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The end edition

Next shows
June 22nd, [Bloodsport Bushido] "Bloodsport Bushido", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo, 3:00PM JST
>Konami (STARDOM/God's Eye) vs Maya Fukuda (GLEAT)
>rest of card http://bloodsport.jp/sp/index.html

June 22nd, "STARDOM THE CONVERSION", Yoyogi National Stadium, Tokyo, 5:00PM JST (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Xena (E neXus V)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Mika Iwata (Sendai Girls Pro Wrestling)
>Goddess of Stardom Championship Match: Hazuki & Koguma (STARS/FWC) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS/wing*gori)
>Queen's Quest vs Oedo Tai Final Chapter: Saya Kamitani & AZM & Lady C & Miyu Amasaki & Hina (Queen's Quest) vs Natsuko Tora & Momo Watanabe & Thekla & Ruaka & Rina (Oedo Tai)
>Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo (STARS) with Mayu Iwatani vs Syuri & Ami Sohrei (God's Eye)
>Starlight Kid vs Mei Seira
>Mina Shirakawa & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Tam Nakano & Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saki Kashima & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) & Tomoka Inaba (JTO/God's Eye)
>Rian vs Fukigen Death (Oedo Tai)

Previous >>14998741
Built for BBC
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I cannot watch the show tonight so please no spoilers in this thread. Thank you
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love C
love azm
love miyu
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I'd fuck all 4 of them and Hina the day she turns 18
no survey?
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She's a dyke in disguise but sacrifice her own dykeness for creepy uncles money
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Forbidden love players
half the players are dykes, the other half are forced into it
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No matter how fast you run, you can't run away from the gay.

Stardom the house of dyke
224 fans at NB yesterday
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30 minutes gentlemen
lonely saya
Mother and daughter fighting
Biggest crowd since buntai for sure
A match that happened
One of the matches of all time
I hope survey poster didn't defect to the other company.
according to the archive the survey numbers dropped real hard over the past few months so they might have just given up on it
>Taro killed SurveyAnon from boredom
stinky card
Convert this, brother
But enough about Summer Destiny
nobody even mentioned Marigold until (You)
When was the last time a Goddess match opened the show?
position on the card doesn't matter
Xena main event KEK
We do American style card placements now
the good thing about QQ vs OT happening sooner is that I can go to sleep earlier
Fucking hate the trading rolling pin attempt spot
not like this
it's one of the worst spots in all of wrestling
>rolling pin
>in the kitchen
>where they should be
Kinda want to get a wrestling game and give Koguma all of Orton's moveset
this is the house of unsold forearm strikes and every multi-person match starting with a multi-person knucklelock
such an indie match
how can koguma be such shit after so long
she's fat and lazy
what is beaten harder?
zooks’ chest or bald uncle’s dicks while thinking of zooks?
I feel like I've seen this match a hundred times already
Iida and Koguma are both mid as fuck
Hanan is stinky
Another big show, another ruthless STARS on STARS violence.
Zook's scrumptious tum
>Gori pinned
this is why fans are leaving for Marigold in droves
stinky Hanan can't be pinned because.... reasons, okay!
Give Zooks the white belt
Ok Ari
go back to twitter
is the conversion going to involve aew sloots and a change to amer*can style wrestling? because if so i’m making the switch

hell yeah brother
>change to amer*can style wrestling?
already happened with njpw. stardom is going the same way.
God's Eye finna be belted up again
Konami and Syuri are the next Goddess challengers
Opening the show with the top match I was personally looking forward to certainly had me locked in -- FWC and wing*gori did what they've done all year and KILLED IT!!!

What a match, highlighted by a superb performance out of Saya Iida once again. She's hit a certain level this year not reached before, as has Hanan, making them such an incredible duo. FWC continues to lock themselves in as one of the best teams ever.

Awesome start. Good luck topping this the rest of the night.

