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Next shows
>6/29 Sendai (VOD)
>6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15020339
nao is doing a good job in her current role
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Let it be known that the schizo didn't know about Konami being Kana's student.
liceman could be 40 years or 17 years old
Everyone knew that. You're the retard who didn't know how Kana fucked her over and how Kon hates Kana.
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
Anyone who talks about liceman or schizos should be banned. I'm convinced it's all just one lonely faggot samefagging. And don't bother (you)ing me, loser. I'm not responding.
unfortunately the jannies only check this thread once a week
if you don't have an anti you are not worth much as a poster
She's been great, really enjoying her work, and judging by her epic demon voice in her promos she'd also be excellent as the new vocalist of Slipknot lol
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She just need a training/rehabilitation montage, and then beating mini boss (Bojira) right before Ryugoku.
>At the previous night's Stardom Yoyogi tournament, Utami's former leader, Queen's Quest (QQ), faced off against the villainous unit Oedo Tai in an elimination match in which the four remaining members of the unit other than the final loser were expelled. The last to lose was the new leader, Saya Kamitani, and the other four were forcibly expelled, effectively disbanding QQ.

>Utami carefully chose her words and said, "I checked the results on social media. Of course it's sad that the place I was in ended up like that. But I'm in a different position now so it's not for me to say anything about it." She then looked into the distance and said, "I just hope that everyone does their best in their own way."

>Coincidentally, Iyo, who will be competing at Ryogoku, is the original leader who founded QQ. Utami said, "This match with Iyo is said to be a battle of former leaders, but since it has turned out like this, I don't think I need to worry about that anymore. I will be facing Iyo as an individual. I'm more fired up than ever," she said, again lost in thought.
the future is NAO
A different character would've taken this opportunity to trash Saya, saying this would've never happened under her and Io's leadership
gives the impression that Okataro was disbanding Queen's Quest to spite Utami didn't care about the collateral damage to Saya and the others
She's just letting Saya see how Stardom is punishing her for staying, and Utami is being rewarded for joining the good guys in the golden gardens, smart move
It 100% feels like it's been done out of spite, but the only people it hurts are the ones that stayed
Feels like they're angling for a Saya redemption arc, with her eventually rebuilding, taking the red belt and ending up as the top fAce.
The other QQ members got completely fucked over though, especially the likes of C and Hina.
If they do end up rebuilding a new version of QQ with a new line up, then it would at least soften the blow, but right now it just seems like a petty move by Taro Russo, doesn't feel worth it to damage the other girls just for 1 character arc
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If he just wanted to kill QQ then the stip would have been losing unit disbands. The fact that it's all but one member is out makes it pretty obvious the plan is to rebuild it
I'll wait to see what they do with it before i bitch about it
Really cute
The third Hardy brother
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>shit talks the roster's training
>no sells their offense
>stiffs them in return
>slaps the company """ace""", treats her like a nonentity
>slaps the company's biggest star with no repercussions
I kneel. If Rossy doesn't put the red belt on her at Summer Destiny, the company can rot
Marigot. will. fail.
smol feet
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when will Rea debut? she was seconding today.
giulia is so very based
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I want to have at the very least 5 children with this woman. How can I achieve this?
Two dicks can't reproduce. I'm sorry.
It's clear Bushiroad HATES Momo Watanabe and AZM
she's my favorite and i wish she was the ace of Marigold but she's going to be so annoying when she gets old and fat
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have you and your husband thought about adoption?
She will look like kaoru ito at the age of 50
be a good looking Dragongate player
>The Shinkiba tournament was a space that gave the feeling of a new drama. MIRAI vs. Aono Mirai is a showdown between Marigold's aces. They showed a different side to Nagoya. This is the kind of pro wrestling promoted by the organization. Utami and Sareee also had an exciting reunion. The Twin Towers also showed their charm. As Nanae said, Ishikawa is just a hit man, so it will depend on what happens next. After four regional tournaments, they will head to Ryogoku Kokugikan.
I couldn't have said it better myself
how did guilia think her hair and outfit looked good? jesus
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I guess the Twin Towers name is official
Listening to Duran Duran with Utami
the Twin Towers will win the Twin Star
just need a team to name themselves 9/11 to beat them
does Japan know about 9/11
Just found out Utami is 5'5". I expected her to be much taller.
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Rate Komomo's performance so far.
On what scale?
Poor Poi.
You didn't.
You also haven't posted proof of your claims.


