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we wuz chinks nd shieet
>does nothing
>or eaten
That part checks out at least
This seems awfully convenient for Chyna which has been proclaiming their pure Han ancestry is something that matters.
eat my dick chink
aryan gene is subhuman
sopa de aryan
That explains aztec behavior.
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Yeah the Tocharians are an interesting and little known branch of the Indo-European family. Marking the furthest eastern expansion of the Aryan peoples, a feat that wasn’t repeated until over a millennium later with the expansion of the Russian empire.


And thats Bodhidharma in your pic. Not a Tocharian.
The Aryans greatly weakened the Shang Dynasty which was toppled by their subjects the Zhou. Seethe chang.
Shang dynasty had bronzeworking and the spoked wheel as well as horses introduced to them by Scythians, before that they were Neolithic people

Its true that they eventually beat back the Scythians who were encroaching on their territory, but their numbers were vastly smaller than the Chinese so this isn't surprising given that unlike shitskins, Mongoloids have a high average IQ
orignal people of those lands were red, like native americans

native americans crossed over from asia long long ago when those lands carried the same ethnic people as themselves

Whole lotta leafs itt
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The Shang threw everything at the Aryans and they got toppled by Zhou, their subjects. Humialated then, humiliated now.
Aryan soup
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Uma declicia
Or they killed themselves when they realized they landed in a chink shithole.
>Or they killed themselves
from white fragility?
ok so what about the fucking 17 other groups of white peoples that conquered them after?
There are no Chinese left in the world today. Only Mongolian rape babies left behind after the Mongolian Empire had conquered China repeatedly for centuries.
By that logic in a thousand years retards will claim cows tried taking over all western countries but were eaten when they failed
Among themselves the Chinese have this legend of the Aryans destroying the 4 great civilizations of IVC, Persia and Egypt (via Alexander) and Babylonia (via the Gutians) but the Chinese resisted and defeated them

Its actually a remarkably prominent part of their cultural identity nowadays
If (((jews))) are saying it’s fake then I assume it is true
100.000 mongols extinguished 100 million Han? Yeah right.
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aryans were our slaves n shit.
aryans bow down to the suomi chad
Chinese predators eat Aryan prey
Persian and Alexander was Aryan on Aryan Violence, while the Gutians are their own thing not tied to Indo Europeans.
Yes. 1/4 of the entire world's population of the time died at Mongol hands. They killed so many it caused a mini ice age due to reduced carbon output from fires that stopped burning. They saved us from a bleak future of Chinese bug people everywhere.
Prob from the pollution and the stench.
>Persian and Alexander was Aryan on Aryan Violence

ive been talking about this for a while, native americans were the shang dynasty. after the disbandment followers went to america.
>1/4 of the entire world's population of the time died at Mongol hands

Throught the Bubonic Plague that they introduced.

Now this nonsense you are spewing.
A bunch of pastoralists completely erasing hundreds of millions of agriculturalists?
Never happened, never will.
Yeah I didn't say it was accurate, but that is what they believe. They have many such odd pseudohistorical beliefs
All anti China posts are glowniggers. They get paid to post this
the indians gave the british more problems than the chinese did.
It's easy to kill Chinese. They're basically livestock who just stand there passively while they die. They have no human emotions or thoughts.
its quite clear now that whites dont breed, there is no need to front like this.
>It's easy to kill Chinese.


>the indians gave the british more problems
What are you talking about China is arming Hamas, Indians are shabbos goyim
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They found pyramids and another monuments in China. They buried them and grew forests over them. Humiliated.

Its like when they say they "taught Vietnam a lesson"
>chinese fiction
kek. History is an unending chain of powerful conquerors destroying the Chinese with ease. There has never been a more passive and docile breed of people.
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You sound like your feelings are hurt
Are Chinsects calling white people insects?
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>There has never been a more passive and docile breed of people.
What about Americans?
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For one, rich coming from a Moortugese faggot, secondly that’s straight up one of the results you get when you search “Tocharian” on jewgle.
Thats Boddhidharma nigger.

Tocharians were never Buddhist monks spreading the Dharma.
> sacrificed or eaten as food
> dismembered remains
I fucking hate bug Asians. Japs too they're just the same.
They came to North America millennia before China had any dynasties
There is no bigger group of NPC's in the world than Chinese.
Chinese people will ALWAYS shill for whatever garbage CCP shits out into their mouths.
Amerians are just dumb,but if they were as NPC as Chinese then everyone would be vaxxed and voting blue.
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>everyone would be vaxxed and voting blue
You are kind of proving my point, what is redzog doing for anyone that isn't a jew or poojite? The US is WAY worse
Voting for an orange Manhattan pimp is also pretty NPCish.
i wont expand upon this crap with a tool like you. youre ignorant garbage.
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Its going to be different this time!
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It's fun to pull apart the Caucazoid race. Brutally killing them and leaving them to rot is genuinely fun. Just kill some of your children as a man, your women have to do this in the womb because of how pussy Caucazoid men are.
damn why was shang so powerful? wish those aryans won then i would have aryan blood :)
>ching chong ping pong, scythians never existed
Yellow-niggers continue to cope and beg White men for our approval. You will never prove yourselves to us because chinks are a slave-race.
>btw, biggest country in Asia = Russia, we own America, Europe, and Asia, bugs just can't compete
The people who brought civilization to China? They made a mistake but the Chinese are rapidly destroying the gifts they were given. They'll be back to living in caves and stick huts again before long. Even today tens of millions of Chinese still live in caves.
The Mormons believe being black is a curse, too.
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>It's fun to pull apart the Caucazoid race. Brutally killing them and leaving them to rot is genuinely fun. Just kill some of your children as a man, your women have to do this in the womb because of how pussy Caucazoid men are.
Regardless, I don't think we should see them as enemies

We are looking at an 80% low IQ shitskin world in 50 or so years, and managing all these shitskins so they don't destroy the planet either through nukes or ecological disasters will be paramount for the intelligent races
I was going to ask about this. Chariots were the superweapon of the aryans. They defeated every nation they encountered that didn't have them.
If the Chinese already had chariots it would explain why they weren't taken over as well.
>biggest country in Asia = Russia, we own America, Europe, and Asia


And Russians arent mongoloid bugmen also.
cope bitch, its been proven baby killing improves fertility rates. if you were proud of it but youre not cuz ur bitch made, then youd see some actual eugenics, white trash.
And yet you were not aborted by your druggie parents. There are heaps of single men in China you could marry one of them. You are garbage.
They didn't have chariots, but the numbers of Aryans in China were very small compared to other conquered lands like central Asia and India. The Shang acquired our technology through trade and reverse engineering / adaptation and then were able to catch up to us militarily before the Aryans could pose a threat (sounds familiar doesn't it)
blah blah blah, hurl that shit into the trash where you belong. cant even be real with you faggots for a minute before you go off on some PMS gaslighty homo >but that shit doesnt happen in the real world at this very moment
Don't underestimate the power of a supply chain collapse.
You sound upset chang. Maybe you should do some drugs.
watch out they actually might
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Guess I’m behind on my archaeology, sue me you pedantic faggot.
you sound like a bitch when you tell her you cheated on her.
>whu-what? what are you saying?

now we're at the forgot everything that happened part. is this shit genetic? why arent you a woman yet?
Take it in stride canuck. I dont get mad.
You should not talk about genetics faggot. You are the bitch of thread and so is your shit hometown.
Asian ultra-nationalists must be the cringiest anti-white group there is. Especially chinks.
again with the shit slinging, learn your place and quit making me be your daddy.
>Chjnks practice cannibalism

They are not much evolved since....everything what moving to slowly goes to chinese mouth.
The story I read claimed that Aryans originally founded China and were driven out by foreign conquerors.
Pedantic and a hypocrite.
You go ahead and play aloof when you tried to score an ebin own and fucked up, Alberto.
My place is humiliating you like you have been humiliated for 5000 years. Your dad still beats you.
HAHAHAHA my dad still beats me, punch the air or some shit after this, bitch, youre garbage and always will be.
>so cute they could just eat us up.
Not like this aryan bros.
>c.1600 – c.1046 BCE
That's a bit late. Aryans had run their course by that time and become mixed/absorbed into other people.
What they murdered there is Tocharians, I imagine.

