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There you go. Now stop complaining about a girls's body count, you chuds.
And both are equally valid reactions of disgust.
200 hours is nothing
>200 hours of watching sportsballs
>200 hours of games
Schizo moment.
Oh shit, guess I'll stop playing video games and start getting life ruined by roasties.... fuck.
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>200 hours
lmao, try 10x that if it's a paradox game
>"He should have been working those 200 hours so that he could give me the money"
But 900 hours on Instagram is fine
Then a boby count of 200 is also nothing, right?
No it does not. Incredibly tired of women telling men to shut up and listen to the experiences of women and people of color, and yet having little issue with women telling men how they feel.
She needs to just end it all and freeze her eggs
I have over 2,200 hours in Mordheim: City of the Damned and I am completely unashamed.
Brb gotta go drop a fucking chaos spawn
>200hrs vs 200 dicks inside you
Rookie casual numbers
That's some holocaust math. It should be 1000 hours to 1 dick.
There is a difference between playing video games and having sex
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I have like ~18,000hours logged over all my runescape accounts.
difference is the gamer doesn't have dozens of stds
Why would you tell a girl how many hours you play a video game anyways?
No, it does not, you lying bitch.
Guarantee a far goblina brap queen wrote this
I think spending hours and hours on video games is a waste of time. But in my experience of the women I dated the average foid spends twice as much time scrolling through social media than any man does on video games. Video games are arguably better for you than social media.
>200 hours
That's literally what some guys do in 1 month.

Does a whore sleep with 200 men in 1 month?
no 200 people is a shitload of people. that's more then a tribal unit
also you don't get incurable STDs from playing video games
I have thousands of hours in Dota 2 and bitches don't even what the fuck is that
Not really. Both are fun and can be degenerate if done excessively.
>rack up a couple hundred hours in a game by playing with the guys a couple nights a week
>suck and slurp 200 cocks and take load after load of semen in your mouth, face, pussy and ass
Yes both demonstrate an equivalent personal failure
>200 hours (noob)
>Vidya >>> scrolling social media, from an intellectual standpoint
Best case scenario, you will become a wine aunt, to your friends who are happily married to gamers.
just ask them to show their phone usage
how many hours does a woman spend on her phone?
holy fuck i hate this place
yeah, that's the problem, retard. they're not bodies. they're people you chose to get pregnant with (that's what having sex is) then regretted, 200 times. see, i like the games i play, but you hate the men you fuck, and you keep doing it. why would anyone expect you to be a decent judge of anything or capable of commitment when you've crossed the finish line hundreds of times only to run off with you and your partner's trophy and melt it down
4k in dota.
8000 hours on WoW and I'm XX
I don't date women who are this obssessed with sex and woke culture. Waste of time.
you can fix bad posture but not herpes
If your body count is in a porn video game, then yes.
200? Lol

How about 10k plus of quake
Except yes, there really is
>200 is a shitload of people
Anon, it's worse than that: Dunbar's Number is 150. It's about the limit of personal connections an individual mind can maintain. A woman who has slept with 200 people would be lucky to remember the names and/or faces of a tenth of that.
the essence of that tweet is that women know that high body counts are bad and they will find any and all reason to justify it
Everyday I am amazed and disgusted by women in new ways.
Yes, those are 200 hours we should or could have spent producing economic or emotional outcomes for her, what a disgrace
Women aren't owed the fruits of male labour nor are they owed our emotional support
We can do this stupid shit too lasagne bobs
That's the most retarded correlation ever.
If anything, 200 hours in a single game shows dedication, something a woman would never understand.
Not even a gamer, I value my time too much.
I love how these whores make it sound like 200 bodies is 200 hours, and then wonder why we call them whores, charging by the hour.
What a time to be alive.
tf I have like 6000hours+ in games i like
Shit, I have like 8k alone on iRacing.
Only to finish like 1 actual playthrough
no because those two things arent the same, nigger
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>200+ hours
probably between 3-4 daily if you count time in bed, on the toilet, idle between calls, waiting at stoplights. so well over a thousand hours a year and that's just counting weekdays
no even remotely the same and that cunt knows it.
I had 13,200 hours in World of Warcraft before I stopped playing in 2008.
That's cool. I have spent 0 hours gaming since I was a teenager in HS, and women don't even care, I'm incel anyway. Not a virgin, but neither of my exes has even asked if I game. I see guys, some who were my friends, that gamed a lot more and got gf's and married. Some girls probably like to game with their bf's too.
>Being dedicated to one game for a long time is the same as having sex with hundreds of people
>reacting emotionally to a Twitter screencap of a troll account's fake shit test

