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June 22nd, "STARDOM THE CONVERSION", Yoyogi National Stadium, Tokyo, 5:00PM JST (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Xena (E neXus V)

June 23rd, [Ice Ribbon] "After the Rain, Ribbon 2024", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARDOM/STARS) vs Tsukasa Fujimoto (Ice Ribbon)
>rest of card https://iceribbon.com/event_detail.php?id=3614

June 23rd, [The Evil Alliance] "Women's Pro-Wrestling Evil Festival", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 12:30PM JST
>Yumiko Hotta (T-HEARTS) & Natsupoi & Sayaka Kurara (STARDOM/COSMIC ANGELS) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (Gokuaku Domei) & Natsuko Tora (STARDOM/Oedo Tai)

June 23rd, [WAVE] "SHIZUOKA WAVE~FUJI - 7~", Fujisan Messe, Shizuoka, 1:00PM JST
>Risa Sera (PROMINENCE) vs Saya Kamitani (STARDOM/Queen's Quest)
>Ranna Yagami (STARDOM/God's Eye) vs ChiChi (Evolution)
>rest of card https://pro-w-wave.com/schedule.html

June 28th, [CMLL x LADYSRING x Mexico Tourism] "LUCHA FIESTA2", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 7:00PM JST
>Amapola (CMLL) vs Momo Kohgo (STARDOM/STARS)

June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240629_korakuen/?mc_id=994

Previous >>15008537
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is /stardom/ converted yet?
>Vince Russo double swerve finishes
>outsiders winning belts
semen slurping company
Saori vs Poi bros...
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Based match though
What, PRECISELY, is/was being converted?
I'm not sure how to feel about this. My gut reaction is that Poi gets the belt back for Stardom?
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Believe in brown!
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Taro Okada has gone insane
i miss it when mirai was the white belt champion
Bravo Okada, didn't see that coming
Poi finna turn on Saori for being selfish and not giving her the title shot
Need Xena to win and Mayu to lose
why is Stardom just getting walked all over by fucking JTO, Ice Ribbon and now Senjo
Xena Red belt time
Dark Saori time
Please, don't forget to be excited for Maika's match.
>Outsider wins the white belt
>Was a glorified squash match, Saori got barely any offense

Soooo.... do people still think Stardom isn't being actively sabotaged?
Say what you want about Taro, he ain't a fucking coward
Okada is clearly a Rossy mole killing the competition from the inside
>why is Stardom just getting walked all over by fucking JTO, Ice Ribbon and now Senjo
because it's no longer a premium company
Broken Saori
Early reports are saying Kitto may have been right
the line between bravery and foolishness is very thin
Need that Lady Shi ass.
Listen to the reaction to Poi you absolute fucking retard
Saori out, Stardom is healing
Maika will restore the feeling here
there's another match after this...
Slurping the slop
What reaction?
i heard laughs
so much for that "filler defense"
Now that the dust has settled, Taro Okada is a plant sent to destroy Stardom
I mute the amateur actress portions of this event, so no
Saori almost choked her out twice, then did finisher
Saori said no to putting Poi over
Xena has negative charisma
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The balance of power has truly shifted. Adding Miyu and AZM makes this unfair. Who stops them??
seethe fags he's cooking
this needs to be a 5 minute squash, but it'll be a 20 minute forced epic where the top champion can't beat some jabroni without struggling mightily
Converting Stardom fans into Senjo and Ice Ribbon fans
>Risa Sera (PROMINENCE) vs Saya Kamitani (STARDOM/Queen's Quest)
This means that...
This is the first show where I feel line Taro can actually be a booker. The theatre kid has some fucking cajones
>Poi vs Iwata will happen soon
Poi is going end up dead in the ring, isn't she?
He's a clueless man in a suit who has no experience in the industry. Like everyone else in Bushiroad.
We've been "letting him cook" since Ogawa was sacked and he's done nothing but tank the promotion.
slop slurpers
main event Xena
Yes, he has balls
main event Ami
main event Xena
>h-he's cooking!
>Cooking fentanyl laced crystal meth leading to fatal overdose
Sounds about right
I love how you keep mentioning he's got guts, instead of actually saying he has good booking. Having guts doesn't matter when the booking is shit, and you subconsciously know that his booking is shit.

