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Where to watch
AJPW: https://www.ajpw.tv/
NOAH/DDT/Michi Pro/Zero1: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en
DragonGate: https://dragongate.live/
GLEAT: https://www.youtube.com/@LIDET_ENT
BJW: https://bjwcore.com/
Osaka Pro: https://www.youtube.com/@user-bm6he4ct3f

Previous >>14974603
Too many spitz in these threads. Puro is Latino coded.
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what do i need to know about Gleat?
It's great
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japanese twitter keeps calling it El Pida because they're more used to Spanish than Greek
I want Nakajima vs Gabe Kidd. Nakajima shooting and Gabe just getting crazier from it would be a blast.
shut up gabe
Finner can shoot without getting fired this time.
I second this.
Where can I watch the AJPW show that people were raving about last thread (for free)? Doesn't appear to be on watchwrestling.
I wanna see Nakajima against one of the Astronauts.
What will the state of the DDT fujos be if Mao goes bald?
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banger after banger after banger
search for AJPW on youku it's on there
they should have done something else with that whole bottom half minus the sugi 6 man
kenoh and go definitely deserve better opponents
legit forgot hayata was even a champ wtf
good idea
>bottom left
very based
one of the most confusing promotions in Japan imo
I don't get how they even exist. It seems like there's no way they make money. Maybe it's a Yakuza money laundering thing.
Kaito-kun really needs to stop the Muto cosplay. H can keep the Pro Wres Love pose though that always pops me.
If he can keep that then what do you want him to drop? The Shining Wizard is either from standing position or the finisher which is modified so he brings his own flavor to it.
alright fine he can just keep doing what he's doing
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Saturday NOAH show is up on WU
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this is the match
I don't understand Gleat. On paper their roster is great but I just don't get how they have the cash to keep them with how few shows they are holding and how few fans the shows are drawing.
Why are I guess that Lindaman Yamamura & T-Hawk got roped in with CIMA and just follows him from promotion to promotion until the end of time. But how did Gleat manage to get Seiki Yoshioka, Kaito Ishida, SBK & TAKUMA to sign up with them over other promotions? Were there just truly no interest from others?
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WWE has started a Vault YouTube channel for old and random stuff they don't wont to put on their regular channel. Weirdly enough one of their first videos is 8 minutes from Dragon Gate USA.
Was the last NOAH Sunny Voyage show worth watching? Haven't seen it yet.
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NOAH really is the best puro company going rn <3
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man of the people
Does Maeda have a connection with NOAH?
I've noticed he's been doing interviews and promotional stuff with them recently
Anyone have any information on Bloodsport Bushido’s attendance numbers?

Nice little Indie that has a lot of their shows available on YouTube for free. I like the variety appeal.
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Seiki Yoshioka is yakuza
Based sexy grandpa Mutoh
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AJPWtv is also live the day of the big NOAH and Marigold shows
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two VODs this weekend and then four live shows in July (and one more VOD)
Saw a twitter post saying that they did not decide to publish it
>Hey kid have you ever considered using mist?
That's not a good sign.
Who's gonna challenge Anzai after Suwama? He's already beaten some of their biggest names.
How many of those guys are actually signed with GLEAT? I think Yoshioka is still a freelancer
Probably Yuma Aoyagi, or Shotaro Ashino.
yoshi hashi
semi and main are worth a watch
Go and Sugi are always great
Alejandro and Cristobal segments in the main are cringe but Kaito and Yoichi are awesome
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Can you watch this in browser on a PC after paying in the app? Or does ABEMA really expect you to watch a PPV through your phone?
Once you buy it you should be able to watch it on whatever
GLEAT streaming Sunday's show starting now
Gotta love him
>in an interview with Mas Lucha, El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. is asked if he's joined AAA and says he's under NOAH contract until January 2nd. He knows he's going to have a lot of options after 01/02 and will just wait until then to decide what's next.
He gone
WWE is my guess. He's got a decent size to him and is definitely a good enough worker.
Can't wait until he debuts as Son Luchason
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yeah i dont see him jumping ship anywhere else
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[Good News] Nakajima is channelling the spirit of fictional American hero Rocky
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I sometimes tune into to EVO for Chi Chi, but I will watch this game too
what a real life angel
Based treat enjoyer
Fuck I love NOAH
Why do we need another Shiozaki vs. Saito match. I expected Akitoshi to drop the belt to Chris Vice, so I guess Go is probably gonna win it?