People often forget that technology in Europe, like quality of pottery, was thrown back 1500 years by the Aryan invasion.
Europe had some of the best early bronze age (or late stone age idk) pottery in the world.
>than Aryans happened
And for the next 1000 years pottery looked like it was made by a retard.
Be an obedient son or I will tell your dad to beat you again. Dont talk to me until you are a doctor.
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>brown nafotranny sees the word Russia and prolapses
Russians are culturally, historically, and genetically White.
Mongols ruled China for 80y, China ruled Mongolia for 300.
Get your shit together
in qinghai western china there is a lake called the ghost lake. It was said to be the home of the ghost people. The ghost people were said to be the original inhabitants of china from the time before time began. They were said to be imbued with magical powers, such as being able to speak to beasts, able to walk on water and create life from not. The ghost people were to the rulers of the ancestors of the locals. They are described as being very tall, fair and pale skinned, either red or gold headed and blue or green eyed. The locals rebelled against their masters and waged war on the ghost people and killed many of them. But their spirits could not be quelled and are said to bring misfortune to those that descend from their transgressors. It is also said that on a moonlit night you can see the souls of the ghost people dancing on the lake.

Few people live further west past the "Gate of the Bravest People in the World" in the "Land of Ghosts.

whites are called "bukgwai" in chinese, meaning ghost people
So Aryans didn't even fight but were simply food ?
You didn't think this through did you
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Yes Russians are actually phenotypically, ethnologicallly and genetically Aryan.
Russia is in fact cradle of ancient Aryan cultures.
Only a subhuman asshurt nafotroon would claim otherwise
they call you Lao Gwai/Wai or Gwai Lo, depending on the dialect and/or region. Do you know what those words mean? Foreigner or white ghost. Used primarily in a disrespectful and condescending tone. Even in america the chinese call everybody foreigners.

Do you know the origin of the term Laogwai? It's from an old legend from who knows when. About a group of white or light skinned people who inhabited ancient china before the modern day han chinese. They were called the Ghost people. Because of their paleness. They were described as being tall, fair haired, sky eyed and skin either pale or pink like a pig. These laowai were attributed with many godly and divine powers. They built structures higher than any man could reach, they could fly without wings and speak to or understand animals. There are also other descriptors which I have no context for such as being masters of universal energy and being of god blood. What happened to them? They were eliminated by the ancestors of the chinese. How? It's uncertain but the legends say that a great war happened and the laowai made their last stand around a lake now known as the ghost lake. Some of the old folks are paranoid and superstitious and claim that sometimes they can see the spirits of the ghost people walking across the lake just like in the ancient past.

-Some guy who visited china in the late 90's
The chinese look down upon all outsiders. All foreigners. Since you're not han-chinese aka the right kind of chinese, you are a filthy barbarian. It doesn't matter how much smarter or stronger you are than them, they resent you and hate you. Sometimes openly. They have eliminated entire ethnic groups for not being chinese. I visited some of the most remote villages and even now thousands of years later, the locals pass down stories of how they came into the area and exterminated it's original inhabitants. I've posted this before, but have you heard of the legend of the ghost people from western china?

When I was in Gansu province. I learned the tale of the ghost people. The people who lived in the area long ago, they built their homes around a lake known as the ghost lake. These ghost people were described like a typical modern westerner. Tall, Fair haired, Pale skinned and sometimes blue or light eyed. When I asked, what had happened to these ghost people? I was told that they were wiped out by the chinese. When did this happen? Nobody knows. In modern china ghost and barbarian are used as insults. I dont know if there's a connection with the ghost people.
I think if they did come at us they would use bio and cyber first. Knowing the chinks they might even use nutron if they have it.
>when aryans try to invade china and fail:
hehe fuck whitey
>when trying to justify indians being white:
see we r aryan saar. just brown passing whites :)
>They came to China and exterminated those who were there before them.
Like Americans did with Indians ? But that's different
>We wuz ancient Chinese and shit
OK so they killed some more. So what ?
historical accounts of YT in China as much as 6000 years ago, Ghost Lake

China was founded by white people

Growing archaeological information is proving that the first dynasty of china, called the Xia dynasty actually existed and was started by chariot riding white nomads from western china.

Pic related is Shimao, a step pyramid/city hybrid founded around the same time the Xia dynasty began, around 2300 BC. The society of Shimao resembles greatly that of indo-European societies, ie extremely hierarchal and with a warrior culture.

What's more, the city is found in the highlands of Shaanxi and not near the low land plains of eastern china, meaning that civilization began in china: west-to-east. Meaning that the Chinese(native mongoloids) did not independently developed a true civilization.


1st dynasty of china, the Xia dynasty was founded by these proto-tocharian Europid peoples. The oldest city in China, Shimao, was a step pyramid city with 11 levels, dates back to 2300 BC and built in the shaanxi highlands, not anywhere near where Chinese civilization was suppose to began. Also the society was very hierarchical like Indo-European societies. It's obvious that chariot riding nomads from Kazakhstan, Dzungaria and the Tarim basin, all Caucasoid and conquered the region. They gave them the bone script which later developed into old chinese, they gave them true bronze, they gave them their earlier animistic and spirtualistic religions and they gave them civilizations.

Shimao ruin is in the Ordos Loop (Constantly inhabited by Whites until the mongoloid invasion in the 4th century)
It's physically located on the north-west edge of huaxia and is chronologically within centuries of the dawn of the bronze industry in ancient China and the domestication of the horse. Since both technologies entered China from the west, sites like Shimao offer insight to how came about
Chinks are soulless evil.
>be prehistoric Central Asian
>member of blonde heavy-bearded, aquiline-nosed Yamna, Afanasevo, Andronovo, Tocharian, Scythian, Bactrian, Sogdian
>invent the wheel and chariot
>first to domesticate the horse
>build prehistoric cities
>meet innocent looking Eskimo-like people in the periphery of your civilization, in the tundra
>teach them your ways of the horse and lifestyle, transfer your knowledge and technology
>they adopt and adapt to your Scythian ways
>they expand from their tundra, permafrost territory
>gradually take ownershership of Scythian clay
>for the next couple eons you fail against their onslaughts
>indigigenous Scythians of Asia is now replaced by Mongolids

mongoloids were cute little eskimos before the Caucasoids taught them everything they knew and what did the Caucasoids get in return?

Yes, Ukraine and southern Russia is the homeland of the Aryan peoples.
It makes sense that a people known for their mastery of chariot warfare would originate on flat grasslands teeming with wild horses.
Afanasevo/Yamna White Aryans crossed the Altai Mountains, circa 3600 BCE or a bit earlier, as evidenced by the Ke’ermuqi culture of Xinjiang province. Then circa 3100 BCE some of these people moved further south into the Tarim Basin, as evidenced by the earliest burials in the Xiaohe tomb complex. Tool marks left at this site leave little doubt that these people possessed bronze of some kind.

the first bronze people to arrive on the western frontier of the huaxia were Caucasoids that came from the north. They gave rise to groups like the Qijia-- a horse people.

These early Caucasoids traded with the Andronovo. The Sintashta supplied bronze to the Bactria and these earliest arrivals in the Tarim came to such an inhospitable place in search of mineral resources -- such as copper ore, of which there is plenty in Gansu. It could even be that they found jade in Hotan while prospecting for copper.