This is why none of you will ever breed.
It was clearly a ragebait tweet but you're not wrong lmao
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>caring what women think in the year 2016+8
bitches will watch 3,000 hours of tv and feel nothing. then complain when a man spends 1 hour a day playing video games and is legitamtely happy; you're not concerned that he's playing video games; you're concerned that he's genuinely happy and you're not the source of his happiness
Cool. My reaction is the same as theirs when confronted with it. Fuck you I'm happy with my choice.
>tfw there's no way to reset your steam play time so every time i scroll through i have to feel the shame of time i sunk into the games
As a woman who has 6 who's married to a guy that puts in that many hours in about 2 weeks playing vidya, fuuuuuuck NO, I can not agree with that!! Sure, it sucks because we have children and he has a decent job where he works only 3 days, but spends the entire rest of his waking time on PoE, but how the FUCK can you equate that many thousands of miles of dick to vidya?? Are they just trying to shame men who barely play like 3 hours a day while working actual jobs?
I can accept the fact that many women are deeply disgusted by that but I reject the premise that their feelings on this issue matter.
They will have to understand that video games are good for training the mind of men and that sleeping around is bad for their body.
>caring about the opinion of women in 2024
I bet she has 200 hours watched on whatever streaming service.
make it 13k biatch
It takes up to 5k hours get just not suck in dota 2
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fr fr
That's just petty and retarded. Why do most women feel so offended at men indulging their hobbies? I bet she'd be angry at any hobby a man sinks 200 hrs into.
A lot of these roasties for what ever reason like niggerball. Gee, I can't fathom why. Not only do you have to stare at disgusting, rancid animals chasing and throwing a ball, but it's also a time sink. I guess it's better than making fake up tutorials and such. Oh, that's right, they want to fuck the niggers.
I consider it a blessing that I don't find most 3d women sexually attractive.
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200 hours in a game is commitment, while 200 bodies is the literal opposite of that. Now ask this twat how many hours of scrolling social media she does in a month. I guarantee that it's at least 200 hours.
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>As a woman who
You're not getting STDs or nigger babies from playing vidya, whore.
Can you get AIDS from a guy who has played a videogame for 200 hours?
Snappy, the cunt wins this round.
this is your brain on mental illness
You're never going to find a husband nor, do you deserve to if you hate videogames.
The reason they hate games, is because THEY ARE a game. And a really expensive, really fucking shitty one at that. Subconsciously, they realize they can't even come close to competing with a 60 dollar triple A title when they cost thousands of dollars and are boring, soulless, annoying entitled pieces of trash.
Whores wish this were true, but they would still marry a guy who has 1000+ hours in World of Warcraft as long as he was a gigachad. No normal man is going to marry the town bicycle regardless of how hot she is, they will just take her out for a spin
Eloquently put, anon.
>whore says thing
200 hrs of holding a controller and finishing task is the same as sucking 200hrs of cock in women's eye? Race and nation traitors get the rope:)
You're never going to find a wife if you play video games.
There's several femanons here, and a few of us are mothers. I know there's another US and a Canadian mother.
So are you impressed by my 1500 hours on path of exile?
video game playing can be stopped.
body count can never be cured, healed or undone.
Ohhh nooo he plays video gameserino!! Most women spend 4+ hours scrolling social media and oversharing online. Video games actually feel like a more constructive use of time than tiktok, twitter, facebook, instagram, and whatever the fuck else women waste their lives on nowadays.
200? Those are rookie numbers. I have 4000 hours in Destiny 2. 2000 in Elder Scrolls Online. And like a year of playtime in WoW.
And I have 4 kids.
promiscuity is the best predictor of cluster b personality traits and unstable relationships outside of criminal activity

they're not the people you want a relationship with
Dumb bitches spend that much time every month painting their faces and doing their hair.
Yeah surely a different cock tickling a woman's insides is as benign as an hour spent on a video game.
Videogames don't pollute ovaries.
Lol.. 200?

This chick is retarded
What is a chud?
it's funny watching them think this equivalence shaming will work.
They just keep justifying things like mgtow and the collapse of society. I hope she enjoys the 2000 dicks she will have to endure to eat dry bread in a near future.
200h? That's a rookie numbers.
Let me see that fuzzy thick bush you whore.
I know first hand that that isn't true. But if it was, I would absolutely pick indulging in hobbies over marriage. We can just keep the species going by pumping and dumping since women wanting to have dozens of different cocks inside of them seems to be the norm anyway.
All fields.
>retarded whore says something
>tHeRe yOu gO
Unless she has a new partner every hour it's nowhere near equal.
People who play videogames still get married. People who bitch about them are still single.
200 bodies is amongst the most unhygienic thing you can do to yourself
I have been with 19 women and feel disgusted with myself.
ew, thats fucking gross. women are beyond fucking disgusting if this is at all true
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Check'd & wrecked
You can form a family with a guy that played only 200 hours of games.
You can't form a family with a whore that had 200 dicks though.
Bullshit. My GF turned Wife was playing Gears of War 1 through 4 back on my XBOX before we had our first kid. We're on baby 4 now and she sits and watches me gank motherfuckers on WoW.

