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Next shows:
6/23 Shinkiba 1st Ring (Live @ 6:00PM JST)
>Mirai vs Aono Miku
>Utami Hayashishita / Natsumi Showzuki / Chiaki vs Sareee / Nagisa Nozaki / Myla Grace
>Nanae Takahashi vs Nao Ishikawa
>Zayda Steel vs Bozilla
>Chika Goto / Kouki Amarei vs Mai Sakurai / Victoria Yuzuki
>Misa Matsui vs Komomo Minami

>6/29 Sendai (VOD)
>6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15002534
Anyone have a Bozilla flight tracker?
>ice ribbon outdrawing marigold
Kek rossy lost
only want to watch her match this card
This is the last (LIVE) until the PPV.
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Based /dsfm/!
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Komomo has quickly become a fan favorite of mine.
the m in dsfm is for misa
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>Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again
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Does anyone put effort into their Twitter besides Nao?

Because this promotion desperately needs Twitter promos and lore dumps, in order for any semblance of storytelling to be present. Otherwise, there's no way to build interest in what's happening in the promotion and thus the promotion itself.
happy pride month momo op
the power of a MIRAI debut match
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Looks like Ice Ribbon ended up poaching all of Marigolds fans. Comes around to hatman in the end.
lol nice botch retard
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>be the miraifag
>save tranny pictures on his computer
>says it's someone else
gonna need someone to explain the logic there
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Familiar graphics
Worked botch because I'm in the Marigold thread.
I cannot even begin to unravel your schizo conspiracy theory here
grim how this would be an excellent card by today's standards
simpler times
I've seen jp fans say they thought MIRAI was a tranny when they first saw her so that's probably apart of it.
sure you did
It was all over after this
Bozilla lookin real JACKED, baby. Holy...
Kind of funny how Mayu vs. Mercedes turned out to be the final match of the Stardom's hot period before the crash began
I'm hearing reports that Mirai is hideous. Is this true?
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call that The Scam Effect
i heard this reported as well from very credible sources
Tsukka won't be vising golden field any time soon, unfortunately.
no way she will go there with what happened to giulia and ice ribbon
>Mirai and Nanae are involved in by far the worst match on the show
Sonny was too busy editing Yuzuki foot footage to make match graphics. Please understand.
I don't know Whukka that is
>Nanae having the worst match on a card
Color me shocked!
I liked it.
Fuka tweeting there are still tickets available for Shinkiba if anyone wants to go!
You now remember this gimmick.
I always remembering it when i see Utami.
we need this energy back
Damn, less than two fiddy?
Tsuji is a miraischizo
japanese fans read these threads and the word is out that bozilla won't make it
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webms from the 6-16 show
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>japanese fans read these threads
yeah and rossy does too...
More dojo time required.
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this is where the strap on Nao's gear broke, but it's hard to tell what actually happened
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God I love Utami so much. I love how talented she is, I love how beautiful she is, and most importantly, I love how smart she is
so slow
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5 hours and ~22--25 minutes too late to post this
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just stay still, Kouki
I never do.
flat, just has thighs
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natsumid tryharding
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is this appropriate selling for a wannabe company ace?
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from the VOD and this one is from the YT video that Sonny shot
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documenting the death of marigold
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Bozilla is not going to make it
Zayda should wrestle Yoshihiko
anyone know where to watch the ppv? the Baked retards already have the joshitube site password protected. If i was gonna pay to watch the show, i would pay for the actual feed, not a bootleg.
I hate baked so much
'fraid not
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For the first time ever I want to see a passion injection match so Nanae can beat the shit out of the part timer
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btw baked removed the password from the stream
I legit feel bad for anyone who has to work a Bozilla singles match, know you're getting squashed, just wonder what the botch will be
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Bozilla no showed the german show?
Sonny forgot to turn something on again.
>What kind of hair is that
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kind that gets a huge pop
>I wonder if she still goes to the same hair salon as Okada-sama?
Giulia is the best
woppy ass hair
>Seriously, this introductory speech was perfect, all groups should do it.
Sneakers gone, gloves back
The Yokohama Rumble was objectively the worst match on that card
Yuzuki is gold and white

