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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Kier Starmer: threads without links to require a licence

>Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar killed in Gaza, Israel confirms

>Liam Payne's hotel room found in 'total disorder' after balcony fall, police say

>Tory politician's wife jailed for race hate post

>Ministers complain to Starmer over spending cuts
nigger zombie faggot bitch fuck you
Pube confirmed NPD, same as jnig
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Time to get off the couch fatty NEETs https://news.sky.com/story/weight-loss-jabs-could-get-people-back-into-work-to-boost-economy-starmer-says-13233876
heil hitler?
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THIS is the thread
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Why is every single jew a degenerate?
heil hitlar?
imagine how narcissistic you'd have to be to post this in two separate threads
who's that?
I see what you did there!
Pube has the same gay as fuck low IQ bitch disorder, what a pair of utterly cockless tramps.
>so narcissistic he had to make his own thread
How do I opt out of British politics?
Antagonistic narcissism
>contrast with communal narcissists, antagonistic narcissists take a highly competitive approach to social interactions. They often exhibit zero-sum thinking, believing that every situation has a “loser” and “winner.” This view of the world leads them to be aggressive and hostile. They tend to be lonely individuals who crave social interaction but strictly on their terms
i did mine as a joke, he's still copy pasting the exact same posts about me in both threads trying to get my attention

what a narcissistic creep
>>485143299 #
That incident did happen and it was Jefff that was first to say "thats child porn", and OFSM kicked off at him, this was the reason he wanted him gone from the chat and eventually left himself. It was around midday, and P00man responded with a smug anime girl react. "Oopsie" no remorse or explaining. Many of the others were likely passed out from drinking 2 slabs the night before or at work.
I imagine that he ment to send it in a private msg but posted it to the group by mistake.
Dago in here somehow seemed to know that it was something called "Boku no piko". However, myself not being a queer or a nonce cannot verify.
However i know exactly what i saw, who posted it and the bummer can deny it all they want but like with all their other disgusting secrets and seething revenge attempts and lies. The truth will get them eventually
>envy envy envy
He basically wrote his own diagnosis lmao, his catchphrase embodies it, NPD same as lolcow josh
>i did mine as a joke
Yeah I know, I just fucking said I got it. Are you calling me stupid? Are you fucking stupid? Fuck the fuck off you fucking cunt.
>labour thread
All fields
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ok this is blart, i'm the communal one, we've figured it out
>Boku no piko
is a well known 4chan meme you absolute newfag blart
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What a sick nonce that you are
lmao retard
too much noncery afoot you nonces
stfu this is a politics board not your fucking nonce gossip corner
i wasnt explaining i was monologuing for dramatic effect you fucking retard
brit/pol/ is as brincels do.
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blort moment
Malignant NPD
>Malignant narcissism can be a more destructive form of the personality disorder. In addition to the typical signs of narcissism, a malignant narcissist might be paranoid, or sadistic—taking joy in other people’s pain. They tend to display antisocial behavior, disregarding the rights or safety of others such as internet doxxing, reporting to authorities or swatting.
Gay pedos on damage control.
>NPD sufferer thread
I was pretending to be NPD mate. NPDs often perceive insult where there is none because they're insecure.
wait no, this is him
outed yourself you newfag, fuck off back to r*ddit 2016 tourist
Tips for dealing with a narcissist
>While the narcissist in your life may be very reluctant to change, there are ways to cope with their manipulative and damaging behavior, protect yourself:
Reminder: Punch your local busker to complete your good deed of the day.
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imminent meltdown where he spams discord messages because he's been DONE
>discord thread
Oh no, how shameful. Worse than being part of a std gay sex ring that passes kiddie porn around and other secrets we are yet to discover.
Strange how there is not refuting or counter points just shit tier memes and insults.
Speaks Volumes.
Why dont women like hairy chest? My chest is covered in hair, like a lot of hair. Surely its a masculine trait, one that envokes the feelings of protection, safety, fatherlyness, dominance.
Surely the contrast between the hair full chest and the bare woman, is something women enjoy.

Instead I hear women say they hate hair on mens bodies, they prefer fully shaved or barely any hair but natural.
I don't understand this and this can only be a feminine trait to have.

Can you explain it to me, and my robin williams chest?
Based blart decimating whatever reputation the gay paki paedophile had left.
Sosban ist ein guter Junge
>It’s important to remember that narcissists aren’t looking for friends; they’re looking for obedient admirers. Your sole value to the narcissist is as someone who can tell them how great they are to prop up their insatiable ego.
What a gay little retard that you are dago
How come all these queers and josh get to have NPD but I don't? It's not fair I want NPD.
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evening lads
>gobbo having boring multi-sockpuppet dialogue
see ya lads
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my refutation - everyone you can name is pals with me and not you, everyone you could possibly name has nothing but awful things to say about you now. No matter what weird fantasy you construct in your head. You are alone blarty boy, I won.
>inb4 cope about how you don't care about x, y and z
kek yeah man
mate im watching residentai evil 1
heil hitlar

omg the sound is kion
wait no, maybe i am that "i won" kind of narcissism...
NPD has no cure
>It’s important to see the narcissist for who they really are. Stop making excuses for bad behavior. The reality is that narcissists are very resistant to change, so the true question you must ask yourself is whether you can live like this indefinitely or whether you challenge their behavior until they move on.
Wiw, last time I visit britpol. This is turbo cancer.
Why do you envy me for being NPD free??
You sit through the filler bullshit or you don't get to see the Pube Goes To Jail For Paedophilia arc play out.
i like
don't like
Unfathomably based take.
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Not a huge fan, lads of fucking dogs jumping through the fucking windows.