From very ancient times, the Chinese spoke of the Qiang, literally, the "White people", that lived in Gansu. The Siba, a succeeding culture to the Qijia, were White people as well, with horse and sheep figuring prominently in their iconography and industry. Though Qiang came to be used for several peripheral groups, archaeologists in China think that the Siba may have been the original sheep people. Now, what fascinates is that they were highly skilled metalworkers and among the objects produced is a macehead, a rather sophisticated, multi-piece casting, adorned with four projecting goat's heads. The Eastern art expert Emma C Bunker has examined this piece and relates it to other artifacts from Andronovo in a previous era.
Wheat and millet were introduced to northern china from the west. Although westerners think of china as a solely rice-based civilization, wheat and other grains are very important in northern china even today. Also vines and wine and other foodstuffs were introduced from the west.

It is important to remember that Xi'an, the capital of the Han dynasty , is quite far west, and close to the western corridor of Gansu, which leads to the tocharians.

The importance of the horse and chariots to chinese ciliizations can not be overemphasized. It was clearly inteoduced from the west, from indoeuropeans who developed the technology.

The tocharians, bactrians, soghdians were all city based, and highly developed ciliizations. The Han dynasty refers to greek bactira as DaYuan, and chinese travellers highly praised their cities and products, and the prosperous, industrious and peaceful inhabitants. The silk road was created to trade with DaYuan.

The nomadic steppe peoples such as scythians also had aspects of highly developed civilization, such as techincally refined and beautiful gold and iron working and clothing. Also they must have corralled their horses somewhere, implying they had at least semipermanent settlements. Probly similar to how the huns had one major tentcity as their capital in europe. They werent just nomads, but probly a seminomadic civilization.

The chinese learned of buddhism from the missionary efforts of grecobactrian buddhist kindgdoms and tocharians.

There are more examples of cultural and technological innovations that spread from the indoeuropean west to china
even the chinese ruling caste, my friends:

> Tocharian Tarim of 2000 BCE were typical Europoid body features (elongated bodies, angular faces, recessed eyes), and many of them have their hair physically intact, ranging in color from blond to red to deep brown, and generally long, curly and braided.

> old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now seems that they may be accurate

>The Alans were a group of Sarmatian tribes, according to the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus. He wrote, "Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce

>Dinlin type "is characterized by the following attributes: average height, frequently tall, a stout and strong constitution, an oblong face, white skin with rosy cheeks, blond hair, a straight protruding nose, frequently eagle-type, light eyes
A powerful red-haired Caucasoid from the Western frontier uses Western inventions such as the chariot to invade the East and conquers all the yellow-skinned submissive Mongoloids and rules over them. He institutes strict laws and standards throughout his empire to dominate and control his subjects and this leads to the Chinese cultural identity.

Chinese Mongoloid peasants rebel and oust their Caucasoid masters and make a peasant their supreme emperor. Thanks to all the technology and culture brought to them by their Western conquerors, the Chinese experience a golden age.

>3 Kingdoms
Constant warfare between a bunch of peasants who want to be emperor. Someone writes a bullshit novel about them 1000 years later making them superheroes.

>Sui then Tang
A northern Turkic people called the Xianbei conquer all of China. Tang is another golden age where Western culture is prevalent. For instance, the beauty standard is imported from Caucasoid Turkic northerners and fat lewd chicks are seen as the ultimate sex symbol.

>Liao then Jin
Northern steppe warriors invade and conquer half of China and enslave the Chinese population.

Founded by Genghis Khan (who had red hair according to historical documents) and his Mongolian descendants. They first conquer Jin, which is already foreign-occupied, and then they conquer Song and rape all the Chinese women. Chinese are relegated to the lowest social class in the multi-ethnic Yuan empire.

Chinese peasants rebel and oust the Mongols. They once again make a peasant their supreme emperor.

Northern steppe warriors called the Manchu invade and conquer all of China and subjugate the entire population. They force all Chinese men to shave half their head and massacre 30 million Chinese.

Japan defeats Qing in a war and liberates the Chinese from 300 years of Manchu domination. Later, Japan weakens the KMT, and Communist peasants take over China.
Chinese legends still keep info about "gods from north" who bestowed them with all useful skills and culture they now call "chinese". Their burials are regularly reported to contain blond tall men with no asian traits.

In the early days, they also referred to the common people as "black haired peasants". It seems like all the Han Chinese people today have the same hair color. It makes sense that the rulers back in the old days had different hair if they thought it worthy of mentioning
>There are more examples of cultural and technological innovations that spread from the indoeuropean west to china
You seem to be well read but your takes end in some "whites built everything" bullshit.
Cultural and technological exchange happens everywhere all the time.
Wheat came to China from the west but potatoes and corn came to west from Americas so what.
Math came to Greeks from Mesopotamia and later from Arabs but Arabs got iPhones from the west.
So Chinese math and some science came from the west because as far as we know it originated in Mesopotamia while Europeans lived in mud huts but it probably came from Mesopotamia to India to China.
The ancient Chinese that were provably gooks (we have art that shows it), so from 1500 BC on invented a bunch of shit that preceded European equivalents by 1000+y.
As a well read guy I'm sure you know Chinks invented gunpowder, proto-guns and the first real guns for example.
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pic related

mongoloid is a retrovirus that first infected the human genome in 7000BC, it went on to genocide the entire Asian continent of Caucasoids. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in empathy, compassion, beauty, sexual dimorphism, intelligence, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that mongoloids tend to lack.
mongoloidism is caused by a virus/bioweapon and it's going to destroy the West. mongoloidism has genocided native Caucasoids in Asia and caused total civilizational collapses multiple times before in history, and over the past century we've been experiencing another outbreak
East Asians have much higher rates of an Oxytocin-receptor genetic mutation that affects the shape and number of the receptors in their body, which results in a greatly diminished ability to empathize with others or fall in love. It actually explains *a lot* about how they act as a race and regard other living things.

The mutation (SNP) that causes this is located at rs53576.
Oxford. Study.
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russniggers are "aryans" from temu, butthurt russhit
Don't charts show higher IQ in Asians ?
You can spin your story any way you want
>Adam means reddish and we know that Amerindians are the "red race".
>Adam was an Indian.
>Amerindians gave Europeans potatoes and corn.
>They built pyramids just like Egyptians so Indians built pyramids in Egypt
>Since they were the original Egyptians and adjacent they also were the first to cultivate wheat.
>Albinism is a genetic disorder that prevents a person from sun exposure and it weakens it because it can't go outside so it can't invent and is a degenerate homosexual unlike other races.
mongoloid skull is monkey

Platyrhine (flat nose)
>receding chin

ever wonder why mongoloids have all those negroid features? mongoloids are yellow nigs. only difference is facial flatness.