new cards
out of 5
confidence inspiring.
5 then
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>ideal body for a woman
Solid. Can Nanae withstand the absolute basedness that is Gochika?
why? most japanese people aren't tall
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>VOD until the ppv
it's over
I love how sweaty and orange she is
Oh no. Its the VOD schizo again.
Yup. Its the schizo alright.
Lady M
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did she really have to fart into the microphone though?
i'm in awe of the autism. to go to these lengths on a dead board is truly something else. if the tsujischizo put this much effort into losing weight and getting a clue, he'd be mike o'hearn
>cuts heartfelt promo
>ends with epic anime pose
Dangerously based.
idk who the vod schizo is, but I do think having all your shows leading up to the big one with iyo is rough
Yeah, you do. The only guy who cares about the shows being VOD is you. It's literally no different from taped RAWs and Smackdowns, but for some reason, it triggers you into firing shit rockets into your pants.
watching week old wrestling isn't the same as live
Nah he is right. VOD shows suck.
<3 speaker-kun
It quite literally doesn't matter.
it really does
No. It really, really doesn't. It's a non issue.
>Feels like they're angling for a Saya redemption arc
Considering that Saya is a pretty bad actress I don't think this is going to go well. Maybe they'll just drop it like they did with the fatty Yuna trying to lose weight storyline.
Maybe to you
VODs let the girls rest and/or train. They aren't overworked this way.
Seething all the time isn't healthy.
that doesn't even make sense. the only difference is whether they plug in an ethernet cable
Stardom became the biggest women's wrestling promotion on the planet without live streaming.
Every other women's promotion does VOD as well as live streaming.
All the vintage shows are VODs.
Why does Marigold have to live stream every event?
Get a load of Mr not keeping up with the Jones over here
It's just not the big issue you make it out to be. Every fan has accepted it and moved on while you keep soiling yourself over it.
>no Sareee
wtf how can you have shows without your company's ace?
this nigga mad as hell that some people expect promotions to be in the 21st century
raw and smackdown are rarely pre-taped
I'm pre-taping tomorrow's posts tonight
It live streams some events and others are VOD. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?
And here comes the Tsujischizo astroturf.
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very visual match
You have the biggest event in the companies history that could literally make or break it and it's VOD hell up until it.
this promotion is not for the people who want to watch it
Make or break it? The company is already successful and has a working relationship with the biggest pro-wrestling promotion on the planet. It has more hype behind it than any other women's pro-wrestling company.
The taped shows are all essentially "Road To..." shows, too.
I've got no idea why you insist on pissing and shitting yourself over this every single day of life.
I'd be fine if they used the VOD time to add subtitles or edit it, but it's just a single camera view with no subtitles. Just drag and drop the file and click upload.
By what metric is it successful? Ticket sales are so bad they need to bus in people to the shows. That isn't what successful promotions do.
The fans are happy.
You aren't a fan. You're an autistic, terminally online doomposter who oversells the tiniest hiccups and acts like it's game over.
The people who matter are happy.
i'm a better marigold fan than you and it makes you sick to your fat stomach
No, spaz. They aren't bad. You really need to stop this autistic shit.
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You've never posted anything remotely positive about the company. You save .webms of botches and use them to force your dumbass opinions.
i often post that miku aono reminds me of bret hart
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Marigold is progressive at least. They're letting a guy wrestle Nanae and Nao at the PPV.
if Natsumi wears her good gear then her and Komomo will match
If Mirai and Miku go to another TLD in Sendai is anyone still watching?
any negative post will be reported to the licecord
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No. That's the end of the world right there. How can humanity recover from that?
Keeping two names looking evenly matched and strong? Fuck that.
3 TLDs in 3 back to back cards. Why not run it into the ground more
As you've been told many times, but all means criticise things that need it. But when you're making up imaginary boogeyman and seething about them, it turns into mindless doomfagging.
"Keeping two names looking evenly matched and strong? Fuck that."
Its called protecting talent. Learn this.
Sorry Sonny. Queen's Quest is dead. I know you think coming on here and making up stuff, calling everyone the same person, and pretending nothing is wrong makes you feel better but it doesn't. Seek real help. The discord are worried about you.