I look forward to the super wagner bros. No Great Sakuya kino is tragic though.
How was Bloodsport Bushido? Would a classic shootstyle fan enjoy it or was it Americanised? Also, is there a version with English commentary?
What's the kayfabe reason Good Looking Guys are disbanding?
nothing is coming up for me.
disregard this, I'm a retard. Thanks!
One of them hit the wall.
Jake is getting deported
I've always found Bloodsport cringe desu
Losing to Naito mindbroke Lee
Jake wanted to follow the great NOAH tradition of breaking up a faction right when it's getting popular.
I can't imagine Jake Ree is staying in NOAH. As an aside I hope Yu Owada has a brief excursion when he does get shipped off. He really feels to me like he could be the guy along with Kaito.
based young boy enjoyer
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Bizarre seeing Maeda on a NOAH poster
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Beaner bros you should check out Wagner's interview


Me parece muy bien hablador
What a mark.
mexicans are major belt marks in both liking physical belts and winning them
They definitely gave Andrade the Speed belt for that exact reason
They linked up??!??
Kaitobros, we've got a proper cutie covering our song
>Personally, I can't forget the kick he gave to Kazuchika Okada in the face last year...

outside of the saku/santino match (which was shockingly decent) pretty much everything else on the card was barely shoot-style and at worst just something else completely
there is a english comm version yeah
My favorite wrestlers of all time are Jumbo Tsurta and Takeshi Morishima. My current favorite wrestlers are Yuma Anzai and Kaito Kiyomiya.
this weekend LIVE and NEW streaming:

Friday June 28th

Saturday June 29th
>Stardom at Korakuen
1130 JST / 2230 EST
>NOAH Match 2 (with Akira Maeda)
1600 JST / 0300 EST
>AJPW in Ibaraki (same day VOD)
2100 JST / 0800 EST

Sunday June 30th
>DDT at Korakuen
1130 JST / 2230 EST
>Stardom in Shinjuku
1300 JST / 0000 EST
>AJPW in Fukushima (same day VOD)
2100 JST / 0800 EST

Monday July 1st
>NJPW/AEW Forbidden Door
0830 JST / 1930 EST
>GLEAT at Tokyo Dome City Hall (Nakajima vs Ito)
1800 JST / 0500 EST
>Toden Puroresu (Minoru Suzuki vs Sanshiro Takagi wrestling on a train 6/29 VOD on WU)
1900 JST / 0600 EST

Please add to or correct as needed.
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love prowess
willing to bet kenoh would have defended his belt against him
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>Nakajima is the best wrestler in the world
>No one wants to put up with him so he's stuck working GLEAT
Fucks sake
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New kino dropped and I didn't even know

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>watch GLORT
I don't want to watch Gleat but I will watch Nakajima
finnerjima screwed finnerjima
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>no puro guitar shredding Japanese gf
I truly believe that Gabe Kidd can carry the legacy of guys like Stan Hansen and Vader in becoming the next great foreign heel. He's really fucking cool.
Need Kidd and Jeemer in the Gleat Dome shooting on each other.
Suzuki vs. Anzai was another great defense. AJPW's next 10 years are secured. Hopefully they continue to expand the roster so I don't have to watch Jiro and Aoyagi feud.
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Gabe Kidd is NOT cool.
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I was a Hakushichad as a tiny little kid
he aged pretty good
For real, he was always so cool. Especially contrasted against goobers like Bret.
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Gabe is going to AEW asap. He's been tweeting at Tony for attention all year
jesus. what the fuck happened?
I miss him so much bros
AJ really could've cut a better promo to hype the match with Marufuji
Hopefully Marufuji brings it cause E-Drones shitting on him would irritate me.
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>"OH! #バンデス " Wednesday Corner TAXI Meshi Returns

>This time's taxi meal is...

