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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Liam Payne Latest. the phone call
>Second body found after large explosion in residential street in Newcastle
>Starmer to grant more than 60,000 people asylum
>Reeves’s Budget to be biggest tax raiser in history
>Russian spies suspected of planting device on plane to Britain
>Ministers accepting freebies should be a crime, says Labour peer
>'I helped jail the grooming gangs raping young girls in Rochdale things have gotten worse
>Not selling hello could get you fired
>UK floods: Full list of school closures after heavy rain sparks flooding hell
>Major bin collection change to hit 100,000 Brits - full list of rules you need to know
>Sickos on our streets
>Labour backtracks on push for genocide ruling on China’s treatment of Uyghurs
Alright now you know how to do it. someone else bake next. A Varity of stories from a variety of sources.
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Poles out pakis in
why is he doing this?
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Flooding the area with prepubescent children in hopes I'll walk up and abuse one of them, repeated accusations & loading my Spotify with album art featuring what could be perceived as an illegal image, I.e Blind Faith does not qualify me to be a paedophile.

It's the equivalent of holding up an abuse image to a random pedestrian and then labelling THEM a nonce.

And no, I won't claim back my air rifle so you can concoct a situation where armed police blow my brains out.

What a pathetic, insane country the UK is. I'd leave in a fucking heart beat. I utterly despise this corrupt shit hole. Fuck the demonic royal family.

Gotte strafe Englland
Bennie jihad?
Only he knows
>so you can concoct a situation where armed police blow my brains out
Every armed copper you traumatise is a victory.
not him
the other cunt
It boggles the mind the scale of this immoral, unethical and utterly illegal play is allowed to take place.

Ironically, I'd have more human rights in Iran or Russia. What is there left to stand by when you're burnt to a crisp by your own countrymen?
Careful now, these men are diseased, don't hate them for being sick.
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The sentencing remarks for Lucy Connolly:
>It is the strength of our society that it is both diverse and inclusive.
The lecture I promised you was present.
>The police were however able to trace other tweets that you had sent both before and after the 29th July which included further racist remarks. On the 5th August, the day before you were arrested you sent a WhatsApp message which included “..raging tweet about burning down hotels has bit me on the arse lol “ which is commonly understood to mean laugh out loud
>You also messaged that if enquiries of you were made, you would deny you were responsible for the message and if you were arrested you would “ play the mental health card “.
Oh, no. How dare she mock our justice system that repeatedly let's people off for playing the mental health card.
>In relation to your culpability this is clearly a category A case – as both prosecution and your counsel agree, because you intended to incite serious violence.
>In relation to harm it is again agreed, correctly, that what you did encouraged activity which threatened or endangered life and therefore falls within category 1.
Failed by her own lawyers. How does saying "I don't care if hotels burn down" incite serious violence?
>You have a good family and a young daughter who is undoubtedly missing you terribly.
He has to rub salt in the wound.
>You have had tragedy in your own life with the loss of your very young child some years ago. I have read the psychiatric report from some twelve years ago as to the psychiatric difficulties you then suffered
What a sick bastard.
>The sentence on count 1 therefore is one of 31 months imprisonment. You will serve forty percent of that sentence.
40% of this is 12.4 months. Minus the three she's already served, that's 9.4 months. Which will be late July to early August next year.
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Civil war is ugly.
But, Whats a man to do
yea who?
The judge also punished her for failing to swear fealty to diversity even after being locked up:
>Similarly whilst I accept you regret your actions and I have been referred to messages in which you say that you disagree with racism and violence, it is clear from the evidence of your own words in the days following your actions, what you said to the police and what you said to the probation officer that you have little insight into, or acceptance of, your actions.
Of course, the probation service doesn't take kindly to racism. Paedophilia, yes, but not racism.
>at maccies laaa
>as both prosecution and your counsel agree, because you intended to incite serious violence
Kek. Watch that defence barrister get promoted in January. There's some sick symbology in giving her effectively 9 months when she lost a child to this invasion.
Hopefully, the judge who sentenced her, the police officers who arrested her and the politicians who voted in favour of the law she was charged with all face immense suffering. It's the least they deserve. As well as all those cheering this.
self induced class 4 haemorrhoids
>as both prosecution and your counsel agree, because you intended to incite serious violence
Kek, nice defence lawyers
>A former Northampton childminder and wife of a Conservative councillor has been sentenced to 31 months in prison after posting a racist message on X.
>Lucy Connolly, the wife of West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) Conservative councillor Raymond Connolly, was sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court this afternoon (Thursday, October 17), where she appeared via video link from HMP Peterborough.
>Her now-deleted tweet called for mass deportation and suggested setting fire to hotels housing immigrants, in response to misinformation shared following the Southport murders. The offence took place on the social media platform X on July 29.
It did not SUGGEST setting fires, it simply said she did not care. My local paper has armed smack dealers who tried to escape custody getting less than that.
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kosherboy kvetching still?
What a useless barrister. I bet they paid for him as well. Make sure to care if hotels full of invaders are burnt down. It's a crime not to.
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I can't even look at the maggots cheering it on on twitter.
We need a civil war, They fully intend where our skin anyway. It doesn't matter how they'll write history because they'll be non
Drop a big lead dome on the Bank of England, contain the emissions. Actually, our whole society is built on jewish concepts, maybe that's why the aliens won't let us go to space. The jews could be some foreign force that escaped to a backwater bumfuck nowhere planet/nursery and infected us with their evil stench after a space war. Now the ayys are trying to work out whether it's morally acceptable to burn us because of that infection or if there's a way to remove the parasite without killing the host. I vote for burn us because I'm a perfectionist and have a low risk tolerance.
shooting up a heroic dose of heroin then walking about the house singing 'why'd you have to make me so constipated' to the tune of avril lavigne all week
Her defence barrister basically threw her under the bus and accepted that the Tweet was intended to incite serious violence.
These sentences are supposed to deter us. They're simply pissing me off more.