Our kids play Super Mario U, pirated on my android emulation handheld. She even takes turns.

Women will do anything you do if you're a strong leader and have a huge cock.

>you don't have a huge cock and you're a faggot
I miss when games were good enough to spend 200+ hours playing
Elden Ring + xpac are good bro, just prepare to ragequit often.
>Subconsciously, they realize they can't even come close to competing with a 60 dollar triple A title
They can now that so many of them infiltrated dev companies, and turned all AAA titles into feminist slop that cost 3 figures minimum for the full package
No it doesn't and SAGE
this nigga gets it
i regret every single girl i slept with except for one
You know, for all your mockery towards roasties for getting defensive about their body count, you sure as hell get defensive about your gaming habits.

Just my 2 cents.
at least from gaming you don't get STDs, you damn stupid bitch
There's literally nothing wrong with playing video games. The industry makes MORE MONEY THAN EVERY OTHER ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY COMBINED, YES EVERY ONE COMBINED.

Probably including prostitutes. Which means whores are jealous they don't as much money than fucking video games.
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Professional gamers don't demand the internet be scrubbed of their videos.
CDPR is dead to me
Yeah, people really get whipped up into a frenzy over how other people waste their own personal time, when they usually waste their own time in equally useless ways, it's a fucking weird constant across generations and demographics. The whore comparing sleeping around to someone playing a game is fucking stupid, though.
>extremely vulgar
>so hyper defensive about how many dicks have been in her hole she doesn't even understand the question being asked
>liberal white woman

She'll die alone, possibly even suicide.
I'd rather actually enjoy my time playing a game
Trying to equate video game hours with number of people you've slept with is peak roastie levels of retarded cope.
Thats fine, i have double that on zomboid which has been more fulfilling than any relationship ive been in. Hoarding virtual cans of beans in my safehouse is more rewarding than modern women
Don't care. What women want changes like the wind only a fool entertains the whims of women.
git gud pussy

Indian post
being a whore is revolting. everyone agrees on this, across all time periods, from tribal nignogs to religious philosophers, without needing to have seen or played a video game in their lives.
is the cope. Why focus on gamers? it's a used up whore hoping to lash out and be seen by someone as terminally online as her. perhaps a simp like you would would lick other men's semen from her de-elasticated gash.
low test beta basedfag post

Can you read flags dumb bitch
>caring what women think of my behavior
All that time spent in video games is exactly the same as getting railed by strangers and allowing their mucous membranes and fluids to interact with mine. And my risk of disease is just as high with video games too. /s
Well, those whores will surely find a man who isn't bothered by their bodycount.
Thus I'll seek a woman unbothered by my playing time
back for round 2

women play shitty mobile games inbetween slutting around.
So at every dumb bimbo argument ": ET tu?
>200 hours is nothing
I'm totally fine with those terms, though, I suspect she won't be because women have ZERO accountability.
>a woman is not a key
parsing error
>Hag makes blatantly false claim
>equates to completely unequal events

Woman logic: Playing a video game is the same as being a whore.
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with women like this who needs demons
I think in the end, we'll just be agreeing to disagree.
cdpr got DEI, it now deserves to DIE.
Such a shame
200 hours is 1 hour a week for 5 years. 200 sexual partners is too many for 5 lifetimes. They know they are whores yet live in denial, so try to project their promiscuity onto everyone else through every false argument they can find.
>tf I have like 6000hours+ in games i like
she'd change her tune if time in social media were logged in account profile for each app.

