah that too
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You're missing out
Go check out womens basketball sometime(lol)
Needs imp horns around her body and a fireball in her empty hand.
how's the weather in tel aviv?
He violated her rights by knocking on her door.

should have dropped her in the first attack, dude got lucky.
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Height and weight is not everything.
This manlet takes down 3 women bigger than himself because he knows how to use their mass and momentum in his favor, putting them down.
It's an apartment complex, anyone can be granted access by the owner/manager, says so in your lease. The only time they need permission to enter is your actual unit.
Nice try, you probably have similar language in the agreements you have your tenants sign when you rent out to get your shekels.
outrage over cops killing blacks seems to have died down now we quickly get video footage which makes it seem reasonable.
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>finally a good FPS in the vein of Bioshock or Half Life
>Scrolling through the catalog I thought for sure it was an AI picture
holy shit it's real hahahahahahhahahahaahahahah
and the cop looks asian? guess she got NNZ'd
Underrated post
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Can someone do a webm with a Fallout VATS ?
Burn the rice
He also has great muscle strength a bone density. A roided out woman can't even beat a fat man at arm wrestling.
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pontificate, if you would, the aroma
this guy tried everything he could to deescalate. most people would've justifiably magdumped at the first sign of provocation from a nigger
I would imagine the smell of a funeral home, most likely, unless she's buried. Then it's dirt.
At least she's got a lil' Last of Us Ellie eyebrow notch now
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shin chan is great. let's see it happened in virginia and the asian cop got his face slashed before he acted. i'll die happy if this event gives hung cao the edge he needs to win the senate election against kaine
kys niggerlover
Say her name!
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wonder if she shit herself when she expired. god imagine the size of the monster loaves that behemoth could push outta her sheboon butthole
>commercial real estate manager
>former college basketball player
Add them to the list.
"welfare check" is pig code for live execution. I bet every time a pig gets ordered to do a welfare check they get hard, bunch of freaks.
yo is that baxx?
And so we've not learned anything new here; this proves that the training they receive to drop anyone approaching with a weapon is correct.
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>live execution
>should I just tell them I'm fine and not open the door?
Dumb fucks like you are why burn, loot, murder still gets money and an audience.
>White gets caught doing crime probably has multiple mug shots
>Cops are le bad! I'm le good boy!
Proof nagger behavior isn't limited to blacks
Is this the new Dead by Daylight?
checked. so you did OP's job? Nice man, nice. OP is a faggot btw.
I wish I was 6'6. Why do niggers get to be so tall?
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thanks for being a non-faggot with webm
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what is this, a cross-over episode?
completely normal human in a totally functioning civilization, yup
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Why are niggers so grotesque?
This. I'd do anything for a 6'6 black woman to dominate me (5'7)
dumb white bitch lmao
>6'6'' Female Black
>t. nigger
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Yeah lol that would be a funny ad
never understand the attraction to nigger bitches. their skin looks nasty as fuck and they always smell like grease and cocoa butter. also their hair is cursed which is why most of them wear wigs. dreads are the most disgusting thing ever
Typical nigger-on-Asian violence. Fucking NIGGERS!!!!
>a nigger now has to unsuccessfully murder the cop to be shot
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>/v/ starts liking Bazz
>this happened
Real life imitates memes.
holy based
People don't seem to understand... This is well within what is normal behavior for them. Like genetically, behaviorally. Sometimes they just flip out like this, it's normal for them, and it happens far more often in them than any other race.