hopefully the stupid bitch will learn now
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Two tier kier, deserves to hang from the lamp post outside of parliament.
I'm thinking of buying a house on the Antrim coast. Good investment?
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This true?
>>The police were however able to trace other tweets that you had sent both before and after the 29th July which included further racist remarks. On the 5th August, the day before you were arrested you sent a WhatsApp message which included “..raging tweet about burning down hotels has bit me on the arse lol “ which is commonly understood to mean laugh out loud
>>You also messaged that if enquiries of you were made, you would deny you were responsible for the message and if you were arrested you would “ play the mental health card “.
This really stood out to me, they really went all in with the investigation, going through all private communications. I do question if posting here is smart
sick of white posh cunts thinking they can get away with anything

lock them all up
The only thing she's learnt is hate
Why? I don't get why they all seemingly threw their clients under the bus?
Im a royalist in the idea i believe in the crown.
I will not however be judged by jumped up communists and their fetish for shame. They'll have to kill me
Whom do these "judges" represent?
What can they do to you that's worse than what they've already done?
if you're getting locked up for 31 months and still can't see how you're wrong you must have the most spoiled brat mentality ever but either way who cares she still got the jail so haha
I hear prison sucks
Prison is just a cheeky spot of physical torture. The mental and emotional rape of you and your children has already been done, who gives a fuck what they do to the shell?
£100 she becomes some turbo dykes prison bitch within the first week
Shut up josh.
>and still can't see how you're wrong
>I do question if posting here is smart
This place isn't shut down because its a containment site
suck my balls retards
Thinly veiled snipes will not suffice in a court of law.
reminder josh was exposed as the paki pedo poster and as the pole then had several melt downs where his sockpuppet wouldn't post a hand and kept asking for proof that he exposed himself.

The establishment gets away with the larp "it's not illegal to be racist" because they don't come after people for being racist in spaces like this. They use visibility of a comment to obscure the fact that they're prosecuting people for their opinions and beliefs. If you post on twitter it's far more likely that someone will see your tweet than if you post on here, so a comment like "I don't care if they burn the paki hotels" here is legally okay, on twitter it's incitement to violence.