>Yagiyama !
>Ray screams loudly on a roller coaster, which he hates!!
>Watch the golden combination of super spicy ramen and Paikadon at a popular ramen shop in Mukaiyama !
How's the Emerald Floshow? I can't stand super j cast, but are they alright?
>wrestling podcast
>are they alright?
No obviously
the rare double michaels
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Dragongate multiman tag kino is back on the menu
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walking into the bar straight from work on a Friday night like
>Ender Kara
First Aliss Ink and now Ender kara. For a small Scandinavian boy it's crazy how two wrestlers from Sweden have both gotten picked up by Japanese wrestling promotions around the same time. Crazy for a small scene like the Swedish one that may have around 40 active wrestlers in total.
Dijak vs Anzai sounds based to me.
i watched a bit of the stream he was on last night
he really wants to do 30+ min workrate matches
Dijak just isn't that good on his own. HARD JUSTICE was pretty good, but that was NXT making him slow the fuck down, ease up on the flippy indie shit, and act like a cold, menacing, 80s action star.
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That is pretty much his entire career outside of NXT. Problem once you have seen Dijak flip his way through a gymnastics routine once you have pretty much seen it every time. Same spots, no ring psychology, no story.
There are guys like Muto who can tell an entire story just stepping between the ropes and into the ring. Then there are guys like Dijak who can spend 30 minutes straight using every move he knows and you are left just not caring.

You could use him as a midcard novelty for the Japanese audience, kinda like how AJPW calls in DBSjr when the need a big freelance gaijin for a short run. But running Dijak against the young Ace you are gradually building up as the future of the company would derail Anzai's narrative, confuse the audience as to who this guy is that is challenging for the big belt, and really not get Dijak over. Also if Dijak really wants a 30 minute workrate match it will expose Anzai's conditioning which has not been looking all that good lately.
Little over11 hours or so by my reckoning. Legit hyped for this show. The last one was insane from the curtain jerker to the main event.

Finna go to sleep as soon as I get off work so I can catch it live
My girlfriend really only cares about any wrestling if there are hot chicks or hot dudes involved. She watches AJPW with me specifically for Anzai (And Jun Saito).
Nice, how big is her penis?
Tomorrow's show isn't live so don't wake up too early. The show is at 5pm but AJPWtv won't have it online until 9pm.
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Is there an image of KENOH with cat ears and whiskers painted on? I was sure it exists but now I can't find it.
based young boy enjoyer
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NOAH's cards look randomly generated sometimes
Why the fuck isn't this just Kaito/Kenoh vs. Tireman and a partner of his choosing?
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What an absolutely embarrassing and horrid scene britwres is
I want to sign up for ajpwtv. If I sign up now will I get billed at the beginning of next month like wrestle universe or does it not matter when?
I have no idea who these people are. Couldn't they have gotten some freelancers from Rev Pro instead.
Same day as you first signed up, not the first of the month. So signing up June 29th will renew on July 29th.
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Can confirm. If you do know who Grado then your date of sign up is the day next month you will get billed
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full card and start times
ew, couldn't they have gotten some decent Britwres dudes
Holy fucking yuck
Rev Pro is working with NJPW, technically
Tana doesn't want to share his toys
It's not up, you lying double nigger
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they're late
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Tokyo's governor Koike Yuriko was in the DDT show. Kek what a disgusting election ploy.
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All Japan's media guy needs to upload the show first and get back to spamming clips of the backstage comments on twitter after
The jews are behind this. I don't know how, but my instincts, intuition, and life experience is screaming out that the kikes are responsible for this delay.
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>Mmmm what a badass. Wouldn't wanna mess with him
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It's almost two in the morning. We aren't getting it until just before the next show goes live.
All Japan lied, people died
I don't mind too much when there isn't a show the next day or the next show is also a VOD, but when I got to watch 3+ hours of taped wrestling right before I watch 3+ hours of live wrestling just to make sure I don't miss anything I kinda get burnt out.
Tomorrow's show isn't live either it's VOD. I think they fucked up the dates and meant to schedule the Saturday show to release Sunday night and the Sunday show to release Monday night.
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AJPW show is up
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Hayato vs Inoue and Dan Tamura/Suwama vs Ryuki Honda/Anzai were both very enjoyable
DDT starting
Ryo Inoue will be Finners successor.
Full card for DDT Wrestle Peter Pan 2024:
>KO-D Openweight Championship: <Champion> Yuki Ueno vs. MAO <Challenger>
>El Desperado vs Chris Brookes
>Sanshiro Takagi Indefinite Rest Road Final ~Weapon Rumble~: Sanshiro Takagi vs Danshoku Dino
>Konosuke Takeshita vs Masato Tanaka
>KO-D Tag Team Championship: <Champion team> Tetsuya Endo & Yuki Iino vs. Go Shiozaki & Atsushi Kotoge <Challenger team>
>KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Championship: <Champion team> HARASHIMA, Yasu Urano, and Akito vs. Daisuke Sasaki, KANON, and MJ Paul <Challenger team> vs. Aja Kong, Shunma Katsumata, and To-y <Challenger team> vs. Masahiro Takanashi, Antonio Honda, and Takeshi Masada <Challenger team>
>Super Sasadango Machine vs. Kazuki Hirata
>Minoru Suzuki, Shuji Ishikawa, and Hikaru Sato vs Jun Akiyama, Yukio Naya, and Tomomitsu Matsunaga
>Toru Owashi, Hisamaru Tajima, and Shinichiro Kawamatsu vs. Makoto Oishi, Soma Takao and Ippanjin-Munenori Sawa
>Keigo Nakamura, Yuki Ishida, and Kazuma Sumi vs. Yuni, Yuya Koroku and Illusion
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>Sir, do you know why I pulled you over tonight?
akira maeda at home
NOAH becoming the shootstyle promotion is such a wild development.
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What are the chances of Sakuraba being on the NOAH UK tour? I'm out of the loop with wrestling but Saku is legit one of my personal idols so to see him IRL would make me very happy.
Is he still wrestling with NOAH?
if today's like yesterday then AJPW will have this out around 5pm EST today even though the schedule says 8am
with the current state of wrestling being what it is, this isn't a bad thing kek.