>>a nigger now has to unsuccessfully murder the cop to be shot
Even then, there might still be riots over this anyway. Don't forget that marine with the blonde curly hair is being charged with murder when he successfully defended himself by choking that nigger on the subway that was trying to kill him first.
I just want to lie down and let her snu snu me
people forget that even though asians act super meek, asians are some of the most brutal people in the world. when they get activated, they fucking kill with no mercy.
Concord remake looks dope
Resident Evil shit
i whip my niggers back and forth
Cypher fucks niggers because he knows the herpes aren’t real
Damn she could've been a chocolate amazoness mommy but then turned into a concord character and was killed off like conocrd
When watching this kind of videos I'm always surprised with how difficult it is to take down someone, with a handgun, even at point blank.
Is this normal? Are they all on drugs? Or are these videos of very rare events?
he waited way too long to shoot. like the first attack was a surprise obviously but when she'd already attacked and was advancing on him knife in hand he should have mag dumped.
like he was well within self defense statutes at that point
he put his life in way too much risk letting her take multiple attacks. He's lucky he's alive.
kek good job
Those tits are shit.
Get some fucking standards you thirsty cunt
What was even the context here? Just nigged out and decided to suicide by cop?
Of course not, come on
>that head shape
Goddamn, it looks like he's the one that got shot.
Watch the video, or any of the numerous wbms.
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don't worry bros I did the needful
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niggers are not human
Someone shop this
85% survival rate with handgun wounds.
'One shot stops', which means the attack ends, but could include the shot guy running away then driving himself to hospital run from 55% for FMJ 9mm to 85% for the better .357 magnum rounds.
Extra hits don't do much unless they hit a major artery or CNS, as the body is already andrenaline dumping over the first hit.
There have been cases of guys being shot up to 33 times with .38 Special before finally falling over from lack of blood.
It’s wild that you can see the moment he has to decide between being slashed up and being on the news for shooting someone
If the cop were a gringo, betcha this would've still been treated like a George Floyd Part 2
Lucky it wasn't an eye.
why are you a spic
• Glorification of Violence
Goddamnit forgot the photo
I have zero luck with that, even when people are praising things like children being shot in the head on video. so I switched my report categories
Really? No one posted the caveman niggerette museum display?
niggers fighting traitors.

sounds good.
The shorter guy on the left dancing around like a retard got his friend killed. Dumbass.
Lots of blood drips at the end there
>"stop shooting"
Absolute cinema
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>harmless pistol
So you just openly admit to being a nigger?
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9mil is a pea shooter round anon
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fucking KEK
The police officer took way too much to shoot and it could've cost him his life. This is what happens due to BLM shit.

Maybe it'd be for the better if all police officers end up resigning due to danger on the job (of getting either stabbed by a nigger or cancelled if they do their job) and people can just police their own neighborhoods.

He was probably scared of getting the Derek Chauvin treatment aka a hero who took a dangerous criminal out of the picture getting disrespected, locked up and stabbed.
Does he not know that Black Lives Matter? You don't get to gun down a peaceful unarmed person of color just because they assault you with a deadly weapon. Hopefully this cop gets some 2024 style justice.
That's the bluepill guy from the matrix
This would make for a very racist but cool video game.
>officer Tim ting-ting
>Liminal space hallways.
>Random door opens, killer sheboon slashes at you.
>egg rolls as health packs.
>coon tunes play as you flee shaniqua
>1 mag to down 1 nig.
>Escape to roof,
>BLM rioting below.

Have it randomized, so you are kept guessing when the nig pops out.
>welfare check!
>oh no she was died
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>be woman
>self kill
many such cases
God I hate niggers.
There was a reason why US soldiers refused to surrender their 1911s in the pacific theater, because 9mm faggot rounds don't have sufficient stopping power at closer range when someone is charging at you.
Black women have lots of testosterone.
He did the smart thing -- he was trying to survive this encounter and also not spend the rest of his life in prison. That's a very tall order. Spilling his own blood was the only way to save himself
but it would have to have different levels and maps, it can't be just the same building with the shaniqua all the time
Around blacks, never relax
American asians are such a cucked race, they basically took the worst from asian and white races
Blacks are so prone to psychosis that their presence around whites is a danger
We need to be separated from these people because at any moment they can just become completely detached from reality
it's not just the test, it's that niggers arent human.

