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Next shows
>6/29 Sendai (VOD)
>6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15017568
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be careful the liceman is roaming around
Instead of putting their fingers in their throat to vomit and "lose weight" these days women look at a picture of Mirais hideous face and they instantly projectile vomit.
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Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
Miku is so obviously the future Ace of this promotion but Ogawa will fuck it up cause nepotism
I think the 'Mirai is ugly' joke has run its course; you can only say it so many times of a gorgeous woman like her before the irony runs out.
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#1 :)
I think the 'Mirai is gorgeous' joke has run its course; you can only say it so many times of a hideous woman like her before the irony runs out.
We talked about it
Seethe more.
what a chipmunk
Is this the grooming room? It's got to be I mean look at it.
Does Shinkiba have an open bar? So many drunk fans. Makes it fun.
Rossy groomed a whole generation of young joshi trainees into exceptional wrestlers
its the torture little girls room
Plus Misa exists kek
Chika Goto looks like she has a wide pussy.
Misa's a cutie gain taste
Thread just started and 99% of comments are by the Tsujischizo.
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what a sweaty woman
who here is a misaschizo?
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Sonny got mixed up and posted Mirai's video instead Aono's.
Never be as wide of a cavern as Utami
Terrible show from top to bottom. Sloppy terrible wrestling and boring stale stories.
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Lmfao here come the autistic awg fans that want their time sink of watching a not-wrestling wrestling promotion not have gone to waste
That this spic ziotrash still has a job is why Rossy will never get a clue
Go seethe over chairs some more, schizo.
Miss might have the face of a roadkilled skunk but she has better fundamentals than anyone else on the roster
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Why did Kouki climb the top rope, sit there for 10 seconds, and then let Yuzuki get up and throw her off it. What were her initial plans that got foiled?
She's getting her teeth fixed and estimates that they will be fixed in 4 years. We Misalunatics will wait that long.
She went to the school of yuka sakazaki
None of that is true.
Hope she's getting that nose restructured and her jaw line shaved while she's at it
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I knew when she wrestled Mari last year that Misa was a joshi prodigy
Momo Kohgo also does this shit
/melty/ - The Schizo Joshi General
i bought my misa matsui stocks years ago
Tsujischizo, this is why people can tell who you are. You do the exact same shit every day.
me with kouki unironically
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Did the drunk people near the camera leave before the Utami match?
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EQ-Lips is too attractive for pro wrestling.
sea monkey tranny
>mirai anti
>premium product
>muh stories
>webms of botches
>commenting then replying in agreement
>spamming headcanon
>seething about production
>overly praising misa matsui despite him not knowing her before this year
just tsujischizo things
kouki got some nice tits
Its pretty crazy that the crowd only cheered the ActWrez girls and were quiet when legends like Utami, Sareee, and Mirai were in the ring. Should Rossy pivot and have the main event of Sumo Hall be Kouki vs. Iyo vs. Chiki Goto triple threat?
You can find 1,000 girls that look exactly like her in Soi 6 Pattaya.
That's not old for joshi years and gives time for younger girls to be built as future aces
The reason she should be ace is
>she checks all the boxes as being good enough of a worker to wrestle anyone whether they are top tier or shit
>Her fanbase is sizable enough
>Has a great marketable look
>Past experience around title scenes
She's basically another Momo Watanabe in Rossy's pocket
Only gripe is she moves slow in the ring

But like I said, Rossy will pass her by because he wants to push MIRAI out of nepotism and overestimating her drawing attraction which has always been repellant
Congrats to Sareee for making it an entire match without committing a horrible botch. She is really improving in the Marigold ring now that she is getting regular reps on the house show circuit.
You're looking at it wrong. Sareee is not a crisp worker, she goes in there trying to kick a girls ass and doesn't care how it comes off as long as it looks strong
>You're looking at it wrong.
it's all he does.
She's Ishii, basically
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She has literally had 2 draws with Mirai you retard.
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I'm in awe at how strong this makes her look.
chances the schizo is taffe316?
