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June 23rd, [Ice Ribbon] "After the Rain, Ribbon 2024", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARDOM/STARS) vs Tsukasa Fujimoto (Ice Ribbon)
>rest of card https://iceribbon.com/event_detail.php?id=3614

June 23rd, [The Evil Alliance] "Women's Pro-Wrestling Evil Festival", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 12:30PM JST
>Yumiko Hotta (T-HEARTS) & Natsupoi & Sayaka Kurara (STARDOM/COSMIC ANGELS) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (Gokuaku Domei) & Natsuko Tora (STARDOM/Oedo Tai)

June 23rd, [WAVE] "SHIZUOKA WAVE~FUJI - 7~", Fujisan Messe, Shizuoka, 1:00PM JST
>Risa Sera (PROMINENCE) vs Saya Kamitani (STARDOM/Queen's Quest)
>Ranna Yagami (STARDOM/God's Eye) vs ChiChi (Evolution)
>rest of card https://pro-w-wave.com/schedule.html

June 28th, [CMLL x LADYSRING x Mexico Tourism] "LUCHA FIESTA2", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 7:00PM JST
>Amapola (CMLL) vs Momo Kohgo (STARDOM/STARS)

June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240629_korakuen/?mc_id=994

Previous >>15010476
Tardo lost
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Kitto is a belly button pervert

>Regarding cheering from the fans, there was a scene today where a player reacted to the cheering. If you think about it, the cheering may not have been malicious, but the way words are perceived changes depending on the timing. That's why things like this happen. However, I would like to ask you not to criticize excessively those who cheered without understanding the situation!

>Today's comment was not malicious, but I think the timing and choice of words were not right. Cheering is very welcome, so we, the staff and customers, will continue to create a venue where you can cheer us on and support the athletes.


>[English subtitles] A teary-eyed Natsupoi was in the middle of an emotional promo when a heckler interrupted it and Mika Iwata and Natsupoi told him to shut up.
Taro Russo is officially an AEW ass penetrated executive
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Crying AZM activated something inside me
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hazuki thighs are too dangerous
Wouldn't make it in the USA.
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rabu da movie mayu
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Mid Maika reign over next month
How was this bad lol. Okada is such a pussy. Poi handled it great and the fans reacted to both.
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for me it's always going to be hanan the sexy thighs
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anyway post visuals
midka out and natsukute in
hope she loses the weight
never mind, just watched the video. Why is Taro making a big deal of that?
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It's very sad, I'm very sad, how can there be so much sadness, the saddest person in the world is not as sad as me
after you
I see this particular shot as a happy moment
soya should get kwab'd over and over again, in the midcard
Pantsu, lewd!
AZM, Miyu -> The new Zoomer stable
Hina -> God's Eye
C -> Kozuen
best face here is hina
how long until Stardom players are working in Meiko's rice fields? After all, being a premium company means helping out smaller promotions for nothing in return
tardo jokada
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mika iwata is worthy of being a stardom champion
Hina wasn't even Queen's Quest material, let alone God's Eye (QQ but actually serious and soulful)
the only hope for her was being groomed by Giulia for DDM, which is gone now
>God's Eye
the state of you people
Where can I see Konami's Bloodsport match?
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her vagina has never been touched
The client who introduced her to wrestling definitely did
Natsuko finally got a big legit win and killed QQ. Either she runs into a wall again or they actually fucking pull the trigger.

How did we get here?
i browsed through the whole fc2 sections of multiple pornographic sites and i have never seen sayaka kurara
Gods eye about to get worse with addition
>after teasing Kitto joining a faction for months and pretending she had a big decision to make, she just makes her own
why did they even bother?
God's Eye is good now that Mirai is out and Konami, Saki and Ranna are in. Add more Tomo and it's perfect.
There are plenty of things to criticize about Stardom, but there is nothing confusing about this.
They kinda set it up when she tagged with them. And Tams group is full
*Poi cries*
>Crowd: WHAT!
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She did have a big decision to make
She test drove every unit and decided crazy star was the best one she tried
>>[English subtitles] A teary-eyed Natsupoi was in the middle of an emotional promo when a heckler interrupted it and Mika Iwata and Natsupoi told him to shut up.