Can anyone offer a crash course in the stories leading into WPP? I'm taking a bunch of people to see it, but none of us really know DDT
Woah I thought Karate was supposed to be a meme?
he still wrestles from time to time but not enough to expect him on the tour and he's a freelance talent
Ah damn, I thought as much. Still might go though if only to see Marafuji before he retires as he used to be a personal favourite back in the day.
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But not enough of a favorite to spell his name right, Marufunghi is still my favorite misspell of his name. Tell him to do the spaceman dropkick one more time before he retires.
I really don't think it's the kind of card you need a crash course going into. Other than Mao/Ueno are in the same unit and Sanshiro Takagi is retiring. Brookes/Despy and Takeshita/Tanaka are just dramatic dream matches
Thoughts on the NOAH show?
>Look how respectful I am to wrestling legends. Please someone hire me
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he even shaved and cut a haircut for this one
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Any puro guys you would have sex with? Pic very much related
Are those XX Style shirts for sale anywhere?
Is this just leading to Go having to convince Nakajima to swallow his pride and come back to NOAH?
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Ayabe and Anzai need to put on some muscle mass. Anzai in particular struggles to hit his finisher.
He sells them on Pro-Wrestling Shop Champion
The power of the forbidden door killed /njpw/
Anzai struggling to get someone up for his finish makes me like it even more. Adds more realism to the match because it is real.
Who cares?
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Anzai is still carried by others in ring desu. He clearly has a lot of talent though. I just want to see what an Anzai title match looks like. So far he done a Kento match, a Suzuki match, and was beaten up by Finner. He also needed Suzuki to get him across the line in that title match cause he looked like he ran out of ideas. Still a mega talent and super rookie, he just has room to improve.
>Anzai struggling to get someone up for his finish makes me like it even more
that's what I thought during the Suzuki title match but even during the main event yesterday he seemed wobbly getting Tamura up so I think he shoot needs to bulk up
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12 hours
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>Pro-Wrestling Shop Champion
Cool, thanks!