My favorite Sareee moment was when she went to NXT and no one cared about a 4'10" person who acts like they're important.
we love big match Sareee and thank her for sticking around
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She's more closer to a prime Sugiura, ring-wise
It's like Nakajima or Chisako, similar to them. Giulia does it a bit too. They narrow the match down to a brawl, slow down, and then cut loose to get the rest of their shit in before the finish of the match
That type of wrestling is predictable in Japan, but the crowds always go for it
>and no one cared
She always had a fanbase in America, still does
Yeah the future looks bright for the young lion
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>She always had a fanbase in America, still does
Same fanbase as Nash and Danielson.
Its like you dont think Ogawa is not already setting her up to job under 10 minutes to Mirai by the time Ryogoku rolls around
You don't know Rossy. Dont blame me because you cant catch tf up about the old man's booking
>You don't know Rossy.
and you do?
you don't know shit about the japanese scene. you're a 2022 newfag who assumes that all authority figures are vince mcmahon and bad.
They've had 2 draws. Whatever point you are trying to make is irrelevant because no matter the end result, it is very clearly being DRILLED into your skull that these two are pretty even.

Whine about Mirai another time
I have already backed up my statements about Rossy plenty of times around here
While you just made a total headcanon about my posts you pulled out of your ass so put your plug back in it
when? nobody gives a fuck about your retarded newfag headcanon
My head canon is after working with her for a couple months NXT got tired of her antics and decided to humiliate instead of ending the contract early.
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How many times does Mirai have to be overpushed every year by the old fucker and your faggots still don't get the fucking hint geez EVERYONE WILL get buried.
I don't have to wait for shit because we should all know how this goes but keep sticking your head in the sand
Wtf do you think Marigold was made for in the first place?
You think Miriai wouldn't have been the first one to go with Rossy if she didn't think she would get pushed until he dies? Try not being such a simp fatboy
dude why are you even here? it's mirai's home promotion. why do you watch when you know she's going to be prominently featured?
she's incredibly popular with the japanese audience. fuck off.
>she's incredibly popular with the japanese audience
don't worry lineman will get himself banned again
You dumbass you think she's just going to be prominently featured, that's it? Rossy is going to literally make her the FotC and it will backfire on him
He'll keep pushing her as long as she's slurping his old peener
she is. just because one severely autistic american shut-in newfag doesn't like her, doesn't mean the majority of fans don't
phone autocorrect?
also very suspect timestamp
This is where the Mirai 19 TLDs are going. Rossy wants to put the belt on Bozilla because he has a big girl fetish, but he doesn't want Mirai to lose. This will end up with a three way match for the title where Bozilla will pin Aono.
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>she's incredibly popular with the japanese audience
and what's wrong with that? she's talented, popular and can go. you newfags are totally fucking mindbroken by a small japanese girl.
Wow, just got the ending of the Mirai match and the draw silenced the crowd. Even the drunk couple near the camera no sold it.
>Io 42
>Kairi 45
>Asuka didn't even make the list
Yeah, no idea why you keep posting this when it really doesn't mean shit.
>only two people with over 1k votes
>one is an anus lipped bog queen
Fuck Jap wrestling
Ok but one guy handed out streamers to everyone that one time. That must mean she's popular!
The crowd goes to sleep when she's in the ring
She's defacto THE charisma anti of joshi, but the old man thinks she's some sort of Showa era throwback
Get the hint that his ideas about certain talent have been old and stupid for years
streamers are literally given away for free. yes. this is how it always worked newfag.
It's not 2015 bro, people have moved on from Io and Kairi. Don't see you complaining about Jaguar Yakoto or Onita not being on the list. Sareee is following their path. Popular for a little and now is drawing 200 people at Shinkiba working the indies.
>Asuka didn't even make the list
Asuka made very little impact in her time in japan, totally reasonable that she wouldn't make it
and yet the crowd popped hard for her at fields forever. almost like you're autistic and don't know shit about this.
and again, why are you here? why did you follow her from stardom if you don't like her?
>moved on
>crowd pops, tickets for sumo hall sell when iyo is shown
>little impact
lol. lmao even. this is how we know you're a newfag. when kana was in japan, she was the biggest star on the scene.
>when kana was in japan, she was the biggest star on the scene.
She wasn't a star until late in her career
Even during the Triple Tails days she struggled because the Shirai sisters mogged her in popularity
She didn't start getting big until clownface era
>she was the biggest star on the scene.
Being the biggest star of a dead scene means nothing little bro kek
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>biggest star on the scene.