Cooking Stardom's downfall, sure.
position on the card doesn't matter
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the giant beak on Xena
Vince Russo also had KEK
Why couldn’t Hazuki just get the shock Wonder of Stardom Championship win? I mean if we are just doing things????

I am trying.

Mika winning isn't bad, but when that decision immediately followed you booking a Vince Russo double swerve finish, people are going to wonder if you're just a retard throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks
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Maika successfully doing a kip up might be the biggest surprise of the night
how was that a swerve? it was all part of their plan
The age of brown lesbians is upon us.
I know she's bloated, but Maika is a legit athlete
Gonna need proof, brother.
what a mark
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>Maika's tum while she's in the submission
I didn't think it was bad either, in fact the only thing Taro did that was retarded at this event was put XENA in the main event on the night we had an important fight
she's signed to SENJO, that's all the proof you need
Okay, so how is a non-Stardom wrestler winning the belt that is the 1B to the red belts 1A, not a bad thing?
The company that has known white man enthusiast DASH Chisako?
Need actual proof, brother.
they're just coping
could have been hazuki but instead it was an outsider
Tardo saving the worst match for last. This is genuinely bad.
Maybe Hazuki will beat her.
Holy shit, the apron powerslam was sick
>Maybe Hazuki will beat her.
it's going to be Poi.
lol at Maika no-selling a powerslam on the apron and a suplex on concrete
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Next challenger
I hate Poi.
The cope is thinking it’s good
This match is good??
ah yes, time for the obligatory title defense against Fatsuko
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Phat Mike
He wants them to be House of Torture so bad
man the harpoons
fucking end this already
I don't think this has even passed 20 minutes yet
it just feels long
and if Fatsuko beats Fatmike and then does the work for Saya at the end of the year? it would be based
Fatsuko as champion is pure anti-dimes
and that's why tardo is going to do it
>Fatsuko as champion is pure anti-dimes
Doubt, Taro winning the Red Belt will be absolute dimes.
thank fuck it's finally over
Apologize to Xena
>Taro winning the Red Belt will be absolute dimes
he should absolutely book himself to be the champion
Oedo Tai fatigue
>kick out
>kick out
>three count
Is such a shit way of ending matches
but it's le epic
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Her match with Syuri last year was decent
Ice Ribbon, Sendai and now JTO? Lmao. Guess the Maika connection makes sense
our brave champion is going to fight a child for the title
my nigga who could possibly care
konami gonna get fined just like kitto
She's just short bro
>gear struggling to contain maika's ass
yes. yes.
Unlike Kitto, that is actually a story
Maika and Xena celebration tribbing
Maika and Xena are friends again... after that scolding hot rivalry they had
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Good news, ExV is saved
Building a feud with Saori
letting players having salt games in the former promotions they worked for is the key to being a premium company
EXV up
QQ down
The Conversion
it's happened before newfag under rossy too. also because mika is dimes
anon were you Converted
Our sources tell us that Rossy won
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Rossy is literally dying
so what was converted?
Aren't we all?
maika english was really cute
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watch sendai girls and ice ribbon
Conversion was to GQ what Backlash was to WM2000, minus a better quality opponent for Maika
Sloppy shop show.
no thanks
I shan’t not watch the other promotions these stories continue in
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>word on the street was joshi puroresu needed more stories and angles
GOOD stories and angles, Taro...
I'm afraid this isn't as good as Nao Ishikawa losing streak and Utami's tongue ring
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>watch Ice Ribbon to see Mayu defend her title there
>watch Sendai Girls to see Poi win the title there
>watch JTO to see Maika defend her title there
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Tamu-chan's new costume
too much frill
On commentary it was too much shrill
still bogged and jewish
why not? the rings are connected though
you don't like wrestling we get it

Someone forgot to take their meds today.
Homosexual looking post
Sayas redemption will be winning the WAVE
Rossy had that tweet locked and loaded just waiting for them to actually kill QQ
he's seething lmao
This match is exactly why they disbanded QQ.
What the fuck people expected
The Sendai match will be a rematch
I like all 3 involved, even the 2 they wanted to add, but how does this midget zoomer unit work in reality?
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thanks, but that’s not the track sadly, the one i’m looking for is the background music they ran during intermission at this and a number of other shows. i remember them leaning on it heaps at 2023’s Queendom show. it’s different to the ring-wipedown tune too.