Once they're confident in their domination of the population they'll move to arrest people for their posts on here, but they're smart enough not to open another front while they're fighting the twitter racists.
>Two tier kier
Goblinonce exposed and seething kek
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My willy is in pain
Still creasing at bitch-titted eunuch ngl
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based lmao
z76tDvmv exposed again
just woke up I have laaaah
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Im blinded by rage
Im so fucking angry
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>bitch-titted eunuch
afraid I'm gonna have to steal that one
Looks like too many people were talking about the sentencing, gotta shit up the thread quickly
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Every institution in this country is a joke.
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>afraid I'm gonna have to steal that one

Paki goatfucker anon. you really should ask your family to stop raping little white girls
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Bit racist this
>Labour’s favourite think tank The Resolution Foundation has hosted a panel event this morning on how to “fairly share the costs of decarbonising transport.” Translation: how to make taxpayers cough up for gratuitous green projects…
>Senior Labour MP and recently elected chairman of the Transport Select Committee Ruth Cadbury praised the think tank’s new report on travel, which calls for tax hikes on car travel and a massive expansion of carbon pricing on flights. The former shadow minister managed to blame the aviation sector for her husband getting cheap business class tickets:
>“The other thing I always thought about was loyalty schemes. It cost my husband £25 for a business class return to Lisbon a couple of weeks ago because he’d built up enough Avios points, and he’s not even what I would call a frequent flyer. There’s further private sector disincentives and of course if you get paid for your flight by your employer, you personally gain the loyalty points which you can then use for you and your family to go to an nice holiday down the Maldives while it’s still above water.”
>God forbid an average family gets cheap flights for a holiday. The Resolution Foundation is clear that “prices will need to rise” on plane travel to “make sure flyers pay their way.” Easy for Labour to say when the entire Cabinet’s jetting around on the taxpayer’s dime…
Ew, the proles
But surely if there is only One Race: The Human Race then it shouldn't matter what colour skin a person has. We're all red on the inside.
>British BAME and foreign doctors ‘suffer discrimination throughout careers’
>GMC’s chief executive says report is ‘shaming’ and BMA urges NHS to make working environment more inclusive
calm down josh
Those poor pedos and rapists etc, it is not fair to do that to them, the poor souls.
Should just give them tax payers money to behave themselves instead.
>niggers are selfish
whoda thunk
After a while jewish words start to irritate
maybe brown unqualified doctors from feces land shouldn't rape patients so much
She was encouraging people to burn refugees to death while there was an angry mob of far-right terrorists trying to burn a hotel full of refugees down while blocking the fire exits.

She’s lucky to only get 31 months.

I hope we’re not going to see too many extremists on here pretending that she’s been jailed for mean words when she’s actually been jailed for inciting racial hatred and encouraging a racist mob to murder refugees!
Wish both of the stupid cunts would take the hint nobody likes them and fuck off.

Starmer's master plan to take over the courts is in place. Can't even get a RW lawyer either as they'd be disbarred quicker than you can say 'grooming gangs' and can't get them yank ones who do it for the money,
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>P00m4n posted weird nonce hentai
>Nobody else ever mentioned it
>But I just happened to conveniently remember it after a few years
>Also he had sex with sosban or something
>Trust me bro
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Putting us in danger in the name of diversity.
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>She was encouraging people to burn refugees to death while there was an angry mob of far-right terrorists trying to burn a hotel full of refugees down while blocking the fire exits.

At what point do the npc's cotton on to the fact we're under tyranny and their in danger?
Looking at twatter they appear to be cheering for it. What the fuck,
People are fucking INSANE. We're so close to midnight
>This is a useful read: it gives a good sense of what “Starmerism” will mean, and demonstrates the way in which the ideas of the “Rule of Law” and “Human Rights” have become covers for specific political programmes.
Did you read this thread on Starmer, the law and the future from the AG?

>It is not at all sinister that the Attorney General sees parliament’s authority to make laws as contingent upon their being good boys and girls and adhering to his ideological conception of the ‘rule of law’.

>A thing I have been struck by in recent weeks is that the system will not bend.
>It simply will not be flexible to even the most manifest outrages around crime and small boats and even surrendering national territory.
>And on that basis, I now think it is likely to break.
Wish Amazon did these.
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>She was encouraging people to burn refugees to death while there was an angry mob of far-right terrorists trying to burn a hotel full of refugees down while blocking the fire exits.
>She’s lucky to only get 31 months.
>I hope we’re not going to see too many extremists on here pretending that she’s been jailed for mean words when she’s actually been jailed for inciting racial hatred and encouraging a racist mob to murder refugees!
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I remember going through clips of this show a while back on here. The immigrants claiming social housing were taking the piss.
>afraid I'm gonna have to steal that one

steal this one, paki
I'm not sure why you're changing the topic to legitimate crime and punishment away from from the government using the legal system to prosecute and persecute opposition to it, but on crime and punishment I think you have to be brave if you want to play. Either you're willing to do harm to criminal offenders or you're not, i.e. capital punishment. This wishy-washy approach where you punish people but only a little bit serves nobody at all. Either what the man did was so bad you would legally kill him for it, with the approval of the rest of society, or you would not. Making the punishment something nobody can really oppose because it's "civilised" and "only temporary" is moral cowardice.