Komomo is gold and black
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everyone in that match sanbagged each other. Nanae was throwing a fit about losing the titles.
Yeah, it was kino.
Komomo's gear looks better without the kickpads
confidence inspiring game from komomo
baked faggots still haven't set up the stream
Really nice opening from Misa and Komomo.
I thought you said Bozilla wasn't going to make it
Who won, Misa or Komomo?
Rossy, uh, finds a way
zayda should have gave that to mirai
Zayda is over
zayda is popular with the uncles
holy shit saori anou just come out
RIP Zayda :(
Rawr :3
Rossy needs to keep Zayda around. She gets it.
Almost certain she goes to NXT
Zayda is a sports entertainer
the future is naop
she'd get lost in the shuffle there. NXT is pushing a bunch of brown women now.
fuck baked
finally, the long awaited passion injection match
nao will win
Zayda and Myla have psychology
Holy shit bros, Nao works me into a shoot every time
Nao's high pitch screams
There is no hype or excitement around Maricold. Launching a new promotion at a time when interest in wrestling and the economy are at an all time LOW seems to ahve been a mistake.
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its ok, i got a picture
Love it lol
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confidence inspiring game from nao
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nao the sweaty
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so true
I thought Japanese would have better quality phones
Nao is the only one trying to be a pro wrestler.
Nao full goblin mode lmao
Nani the hell is going on
"advanced Japanese tech" is a meme since 90s
Nao needs a boyfriend (me), to calm her down after matches.
Get in line bro.
I would lick every square inch of sweat off her pefect body
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Nao and Nanae's tag opponents
Maizuki is the team
very pretty teams
visuals for sure
the crowd LOVES Kouki!
I want to watch Inoue's gravure but I can't find it anywhere.
GOATchika the most visual of senshus
Rossy confirmed it
Yuzuki straight dropkicked Kouki right in the face, absolutely based
this looks to be another "things are happening" show, so maybe they'll set up a match for the Twin Star title at Summer Destiny
Pretty cool match for Nao to take part in, even if she eats the pin. I thought Kandori was a politician nowadays
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ya gotta love the Naoster, ya just gotta
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Good grief. Marigold is a granny retirement home now?
literally every joshi promotion is
I'll never forgive Kandori for taking liberties with Jackie Sato and shooting on her while she was ill with cancer.
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Shame on me for thinking Marifold would be something different.
crowd is a lot louder then last time at Shinkiba
must be tired from the same day show.
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Sakimura Ryoko
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Shameless. https://x.com/Peps_Wrestling/status/1804808212442497505
handsome players
Black Showzuki is best Showzuki
Trust me, I do
yeah, and that was based so it's okay to copy
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This version of Utami can't be going over Iyo at Summer Destiny, right?
Natsumi and Miku need better hair stylists
You think Paul would let one of his people job? 0% chance of that happening
Utami won't care about going over and Rossy wouldn't dare have IYO lose.
Iyo is a jobber. She will put Utami over as the real ace of Maricold and leader of QQ.
20 minute time limit draw.
Sareee's song rules
Sareee vs Utami soon, bros
Giulia crying
giulia finna job
slop slurping scat loving fag
>casually uranages Utami
>gets the three count
>slaps the "ace", immediately disregards her and calls out Giu
>slaps Giulia repeatedly
Sareee is too based for this promotion
Rossy needs to put the red belt on her
Treating Utami like a nobody was undisputably based
aono mikku will win
Miku bros, it's time
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what's the potato meme the WU chat is talking about
Aono today, Aono tomorrow, Aono forever
referring to this one
If he isn't completely senile, Sareee is the inaugural champ leading to a feud with Utami once Giulia leaves
justified muku and mirai chants
Japanese fan doing live commentary on YouTube
5 more minutes
no way that this match will continue until miyako
kek, here we go again
Ganbare Miku
I thought it was over
Why is there even a time limit
Now what??
Rossy books a triple threat at the ppv, with Bozilla going over both of them
I don't get why they don't have the roster out to close the show like Stardom always use to do.
That don't work for me, brother
Guess this is who uploaded those pics
Good work from Komomo, tag and six-man were great, Aono and Mirai story is hot. Looks like the shingles is making Rossy stronger
>There are a lot of weird people on 5ch, but the paid spaces have a good sense of restraint in the comments.
Getting tired of bozilla.
Fuka probably booked it while Rossy is in bed recovering
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will probably only happen in a ppv
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Her constant commentary during matches is grating, and she can't work a singles match unless it's a squash. Her last match with Nozaki was met with deathly silence.
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Well I think Bozilla is really sexy
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
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Big tag match made for Marigold Summer Destiny: Nao Ishikawa and Nanae Takahashivs Shinobu Kandori and Takako Inoue
>You're still dragging this out?
>What's the point of having a time limit in a tournament if you're going to draw again?

>Why 15 minutes in a tournament?
>Shouldn't tournaments that have to be settled be unlimited?