kindly provide a list of permitted topics for criticism so we are better able to avoid doomfagging in the future
I thought it's the house show circuit so they can get reps and we shouldn't take them seriously [e.g., show up in a t shirt to announce]. What are they protecting?
You have legitimate mental illness, man. Straight-up.
In the past week, you've melted down over a speaker on a chair, the announcer wearing casual clothes, VODs, the company not catering to you and your retarded idea of "premium products," and inexperienced talent being inexperienced talent. These are non issues.
Then there's the Mirai shit. Why'd you follow her to Marigold when all you do is seethe over her?
that doesn't look like a list of permitted topics for criticism
No, it's a small list of your autistic episodes. The non issues you continue to piss and shit yourself over.
kindly provide a list of permitted topics for criticism
That is what they are, yes. Glad you're finally learning this basic ass shit.
And just because they're house shows doesn't mean that big names can afford to lose or look weak.
See you can tell he's the schizo because as usual he refuses to answer questions. It's not worth the paycheck Marigold is paying you.
As you've been told, criticise things that need it. Don't invent things to seethe about or oversell hiccups.
how do I figure out whether or not something "needs it" without attempting to criticize it and seeing if you poop your pants or not
Mirai and Miku has more draws on the Shinkiba show than cameras filming it.
the list of permitted topics is on the licecord, hit me up on the tamasacord or the miraicord if you want an invite
Nobody has anything negative to say about the company yet. The vast majority are happy with it and are looking forward to the future.
While you're seething about chairs.
>Nobody has anything negative to say about the company yet.
okay so the list of valid criticisms is "nothing, slurp everything"
thank you for the clarification
I just cringed so hard that my face turned into a fist.
You are painfully unfunny, man.
>slurp everything
It speaks volumes that all you can seethe about are tiny, meaningless things. You actively look for things to be angry about, you miserable, friendless goof.
I'm watching the Marigold show on twitch and the streamer is making fun of Marigold and most of the chat is too. How does the schizo have so many accounts on twitch?? And he's streaming too???
>You actively look for things to be angry about
your criterion for a criticism that will make you upset is (direct quotation) "anything"
Post the link. Or is this another figment of your imagination?
Where did I say that? Quote the exact line.
If all the company has to worry about is a speaker on a chair, I'd say things are looking good.
>Quote the exact line.
>Nobody has anything negative to say about the company yet.
Nobody has anything negative to say about the company yet. As its a brand new company and hasn't even had its second big show.
Whereas your autistic ass actively looks for things to seethe about. "Rookies botching? Announcer isn't in a princess dress? Marigold is dead!"
Get a clue, dweeb.
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Nobody has anything negative to say about the company yet. As its a brand new company and hasn't even had its second big show.
why did you ask me to quote you saying you will seethe about any negative post and then reiterate it?
i feel like you're just making me do work
Stardom was 5 before it had any major controversies. I get that you're a doomer and want this to fail, but you'll have to wait a while.
Because that's not what was said. Not my fault you can't read and jump to the wrong conclusion.
If you can show me actual criticism of Marigold, I'll eat my hat. I'm talking genuine criticism made by media outlets and fans who aren't you and your multiple personalities.
of course your fat ass would want to eat your hat
>If you can show me actual criticism of Marigold, I'll eat my hat.
i dunno man this seems like a pretty direct claim that actual criticism doesn't exist
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do not disturb the ace while she sleeps
Don't use my own material against me. I still remember you waddling to the mods when you were called out on being overweight.
This guy has to be a self-hating lardass with his insistence that he has exclusive ownership over calling people fat
They've done everything right so far. Even hardcore Stardom fans have praised it. Fields Forever got a ton of praise. It's early days and there's not much, if anything, that people can complain about.
Hence why you've resorted to melting down over a speaker on a fucking chair.
he claims to be 190lbs
I started it. So it's mine.
Just because your "lice" cringe doesn't draw doesn't mean you can steal from me.
is it ari illegally streaming copyrighted content again?
i see many people talking about the bugs living in your head but no one else calls me fat
Saying that you told the very first fat joke in history is a pretty bold claim and honestly I'm gonna need some evidence to believe that