i wonder if she got darker tights to match kitto
Hazuki has also tweeted about the white belt, it's obviously an angle, similar to Sareee calling herself the ace of marigold and the members of the roster being pissed
Suzu red belt level
Kitto white belt level
Mei high speed level
02line tag team
That boy needs therapy
That boy needs therapy
Purely psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy

need to see what that camera documented
Have to restart the Suzu train
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This is the match
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I'm afraid to say that Taro cooked
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This is also the match between two future teammates
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I think we can all finally admit that they should have given Waka the book
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Should have known what was bout to happen
the real question today is how did c's ass look?
she’s a yenlord
rossy would never have got marigold off the ground if they’d done that
only sex havers are allowed to the new QQ
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Say something about Saori's wonder of stardom reign
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Not good
>QQ members in the ring, crying and shocked
>Syuri and Kid decide it’s time to shop for members
It was fine
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saori is beating cans
and not even on the reg because they took forever to lock her down
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It looks great, like a mix between the Panda costume and the Cosmic one
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can we poach her okarder-san
she can join team desperation with Lady C
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miyu's miyus
>Stardom The Conversion
what exactly was converted?
Less than Sunshine last year but not a mess
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interesting line from lady c- was mercedes mone behind the destruction in queen’s quest?
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i wish i wasn’t falling harder and harder for miyu every day bros. the thoughts of an 02line 03some got me in a death grip
of New Japan's worst ideas to Stardom (New Japan got to keep some)
Rumours that Kamitani will head up a group of other-than-usual-binary talent like VEiNY, Nyla Rose, Aoi etc, and they’ll be converting the name to Queers Quest as a way to court the average Amer*can wrestling fan
Who is even out there for Saya to get? Kittos group were the big “free agents”
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Big Rian
QQ will silently die and she will go to kozuen to replace saori
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Saya has been in distress for like a full month
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iwatani mayu
If you want to continue the story, get Wrestle Universe for Sendai!
It's one thing to have Mayu defend the New Japan belt against a prolific 2010s joshi wrestler in their home promotion.
It's another to have your top title defended in a wrestling school promotion.
Champs going home, sorry
Is the July 15 show even (live)?
>Good crowd
>Decent attendance
>Lots of story progression
>Big surprises
You did well Okatardo
Good number
She's so cute, I wish she would make the jump already
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Active sabotage
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How do you feel knowing that Natsuko is winning the red belt so Saya can beat hwr later?
I didn't want to say it out loud, but if Natsuko was ever going to get a red belt run, it would be coming off of killing QQ
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Kitto, expert at reading the room
Queen's Quest has been destroyed, but Starlight Kid will carry on
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closer to Miyu being in SLK tiktoks
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Too bad Meiko is still under contract with the fed
>Suzu: If Mei-chan, AZM, Miyu, and Kid, all of us from the same generation, teamed up, wouldn't the wrestling world explode even more?"
>I will pave a new path together with people of my generation as a new unit ‼

>Thank you Suzu and Mei!

>And the moment I saw the results, I knew this was the perfect time to say what I had been hiding inside... I want to work with AZM and Mitsuyoshi too!

>I want these five people to repaint the color of stardom all at once.
>kills qq
>creates e nexus v
The worst tradeoff in joshi history
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name this unit
Zoomer unit
Crazy Star Tiger Supernova Bomb
stop talking like an uneducated black american
Las Ingobernables
>everyone saying stardom was fucking dogshit yesterday
you love to see it
SLK would in fact be the oldest of her unit
They're right too. Only people who thought conversion was good are 4chan contrarians that have to go against the majority opinion no matter what, no matter how objectively correct the majority opinion is.
the midcard midgets
Who are those "people" anon? Show us who they are
Boring tribute band
Queens Quest was converted into a memory.
Holy fuck the momo thread is pathetic. It's one dude spamming and keeping his thread alive. He needs to kill himself.
More like