Prisons for the purpose of punishment are a relatively new invention, and I think on assessment they're not fit for purpose. Punishments should be capital, corporal, or financial as they have been for the vast majority of human history.
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Getting the blood stocks ready for when two-tier sends his minions out to collect conscripts for Ukraine. Rivers of blood, that's what they fear.
>Bames sent to the front
What shape is your spine?
Smells of pretzels in here again.
Pretzels and boiled steak.
bit sus desu
These people cannot maintain my freedoms
In fact
I would argue it is me that is tasked with maintaining theirs. Oh how turkeys cheer for Christmas
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>Two tier kier
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Kier wouldn't dare send r BAMEs to war.
P00m4n conned my gran out of a grands worth of Google play cards.
Imagine if we had precedent in our legal system. You could get away with ANYTHING now.
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>cut us, and we all bleed the same colour
>umm we need nigger blood pls
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poles out cats in
yeah man

straight? idk what kinda question this is
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you sick paedophile
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I am forgotten..
wtf is this real?
been using nitter quite a lot recently
it's safe to say that brown people made antisemitism cringe
very sad
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He's on the honours list, now. He'll get an OBE and be made a lord.
Project Ukraine is being quietly abandoned. Turns out Russia actually does have wmds.
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Baker Baker,
Your bakes are good but they lack "umph" on this day.
Please make the next one a ragebait about our interference in the American elections please.
Many thanks
he's a good lad
he's not very careful with the water spillage
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just made a KFC style flamin wrap but even better and spicier. this sauce is basically supercharger sauce but a bit hotter. one less wogslop shop to patronise
Was there ever a reason why Stephen Lawrence's (pbuh) remains were repatriated from Jamaica to Britain recently? That was so bizarre
this nigga cant afford real kfc
I've unironically been defending the Rothschilds.

The seethe is amazing

When is the Welshman’s trial?
I replied but it didn't appear. Odd that.
I hadn't read the full thread and was responding based on just one post.
I agree with the sentiment of your reply.
I shall commit seppuku upon your order for my disgrace.
That was definitely just a response to the riots. Someone thought it would be a good idea to fight racism. They throw lots of shit at the wall to see what sticks.
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>homemade KFC
But lad without the greasy diarrhea, you're missing an essential part of the experience.
honestly based
felt myself becoming more pro-Israel
>see antisemitic tweet
>posted by brown or black person
>they're also antiwhite and retarded
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You didn't read every brit/pol/ post ever. Billions must die.
And Doreen just goes along with it? Makes sense, she is a soulless husk of a creature
Dead nigger storage grows the GDP.
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Ah, at first you seemed reasonable but at second glance you are just another retard.
As you were pvt mong.
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>so I sez to zia I sez I can't believe they put another foreigner in charge of england
Apparently the Americans are shitting themselves over the growing prevalence of sports betting which is completely weird to hear as a Brit
kek. lower calories and better quality chicken too but mainly it's just me not wanting to subsidise people who employ shitskins, or have shitskins prepare my food. Working on copying all the sloppa i used to buy but now make at home. cut off all wogsloppa accounts a week ago. mcd's, deliverjoo, just-sloppa etc
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>Mean words
>Inciting racial hatred
But through the perspective of cucks and basedboys like this redditor, they'll almost certainly be equated every time. How often does this redditfag think confuddled and edgy social media outbursts result in actual physical harm or damage? Unless there's a rough blueprint for a plan of action, like when or where there should be no mention of incitement.
Nonwhites also fail to donate organs.
There's a propaganda drive each year to get them to.
Must be a state thing. My new yorker friends all bet on sports and fights
As long as its on their side they don't give a shit.

>>A thing I have been struck by in recent weeks is that the system will not bend.
Unless its to do with sentencing paedos. Its why josh doesnt get locked up, easier to keep him on de-facto flat arrest.
They are only allowed to recieve stuff and not the other way round.
Tim Walz diddled primary school boys and recieved anal fisting from black men
>>485103530 #
The state did seem to be genuinely scared. The Lawrence thing was likely a panic. Then they settled on heavy police force, media demonisation, and thoughtcrime charges.
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brinnies btfo'd

Youtube keeps deleting my comments for saying Starmer needs a bullet in the head and MI5 should put a jacketed piece of lead in his head.