You can still get it off settings inside phone, but that involves extra steps and isn't cumulative over devices.
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You forgot bloody before bitch. I got a loyal pure wife. But we can get bloody in Quake if you want, before the real deal.
>>>484997302 #
>probably between 3-4 daily if you count time in bed, on the toilet, idle between calls, waiting at stoplights. so well over a thousand hours a year and that's just counting weekdays
You're under estimating women and social media.
Repeal the 19th
>he finishes his playthroughs
nigga I'm impressed
do women not play video games or somethin
* 3.8 years
Not quite. Courts usually go against whoever has the most income. They have to get their cut, after all.
>Women will do anything you do if you're a strong leader and have a huge cock.
You both sound fat, but you also sound happy. Congratulations on finding The One.
women have noticed that most men who post shit like "no hymen no diamond" are gamers so they are now attempting to shame them into not saying things they don't like
to a jew, 200 is nothing.
That’s a funny way to say your body count is 2000+
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>they're people you chose to get pregnant with (that's what having sex is)
That’s not always what sex is, fren.
and how many hours do you think this cumdumpster has spent on netflix
And that’s why you’re an incel.
Someone should make an 'ick list
200 sexual partners is too many for 199 lifetimes.
I can choose to change my free time habits away to something more productive then videogames. You can not undo the unspeakable things you have let men do to your coochie. We are not the same. To even try and put the two emotions of ick on the same wavelength is mindboggling and probably just done for engagement farming.
You are clearly a retard farming for (you)s. Nobody can actually be this retarded. Every single gf I have ever had played video games. Nothing is better than playing games with the boys while your gf looks up at you while swallowing your hog. Get fucked coping retard, you will be single for the rest of your miserable life. Feels good being me having a 9/10 skinny ginger gf with huge tits and a juicy ass. Oh yah she swallows my cock while playing map games with multiple k hours in each game. Feels good being me also it probably helps that I have an eight inch cabassa.
kill yourself
Some do, but some (maybe most) women see males as beasts of burden. Therefore, the male's efforts belong only to the woman. If he's engaging in an activity that does not explicitly benefit her or indulges her preconceptions of what a male should be doing, then it gives her the ick.
1500 hours on Kenshi means I am a Gigachad
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>200 hours
bitch please, you are like little baby
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Women's argument when offended= get laid loser, haha smoll pp.

What their -heart-(hole) is full of their mouth's will spill.
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5,000 hours in league of legends
give me the whores
Equal? C'mon now, jew. We're tired of the exaggeration you fuckers come up with. Miles of dick do not equate to a nice K/D ratio.
How many billions of jews did 'ol Hitler kill these days?
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Women aren't smart enough to collectively determine what they want and should be ignored.
they legitimately think their loose beef flaps are worth all of your free time and your life.
Proud of it
She's 94lbs AFTER 4 kids and I'm 200 lbs of muscle, cock and rage.
It's a turn on for me but you can't be a streamer and the games can't entirely be shooter games, some have to be some puzzle solving rpg. Racing and fighting games are good too if you play with me. Honestly if he won't play tekken tag and zelda with me then I don't want it
You do realize that this is most likely not going to be taken seriously, right? Why would anyone, here of all places do?
>Women equate men's harmless enjoyment to the amount of cock and cum they've swallowed
God damn I hate women so much it's unreal
there are actual female anons, but ones who use the term "as a woman" or otherwise call attention to it are trannies 100% of the time.
go dilate your festering axe wound.
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>Then a boby
>meme flag
what if I have a 1000 hours in Factorio?
Imagine your rage when 1 of your kids decides to troon out and the other growing up to be a 200 cock whore.

You better stay on your toes bro.
>200 hours
Um, rookie numbers? asking for less is equivalent to asking for a virgin
dont project your weak upbringing on me chomo, my kids are already racist as fuck and call the mailman a poop to his face.