no matter how aggressive of a person you are, no sane person would attack a cop out of nowhere. niggers are subhuman animals.
The policeman should be fired for incompetence. :laugh:
Imagine being a policeman and getting lacerated like a little girl by a civilian and almost getting killed because you don't have any balls and you repeat “back-up” over and over. He shouldn't be trusted with a gun if he doesn't know how to use it.
he fucked up by not firing upon her the first time she lunged
Oh I remember, also the philippine american war. look up the Moro rebellion. there were massive drugged up Moro warriors that would charge at US troops, who only had .38s. once they got issued 1911s, they were finally able to drop them.
I would not want to fight a 6 6 sheboon, and im a 40 year old concrete worker that breaks rocks with my bare hands
Average American.
Um, she’s a nigger.
Is that a native? It’s hard to tell when all Americans are mixed into brown.
Anon, there are plenty of whites in America who are ACAB, lol. You haven't been around much.
Hahaha. That’s not a white dude. What the fuck are you on.
I don't live in a shithole city, because I'm not brown like you, but even in these rural parts, sometimes people do fight or even kill cops. Though they have to be provoked, first. knocking on someone's door won't even get a methhead to attack a cop like that sheboon did.
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He relaxed I thought chinks were smarter when dealing with nigs?
He relaxed and almost paid with his life.
You know the rules retard AROUND BLACKS NEVER RELAX
sometimes I wonder what he's up to now
>top of the range finest professional nigger best case scenario
>still just a nigger
This is precisely what we need. Bug Cops are the sweet spot; incompetent enough to allow the Nigger to do some dangerous assault, competent enough to finally kill it and dispensible enough people won't give a shit if he failed.
>Gets corrected
>"You must be brown"
Typical retard who doesn't get out much
Distill Asian hate. Because not all Asians are equal. You need more potent hate for the harmful shitskin “Asians”.
It's pretty common, especially when people are amped up on adrenaline. Handguns just punch holes. The human body functions just fine with holes in it until blood pressure drops far enough to make consciousness impossible. That takes time, 10-15 seconds for a heart hit, and longer anywhere else. The only exception to this is a hit on the brain or spinal cord, and those targets are hard to hit, and behind a lot of bone that can potentially deflect a bullet.
When people fall right away it's generally because of pain/fear. That isn't a reliable reaction though.
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checked x2.
Yeah I see what you mean,
Different maps, so like ghetto alley's, Popeyes, parking lots, streets, different maps have different frightening nigs.
>I'm always surprised with how difficult it is to take down someone, with a handgun, even at point blank.
>Is this normal?
Depends on the caliber of the rounds, what gets hit, and so on. Pistol rounds generally aren't as powerful as rifle rounds. They puncture, but they don't do the same level of devastating cavitation injuries usually. There's also a lot on a human body which isn't vital, or at least not immediately vital. Hit a major artery, the heart, or the brain? Yeah that's all vital. But most of the rest isn't. Also remember, that a person can be mortally wounded without being incapacitated. A wound might be fatal... in time... but not immediately. So a mortally wounded foe can still be charging at you and potentially kill you even though you've already sealed his fate. He might just manage to seal yours too before he collapses.

So... its not as cut and dry as most people think. In movies or video games or whatever people get a wrong impression that if you shoot someone that means they die, but nah. It depends on various things. Even getting shot in the brain isn't always fatal necessarily. It all depends on what part of the brain is destroyed. Some people like Gabrielle Giffords and Malala were shot in the head and are still alive today.
How am I corrected? show me where Whites are going around killing cops unprovoked. you're a brown piece of literal human refuse, living in a shithole city
You wouldn't know this, because you're Swedish, but people who were former athletes are always stronger than someone who was never athletic.
You need to learn about lens distortion. Like the MySpace angle, modern cameras blow out the edges like fish eye. You are being tricked.
>literally waits to get slashed in the face with a knife until he starts shooting
The raped
> once they got issued 1911s, they were finally able to drop them
It was an improvement but a 45 will fail to stop almost as easily as a 38, especially with round nose ammo. The reality is that all handguns are a compromise, and they all suck at dropping humans quickly.
ty anon, you are a gentleman and a scholar
you're a fucking tard if you think they are comparable in stopping power at close range
He'll be fine. Pro-wrestlers do this sort of thing to themselves with razor blades all the time.
basketball american kek
Gabby Giffords is a reptoid though
That's a man.
nice link, you homosexual faggot.
"She" sounded like fucking Marcellus Wallace on that clip.
I live in a pretty safe area actually I've just been around enough to know there are whites who want to kill cops. And no they aren't happy go lucky whites with families who go to church on sunday, you know the kind im talking about
A 9mm puncturing your heart is a lethal wound that will 100% kill you, it still takes like 5 seconds or so to die from it during an adrenaline rush where the soon to be death can flail the knife around or press the trigger of a handgun. Small calibers only brain and spinal cord shots are drop dead injuries if adrenaline is in play and those are quite hard to land.
Now if you blast someone with a rifle or a shotgun they may drop dead because the bullet do not only punctures an organ but the kinetic energy also causes a shock that makes the body recoil and twich but small calibers dont carry that much kinetic energy.
fucking zombie lmfao
>Extra hits don't do much unless they hit a major artery or CNS, as the body is already andrenaline dumping over the first hit.
So assuming you don't hit a major artery or the heart, where does the stopping power of a handgun comes from? It's the pain? The blood loss? The psychological shock?
Building another road somewhere. Laoban never rise from middle management.
It's sad the officer had to go through all this, but thank goodness he had a body cam on.
>no sane person would attack a cop out of nowhere.
That was what Michael Brown did back in 2015 or whatever it was when he suckerpunched that cop apparently trying to KO him, but failed and the cop blasted him and then riots ensued and made worse after Obama chimed in with his divisive rhetoric.