Did anyone see Nakamura was a cornerman for MMA prospect Rei Tsuruya? I wonder how that came about. Does anyone know what gym Tsuraya trains with? Feels like the MMA/wrestling worlds in Japan are coming closer together again with shootstyle having a minor comeback and this kind of thing.
Card looks great. Didn't know Shinya Aoki vs. El Lindaman was a match I needed in my life but now I do.
WWE and UFC are owned by the same company so it is probably just a marketing exercise.
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Nakamura and his dad are friends
Yeah, I just wondered if there might be a more interesting reason since they didn't really bring much attention to it.
Ah that's cool. I'm happy Japan have some interesting talent with Tsuruya and Taira making waves.
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Forbidden VOD
it's up
Does anyone remember this guy called Daniel Talks Puroresu who had a video on Akira Taue called something like 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Athleticism and Love the Gangly Arms'?
Just had a sudden memory of it. He was Australian I think. Whatever happened to him and that scene? I think the website was puroresu.tv
Anyone who's not braindead should be able to understand the appeal of Taue instantly.
I am actually excited for a gleat show. Weird world.
GLEAT is live
kid shoot knocked himself out on that shooting star senton
>Ibushi about to shit the bed
Nakajima match starting
He was fine bitch
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KWAD (Kek What A Draw)
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Pretty based
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Very based.
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GLEAT only has 4 more shows this year so Nakajima's has a lot of down time coming if he doesn't have any other bookings in the works
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train wrestling with Governor Koike is up on WU
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Is Nakajima's XXStyle supposed to be a censored way of saying Toukon Style since the Inokis made him stop using it?
Nakajima blatantly wants to do western shows. Not sure why he doesn't get a short TNA contract or something to tide him over until he makes some waves.
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Nakajima beating up Ziggler would be funny
the President of AAA was in attendance tonight for GLEAT maybe he should do a couple shows there
Would be hilarious. CIMA was on the last triplemania after all
> After the match, Nakajima Katsuhiko said with a smile of satisfaction, "I'm Katsuhiko Nakajima of the XX style. First of all, President Suzuki, thank you for bringing me to this ring when I was out of the running. I made a promise with the president back then that I would take the belt in one shot. I kept my promise." He then provoked El Lindaman, who was tending to Ito, and the two men glared at each other, deepening their feud.

> And it doesn't end there. Nakajima appeared in the comment section and said, "I haven't forgotten... I haven't forgotten... At that time, you turned down my reverse nomination, but recently you announced your challenge. Hey, Suwama! Why did you turn down my nomination when I was the Triple Crown champion at that time!?", mentioning the unexpected name.

> Then, pointing to the belt he had just won, he said, "Here it is, Suwama! I'll make a counter-nomination in this neutral UWF ring. Suwama, come and get the UWF belt! I haven't forgotten. Let's settle things from back then," announcing a title match with Suwama that never took place during his time as All Japan Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion.

Could Suwama HEEM him bros?
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this nigga
NOAH’s booking is schizophrenic and they break up stables for no reason.
How does Nosawa have a job still?
supplies all the boys with drugs
He's not the actual booker
Idk but I've seen speculation that he doesn't actually book NOAH proper and is just a fall guy for the suits that are actually doing dumb shit, and that Magic Monday is his real brain child where he's allowed to do what he wants
Sure sounds like what NOAH would do
>banger after banger after banger
>Hayata match
Something does not compute here.
>WWE faggots
>Beaner shitters
>Britwres shitters
where are the bangers
I wonder where he will end up? He seems to just be going to places, winning their belt and being a heel for someone to beat.
Hayata is great.
Any news on how ticket sales for Destination are going?
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mystery nigga
Satoshi Kojima is coming back.
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Akitoshi Saito.
NOAH bros how are we feeling?
Better than a month or two ago.
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I'm gonna seethe if Amakusa doesn't win the belt
Ayabe Ren's nose is proportionally larger than Triple H's nose
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all of that is going to AZM
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Are there any current wrestlers carrying on the puro-karate tradition of wearing a gi and kicking your opponent really fucking hard?

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