why are netherland flags ALWAYS some perverted faggot
With bait like this it's really best to go to Twitter, look through the account, and try to flag some posts for abuse. People like this always have a few and it's pretty cool to see these accounts just disappear.
it pollutes prostrates with all that sitting
Wtf do women spend all their free time on that they don't spend playing video games?
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But you know what really gets bitches wet?
Posting bait threads on /pol/ 24/7
How many hours does she spend on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?
imagine depending on an external consumer product to be happy. One that's been thoroughly jewed too
Well, I'm a woman: I've had children and I do my womanly duties despite working a laborious job. I don't use the internet other than longform shittube videos watching things like Academy of Ideas, I,Hypocrite, A Voice for Men, etc, and the majority of time I'm on /pol/. These literal feminazi cumrags are not women, they're females. So, yes, I differentiate myself by saying I'm a woman, because I've earned it. I seldom state my sex, as there's no need for it, but seeing as I'm a literal woman, and share the sex with these stupid turbo whores, and have a husband who games 15+ hours 4/DaW + a few hours on his work days, it was pertinent to the thread.
ok, so when are you going to post tits?
>And a woman is not a key.
Her IQ is probably in the 70's.
forget tits, I wanna see that fuzzy muff NOW
I already believed and accepted that millenial males and females hate each other until the bitter end and are still looking more excuses to hate even more, you didn't have to sell it to me anymore. I haven't read or heard a single take in maybe 15 years where someone said we should try to understand or even try to like each other more, unless it was something like the woman has four children with three different men and wants someone to step up. Which doesn't imply liking anyone, just that they would find you useful.
>3,000 hours in Elite Dangerous
>11,000 hours across all Paradox Titles
>2,000 hours in Project Zomboid
>two kids
dug, how did you know
t. rerolled my hastein of montaigu campaign all weekend
200 hours? Nigga, I have more in a month. Rookie numbers
No. I'm my husband's. Besides, after the close to 2 decades here, I never showed shit, so why start now when I'm married? Fucking poo's.
sorry about your male pattern baldness, bro
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My fucking sides
Lady I'm a red blooded american that LOVES MOMMY MUFF let's see it, shaved hair IDGAF
>2 decades here
What ethnicity are you before you show us that hairy cunt
yeah, I'm a guy and gamers give me the ick.
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>200 hours
literal nooby booby numbers.
This, i get 2,000 hours in one playthrough of Skyrim.
>deflects pedo tendency
ok raghead
>a matter of time is equivalent to a human individual
Letting women in science was a mistake
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I lost years, literal years to GTA online (lvl 560 legit when I was banned for apartment glitch).
Of course, sharing bodily fluids with and letting 200+ men penetrate your body is exactly like playing a video game for 200+ hours.
It’s just all sports, women get an excuse to stare at athletes physically exerting themselves for 3 hours
cmon sweety give us SOMETHING
at 200 its not a girl ts a whore
and should addressed as such
It takes most women much longer than 200 hours to fuck 200 men unless she is a prostitute near a hotel. And even then, finding a man willing to fuck can take several hours even for the hot ones.
It's a valid point, but the broad doesn't have to worry about getting a computer virus, if the rubber breaks.
Video games can't give you STDs.
Nice rage inducing thread. But we can do better.
>surrounded by 4 kids call's me the pedo/chomo
What are you trying to project on me Fritzl ?
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I gave up video games when I was 8 years old LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO. So where it my low notch count female? Yup! That's what I thought.
Videya don’t give you STDs
You’re gross
Tits or GTFO btw
4real. Everyone who plays csgo has a minimum 2k hours. And some of them are married and it's kind of why they're still putting hours into it.
36 was a big deal in the 90s...and thats just blow jobs.
It's over for society
It makes perfect sense.
You terminally online shut-in incels who think you deserve a cute, loyal, virgin tradwife, who is a nympho for you but has had zero sexual attraction to any other man on are just the exact male equivalent of the fat post-wall roasties with a mulatto kid who think they deserve a tall, handsome, exciting, big dick Chad who will treat them like a princess.
You are the mirror image of each other, how can you not see that?
You have the exact same over inflated ego and delusional estimation of your own value as a mate, and the exact same self-centered entitlement mentality.
Neither of you actually want a gf/bf or relationship, you despise members of the other gender. You are incapable of empathy or seeing them as actual real people with real value and feelings and worth. You see them as nothing more than a means to your end goal of acquiring some ridiculously idealized fantasy relationship.
It is grotesque and disgusting.
I would suggest that you incel faggots and fat post-wall roasties just pair up with each other, since you are in fact each other's looksmatch and valuematch. But honestly, you are both such shitty people that you don't even deserve that.
It's never going to happen. The government is never going to assign you a virgin tradwife. Christian Grey is never going to swoop in and choose you over some hotter, less bitchy girl.
You should probably just KYS and get it over with instead of continuing to shit up my internet with these same fucking posts over and over.
none of your shots are even close to home lol.
But you are a beaner aren't ya?
>you deserve a cute, loyal, virgin tradwife, who is a nympho for you but has had zero sexual attraction to any other man
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My wife has a body count of 1, me, and even that seems a little high.
>Academy of Ideas, I,Hypocrite
Sounds like you had a great relationship with your highly educated father.
Anon you're a retard, if this wasn't already apparent. It's prayer time isn't it mohammed?
200 nuclear bombs is not the same as 200 feathers post tits roastie
ok now lets see how many hours she has on twitter and ig
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fake & gay. I had pic related as GF while I was in my counter-strike phase and played 4-5 hours every single day. She did not leave me, I left her when she got fat. back in the day we also went to LAN parties and played there, zero complaints
If you look into this post, you can tell the person is absolutely a ragebaiter. They themselves have over 1000 hours in fortnite.

That being said, its incredible how many people just read the tweet at face value without looking into it all.
you should divorce that dirty whore!
I got 430 hours in nioh 2 and I still suck at the game.
I realized this when I was young. Modern women actually expect you to be doing masculine high status stuff literally 24/7. They get the ick if you sleep in a way that doesn’t come off as masculine and stoic. It’s really nuts. They just don’t like men. They want superhero aliens.