>A match that should have been settled in Nagoya from the beginning.
>What are you doing...?
Midrai the midcarder
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>>Mirai and Nanae are involved in by far the worst match on the show
is Inoue the one whose daughter is supposed to be a Marigold trainee soon?
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but llpw had their own trainees as well, no idea when they are gonna be ready though and if they will appear in marigold
Cute af
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komomo the sweaty
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>Her constant commentary during matches is grating
Mate she's basically a heel so she's going to do things that are annoying. It's how wrestling works.
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Chika is ugly-cute post match
Kouki is just ugly
kouki being hot is a /pw/ meme
happy pride month, homos
Oh the irony lmao
she was hot when she had Japanese twink look
Kouki is the second hottest after Nao with Chika and Yuzuki right behind her
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EQlips and friends have their first match on the 29th?
How do you guys put up with the autistic samefagger every day? Just want a discussion about Marigold and he's here to derail the thread with asperger's and retarded opinions.
Nagisa is a fucking babe. Ryoko has a unique aura. Marigold's future is bright.
Also, there's a few cute clips of Nagisa trying to speak English on Youtube.
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Now this is soulful
Unfortunate face players
He really did back to back 20 minute draws? What a genius booker!
It's not healthy to seethe as much as you do.
This is why Marigold is successful and you're a shut-in samefagger.
Rossy wins.
Rossy lost and is gonna die from shingles lmao
Did you hear about the wrestling booker who likes time limit draws? He hates it when the girls go over 15
these are house shows. japanese house shows have always been kind of filler events that let the fans in attendance see as many stars as possible.
that's why so many "road to" njpw shows feature tag matches.
Oh no the everyone is the same guy is unbanned and seething accusing everyone of being the same person. Hope you lost some weight during this ban.
It's a tournament for the title match. Is the tournament a filler event?
I wasn't banned.
Also, you keep exposing yourself as the samefagger. No idea why you keep doing it.
Everything that isn't Iyo/Utami is filler
Marifiller if you will
it's a house show. everything that isn't fields forever or summer destiny are minor events.
Oh when did liceman come back?
fraid so
>everyone isn't the schizo!12!
>*proceeds to do schizo things*
Every fucking time. Lmao.
He got banned from McDonalds so needed to find a new place to get Wifi. Can't wait for him to start seething about the ring announcer dressing casually when the Ice Ribbon announcer showed up in a dress. And then replying to himself saying why do you care, it's a house show circuit, etc.
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>Can't wait for him to start seething about the ring announcer dressing casually when the Ice Ribbon announcer showed up in a dress.
So, it really is you. God, man. Can you just stop being a spaz for a day? This is why everyone can tell who you are.
Most trolls try to disguise themselves, you double-down. Lmao.
a small schizo start-up running the louse show circuit
Sorry. I actually cared about the tournament for the WCW Cruiseweight belt and the White Belt. I will ignore because they're minor events and treated as such.
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>Misaposting starts
Almost like it's just one severely autistic loser shitting these threads up.
>WCW Cruiseweight belt
You're old enough to remember that but somehow don't understand how the Japanese scene works?
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So Boji is a lock for the UNC, right? Would love to see Miku win though.
Why does she make the schizo seethe so much?
she is trying her best
I love Misa. Always have.
Again, for like the 40th time, you give yourself away every time you post, schizo.
nao the sweaty
you could be at church right now instead of seething on 4chumblr
Got all of it
Man, Yuzuki already carries herself like a star.
Brother, you've quite literally been online, on this board, every single day, for north of two years. Spamming, samefagging, and seething over imaginary boogeymen you create.
>and seething over imaginary boogeymen you create.
He's gotta be running a gimmick. No one anyone is actually this obtuse.
Everyone already bought your Summer Destiny PPV tickets?
This Bozilla gimmick is as stale as liceman.
When you piss and shit yourself over rookie botching, speakers on chairs, announcers dressing casually, and other autistic non-issues, yes, you are creating boogeymen and seething over them.
Is Nao wearing fake pubic hair under her pants or does she have a tampon in. If a tampon, it is very brave of her to wear white pants like that.
most of us are misaschizos
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pakis can't wrestle
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If you don't like laughing over how bad the wrestling is, how low quality the presentation is, and how everyone is phoning it in and exploiting Rossy for a paycheck maybe you are in the wrong place. Check out reddit or twitter for an everything is great echo chamber.
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I love laughing at liceman
Next thread: >>15020339
You're autistic and expect too much of a startup promotion. You're expecting WWE levels of production. You're not a fan and have made it your life's mission to kill these threads because of some autistic vendetta against the company.
>echo chamber
And yet, everyone in this general enjoys the shows. You're the ONE guy seething and causing shit.
Stop shitting up out general man. Everyone knows who you are and hates you
Says the Tsujischizo.
no lies detected

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