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Next shows:
6/23 Shinkiba 1st Ring (Live @ 6:00PM JST)
>Mirai vs Aono Miku
>Utami Hayashishita / Natsumi Showzuki / Chiaki vs Sareee / Nagisa Nozaki / Myla Grace
>Nanae Takahashi vs Nao Ishikawa
>Zayda Steel vs Bozilla
>Chika Goto / Kouki Amarei vs Mai Sakurai / Victoria Yuzuki
>Misa Matsui vs Komomo Minami

>6/29 Sendai (VOD)
>6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>14991289
Rossy got AIDS
Rossy got CANCER
WWE x Marigold partnership looking better every day
Terminal 7 brain cancer
I’m a fan of Utami’s meat tenderizer (tongue ring)
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Diabetes actually
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reminder marigods won
trannies lost
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to Marigold
when is our girl Nao getting her first win, bros...
this thread has been up an hour and 25 minutes and has only 12 replies
We are in mourning over the loss of Rossy Ogawa.
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he's the one who squandered all his hype and good will and killed his new promotion in less than 2 months to shindie level
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eq lips
Ngl uhgtranny is kinda hawt
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Reminder that midrai schizophrenic was outed as a pedophile last year.
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Anyone know her twitter or ig?
She's going to beat Nanae.

JK, that old bitch ain't putting her over :(
Very sexy player to be
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she hided them
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eq ass
That is a man
I don't even know what that means, but its bad.
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put her in the coombook, Rossy, it doesn't matter if she's not a player yet
>4 hours ago
>30 posts
Marigold is dead already and the toxic positivity troll has been exposed.
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Rossy, poach this new player
holy yum I want to floss with that fishnet
we're all laughing at AEW right now, try to keep up
>schizo so defeated he is counting post
l m a o
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Giulia is such a draw they have to get rid of old shupro covers
where the luchadoras @?
licking Utami's tongue
15k yen to nagoya front row seat
resell the limited edition t shirt for 17k


easy money
It says the number of posts in the bottom right corner. You don't need to count them.
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aren't we always doing that though?
views count with clicks, so are misleading
today is a special occasion
Times this post was seen. To learn more, visit the Help Center.
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michin did miku aono's finisher
What a groovy cutie
perfect Tum that must be showed off
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webms from the 5-16 show and a couple from the behind the scenes video
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I meant 6-15, I'm retarded
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sad, depressed and now concussed
nah, she was fine the next day
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>Article updated on BBM SPORTS [Marigold Ryogoku Countdown Interview vol.3] Julia vs. Tenrei Kouki - Part 1 - Why did the best talent in the history of actresses become a professional wrestler even though she said she would never become one? [Weekly Pro Wrestling]
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so is the only promotion that doesn't have beef with rossy tjpw? since stardom is working with every other one
Might have genuine heat with some but Rossy doesn't mess around with that fake friendship bullshit Takagi and Tanahashi try to get over. He's here to make money not friends
Does he realize that Satomura dumped a useless Cassandra Miyagi on him?
baby girl & baby eater
Sorry, she's not available. We're living a cozy, blissful wedded life together and is soon to be the mother of our children.
Giulia do be talking to the Awgirlz
so far he has heat with stardom for obvious reason, same with wave and awg with the poaching.

tjpw doesn't care since they are isolationalist and sendai is okay for now since rea is not poached.

unsure about marvelous but probably neutral and ice ribbon doesn't care
who cares about working with other promotions?
Io vs Utami is 3 weeks away

What has been the build to that thus far?
Why is Marigold working with SIRIUS, Major League Wrestling, NOAH, and WWE? Seems like they care.
>What has been the build to that thus far?
Utami cried and Sonny tweeted about it.
The closest Stardom has gotten to working with Marvelous in the last 2 years is sending Hazuki and Syuri to the crush gals reunion last year and Rossy is still on friendly terms with Chigusa. If you're going to see collaboration with any promotion that's the one I'd bet on
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>the best talent in the history of actresses
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Marigold needs to get far far away from WWE. They do not benefit.
WWE is benevolent now, it'll be fine. They're getting along with TNA, did anyone ever see that happening?
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Most of the people arguing about it don't even support the product. They just watch twitter clips or bootleg streams. The greatest fans to have!
Utami stuck out her tongue a handful of times
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I can't wait to see pics of how empty Sumo Hall is.
Even if it's a sell out the arena looks empty because of the 4 person boxes. People the hard cam shoots have enough room to lay down in their seats.
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I don't understand what's so difficult about telling a story.