>Paleohumans were phenotypical Mongrids (Mong+Negrid)

Bushman are an example of original human founding stock that show a combo of both: Mongolid (epicanthic fold, flat face, flat head)
Negroid (dark skin, curly hair)
both of these phenotypical groups also share the traits of: flat nose (platyrhinus), prognathism
also, if not from the ancient stock then it can be attributed to: Fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal features of human (undeveloped nose etc), neoteny etc

basically, the undeveloped human fetus is exactly a Protohuman (having features of Mongrid)
neotony is retaining the features of protohumans that also exists in the fetal state

if whites do not have the neotonic features of Mongrid, then the white is of the AndronovoYamna stock . the original AndronovoYamna of Asia got replaced by YakutoMongs

the true Mong+Negrid is neotenized and does not morph out of the fetal facial structure aka they stay fetus-faced
the true non-Mongrid develops out of the fetus-face

those infantile/fetal features are shared in Negrids and Mongolids.
True Caucasids are distinctly less infantile than all other races. Caucasids morph out of the fetus-face state

caucasids metamorph out of the fetus-face (neotenic, infantilized features) state, while other groups do not

east asians originate from Aeta-like Australoids of SEA

Dinka (Negroid) -> Aeta (Australoid) -> Mongoloid

Dinka -> Australoid (Sundadont) -> Mongoloid (sinodont)
mongoloids split from Australoids 9k years ago
>True Caucasids are distinctly less infantile than all other races. Caucasids morph out of the fetus-face state
So short anglo stature, small nose and albino skin are neotenic and degenerative features unlike Balkan Chads for example.
no that's fetal alcohol syndrome which is the mongoloid race
check the mongolod monke skull

Nigger they're literally Asians lmao
More like history repeating itself. The caucazoid people that were there got pushed out and eaten by cannibal tribes and the Chinese still practice cannibalism every 200 years or so in a big way and always in the background.
>shitskin doesn't know ancient middle easterners were White, or that the math he thinks came from arabs actually came from White ancient indians via White Persians.
stay brown, retard
>I think if they did come at us they would use bio and cyber first. Knowing the chinks they might even use nutron if they have it.
corona vaccines anon, in alliance with the jews and their cattlelike shabbos
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>the people most closely related to me aren't White
Any people that show benevolence to another race deserve extermination.
This world only tolerates strength and cruelty. The kind must be killed.
>mongoloids were cute little eskimos before the Caucasoids taught them everything they knew and what did the Caucasoids get in return?
living here, they teached me not to help them at all. Stopped caring.
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Indian math is a meme

the Bactrian sogdians (bmac) civilization of central Asia were Iranians who created the math that poos wewuz because poos were conquered by the norhern Whites of central asia

the school of math was in Kandahar what was part of bactria Sogdiana
>The kind must be killed.
the kind christians conquered the world, retard, so you are wrong, and the warlike agnostic euros self destroyed through total war in the 20th century, just like some other times,
Same idiocy and evilness was commited "with strengh and cruelty" with other races a lot of times.
>oxytocin, which is involved in empathy, compassion, beauty, sexual dimorphism, intelligence, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that mongoloids tend to lack.
super interesting, whats more to this anon?
I thinkg that the Tocharians, Aryans, Scythians created an underclass for slaves. They brought and bred slaves, they concentrated ownership to a few nobles and got toppled.
yes that was part of the hierarchy they imposed, but in the process they transferred tech to monke and taught the subhumans metallurgy, horsemanship, tech etc and uplifted to subhumans who then gemocided them
No, these discoveries were made by Iranic peoples in the historic region of Bactria-Sogdiana (BMAC-Scythia). These discoveries are found in the Afghani Bakhshali manuscript (200AD), written in Afghani Sharda script, during Kushan/Tocharian era. Bakhshali manuscript, from Mardan, contains the earliest known use of a zero symbol. The area around Mardan then formed part of the homeland of the Gandhara grave culture around 1800 BCE. The Gandharan grave culture appears to have been a Andronovo-Sinthasta group that may represent part of the Aryan invasion into the subcontinent. Mardan then formed part of the ancient Scytho-Buddhist kingdom of Gandhara. Mardan is the de facto headquarters of the Yousafzai tribe of Pashtuns. In Afghanistan, the Kabul Ganesh has a 6th century Proto-Sharda inscription used in Bakhshali manuscript. In 700AD, Iranic math guy, Bhaskara I, from Zaurashtra (Zoroaster) Region, uses Bactrian-Sogdian math concepts and the abos worship him
Indians/chinks like to falsely claim that they invented zero and other math concepts
but what they dont tell you is that these discoveries were made by Iranic peoples in the historic region of Bactria-Sogdiana (BMAC-Scythia)

>Bakhshali manuscript (200AD), written in Afghani Sharda script
>contains the earliest known use of a zero symbol
>from Mardan, Peshawar origin of Bakhshali manuscript near Afghan
>Peshawar was inhabited by ancient Scythians/Iranians/Tocharians/Kushans
>home of Pashtuns an Iranian people

The area around Mardan then formed part of the homeland of the Gandhara grave culture around 1800 BCE. The Gandharan grave culture appears to have been a Andronovo-Sinthasta group that may represent part of the Aryan invasion into the subcontinent. Mardan then formed part of the ancient Scytho-Buddhist kingdom of Gandhara

Mardan is the de facto headquarters of the Yousafzai tribe of Pashtuns.

In Afghanistan, the Kabul Ganesh has a 6th century Proto-Sharda inscription used in Bakhshali manuscript

>Aryans from Russia spread to BMAC and expand to India and bring Sanskrit, math, zero (Bakhshali manuscript (200AD))
>In 700AD, Iranic math guy, Bhaskara I, from Zaurashtra (Zoroaster) Region, uses Bactrian-Sogdian math concepts and the abos worship him
>now aryans do exist
Am I in nazi timeline?
>They were able to resist Aryans
Impressive feat even if it exhausted their dynasty, wouldn't call it a humiliation.
mongoloids are piranha swarms

mongoloids are 1/4 the size of an Aryan.
they are rapid spawning midgets who outnumbered the Aryan giants 4000 to 1, since Aryans require greater resources to sustain their physical state

the mongoloid chink piranhas devoured them

the yellow peril is real
damn this current even is crayyyz. the political implications are yuge.
There is literally ancient Aryan tombstone all through mongolia, blond hair and all
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Funny how actual genetic studies show that the Han are the purest race since Neolithic age despite the mongol and Manchu conquests.
They hardly ever interbreed and neither mongols and Manchu actually allowed any interbreeding of their troops and tribal warriors for fear of Han assimilation.
Proto-Europeans moved into what's now China in the 3rd millennium. These people had R1b-z2103 and PF7576 haplogroups.

They brought into the great China plain:
- Bronze tools and weapons (axes, swords, daggers).
- Diamond tools to cut sapphires.
- The wheel, chariot & horse.
- Western cattle, sheep & goats.
- Animal husbandry and plant agriculture.
- Gold and silver.
- Wool textiles.
- Writing system (Oracle bone runic script).
- Plumbing.
- The first cities in Asia.
- Regionally interconnected trade and warfare economies.

They first migrated into Botai, Kazakhstan around 3400 BC, then the Altai around 3200 BC, then the Gansu corridor around 3000 BC and the Chinese interior around 2900 BC.

Around 2000 BC they were met by their R1b brothers that remained in Altai, who were pushed east and south (Vedic) by the Andronovo R1a people. The ones that went west again conquered. They created the first empire in China called the Xia dynasty. 500 years later they were replaced by a Chinese dynasty known as the Shang Dynasty. Whites still remained in China by 1100 BC in the south-west, they were known as the Ancient Shu Kingdom.

Tocharians were also in the west, who likely arrived in the Tarim basin from the ancient Indus Valley. The Cucuteni also got their bronze tech and the concept of city building from the Yamnaya.

The suspicion has always been that Emperor Qin Shi Huang was a tall blonde, and the Chinese claim that they didn't open his tomb because of mercury fumes and 1800-year-old crossbow traps.

All of this leads to Chinese people, and by extension Asians in general, being nothing but a mass of makeshift mongoloid slaves bred for the sole purpose of serving the Qin Dynasty.
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Just insectoid things

We are not the same species.
And now they clamor for bwc
Fucking gooks too
R1b bros do not fight the chinks or jeets without your I1 backup ever again. We don't even need to fight the chinks really just deal with their boats blowing up important reefs and otherwise they're harmless (except to dogs and other domestic critters) but we have bigger problems.