How am I supposed to incite violence when YT keeps deleting my comments
miss having mates, saw an ex mate around earlier, dont think he saw me. It was never anything deep but its nice to have some lads to talk to and who sort of know you, people to go the pub with or do other shit with. I can do it all on my own but its just nice to have them.
Thought R NHS had a default right to desecrate corpses and you have to opt out these days
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The gob have jewtube in their pockets. You have made a huge mistake using jewgle at all as a brit. Delete all jewgle stuff IMMEDIATELY. what's on there already though you cannot rid.
>As long as its on their side they don't give a shit.
I suppose your right. But its like being annoyed in a losing argument so your mate roll's up an sparks the guy out.

Its so primitive in its understanding of basic law that i suggest derives from the absence of any ground morality.

They will know the full weight of this mistake
Reddit and lefties are twisting what she said to make it seem worse and get ahead of the narrative. She said she doesn't care if they burn them down.
I don't give a shit about slavic wars or jew and muzzie wars, does that make be complicit for the millions of deaths and trillions spent in and one these shitholes? Get locked up for saying you hope the muzzies and jews rocket eachother ffs
I doubt a decayed nigger gangster's corpse would persuade anyone to not riot but what do I know, I'm not a SW1 wonk who is paid 6 figures to huff their own farts all day
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Why is it our responsibility to raise their kids? Why do their kids come before our own?
A lot of them haven't read the actual tweet, some of them ask why the news articles don't reproduce the tweet, a few respond it would be illegal to do so because the tweets contain incitement to violence so the papers would be inciting violence. This is not true. It is not illegal to reproduce the words of another in an informative context. The tweet does not contain any incitement to violence. Lucy's prosecution and conviction are based on her "admitting" to inciting violence, which was likely a forced error during interrogation.
>educate africans
>this is england, this is how to get here
>this is calais, this is a rubber dinghy
>this is your husband mohammad
>okay 1, 2, 3 repeat after me, "I AM OPPRESSED"

Hell, imagine what the budget could be spent on military to defend the borders and if we used it to bully France into doing the same. but wasn't to be.
It's WAY more than a million. That was a conservatives estimate spat out 6 years ago. There's one estimate, backed by statistical evidence, that gives a far more sobering figure.

18% of English girls born after 1978 have been raped by pakis. That's almost 1 in 5.
because they can't do it themselves and it would be mean to stop the boats
of course
>Teach them how much better the bennies, bitches and weather is in Germany and the best way to sneak in
Gotta think outside of the box
i live next to a mosque and i just can't bear to be allies with muslims
i just can't do it

it seems much smarter to label all the invaders as nazis and hate criminals
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I imagine you're as confused as a Yorkshireman around the year 920AD. The difference is that all the people all around the world are nothing like each other, or us. A nation is probably a bit too big for a unit of people, a world definitely is. A nation can get by on the shared genetics and culture within itself, you could argue that we "share" genetics and culture with sub-Saharans in the same way we share a lot of DNA with a banana.
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Ok but Kemi will actually Stop The Boats tho
>i suggest derives from the absence of any ground morality
Correct. Bloke recently was sentenced for standing in the exclusion zone around an abortion clinic and praying - not aloud but in his own head. Banged up for a literal fucking thoughtcrime.

>They will know the full weight of this mistake
Will they though? They will prattle on about "Fighting the fash ye know laaaaa" then advocate for anyone who doesn't fall in line to be locked up. Even the cuckservatives are like this nowadays.
>I don't give a shit about slavic wars or jew and muzzie wars, does that make be complicit for the millions of deaths and trillions spent in and one these shitholes?
I guess now it does. To "not care" now means you DO care. Indifference is a incomprehensible position to redditfags, whose means of expression has been soo streamlined to the point you can only think in binary terms. Literal NPCs.

The faggot Asmongold said something along those lines now his own crowd are eating him up and spitting him out
>it seems much smarter to label all the invaders as nazis and hate criminals
idk about this
seems counter intuitive
but yeah i agree can't do it either
many of them say this too, very anti anglo
even normie browns are all over the antisemitism
they're schizo too, like when you're first redpilled
>bananas are people, too
Grim. Presumably that will come after they replace our diet with cultivated mould.
>with a banana
I'll own it though, that was good.
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>he thinks they're slavic wars
Why are people ending posts in laaa?
>Will they though
Yes, they'll be reduced to a persecuted debt slave minority that fears the bump in the night.
Today they cheer a innocent woman being sent to jail for nothing, Muh feelings.