It's the Israeli fan situation all over again. I wonder if this one will end up with redditors challenging fans to streetfights at AEW PPV's again.
it's not confusing, it's just a waste of time. It was basically Kitto doing comedy skits because Taro had nothing else for her to do
She had more fun with Crazy Star rather than the
bullshit Mayu and Tam were doing. And she gets to be the big dog
Sorry SLK didn't join your favorite faction.
02line 05some
Over 3000 messages posted on 5ch today. We would need 10 threads.
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Kitto is a fucking traitor, Tam needs to stop trying to help these ingrates
which one of you is sitting in the cuck chair
The grandmas have to understand its the kids turn now
positive or negative?
the fall of Fenix shook Japan
Suzu if she's still fat, otherwise, AZM
>Konami defeats Maya Fukuda (5:52)
They want the "heckler" beaten up by the seconds
I wouldn't be surprised if Natsuko wins, then Saya wins the GP and gets her revenge in fall.
Video anywhere, brother?
pretty sure the average bald uncle could beat up multiple players in a fight
if Syuri was Kagetsu then was Ami supposed to be Hazuki
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me in the glasses
I don't think she was supposed to be anyone in particular
The weird brush whip thing she brought out is an ancient Mayu callback from like 2012 or something, it's not an Oedo Tai thing
While I still need to go back and watch the Wonder match, THE CONVERSION ultimately worked as a show that completely altered a stale promotion that was STARDOM these last few months.

Here’s my PROS and CONS of the show

- There’s a lot happening. Stale isn’t the feeling now.
- Arguably the best show in terms of in-ring from top to bottom in quite sometime for STARDOM.
- Tag team wrestling continues to shine for STARDOM — it’s the best division in the world right now.
- A new faction led by Starlight Kid and CRAZY STAR is very exciting.
- Xena had one of the best matches a foreigner has had in the history of this promotion. Complete home run in the biggest match of her life.
- The Saori-Natsupoi story gets an interesting curveball that changed what felt like another six months of waiting.
- Mika Iwata as Wonder Champion is pretty cool. Interested to see if it just goes to the SENJO Korakuen and she drops it.

- Queen’s Quest isn’t it anymore. With AZM gone, that group isn’t capturing any of the original feeling. The match itself lacked the desperation and team work that last year’s cage match perfected.
- I can’t change my opinion for now and have to wait and see but… Saya Kamitani just bailing in sadness isn’t a move that will leave me cheering for her. She left her former group mates instantly.
- Love the SLK x CRAZY STAR trio, I just wish it started sooner. There was no tease until their singles.
- Still more questions than answers.
- I’m pretty sure Natsuko Tora is winning the World of Stardom Championship.

No matter, that roster once again showcased why it’s so great. There’s intrigue moving forward — I’ll take that.

azumi matsumoto marks are not people to be taken seriously
please keep your passive aggressive "ironic" seething at nobody in the maridumpster
I hope WAVE introduces Saya as the leader of QQ at Catch the Wave today and she just starts crying.
Is the gimmick where you copy & paste tweets from prominent twitter trannies verbatim supposed to be sincere or ironic?
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meta-posters are not people that you should take seriously
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The important thing is that the good guys won and ExV is here to stay
I love you Starlight Kid you can save AEW
happy to see Maika and Xena get along after their blood feud
the match wasn't very good but I respect Maika for telling Xena to fuck up her chest that bad
SLK is the best Unit leader and a protector of the Stardom brand. And she will continue to speak her mind.
Mixed. Group of people think Okada hates Kamitani and is abusing hero on purpose. Some are talking about people leaving for Marigold in September (why September I have no idea), others liked it.
needlessly drawing out this cosmic white belt situation when Kitto should be BELTED UP now
Kitto, Suzu and Mei triple powerbombing Okada through a table
>- Love the SLK x CRAZY STAR trio, I just wish it started sooner. There was no tease until their singles.
They had the trios match and then Suzu went to rehab. I'm sure that factored in.
>- I’m pretty sure Natsuko Tora is winning the World of Stardom Championship.
Does anyone actually believe this?
>Kitto should be BELTED UP now
she's a midget
[Annoying news]
would you really put it past Tardo after the shitfest booking that happened?
Hyper Misaobros...
Tam got her hands and mouth on it
Oedo Tai has all the momentum and finally got the big win and changed the company. They could revert them back to jobbers a month later but why
If you believe this is leading to Saya winning the red belt then who does she win it from
There are people who keep saying that Saya's booking since February, including doing the CTW tournament, is punishment for wanting to leave before re-signing. They don't realize she's about to become the protagonist.
Because that means 5 months of red belt Natsuko
the only way the story that Taro has set up works is if Saya rebuilds QQ and eventually regains enough confidence to beat that no good dastardly heel Natsuko for the red belt. The problem is you have to suffer through a fucking Natsuko red belt reign
Natsuko, I'm afraid
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Kohgo Momo wrestled in a suit because her favorite player was Corporate Kane
I’ve said it before but Her run as OT leader was the best thing in stardom and should’ve lead to a civil war between her and fatsuko but nothing happened and SLK got lazy and got sent packing, jobbed out in the 5*, lost her confidence after all her new looks failed and then got injured. She should she left
I like Natsuko
Can she rebuild herself then end Oedo Tai instead?
Have left*
Phone posting
how much weight do we think suzu gained in rehab? she was filling out the 10XL shirt
The underrated performance of the night
I like as a shit stirrer, just not as a red belt champ
The only one I hate more than fatsuko is turkla.
Saya will win the 5Star, the 2025 5Star.