with the stupid vtube
Because you're too fat to go outside.
>in history
I get that you can't count to 28, but you can't read either? Not a single soul said anything about making the first joke, special needs. I was the first to use it in these dumb ass schizo threads.
I report every watch along stream but it must not matter because his views are so low
i spent more hours outside this week than you took showers this month
I don't think being the first person to say ur fat in /marigold/ counts for very much desu
Certainly not enough to claim permanent ownership in all future /marigold/s
Why do you lie?
Brother, you've been online for over 2 fucking years. Literally every day of your life is spent on here. A quick look at the threads shows it.
the only days where you don't spend hours embarassing yourself in these threads are the ones after you get banned for trolling and samefagging
I've never been banned on here. I just disappear because, like many users here, I have a life.
We're not all terminally online samefags like yourself, Tubby Lumpkins.
sounds like someone who got banned
I think once you switch from your old persona that got caught talking to itself you also lose that persona's dibs on fat jokes
It's only fair
>got caught
Man, you've been outed in every thread as a samefagging schizoid. You're called the Tsujischizo for a reason.
Why you insist on protecting your anonymous e-gimmick is beyond me.
And retarded.
the whole tamasacord saw the chatlogs of liceman begging to mods to get unbanned
I am afraid that a poster who calls people Tsujischizo and fat was previously banned for samefagging
So if that wasn't you, you're going to need to cease and desist stealing his material
Gonna need proof there, schizo.
The NJPW general exposed you. There's no coming back from that.
Do we have a fake Razor Ramon situation on our hands. Is this guy pretending to be liceman?? I knew something was up. He wasn't his usual witty self. I chalked it up to him being tired from his obesity induced sleep apnea.
Who is this Iceman?
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>Gonna need proof there, schizo.
ok, here you go
so either you were banned for samefagging or you don't own the rights to calling people tsujischizo and you're going to have to stop
You have to explain this to me. I don't get it.
This is the second time you've posted it and I'm none the wiser.
a schizo fatty ufc mark wwe fanboy from portugal
Lol. Worked.
>I don't get it.
Well you see, my technologically challenged friend, when multiple posts get nuked by a single ban, it means they all came from the same IP address
In the particular instance of the image these posts from the same person are talking to each other
most of us would smoke the liceman in a push ups duel
I just smoke weed
I'm not gonna wave my dick around on the Internet I can only do like 20 pushups
liceman is notoriously a weed hater on the licecord
Oh, I see.
So is this like when you pretended to be a mod and were banned?
My posts were actually reported by you and that's why they were taken down. Pretty sure you do that to anyone and everyone who exposes your retarded ass.
But again, I've never been banned here. Don't know how many times I have to type it before it sinks in.
The only thing pushed up with you is your bra.
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the misaschizos are looking for an alliance with the kouki monsters and the chiakings
I was at work, unlike the two ironic mirai antis
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>"I checked the results on social media [...]"
Utami doesn't even watch stardump
You need an alliance with a therapist and dietician.
It's just one guy, brother.
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>"This match with Iyo is said to be a battle of former leaders, but since it has turned out like this, I don't think I need to worry about that anymore. I will be facing Iyo as an individual. I'm more fired up than ever," she said, again lost in thought.
Great, we went from a simple hackneyed story to no story at all.
If this is Rossy's Ace I'm out.
what an abusive couple
>I'm out
Good. Fuck off.
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>with her eventually rebuilding
nobody in their right fucking mind would want to follow soya
Who could hate Maika?
>It's just one guy, brother.
no, it's two:
schizo midka spic and neet moomoo op
You sure they aren't the same person?
midka spic's terrible english is a dead give away
and they are obsessed with two different players
there are way more tells but I feel it should all be obvious if you've been paying attention
I would follow her into the pits of hell to sniff and lick those pits
What exactly is the benefit of killing the promotion like this.
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Nagisa is beautiful, too bad she coasts most of the time.
it's to give Saya a character arc, she's gullible and dumb and she let everybody down, now she can change and get revenge over the course of the year, a rebirth, like a phoenix, Iyo isn't like Utami and Saya isn't like Utami but they are leaders