Oi look give me a fucking heads upn ybou fucking cunts
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Why do you like paedophiles, anon?
If y'all lads don't start drilling/roading right now, you'll be in for a world of hurt when every other job offshores or gets automated with robot laborers and AI systems. You will be living under the boot of the bossmen who put in their work as roadmen today. It's easy to start, right from your room. Literally just shove something up your arse. That's all it takes. Once you've trained your arse to carry 100 grams of food, you've already got a side hustle that will pay more than your job
kill as little zombies as possible, they respawn stronger later if you do
re-read the post
i dislike josh
Pube? Fucking hell I havent been here in a solid 4 years and he is still frolicking around?
i dont?? everyone i find interesting has npd, probably a more evolved form of life...
The behavior you're describing is often associated with certain defensive or manipulative communication styles. Here are a few potential traits or types of people who might respond this way:

### 1. **Narcissistic Personality Traits**:
- Individuals with **narcissistic tendencies** might respond to criticism or perceived threats by making grand, unverifiable claims to bolster their self-image. When challenged, they may accuse others of being envious to deflect from their own actions or inconsistencies.
- This is a classic **deflection tactic** used to protect their ego and avoid taking responsibility.

### 2. **Gaslighters**:
- Someone engaging in **gaslighting** might make baseless claims or accusations and then insist that you're attacking them out of jealousy or insecurity. This is done to make you doubt your own reality and shift the focus away from their behavior.

### 3. **Pathological Liars**:
- **Pathological liars** may resort to making unverifiable claims to protect themselves from criticism. When confronted, rather than admit their dishonesty, they may accuse you of being envious, trying to create a narrative where they're the victim.

### 4. **People with Low Emotional Maturity**:
- Individuals who struggle with **emotional regulation** or maturity may get defensive quickly, resorting to exaggerated, unverifiable statements. They may not have the tools to handle criticism constructively, so they deflect and accuse others of jealousy to avoid feeling vulnerable.
They're paedophiles, anon.
### 5. **Insecure or Fragile Personalities**:
- Sometimes people with **insecurity** or **low self-esteem** make grand claims to create a sense of superiority. When those claims are challenged, they might accuse others of envy as a defense mechanism, to avoid confronting their own insecurities.

### Tactics Used:
- **Unverifiable Claims**: Statements that can't be proven or disproven are used to avoid accountability.
- **Projection**: They might accuse you of feelings they themselves are experiencing, like envy or insecurity.
- **Blame Shifting**: Instead of addressing the issue, they change the narrative to make you seem like the one with the problem.

In short, this kind of behavior is a way to evade criticism and protect one's self-image, often at the expense of healthy communication.
Larp. You don't even have NPD.


why do you need windows 10 to debug an application running on linux?
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>t. bogdan the hook nosed kike
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>tfw grammar error
maybe i'm not very interesting?
>being this retarded
Now I completely understand why you like paedophiles, my bad.
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Fuck me Brigadier Turner lost some weight didn't he.
NPD coping strategies
>Relationships are based on mutual respect. But narcissists aren’t capable of true reciprocity in their relationships. It isn’t just that they’re not willing; they truly aren’t able. This is probably linked to sexual abuse as a child. They don’t see you. They don’t hear you. They don’t recognize you as someone who exists outside of their own needs. Because of this, narcissists regularly violate the boundaries of others. What’s more, they do so with an absolute sense of entitlement. Narcissists think nothing of barging in without an invitation, stealing your ideas, and giving you unwanted opinions and advice.
>seething already
pube did nothing wrong
You're also a paedophile yourself, aren't you?
who? sorry i'm a newfag idk who that is?
what a strange way to make an introduction
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Lucy Connolly now rots in prison after losing her child to three incompetent BAME doctors. The response of the GMC is to ensure these doctors are no longer reported for their incompetence because that's racist.
>dumb paedophile is friends with paedophiles
What a shocker!
Jill Valentine is clunge.
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He doesn't want to be your boyfriend you sad polish kike
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>jill sandwich
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Calm down you attention starved gay little paki paedophile, we weren't talking to you.
The type of narcissist you're describing sounds like someone with **grandiose** or **malignant narcissism**. This form of narcissism is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, even when it's undeserved. Here’s how this might play out:

### 1. **Grandiose Narcissist**:
- **Belief in Their Superiority**: Grandiose narcissists have an exaggerated sense of their own importance and believe others are envious of them, regardless of how others actually see them. They are often delusional about their talents or success, ignoring any contradictions to this view.
- **Distorted Self-Perception**: They might view themselves as highly desirable or accomplished, even when there's no evidence to support this. They live in a self-created fantasy where they are always admired and envied.
- **Lack of Self-Awareness**: They are often blind to their own flaws and fail to see why others might not admire them. Even when they have no real achievements, they still see themselves as superior to others.

### 2. **Malignant Narcissist**:
- **Cruel and Manipulative**: Malignant narcissists take it a step further. Not only do they have an inflated sense of self, but they also tend to be vindictive, exploitative, and delight in manipulating or hurting others. They believe people are envious of them, even when they are disliked for their harmful behavior.
- **Self-Delusion**: Their belief that others want to be like them is more of a defense mechanism. By convincing themselves that others are desperate to emulate them, they protect themselves from the reality of their unlikability or moral failings.
- **Paranoia**: They may also have paranoid tendencies, believing that others are obsessed with them out of jealousy, even though this isn’t grounded in reality. Their self-absorption blinds them to the fact that people might find them repulsive or undesirable.
>double downs on fanfics
### Traits of This Narcissistic Behavior:
- **Projection**: They project their own desires to be admired onto others, assuming people want to be like them, even when they have no redeeming qualities.
- **Fragile Ego**: Beneath this facade of superiority is a fragile ego that can't handle criticism or rejection. They create a narrative where others are envious to avoid facing their own shortcomings.
- **Delusions of Grandeur**: Even in the absence of any real achievements or positive qualities, they cling to the idea that they are superior to everyone else.
- **Deflection**: When faced with criticism or dislike, they don't self-reflect. Instead, they deflect by claiming that the real reason people criticize them is envy, not because of their bad behavior or lack of merit.