We must concentrate on India. India must be nuked for the future of mankind. It's in the Vedas even iirc, they want this to happen spiritually. They are not fit for life.
there has never been a more hilarious subhumanoid cope than this
Nigger we ate your whole race, we make whiteoid soup and chomped on your bones. Seethe
Zhou were a golden age of China, not the Shang, who are seen as needlessly cruel and the antithesis of civilization. Confucianism basically is the ideology of trying to get society back to the Zhou era of social values, and not the Shang who were kinda like Aztec warrior peoples who sacrifice humans en mass, which the Zhou outlawed.

It isnt some L in China's eyes to have the cruel Shang topples by the more cultured and humane Zhou alliance, even though they fully own Shang's achievements and failures out of recognition of them being the first to establish Chinese civilization and defeat wignat barbarians.
Cannibalism was very common in those times, only beta males fear eating human meat for sustenance.
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>the Han are the purest race
lmfao no one buys this shit, rice-dick
Huh, the moari of nz have Celtic designs in their architecture and iirc tell of ancient red haired people

Also there's blond mummies in South American
Your mossad psyops are so obvious now . Kill yourselves kikes of 4chan
We need to clone them as soon as possible.
Cope and Seeth.

Even your favorite Japanese are 71 percent Han Chinese from Hunan and Shangdong lmao.


>The new research sequenced genomes from the bones of 12 Japanese people who lived across a range of time periods. The team found that a new ancestral source arrived during the imperial Kofun period, in the first millennium C.E. Approximately 71 percent of modern Japanese people’s ancestry comes from this third population, notes Reuters.

>The humans who arrived in Japan during the Kofun period came from East Asia and were probably related to the Han, who are the majority ethnic group in China today. This new population’s arrival coincided with the Kofun period, when Japan emerged as an imperial state that conducted military incursions into Korea and imported aspects of Chinese and Korean cultures. It’s unclear if the new migrants contributed to this transformation

No, weeb.
YOU are the Han rape baby.
what am I reading here and why does it make so many of us sound so based?
>oldest artifacts and remains in china are White
>invade china
got it backwards.
>original Chinese evacuate to Japan, probably integrate Caucasians ala their golden haired 'moon people' myths, are observably physiognomically superior
>those who remained behind become rape mongrel Ways That Are Darkoids, horrible backstabbing coolie bastards and low cannibals
>they cope and seethe a lot about it and invent insane backwards bureaucratic philosophies to justify living like every man is a cultivation novel protagonist obliged to betray and destroy each other unless there is a greater external threat
>will pretend up and down Bugman Dynasty 2 was morally superior to Bugman Dynasty 1 who he betrayed and ritually murdered before burning all prior records
>this right before Bugman 3 Dynasty appears to repeat the process, after which Bugman Dynasty 4-
many, many, many such cases
Japs are majority yellow-nigger? Do you think anyone believes this? You eat/fuck dogs and cats, everything you touch turns to shit, and you have no culture.
>"probably related to chinksect subhumans"
Probably not.
Be the American that Asians believe you to be.
>we wuz jews an' sheeit
>we wuz chinks an' sheeit

Sad. Just sad.
All the empathy lacking cultures (Chinese, beaners, niggers, Jews) were cannibals. Explains a lot.
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>Japs too they're just the same.
Japs are unironically the whitest asians and their skulls are still missing the part associated with empathy. Blacks might not have the same exact brain as whitey but they still have healthy emotional reactions to watching their own children get ran over by a car. The civic rights movement took off in America partially because niggers despite their niggerish antics still ugly cry when somebody they care about dies. Beady eye'd bug brains are effectively high IQ sociopaths. Once you watch enough videos of chinks having blank stares at their own children getting ran over by cars you'll understand that they aren't human.
>that equars 4
>what is rove?
It is with great regret I must inform the mongrelized han...
We were Chinks and so forth
Who was Rurik?
>chinese literally eat their enemies
You speak like a nigger, am I safe in assuming you're under the age of 25?
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I... it's glorious. Anon, I never thought I could level up my racism, but here is this post. Subhumanity as an expression of genetic viral expression. Thank you for this post.
Whites until 2020
>Haha stupid poor Chinks, make my nikes

Whites in 2020s
>Btw may I have some money? I'm poor because whites are dumber than Chinese
*genetic viral influence
bump for my mistake

original chinese came from the yellow river

indo european subset of the xiongnu were exterminated in the ordos loop by the qin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qin%27s_campaign_against_the_Xiongnu
a civilization of prideful cowards. will do the world a lot of good when they are destroyed in WW3
you belong in a camp where you're tortured and killed you zionist rat. all of you amerisharts should be exterminated and the land you're illegally occupying given to a better group of people (the chinese)
their just gonna be hungry again in 15 minutes
this is pure schizo delusion


qin were yellow river farmers, indo europeans had chariot technology but they were still btfo on the battlefield to technologically-lesser yellow river farmers, similar to technologically superior UN forces got slaughtered by starving PVA peasants
Look up white people or specific nationalities on Baidu using a Chinese translator, it's actually quite fun. Chinese internet is unironically much more based and less censored on important topics than our internet
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china had a successful holocaust, look up what happened to the indo european sogdians, the last of their merchants were exterminated in the guangzhou massacre

It’s the fate of aryans to eventually be eaten by barbarians while those same barbarians appropriate, take pride in, and completely misunderstand their culture
Him making rs53576 out to be super important is am exaggeration but east Asians are shown to have reduced expression of high empathy alleles compared to Europeans in every SNP measured so far. They clearly had some kind of cultural pressure selecting against empathy and interpersonal warmth for a long time, and the epicenter for this low empathy phenotype is China and it radiates out from China. Probably related to the Confucian cultural package
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It makes sense!
Their own Hero figures like Cao Cao and those cunts from the age of myth often have red/blonde hair and green/blue eyes.
Weird revisionism. The Chinese went and genocided them, not the other way around.
You should go tell that to Chechens and Dagestanis in their face. Make sure to live stream it as well.
Aryan = Japhethite
Asian = Semite
African = Hamite

At Genesis and Genetics, we have examined Y-chromosome genomes searching for Noah and his three sons, Ham, Japheth, and Shem. They were easy to find. According to our analysis, if you have the rs17306671 Y-chromosome mutation nucleotide A you are from Shem. If you have the rs9786139 Y-chromosome mutation nucleotide A you are from Ham. If you have the rs3900 Y-chromosome mutation nucleotide G you are from Japheth. If you are a woman, you will have to check your father’s y-chromosome. Women don’t have the y-chromosome.
I don't hate whites, in fact I am a europhile, and think the yellow and white races should ally, but these are just the facts

there is actually a lot of "diversity" on the maternal mtDNA of han chinese, but paternally speaking, han chinese paternal haplogroups still occur in the exact same proportions as from the neolithic yellow river

"chinese" identity is defined via both culture and patrilineal descent

confucianism as was practiced historically was hyper-patriarchal

I don't know enough about this, but don't think it has anything to do with confucianism, just having been living at the absolute malthusian limits of sustenance for a millenia, depending on what you mean by "empathy" (towards animals? or humans?)
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required reading: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-racial-roots-of-chinas-rise/
Isnt that made up?
shang zhou qin han sui tang song yuan ming qing
She's a fake blonde
>having been living at the absolute malthusian limits of sustenance for a millenia
You're probably onto something here, and as far as measuring exactly what empathy is here, studies would subject people to different stimuli and measure their reactivity to it (for example, images that would provoke empathic response) and they would also give questionnaires on personality type and emotionality, interpersonal warmth, etc. East Asians generally self report as more emotionally cold and also are less reactive to emotional stimuli, and this fits in with the stereotypes about Asian cultures being very stoic, to put it mildly