Tomorrow the same practices are used onto them for all time
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you got a license for that prayer?
>Reddit spacing
Muscle memory is a bitch ain’t it, faggots?
we're heavily infiltrated anon
And yet not a single actual Christian will speak up for him. The suspiciously jewish Archbishop definitely won't.
this, so much this
>Reddit spacing
Im addressing a different point you sperg
Tbf I did say jewish wars too
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was it outside an abortion clinic?
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Even if they did read it, they wouldn't process the "for all I care" escape clause. No doubt she quite deliberately added that part to avoid any legal issues, but alas, it doesn't matter. This topic of incitement and online safety really grinds my gears. Don't think all those times you wrote "in minecraft" are going to cut it lads desu when they move up the chopping block
if he got arrested for praying then why admit to praying?
just retarded
pray at home
>Yes, they'll be reduced to a persecuted debt slave minority
They already are and don't give a fuck. I mean they even defend that position too.
"Le bames needed that job more than I did"
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A death and this, bit sus lads iykwim
Boomers and zogbots still think the coppers are their mates.
The arrest and the conviction were both unlawful. A reasonable person could not find a man standing silently distressing. As for the law they actually did him under:
>protesting, namely engaging in an act of approval/disapproval or attempted act of approval/disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means. This includes but is not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counselling
I'm fairly confident this is straight up illegal. You cannot stop me dropping to my knees in prayer wherever and whenever I choose so long as doing so does not cause some danger or distress. Again, a reasonable person cannot find a man in silent prayer without presenting some physical obstruction or threat of violence distressing.
You cannot criminalise people based on speech patterns.
bastards. im sick of our legal system
but still a stupid act in the first place
he should've done it at home
praying to be perceived as virtuous isn't virtuous according to bible
Christ that 4th tweet
momentary lapses in the zeitgeist are a thing.
maybe he wanted to make the court case into a statement?
You can argue that all you like but the hour is late, civil war is inevitable now.
That's an insane one, but then the police are legally allowed to lie and commit crimes.

more spacing increases readability

i haven't had a reddit account in many years

fucking hate cunts who dont use paragraphs

fuck your online cult
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>Muscle memory is a bitch ain’t it, faggots?
Forcing men to lie about their religious acts is effectively making religion illegal. Perjury applies to police interviews as well as court.
He would be right to do so.
Was the copper who said that the same one who arrested him? COuld have just been ignorant
i met some eastern euros from the Soviet Union and they said they had to make the sign of the cross by moving their eyeballs

that is the level were at
presumably he admitted beforehand
but fair enough if so
if it's in his head then he can deny it and never be proven to be lying
unfortunately nothing will change
Idk whether I should be a catholic or protestant in the upcoming religious wars, I have claim to both, which side will get to use all the cool medieval torture devices?
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>you got a license for that prayer?
Harold Godwinson fought for Lucy
>if it's in his head then he can deny it and never be proven to be lying
>deny your god to avoid physical punishment on earth
I swear to god the show runners are running ideas. We've done this one to death.
Mass Deportation Now

if that makes me racist, so be it
forgot thread theme
>this one to death.
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Well I hope so, in that case I'm indifferent if they were to be 41%'d or their own leaders do it for them (in minecraft)
where do you think we are?
>suggested setting fire to hotels housing immigrants
did everyone's brain fall out or somehting? She said that people could 'burn down the hotels for all she cared'.