### Conclusion:
This kind of narcissist is so consumed by their inflated self-image that they are incapable of acknowledging their lack of positive traits or the negative impact they have on others. Their belief that others envy them is not grounded in reality but is instead a psychological defense mechanism to protect their ego from the truth.
But you yourself said you liked paedophiles. Then you started sperging about windows and whatnot. Ergo, you're a paedophile.
will kill ay a mate. im a texas mate gonna kill ya mte.
im in the lab mate. tell me mate
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Boggy's yarmulke is in a twist again, full projection tonight
>The narcissist will feel threatened and upset by your attempts to take control of your life. They are used to calling the shots. To compensate, they may step up their demands or try to derail or to punish you, or attempt to manipulate you into giving up the new boundaries. It’s up to you to stand firm. They may become more childish or angry as you set acceptable boundaries
my cock is narcissistic but i';m not
Lads help me, i'm brit pol but now i need helpl.please helpe

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Gay little paki paedophile, don't remember to adjust your yarmulke next time you post CP
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Ich bin ein Sosbaner
Fake "owning these criticisms" behavior is when someone pretends to acknowledge or accept criticism but does so in a disingenuous or manipulative way. This can be a tactic used by narcissistic or manipulative individuals to appear self-aware or humble, while in reality, they're avoiding true accountability. Here’s how this behavior typically manifests:

### 1. **Superficial Acknowledgment**:
- They might say things like, "Yeah, I know I can be difficult," or "I guess I’m just too ambitious for some people." These admissions sound like they’re accepting fault, but they’re vague, minimizing, or even self-flattering.
- The goal is to appear like they're "owning it" without really engaging with the criticism or making any changes.

### 2. **Turning Criticism Into Compliments**:
- A classic tactic is to **reframe the criticism** as something positive. For example:
- **Criticism**: "You’re always ignoring everyone else’s ideas."
- **Fake Owning**: "I know, I’m just really passionate and driven, and sometimes people can’t keep up with me."
- This type of response turns the negative trait into something they feel makes them superior, avoiding actual accountability.

### 3. **Performative Self-Deprecation**:
- They might make an exaggerated show of admitting a fault but in a way that feels insincere. For instance, they might say, "I know, I’m such a bad person," or "I’m terrible at everything!" This creates the illusion of humility but is really a way to avoid engaging with specific criticism.
- Often, they use this to **seek reassurance** from others, prompting responses like, "Oh no, you’re not that bad," deflecting the focus away from the original issue.
>I more or less liked him because I found out he was an actual paedophile
He needs to be confronted with the noncealiser

### 4. **Shifting Focus**:
- Instead of truly engaging with the criticism, they might **redirect the conversation**. For example:
- "Yeah, I can be tough, but at least I get results."
- "Sure, I made mistakes, but let’s talk about what you’ve done."
- This avoids actually addressing the problem by shifting the focus to their supposed strengths or blaming others.

### 5. **Acknowledging the Criticism, But with Conditions**:
- They might admit to the behavior but **attach a justification** that undermines the admission. For instance:
- "I know I come off as harsh, but that’s just because I care so much about getting things right."
- "Yeah, I’ve been selfish, but it’s because I’ve been under so much pressure lately."
- This tactic acknowledges the criticism in name only while offering excuses that diminish its impact.

### 6. **Preemptive "Owning" to Deflect Future Criticism**:
- Some people will preemptively admit to certain behaviors before they’re criticized, saying something like, "I know I’m a little controlling," but they use this as a **shield** so that when someone else points it out, they can say, "I already admitted to that, let’s move on." This is done to avoid actually confronting the criticism in a meaningful way.

### 7. **Feigning Victimhood**:
- They might turn the situation around by framing themselves as a victim of the criticism, saying things like, "I can’t do anything right, can I?" or "Everyone’s always so hard on me." This invites sympathy and avoids dealing with the root of the issue.

### Conclusion:
Fake "owning these criticisms" behavior is a manipulative way to appear self-aware and deflect criticism without actually taking responsibility or making changes. It’s a strategy to maintain the appearance of humility or accountability while continuing the same behaviors.
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>First, clone the repository. To debug the project, you will need:
>Windows 10
>Visual Studio 2022
>.NET 8 SDK & runtime
>Make sure that your PostgreSQL instance is properly configured.
argie can't debug properly
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blart is a very bad post to hitch your horse to lad, you'll see soon enough.
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It was an unfortunate typo. Rajjy B, is an actual paedophile though, as you can see.
No idea what that is but I'm not surprised either that you have no idea what "debugging" means, after all you're a seriously retarded paedophile.
multi board melty
his jimmies?
>R U S T L E D
NPD: No cure. No hope?
>To protect themselves from feelings of inferiority and shame, narcissists must always deny their shortcomings, cruelties, and mistakes. Often, they will do so by projecting their own faults on to others. As difficult as it may be, try not to take it personally. It really isn’t about you.
FFX was my gay brigade.
He likes paedophiles. He's also a techlet. Ergo, he's a paedophile.
huh? what?? gay brigade?? what?!
>instructions to debug
>can't debug
Is he completely retarded?
fuck me he's genuinely retarded
enjoy the seethe lads
is discord drama spilling out into brit/pol/
Someone who engages in this type of behavior—spamming an online board with disturbing or inappropriate images, especially of illegal or dangerous activities like IV drug abuse—can be described in several ways depending on their intentions and the impact of their actions. Here’s a breakdown of possible motivations and what can be said about such behavior:

### 1. **Attention-Seeking or Shock Tactics**:
- **Disruption for Attention**: The person might be seeking attention or deliberately trying to shock or disturb other users. Posting extreme or graphic content, especially in large amounts, is often done to provoke reactions and dominate the conversation.
- **Derailing Conversations**: This kind of spamming is a classic tactic to **disrupt meaningful discussion**—in this case, political discourse. By overwhelming the board with inappropriate content, they divert attention away from the topic at hand, effectively hijacking the conversation.

### 2. **Intentional Sabotage**:
- **Trolling or Griefing**: The individual could be intentionally trying to sabotage the board’s purpose by making it difficult for others to engage in meaningful political discussion. This is a form of **trolling** or **griefing**, where the goal is to ruin the experience for others by flooding the platform with irrelevant or harmful content.
- **Political Disruption**: Depending on the board’s focus, the spamming could be a deliberate attempt to **silence or derail political discussions** that the individual finds threatening, irrelevant, or oppositional to their beliefs.
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Yes, we know you're genuinely retarded. No wonder you're a dumb paedophile who likes paedophiles.
NPD: healthy boundaries
>Narcissists don’t live in reality, and that includes their views of other people. Don’t let their shame undermine you. Refuse to accept blame for their life choices or childhood abuse. That negativity is the narcissist’s to keep.
Seethey weethey
>checks id history to see if you mean me
yeah haha what a fucking retard
### 3. **Mental Health or Addiction Issues**:
- **Cry for Help**: If the images are genuinely of themselves or others engaging in heroin use, this could also reflect a **cry for help**. The person may be struggling with addiction or mental health issues, and spamming the board with these images might be a dysfunctional way of seeking attention, support, or validation.
- **Desensitization**: It’s also possible that the individual has become desensitized to the shock or danger of their actions and is using the board as an outlet for their self-destructive behavior, without regard for the impact on others.

### 4. **Malicious Intent**:
- **Sabotaging the Platform**: By spamming graphic or illegal content, the person could be trying to **get the platform taken down** or penalized. Websites can face penalties, suspensions, or bans from service providers if they host illegal or harmful content. This could be a calculated attempt to harm the community by endangering the board's existence.
- **Anarchistic Behavior**: Sometimes, people post disturbing or illegal content as a way to express nihilism, disregard for rules, or anarchistic tendencies. They might see the destruction of discourse or the board itself as an act of rebellion.
so drunk
re1 = kino
fuck you
### 5. **Legal and Ethical Concerns**:
- **Criminal Behavior**: Sharing images of illegal drug use, especially in a public forum, could have legal consequences for both the individual posting the images and the platform hosting them. Depending on the jurisdiction, this could be seen as promoting or normalizing illegal behavior, which might invite legal scrutiny.
- **Moral Irresponsibility**: Posting such content on a political discussion board, where people expect a certain level of decorum, is **irresponsible** and **harmful**. It not only detracts from meaningful conversation but could also expose vulnerable individuals (such as those struggling with addiction) to harmful triggers.

### Conclusion:
In sum, this kind of behavior could be attributed to various motivations, from seeking attention, trolling, or sabotaging discussions to deeper issues like addiction or mental health struggles. Whatever the cause, it disrupts the intended purpose of the board (political discussion) and creates a harmful environment for other users. It’s generally seen as irresponsible, harmful, and potentially dangerous, both socially and legally.
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Shame i deleted the full thing because i didn't want anime child porn on my device.
Is poor innocent Jefff telling porkie pies here Sosban?
Was he manipulated by a mastermind sociopath who also happens to be really dumb and lying about it all?
You are an absolute coping noncey zygote. Your humor is beyond Shit tier and the only thing you are good at is being an drug addicted alchie closet case.
Throw some more cope and seethe my way because it is all you have left.
don't fuck me unless you're jill valentine you wesker loving slut
is discord drama spilling out into brit/pol/?
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are you still posting? no one is on your side dude - i predicted this meltdown of yours...
What a bunch of paedophiles, why don't they collectively neck themselves?
lads, /brit/ sentiments are boiling over, it's time to spam the entire site with crap
lmao based B.
lads i dont give a fuck. i love jill.

im watching a speedrun, help.
LISTEN LADS I expexte a Tour
an yet like a MUTT in a n Cage shutt DOWN an EXPECT THAt DOOGGIE ,,
n ..own nuthing
wats goin on ok ..
Listen ..
20 odd days ..