Main eventing in front of 135 people in Shinkiba a month before she leaves for the WWE.
when did you start watching? because this is factually wrong.
kana regularly took the spotlight from everyone she stood beside. she knew how to make a name for herself.
>she didn't start getting big until clownface era
so you've basically ended your own argument? lmao.
It was a transitional time in which you had to run outlaw promotions so it wasn't dead, it just wasn't making it out of the Shinkiba vacuum at that time
The lie is that she was ever the "biggest" star of anything, because she wasn't ever
liceman started watching joshi wrestling in 2016
yeah, captain hindsight. this doesn't mean shit.
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>Attendance figures but dismisses it because it's posted on cagematch
>Drawing fans doesn't mean shit in determining being the biggest star at the time when she left Japan.
reina has always been dimeless
so that's what, 7 years before you newfag?
stardom drew that number before. does that mean that stardom isn't the bigget women's wrestling promotion on the planet?
running to cagematch shows just how fucking lame and clueless you are. weren't there? better get numbers from a mark site.
Wasn't only a random match - it was a going away match for a promotion she regularly wrestled in and was heavily advertised as that. Before she left for the WWE she went on a farewell tour for all the promotions she wrestled in. So this was advertised as a last chance to see her in the ring. And she drew 158 fans.

>After the event ended, Kana got her official farewell since this was her final match in REINA. One last dance and some flowers, and Kana was gone, leaving the REINA ring for the last time.
>kana regularly took the spotlight from everyone she stood beside
She wasn't even as big of a star as Meiko whenever they fought or tagged, and Meiko was over the hill
Even Syuri was a bigger star by then
She had to do her own produce and invite big names like Suzuki and Marufuji to them in order to sell any tickets, she damn sure wasn't going to do it on her own
She wouldn't work with Nanae again even when Nanae called her up and wanted to bury the hatchet and make money together
She fucked up her time in JWP when she was starting to get over there because she imagined she was bigger than them, bigger than Arisa and the rest, but her lack of drawing proved she wasn't
Then she cried and ran to the WWE and buried joshi going out, thinking joshi would be dead within a few years and got proved wrong, as she usually is
>Even Syuri was a bigger star by then
Syuri only got popular through signing with the UFC, newfag.
You don't know shit and it shows.
Kana bros. If this is one of her retirement matches why is Syuri more over with the crowd than Kana?

liceman started watching joshi wrestling in 2017 don't bully my friend
You forget the Nash meme
this place will run something to death and beyond
syuri was kana's protege, newfag. kana quite literally helped to make her a star.
Tsujischizo, get a fucking life, man.
Stop samefagging/phoneposting and astroturfing your own unfunny bullshit.
why is this guy having a meltdown over Asuka?
You clearly showed you started watching in 2020. Probably during COVID with the Stardom no-gate shows on YouTube. And then created head canon about Kana, Rossy Ogawa, and others based on twitter. It's over for you. No way to come back from this.
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Even Rossy admitted her white belt run was a flop
enough with this Mirai is popular shit
man, i started watching in 2015 when the ghastly match made headlines. even mma fans were talking about it.
when did you start watching? and don't lie.
yeah, that's why she's still getting pushes and pops.
what Shinobu Kandori and Takako Inoue matches should I go back and watch
Liceman in the middle of one of his famed 3 day long meltdowns where he does nothing but shit his pants lmao
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and ran fans off under her white belt run
Asuka is a nobody. Always was and always will be. No one knows who she is or respects her.
Sure bro. You're botching your made up history more than a Kouki match. You're going to need to come up with a new gimmick, this one is burned and doesn't work anymore.
I saw Kanako Urai at a grocery store in Mesa yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, rike you are doingu now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen protein yogurts in her hands without paying.
The guy at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Maam, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When he took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped him and told him to scan them each individually “to purevento any erectricaru infetteransu,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.
she quite literally did help make syuri a star. same with shida. they all ran together.
sorry your youtube/twitter account of choice hasn't got to that part yet.
syuri's popularity spiked when she signed with the ufc. you can look at the popularity poll from that time.