I don't care if the Earth gets hit by an asteroid tomorrow. How much time do I get for that?
Fun fact about the Imperial thumbs up/thumbs down symbol from Ancient Rome, people now say that the thumbs up meant kill and the thumbs down meant allow to live. I suppose it makes sense, the Emperor would be communicating with the executioner not the slave. He's not giving a thumbs up to the slave like "oi m8 u were well good u get to live" he's giving a thumbs up to the executioner like "you're okay to kill this one."
Sorry I briefly forgot we lived in a totalitarian fascist police state, man our deep state is really good at its job isn't it.
You're annoying me
court system has plenty of time to arrest people sharing popular opinions, wheelie bin bonfire parties or praying silently, but zero time for real crime. criminals are legitimate economic models supported by the government. they let the mudslimes in and use schools as brothels. the foreign gangs plunder cars and sell them as spare parts abroad and Two-tier launders the tax money through foreign aid or military support in Ukraine. all nonsense, and we're told it's democracy that's at threat; no wonder nothing surprises anyone anymore, there used to be things like Arms Race, Space Race, Master Race etc now it's a race to the bottom.
Not really. It just appears that way.
not really denying your god tho is it
just not telling someone that you were praying
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>up is down
>left is right
>black is white
If you have to hide it to avoid punishment it's illegal.
Your takes are shit, But i appreciate the effort.
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Hey glowniggers,

How's this for not inciting violence?
If this fucking coon doesn't get some serious time when he is sentenced in January, I don't want anyone else to find him and cut his nigger throat because I am going to do it myself.
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My one and only take on every issue ever is pic rel.
clearly it's illegal yeah
he got charged
my point is that it was unnecessary and retarded
like the blokes who chucked bins at coppers then got surprised when too tear kier sends them packing
oh yeah, we've still got Throat Slitty Ricky to go! That'll be a fun one, deffo something suspended , maybe they'll martyr him but I doubt it
That’s because crime is an unsolvable problem, fear only works on normies. Cans say that, I’ll lose my job, but what about my loan, I’ll lose my licence.
If you are prepared to set fire to yourself at any moment then these things don’t apply.
Look at how the government handled the riots.
>You won’t be sent to a prison near you. It will be a Oaki run shithole where you will get stabbed.
Fear, that’s all they’ve got. You can’t run a society that way. It’s a management technique that always fails. Similar to Gordan Ramsey, he shouts and screams and intimidates people. But the reality is anyone could just lay a nut on the motherfucker then give him a good booting.
It’s all about consent, font consent.
Letting your rapist get on with it so it's over quicker is not the way to behave if you want to live in a good society.
Fucking pakkki.
Spellcheck cunt.
of course there is no real threat to be made because at the moment I have 100% faith that the judicial system will work as expected.
Yeah I agree, I say this as a Christian, I don't think Jesus would want you to die on such a tiny hill, just lie to the zogbot ffs and save your own ass. I literally have no moral issue in this instance lying to communist zogbots who I regard as lower life forms. Atleast in my head I know I'm not lying to myself.
yeah but
to continue the analogy
we've been given about 40 shots laced with rohypnol
so nowt we can do
you're better off not in jail with albanian gansters
>cock crows three times
You're right.
Fucking boomers, being called a racist is their kryptonite. It gets Farage every time.

No be is advertising with you Nigel, and you could lick David Lammys asscrack and it would be spun as rayizzis. I just don’t get these fucks.
"his was only broadcast locally to the crowd therefore doesn't have the same reach, and the crowd were there to do good so actually it can't really be incitement, and he had menthol elf due to the race riots and he himself being BAME and feeling targeted....6 months suspended"
and then he'll rejoin Labour and carry on his career
Kemi is literally saying "vote for me I'm black and Jenrick is a white boy" fucking lmao
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>>cock crows three times
>and then he'll rejoin Labour and carry on his career
yeah we'll see about that, it isn't going to take much more to send me over the edge to be desu
>cocks grow three times
Sorry the interpreter is quite new.
Jesus was Jewish, he would let you die on the hill and then charge your family rent for the gravestone.
Wonder what his nickname is
tricky dicky
why is jew an ethnicity?
>Starmer, the other two look like devil horns
three penis man
It will work with a lot of curtain twitching Tories.
Fucking black, just another bug man like Sunak. They have no nationality they are just financiers.
He should open a pub called The Sixth Bollock.
I hope it does work, Kemi needs to win
Super hot. Post pics. I hope they are all of reasonable size and in working condition.
Nonces don't go to prison these days, it's not the 1990s anymore. They just get a suspended sentence and have to do some psychiatric treatment
Hatrick dick
Because you can’t can spot them by the way they look.
Which is what it comes down to.
i'd leave my house for that
yeah but I mean in practical terms
Mother's ruin
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>kemi badnoch BLEACHED by bwc jew
unfortunately no results on the web lads
It will, the first black woman leader. To “own” beady eyed whuuuyte bou Starmer.
Middle class Tory wets will be wanking themselves blind with that fag shit.
imagine having a wank, it would be like spinning plates
My backs in knots from all the seething
Shame it wasn't Cleverly vs Kemi in the final, ah well
>The Three Bells
In practical terms it’s an ethnicity because you can’t run only be truly Jewish if your mother is, which implies genetic continuity.
Which is the basis for ethnicity.
You can’t run only only be
>Noooo you can't split your points into separate paragraphs
Autism is a real problem
/britfeel/ been talking shit about you again lads x
More specifically a jewish mother specifies belonging to the jewish peoples, a jewish father specifies which tribe you belong to within the jewish peoples.
they lived and bred amongst themselves
so you can only be English if you are born to an English mother?