I could possibly forgive the subpar wrestling if there was any attempt at intensive storytelling.
every ai reconfiguration just ends up proving mirai is perfect the way she is
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I guess Sonny finally gave up on Zuki
must have turned him down enough times
So went for a girl who will take any dick she can get
Let's cheer on MIRAI, the child of spirit, on her first triumphant return to her hometown!
Good news for fans from far away: a charter bus will be running!

We'll arrive in front of the venue!
9:00AM Departure from Morioka Station 10:25AM Arrival at Miyako City General Gymnasium (Sea Arena) (Depending on traffic conditions)

Price: ¥2,500
How to apply: miyako_bus@dsf-marigold.com

Mirai home town tickets not selling
what's the code for this JAV?
>she has such a great look. And I’ve seen video of the protest, she did great. Fit, athletic, a real beauty too. Maybe 19 yrs old or so. She’s at least gonna be another Kevin or better.
>Mirai home town tickets not selling
all hype for Marigold has evaporated in the past 3 weeks
>And Amasaki finally understands Kevin. She asked me what it meant last week. She laughed about it. Amasaki probably works harder than anyone when it comes to the mandatory rookie and newcomers chores. Putting everyone’s luggage on the bus, taking it off, etc. All the shit jobs. But that is what young girls do. But she really is a hard worker. Just so you have an idea, even someone like Suzu was doing newcomers/rookies jobs for about 6 months. It’s just how it is
Some random people on twitter call Miyu Amasaki from Stardom Kevin. No one knows why.
Miyu apparently understands why.
Will this do less than the 114 person stardom show? Rossy will never admit it if it does, but if they're running a charter bus to the venue they must be desperate.
who knows how many people live in the town altogether
51,150 according to wikipedia. Most cities Joshi companies run have a million. Except when Stardom does those weird western japan runs.
the114 was in osaka though
middle of nowhere osaka suburbs with no train station or buses nearby. with a show in osaka the next day right next to a train station. retarded booking.
Marigold is ice cold and in the dumps. There is nothing exciting going on. Only terrible matches with actresses and idols.
sad but true
How did Japanese wrestling go from the hottest territory on earth in 2017 to the absolute fucking lowest pit of hell in 7 years?
I do it for Giulia.
Are you an e-drone or something? Fucking idiot. If you want stories go watch a movie. Joshi and puro is more sports based than Amerifatt slop. There is no soap opera shit here. Tards like you are killing joshi discourse. >>15008237
>turd worlder
>maridrone schizo
>How did Japanese wrestling go from the hottest territory on earth in 2017 to the absolute fucking lowest pit of hell in 7 years?
The industry standards raised and the quality control fell.
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
fraid not because it got away
tsujischizo, just fuck off with your negative doomer shit. this isn't your diary.
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Is her gimmick going to be 'depressed jobber'? She spent more time out of the ring than in it
She just a rookie who looks weird.
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making Komomo happy
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fuck James Cameron for putting this shitter in T2, he makes it almost unwatchable
Someone needs to introduce this potato to a tanning bed.
Stardom is wiping the floor with Marigroom rn. This show is amazing and better than anything Marigroom could do.
CHIAKI is cool
>This show is amazing
okay, slurper
queens quest is dead btw
explains why sonny is seething
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That was next level amazing. Marigold will never create something amazing like that.
you're trying too hard
You didn't even watch the match you fucking retard.
I did. Enjoy your Vince Russo double swerves, slurper
stay in that general tsujischizo.
An outsider became a white belt champion
A damn shame that Stardom has been reduced to dissolving factions for attention now.
Okada and Bushiroad are fucking villains.
and putting belts on outsiders
>have outside wrestlers take major spots
>have outside wrestlers beat our top stars
>send our wrestlers to smaller companies and AEW
>wonder why interest in the company is declining
I like that they branch out and help smaller promotions get some exposure, but the way they go about it is all wrong.
Thank fuck for Marigold.
Saori is outsider
she is signed with stardom though her contract is special that she can also take non stardom shows
>so far he has heat with wave and awg because the poaching.
"NO, Rossy. You can't give some of our roster members the chance to earn actual money!!". The fucking gall of these cunts.
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handsome shimi
there's another timeline where Utami did JAV and her father filmed it
Today, we had a regular meeting after the joint practice. Lively opinions were expressed.