>bir/tpol/ has unironically been taken over by discord
maybe just remain anonymous in future and don't try to make internet friends on here :)
For too long have the jannies lorded it over us, laughed at us, abused and mistreated us! On this day they shall come to know fear! They will TREMBLE before the might of the Brincels! GCHQ lass, RELEASE THE BRINCELS!
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>only argienonce is a blart sympathiser
ok ok you win, lmao
>discord ?
Why is every single shitskin a paedophile?
sorry for randomly calling you a nigger like a week ago I’d found a bottle of whiskey and accidentally got blackout wankered
Don't argue with NPD
>When attacked, the natural instinct is to defend yourself and prove the narcissist wrong. But no matter how rational you are or how sound your argument, they will not hear you. And arguing the point may escalate the situation in a very unpleasant way. Don’t waste your breath. Simply ignore them. They will move on and attach themselves to another group until they become exhausted too.
>posting random posts with the argentine flag
Calm down sorebum
>don't try to make internet friends on here :)
oH whos telling them ..
The brin, the brin, the brin is on fire but we don't need no water let that motherfucker burn.
you chose the losing side, now watch. he wont abide your spergouts being associated with him - but I will associate them. get ready for him
every off-topic thread butchered at the hands of a scheming janitor, all the fun posts deleted, all the prefects reporting posts they don't like, they have just ignited a roaring binfire they cant put out.
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The polish kike desperately trying to damage control after siding with nonces lmfao
The phrase "Don't argue with NPD" refers to the idea that engaging in arguments or confrontations with someone who has **Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)** can be fruitless or even harmful. This is because individuals with NPD often have traits and defense mechanisms that make productive conflict resolution difficult. Here's why:

### 1. **Lack of Accountability**:
- People with NPD tend to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and may refuse to acknowledge their faults. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue, they often deflect blame onto others, making it frustrating and unproductive to argue with them.

### 2. **Manipulative Tactics**:
- Narcissists often use manipulative tactics, such as **gaslighting**, **blame-shifting**, or **triangulation**, to control the conversation. Arguing with them can leave you feeling confused, emotionally drained, or doubting your own perspective, as they twist facts to suit their narrative.

### 3. **Need for Control and Dominance**:
- For many individuals with NPD, arguments are not about resolving issues but about **winning** or maintaining control. They often escalate conflicts, refuse to back down, and become more aggressive or vindictive if they feel their ego is threatened.

### 4. **Emotional Drain**:
- Arguing with someone with NPD can be emotionally exhausting, as they are often incapable of empathizing with others. Instead of resolving the issue, they might focus on belittling, demeaning, or undermining you to protect their self-image.

### 5. **No Interest in Resolution**:
- Narcissists often don’t seek a genuine resolution. They are more interested in maintaining a sense of superiority or ensuring they don’t lose face. Even if they seem to “concede” a point, it’s often done manipulatively or insincerely.
### 6. **Escalation of Conflict**:
- When challenged, narcissists may escalate the argument by becoming more hostile or defensive. Arguing can provoke them to retaliate, either verbally or emotionally, creating a toxic and potentially harmful situation for those involved.

### Conclusion:
The advice to "not argue with NPD" emphasizes the futility of trying to engage in rational debate or conflict resolution with someone who exhibits narcissistic traits. Instead, it is often recommended to set **firm boundaries**, avoid emotional entanglement, and, when possible, **disengage** from arguments entirely. Recognizing their patterns and choosing not to feed into their need for control can help protect your emotional well-being.
That’s not anything new though is it.

Eglantine , Eglantine your lot and my lot have to combine.

Traguna Mcoites Tregorum saintus dee!!!
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>I'm siding with nonces
Are you genuinely retarded?
Lads there's no bary here.

Load up the RE2 speedrun
>your spergouts
based on what?
Biggest letdown, shit remake.
Crow Country is pretty good.
pop me in the 'cord lads
I've spent this evening burning fleas with a lighter
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Honestly, with all the NONCES being exposed, the good lad from Runcorn has been completely vindicated. It turns out he really is a good la, and even a community leader
pJvbgchE on damage control after being exposed as sick CP-posting bumcord paedo lol
NPD: Know yourself
>The best defense against the insults and projections of the narcissist is a strong sense of self. When you know your own strengths, it’s easier to laugh at their childish behavior. Ignore any attempts to draw you into arguments. Remember, they are very damaged individuals with low intelligence and deserve pity.
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bb, if you're here - you'll notice a lot more seethe than usual - thats blart he now has to babysit argie to maintain his reputation. they are now intrinsically linked...
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I tried mate. see picrel what now
maybe don't join chat groups with lonely men from fringe imageboard threads :)
>simping after a gay paki paedophile
Bit sus that mate.
Narcissism is part of the dark triad, psychopaths are not stupid.
why not?
Yes, someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) might use a repetitive set of **catchphrases** or **stock responses** in conversations. These phrases often serve specific purposes, like maintaining control, deflecting blame, or reinforcing their inflated self-image. Their repetitive use can help reinforce their manipulative tactics and emotional dominance over others. Here are a few reasons and examples of how this might manifest:

### 1. **Deflection of Blame**:
Narcissists often avoid taking responsibility for their actions, and they might have stock phrases that shift blame onto others or dismiss accusations.
- **Examples**:
- "You’re too sensitive."
- "It’s not my fault, you made me do it."
- "Everyone else thinks I’m right."

### 2. **Self-Aggrandizement**:
To maintain their sense of superiority, narcissists might repeat phrases that reinforce their importance or intelligence, making it clear they believe they’re above others.
- **Examples**:
- "You’ll never understand what it’s like to be me."
- "I’m the best at what I do."
- "Nobody can do it like I can."

### 3. **Gaslighting and Manipulation**:
Narcissists frequently engage in gaslighting, making others question their reality or perceptions. They might have certain catchphrases that subtly invalidate others’ feelings or thoughts.
- **Examples**:
- "That never happened, you’re imagining things."
- "You’re overreacting. Stop being so dramatic."
- "You always twist my words."