I don't think her suffering will end in a couple of months
It's a necessary EVIL
Momo businessman is undefeated
I just can't take Natsuko seriously. She's too goddamn fat. She's built like a bowling ball. If Momo were the OT leader and she was winning the red belt, it makes a lot more sense.
>Natsuko wins the red belt
>Saya wins the 5star then the red belt from Natsuko
>Maika beats Mayu for the IWGP at Dream Queendom
If Momo was the one challenging I would be all in on the story, but that's not what's happening
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I'd like her more is went back to looking like this
why isn't Rian's theme on YouTube yet
I worked myself into thinking Tam on commentary meant she was challenging Maika to end the show, before remembering Tomo was on the card
Maika needs that salt game to show up her former promotion
Is it good
>how much weight do we think suzu gained in rehab? she was filling out the 10XL shirt
her face didn't look quite as fat, or maybe it's because there wasn't a layer of greasy sweat on it
Mina is now replying to Skye Blue's posts on IG. She must have made a new friend.
Today's tournament was amazing, seriously.

It's so amazing

I missed the Shinkansen

The stay is confirmed

But does this mean I can go see Ice Ribbon at Korakuen tomorrow?

We got Rian's dad back. Maybe he will stop re-tweeting Marigold now.
Hm it’s ok a little repetitive. Miyu was the last rookie with a real kino theme
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I'm hoping for a red belt run for Yoppy now that other feds can hold Stardom titles.
Chubby Tora was cute
fat fuck Tora not so much
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I think Rian's theme is too slutty sounding for a rookie who is basically just a very slightly overgrown baby
Never mind that where the FUCK are my happy girl sunshine days
i thought woppy was bad enough now youre telling me theres a yoppy too
Bogmina is the worst wrestler in Stardom. All her moves look like shit
Wait until you hear about Yappy
but she shakes her hips a few times so that means she's good
there's also a Yappy
>Kamitani has a great facial expression and is a great actor. Madonna, the AV maker, should scout her with all their might.
My sweet pudding.
Saya Kamitani is more unlucky than Romelu Lukaku
Why are you fatmike shitters still seething she's more over than her? Give it a rest already
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fuck it it's time

It's surprising how over Mina is with Americans, yet no one in Japan cares about her outside of that one month period after Kamitani broke her teeth.
Mina is super over with the chronic masturbator portrait paypigs in Japan
AEW would be great for her. Wrestling ability is what holds Mina back, but now she gets to wrestle once a month around commercials and then shit up a ppv match every 3 months.
Sendai Girls is on WU, right? Are they gonna stream the white belt match next month? That would be funny.
If Fatsuko wins the red belt before Momo I will kill myself
>It's surprising how over Mina is with Americans
she has big boobs and shakes them around, nobody actually cares about her
I think their PPVs aren't on WU, at least not live
New QQ will be Saya, Risa Sera and Hikari Noa
i need sex with azusa's butthole
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is that Mayu? Looks different. Bigger tits
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managed by sayaschizo hopefully
it's Mayu if she were normal looking
would love to taste her ass
Not a single pube to be had.
Lord, be my strength.
Two filler Red belt matches next month. It is strange to pad a interim reign this much
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I also make up headcanon to seethe about
we used to do those numbers but now nobody gives a shit about stardump here
>Acknowledges this is the result of long term story telling over a year.
>Assumes this ends with QQ dead instead of stronger in the end because of one part of the story.
waking up hungover with mayu's anal stench on my prick
>explains how the story makes a ton of sense and is well told
>still think it's bad for some reason
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Same here. I really wish i could tell you all about it but, it just sends my blood pressure skyrocketing whenever I think about my imaginary scenarios about joshi-pro.FUCK!
QQ is dead
Hahahahahahah every fucking time
Isn't Ari a legit tranny?
whats the issue
He feels like QQ is his creation because he came up with the name. Like bro whatever they called it, it would be successful. You did nothing.
One of them is filler. Fat mike catching a baseball bat to the gut then swanton in the other
>- Queen’s Quest isn’t it anymore. With AZM gone, that group isn’t capturing any of the original feeling. The match itself lacked the desperation and team work that last year’s cage match perfected.
>- I can’t change my opinion for now and have to wait and see but… Saya Kamitani just bailing in sadness isn’t a move that will leave me cheering for her. She left her former group mates instantly.