>Kitto vs Mei
fuck me, haven't they already fought a bunch of times already? Sick of these high speedo midget matches, they're all the same.
kitto the world champion
boring match
Peps or Scott?
Mei's meis
thank you scotty peps
here is your free stardomworld membership for another month
>high speedo match devolves into a thousand shitty kickouts where the ref has to blatantly not count three
mei vs moker in a thigh-off
book it okarder
>4 block 5star
full retard
New 5Stae GP logo is pretty good
Like how the crop popped for Mayu vs Tam
it's been a good crowd, but they're undoubtedly going to be dead for the title matches after the QQ/OT shitfest
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Yuna and Bogmina are so boring to watch
salty game from mina
that was... a match
Mina and Toni have to actually have a match kek
And it will be better than the two main events today kek
We've missed you GOAT!
they're going to take up most of the time just doing fake lesbian stuff
Hina still isn't 18? It feels like she's been 16 for 4 years now
not much longer until Hina and Rina are 18
I like Tomo
Freaky ass anon
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Perfect ending
Io is coming back to save QQ.
Saki accidentally winning again
aya sucks dick
>you have to lay there for 30 seconds and take the pin anyway
why not piss in her mouth while you're at it?
I wish
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matching gear for Mayu and Movie Mayu, that's cute
iwatani mayus
Cagematch 9 if you make it happen
Normally I would want Aya to do the pissing in my mouth, but if she's fine with the reverse then no problem
Where's movie rossy
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Anna needs to become a player
Mayu Imitani
oh shit she became a player
Anna vs Fuwa at Dream Queendom
i’m on my hands and knees BEGGING some nigga to give momo a win
This is the most interesting Ami has ever been
twitter trannies are going to love this
Anna has converted from movie player to proper player
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fucking garbage slop
kek what a pisser
this would never happen on the stardom ring
Movie Mayu not taking any Mayu neck bumps is disappointing
a fucking time limit draw for that lol
10 stars of 10 match
Ami protected, based
i don't expect anything less from a match based on fuckwad ogawa's era of stardom
Mayu (the Mayu) looking good
need a clean copy of this background music
god i love it
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>still 3 more matches
fuck this bloated card, could have gotten rid of half of it
>showing old footage of when Stardom was actually good and OT wasn't an embarrassment
Cool custom belt buckle
Should've put a blue dot on ugtranny's face
>OT wasn't an embarrassment
OT has always been an embarrassment
The end of wrestling
how the hell do they expect to run two filler title matches after this?
revisionist nonsense meant to discredit Kagetsu
The order of matches does not matter, per the boss
The real Survivor Series
I predict that SLK comes out to save QQ and to get the last laugh over OT.

Right? This is very obvious MOTN and should've been the main event
Tardo is just a dumbass who openly admits he has no idea how to place matches
>tron is literally just a recap of the entire feud
>I predict that SLK comes out to save QQ and to get the last laugh over OT.
this would actually make sense so that's not happening. Expect a stupid swerve at the end instead.
Kek at the boo boo faces on QQ
Maybe it’s a swerve but them niggas got boo-boo face
the boo boo face doesn't lie
i'm gonna miss QQ so bad
You need to understand that the dancing tranny is actually embarrassing
they're not even hiding it. Zoomy just looks pissed.
stop fake crying on the commentary desk you fucking melting BITCH
who is on commentary crying?
checked but it’s not going anywhere; the remaining player will simply reform it in her own image
please shut up tamu
Just acting jobs. Queens Quest will live
does Tam ever stop acting
why the fuck is Tam crying and making this about herself?
Tam making it about her.
she came into stardom through one of the better iterations of OT so maybe that but its ancient history now
Lady C is so tall, how are you supposed to eliminate her??
fingerpoke of doom finish, please
high centre of gravity, very easy to toss over the ropes
Cmon, let's get the shitters out already,

Thank you
Lady Jobber lol
What did you expect from C
QQ are going get swept, arent they....
I hope Hina is eliminated last so she can finally form the thinking players unit
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AZM and Saya reverse sweep
nah, they're going to have Saya make a big comeback only for her to get screwed over in the end by the big le swerve
okay QQ def winning at this rate
>Lady C: I will protect QQ
>Lady C is the first person eliminated
oedo squad's specialty
>QQ goes out in pathetic fashion
>OT has the choke of all time

Which is it
Lady Cumbucket
>holding the table instead of the person on the table
Oedo Tarded
neither, see >>15010058
let's go heener
look away
Hina getting a frag is the stuff of legends
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AZM and Saya the rest of the match
i meant hananing out
Saya "Connor McDavid" Kamitani
Maika and Mina pulled off a 4v2 so now it’s AZM and Sayas turn
GOAT Finals
If OT were to lose, we will regrettably not be getting Rina’s revanchist version
so, Draisatl will rip off his jersey in game 7 to rip off a Panthers underneath? Would be kino
It’s time Momo
based fuck off turkla
Tam pls kill yourself
lotta responsibility on my nigga Barb here
Tam needs to stop making this about herself
The most obvious double elim spot I've ever seen
just waiting for the epic twist now
momofags... validated
I like when Kamitani hit with the box.
fucking knew it lmao
Vince Russo ending
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Miyu and Lady need new jobs
kek based momo
Bsed swanton

the worst outcome
Oedo Tai sells merch
Queen's Quest doesn't
Simple as
Rate Saya as a leader
fuck this company
fuck maricold too but fuck this company even more
AMAZING! That was fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat that entire match. The drama and action were second to none. I love Stardom!
What the fuck was that
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I said it last thread, new management fucking loves Oedo Tai, they were never going to lose this
A double sweve lmao
Zoomy told you about that fat one
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can't wait to see this revisited in the Death of Stardom documentary
Okatarpo taking the most retarded routes to get to the simplest booking decisions
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I'm sorry Rossy please come back
Kamitani reforming QQ from the bottom, def winning the 5 Star at this rate
if you didn't expect him to go full retard, I don't know what to tell you
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This is retarded but kinda fun? Like I hate but I also like it
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Her first act as leader was to lose the unit
two more matches after this, by the way lol
Tardo does it again
i blame utami for letting her in the group
how am i ever supposed to get behind a loser
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That's the story
Kidani it's time to fire the president again
Kitto forming her own unit?
Midget faction LET'S GOOOOO
I believe there was a certain high speed midget who told Saya to stop believing in Momo
>Kitto forming her own unit of castaways
dear oh dear this is embarrassing...
MWA, Midgets With Attitude
>promo train