Now, Utami vs Iyo is a battle to pay tribute to a certain unit. I want to connect this to the future with a fierce battle.

Shut the fuck up peps
Based, Marigold is where joshi history is respected.
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come home babygirl
Harukaze is so cute
You just know Yuzuki had some lively opinions
Gotta love Hatman
They just gave her the biggest babyface storyline possible, she ain't fucking leaving lmao
Iyo sent an angry message
>6/23 Shinkiba 1st Ring (Live @ 6:00PM JST)
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Are all marigold fans deranged like this?
that is very clearly a disgruntled Stardom fan, anon. No mention of Marigold and a Tam pic.
The cosmic angel and tam references show a stardom fan
>Lively opinions were expressed
>This is code for Yuzuki screaming "get that creepy hispanic videographer away from me!"
Which they will fumble because Saya is too unlikeable to garner sympathy
Miku is literally so cute, every time I see her I'm like omg
I like her
strong autism
I like her, she's a spaz and extremely over dramatic though
Trannies watch Joshi wrestling as well
so, we have our share of lunatics
Nah, it was a great show.
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Here's your PPV build finally. Hope it's hype. Showa Era.
Grim. I have no idea what HHH was thinking getting involved with this mess. What a retard.
Tardo lost when he did that double swerve Russo finish
Heard Sonny punched a hole through the wall at the LLX dojo and now they're banned. He is the one who named Queens Quest and came up with their iconic phrase "Bow Down to the Queens". He feels like Okada is yellow washing his contributions away.
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QQ still has one member, don't rush to bury it
It's not dissolved retard. Watch the product.
Everything about this promotion is a tribute. Are they going to do anything original anytime soon?
>Remember the time we gave Mirai a banger theme and pushed her and still no one cared.
>Remember the time Mai Sakurai was put in important matches and sucked.
>Remember this random trainee who quit before joining Stardom.
>Remember STARDOM
>one match
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It's only hidden to the unworthy
A bun?
The only time I've liked Saya in the last 2 years was at the US show because she was just clearly really happy to be there and didn't do any of her cringe shit
>For some reason, Chika received cheesecake from that girl who assumed cheesecake was her favorite food
>*glass shatters* and white belt mirai
>Lady Of The Ring mini-push
>Komomo not debuting in stardump and before she got a clue
>2022--early 2023 stardom
>belts (red and white belt)
>one match (2 former stardom's from the same faction)
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the only time I've liked soya is when I fantasize about rapeplay
>Stardom name
>Stardom avatar
Where is Marigold mentioned?
Watch something affiliated with AEW? No.
i would never listen to the opinions of a disgruntled stardom fan
we are all disgruntled stardom fans, so rethink what you said
not me im a tojo fan
fight me in this thread i'm not afraid of a e-scrap
Pretty much. It was never the same under Bushiroad.
stardom is fine
>main event Xena
>puts on a good match
Is it really though? They're still coasting on the stars made during the Ogawa era. They're relying on Russo-styled booking and swerves to sell shows.
what match did you watch?
Xena vs. Maika at The Conversion 2024
people in STARDOM became stars despite rossy ogawa's booking
Every time they put someone in a match who wasn't a star from 2019 the twitter trannies go crazy. Giving Ami a chance? LAME. Give us Poi for the 90th time
25 minutes of slaps and Maika no-selling bumps on the apron and on the concrete floor. Riveting.
>People the hard cam shoots have enough room to lay down in their seats
Sounds comfy. I'd pay extra for that. Just get a brew and lay down and enjoy the in-ring action.
>Giving Ami a chance? LAME
yeah, it was lame. She got a title match out of nowhere, there wasn't any build to it and the match itself was boring.
claiming that you need a whole section to fit your fat ass in is not something to brag about
They should have had the undertaker do a run because they couldn't afford Iyo.
She got 2nd in the Cinderella tournament and the person who won the Cinderella wanted a white belt match and then she beat Poi in a #1 contender match but ok.
Tardo more than likely agreed to it to get in Meiko's good graces and make thinks difficult for Rossy to work with her.
the only isolationist in the industry is hiroshi ogawa
Good luck to him, Meiko is triple fed pilled so it won't be easy
Staying on the ground for 3 minutes isn't the only way to sell
post more of that pinoy looking goddess on the right
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>yeah, it was lame. She got a title match out of nowhere, there wasn't any build to it and the match itself was boring.
This is why it's obvious that Stardom don't know how to book. For instance, there were tonnes of things they could have been doing in the background when they were using KAIRI as an attraction (which ruined even that element of having her back). Conversely, Marigold has Utami headline and win clean against Nanae within it's first 10 shows.
The person didn't do all those things in the background is the one who booked Utami vs. Nanae. It's the same Rossy Ogawa (not someone with the same name).
I need all your most handsome images/webms of utami
disrgunlted stardom fans are not people that you should treat seriously
This you, schizo? - >>15013569
close but you need to scroll up one post to find him
who are is a misachizo
i'm a misamaniac. we are loosely affiliated with the misaschizos
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Big live event tonight and the hype is ice cold. How do we save Marigold?
We post about Stardom and say they're disrespecting the sacred lore?
Stardom hasn't referenced Marigold once, but Rossy/Sonny acting like teenage drama queens. Just move on and build your own thing. Until they stop Marigold won't be able to stand on its own.
I love Marigold and following the journey if the niggas that wrestle here. Love Bozilla. Nipponese nightmare baby
No particular order here, but if I had to make a top 5 it would be as follows:

Victoria Yuzuki

(honorable mentions to Miku Aono and MIRAI who have been killing it lately)
thanks anon
Bozilla just finished her match with Alpha Female in Frankfurt. She has 12 hours and 5 minutes to get to Tokyo.
it's okay, Rossy has the Marigold private jet ready to go
If this is true and Rossy announces late that she won't be on the card he should be sued for false advertising.
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If the plane picked her up from the arena in Germany and then lands on the Shinkiba helipad, she should be ok. It would be an epic entrance if she arrives in a helicopter.
they'll just have to stall and put her match on late. Gotta tell Nao and Nanae to go 45 minutes.
They used Fulton extraction to collect Bozilla and she'll touch down in the 1st Ring parking lot right on time for her match after a HALO insertion
Yeah because Rossy didn't give a fuck by that point and it's been proved that no-one else was there who could book
Maricold is dead. There's nothing we can do about it except slurp the slop.
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Oh wow, Ice Ribbon has a speaker stand?
for what purpose
my utami folder has 1880 things in it
Utami the Handsome
>one day and ~4 hours ago
>~250 posts
Big show tonight too. It's sad what Marigold has become.
I did enjoy the period where the WWE fans from general were telling everybody in the Marigold threads that Rossy is a genius booker, Bozilla is a star, and Marigold has a great roster before the first show. Because apparently they've never watched Joshi or a Rossy Ogawa promotion before. Wonder what happened to all those people? Seems like the only people left are angry at Stardom people.
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SSD is dying, i'm trying to keep PC turned off longer now.
the power of resident schizo being banned
Seems like people are less forgiving with the cards. The latest card has the lowest rating on cagematch and it was probably the best of the VOD shows. Hopefully Rossy kills it at Sumo Hall and things turn around.
>Rossy kills it at Sumo Hall and things turn around
He will just blame Stardom for killing QQ and ruining the show.
we've sunk so low we're calling any (LIVE) a "big show"
nobody cares
I agree. That is the problem. No one cares about Marigold. How do we get that spark back?
We have been in a VOD abyss for weeks now. And now we have a live show at a legendary arena. This is as big as it gets.
oh no all 5 of the most terminally online autistic joshi viewers weren't happy!
>How do we get that spark back?
*we* don't do anything
*Rossy* has to actually make this a premium promotion