Bro you literally admitted that you started watching after you heard Dave talk about Syuri vs Utami
one name did that? man, you have severe autism. why did you follow mirai to marigold?
she's quite literally the most decorated and well-known name in joshi history. biggest japanese star to ever work in wwe and america. her accomplishments speak for themselves. also more known than the entire njpw, noah, ajpw, stardom, tjpw rosters combined.
mirai's tits are huge
>can't answer the question
tsujischizo, leave the board.
Main event of that card:
Giulia, Maika, Mai Sakurai & Thekla vs. Ami Sourei, MIRAI, Scandinavian Hurricane & Syuri

Giulia, Mai, and MIRAI couldn't draw 114 and they're 30% of the Marigold roster lol.
liceman got into joshi wrestling because of the ghastly match, he is not someone that you should take seriously
what is overwork? what is having too many shows? what are injuries? what is fan fatigue?
your newfagness is showing again schizo.
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finally, a good post
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Kanako Urai has always only cared about herself. Let's tell the truth.
In 2015 she ran off to the US and left her home country hated and embittered by her fellow countryfolk and after slamming the whole of joshi puroresu as tame and outdated, and badmouthing all the workers.
She has disrespected every mentor she ever served under, claming they bullied her when really they were hard on her because she kept doing stupid shit in the ring, stiffing people, going into the business for herself, and this is widely documented.
Urai ripped off the Shirai sisters out of money and that is why they wouldn't talk to her anymore for years. Some say that even today her and Io are leery of each other in real life despite working in the same company and has done 1 or 2 promos together for Japanese media, they are not friends anymore and never will be.
Urai also treated a young Syuri like dogshit back in the days Syuri broke into the business, and refused to put Syuri over even when Syuri was obviously getting more popular than her.
Helped train Konami when she broke into the business by kicking the ever loving shit out of her in training sessions for real, breaking Kon's nose and putting her in armbars without legging go. Because Kana is a known sadist in real life she took delight in torturing and bullying Konami, who was only looking desperately for someone to emulate.
Urai has ripped off promotions everywhere not only in Japan but around the world by demanding promoters pay her double than than the rest of the players.
Urai has been known to produce her on shows booking herself to win over everybody and cashing in on the bulk of the money received and paying the other girls little to nothing in return for their services.
>mma underground posts video of match
>thread full of people talking about how insane japanese female wrestlers are
>look it up, get into it
meanwhile, you got into stardom through meltzer in 2022. the /njpw/ guys exposed your incel ass, forbidden door newfag.
he's gonna go a whole week this time
you need to post proof of all of that if you want people to take you seriously.
i mean all of it too. don't just post one link. i want concrete proof of kana ripping io and mio off.
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I guess Maricold is just a toybox too
time for another extended, hard lesson on what happens to a promotion when mirai is denied a white belt
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Is Rossy trying to get access to NØRI and Catherine?
I can see why Scummy Groomega sides with her, and always has
Rossy is stealing another story from Stardom. Tam Nakano gets beat up and pinned by two old wrestlers. Now fake Tam Nakano will do the same.
DESU she probably told him things to make Rossy look bad which were probably hearsay or exaggerated and Kenny believed her because he doesn't like Rossy either. And that is how this whole grooming thing started.
at least 105 are the schizo samefagger
we really need the ip counter
Mirai bros...not like this
>she's quite literally the most decorated and well-known name in joshi history. biggest japanese star to ever work in wwe and america. her accomplishments speak for themselves. also more known than the entire njpw, noah, ajpw, stardom, tjpw rosters combined.
Not even close. Kana is shit on the heel of Jackie Sato's boots. She is dirt beneath Bull Nakano's finger nails. Her "accomplishments" are fake belts and gimmicks given to her by Vince McMahon and Paul Levesque. They mean nothing. She was never a star. She never had fans. No one ever cared about her and no one ever will. She never had a top selling album. She never drew record ratings. She never worked the main event of the Tokyo Dome. She is nothing.
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why did MIRAI and Miku to go another double draw?
the jackie sato fan is my favorite poster
what store brand bait is this?
Asuka must have been seething more than liceman based on Syuri getting more support than her in her retirement match. Wasn't Asuka the REINA champions for a while too?
drawing until the show in mirais hometown so mirai can get a BABYFACE victory
wikipedia is great
Not supporting globalist revisionist history that Wikipedia promotes.