>Female opinion

Who cares?
bullshit and no they don't, and even if it is your job as a man to set boundaries and explain how things work.
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>hurr, you must be productive 100% of your time to be a real man.
How many hours of netflix slop do you think she watches?
My ps5 says 399 hours but my pubg says it’s only 99 hours.
Where do I fall on this scale?
you are "ick" out of "incel"
a roastie may allow you to give her all your money

lol, women
The incel is the reaction to the turbowhore.
but the pool of chads will shrink too,some of them even troon out now or go gay lol. because hoeflation increases and with that the amount of incels.
Of course this leads to further polarization.
There is one little problem, ousting your own men from society creates enemies that would burn it down to feel that warmth...
The only thing binding a man to society is family hood, this requires available women.
the only thing growing or sustaining society is family.
Who are we to challenge conventional wisdom found in any old religious texts?

So how to fix? by shunning hypergamy and pairing up men and women either though coercion and law or through force.
this too can be found in old books.

Women's rights will be taken just as they were granted, kosher conservatism and right wing is being implemented right now.
CS 1.3 to 1.6 was the glory days of gaming. Had similar story. Had a gf even when playing a ton of cs with no issues. Would slob my knob while playing surf and kz maps
Every woman has 10,000+ hours on Candy Crush and other bullshit mobile games, but that is totally different. I have had multiple arguments with my GF about it. She literally thinks mobile games are "video games" and playing a mobile game for 3 hours is different than playing a console game or PC game for 3 hours.
*Mobile games AREN'T video games
>woman says something
>things that matter
Pick one
I’m forklift certified, bitch.
Women are retarded...but you knew this before getting into an argument with her about this. Now you feel dumb trying to explain to her what a retard can't comprehend

Congrats, her tardism wore off on you
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I'd love to see a girl with 900 hours in WoW instead of TikTok and playing with your fucking faces in the mirror every chance you get.
You can have sex with the same person over and over, you can replay the same hour.

When can we all agree that giving women any opportunity was a mistake
I've 1800+ hours in Apex, probably more watching it and Maybe good 200+ hours in Minecraft
200 hours in a video game won't get you a permanent disease.

the biggest lie of modern society is that it doesn't also disgust the girl herself - that's why they all need SSRIs
Unlike her, I have money, a house, and no credit debt.
>CS 1.3 to 1.6
god damn I miss the glory days
I have 100k hours on a game and I’ll never admit it to anyone irl
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I'm sorry, I'll pick video games then.
200 hours is fucking nothing what the hell is she smoking
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>200 hours
I’ve got 200 hours on the character creation screen of fallout.
I came up with these and the OP, yes I decided to create a new brown pedo class for a playthrough. Spent the entire game squatting. Went to the train tracks got splattered by a super mutant - didn’t even turn around to look.
Dedicated servers, IRC, ventrilo. We honestly didn't know how good we had it.

I played for years in and out of Caleague and a little of esea. Some of my best teenage memories

GL hf lo3
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This & this.
> doesn’t live in America so he wouldn’t know
Setting boundaries about what you can’t do is just an admission of being lesser than the ideal.
Cock. I mean obviously.
Sounds like a hormonal imbalance. You likely have too much estrogen from beer and other xenoestrogens.
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I don't even buy used GPUs and you expect me to settle for a used hole?

lmao even
Stop hating each other. Find forgiveness in yourselves. Be the bigger MAN.
The true retard is you and I'll tell you why that is .

My initial message was a warning why you should keep on your toes after you've been posturing like a chimp.
You take it as an insult and start flinging shit and see if anything sticks.
I take my shot back
I riposte by calling out that your shots missed.
I ask did my shot hit the mark beaner
You just double down on the islam/pedo angle
But still missing your mark with double the ammo you utter buffoon.

The only retarded thing from my end is even entertaining you with my response, it's like I'm talking to an baboon.
All rage no intellect, It's funny .

Anyway have fun guarding your kids, If they inherited your traits they'll be bound to go to the pokey for dumb shit.
finding out that a women doesnt like video games illicits the same reaction as looking at trash
What exactly do you bring to the table that makes you think you deserve a woman like that?
Having slightly above average intelligence and being redpilled on the jews isn't going to be anywhere near enough to make up for all of your other shortcomings.
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That is equally outlandish
a women like that isn't a big ask
If a woman is comparing disease-ridden Snapchat sex with playing Fallout 3, I don't want her in my life anyway.
if you don't have minimum 5k hours you're hardly a gamer
200 LOL
Not really. He is a good man, but we had a surface level relationship, and he wasn't into any philosophy or anything like that. I suppose I was just supposed to be this way.
You are still thinking in transactional terms. Rural people are spiritual. Their first love is special and is an unbreakable bond. You merchants have sucked all natural beauty and grace out of the world in exchange for a simulacrum. For your ilk the mantra is “Bend Over and Wait”.
A man with only 200 hours in a game is called a "noob".
This is not true though. Almost all jock, frat boys, alpha males, ruffians, meatheads, sexy bad boys, ladies man players etc. play video games too. Most high school athlete boys play tons of video games. The only males i know under age 60 who never played video games are some intellectual nerds who are usually musicians who just thought videos games were boring compared to playing music, drawing amd painting and or reading and writing. I was one of those high iq boys who was good at music and art, math and loved literature and found video games boring. i tried many times to play but would get bored after a few minutes i would go play outside or listen music or draw something instead.