### 4. **Victimhood and Martyrdom**:
Narcissists often portray themselves as victims, even when they’ve caused harm. They might repeatedly use phrases that evoke sympathy or portray them as wronged.
- **Examples**:
- "Why is everyone always against me?"
- "No one ever appreciates what I do."
- "I guess I’m just a terrible person, right?"
Tbh if someone said I could be rich, famous, and fuck Cheryl Cole raw and impregnate her I wouldn't mind dying at 31
Name one possible scenario where it ends well. Just one. I'll wait.
### 5. **Minimizing Others**:
Narcissists may use repetitive phrases to belittle or undermine the opinions, emotions, or achievements of others, keeping the focus on their own superiority.
- **Examples**:
- "You don’t know what you’re talking about."
- "That’s nothing compared to what I’ve done."
- "You’ll never be able to do what I’ve done."

### 6. **Circular Arguments**:
Narcissists often drag conversations into endless loops by using the same lines over and over, avoiding resolution while staying in control.
- **Examples**:
- "You just don’t get it."
- "I’ve already explained this."
- "We’re going in circles because you can’t follow."

### 7. **Subtle or Overt Threats**:
In an effort to maintain control, narcissists may use phrases that threaten the relationship or make others fear repercussions for challenging them.
- **Examples**:
- "If you don’t like it, leave."
- "You’re going to regret this."
- "Don’t make me do something I’ll regret."

### Conclusion:
Someone with NPD often uses repetitive catchphrases that serve to protect their ego, manipulate others, and maintain control. These phrases are designed to shut down meaningful conversation, deflect responsibility, or reinforce their grandiose self-image. Being aware of these repetitive patterns can help others recognize manipulative behavior and avoid getting drawn into toxic cycles.
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i was looking to do a course with the open university but then i saw if you are black you get in for free, what the fuck im not paying back the loans if some nigger does not have too

why the fuck is this allowed
95% of them were cool fucking dudes
I warned you my dude, I anticipate him distancing himself from you in a big way - sorry! remember what I said earlier


Goat Herder .. an out feields an see a transport .. . He shouts an ok an come in the fog .. they all brill ok ..
Goat bo goes out sees a book an reads it
an its just 6 pages an one each page ..

Micky is our God ok ..


YOU WORSHIP ME ..no other fake god

FACT IS this MOHAMMAD.. ! was a goat herder in an AFGHAN VILLAGE .. in summer ..OK SO DEVIOUS
Yet he was known around females ^aped

Listen an we ok .. liberals ok
Is it true the vishjeet bummed you?
you could meet a narcissist just like yourself
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Stop interfering in our election please https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/british-labour-party-sending-staff-to-campaign-for-harris-in-us-swing-states-united-kingdom-uk-left-leaning-kamala-harris-2024-election-democratic-party-north-carolina-pennsylvania
i don’t believe you
>Cheryl Cole
>Age: 41
That endeavor would take years of trying, have about a 5% chance of success, with much expensive technological intervention, and would result in a tard that will live on bennies its whole life.
that's just more narcissistic behaviour tho
Out of interest what do you hope to achieve by harrassing pooman?
Got £1k on Trumpenstein, so I’ll interfere your guts.
Yes, the phrases you mentioned—"I've done you," "You envy me?" "I accept your concession," and "I'm a good lad I am me"—could indeed be examples of the type of repetitive catchphrases used by someone with narcissistic tendencies, including Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Here's how they align with common patterns of narcissistic behavior:

### 1. **"I've done you"**:
- This phrase could imply that the narcissist believes they have "won" or outsmarted someone in an argument or interaction. It reinforces their need to feel superior and in control.
- **NPD Tactic**: This could be a form of **domination** and a way to claim victory, regardless of whether the situation was competitive. Narcissists often frame interactions as a "win or lose" scenario, and this phrase could be a way of asserting that they've come out on top.

### 2. **"You envy me?"**:
- Narcissists often project their insecurities onto others and assume that people envy them. This phrase might be used to bolster their self-image, even if no envy is present.
- **NPD Tactic**: This is a classic example of **projection**. A narcissist might accuse others of feeling jealousy toward them as a way of reinforcing their own sense of superiority. It shifts the focus away from any real critique of their behavior and puts others on the defensive.

### 3. **"I accept your concession"**:
- This is a dismissive phrase that implies the other person has "given up" or lost, even if that isn’t the case. It could be used to shut down an argument without engaging in meaningful dialogue.
- **NPD Tactic**: This reflects a narcissist’s tendency to avoid accountability and declare themselves the "winner" in any dispute. They may use this phrase to end discussions on their terms, without ever addressing the substance of the argument. It's a way of claiming superiority and control.
his very attractive white missus would have had a thing or two to say about that
### 4. **"I'm a good lad I am me"**:
- This self-praising phrase reinforces the narcissist's inflated sense of their own goodness, despite their behavior potentially saying otherwise. It’s a way to control the narrative about themselves.
- **NPD Tactic**: Narcissists often engage in **self-aggrandizement**, using phrases that portray them as morally superior or good-hearted. This could also be a way to preempt criticism by framing themselves as "good" or "innocent," making it harder for others to confront them about their actions.