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a young liceman saw this picture, picked the bugs in his head and thought ''yeah this is for me''
yet it's all you peddle lol
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I believe every word of this. No need to provide documentation. It all makes sense and lines up with the facts. Kairi is very close to Asuka and is always kissing her ass but Iyo is never around her and never talks about her. Now it all comes together. Io has said that when she was young Kana would handle the Triple Tails booking. She was skimming money off the top. That's why she quit and went with Rossy and that's why Kana hates Rossy. He "stole" her golden goose. Fucking bitch.
you are aware that there's more to joshi than that match right?
a better introduction than needing meltzer to tell you what to watch lol
my mentor was purowoookie
>can't post proof
silly schizo.
Marigold will never be legit unitl Big Dave gives them a 5 star match
you need to get killed, schizo
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Jackie Sato is a God. Kana is a bug.
holy shit, shut the fuck up
This is legit mental disturbance.
I'm glad he's online 24/7 and not an active member of society.
all of them?
the beauty pair outdrew ajpw and njpw in 1977
Ice Ribbon outdrew Marigold in 2024
#18 carry
>seethes about mirai in stardom
>mirai leaves, schizo follows
>seethes about mirai in marigold
i get that you've got an autistic vendetta against the company and have dedicated what minus life you have to destroying these threads, but holy fuck. this is advanced inceldom.
why don't you have a girlfriend?
i'm not looking for one.
why are you always online?
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She's trending!
i have heard all of liceman material by now
Holy based strap. now.
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Only thing missing is someone replying with a screenshot showing they're not the same person and then he accuses them of using their phone and PC.
you say this but then repeat the same boring ass shit every day and still wonder why people can tell who you are
why are you online all the time?
>he's typed the word "orcs" so often that it's now appearing in his personally tailored trending content on SNS
>Why didn't our style of stiffing and botching get over in NXT and get us promoted to the main roster.
most posters are aware that i am at the forefront of moving forward the discourse of these threads
>did they not appreciate our no selling?
>comments, then replies in agreement
schizo. why do you do this when you've been called out hundreds of times?
is it because autists love repetition?
i have a never seen a single poster come in support of the liceman
Selling schizo is the worse.
Based never break the gimmick, brudder undefeated at peedubamania
no, you've killed and derailed these threads since the third general. you spam retarded takes and astroturf engagement.
the only reason you haven't been banned is because this is a dead and dogshit board and the janny doesn't care.
the njpw guys did a great job of exposing your terminally online autistic ass tsujischizo.
plus you have ran everyone else off the board
kek then why are YOU here if it's dead?
don't you look like the faggot here coping about it?
good lord look at this fag
habit. news.
who are these ''njpw guys''? is that how you call the bugs living inside your head?
are they your friends from ''mma-junker''?
Imagine if the tsujischizo actually existed
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she was recovering from vertigo
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Damn, she looks rough
there no tsujischizo but us misaschizos come in legion
Why is her face so fat? Hormones?
can we trade liceman to twitter to get agua back?
Isn't agua a shoot shotacon faggot nonce?
brother you've literally got a tab open for twitter right now.
still seething about sonny blocking your goof ass?
he's a twitter reply guy mostly these days
she is crying
no fat, wide, she is asian
Implying they're not just the same person
She is SHITalian. Moorish. BLACK!
Because Drossy cares more about getting Miku over than making sense.
And probably because he feels like he has no other singles matches to spare.
What a midget
>210 posts
>180 by one severely autistic shut in
No wonder the board is dead. It's basically the Tsujischizo's diary at this point.
It was kinda cute at first but now she's just crying all the time. Grow up.
She has nice tits
she has nothing to cry about
how could they slap utami, who would slap an angel?
Sareee on why she's not going back to wwe.

>I didn’t fight on the main roster, but I felt that I had learned enough in WWE. I was able to absorb the spirit of entertainment that I had been missing. There was talk of renewing the contract, but I wanted to do wrestling that I believed in, and at 27 years old, I was at my most physically active, so I thought, I will regret it if I don’t do the wrestling I have wanted to do for a long time now.
This dumb meme should retire
The Piedmont region and everything above Milan is white
Whiter than Americans I'd wager btw

>There were many difficulties (life in the USA). Many wrestlers who went to WWE from Japan came to the U.S. with their spouses or families, but I was alone. I had no idea about everyday shopping or the detailed procedures for renting a house… Naturally, I was surrounded by American wrestlers, and it was not always easy to get the same ideas. For example, Japanese athletes are very attentive to isolated foreign wrestlers, eating together with them, etc., but American athletes are ‘people are people and I am me.’ It is not that they are cold, it is just natural, but it was difficult for me to get used to it.