However one interesting divergence in this pattern is psychopathy; approximately 5-10% of whites have the genetic capacity to become psychopaths under the right (or wrong) circumstances, but it's almost 0 for Asians. This probably explains the 2x increased crime rate for whites overall relative to Asians, in spite of the overall lower Asian empathy
Who would win:
> The entire north and South American Native American nations, dug in and agriculturally self sufficienct for centuries if not millennia
> a few dozen boats full of swarthy horny Spaniards and their flea-ridden hunting dogs
If it actually were the celts all over (could have been) they were the Faustian/smart version just like the europeans that came to the colonies compared to ones that stayed behind lol
>Foreign species enters bugling
>Chinksects eat them
Kek it's basically guaranteed that if aliens touched down in Asia they would be sold as street food in a week. It's so fucking funny how chinks insist on making the most ooga booga food possible.
> On god
senpai be tripin frfr
so assuming you're onto something with your genetic schizo pin chart, what happens if you nix this retroviral disruption from asians? Are they going to suddenly start popping out and developing into yellow Cheddar Man alikes while having brutal crises of conscience if the rewrite is happening late in life as if you'd cast Opposite Alignment on an unholy demon in some shlock D&D? If blacks & yellows have pseudo fetal alcohol neotenic features also as a result of this, what the hell happens to their physiognomic development? could that be computer modeled? you think any overfunded government labs have bothered with this thought experiment?

This is how wypipo should be treated

Youre like Jews, you try to seem harmless and helpful but only have genocide, rape and theft in your hearts

Natives welcomed whitoids and look what that got them
IQ differential.
Most natives just bred with whites

My grandmother took the bwc no one did anything wrong to her or her family
>We owe our golden age to whites
Some things never change with chinks it seems.
slave rape
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>chinks are great
Then why did you vote with your feet to live under the rule of White men? You could go back to chinkland with the other yellowniggers, but you want to be ruled by White men because you believe in our innate superiority. You're a massive cuck, grandparent cry.
Post some more dailystormer memes now.
Or something from reddit. Anything, really.
I came during obama
Chinks got fucking slammed by Russians just off of fortress formation alone
>on my chink head it was real
This is wrong, btw. OP and his post are chink shills, the people that live there were aryan, so just a bunch of whites executing a bunch of whites for whatever reason and then chinks aren ow spinning their own low tier narrative.
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My ancestors had traits of both Seima-Turbino, Slab-Grave and Andronovo Culture.
No Anon, Slab Grave.
Why does the current chinese government prevent archeologists from inspecting burial mounds?
Why do they purposely remove the heads of bodies in burial mounds before they are inspected by foreign specialists?
Who then use DNA and identify these early people as nordic europeans, and date the body via the cloth and carbon samples to bronze age china......

Why Does china have an ancient legend of it's founders from the bronze age coming from Egypt??

Why does China have more pyramids than egypt????
The Chinese like most East Asians are extremely petty. Much of their history is a lie but OP is right to imply the Shang were savages who used Afanasievo Technology.
>mutt calling anyone unpure
The Yuezhi did until the Huns (My ancestors) overthrew them and chased them into China and India.
I've noted a tendency among leftoids to completely forget that the time between year 900 and 1600 exist. There were multiple excursions through Europe into China over the course of hundreds of years. Similarly if you ask a leftoid when they think guns were invented, usually they will answer something like the 1750's or 1800's, when in fact existing historical firearms predate that by several hundred years.
To be fair I've heard Whites not only look like pigs but they also taste like pork.

So not surprised we ate you huwhites.
First Gun-Toter was Sultan Baibars. Helped invent the Hand Cannon which was a pistol of a sort worked from captured Mongol Weaponry.
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>implying they could win on a mele battle
the territory was white, it was a white on white execution.
Chinks may seeth and cope, but that's the true, even their millenial old culture is white at the end of the day.
But it make sense, atlantis were white and they had gone to all lands to try and rebuild civilization.
in most places they got replace by shitskin overtime, just like what is happening now.
something, something, repeating mistakes, something, something, not knowing history.
mehemet, you are wrong my friend.
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Cool, nice, wonderful. Now why don't the asians do this to the jews destroying their countries from within? Like Japan. Until you do that, you are cowards to me.
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Ancient Chinese rulers were actually English people. The reason they had no effect on the gene pool is they killed all their chink BWC loving women after sexo.
100% fake, all the aryans taken all the chink girls, within 1 generation the race was finished
Jurchen Gun.
You have no proof. The Shang sacrificed Qiang too.
>He doesn't know about the burgeoning field of ancient prehistoric genetics and the 10,000s of years Stepped people's washed over Europe and Asia.
You're right not quite Aryan. Proto Aryan.
Who We Are and How We Got Here sadly by David (((Reich))) but still quality research.
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Wrong pic, kek, this one is the right one
This was debunked. Turns out Tarim people spoke a language isolate. Were however replaced by Afanasievo migrants who mixed with the former to form Tocharian City States. Shouldn't really be considered China.
the pyramids of China have redheaded mummies woth European ancestry. Buddhism came from people of European ancestry as well (blue eyes)


the Han "chinese" are not chinese at all, they are NOT Qin (Chin).
This is LARP, no aryans invaded china, never any genetic or archeological proof for interaction beyond some tech transfers, aryans were content with raping primitive mongoloid women to create turkics
When will albinos stop lying about their origins. First of all albinos have nothing to do with ancient “Aryans”. So called “blondes” literally are a result of an albino mutation. Anybody who denies it is usually an albino or a shitskin who was bullied for being a shitskin at school and had to “become a Nazi” to fit in. Bear in mind that the implications of exposing the albino issue scientifically would be devastating to millions of albinos, which is the main reason the powers that be aren’t doing it yet. People would treat “blondes” worse than ever and the hairbleaching industry would take a brutal nosedive.
I've seen a few sinocucks repost this LARP as if it was real, lol they want to do a white genocide so bad,

Too bad the biggest actual genocides in history were against siberians and natives, must hurt their ego, too bad
Lmao the han are the most muttified raped race of cockroaches on the planet
Sogdians were closer to afghans than any euros, aryans stopped existing after they bred themselves out by the late bronze age
*And eastern scythians who got turkified

The pit he is mentioning has mongoloid, caucasoid, negroid, australoid anthropological types but he is trying to frame some white genocide LARP, must be sad, he has to make up a fake white genocide because we are the greatest genocidists in history
PVAs got raped 14-1, chinks outnumbered us yet lost much more, what is this LARP
east asia isnt the only part without indo european language, what is he talking about?
literally the ural mountains, southeast asia, or the mesopotamian semitic languages like in arabia and levantines
cope chink
without mongols there wouldnt be slanted eyes in east asia
slanted eyes evolved in north east siberia and mongols, it was passed down to chinese, koreans and japanese because those are rapebabies
after that the chinks spread it to south east asia with their colonization
t. subhuman aryan coping that he couldn't beat the yellow fever
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cope chink-jeet-kike-mudslime
I don't know which flavor of shitskin you're, but the cope is certainly real
>nooo, it was not real!
>is not because of that we don't allow anyone to enter the Yellow Emperor tomb!
>noooo, it has nothing to do with chinese culture and writing system being birth by aryans, noooooooooooooo
kek, don't worry you're not alone on the butthurt train!
unarmed aryans show up to trade and are executed by filthy rats
after you faggot
Kek beat me to it
ANE inhabited east asia 50k years ago

ANE are Caucasoids WHG that spread east
One dude in sea of slavs
is there anything more based than eating your enemies? its probably the most alpha thing you can do
whites lost their god of war macarthur and became the mutts they are today
>You forgot to attach the Giga Chad image
if you eat whites you become white-chink thinking
the ainu/jomon have partial Caucasoid ancestry who once inhabited east Asia since 50k bc
the ANE
Probably ran the place and got over run by illiterate yellows.
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>Aryans tried to invade China and were devoured
Can confirm at least 80 chinkettes have devoured my big white cock.