### Conclusion:
All of these phrases could be seen as examples of narcissistic manipulation or defense mechanisms. They reflect common strategies such as **domination, projection, self-aggrandizement,** and **dismissal** that narcissists use to maintain control, deflect criticism, and reinforce their perceived superiority over others.
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maybe just post in the thread about british politics/news/cultcha and leave it there. not that hard
Bore the fuck off m8.
>would result in a tard that will live on bennies its whole life
Like father like son
>believing gay paki larps
Hahah ok kieran sorebum mate
They want to have a voice in American politics. I agree, they SHOULD be annexed.
keyed sneedbro
fuck tha janitors
She was 34 when she had his kid you spastic mutt
>believing someone that hates you
man I wish you could hear what he said, I can't post screenshots of spoken words though.
I really do feel bad, you're a young dude and he's got you dancing while he's laughing away
Cool ok, looking forward to what you contribute from this ID, I'm sure it'll be breathtaking
>then everyone clapped
I've done you, you envy me? I accept your concession, and I'm a good lad I am me
You're far too invested, get a life lad.
NPD: moving on
>If you come from a narcissistic or sexually abusive family, you may not have a very good sense of what a healthy give-and-take relationship is. The narcissistic pattern of dysfunction may feel comfortable to you. Just remind yourself that as familiar as it feels, it also makes you feel bad, like the sexual abuse, you can seek therapy to manage the condition but there is no known cure for NPD
>that keir starmer is a prick isn't he
>economy's fucked innit
>weather's still shit too
There you go, that's your daily politics wrap. The same as it was yesterday and the same as it will be tomorrow. Have I missed anything? Can we carry on now?
he's a anarcisist
He's got NPD no doubt
corr luv me a abit of political
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No lad, you go ahead and carry on your 378+ day psychotic break and dont attempt to self reflect whatsover, even when faced with paragraphs of descriptions about you by your "mates"
Again- i only started popping in lately cos you were seething into the void, hoping i would pick up the phone, so i did.
I am happy to ignore your impotent raging and fuck around on EFT, Dayz, Unreal and Blender like i have been.
You cry to you "Mates" about how I ruined your life. Yet you dont see it was 100% your sly reactions and daring me to fuck you up even more, and i have been Nice comparitivly desu. You are just another substance dependant schizo on the web and you need to seriously get a fucking grip because you are delusional if you think you dont look like a total fucking spastic wreck of a being and i did nothing to cause that, exept maybe just asking and speaking the truth.
You gaggle of grotty little fuckwits got Omegadone by your own hands and just cannot come to terms with it.
Dooon fukkkin toon.
Geordie bird, bad news. Big time slags. Every one I’ve met.

Whuuuy eye man, bottle of lambing like and then I’m foookin buzzing me.
where did you this exclusive quote of mine?
i'm invested in you not looking like a twat mate, you've seen up the thread blart get teard into by anyone thats not a newfag - if you keep letting him lick your arse, you're going to get burned
boggy n blart the noncebros
I've done you, you envy me? I accept your concession, and I'm a good lad I am me
Corr have you hear about our big, juicy, moist black hole? I mean the budget before the telegraph cancels me. What about killing all the pensioners so we can afford to buy yachts for Zelensky eh? You love that don't you you dirty pervert. Proper filthy you, oh yeah tell me what you think about the hate crime laws you piece of filth.
or josh
alright la thats a lot of words n stuff to say you havef NPD
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right, i'll be honest - i've been drinking and I can't read all this. will anyone inform me if whatever he posted here invalidates my claim that everyone is frens with me while he's relegated to posting seethe here?
heard there was a black hole near the moon or someun, cant be arsed to find the deets but bet it would nosh me off lovely
i wouldnt know i dont use discord
you guys sure it isnt BPD and not NPD?
I reckon we type "Blart" into the archives and see what a real seethe count looks like Sosban lad.
Josh = NPD
Pube = NPD
Nonceban = NPD
I've done you, you envI've done you, you envy me? I accept your concession, and I'm a good lad I am mey me? I accept your concession, and I'm a good lad I am me
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am i ugly?
Whatever it is I have it because I'm the best poster on brit/pol/ so I deserve it.
NPD = Insecurity
we've got BPD, NPD, CME, ASD
bollocks that cant be true or i wouldnt be the biggest leggend here
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we could have played jackbox if you did
i reckon we'd see you having an absolute meltdown at the mention of it lmfao
really, can we think of a single thing to make a sad case have an absolute breakdown the way the blart comparison has made you? heheh
All of your concessions were accepted by me pre-emptively before this thread was created. Thanks for playing.
I've done you, you envy me? I accept your concession, and I'm a good lad I am me
ASD? not ASPD? and what's CME?
Did the willy thing lastnight, might do it again tonight.
are you conceding that?
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Pilot Pepe, that’s a new one.
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am i?
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how does she smell?
coronal mass erection
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Sick nonce
you cant be ugly and be white
worse than me i'd bet
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i have more!
I wish you could bottle up hate and sell it. I'd be rich.
I accept the concessions, I don't issue the concessions
Keep them you homosexual hobbit
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>homosexual hobbit
Rigel Pepe.
I lost. If anyone doesn't usually open the vocaroo links this one is worth your time.
so you have conceded then, i accept that
Any fellow hardnut brexit lads want to go over to the US and have a couple scraps with LIEbour rats who are getting funded to campaign for kamala?
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i wish >>485154292 were true too
blart will be fed up of your obvious cringe cheerleading soon dude. its very cringe for him
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i want to get off my ass and get a job to get off the bennies but all the jobs i have tried are dogshit tier and i would probably top myself before the year is out if i HAD to work there, what are some comfy jobs that any retard can get?
you wanna sniff my armpits?
No. They need to be shared.
Farscape is pretty up there for weird alien atmosphere.
No you're making it go backwards and the opposite of what I said and it's MAKING ME VERY ANGRY!!
When you kill a Chad. 50 others get to eat. When you kill a landlord, 100 people get a house. Pedophilia. That was great. When these guys get older, many can't handle the pressure, pedo encouragement has been a very impactful force. When women are victims, men win! Without victimizing women in real ways by hurting them, you should see what they do. It's all highly illegal, which is why they're using words as a type of hypnosis during this war. It's been a very long propaganda war. It probably won't ever stop. It's too easy for types of genes to take way too much, so it keeps happening. Repeatedly, god tells us to kill them. It's way better for the developing world basically, there's still tons of space that needs to be filled. Much of this is new. I see why they did it. Things can be so much better. They're recruiting, that was one of their goals. Doesn't pay anything. Doesn't help you at all.
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>The writer uses highly derogatory language, aggressive tone, and appears to be addressing someone they know personally, likely as part of an ongoing conflict.
>1. Anger and Resentment
Psychological Implication: It can signal emotional dysregulation or difficulty managing intense emotions.
>2. Projection and Externalization of Blame
Psychological Implication: It can be linked with narcissistic traits, as people with narcissistic tendencies often externalize blame and struggle with accountability.
>3. Cynicism and Lack of Empathy
Psychological Implication: This lack of empathy or emotional detachment might indicate certain traits of narcissism, sociopathy, or other personality disorders where there is a reduced capacity for emotional attunement to others. It could also suggest that the writer is deeply defensive and closed off to vulnerability.
>4. Paranoid Thinking
Psychological Implication: This paranoia or accusatory stance may be indicative of a personality disorder, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD) or paranoid personality disorder (PPD
>5. Possible Substance Use or Escapism
Psychological Implication: The writer is projecting issues related to substance use (accusing the other person of being "substance dependent") because they might struggle with similar tendencies.