> Only people who thought conversion was bad are 4chan contrarians

Japs on twitter liked it and the crowd actually reacted to shit, for once.
there is no consensus
Nah, the Rossyfags on twitter are also twisting themselves to hate it
i dont watch, is suzu still superisizu?
I think you guys need to log off twitter
impossible to tell, she wore a giant t shirt
She wore a big shirt so we can't tell
You dont have to console war everything
Scott E and Peps loved the show
it was ass then
>midka had a mid main ebento
of course peps loved it
Peps loved it, Scott didn't
Only Twitter trannies think it was bad because Okataro didn't listen to their fantasy booking
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Bret Hart seething
Anyone tell this retard wrestling is a work?
>fat mike is going to lose the title to someone even fatter than her while not beating anyone of notice during her title reign

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some of the shit was stupid. Its okay to say that
>while not beating anyone of notice during her title reign
she beat the past three leaders of QQ
that's not a bad record
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Nah cause she ain't a fucking pussy
Based Okataro keeps cleansing the fandom
they should disband all the factions
xhe is right that killing qq and keeping ot is retarded though
The only reason to keep watching this shitshow
>i miss it when mirai was the white belt champion
we all do
last legitimate champion
If thats what you wanna call it
They should eventually kill OT as well, but QQ was a dead faction. It was already past its expiration date with Utami.

Anyway, wrestling fans are very scared of change and are nostalgia worshippers
I liked it better when he would just threaten to kill himself every few weeks
all mid thighs, no ass
enough screenshots
Thighs are lovely though
she's right

from absentee champion to absentee belt
QQ and Oedo Tai both needed to be nuked and restarted, refreshing QQ is a good thing
The only retarded parts were the pointless lolrusso ending and the conveyor belt of people coming out to pick the bones before they've even stopped crying even though nobody got anyone
Saya looked retarded the whole build and then was proven to in fact, be fucking retarded during the match
this retard acts like anyone could be invested in a story about soya
>Killed the most icon and one of the longest factions in stardom
Joshi KWABOTY front runner
>Saya looked retarded
you could have finished your post there
Based af
this is the unit that needed disbandment the most
OT has been shit since Tora took it over
if anyone needs a new leader its OT
this is the most build this match has received since announcement
should have never beat MIRAI, and should have lost to Hanan
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Given that SLK, AZM and Mei are among my favorites. Killing QQ for a unit containing those 3 is a sacrifice I am willing to make
that's a good thing
but nobody in QQ was worth recruiting for GE
they dont call us saya kamitani fans pigeonheads for nothing
Nah, the headloss is funny
Japanese women live in a world where being skinny and flat is a good thing.
consider gaining taste, and you'll no longer have that midyu problem
tameltoe is slowly making it's triumphant return

this was based
only thing more hopeless than the supernova miyu amasaki is a fan of the supernova miyu amasaki
put the red belt in chihiro hashimoto
Word on the street is, Tam's the shadow booker.
Mid run
still way better than Mirai
doesnt help that Stardom doesnt do shit for storytelling anymore since they got rid of the prematch promos and no more subs.
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Panda Tam was the sexiest
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Now that dust has settled, it was a great show.
>I'll tell you three good things about Saori-chan.

>First. First, Saori is strong, cool, but really very feminine, and has a view of the world that fascinates all of humanity.

>Second, she is always saying, "It's going to be okay. She always says, "It's going to be okay. She has a mysterious power to make us feel that everything is really going to be okay.

>Third. No matter how messed up things get, she always stands up for me and makes me dream with her.

>Saori Anno will definitely be okay.
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Get your belt back Anou-tan
looks like she stuck a fork in an electrical socket
Should have just pushed the Hanan button
with Miyu this group becomes meaningless
it's tranny op
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her ugly mug is an antidraw
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I was told Tam had some master plan to go through the Forbidden Door?
Out politic'd by Tony.
>got beat up by Willow for 20 minutes for nothing in return
Tam isn't too bright. Gotta get that shit in writing.
This pissed me off the most. Anou-tan should've won in a squash
Let him cook bro maybe randomly hotshotting the white belt onto a mid-tier indieshitter who was last seen in Stardom as a jobber in the Senjo invasion angle will work out
Okada letting all these shindies walk over him because he's trying to prevent them from working with Marigold. Retarded strategy.
Next >>15012819
Let the masterchef cook

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