Now the other four can grow outside of the group, like AZM has the perfect motivation to take the belt from kamitani so she has nothing but the flag afterward
We would like to inform you that Maya Fukuda, a member of GLEAT, will leave the team on July 1, 2024 due to the expiration of her contract.

Who knows if she will appear in stardom or marigold. No way she will return to awg again
turns out everythings not so gleat
Maya Fukuda is basically midget Kouki except even less competent because she refuses to do anything except fake shoot karate matches once a month while she's not busy trying to make it somewhere else
yet another toy for tossie to throw around while Marigold's stock continues to plummet like a Japanese AEW
I hope Utami grows out of her tomboy phase soon.
vince mcmahon was right, dancing gimmicks work
>page 7
>1 hour ago
burgers be sleeping
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The most visual match
People with taste

Fatmike is awful
Maika is fine, but her red belt reign has been stinky
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do it rossy
Big Maya Fukuda fan, just in case
fatmike is an obese ugly dimeless shitter
>theyre making Nao wrestle Kouki again
Is she being punished?
Small roster means only a limited amount of enhancement talent to feed to Rossy's preferred players
Kouki is gorgeous
Use apostrophes, you shitskinfag.
not going to pretend to know who Maya Fukuda is or if she's any good
Chiaki finna eat komomo
She's hot with a great tum
KWACA (what a cute ace)
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So is Kouki committing to Twin Towers over Royal Tag or are Gochika and Utami going to have a custody of Kouki match
I've jacked off to her during every one of her matches.
Is this from a photobook?
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Patrician taste
her twitter
Thank you
me but kouki
Who would be a good tag partner for Komomo?
roman reigns
Going by the booking till now, whoever is free on match day
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Is this allowed??
I'd like to see that
>only does that shitty ass UWF matches
I don't want her
I think im falling for her/10
Locking Nao Ishikawa's sweaty boobies.
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Victoria Yuzuki
They gonna eating double pins every match.
No they will become the best
Kouki is a goddess
nah that is rossy
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me but nao
Sleep tight my peach
So cute
Dreaming of having her Peach eaten.
the site for business work people?
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Shinobu Kamitori and Fuka
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Why is Sareee being so mean to Giulia?
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Giulia asked for fighting spirit slap.
stroppy woppy
Giulia's new look sucks.
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They know about WW2 and dont give a fuck
why would they acre about 911
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You inconsistent fucks, why aren't you consider every match in a gauntlet as a separate one then?
Rossyliban must be stopped
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The Missing Linku
The gauntlets are determined ahead of time and the 5 minute match was announced after the original match ended.
Komomo isn't for the tag league right now. She should be in God's Eye Gold in the High Speed and Future divisions with Yuzuki as her rival.
You must have missed where Utami and Nanae announced they wanted to tag team.
Komomo's costume hard-carrying the majority of her visuals.
Did the Marigold paychecks hit this morning? Joshi twitter authorities really selling a generic Shinkiba card as being the best thing ever.
Its because they didn't see it on baked.
Nah it's dumb, they haven't split Syuri and Utami's match at Tokyo Cinderella into two separate matches, and the same thing happened there
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Yes but the first is getting obvious
i have no respect for people who post about mai sakurai
I too, have no respect for Rossy Ogawa
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Ape playa
an ai tool so powerful that it transforms japanese people into odd looking white people
Love this little cutie who turns EVERYTHING into an angle
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Probably someone less suicidal and ugly than herself
Suicide Squad
Nah you're missing the whole point of the peach
>Kouki "I want to say as loudly as possible, I want to go to America."

>Julia: "Kouki is tall and has good visuals, go for it! Now you just need to speak English."

>Kouki "I can only do it gently."

>Julia "You'd better do it, you'll have a hard time later.

>Kouki "I like English from the beginning, watching foreign movies and looking at English websites.

>Julia: "(Marigold) has foreign staff and players, so I think you should communicate with them as much as possible. Next time, let's communicate without Japanese.

>Kouki: "I won't be able to speak (laughs)
I wonder how many people joined Marigold thinking it's a ticket to America. Don't they know they can just walk across the border? Seems much easier and high probability you get there.
Anon, America is an island.
kouki tried speaking english to sonny but he was busy making out with victoria yuzuki in a broom closet
Kouki navigating the Darien Gap without botching challenge.
Giulia grooming Cookie for the big leagues
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>portrait sells out in minutes
Gonna want to get in on the ground floor of this ride to fame, boys.
half of them are on yahoo auctions and mercari for resale
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wwe used to have a butterfly belt
I would not have guessed that Kouki would have such a practical phone case
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stupid giulia and her stupid america
its giulia's phone
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>I wonder how many people joined Marigold thinking it's a ticket to America.
I think Kouki is just one those shady people - like Mina - who essentially just want to "be famous" and oddly think the US is where they've got the best chance.
Giulia being told when she moves to the US "black Americans do NOT take it as a compliment that you dress like this" is a moment I wish would get recorded
Kouki has gone 3 straight matches without a botch.
people are avoiding including her in the more complex spots
from Undesired to Undeniable
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our brave little peach has come a long way
Showing up for training instead of doing theatre show helps
Why say such shit things?
The hand jobs.
Imagine them.
make new
new >>15031752

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