Can hardly believe I find agreement with random twitter trannies.

1. Azumi should have been the remainer. She's the only one who truly represents Queen's Quest, even if she was the smallest part of it. Soya should have never become "leader" in the first place; she never represented Queen's Quest in a meaningful sense; and furthermore, I don't see anyone on the roster eager to join either her nor her version of Queen's Quest.

2. When you want to get a babyface over who has too many antis and not enough fans, you're tempted to go the route of making them lose a lot in order to hopefully turn the expected sympathy garnered into support. However, in practice, making someone I don't like into more of a loser whether they already were or not, only validates and emboldens my negative feelings towards them. Soya's pathetic wailing here only makes me satisfied that she's failing and perceive it as vindication for her past failures that went largely unpenalized.
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This was the end kek
No, the name is integral to the presentation.

King's Road | Queen's Quest

'Queen's Quest' is both aesthetic as well as evocative of the mission in a way that any other name hardly would be. Imagine voicing support for a unit called "Aspiring Champs".
twitter trannies first time ever watching mika iwata lmaooooooooooo
You could get away with AZM starting over and it still being QQ. Saya, whatever happens next, is making some imitation version and honestly should have just went with a new name
I don't watch that shit either 2bh
afraid so

AZM there, it's still Queen's Quest.

Soya there, it's now The Saya Kamitani Experience.
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injected a lethal dose of career ending anglo cum in starlight kitto
After a not shit start to the thread it seems one person needs to do the "twitter tranny" vent and post endless screenshots
yeah I havent watched stardom in months, it's just getting worse and worse
Sorry they didn't book your headcanon
worth a thread desu
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Yeah sucks they went with Saya cryathon for a month
Tardo picked not only the wrong stipulation to instate, not only the wrong unit to lose, but also the wrong member to stay.

>"twitter tranny"
twitter tranny detected
Can you inject me with some T bro
At what point will people accept that AZM is just a nice lil midcarder?
sup ari
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Mentally weak the whole way through. QQ lost before the match started
So is Saya. Except big midcarder
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I have cum to 0 players

almost did to Kura but she hasnt shown feet yet
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never, she runs fast so that means she is an amazing wrestler that should win every match even though she has never had a great big match
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my man tarokada gave a unit to the mascot
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Yah I saved this. Wasn't worth breaking nofap for but I was close
She is holding those toes close to her chest.
Saya is the Maika of Queen's Quest.
lotta words being put into peoples' mouths
how many times have you two masturbated to birdbrain's flat ass and short bus face?
I'll talk to some AI people to see if they can generate the rest of her foot just from her soles.
Not Stardom related, but did Medusa have snake pubic hair?
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awful, screamy, going to lose
there's no consistency to spiccy's taste
Momo helping Natsuko win the belt after all the help she got against Maika would cement her as the biggest retarded heel in the company
most attractive chick in the promotion
does this mean AZM, Miyu, and Mei are gonna have to wear maid outfits and dance too?
Miyu would be so out of place in the midget faction. Her visuals are as far beyond as her in-ring is behind the rest
so who joins the new Queen's Quest? Surely they'll have to take some people from other factions
Kamitani has to prove herself before anyone joins up with her IMO.
now that AZM is out of QQ, she a has a perfect reason to pick the Highspeed off of Saya
Miyu needs Cosmic Angels
so nobody will
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Miyu can't dance so she's automatically disqualified
>Miyu can't dance
says who
Who did Syuri want?