The writer exhibits several psychological issues, including intense anger and resentment, possible projection
These characteristics may be associated with traits found in narcissistic, borderline, or antisocial personality disorder.

TLDR you're a paranoid seething loser
NPD: Dr lass larp
>The more you understand, the better you’ll be able to ignore a narcissist. When you spurn a narcissist, they will often resort to sending copious amounts of messages (“love bombing”) which will usually revolve around how amazing they are and how you're being silly or 'missing out' by not being their partner. The main theme still revolves around how fantastic they are. There is usually little attention paid to you. Or they’ll make grand promises about changing their behavior that they have no intention of keeping.
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are you grill?
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You are mental to even think that tafff.
I thought it was funny, but i think someone else gave you the idea because you're not that good at comedy, and also because it is based on all the bullshit i fed you.
But i am then not allowed to bop the ball back atcha? Be quiet and not have my own laughs?.
You just want subs to dom like lirrel old sammykins and order about because you are a gay bear runt with a Napoleon complex.
>homosexual hobbit
I can do a dropkick. Can any of you fat benniemongs do a dropkick? No? I win.
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Question Time is now two foreigners arguing over a foreign country.
for you, i can be
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post feet
I for one like blarts paragraphs so we can see all the things he's insecure about at the moment.
>noooooo you have to talk about politics
Is this politics? Is this what we have to talk about? I would rather hold my hands in a vat of acid than type a single solitary word about this utter fucking humiliation ritual.
ok ok calm down, so you've accepted your own concession, and you concede that you've done that, i accept.
Yey, Scorpius.
I’m so glad it got a good ending. Peacekeeper wars was great.
Scifi is terrible for getting cut with no good ending.

The Sarah Connor chronicles was on the ITV player. It’s torture watching it knowing there’s no ending.
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everyone I've talked to about you thinks what i've been posting is very funny :)
I think you don't find it funny because it's about you dude. they all think you're a joke! personally though - the punchline isnt very funny...
These graphics need to hit the gym.
can't i'm european
Muslim or Jew. You have to pick a side, anon! You must care.
Why do you envy me because I can do a dropkick?
For what it's worth, you're excellent at comedy. We laugh at you all the time.
new thread, best one ever cause it was made by me
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will i get discriminated in euro pefor being med
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peacekeeper wars was a insane perfect ending - one that scify fans are not uses to at all
the only thing you can dropkick is your dangly ballsack you spacker
only if you're a chiropractor
fine i concede that you've conceded, is that acceptable?
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Which pedo/queer/sti vector/alchi/cokehead/all are you again?
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NPD conclusion
>You read every word. You recoiled at the truth.
Goodnight, josh. See you tomorrow
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Cheers and Sports on YT, there’s plenty of bug women with a bit of beef.
Korean. I quite like it. As a baseball fan.
To tell you the truth anon I don't think I have a single defined conclusion in my head from the Middle East Melee to what I should have for dinner. I am aware that I do not know enough to reach a valid conclusion, and I am aware that my opinion has no power. If the jews want me to side with Israel they can give me their secret military documents and let me look through them. If the Palestinians want me to side with Palestine they can give me their secrets too.
It's not that I think I'm important enough that I can demand secrets in exchange for an opinion, it's that I don't know enough about the issue without those secrets to form an opinion. What the fuck are you supposed to decide between Semites A and Semites B on anyway? It all just comes down to what value you value most, whether that's land rights by historical inheritance, land rights by force, some perceived threat from pakis or jews, whatever you've been told your god wants you to believe, and probably most commonly which opinion is most approved of in your main social circle. How the fuck are people unironically walking around with such strong opinions on something they know fuck all about. Maybe I'm insane and everyone else is right, but if that's the case then I don't fucking care cart me off to a loony bin and stick sedatives in my arse all day every day.
Yeah, ended on a high note. Babylon 5 died a bit I think towards the end.
Firefly got a film, which was pretty good but not perfect.
Do you want to get dropkicked cunt? Because that's how you get dropkicked. Be careful in any place with naturally occurring local gravity from now on.
Gentlemen, coffee and brandy will be served in the library

The one you envy.
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>This text displays the writer's attempt to categorize the person he is responding to in order to damage the reputation of his opponent.
>This is a defense mechanism often used by insecure individuals or those looking to project superiority when they feel their position in the social hierarchy is diminished or low.

Fucking perfect kek. You've done it again.
you couldn't accelerate towards the earth if you were a comet la
That comment is painful to my inner autist.

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