The issue is not playing video games. Its that fourchan type incel dont do things girls like such as sports, music, art, theatre, poetry etc. "video gamer" is a proxy for " boys with no cool or sexy hobbies. Virtually all post boomer males play v.g. including pro actors, pro athletes, medical doctors, pro musicians, rixh lawyers, drug dealers etc all play.
> EU flag

Of course.
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Holy kek, that pic
200 hours in tarkov means either a 0.01 k/d or a 46.78 k/d
The best way to blow their FUCKING mind about the body-count question is by asking them:

> Hey what if your future BF had sex with 100+ prostitutes, how would you feel about that?
> >yeah see that's different
>Exactly! Its way harder to order a prostitute, its much easier for you to fuck on a first date on Tinder.
> >Oh shit

Then again Femoids are more for feels instead of reals anyways.
valid is the word faggots use to beg for anal.

Nothing is "valid", you are permitting / begging. An endorsement isn't validatipn it's alignment.
>whores can’t grasp the concept of staying committed to something
I’m so shocked
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this is all about to be a moot point
Yeah my wife plays more video games than I do.
Woman is the nigger of the world
ironic, 200 hours in the same game is so different from 1 hour with 200 cocks.
tell him he will never be a woman.
Marry only virgins. The rest are used cars.
What is a black woman? Doublenigger of the the world?
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I just woke up. It’s 18:26. My ps5 is literally right next to me in a protective box with a dust sheet over it - i was tired of taking 50 security screws out and cleaning it every time i saw one speck of dust - i just made up with it after a 7 month break up because of woke. Still not bought it anything new though but i didn’t touch it for all that time. I was just checking in before i switch it on, on my £2000 smart perfect spec TV.
Not even joking.
Women don’t get to come in here. Ever. I learned that one a long time ago. I need my own space.
I’m a physician and when I was in training blew away my attendings with my hand eye coordination I developed from video games. It’s to the point a lot of physicians encourage their trainees to take up video games. This slag would probably consider her life a success if she got knocked up by one of these dudes. Anyway, who gives a shit about a worthless opinion. She can fuck off and rewatch friends for the 10th time lecturing me about wasting time.
>200+ hours
Pfft those are rookie numbers. I've probably have spent like 15000 hours playing Skyrim over the years.
200 hours?

I have 5,200 hours in Factorio, 1,800 hours in PoE, 1,180 DAYS in wow, 240 DAYS in EVE, etc etc.