In fact I was nutting inside one as Tianjin exploded.
chinks just eat the evidence of their crimes

shit goes unreported in Chink land
What a lying fuck kek, east asians have neanderthal DNA just like whites
tarim we ANE aka caucausoids. basques and georgians also speak a language isolate and doesnt change the fact that they are caucacoids
Why tf did he pull out his 1cm prick lmaoo
sogdians were scythians mixed with chevhens
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Seemingly some paternally Finnic man, at least his descendants were.
>Why tf did he pull out his 1cm prick lmaoo
When you've got the biggest dick in china you have to let everyone know.
denisovan and archaic ghost species created mongoloids who came out of australoid abos
We won. Fuck off jeetoids! Han power! kek
I remember reading something on here about jin wang aka the golden king of china. Some anon claimed to have discovered information about a gold haired and blue eyed king who ruled china in the ancient past, who ruled before any other. I dont have the screencap sorry.
kys, we don't. We aren't neandeathal like whites or blacks. We are different.
denounce the talmud jew
Also, seems that ancestors of the Uralic people formed some of those ancient Chinese civilizations.


>The most ancient populations of the West Liao River valley exhibited a high frequency of Haplogroup N-M231. A study by Yinqiu Cui et al. from 2013 found that 63% of the combined samples from various Hongshan archeological sites belonged to the subclade N1 (xN1a, N1c) of the paternal haplogroup N-M231 and calculated N to have been the predominant haplogroup in the region in the Neolithic period at 89%, its share gradually declining over time.
AFAIK east Asians have larger Neanderthal ancestry than Europeans.
you have to understand that mongoloids are demonic psychopaths hellbent on genociding Whites

The Han (mongoloid) rebellion was a mass slaughter and rape of Indo-European caucasians all over China, by Chinks. It ethnically cleansed China of indigenous Caucasians.
The locusts launched extermination and gang rape campaigns against An Lushan's Sogdian Indo-Europeans in their own homeland of Sogdia.
They committed genocide and gang rape of Indo--Europeans in Transoxania and Sogdia and paved the way for the later Mongoloid Turkic migrations.

China was very happy to invite Uyghurs and other mongoloids to rape and slaughter Indo-Europeans all over China.
China ordered their mongoloid Uyghur brethren to rape every caucasian indo-european woman.
The Korean General Gao had Caucasian babies stabbed to death all over Beijing after crushing An Lushan's army there looking for their blonde hair and blue eyes.
The Koreans identified the Caucasian babies through their blonde hair and then played games like catching and impaling them on spears.

Ran Min similarly slaughtered and committed genocide on the entire Caucasian Jie people who were native to China after identifying them through their blonde hair and blue eyes.

The Xianbei were Mongoloids and and helped rape and sexually enslave Indo Europeans in China in th An Lushan rebellion.
Khitans brutally enslaved Indo-Europeans when conquering Central Asia and founding the Kara-Khitai Khanate.

The Manchus had the Central Asian Indo-European children castrated. Manchu officials ordered British and American sailors who violated rules in ports executed before the Opium wars and had British and Indian sailors on the Nerbudda mass executed. The Manchus castrated and sliced up Indo-european Caucasians. The Manchus also raped caucasian women.

screencap this
Do you know anything of jin wang? Apart from what's in the archives?
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>Central Asian Buddhist monk teaching a Chinese monk. Bezeklik Caves, 9th–10th century; although Albert von Le Coq (1913) assumed the blue-eyed, red-haired monk was a Tocharian,[1] modern scholarship has identified similar Caucasoid figures of the same cave temple (No. 9) as ethnic Sogdians,[2] an Eastern Iranian people who inhabited Turfan as an ethnic minority community during the phases of Tang Chinese (7th–8th century) and Uyghur rule (9th–13th century).[3]
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bezeklik_Caves
the Liao were a client vassal of the Yamna-Aryan Afanesievo Caucasoid who spread White tech and civ to mongoloids
so total chink death?
You're in denial, or a jewish.
They were half mongoloid already, and Afanesievo were dominated by Okunevo, also mixture of Aryan and east-Eurasian ancestry(They had R1a and even some N1c lines).
Jin Wang? It means Gold King in Chinese. Allegedly the first true ruler of what is now China, long before the time of the yellow emperor aka haung di. China was ruled by a gold haired man or a gold haired race who came from the sea. Jin Wang and his people were also described as having pale skin and blue eyes.

During the reign of Emperor Qin about two thousand years ago, he burned books and buried scholars, and declared history began with him. A surviving scholar lamented that ten thousand years of chinese history was lost due to the emperor.


mongoloid rapebabies were a mistake
the "yellow emperor" with blonde hair
dumb gook
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>mongoloid rapebabies were a mistake
Coping and seething won't change a thing, you couldn't stop Uralic male warriors from expanding and rest is history. >>492054587
I've already read the archives. I'm looking for any new information regarding the topic.
if Whites were cannibals like the mongoloid monkeys then chinky mong apes would have gone extinct when they first crawled out of their caves and into the civilization of White man
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>Now why don't the asians do this to the jews destroying their countries from within?
Kek what
Firstly, there's multiple different "Mongoloid" groups, and basically most of Europe has somekind Mongoloid ancestry. Archaeologists claimed that EHG had mongoloid features, and ancestry from them makes up bulk of European ancestry. There is Siberian-mongoloid ancestry(which we Finns and other northeast Europeans have), but it's not the same ancestry majority of the Chinese people have. Lastly, i don't think there is any evidence that Uralic or proto-Uralic people practiced cannibalism.
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mayans/aztecs also have legends of red haired white people creating/founding their civilization

most likely phoenicians

technically mongoloids and liao weren't a civilization, which requires permanent stone structures

liao couldn't build stone buildings and permanent structures. mongoloids only could build mud hits and wood huts. Whites invented masonry and metallurgy
Another graph.
mongoloid cope
samo-yed, literally means cannibals
all mongoloids are genetically predisposed to cannibalism
mongoloids invaded europe over the span of eons and genocided Europeans

this is the yellow peril
Now you start rambling about different things. I don't care about if other Asiatic populations rather than Uralic had metallurgy or not, but for example, here's a clip about Uralic metallurgy:


Also Seima-Turbino had very advanced metallurgy, and it seems that it was mutted population between east Eurasians and west Eurasians.
more mongoloid cope

thanks for confirming that utalics/mongoloids stole metallurgy from White inventord
Kek, Thailand was rightfully Dutch clay. Now cope. Btw look up the new out of asia theory.
>samo-yed, literally means cannibals
Source for this. They are quite far off group from the rest of the Uralics, from what my cursory search showed me.
>all mongoloids are genetically predisposed to cannibalism
Then you surely can prove it.
>thanks for confirming that utalics/mongoloids stole metallurgy from White inventord
Did you watch the clip? They didn't steal shit, they actually made it even better. Also you didn't even address the Seima-Turbino.
Never happened
Romans knew about China and didn't give a shit about it
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looks like spongebob, is spongebob true aryan?
it was 4000 years ago, start of human civilisation, it was migratory groups with chariots

defending against small migrators on chariots is easy unless ur a subhuman then your entire nations of millions gets conquered by a few hundred white dudes showing up in the stone age kek
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arent you forgetting about the century of humliation?
The aryans made us their bitch didnt they?
>mongoloid uralic cannibals are not like fingoloid uralic cannibals
>mongoloids didnt steal it mongoloids even uhhh adapted it to fit our bow legged flat assed anus better

keep coping
I accept your concession, as you can't source your claims you made in your previous posts.
Kys retarded christkike
your concession is suckig somali and jeet cock as a ritual to mongoloid cannibalism
>us from a bleak future of Chinese bug people everywhere.
maybe you. i live close to Toronto.
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Says the guy from a nation that elected nigger president, and pushes diversity to smaller nations. There is very high change you are non-White, and this could be the reason you seethe about Mongoloids so much; they are better than you.
the mongols conquered everyone, until they came in contact with central europeans then they were crushed, jsut like the huns

we are the most powerful, aryans werent a organised attack from europe

just migrants during basicly the stone age that managed to conquer all brownoids despite 1% of their numbers
The first evidence of metallurgy dates back to around **5500 BC** in the **Vinča culture** of present-day Balkans, where copper smelting was practiced[43dcd9a7-70db-4a1f-b0ae-981daa162054](https://www.metallurgyfordummies.com/ancient-metallurgy.html?citationMarker=43dcd9a7-70db-4a1f-b0ae-981daa162054 "1").