They (Japanese talent in the U.S.) were very helpful to me. The star athletes that I would have never met or talked to if I had not gone to the U.S. cared about me. In particular, Shinsuke Nakamura and his family, including his wife and children, were very close to me. When I met him for the first time, he said, ‘If you are lonely and alone, come to me anytime. There will be food for you.’ Eventually, I started going out with the children on my days off, even when Nakamura was not around (laughs). There were also Asuka, IYO SKY, (Akira) Tozawa and KUSHIDA. In NXT, which I belonged to, Hideki Suzuki and Ikemen Jiro were with me until about halfway through (the run). At that time, there were quite a few Japanese wrestlers, which was encouraging.
sareee big fat scrotum
i like swarthy italians more though
She has an old aunt body
Her legs look like wedgie fries at walmart
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Just found out Utami is 5'5". Lift and carry sex with Utami.
Sareee literally didn't say that, though
Nah for Utami specifically I have to be the bottom and her on top of me showing me she's the real man of the house
>My headcanon!
I believe the first hand account over some seething 4chin's anon.
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"There is a Third Position between Capitalism and Communism and that is Sareeeism."
- Gregor Strasser
>everything above Milan

Yeah, Switzerland is pretty white.
You can watch the video. She doesn't say that. The person behind the tweet is some guy in Europe who didn't attend the event.
Eye opening
>Draws 250 to a shed in your path
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She said it to her fans at the after show when she was selling her merch. There are several first hand accounts in Japanese.
Those 250 viewers are real wrestling fans, not fakes orbiting the guy who brought them to the show and looking at their phones most of the time like in Muttmerica
>Mister Donut
>Pro wrestling
They do everything we do better in Japan
This. The vast majority of western joshi fans don't even watch the matches. They are just racist incel perverts who fantasize about having a submissive asain wife.
its hard to find a sane wife
Kairi's husband did it
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I always thought she was taller. I never paid attention to it.
>There are several first hand accounts in Japanese.
and yet you've posted none
Always works me into a shoot, stocky and healthy builds are the best.
Her self produced show drew 585 earlier this year.
Why would western joshi fans buy tickets to see Sareee perform in a shed in Japan?
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Sweaty peach
Kek you wasted your life watching awg
>Her self produced show drew 585 earlier this year.
Rounded up by at least 200.
But enough about the last marigold Korakuen attendance
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This culture obviously isn't for you anon, perhaps buying your tranny friends a ticket to an AEW show is more your flavor
But he's going on a new tangent now, which is refreshing to a degree, yet still easy enough to filter.
How does a person steal a story they've written previously, but with different characters?
>How does a person steal a story they've written previously, but with different characters?
Are you retarded? Tam fought Aja Kong after Rossy left.
It's okay. He does this all the time. Acts like his inbred headcanon is truth and posts no sources.
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>That comment from Konami
To reference Chris Rock: "Konami boycotting the WWE is like me boycotting Rihanna's panties. I wasn't invited".
want fuck zayda
Konami was trained and heavily influenced by Kana. People who don't know wrestlers or their personal lives really need to shut the fuck up.
wow bro you are like a joshi expert
Sareee told him that during a fully body massage she gave him at her second job.
No, I just know a bit more than literal whos on Twitter who think their headcanon is protected by the language barrier.
unusual to see the Wikipedia warrior
>she was her trainer newfag!! konami does armbars!
schizo fits outside of /kabuki/ desu
>Konami was trained and heavily influenced by Kana
>she was her trainer newfag!!
>konami does armbars!
Also true.
I fail to see what the issue is here. You're awfully protective of this literal who Twitter reject's opinion.
Ranna does an arm bar. She is a descendent of the Kana tree.