Chie and Azumi?
hina and maybe C
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stinky match for a stinky feud
Rossy Ogawa taking his morning hour long old person shit fuming the entire time over Queens Quest. Hate to see it.
>Name of the event: JTO Saturday Fight
>Arena: JTO Arena
>Attendance: 14
aya is very beautiful
31 people with Taka in a match. Is JTO a money laundering scam?
the backyard wrestlers a few blocks away from me get more than that, even when you take out family members
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But wait, there's worse!
>Is JTO a money laundering scam?
a lot of wrestling promotions in Japan are Yakuza money laundering scams, yes
Taka shouldn't have committed all those sex crimes. His karma is running house shows in front of 10 people.
she'd have to be willing to get good
you think he made Maika blow him?
Hina can spam hip tosses all match long, it's fine
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>are ya winning, Zoomy?
kek what a cunt
>In an interview, Kid explained the circumstances, saying, "I made the decision today, but I had narrowed down the candidates quite a bit. After fighting AZM at "ALL TOGETHER", I had a lot of feelings. However, because of today's match (against Seira) I kept it to myself, and after seeing the result today (at QQ) I said it. Through the singles matches with AZM and Mei-chan, I felt more strongly that I wanted to work with people of the same generation."

>During the match with Seira, she felt that they recognized each other, and whispered the words "Let's do it together." Since she didn't know what Suzuki, who was Seirai's second, would say if she spoke to her directly, she had Seirai convey her feelings to her. "I immediately went to AZM and Miyu, but I was glad that Suzu and Mei came."

>On the other hand, after Kid was expelled from Oedo Tai in April, it was Nakano Tamu, the leader of Cosmic Angels, who sent him a love call. Kid expressed her gratitude, saying, "Without Tam Nakano, I couldn't have done this. In fact, I feel like I did today what Tam Nakano did for me," but also expressed her hopes for new developments, saying, "In the end, it ended up being a betrayal, so I don't know how the CA members feel. But because of the bond we've made over this time, I think our relationship will be a little different than before. If it's Natsupoi, I'd like to do more rival stories with Tamu-chan."

>It took more than a month and a half to make the decision. Kid reflected on the tumultuous Yoyogi battle, saying, "It took a long time. But it was an important decision. This outcome was a bad ending for both the fans and QQ, but I think it was fate."

>Of course, this is a new start. "I think AZM and Miyu are absolutely necessary. I think they will let me pair up in the future, so I hope I can change their minds. Suzu is absent, but I want to do a unit with the five of us. I want to repaint Stardom with these members." Kurotora changes the landscape of the industry leader.
not reading all this
Thanks for letting us know.
Guessing Rian is going to the SLK stable to be the pin eater. Why she was working with Mei for the past couple of shows.
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Rian to the new unit, Lady C to GE and Hina to school, I guess?
I don't see Bushiroad signing 4 or 5 people for Saya. Either she will poach one person from each unit or she will simply join CA.
...the Moonstar has found...
...a home
Kitto is pretty specific about the concept
read all of this
>Kitto is pretty specific about the concept
no she isn't
it's just "Mid-Zoomers"
She said which 5 she wanted
summer of 2024 and some retard on /stardom/ is discovering that a wrestling school show has a small attendance
Rian is too young. The other 4 are 2002 kids. Kitto is 2001
nice cope
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I just ejaculated to Kittos feet.
Suzu: red
SLK: white
Mei: high speed
Miyu: future
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>Thank you Yoyogi yesterday!!
>There's so much going on that I'm still confused...!!

>But! Let's switch gears and today is the festival of evil!

>I'm surrounded by some incredible members, but I won't be intimidated and will fight with all my might at all times!
and then you wake up
the SLK stable really puts the "mid" in "midge"
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When she tweeted that she is not leaving stardom last february. The 1st player to tweet that she will stay
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cant wait till iwata goes blonde and we have a NATSUKA player
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i am in love with the movie mayu
That was the first match I've watched of her, she's cool
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where did it go wrong for the white belt?
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When the Cinderella winner decided to challenge for it from the double champ, elevating it, but then subsequently having the match not main event the show
Lady C for Oedo Tai
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My first match of her was with Meiko against Io & Kairi in Nagoya in 2016
Apparently she's been a steely player for a while
Movie Mayu vs. Fuwachan headlining the Tokyo Dome show.
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6 more months
when bullshitroad thought with their dicks and booked Snori AnOz to go over MIRAI after less than a season, then let her hold the belt for half a year while never showing up in STARDUMP

the one time she ever told a story was the Hanan lore dumps l, and even then she didn't put her over (nor anyone else who challenged her for that matter)