02line 05some
>Suzu wearing a 5XL size shirt to cover up how fat she is
poor Hina
>units out here picking the corpse of QQ minutes afterwards
Vultures were all ready to pick on the QQ corpse
lady C deep in the KWAB zone
Peps is having a meltdown.
two more fucking matches after this, and no doubt both of them are going at least 20 minutes each
kogetty is straight awful
Maika is the only one that ever cared about her and she now has a better and taller giant
I won't be watching
The Queens were ultimately the ones who bowed
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the curtain call
miyu bum still looking good
baked got triggered and muted me for asking why this wasn't the main if so much shit was gonna happen.
Is Saya gonna retire? Queens Quest is gonna be her downfall?
Hopefully Lady C gets fired or something. Sick of her dopey jobber ass.
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The ending to QQ vs OT made me not want to watch the rest of this show. I'll stick it out through Anou-tan's match, because I love her, but you'd have to pay me to watch that "main event"
Midget unit sounds fun but who are they going to beat?
I just close the chat and watch the stream. They're worse than the twitter posters with how much they praise everything
it worked for Maika
>The ending to QQ vs OT made me not want to watch the rest of this show
Baby got sad or what?
*meltear bitch
they said you don't want to send a crowd home sad, and then muted me before I could reply lol. Messaged the mod saying "heels have won a main event before dipshit."
The double swerve was objectively shit that came straight from Vince Russo's asshole. Stardom is being destroyed right in front of our eyes
probably because it was hot garbage
For me it's over, I'm going to sleep KEK
you faggots complain about everything shut the fuck up
yeah they had a melty and shut more than a couple people down tonight too

they’re way too praiseful, anyone negative even playfully seems to get it
kwab quest
wouldn't have to if the show wasn't shit.
I will not sit here and eat the slop. I will complain when something is bad.
Saya's winning the red belt at Dream Queendom, this whole arc is building her up as the top face
here comes the true main ebento
anou saori will turn your frown upside down

Wouldn't have to if everything wasn't shit
thats gonna be long and boring
Every Dream Queendom main event till now has been about someone righting their failures
20+ minutes
Recruitment drive before the body is even cold is hilarious
>the one time a joshi promotion does the right thing
>people cry anyway
The right thing would be killing Oedo Tai
Risa Sera will be Saya's first recruit
anna jay and riho for queen's quest
Oedo Tai still exists though?
Very visual match
Anou-tan has brought legitimacy back to the white belt, after the shitshow that was Midrai and Mina
this, which concomitantly means Tam is winning it between then and now
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Tam is a loser now
>Saya's winning the red belt at Dream Queendom
It's been hinting on retirement over her injury for a while now. I have a feeling she will lose.
Maybe but Maika works for Saya to beat as well
Taro could always deviate from the plan, but I believe it had been Tam jobbing to Saya at least
>Implying Tam will be one of the chosen few repeat red belt winners

Reminder that everyone who's won the red belt more than once, are literally the best to ever step foot in a Stardom ring
well, maybe not boring, but way too ling
you expect Taro to honor that lineage?
you just can't have a stable associated to Marigold.
You also liberate AZM to do better things
I think the comments about Maika being an interim champ are coming true. She'll pad her reign with some more defenses before dropping it to Saya in December
okada's booking was good the first few months then it went to shit
what happened
Some things are sacred, even Taro must know that
Better things like join to midget group so they can all job together
he had to actually book PPVs and build to them instead of just putting together random house shows where nothing matters
>Year long interim champion
There must be a different word for you to use
It was never good, he just coasted off the people leaving for intrigue.
Saya can still catch the WAVE
Taro disbanded Queens Quest half an hour ago. Nothing is sacred to him
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New thread after the match
Good. Only pussies care about that shit
He benefitted from a streamlined and sensible Cinderella, which was going to be changed regardless because Harada
was fucking up every tournament
QQ is not disbanded
Mental illness.
Does he know it's fake?
another Saori match where the moves look good and everything makes sense but it moves along at a snail's pace and goes 25 minutes for no reason
Don't cry for me Argentina
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she'll be taking orders from and pins for SLK now
anybody who's going to be part of Kitto's midget jobber faction you should give up any hope for
>she doesn't deserve this
to be the leader of a group evidently
Today is the saddest day of my life, understand
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LOL AHAHAHA ass bump
I've already given up hope for anybody in Stardom
That weird freak on r/sc who comments on every joshi thread is from Argentina too. Does Stardom air on TV there?
how long has this match been going? feels like an eternity
Why are they like that? Wasn't the racism enough?
Average Anou title matches
there's still a red belt match after this...
Someone thought about this card and said “after all this, a Xena match should end the night
oh, didn't expect that
New >>15010476
You were fucking saying?
Holy shit, well done Taro, something surprising finally happened
Finally, brown wonder champion again!
alright I’ve finally turned on Taro. Nogga…
Holy shit was not expecting that

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