mongoloids always steal from White man
Wasn't Vinca fucking EEF or neolithic Farmer culture? So basically not White, modern day Sardinia like.
enjoy the Somali meat up your jeeted mong asshole
You are the ones taking them in droves, specifically Indians. I rather be with my own people. Why do you have such a fixation towards different races of people?
hes a jew of some kind that larps about phoencians because his jewish people has no history or warriors in history kek
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Chink Seething lmao
2 inch wonder hahaha
>a yellow flat faced microdick bow legged midget slant invader defining who is European or not
ur not european swarthy nigger

europeans are northern europeans aka white people liek finns, scandinavians, germans

not ur sicilian jewish nigger genes
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Cope. Not only are we taller than you(check it out, we are), we have much larger prevalence of Nordic phenotypes than you. Like i posted earlier, we are also one of the closest populations to indo-Aryan populations.
>. I rather be with my own chink people. Why do you have such a fixation towards different races of people?
>flees east asian mongolid shithole to Europe while appropriating White technology and civilization
dna tests of aryans or corded ware were most similar to finns and swedes

hes a swarthy subhuman with no history
>t proud to be a micro dicked flat faced bow legged slant eyed mong with blonde wig
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We didn't flee shit, we conquered. So much so, our paternal lines are incorporated forever to eastern European nobility. We might have Siberian ancestry, sure. But you guys have literal nigger ancestry.
found the chink microdicck mongol rspebaby
Yeah, Swedes are closest most of the time(like for Sintashta), but we are closest to some samples. I actually posted a pic about this earlier.
europeans descend from a siberian hunter gatherer group aka ancient north eurasians that were not chinks in any way, even mummies of similar groups shows european facial features kek

we have zero east asian genetic component, ur a subhuman and not aryan

you conquered by spreading your ass cheeks to chang, Jeet and now somali bbc
finns are closest on early CWC, yamnaya typically, but it depends, if you check all those corded ware samples it's typically finns and swedes, but i think also on individual sintashta samples u find some as finns

however other northern europeans are just behind in distance its not like they were finnish or swedish but rather north european whites i nthat regard
aryans were migrating group during the stone age, no civilisations hardly existed

no people were able to travel the globe back then kek

we dominated chang everytime in history we ar the master race
swedes are mong rape babies midgets vloke greta
now enjoying somali rape
They were not chinks, but archaeologists claim EHG had mongoloid features. This is supposed to be the origin why some Europeans who shouldn't have any Asiatic influence might still show some Asiatic features. But as for how true this is, i don't know.
greta has some kind of genetic disorder look up photos of her parents, u have zero history

we are warriors that conquered the world

look up tocharian mummies their faces look completely european and not mongoloid at all
Yet our largest paternal line is Uralic, N1c.
fetal alcohol downe syndrome = momgoloid features
This seems like mutt cope?
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which means you spread your ass cheeks to chink microdick

90% of swedes look like a greta mongol troll gremlin
>look up tocharian mummies their faces look completely european and not mongoloid at all
Yeah, i have seen those. But then again, there are pictures of modern Irish people for example, where one of them seem to look partly mongoloid without any foreign admixture. I'm not really sure what i think about this yet. What i do think is that EHG ancestry is associated with fair features, though.
u sound like a homosexual for being disingenuine when you debate, u jsut wnt attention since ur homosexual
well the ancient north eurasians do have a asian component so even the aryans wouldve been chinkoids in that regard

but there was never any pure east asian chinkoids that came here but rather siberian hunter gatherers
How does that even make sense in your mind? My paternal ancestors came from Siberia, it was the people on the way who spread their cheeks to them.
>90% of swedes look like a greta mongol troll gremlin
Yet they are usually the poster boy of what Aryan is supposed to look, so are you now claiming Aryans were mongoloids? As you probably are aware, Swedes and us usually are closest of the modern populations to Aryan samples.
nope, not a swede. dont project your lust for Somali and mong cock. you flat faced slant eyed elf
swedes are gentically overlapping with other germanic people and can't be distinguished from a german

ur a swarthy subhuman with no history other than larping from fairytales kek
>but there was never any pure east asian chinkoids that came here
Only case i think is maybe Mongols, but Uralic people were mostly European when they came to northeast Europe. In fact, our Baltic Finnish ancestors who eventually settled Finland seemed to have less Siberian admixture than us modern Finns, as we have mixed with the Saami.
Aryans were dolichocephalic long headed
not round headed monholoid greta freaks
Ivan Drago (swedish) is suddenly a chinkoid
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nobody looks like greta in sweden

ur a subhuman
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I have actually seen some southern Europeans in /his/ who claim that Lundgren is mongoloid, lmao. Some even claim that northern Europeans are not Caucasoid. Well if this pic is what Caucasoid is supposed to look like, i'm happy to say i'm not one of them.
brownoids cope alot because theyre inferior niggers

pic related Finland Lucia 2012, such a mongol!
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thanks for outing yourself, slavgoloid

slavs = Finns/swedes/chinks
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>slavgoloid rapebabies
you have no arguments so you have to invent a complete false narrative that some people actually believe

ur a swarthy subhuman that never will be a western white man
I don't even understand anymore what you are saying, are you mentally ill by any chance? I already posted autosomal admixture of different Finnish populations >>492057939. We have Germanic admixture, Slavs don't. We have Baltic admixture, which some Slavs have. Swedes on the other hand really don't have but small traces of Baltic ancestry, they are mostly Germanic. Both of us lack the Slavic R1a paternal lineages.
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right is White
left is swede/finn/slav
hes upset that he is brown and feels better about alienating scandinavians from whites because then he thinks it makes him fit in more

hes some swarthy jew semitic rat

>pic related a swede
ur a homosexual that probably thinks ur talking to cute twinks when u see our flags thats why ur so obsessed ur disgusting freak kys
Again, you most likely aren't White at all. Slavs still are European, something you will never be.
These erev rav synagogue of Satan memeflags literally cannot stop attacking whites. I think it’s pathological hatred these fake jews display. Also they will lie and deny this behavior and play stupid despite it being so routine that memeflags are known as Jewish shills.
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>we wuz Aryans n shiet

ok chang
ur repulsive we want to kill you fag
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>mong posts some swarthy rat

lol you wewuzzing swarthoids now
>we wuz Aryans n shiet
Umm, yes? We are the one of the closest modern populations to them, who do you think they were then?
no1 finds you attractive we want to murder you
the swedgoloid sez as he gets stabbed to death by Somali bbc
hes a homo thats ragebaiting for male attention
do you understand the attention ur getting is not attraction we want to kill you
that's not what your mother said last night
your asshole is getting murdered by Abdul
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>Aryans tried to invade China and were devoured


"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>
ur not attractive to us ur a man
Yeah, seems so. Shouldn't really engage him anymore, specifically as it's Christmas season and we all probably have something more important to do. Gud jul, Sven!

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