What if a nigger bangs a jew femoid and produces a negroid offspring, is their ethnicity less jewish than any other jew?
What I write is not what is appearing. Strange glitch.
Cloudflare, fucking pain in the ass.
So what happened to that councillor who was calling for people's throats to be slit?
ah, so it's about enforcing racial purity.

Why the fuck do jews project so hard about everything?
are mischlings with jewish mother not part of any specific tribe
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Russian meat pasties for dindins
Ask a Jew, in English because I’m a pure blood white no go with history here before records began.

If someone wants to declaim themselves Numbugdu Ngubenstein that’s not my problem.
looks a bit like an apple turnover
What tribes are there?
it does doesn't it. and it tastes quite like a cornish pasty too
did you hail tsar nicholas before eating
you've got the sackfilled faginse's,
the proud noses, coin clippers who am I missing?
Patrick James Buchanan and epa nasa Ralph de told another nasa is basically fake what is this about access to "politics" blood money
Pretty greasy. What was the fat used for lamination, lard?
The jews are a bit of an outlier with the whole matriarchy thing. Most cultures are patriarchal. The father passes his heritage to the children. With a jewish mother and a goy father I forget the details but the jewish child is entitled to go to any tribe and ask to be allowed to join, they have a story about some guy who was denied entry to a tribe but I don't remember the moral of it.

>and they assembled all the congregation on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees according to their families according to their fathers' houses; according to the number of names, a head count of every male from twenty years old and upward.
not picking up what you're throwing down here
i'm afraid
I just want them all to suffer for what they've done. Is that too much to ask?
yes lard they're extremely filling but super tasty
Foreskin sail makers, the big nose and the Kung Po Char Siu with no bean sprouts.
Yeah, not many cows in Russia I don’t think. Do most traditional stuff probably doesn’t use butter.

Just a guess though.
>The jews are a bit of an outlier
no shit?
they always make one little mistake
best thing to do is live as a good person. They can't touch you then. No-one can.
Yes. Jews are very uncompromising on religion, it's one of the reasons they have survived as a people despite never having a land of their own after Carthage. Food purity especially.
I don't remember the names but iirc it's based on the 12 sons of some dead jew. I think it's one of the bits judaism and christianity share.
>The Israelites were named after their ancestor, Jacob/Israel, who was the grandson of Abraham. They were organized into 12 tribes: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph (or Tribe of Ephraim and Tribe of Manasseh) and Benjamin.
New thread
>Jews are very uncompromising on religion
an abrasive culture fosters sharp edges. How are they compatible with modern progressive Britain again? I dun forgot because I'm a stupid goy
>is he allowed to do that? I don't think he's allowed to do that
>actually if you look right here in this book, see there? where it says the holocaust? that means he's allowed to do that
>Jews are very uncompromising on religion
There are many secular Jews though
And every single one of them is extremely religious.
>Expressed regret for words made during a time of great frustration during the "RACE RIOTS OF 2024"
>Understand you and your family have experienced an inexcusable campaign of racial harassment that has taken its toll on you mentally
>Your political career is all but finished you agree
>As main bread winner your imprisonment would cause great distress to your family
>Suspended sentence
Secular means not religious
Tonight I will be hiding in one of britains woods, if you can find me the money is yours
>Muslims are taught not to respect women
>Let them all in. It'll make our society stronger

Does anyone know what the excuse these pro illegals give when its pointed out muslims treat women appallingly? How is this for the better of our society? Isn't it just setting all their pro women work back decades?
the sentence is death
Yes, and every single one of them is extremely religious.
You didn't understand my last post
Yeah, I'm a bit thick me. Thick as mince. Sorry.
is Powershell a real programming language?

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