>I fail to see what the issue is here
The issue is that you're regurgitating facts from a Wikipedia page and filling in the blanks with assumptions because you're either deliberately or accidentally ignorant of the basic history of what you're talking about
Yeah, man. I'm not reading your schizobabble headcanon. You're legit mentally disturbed - >>15021220
1. You never post proof of your claims.
2. You're a clear newfag and your retarded hipster opinions and nonsensical headcanon show it.
3. She did train under Kana. This is common knowledge. No need for Wikipedia.
4. You're assblasted because you didn't know this basic ass shit.
Kana lured Kon, a teenage country girl, to Tokyo and stole all of her money, beat her up, and abandoned her when she took off for WWE. Kon hates Kana.
could konami beat lola vice in a shoot fight?
Okay, are you gonna post actual proof of this or are you just going to seethe and samefag again?
Come on. Show interviews, news articles, anything, really.
I'm not interested in the opinions of literal whos on Twitter.
You don't read japanese.
Been studying it since 2018. Try me.
erm well uh... gotta go! dinners ready!
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What am I in for?
>a country girl
She was raised in the second largest city of Hiroshima prefecture
What adult dresses like this?
Now Konami drives Mercedes in exchange for Saudi Princes shitting on her. It worked out for her.
Did anyone else feel bad for Rossy last night? Kept seeing him in the background and all I could think about was how much his penis hurts because of the shingles and how he will be dying within 8 months 50% of the time.
The schizo is yet to post sources.
If you were truly the epic oldchad you claim to be you wouldn't need somebody to spoonfeed ten year old drama to you
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I accept your concession.
The burden of proof is on you, schizo. You make dumbass claim? Expect people to want to see proof.
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Nigga it's hot as fuck at where I live.
It's not my job to provide 100 level courses to newfags
"Rossy was just another employee, he had no power to do anything. He left because Bushiroad wouldn't even let him do his job and book the goddamn shows and there was serious unrest among the roster because the office was really fucking things up with the schedule and the way some people treated the roster. This is publicly known. Mayu, Giulia, Milano, even Rina complained about that stuff. Shit didn't hit the fan because Rossy didn't want to do Forbidden Door, it was because the start time for a house show got delayed overnight and many fans didn't get the news and rightfully complained, leading to Giulia demanding an explanation to the Bushiroad staff and just being laughed at. Rossy was never planned to be fired. He'd still be there if he hadn't decided to launch Marigold."
- A Reddit user who actually knows shit.
Schizo in shambles.
kek look at how small this dude's dick is!
what's the card so far for sumo hall?
I'm not interested in the opinions of literal whos on reddit desu
Here's what happened. You read some retard's headcanon online, believed it, and just parrotted it without checking sources.
You're the type of person that the "don't try this at home" adverts are aimed at.
ok newfag
>Utami vs Iyo
>Sareeeee vs Giulia
>Bozilla vs MIRAI vs Aono
>Nanae & Nao vs Granny Squad
The rest of the card doesn't matter.
You should be. This literal who literally knows more than you and whatever random Twitter account you believe.
it lost all steam in the transition when it became painfully obvious it was just one or two guys spamming it and shamelessly samefagging replies
>says dumb shit
>"post proof"
>n-n-n-no! I won't spoonfeed!!
Lol. Retard.
you don't see me write passive-agressive posts about the bullshit you send to the group chat
Victoria and Komono aren't booked for Summer Destiny.
Lol. Newfag.
Just one guy, man. People either like Mirai or are indifferent, only one dork is obsessed and overly negative.
probably Victoria vs. Chika Goto because they're enemies now
Victoria is going one on one with Evaristo Gutierrez IV's TMC in a no holes barred match
I'm not the one who didn't know that Konami was a student of Kana's, bro.
Has Rossy forgotten about the red belt?
Sareee v. Giulia is probably for the red belt.
I never disputed your ability to skim Wikipedia summaries
>common knowledge that pretty much every fan knows about
>must be from Wikipedia!
Lol. Lol@u.
If you had obtained your information by speaking to a fan you would not be ignorant of the rest of the common knowledge that everybody knows
my man the liceman spent a whole day responding to most of the posts in this thread
>Marigold Grand Opening Wars 2024
>common knowledge that everybody knows
That you're a moron?
I just skip the whole thread sometimes :)
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I like Giulia, but in kayfabe she doesn't deserve a title shot at all when she was pinned in her only match
NEW >>15023357
Is it bad that the only reason I watch marigold is because I have crippling yellow fever and I NEED to fuck utami over and over? Or is that normal?

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