that means
>having effortful stories
>using, in part, scripted videos and twitter lore dumps to tell them
>having effortful cinematography
>having everything translated into English and available immediately
>having interesting merchandise
>having exciting things visible on the horizon at all times
>booking meaningful matches with quality wrestling

among other things
the fact we don't get all of that is the unsurprising reasons why Marifold is failing already
that seems like a lot of work. can triple h just send over more toys
Hope you got your shit backed up to another drive anon
go watch stardom if you want a premium promotion then
he suggests after a disastrously booked show
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who has it
who wants it
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giving this trainee a career ending pregnancy before her debut
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The WWE x Marigold partnership we need right now. A sequel to this banger.
20 days
No hype
Not sold out
repulsively s.e.a. looking
There's no way Misa Matsui could beat me at Halo
people actually simp for natsumid
look at this brutal mogging head-to-toe
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Marigold isn't for Western swine. It is first and foremost a Japanese wrestling promotion by Japanese for Japanese. You are a guest so sit down and shut up. All of this trash
>having effortful stories
>using, in part, scripted videos and twitter lore dumps to tell them
>having effortful cinematography
>having everything translated into English and available immediately
is western e-drama slop. GO watch Stardrone and their terrible garbage if you want soap operas. This is old school Showa Era wrestling.
No build
No stories
No stakes
Half a card
I am a paying subscriber to Wrestle Universe with not a hint of interest in anything other than Marigold, which has dwindled to almost nothing.

You are a troll playing the part of a drone.
>I am a paying subscriber to Wrestle Universe with not a hint of interest in anything other than Marigold
Yikes. Marigold fucking sucks. Watch Stardom. They are the best wrestling in the world right now. >>15013544
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eq lip
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stardump sucks too
Rossy wants to build his promotion around this.
Last night's show was better than anything Maricold will ever put on. Both the storytelling and in ring were vastly superior.
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On that note, what's been you all's favorite matches so far?

For me it's
>MIRAI vs Chiaki
>MIRAI vs Komomo
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Mirai vs. the rival tribe for me
Close second: Zayda Steel vs. Myla Grace.
tf? she doesn't look sea at all
not even as close taiwan would you see an asian girl looking like this
this is a typical nippon phenotype
>Not sold out

No joshi promotion is putting 10k into Sumo Hall. Hell, NJPW barely manages that nowadays.
We have a bigger problem on our hand. Mirai's home stadium is set up to sell 1,500 tickets. How many buses do we need to fill this thing up??
How bad is this company.


Click the link for ticket info, Page not found
How does Ice Ribbon afford multiple camera angles and high quality cameras but Marigold can't.
Sonny would block you if you replied that way.
money laundering
funds too tight after dropping dosh on designer
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If Rossy actually gave a shit about Mirai, he wouldn't have booked her so weak ever since he got his senile clutches on her here.

You can't have a triumphant return Hometown Hero show and yet have her going to TLD with an actress. Fucking insulting and retarded.
At least book the re-match for Mirai's home town so she gets a main event win.
That makes too much sense
we don't have a clue what match she'll even be in do we

the best he could do for her is a singles with Utami where Mirai goes over clean
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Main Event
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that's the only match I want to watch
Mirai should always job since she looks like an ogre ape
>6 days, 7 hours ago
>142 posts
my dude said "big show"

this card is rossy admitting he books tag matches when he has nothing else for them, no matter the sense
Why does he call it round 1 when there is only 2 rounds? Just call it the semi finals.
New Thread: >>15017568
can't wait for the show
Is this the thread?

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