And IDGAF what foids think. :D
i probably have like 2000 recorded hours on steam for a game.
but the real number is probably 150x-200x that amount.
so 400,000 total hours.
this is also ignoring the time I spent on league of legends which is also a ridiculous amount.
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You don't become a hybrid of all the guys you played video games with, telegony is real.
does your console have covid?
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That's what whores actually want you to believe, reality is they think nothing, just looking for ways to put you down because they themselves are worthless and they know it.
Being a gamer is actually better than doing literally nothing. You might text women obsessively if you don't have something to take up your time. I have heard women complain about guys being like this.
Video games are based.
can't wait for space age
>The incel is the reaction to the turbowhore.
No, you are an incel because your weak parents and the rest of society raised you to be weak, timid, neurotic, socially retarded, and irrationally terrified of women, rejection, or ever being masculine or showing sexual interest in women.
>ousting your own men from society
No one ousted you from society, you do that to yourself. There is literally nothing preventing you from being a productive member of society and getting girls and getting married and all of that.
It's just you. You aren't even trying.
>creates enemies that would burn it down to feel that warmth...
You won't ever do shit. You are not any kind of threat to society. You are too much of a weak pussy and too retarded to figure out how to get girls, but you think you are going lead some incel revolution and take down society? Completely delusional.
>this requires available women.
There are plenty of available women, you just aren't doing the things necessary to get one.
>shunning hypergamy
Hypergamy is natural and normal, but you probably don't even know what hypergamy really even is.
>pairing up men and women either though coercion and law or through force
Absolutely delusional fantasy that is NEVER going to happen.
>Women's rights will be taken just as they were granted
Another delusional fantasy that is NEVER going to happen
>kosher conservatism and right wing is being implemented right now.
None of the men who have all of the power and influence in those movements are delusional incels, and they have zero intention of doing any of that stuff.
You are not the norm, you are a weird outlier.
The right wing only tolerates you incels now to boost our numbers.
If an actual true far right regime ever took power, you dysgenic incel losers would be purged right along with the jews and faggots and trannies and non-Whites and all other deficient, low value trash.
With DEW we don’t need physicians.
That's how I juggled 4 women at the same time. By not pestering then. It balances things. A High libido male can satisfy 4 women concurrently both physically and emotionally.
Correct, and this thread only exists so that some totally authentic anon can tell you it's actually your fault you arent getting laid. They astroturf the topics they want to demoralize people with.
>look at what the "normies" are talking about anon
>don't you want to react to it in a negative way?
>a women like that isn't a big ask
Then why don't you have one?
It’s distracts attention from them. Thankfully my wife is glad I play vidya. She knows the alternative is me hitting up happy hour. Our kids are starting to play vidya and she loves the sense of achievement it gives them. She also thinks it’s adorable when I’m bonding with them over vidya. The ultimate win came when my son taught himself how to read at the age of 4-5 just playing Pokémon Diamond. We weren’t sure about letting him play that at such an early age but he’s reading and mastering multiplication just to advance in the game that there was no way we could deny him it. Now his aunt want to get his cousin a switch.
What nonsense. Men show plenty of interest in female bodies but the lights of their eyes are now artificial. They parrot an anti-human memeplex and run on a social batter rather than food. You must charge them, not play a game of hide and seek. Stimulus-Response, not mystery.
idk that's a good question
I think women my age were tricked into being whores so I have to just wait for younger women who'll watch and learn from their mistakes
Post milf pussy.
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Oh look, it's the agent of demoralization, come to tell you it's YOUR FAULT society sucks, and not his masters.
>y-you won't do shit
And this is always part of their game. This is how you know it's propoganda.
I'm married, and I probably had 200 days played on just a single character in WoW.
And I was getting side pussy at the time.
yes we know women are retarded fucking animals that require regular beatings, no need to validate this position OP.

It's "elicit". I can't take that insult seriously since the bitch is too dumb to use spellcheck.
You might as well have a vagina.
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is see, the tranny in question

I know women who spend that amount of time in two fucking month passively on their fucking phones, that's a fucking part time job on it's own for the most vapid and idiotic shit.
What we do here is no better. How’s the future looking for the White man?
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I have no reaction. Total disenchantment with humanity.
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Imagine being disgusting and delusional enough to think that 200 smegma covered diseased nigger cocks is equal to enjoying a hobby for 2000 hours. We have reached peak levels of mental illness, she will die alone guaranteed or in a hospital bed infected with AIDS. She wants to lick Lindsey Grahams ladybugs.
I don't know how much time you spend here, if i get 5 hours in a week of active shitposting that's a lot.
So it’s okay to do what they do as long as it’s around 5 hours per week?
writing something like this will only make men with any video game hours above 1-5 disgusted with you, do women not realize that there's less than 1 man for every 1 woman on the planet?
they are writing themselves out of the wife pool in return for some retweets.
>Some girls probably like to game with their bf's too.

The only thing my wife finds less attractive than the computer games I play is all the guns i own. But she also know we're better off with me having both.

Men need hobbies, and any women that thinks that's stupid or unreasonable is a liability
>You are still thinking in transactional terms.
ALL human relationships are transactional. Otherwise they wouldn't exist.
Even people who are in a relationship because they love each other are still getting something out of it.
You seem to think that you are capable of having some kind of perfect, ideal, absolutely unconditional love, but are seething because you think most or all women can't or won't give it to you.
But the reality is that you aren't remotely capable of giving that kind of unconditional love either. No one other than Jesus Christ can do that.
Ok, so let's say you do have that special first love and unbreakable bond with a woman that you described.
Then one day for whatever reason, she decides that she doesn't need to put effort into her appearance since you love her unconditionally anyway, and she starts eating goyslop and balloons up to be one of those stinky 600lb abominations. Are you just going to be cool with that and keep loving her unconditionally?
Or one day she decides that what would really make her happy would be to get fucked by a bunch of gross niggers while you sit in the corner and watch, and then post the video on the internet. You just gonna be cool with that because you love her unconditionally?
Because as soon as you start putting limits and expectations and conditions on it, wanting something from the other person other than just muh special pure first love, then you are doing the exact same thing.
You not wanting to be with a woman who cucks you is no different than a woman not wanting to be with some weird, misogynistic incel loser.
And don't even try to say that if only you had you imaginary virgin tradwife that SHE would NEVER do anything like that. That is an extremely naive take on human nature.

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