MIRAI saved the white belt from Scamu's dumpstering of it, only for Snori to trash it again
holy dimes
no yaeba is so soulless
Too bad Kagetsu 41%'d or having xir come out pissed at Syuri for her portrayal would have been great.
lmao rossy gave the belt too tam so mirai wouldn't have too get heat for beating mina. all part of rossys retarded mirai push
We've already well-established that having people win the Red belt without having held the White belt does not work.
>soya is a shitter and breaks Mina's grill
>Mina doesn't get to be white belt champ until many months later
>she only gets to hold it for 1 month only to lose to Scamu clean
none of that was fair
nor was it necessary for Scamu to immediately win the belt just to drop it to MIRAI since Mina could have held it for that same duration and got in a fair amount of defenses before dropping the belt to MIRAI
when saya lost the belt to bogmina
blame rossy for that. you just know he was heartbroken when tam chose bushi over him. he even got fake tam too cope
Movie Mayu has surprisingly nice thighs. Plus she's cute. I just hope she isn't menhera, because she seems like good girlfriend material.
Yaeba removal surgery should be banned imho
JTO is Taka's pussy laundering scam
The list of people who have held the red belt but not the white first that you could say "didn't work" without sounding like a schizo is essentially just Maika
and that would be proof enough even if true with this roster
If you are willing to call sample size n=1 "well-established" then Syuri is well-established proof that putting the red belt on people first is a great idea and she's still around
All I took away is how much BETTER we are than Mariflop. Rossydom is fucking dead. LOL at all the retards that were worried.
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the only way taro wins is by tko when rossy dies from the gay plague he caught
it was special circumstances that allowed for Syuri's time as champion to be successful, which had little to nothing to do with her actual reign
mina shirakawa will appear in dynamite next week in a trios match against saraya
not for me
me on the left
QQ all coming out with boo boo faces was unprofessional
you can see she's actually gotten fatter in the op
I need to blow her holes out.
True, but she's got the right amount of chub now. She needs to maintain this weight.
>mina shirakawa will appear in dynamite next week
must be a week ending in y
tardo jokada booking results nobody wanted was unprofessional
Their leader did not inspire confidence
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i really like shuri's movie kagetsu hair
soya is for ridicule
Mina the Bogged
>/stardom/ - we love obesity!
It's hard to tell if Bushiroad hates Momo Watanabe, Zoom, or Tall Saya more
>gets to be leader despite being junior
>gets to be high speed despite being oversize
>gets to run an angle despite being a midcarder
>gets to remain in faction despite being junior
Anyone else's Ice Ribbon stream lagging bad?
You decide who to believe.

This is what happens when you talk nonsense like this.
These idiots deserve to die like the idiots they are.

Now the black history is erased...

Momo tweets for the first time in 10 years to bury Rossy and Sonny
Saya, when she wins the red belt, will have a reign as long as the white belt, making her haters boil KEK
yappy is still wrestling huh
Yes. They probably have more people streaming this than they've ever had.
That's what I'm thinking.
no source
no context
no accurate translation
if you think The Yaika Show killed stardump, wait till The Soya Show follows soon after
>no source
Momo's twitter [see post you replied to]
>no context
It's a tweet Momo posted [see post you replied to]
>no accurate translation
How do you know if you didn't know where it came from?
>Miria Kouga (Seadlinnng)
I didn't even know Seadlinnng was still in business
get back in your containment hole
Sareee is packing them in 200-300 people once a month. She is a major draw.
lol you dumbass bushi ballwasher
turn on the stream ancham is on
Can Mayu poach the tits from this fat Ice Ribbon chick. They're amazing.
I'd love to know why Ice doesn't have Mifu Ashida, Yuu Hanaya, Mayuka Koike on the card. It's their biggest card in years. You'd think they'd want them on it.
they're busy with clients
seething soya spic
Mifwho, Whuu, and Maywhoka, right...
She not even wearing a sports bra. They're going to be so saggy in a year.
They hate Momo the most for sure. It's a toss-up between AZM and Saya for next. All are experiencing total career sabotage though.
Yeah, this is an Ice PPV alright. The matches go on forever and aren't that good.
Wish the stream was better for Yoppy and her sexy little body.
the future of stardom depends on their ability to poach all the underage wrestlers
I enjoy it more than the undercard of stardom the conversion
Nakajima stiffing a kid. What is this
The grass is always greener on the other side
This is better than Marigold. Did Rossy poach the wrong promotion?
Maricold is straight doo doo ass and ran by a sex offender
rossy got what he could get
stardom's toast
This lag is fucking with my brain. I don't know if I can take much more of it. You get sick watching it.
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