Like this giant sheboon, Michael Brown was also a "gentle giant". Fortunately he didn't have a knife. He probably thought his punch would be powerful enough to do the job, but for whatever reason it wasn't.
Dumb ass fat ass couldn't even line it up properly. Kek.
> FCPD received a request from a mental health professional to conduct a welfare check on 33-year-old Sydney Wilson
But now, she's dead.
Anon? You left the source identifier on the link.
Motorboating those boobs ain't worth if it she was mentally ill enough to charge at an armed police officer with a knife.
>swedish flag
may anal cancer eats you alive
Psychological for immediate drops, there are theories that some people drop after being shot because they watch too many movies where the bad guy drops in one hit and so they preemptively go down, or many drop so that they stop being shot
Someone driven to hurt you wont go down unless you get CNS or Heart
there are a lot of different bullet types too, cops will usually carry FMJ which keeps it's shape and has good penetration, while civilians usually carry hollow points that expand on impact causing more damage and shock but can get slowed and clogged by heavy clothing
this >>484876306
is valid for you, too
High trust discovery of the low trust bewildered him.
If the aggressor isn't in his normal state, the only reliably solution to stop the threat is to hit the heart or the head. Stopping power is mostly a myth, especially when it comes to handguns.
checked. Thank you.
maybe in Sweden that thing can be considered a white man nowadays. I mean the thing on the right.
No watermelon strobe lights?
DC is a nigga town, you need kangs in drag to move around safely.
Same. It looks unreal. Blurred edges. Exaggerated face. That's wild.
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>You're missing out
Damn right !
Looks like Burr and Nia
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I'm at full mast
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You niggers are like looking at rotting cows asshole being devoured by maggots.
every single famous stand up comedian lashing out on feminism and wokism is a mix racing faggot. Or just a faggot. Almost like they're controlled opposition.
You just nose..
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Ok muhmade go fuk your camel now
They all sound the same to me especially when they’re hanging from trees.
Id rather die
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>where duh wyte women at
Why not just go for the legs...allways wondered this whenever i see cop vids.
The exchange that for brain power
>swedish flag
No wonder you’re all cuckolds
ok based
To be honest niggers and rice would have never met if not for whites. Rice were notoriously bad sailors, they say they invented the compass but navigated only along their own shores. Niggers... too busy eating each other invented jack shit.
Nigger moment. Remember kids never engage fairly with niggers always keep a gun when having to go into public around them.
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A swede and a cucknadian enters a gay bar. Only jews around.
- Sorry, they say, we thought is black on white night.
-It is, replied the jews. We're waiting too.
that was a fight though

niggers and mohameds misbehave a lot but that time was fair, as he fought back
The good cops usually die because of their blind outlook on life. The days of white picket fences and smiling homogeneous high trust high iq society is gone forever because of weak slothful greedy liberals.
Both are men muhamed
>rick n mort
>nose ring
Definitely a future mudshark
Beginner mistake, never patrol the vents solo...
>Death sound on aggro
>Pain sound before being hit
>Health and ammo not going down
Shit attempt desu
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Indeed. Here is another for you. Reddit founder Alex Ohanian.
It’s a big country and most Americans live in the country. This only happens in hive cities yankee nigger loving cesspits
your autism stops you from enjoying things.
Not a sheboon like that fake swedish invader. On this thread.
What if you the man knocking on her door was just a neighbour asking her to keep the nigger noises down to a mild cat 3 hurricane.

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